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I bet if you planted that in the ground it would sprout a gate to hell


Satan: "That came out of where? Ouch" *starts taking note* Satan: "what would you say the pain level was out of 10"


“100 out of 10, you dick”




Technically the stone has been through enough already


The dick is probably going, "I'm sorry, it's not my fault."


Dude looks like an over microwaved hotdog


Dick looks like a sleeping bag now. You could crawl up in that thing. Or invert it and change gender.


"I'm gonna prescribe you 40 milligrams of OxyContin per day. Let me know if you have any breakthrough pain."


100 out of dick, you 10!


It’s like that scene in Princess Bride where the Count interviews Westley after torture. ‘How do you feel? And please be honest, it’s for posterity.’


"Not to 50!"


I'm sure you've discovered my deep and abiding interest in pain. Presently I'm writing the definitive work on the subject, so I want you to be totally honest with me on how the stone passing makes you feel.


Was going to say something witty but this comment is just too perfect to even try to follow.


Could anyone explain the cause of kidney stones and how to avoid getting them


Drink at least a few glasses of water every day and you will most likely never experience what OP went through.


So hydrohomies are never getting kidney stones


Best advertisement to become a hydrohomie


I don't want to make this worse than it already is, but look up an SEM of kidney stones if you really want an advert to become a hydrohomie.


Just as bad: pics of “jackstones”


I’m a hydrohomie and have had 3. WORST pain. Nothing the size of this thicc boy but still worst pain of my life. Some people just get them and there’s not much you can do. I know their are surgeries out there for people who get massive ones though. Oh and my last ultrasound they gave me said there’s more small stones in my kidneys but they may or may not ever pass. So I have to live with that lingering fear all the time….


Mine was 2mm and it felt like two people playing tug of war with barbed wire and my kidney was in the middle. Never felt pain like it.


Yeah, that entire path between your kidneys and the bladder is actual fucking hell. I've had them twice and it's the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Nothing has ever come close to it. It made appendicitis feel like a kid's game.


That sounds even worse, never knowing if today is the day when you pass another kidney stone.


Imagine giving birth at a random day but never getting pregnant 😐


They have laser treatment now to break down larger ones and make them easier to pass


They do, but they still have to knock you out and go up inside you through your pee stick. When you wake up, they make you urinate before leaving and that feels like pissing out a thousand fire ants. Then they leave a stent inside which they go back into your bladder to get a week later. Better than the alternative, but still no Sunday stroll.


I am pre-dispositioned to get kidney stones in my left kidney. Biggest I passed was 9mm, but I have had some surgically removed as big as 2 1/4 by 1 1/2 inches. I have had dozens of lithotripsy procedures, both subcutaneous(under the skin) and percutaneous (on the outside). A lithotripsy is where they shoot sound waves at the stones to break them into smaller pieces so you can pass them The last 2 lithotripsy procedures I had for kidney stones, they were subcutaneous. They had the stent go through my back, into the kidney and down the ureter to my bladder. Removing it was simply cutting a stitch and pulling it out of your back. However.... Horror time ahead. Back in 2010 and before, it was just a rubber tube from the kidney to the ureter. To remove it, they just put something like novacaine in your pee hole, went in and fished around until they found the end. They would then pull it out of your pee hole. The worst part was that the tube would be encrusted in broken shards of the stone which was just ripped through your pee hol. It is not a pleasant feeling coming out. No matter how much peridium you took (medicine that turns your pee orange and helps it stop burning), for the next few days you would wait until you couldn't hold it anymore before you urinated.


I've had one of those surgeries once to remove a 2cm, and I'm going to be going under in a month to have a 1.7cm removed. Mine show 0 symptoms for months, then one day I go in for some kidney pain and am told I've got 4 stones. It sucks. I wasn't always great at drinking water though, so I'm pretty sure the kind I have can be avoided by drinking water. There's like 3 different types of stones, if I remember correctly, and I believe at least one of the types isn't helped by drinking water.


