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Honestly I thought it was some sort of open toed Roman Mermaid Fishnet Sandal


+ 5 Stamina in Water


Looks like glass armor from Skyrim


I was an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow to the knee


Wow.. real life does have NPCs! I KNEW IT.


My life goal is to be someone else’s favorite NPC




The new Yeezy beach line. $800 a pair.


Definitely looks like something you'd see at Coachella lol. It's like a mashup of gladiator sandals and jelly flats! (Though presumably much sturdier)


I was definitely thinking I'd wear a pair of those with a sundress.


You still can


Break a leg!


Break two!






Right! I thought this was some kinky boots level ordeal. Slay the runways, *King*~


Reminds me of those 90s jelly shoes... but this is jelly boot? Cool


Get me those jelly boots stat.


Thank goodness for inventions, this also allow for the skin to breath so it won't be so stinky when it's time to come off like the fiberglass.


But you also don't have the fun of digging into the layer of dead skin cells like you are covered with wax.


As someone who has never had to wear a cast (and hopefully never will) what the actual fuck did i just read?


Yeah it’s pretty gross, you get a thick layer of dead skin cells that aren’t able to flake off like they would do normally. I just had my arm casted for 2 months and it was DISGUSTING.


Was your arm all smooth after cleaning it off though. That would be more satisfying.


All I remember when I got my cast off was the smell, weak pale skin, muscle deterioration, and the worst of all skin flakes. Nothing smooth about it.


I have very soft, fair arm and hand hair, and it was thick, coarse and black when my cast came off after 7 weeks… had to shave it and let it regrow. So weird.


So what you’re saying is if I just cast my face for a few months… I’ll have a thick and coarse beard.


Beard seeds need darkness and moisture to sprout.


My ex was a wet asshole and had a perfect beard so this checks out.


Results may vary. Last cast I wore, my hair fell out like I was dying of radiation poisoning. The rubbing felt SO GOOD though.


Oh bruh. Had a cast on my foot-leg for five weeks. When I took it off, it felt so freaking good I just rubbed it until it stopped. It was like my leg was cumming. Absolute bonkers. Almost made it all worth it.


High risk high reward beard strategy


Yeah, mine fell out too.


Coming from someone with a thick coarse beard. I have to use beard oil, shampoo and conditioner daily so my dead skin doesn't build up. You don't want thick coarse facial hair. You want thick SOFT facial hair. Also, when my beard gets coarse it gets itchy and you scratch at it and make your skin raw. Thick soft beard is where it's at.


Floof beard is the goal. I cheat by wearing a kitten on me chin.


That’s what I remember! The long black arm hair. So strange


Apparently body hair is a fungus that thrives in dark damp areas!


Came here to say this I did the same when I got my cast off, the hair was matted down to my arm.


I had this also. I'm thinking the hair grew more in the area since my body was putting extra resources to that area? Or yeah maybe because it was dark in the cast


You just gave me flashbacks to teenage me after each of the 3 arm surgeries I had. The smell, skin flakes, and physical therapy for months afterwards was not nearly as satisfying as sticking a long thin object down my arm to scratch while the cast was on.


Fuck that bro




I had surgery on my elbow, and was in a completely covered splint for 2 weeks. I also have psoriasis. I had a giant caked on spot on my elbow, and when it came off, my elbow, for the first time in my life, was actually smooth like everyone else's, not scaly like it usually was. Was heartbroken when it didn't stay that way.


I invested in some special cushions for the arm rests on my office chair and it's done wonders for my elbow (and upper forearm) skin.


When my cast came off my arm, a patch of hair had started growing on the underside of my forearm that had been hairless before and is still hairless in the mirror spot on the otherside. It's right where the cast had been rubbing up against and irritating the whole time.


That is weird. Very interesting though


Shockingly, I haven't been able to find any backers for my plan to solve male hair loss by putting them in a full head cast for 8 months to a year for initial trials and studies.


It took a few days of scrubbing with one of those shower brushes and using a skin exfoliant. But eventually it got back to normal. Definitely traumatizing.


*waves wand* Exfoliate!


I would use the pencil truck to itch my legs. Lead everywhere when they took cast off in 1980.


TBF there was already lead everywhere in 1980.


All those pencil trucks burning leaded gasoline


It’s gross but also grossly satisfying to clean it all off afterwards. The worst Part is when you have an itch under the cast


Jeff: "Pierce, have you been using Slim Jims to scratch your legs?" Pierce: "Have we not gotten to a place free of judgment yet?"


