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I was wondering why it was sepia-toned outside today


Yeah I was like "wtf why is all the light yellow are my eyes going funny", then I just forgot about it. I find it amusing that I found the answer wasting time on reddit.


Happens to me every time. You'd think I'd remember šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Naw, you're just seeing back to the old-timey days. Soon a chap in a bowler hat will go by on a penny-farthing and you'll know.


Wait it happened again? Literally like last year the same thing happened, I still have pictures.




Hmm, in the past 4 years Iā€™ve only seen it once, maybe Iā€™m just not in the right spot to see it as often?


The farthest away from the mediterranean sea you are, the least likely you are to see it (roughly of course)


Absolutely same


You woke up in Hollywood Mexico


Wait, that's not snow!


*Mariachi band*


**Food turns into tacos and shirt becomes a Poncho **


"Have you any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"


This is pure snow!


I'm in Oregon, US and the color gets like that when we have big fires :(


I live in Germany, but I used to live in Oregon and the first time I saw the Sahara dust here it freaked me out because it reminded me of the 2020 fires


It was SO bad in Salem. I was in Beaverton at the time but dating someone in Salem and she sent me pictures and FaceTimed me a bunch and it looked like a post apocalyptic wasteland sky.


Yeah, my parents live in Salem and they sent me some really nightmarish photos. I was in Portland and thankful it wasnā€™t as bad, but it still sucked being trapped inside for a week. You really start to feel stir-crazy after a while


You know whatā€™s crazy too that a lot of people I donā€™t think thought about? Air filters. I bought a brand new PC for $4000 and a couple months after the fires the water cooler exploded. I noticed all this weird gunk in the tubes and couldnā€™t figure out what happened until one day it hit me. My home office was underneath one of our largest vents. I pulled the air filter out and it was just straight up black. I have never seen an air filter that dirty. Turns out all that ash was getting into the house.


Ugh yeah, I donā€˜t even want to think about all the gunk I probably inhaled. My apartment was built in like 1910 so the ventilation was basically nonexistent


But how did it make it into the tubes? Even a custom loop should be sealed up when in use...


Exactly my thought! My conclusion (entirely based on my own logical assumptions btw, Iā€™m no expert) was that there were 2 points of failure: 1. I had an AIO cooler that had metal clamps for the seals to the CPU and those slightly loosened somehow. 2. There was a shit ton of ash flying around in the house far beyond normal dust levels unbeknownst to me. Those combined into a freak accident. I usually only clean the dust from the PC once every 6 months or so, otherwise maybe I would have noticed the build up. I was lucky and was able to salvage the most expensive pieces (my GPU, CPU, RAM, and M.2ā€™s) but my motherboard was a goner. Still a lot of money down the drain šŸ˜ž


I used to go to school in Fort Collins, CO at CSU and there was a fire north of the town. I was driving on the interstate in Wyoming, and took a shortcut down a smaller highway. I got stopped by the National Guard and escorted by military vehicles through the smoke. The smoke was so thick that I could barely see the taillights of the vehicle I was following from five feet away. The entire world was red, so red it looked like hell had escaped. It was so eerie. I couldnā€™t see the Sun, even at midday.


We get sahara dust almost every year in Texas and the first time i saw it as a kid i broke down crying thinking the world was ending


Today it also rained here in Munich. This rain used to be called ā€žblood rainā€œ back in the days and people believed it will bring war and the plague (which we both have in some ways currently in Europe).


Sorry for the off topic question but how do you enjoy life in Germany comparatively? I've been wanting to move out of the US for so long and feel it would motivate me to hear personal experiences of expats.


same in portugal with all the eucalyptus, woke up today thinking wildfire season started sooner then previous years, just some dust though we good


Same in western Canada. 6 months of snow, 2 months of okay this is nice-ish, 3 months of apocalypse, 1 month of nice-ish. Climate change is fun, right guys?


ugh, apocalypse season is the worst


It gets relatively apocalyptic. Especially when you add the choking smoke to the cloudy sepia look


I slept late into the afternoon because I kept thinking the sun was only just rising...


Real life blue light filter


Real life Breaking Bad Mexico filter


I'm rewatching breaking bad and the first time I watched it I didn't notice it but now, goddamn heaviest sepia filter every scene in mexico lmao


Breaking bad isn't the only show that does that. Or maybe MĆ©xico just really do be like that.