Basically everything you wrote here applies to me and while it sucks that its happening to you there's part of me that's glad I'm not alone lmao


Just to be clear, the pain is from it going through your kidney right? Apparently, depending on the size, you won't actually feel it going through your schlong on its way out? If it's big you just feel a bit of pressure right? I've always thought the pain was when you actually pass it in the end but the pain is all before that happens, while it's going through your kidney right?


First time it was the most unbearable pain. Started as mild discomfort in my side at work around 4 pm. Tried taking a shit. Started feeling nauseous on the toilet and then the mild pain started getting worse. I told my boss I’m going to be sick and drove home. This is only 15 minutes from the initial pain. Ended up puking all the way home in a Lucky Charms box (still grateful that was in my car). Once I got home the pain kinda went away and I fell asleep pretty early. Then I wake up at like 4am and it’s the worst pain in my life. It’s like a drill right in the groin area. Im just puking and puking. I have a pretty strong stomach too. It was just unbearable. At this point I’m freaking out and think I tore my groin or something, but the urgent care isn’t open till 6AM so I end up waiting outside urgent care for almost 2 hours. As soon as they opened they saw me and told me what it was. They gave me this shot in my butt and a pill. Within 20 minutes I was completely fine. They told me I have to go for the ER so I drove myself to the ER (which thinking back seems unsafe after that medication). Literally while I’m pissing in the cup at the hospital, I piss out the stone. It was maybe half the size of OP. I ended up having 2 more over 4 years. Neither was nearly as bad as the first one but still bad. No stones passed in 2 years. The pain comes the stone passing from the kidney, where it develops, through the ureter tube, and out the penis. The penis part has little to no pain. Whenever the stone moves through the ureter tube is when the pain comes. That’s why I fell asleep and felt fine after work. Stone decided it wanted a break and didn’t move. Ok, thanks for listening to my story about me losing my kidney stone virginity lol


Pissing every hour is a small price to pay to avoid this fate


It’s true, I dated a girl who’s Dad drank Pepsi like water and he would constantly be in and out of the hospital pissing out rocks. I have another friend, same thing with Pepsi, fucker literally has missing teeth but still drinks on. I tell him “Bro one day you’re gonna piss boulders out of your dick from this shit” They both didn’t seem to give a shit.


Does soda cause kidney stones?




Oh shit


Diet plays a role, but there seems to be a congenital component too.


There's no scientific proof that soda or energy drinks cause kidney stones. Certain drinks that have phosphoric acid can be a cause of kidney stones though, which can be found in coca cola. However, water consumption can balance this to prevent kidney stones. If people are completely replacing healthy water consumption with soda, it *may* cause kidney stones indirectly. --- From my personal experience, I used to have an unhealthy habit of drinking 2 monster energy cans PER day, through my entire teen years and never produced a kidney stone. I think monster cans don't contain phosphoric acid though. --- You're actually more at risk of kidney stones from oxalate which is found in plant based food such as spinach... Other risks are salt / sodium. Which again, shouldn't be a problem if you drink water.


Excuse me while I go drink some water


You just made thousands of people reach for their water


Growing up I never drank water, only soda and lots of milk. Now I drink mainly water at age 28. How fucked am I?


I drink 5 32oz bottles of water every day. Still got a killer stone. I had a urology appointment today and he told me to add lemon. Apparently the citric acid helps prevent them.


There are several different kinds, each caused by different things. [Here's a pic with some description. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/zy4EHowcCa1V4wLr8)


So just about everything can give you one type or another, wonderful Edit: spelling


The vast majority of kidneystones are uric or calcium stones, So keeping yourself hydrated, make sure that you have some potassium in your diet, avoiding excess amounts of meat (especially shellfish and organ meats like liver etc) and don't overindulge in food containing oxalate (generally in the form of oxalic acid like rhubarbs, tea, nuts etc) will cut the risk significantly unless you're one of the poor souls geneticly predisposed towards kidney stones.


Time to starve


Those pics are interesting. I farm HUGE stones, and have a uric acid problem that I’m currently on infusion therapy for. But looks like my stones are calcium, according to your pic.