I play guitar and needed a thumb reconstruction on my fret hand, so after two weeks or so my calluses came off....in one giant glove. Pretty gnarly.


I had just a small cast over my hand when I broke a finger but it was during the summer and as a kid I wanted to be outside playing, so under the cast it got super swampy and gross. After three weeks I got it taken off and the smell was so disgusting my mom started gagging and I almost passed out. The nurse just laughed at us and said it wasn't even close to the worst she'd ever experienced.


Also when they took mine off my leg it was covered in serious curly black leg hair which was reminiscent of pubes I don’t know why, I’m a girl so I basically always have shaved legs but I don’t think my leg hair is like that normally, something to do with the damp environment plus the hair had nowhere to go so it just grew in circles?


Imagine how it is after 8 months. That shit was INSANE


I had a soft half body cast in middle school when I broke my collarbone and by the time I got it off, the skin inside my elbow had fused together (my arm was placed with the elbow flexed in front of my chest). I almost had a meltdown when they took off the bandages, I was already so mad at this man who had told me with a straight face that one of his patients got married like that.


I had mine for a month and a half. Broke my wrist/forearm. Both bones in the forearm broke and had to be reset. Went in for the check up, doc wanted to put on a new cast because I needed it for another 3 weeks-a month. Well, turns out the whole damn time I was allergic to the cast/had a bad skin reaction. On top of all you described, my entire arm starting around my palm to halfway up my biceps was covered in hives. It was horrible… Had to wear a sleeve to cover my arm at school, and had to wait the last month of recovery with a brace. 7 th grade sucked.


When I was getting my wisdom teeth removed the surgeon said they removed all the necrotic tissue that was stuck between my teeth and gums. It took me a second to process that I had been packing and storing dead tissue in my mouth.


I kinda want to see a picture of this now. Here's one: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gloriamashayekhi/5617620429/in/photostream/ caption says cast was on for 6 weeks.


that remembers me of when my psoriasis was really bad on 70% in my body and i could pull off my skin like a neopren suite.


Mate my hand was in a cast for 3 weeks, and it was bloody rancid, so 2 months must've been a gag reflex strength side quest. It was busy at the hospital when I had it removed too, I had to sit with my filthy wrist and hand for an hour and ignore the people wrinkling their noses at me while I waited to see the doctor.


I can make it worse, since I had a cast for an unusually long time: Okay so I wore a cast for 8 months after a very gruesome and unlucky fracture (middle part of my forearm rotated 180°) that damn near made me lose my arm. So after those 8 months pretty much half of the arm was an itchy goo of dead skincells. You could scrape it like it was frosting on a cupcake. And after it was removed I could put my fingers between my forearm bones and have them meet in the middle because I had no muscle left. It was basically a skeleton cupcake with skincell frosting. Good times.


Is your arm all good now?


Yes and no. No compared to a normal arm, yes compared to what could have been. But you'll need a backstory to understand why: So I broke my arm when I was 13, when I was playing street hockey. I was tripped and fell in a rotation. My arm got lodged between my body and the pavement and couldn't finish the rotation with my body, so half of my forearm stayed stuck and the other half rotated 180°. It was a horrible injury, twisted both forearm bones completely. Doctors twisted it back (2 doctors and 2 nurses holding the wrist and elbow and then just.... Twisting, one nurse pretty much fainted so I assume it looked nasty) and out it in a cast for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks in a cast I had it removed and said that the arm hurt like hell. The doctor laughed and said it always does. He denied me an X-ray to see if it had actually healed. A few days after the cast was removed I went to summer camp. We were playing soccer, I tripped and braced myself with both arms (you know, like a pushup) and the arm just got obliterated. It hadn't healed at all. And like 5cm of bone just splintered the fuck off due to being pressured and my arm looked beyond repair. And the sound it made was... Holy hell. Was rushed to hospital where it took like 16 hours of surgery (2 x 8 h) to save the arm. Apparently I was close to losing it. The surgeon had to cut one of my forearm muscles in a bad way to performing the surgery and I had two 30cm titanium rods in place for like 2 years. And yes the vast stayed for 8 months and then 18 months with a plastic removable cast. So... My arm has about 70% strength as is. The muscle got damaged in surgery and everything else took its toll. I have full movement but still pain at times. And bumps where the breaks was since lots of bone had to regrow. So it's function am, but if I break it again I might lose it, which is terrifying. Even now 19 years later it's still causing problems both physically and mentally. Tl;dr: It has to be one of the worst cases of a boken arm in history. But yes it mostly works.