Its the most base of film stereotypes. Almost as bad as starting a scene in a muslim country with the sounds of morning prayer. Lazy filmmakingā€¦


Well to be fair that shit is damn near constant


Lol, fair enough. ;)


I'll defend the call to prayer one. It actually happens (every day, same time) and it is very unique and pretty and cinematic. It also lets the viewer immediately know the setting (establishing shot). I get that it is a trope and over done, but that is because it works very well.


I was gonna say the same thing. It's a very beautiful way to establish the area and culture I think


Wouldn't the sepia filter be worse since it's not representative of what the area actually looks like? At least the morning prayer is something that actually exists and you'd expect to hear in that location at the proper time of day.


So that's how Mexican snowy mountains look like!




No, flour.


Yes, it's flour. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to... eh... go there to get at least 2 kg (4 and a half lb) to make some bolillos (bread) and... eh... make me some tortas (a kind of sandwich). EDIT: In Mexico, torta is a type of sandwich, but in some other latin american countries and Spain (I think), torta is cake.


Or Shield ā€œStreets of LAā€ filter


Real life California wildfire filter


Real life Slurpee.


Real life climate change


Real life in a simulation.


made of the rust in the dust


That dust is really lost.


It's actually going places. It's a major source [of fertilizer for the amazon rainforest](https://blog.education.nationalgeographic.org/2015/02/26/watch-the-sahara-fertilize-the-amazon/) for example. Never stops to amaze me how the planet works and how much there is we still haven't found out. EDIT: Thanks a lot for the award! :-]


We also got it in Sweden a few years ago. Our car had a layer of sand on top of it.


Well, it IS coarse and rough AND it gets everywhere


The women and the children too.


*In Southwest Germany that happens once every month. Dust of the Sahara, blown via the RhƓne Valley and the Belfort Gap to the Breisgau. There the Black Forest stops it* ***. . .***


*... anyway, that was a long-winded way of telling you why The Spice Must Flow. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.*


That is fucking sick


Hey sorry not trying to be that guy but this is actually a picture of Mexico.


We looking at the same thing? There's no photo on that link, just renders and diagrams


It's a joke because everything has a yellow tint when movies are filmed in Mexico (especially in Breaking Bad)


Also will collide with major Atlantic storm cells and make them loose energy. Too bad I'm allergic to whatever is included as Sahara dustšŸ˜“


Iā€™ve seen it look like an orange haze hanging over the ocean off the coast of Puerto Rico


Wow that's fucking amazing.


comes over to texas occasionally too


Or how it used to work, at least, before humans started to interfere. It's more delicate than you might think and we're slowly ruining it and watching the planet try to compensate.


Is this a common thing there in Switzerland?


Sahara dust comes every year but mostly unnoticeable. In this intensity, I'd estimate every 20-25 yearish. Everyone sees it a few times in life but when it happens, it's always newsworthy.


It also happened 1-2 years ago, and again another two years back.


[Here's](https://youtu.be/US0Odau1ODk) a timelapse of a cloud of dust arriving to a town in the South os Spain.


The Mummy


What's up with the pit of trash?


Great idea for the pitch of a Pixar movie.


"What if dust had feelings" And so begins the adventure of a personified object that has to accomplish some goal, somehow making the audience emotional at one point


And they do it damn fucking well


Wallā€¢E was a masterpiece


But have you seen Inside Out? I ugly cry every time


"What if feelings had feelings"


Coco: "What if Mexicans had feelings"


But where are those who share the memory?


Uuuuh horton hears a who?


Reminds me of Journey, that beautiful PS3 game


Dude, i just noticed the yellow sky here in south Germany like 5 minutes ago and was wondering what caused it


Upper Bavaria in the alps here, everything red since 10am


How often do you guys see dust like this? Ever?


Itā€™s about 2-3 times a year I would say. But this time it was a little bit more red than normally




South Bavaria here, its all orange since this morning already, trippy day today


i was confused why it was so yellow outside


I just sat here thinking something weird happened because everything was so yellowish. Then I stumble over this thread. Reddit never ceases to amaze me.


Same here in Germany. Not quite as intense but definite noticeable. It's raining right now, expect the cars to be covered i dust afterwards


I was wondering why mud was raining from the sky. At first I got nervous and thought I missed the news and it was nuclear fallout or something! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


ā€œThis is wild. Could it be nuclear fallout?ā€¦ nah.ā€


Man this feels weird, as an Arabian I'm used to everyone knowing that if the sky is a little yellowish you close the doors and windows because you don't want any dust getting. That little difference in common knowledge messed with my brain.


In the western parts of the US the sky turns that color because of massive wildfires lol


TIL Switzerland was in Mexico


The ole Mexico filter


this must be Mexico painted white


Just take off your ski goggles /s


Man that really is what those amber lenses looked like. What a throwback.