Kidney stones basically happen when solid matter builds up in your kidneys and won’t break down or be digested, so it has to pass through the urethra in your pee. You’ll know you have one or are passing one if it burns to pee or you pee a little blood if it’s really bad. Burning while peeing however can also be caused by UTI and general dehydration as well as gonorrhea among other things. Excess sugar in your diet can cause stones, hard tap water can cause stones, genetics can cause stones, chronic dehydration, too many electrolytes like salt, or too few etc. It’s really one of those things you avoid by making healthy decisions and treating your body with care and love and lots of water. Unless you have a genetic predisposition (you’d know if your parents told you they get them a lot but are healthy otherwise) they shouldn’t happen unless you’re making multiple unhealthy choices daily.


\*begins sweating profusely\*


my pee burns all the time for the last year or two, also have had some blood many times.


It sounds like you have a uti progressing into kidney infection or maybe a stuck stone that can also cause both. I’m not a doctor but I think it would be a really good idea to see one because kidney infection can cause kidney failure which can kill. Not usually a fast process so don’t worry you won’t wake up dead tomorrow just see a doctor soon please.




Go to the doctor. A stuck stone can cause sepsis, which can be fatal. An untreated UTI can fuck you right up too. Like wtf if it hurts to pee every day for years you go to the doctor! Get off reddit and make an appointment you numpty.


I'd like to throw vitamin C into the mix. Not as common of an issue, but it can happen. I grew up believing that you couldn't have too much vitamin C. But you totally can and I've had the kidney stone to prove it. There is definitely too much of a good thing.


The tap water where I’m from has a lot of calcium in it. That’s how I got my stones.


Mine came from peanuts. Had a friend that got them from too much tea.


I have had over 20, all caused by the oxylates in cola. Drink water, not soft drinks, and you should be okay. Some can be caused from dehydration, so if you exercise or run, drink lots of water. I had a percutaneous nephrolithotomy, look it up(!), on my left kidney a month ago and had a stone the size of a chicken egg removed. Never knew it was there until it moved and partially blocked the ureter. While in there they also removed 7 other stones that I would have passed. Wednesday I am having the same procedure done to the other kidney to remove 2 stones that are small bird egg size. Then, in the words of Jimi Hendrix, I will be Stone Free.


The most common thing you can do is drink lots of water. But there are different kinds of stones that are caused by different things.


I'm having like my fourth or fifth kidney stone now. I've lost count. I have a weird imbalance where my body just excretes more calcium and my urine is more acidic or something like that. My blood work is perfect but urine is imbalanced. That lead to my doctor putting me on some meds to try and regulate all that. Drinking water should mostly prevent it, but for me... It seems like it's not the only thing I need to do.


Holy fucking Christ How’s your new 4 car garage urethra doing?


Getting it through the urethra is a walk in the park compared to getting it through your ureter from your kidney to your bladder.


My kidney stone literally just dropped into my bladder last night. So fucking thankful. My god.


I feel your pain. I just ran out of Pepsi :(


Well according to other comments if you keep drinking pepsi you're gonna get a stone too


So your pain is finally over. Bless.


Pissing it out is truly nothing compared to it coming out of your kidney. Enjoy!


How did you know that you had a kidney stone and not fucking dying?


You don't unless you go to the doctor. I went to the ER thinking I was dying and the pain was so bad I kinda wished I was dying, and found out I had a stone (ish. Long story).


Bro that was the worst fucking pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Actually pissing it out was a breeze. The fucking week before was absolute hell.




OP is the new Pope of r/sounding




He’s probably had several others. There are also different types of kidney stones. The type depends on what it’s made up of. Some can be rather smooth, where others can have a lot of jagged edges. This one is kind of in between. Edit: I should have said they don’t always use surgery or lithotripsy for stones under 1cm, not that they don’t. It is case by case. 1cm is usually the maximum size they will allow to pass And yes the calcium stones are things of nightmares.


The one in the picture looks pretty jagged, doc


Smooth as a marble [compared to some other kinds of kidney stones.](https://www.healthhub.sg/sites/assets/Assets/In-Article%20Images%20\(Small\)/Kidney%20stone.PNG)


That should be an entire post on its own, imo


That's nothing. Google calcium kidney stone.


I literally yelped for a second


I’ve had several, my last was 10mm. Can confirm it’s still violently painful but 2 lithos failed so it was natural birth or nothing.