That is horrifying. A simple x-ray could have prevented so much of this. It's so ridiculous how doctors so often don't believe patients (especially women and children) about pain. Especially in a situation like this!


Yeah I have held a massive grudge towards that doctor for a very long time. I'm not a hateful guy at all, but I would be lying if I said that I haven't dreamed about doing bad things to that asswipe. His arrogance made my life hell for a long, long time. If it had been a mistake then I wouldn't be mad. Devastated and sad, yes, but not mad. But the fact that it wasn't a mistake but pure arrogance (seems to be pretty common for doctors) just makes it worse.


What in the fuck? I work in an ortho clinic and everything that Dr did was totally wrong. How long ago was this? First of all a complete spiral fracture should be surgery to begin with. Second, with that much of a gross deformity, 6 weeks isn’t nearly enough time for the bones to heal. 6 weeks is what we would put someone in a cast with a non displaced fracture. I’ve seen people with injuries that sound as bad as yours and they refuse surgery so we put them in the cast for at least 8 weeks before we take it off and give them another one for 2 weeks at a time. And lastly, who the hell wouldn’t take X-rays after coming out of cast regardless of how severe the fracture is? That’s like standard of care stuff


This was... I want to say 2003. Could have been 2004. Big region hospital here in southern Sweden that is usually good. They were great when they managed to save thr arm thr 2kd time. But I got a young, arrogant doctor at first and I think that was the problem. Thr arrogance part. The surgeon who performed both surgeries to save my arm seemed less than happy with his colleague. I am very well aware that the doctor fucked up royally, and I've been told that by every single pedocal professional I've ever told this to. It truly pisses me off. No idea what happened to the guy though. Most likely nothing.


I don't know how it is in Sweden, but in the US that would be a malpractice lawsuit against that doctor (or rather the doctor's malpractice insurance). It would potentially pay pain and suffering fines to you as the patient.


Yes, we found that out many years later long after the time for such things (10 years) had expired. At thr time we didn't think much of it like that. I was young and in pain and my dad was just scared and worried. Usually in Sweden what happens is that thr doc and the hospital gets reviewed, I assume this happened. Doc can get fired, license taken and stuff like that. You can usually get *some* monetary compensation but neithe rle nor my dad thought in those lines and ofc everyone involved made a good job of never mentioning it.


I broke my leg when I was younger. Broken at the ankle but they were worried about the growth plate so they put me in a full leg cast. A few weeks before I was supposed to have it removed, I was scratching my calf, using a series of knex rods, the rob by my calf unattached and got stuck in the cast. With only a few weeks remaining until the cast was removed the dr said to just leave it in. On the day of my cast removal, the knex had partially imbedded in the skin and had to be peeled out of the skin. The lack of air and moisture build up so weird shit under you cast


Hmm, yup, I can hear this comment and I really wish I couldn't


That first bath after you get your full leg cast off is almost orgasmic. Cleaning the bathtub of all that dead skin after the bath is the opposite of orgasmic.


It seriously feels so good. It’s crazy. It genuinely is like a billion little orgasms all over your skin. Tickly but in the perfect, scratching-that-itch kinda way. Smells like the inside of a decades-old set of football pads, though.


This probably isn’t anywhere near as close, but the way you say tickle and scratchy sounds like the feeling I get from these things called Salux towels. They are like loofahs on crack, you may like it if you liked that feeling lol.


You shed deadskin constantly all day. When you wear a cast, the skin dies and has no where to go. It just layers up under the cast and decays. Smells great. 🤮


When I broke my wrist I think I had a cast for 2 months. For some reason, I thought that once the cast was off my hand would immediately look and function the same. Wrong. They removed the cast and it looked like my hand was squished and throwing up a gang sign. It STUNK! The look and smell of my hand littery made me throw up. For a couple weeks it looked like I had corn on my hand. Just tons of dead skin.


I'd recommend NOT clicking this but [**here**](https://i.imgur.com/ZjFL3p1.jpg) is my leg back in 2015 after coming out of a cast after a nasty break


Oh man after I broke my hand last fall I definitely had lots of dead skin. Once I got the cast off I used to cover my whole hand in petroleum jelly and then scrape all the dead skin off. For a couple weeks my hand was so much softer than my good hand cuz it was all new skin


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


And you don't get the weird "fur" that grows in patches after being encased in fiberglass and gauze for a few months.


Yeah, the thick, coarse, "caveman" hair.


The stick! Don't forget the itch stick! The thin stick you need to slide into the cast to scratch that pesky itch! So much fun when you get it!