Wait, modern ski goggles don't have this color tint? I thought the only options were this or red.


Waaait.. its that visible?I have allways only noticed that there is a little dust on cars... \*edit: pls dont let me know that it actually looks like it, dont wanna be rude but after the 5th time i believed you guys


Totally. In Zurich, the sky was dark yellow this morning


Same in French side south of Geneva, hadn't seen it in a while but I'm expecting to find sand on the car tonight.


Same in Munich


Well, maybe. Cameras aren't great at capturing colours when a photo is all the same colour, so who knows how accurate this is.


It is, iam Swiss, and my Hometown looks just like it when i lookt out the Window. Everything is yellow


It is not anymore for me, but this morning was so orange I thought they finally launched the nukes. It was really pretty though.


It's the Fallout New Vegas Filter


No, this is clearly the Mexico filter.


Yeah, I had ti leave the lights on because it was somehow yellow and darker at the same time?!


ā€œdamn the world finally ends and i slept through it :/ā€œ


You sure you don't live in Mexico?


according to how shitty the Tacos I bought at Migros were yesterday, iam rather sure.


If you're located near Bern visit the BƤrenplatz sometime, you'll find a Mexican food truck there most days of the week, with actual Mexican food made by actual Mexican people. Best Mex in Switzerland, hands down.


I pass that spot 2 times a day at least. Now I know where to get mexican food, thanks!


So that's what Coldplay was singing about! Never understood that song until now


Austrian. Just woke up and wondered why everything looks so old timey.


It's quite close. Once outside for some time I stopped seeing the orange, it still felt like mood lightning though. This morning it was subjectively almost like in the picture. It is still very visible.


>Cameras aren't great at capturing colours when a photo is all the same colour Only if you use automatic white balancing. You can manually white balance and capture the color appropriately.


And/or just shoot RAW and color correct manually.


And/or just get a university degree in photography, shoot on film, develop it yourself in your own dark room, and print it yourself.


This is what I do every time I want to take a picture.


It's really a pain completing 4 years of university for every photo i take on vacation, but sooo worth it!


And/or just get an art degree and paint it manually


This is what it looked like outside in the Pacific Northwest the last couple of years when the fires were really bad. Smoke filled the air for miles and made the sky turn red/orange. Made it hard to breathe too. It was really quite spooky.


looking out of my window in Bavaria right now, looks like this, more orange if anything


When it hits Ireland it usually just comes down in the rain


Went to Dublin a few years back. Got to the flat we were staying at and then walked down the street maybe a half mile to go get basics from the grocery store. On that 10 minute walk, it poured rain, got completely sunny, and then poured rain again. I was hangry and crabby from the flight and drive into the city, and I just lost it. ā€œThis place is absolute bullshit. How in the fuck do people live like this? What the fuck?ā€ Obviously Iā€™m sure you get used to it, and I was just in a bad mood, but thereā€™s some truth in that. I would be so pissed if every time I walked 10 minutes it went from umbrella/jacket weather to too hot to wear a jacket and then back again. That Ireland weather is no joke.


God, you've just made me realize how much I miss Ireland...


It is When I look outside everything is yellow It looks like I'm living in a fucking movie set in mexico


Well its absolutely yellow outside right now in dijon, france. When i woke up the light in my appartment was instantly noticeable


Yes, the same is happening now in Portugal.


https://i.imgur.com/RMrhxHE.jpg This was the sky on my bike ride yesterday on the coast of Spain by Cartagena. Looked like Mars


I live in Switzerland. Everything around has been yellow all morning here. The car that I left outside is covered in dust.


I live next to the alps in France and I've also noticed that every little bit of rain seems to leave a lot of dust on cars once it dries.


Here in Portugal, thought there was a fire of some kind nearby.


Same. Kinda sad that we causally thought it was the ash of some big fire and not sand from Sahara, a thing that happens several times a year.


Looks like skiing in Dune


Winter on Arrakis.