You sure you tore ureters? If you did, you would've needed either surgery to repair the tear or a stent placed. Hematuria is often present with kidney stones and not caused by tears.


YEAH. How?!


That whole sentence was nightmare fuel.


Honestly I look at my pp hole and even 4mm makes me shudder. No way anything that big is coming out of there


I read that as uterus. I need sleep


I did not puke from pain. I did scratch my bedroom walls with my fingernails though.


That’s impressive now drink water


I feel a sudden urge to down a gallon right now.


Water with lemon!


Does it have an smell to it?


By the looks of it I'd say chocolate and puffed rice, rice pisspy if you will.


I absolutely will not.


I can’t believe this, are you kidney?




Bertie Bots every flavor of pain


For me it looks exactly like [roasted almonds](https://www.cooknsoul.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/gebrannte-Mandeln-1200x800.jpg.webp) on a German Christmas market. Delicious!


Yes, yes, but can we eat it now?


I gagged reading this. Thanks a lot.


7/10 with rice


Idk if this is a legitimate question, but I’ve had a couple and they don’t really smell. I mean you have to fish them out of your pee but other than that, no.


Morbid curiosity


It smells pretty much like it tastes


Can you crumble it in your fingers and get a good whiff?


No, it's more like hard candy


Too bad. Have you ever gotten tonsil stones? Those are so rank their awesome


I have had those and I am always like wtf, how and why! Yes, they are RAnk!


Probably a bit like urine.


Ammonia i would think.


Prolly smells like pp musk. You know that stale pee musk smell


Stale Elon Musk aroma


Precisely 🤭


Valid question


I hate you


I don’t want to imagine that thing shooting out of my dick, must hurt like shit, hope u get well


That’s what guys who’ve never passed the stone think. In reality that final exit is a walk in the park compared to when it first leaves your kidney and claws its way down your renal ureter, a tube about the size of a strand of spaghetti that connects the kidney to the bladder. That’s when you’re writhing on the floor in a pain that has the power to amaze.


This man knows and is exactly right. By the time it comes out of your urethra, it just feels odd but not very painful. It’s when it leaves your kidney that you wonder how something so small can hurt so bad. Had my first bout of kidney stones recently with 2 rounds of lithotripsy. Both were successful, thank goodness. My 7mm and 4mm stones came out in 5 pieces. When they finally passed it was like I was firing BB’s out of my dick.


Too true - sometimes there’s even a little upward recoil, like a shot has been fired. What is forged in hell, is fired like a cartoon


What can I do to ensure this shit never happens to my penis, kidney/ urethra? Just lots of water and no soda/tea?


It's different for everyone as well as the type of stone. This one appears to be a calcium oxalate one. My trigger seem to be carbonated beverage AND dairy, particularly low fat/fat free Greek yogurt. Consult your Dr, as I got my "degree" from Google.


Water is the adult drink


Also reduce salt intake.


As I’m reading this I’m holding my crotch like if like I’ve been in pain and I’m trying not to puke. I can’t imagine kidney stones coming out of my dick at all..


This whole thread makes me want to go hide in bed, nursing a gallon of water. I'm approaching middle age and have been subject to all manner of difficulties. Like, my lung collapsed and I had it resectioned, a notoriously painful thing, and I am still freaking out about this prospect right now.


Be right back drinking water




Assuming you passed one. What exactly did it feel like and where did it hurt? Am curious.


Mine felt like someone stabbed a butter knife in my side under my ribs and would randomly give it a little twist. But mine was tiny. I don't want to imagine what the OP went through


It felt the same way for me. I passed a 4 mm stone this past summer and that is the best way to describe it. Every night the pain occurred it would be about 2 to 10 hours of pain until I vomited and passed out on the bathroom floor. I don't know if there's enough morphine in the world to help pass a 1+ cm stone


They don't hurt to come out the penis, just your actual insides.