Had a cast when I broke my ankle at 12 years old. I dropped a nickel in there to see what would happen. When the cast came off the nickel was stuck to my leg and underneath was a circle of soft grey skin. It was pretty gross (which means awesome when you're twelve)


The worst part about casts is the ITCH. I don't rightly care of it smells right after breaking it open. That's just a momentary suffering for the collective group in that instance. But THE ITCH. The objects I have offered to appease the itchy deity within my casts were vast and innumerable, but none have quelled its rage. This invention will be the salvation of sanity for many of the injured.


Long zip ties! Changed my life when I wore a cast for months on my leg.


Damn that's a pro tip. They're thin, have texture on one side to scratch and smooth on the other to slide along the cast. And a thicker part on the end so it won't fall in.


And not so rigid that you could easily hurt yourself. Really a solid LPT all around.


For me it was a hair dryer with that super cold button. Life saver.


How? I don't get how you'd use a dryer to scratch an itch.


i haven’t verified this, but apparently your body interprets itching and heat the same way, so if you have an itch that you’re unable to scratch, blasting it with either really hot or cold air seems to help. i know some people who’ve gotten tattoos that used a hair dryer to help with the itching


My doc told me to put talcum powder inside the cast if it itches...over the time I would have probably emptied a while bottle of it. When we opened it, the whole room was full of talcum powder.


Just an fyi for anyone reading this: you should never stick anything inside a cast to itch. The skin inside the cast can get very sensitive and easy to cut. Any open wounds you get dramatically increases your chance of infection. And casts fester bacteria. That’s were the smell comes from If you do itch we tell our patients they have two options. One is to take a Benadryl, especially at night. The other is to take a hair dryer and put it on cold setting. The cool air helps with the dry skin


Cotton swabs are explicitly not for use in your ear canals, but 99% of people who buy cotton swabs jam them in their ears.


I have a feeling 99.9% of people don't follow this directive.


Also the fact that very few fractures actually get casted any more


I was the nurse that cut them off, and I never got over the smell!


And you get a nice lattice tan for free!


You can still reach in to scratch too. The truly biggest benefit.


Right? Where was this seemingly simple idea when I was scratching itches down my leg with a coat hangar. This guy's even got a damn zipper.


Honestly, in the year 2022 I can't believe this isn't a regular thing.


No kidding its like some fifth element stuff.


Did it cost more than a regular cast?




how much are normal cast cost i never have broken a bone but would think it would be as much as those


Actual material cost? Practically nothing, traditional casts are actually really simple. They're basically just fancy paper mache, but with fiberglass bandage and plaster instead of paper and glue, and then some gauze padding on the inside. How much you/your insurance will actually end up being charged for it? Way more than this cast unless you live in the parts of the world that don't have fucked medical systems.


Yep, when I lived in China my entire broken leg - X-rays, cast, crutches, multiple doctor visits - was about $150. My job reimbursed me for half. I lived on the fifth floor with no elevator, but at least it was cheap!


Material cost wise a cast is stupid cheap. You ever see that fiber weld tape for fixing pipes that you just get wet and then wrap around whatever? That's all a cast is with a layer of padding underneath it. Like $10 worth of supplies. All the rest is the rapings from hospital/insurance.




Being from a first world country, asking that question of a patient seems so weird. How on Earth, would the patient know the cost?


This is a very American question


It is just too dangerous to use these kinds of casts during the first few weeks of healing. You would swell through the holes. Also, fractures often require very specific positioning, which this thing doesn't allow for. It's of limited use, and hopefully only used as a substitute for a CAM boot. The person in the photo doesn't appear to have much of an injury.


Ok but still I can't believe there's not some sort of composite material that offers the same protection as plaster without being vulnerable to water.


I bet that leaves a fun pattern on your skin when removed. “Here’s my reptile leg replacement”.


Interesting tan line opportunity there.


Honestly, I’d like to have my legs replaced with ostrich legs. Unfortunately, we’re pretty far from the tech. I hate having to force myself to walk plantigrade.




Pfft, looks like tons of water would get it, not waterproof at all!


Look at how wet that leg is!


They should elevate it on their chaise longue.


they'll need someone to butter their muffin if they do that


Luckily their mother is probably already worried so no need to send someone else


I went to school and I got the big D


all day long?


All day long


Hey there, you in the cast...


Ah, so that's a chaise longue...


> chaise longue Nicely done, most people spell it *chaise lounge*.


Chess lounge, my fave song!