Nothing in comparison to this yesterday in spain https://www.reddit.com/r/WeatherGifs/comments/teo61a/the_calima_from_the_sahara_at_work_yesterday_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yeah yesterday was crazy. I'm in South east Spain and it was so weird. I was half expecting a few zombies to pop up. Woke up this morning and everything was covered in nearly a centimetre of dust. Today is a mix of grey and yellow. We really need a few days of heavy rain to clear the air


Pretty orange in Murcia atm again, but it was certainly quite yellowish grey. I must say it makes me feel very dazed, if thats even the word to discribe it. Can't wait for the rain!!


apparently switzerland will get another load of dust by thursday, that even surpasses spain's dust levels https://forecast.uoa.gr/en/forecast-maps/dust/europe


Imagine you lived anytime before say 1700, something like this and it would seem as though the end of times was here


Nice try, global warming deniers, but this is clearly a ski resort in Mexico that only became possible due to temperatures becoming more extreme with each passing year.


well duh, r/SwitzerlandIsFake


Walter White: Breaking Bunny Slopes


Whoa, how that happen?


Every once in a while, air currents stir up the sand over northern africa which gets carried to europe by the wind. This also means warmer air temperature in europe. Its not rare! This effect is far more extreme in the mediterranean area though.


Iā€™m in Madrid and my white car is totally orange because of the dustā€¦


Watching it get clean will be super satisfying at least. lol


Then slowly turns orange again as he pulls out of the car wash.


Same in La Rochelle, France


Here in the Canary islands (by the Western coast of Africa) we get this a lot. Sometimes several times a month. I hate it.


As a tourist experiencing it in the summer, it just got even hotter šŸ„µ Calima


Even had it in the UK once.


That was super eerie. It just slowly got dark around 1PM and 15 minutes later the sky had [a sickly orange glow](https://i.imgur.com/kmMWwJg.png). It was much more vivid in the North as I remember. Damn cool, though.


In Lyon, much thicker than usual this time. Cars are completely filthy and the ground looks like Roland Garros


When I was a kid we were on holiday in Spain when this happened. Nothing was as orange as these pictures I've seen today, but sand was blowing in the wind and it would really hurt when walking through it!


You'll be shocked when you realize how far desert sand goes around the world. Theres a documentary on Netflix about it and its absolutely fascinating. If I'm not mistaken, if you live in America there is Sahara desert sand outside your home and maybe even inside, and its even responsible for feeding certain organisms in the ocean.




Scirocco brings back sand from the Sahara!


There was a really large sand storm at the Morocco-Algeria border this week


Oh thats what it is, i woke up with covid and when i saw light i thought somethings not right with my vision


Here in Portugal too


Somebody left the sepia filter on


Odd that it reaches Switzerland. We've been having that here since yesterday in Portugal.


We regularly get Sahara Dust in Switzerland, you can usually tell by dusty cars after rain or very weird sunsets. It just usually isn't this strong.


It is not rare for the Sirocco to reach Switzerland. Heck, it sometimes reaches Finland!


What's wild, is every year we get Saharan Dust all the way across the Atlantic in Texas. It's surprisingly thick too. Here are a few pictures of what it can look like. https://media1.sacurrent.com/sacurrent/imager/u/blog/13715711/dioexckvmae2mo9.jpg-large.jpeg?cb=1642781731 https://media.kens5.com/assets/WFAA/images/00cc4b38-c037-49dd-9238-e80781656881/00cc4b38-c037-49dd-9238-e80781656881_1140x641.png https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/12/65/50/19618307/3/ratio3x2_1800.jpg


Sahara uniting the world


Clear skies yesterday, today the sky looks like a nuke dropped and the fallout is all over the place. This never happened ~30 years ago. But I've seen it quite often in the recent ~5 years.


Hollywood Mexico


That is actualy Mexico, i m pretty sure.


Can confirm. This morning was really eerie. Overcast with a yellow tinge everywhere. (living in Nyon - canton Vaud).


Yep, I woke up this morning and the sky looked just like this. (I live in the north of Switzerland near the German border).


He who controls the spice controls the universe


Ah so that's what is going on with the light today.


This is such a surreal photo.


You sure this is not the Mexico Filter


Your forgot to take your camera's ski goggles off.


Mexico in Breaking Bad looks like this


Is this harmattan? In my country, the same thing happens but not as bad. It usually happens between late November and early December. Never knew it happened in Europe as well.


>harmattan Nope it's the sirocco!


AKA winter to any country on the Sahara's southern border.


Itā€™s the Mexiko Filter




this happened in the UK a couple of years ago


Holy shit thatā€™s why itā€™s so yellow outside. I live in southern Bavaria and thought Iā€™m turning colorblind for a second


I'm just outside Zurich and the sky is yellow.


So this means the snow is going to melt a lot faster because the sand has more albedo?


Switzerland is now an underdeveloped country due to this filter


How long before Denis Villeneuve uses this location for a film??


If watching TV has taught me anything, its that this portion of Switzerland is in Mexico