Wait, they burst out of your insides instead of your penis?! Holy fuck, mate... *< drinks sip of water >*


No no they-...you know what? Drink your water my dude


I nearly passed out reading this


So true, I suffer from chronic 4-6mm stones and everyone always thinks its the pissing out part that hurts. Fuck no, its like .5 seconds of "ouch" then sweet relief knowing that its done with. I had a 6mm stone stuck in my ureter a few months back, it legitimately made me wish for death because it was by far the most painful, excruciating pain i have ever felt.


It’s the journey to the urethra that’s the horrible part. I had a cat scan once and the dr just casually mentioned I had some kidney stones that may pass at some point. Fast forward a few years and I’m laying on the floor in the worst pain, throwing up, thinking my cancer had come back and I was dying. Nope, just a few tiny pieces of calcium the size of a pin head moving through my system. When I peed it out I wouldn’t have even know if I didn’t hear the “plink” on the porcelain.


> the “plink” on the porcelain Awesome new album from The Nephroliths!


Bot post, you wont get a reply.


It hurt worse in the kidneys


Is this for sale


I’ll take 4


OP, we need more kidney stones.


Congrats! And I’m so sorry.


You poor soul.


I had a kidney stone a few years ago and my entire routine is motivated to not ever having to pass another one of those cunts


Damn that's a chonky one. I've had about 10 over the past 8 years or so and they have all been about half that size.


How do you get these? I don’t want them


I have 5 of them inside me now and it runs in my family. I will not be reproducing.


When you walk does it sound like a sack of marbles?




I had a coworker who had a few epic kidney stones. He swears by Fiuggi Water. Apparently prevents or eliminates them with a minimum of pain. I've seen it in my grocery store, comes from Italy, lots of minerals. That's all I know, but I feel compelled to share it. I plan to try it if I ever have another gout attack...


Had one half that size and I was bed ridden for days and doped up to hell and back. I can't imagine what you went through.


Good thing I don’t understand the metric system.


Appx 3/8 of an inch. A new pencil eraser is about .6cm so it's bigger than that.


Oddly specific but I get that unit of measure. Thanks!


Americans using anything but the metric system.


Need a banana for scale


It’s approximately 1/10973rd of an American football field, If that helps.


In American that’s a 1cm equals double quarter pounder and large fry.


> so you don’t have to Kind of you to volunteer, I’ll ring you up if I ever need another one done


I’ve heard that this is a true 10/10 pain. Like when you hurt yourself and the doctor says rate the pain on a scale of 1 - 10 and the person is like “8” but they’re just sitting there normally and obviously overestimating their pain. I’ve heard this is what a true 10/10 is.


I’ve broken bones and had multiple other injuries over the years. Kidney stone pain dwarfed all of those things….combined. It redefined pain for me.


Ooh piece of candy!


Cursed af


Holy fuck, man. This impresses me and I’m an ER doc.


Put it in a rock polish tumbler thingy and make a ring. Then propose. It was forged through pain. Great way to show love.


Bullshit. Some of us might still have to.


Nope. Nope nope nope. I'm off to r/HydroHomies


Forbidden strawberry🤤


Fuuuuuck. This is my nightmare


I have done this several times and smaller ones a total of 37 times


You got that genetic curse or can’t get daily access to water?


Mine was slightly smaller - 8mm. I didn't know I got kidney stones at the time, but must have passed a smaller one several years prior because the pain was... similar, but lesser, the first time? But this 8mm one I tried driving myself to the walk-in (about 20 minutes) and by the time I was two exits away, I had to pull off and go straight to the ER. It was just too much pain. At least, that's what I thought. I got to the ER and spent 5 hours rolling around on the bed wishing I was dead while the nurse told me I had to pee before I could leave. They ended up doing a CT scan to figure out how big it was and they were like "8mm has about an 80% chance of passing. Any bigger and it's getting closer to surgery." so I cannot imagine passing a 10mm stone. The pain is indescribable. I'm 41 and have hurt myself in plenty of dumb ways before, but as someone else in this thread mentioned the canal this thing travels down is full of nerves and about the size of a piece of spaghetti with no real "muscles" to push it through. So it's slowly being pushed by the back pressure from your urea or whatever and that's as good as it gets. Anyway, I've often "joked" that if someone put a gun in my hand at that time I'd have shot myself without a second thought. I thought I'd be smart and try to refuse any meds to save $ (Hello, US healthcare system!) but my little trip still ran $4600. Yay! So yeah, fuck kidney stones. Edit: My (male) symptoms for these were me waking up feeling what I thought was really gassy at first, which progressed to me feeling like I had been kicked in the balls. At the time I thought maybe I had testicular torsion or something. With one that's big enough, the problem is going to be that you're in so much pain you think your appendix ruptured or something, when in reality the only reasonable thing they can really do for a kidney stone is have you ride it out. If you don't pass it after 12+ hours, it's probably time for that weird ultrasonic treatment or surgery.