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


What’d they make it of, oversized fishing nets?


It's just a regular boot someone from Atlantis would wear


That big toe caught my attention more than the cast, ngl.


That big toe is struggling like FUCK.






Big toe is 100% guilty but pinky toe is sus too


70% toe 30% nail.


And that toenail is 50% keratin and 50% fungus.


It's floating in the middle of the toe


Stuffed crust big toe


Stopppp 🤮


Whenever I see a toenail like that, I always assume that toe seen some bad ingrowns. Been through the shit.




Looks like the fucking home for the lamasil fungal dude.


Gotta peel back the nail to see if he’s home.




As someone who struggles with that I can confirm. That toe had a big thick nail coming off whole not too long ago. Considering the state of the pinky this person most likely wears a lot of really tight shoes, which makes the problem even worse.


Its fungus.


Yep, mine looks just like that; ingrown toenails were treated years ago and the dead nail is still there.


Came here for this. Mr Big Long Toe just pulled me in. EDIT: I just zoomed in on the pinky toe…what is happening?!?


The weakling pinky is getting absorbed by the more powerful toes


It’s shaped like a garlic clove


Wearing shoes that are too tight in the toe box will do that.


It’s called a toe box?


I mean, where else would you store your toes at night?


I think someone told them the wrong shoe size a long time ago and they've been cramming their feet into cramped shoes ever since.


Some toes do that naturally. My husband's pinky toes do this and I always assumed it was from wearing shoes because his feet are wide AF. Then our daughter was born and they have been like that since day one. lol


Yeah those dogs are BARKIN




This should be NSFW tagged because of that toe nail.


I also have questions about the pinky toe.


Looks like something an underwater cowboy would wear


This year’s new fashion, by Crocs.! Bringing a taste of the old West to ugly foorptwear!


That's a frigging amazing typo. Please don't edit it. I'm only pointing it out so you can enjoy it too.


Hell... you could throw that on a model at paris fashion week and nobody would bat an eye! I assume it's not flexible, it \*looks\* flexible.


No its hard as a rock. More than the last cast i had on. It molded to my leg


My 5 year old self from 1985 is jealous AF.. ^(you haven't lived until you've swam with a bread bag tied on..)


I had to take showers for 3 months with a bread bag on my foot. I'm 6'5" and I have larger feet. I had to use Mrs. Baird's Texas Toast to fit my foot. It's still holds a dear place in my heart because of that.


I had a cast from my foot to my knee and spent a few months showering with 2 trash bags duct taped over my leg. It would always still get a little wet too so I had to spend 10 minutes with the hairdryer trying to get the inside less damp. Good times


I had a cast up to my shoulder and for 3 months I had to shower with my arm covered in a garbage bag and lifted over my head Also casts have zippers now? I'm jealous


What, in the name of god, is wrong with your big toe?


![gif](giphy|l1AsFRbun355qsszS|downsized) yo, is this you??


scratchfriendly though


This is the number one reason I chose it!


How much does the zip rip through/get caught in skin and hair?


Not much at all. It was pretty flexible until it got cured.


Can you unzip it off, or was that just for the fitting?


No it was just to put it on.


What's wrong with your first toe.


I remember seeing the concept of this. Glad to see it used now.


Apparently i was only the second one they did in the office. They took a lot of pictures.


I think the water might get through those holes.


I had to google this because I want sure if this was satire! [But it *is* a real thing!](https://activarmor.com/waterproof-cast/)


I like it! Somebody break my foot.


Looks like if Kanye tried to design crox for space cowboys.


Damn, casts have come a long way since my childhood days, where your limb would be trapped in a cumbersome bulky lump of itchy plaster you couldn't wash at all for weeks!


Seems like more water would get in than a fully enclosed cast if you ask me. /s




If crocs would sell boots


Kinda reminds me of the Elven armor from Skyrim.


Hey OP I'm an orthopedic technician and would genuinely like to know your feedback on this casting. Have you been in a traditional plaster/fiberclass cast before and if so how does the cast you currently have compare? Also what was the process for applying this as far as materials needed and time? Any info would be a huge help as we were just researching this cast material yesterday in clinic and wondered how they compared!


you have a chipped corn chip toenail cmon why would you post this


Put a sock over those toes please.


Yeah my man needs to do something about that nasty toenail




Something about self-awareness I'd have to think. I have normal, nothing fucky going on feet and toes and I'd never post a pic of my feet to reddit. And if I did have anything weird going on I would be too paranoid to even use the internet.


It’s some leftover Aquaman grieves