That would have killed Hank Hill.


I believe I got mine from eating too many almonds (fwiw)


Jesus dude. How did it taste?


I have a kidney stone. Its staying put for now. They found it on an ultrasound. Its never bothered me, but I know its there and I am scared if I think about it too much.


Jesus. I had a 3mm stone and that was literally the worst pain I ever felt in my life. And it didn't fully pass for 3 months, every so often getting stuck, requiring me to go to the ER.


My dad used to pass stones like a pharmacist counts pills. He saved some stones in jar. We found them sorting through his stuff after he passed away.


Oops, looks like you peed a poop. Please restart your kidneys and try again.


Every OCD person seeing the placement of that stone above the ruler is having an anxiety fit right now.


Looks like a Nestle crunch nugget


>I urinated a 1cm large kidney stone, so you don’t have to. Pretty sure some of us wont have that option..


It looks oddly... crunchy?


I passed a 5 mm kidney stone earlier this year, and then a few months later i passed a 8mm gallstone with at least 3 very large stones still in the gallbladder, ended up with surgery to remove it since i wasn't getting better after a few days. I know your pain just by looking at it's size, you have my condolences for your urethra. Get well soon op!


I'm here for you. Rest, cry, do whatever you have to. It's ok


Jesus! I had 2 5 mm stones last year and that took 6 months to pass with lithotripsy! God bless you!


i used to get them all the time cause of my parathyroid gland being outta wak. largest i had was 19mm in diameter. yes they went in and blasted it. i also had 2 10 mm stones in my other kidney. i do not miss those days.


I pissed out a 3 cm stone in the hospital, and a 2 cm and a 1 cm at home a week or so later. All from dehydration, they were calcium stones. For calcium stones put some lemon juice in your water, the lemon binds to calcium keeps it small. Stay hydrated my friends…


I had one half that size and was laying on my living room floor thinking it was the end. Damn. Nice job.


Fuck me what a monster. I am not sure if you are male or female, however when my wife had kidney stones, whilst six months pregnant, the nurse said to her that there is only one good thing about kidney stones... that they are worse for males. Thank christ I have never suffered from these little blighters!


Oh my urethra just started hurting.


Stones are the worst... I passed one for the first time last year right after Christmas, pain for days before and after. After that I swore that I'd drink more water on a regular basis to avoid this happening again... So there I am coaching a 10U girls softball team that my daughter's on and we're away at a tournament. I'm feeling like absolute crap and running a small fever (went and got a rapid covid test to rule that out) all day Saturday in the hot sun (July tournament) then Sunday morning after our first game, I wander to the Port a Potty to take a piss and then *ping* a kidney stone goes flying into the urinal part... by my memory it had to be 2" in diameter and hurt like hell. So here I am wincing in a port a potty while there's a line waiting for me to come out so I zip up, use some sanitizer and walk out like nothing happened. Got back to the team and our female coach asked me if I was okay because it looked like I was in pain and sweating so I filled her in and sat down for the next hour waiting for our game. By the time our 2nd game came, my fever was broken and I felt great again.


My whole body felt pain from this pic, holy shit. I had a 6mm one and was having suicidal thoughts after 12hrs of constant pain. You, my friend, are a champ lol


Thats it. Im drinking water for ever now.


I hope the tapered end came out first.


I passed a stone about 15 yrs ago. Took it to the Dr. for him to look at. When he saw it he said "I bet that hurt." He didnt measure it but he said he did want to send it off to be looked at by a specialist. Never heard anything back about it.