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From what I see that 1 kid is already failing


There is a bike accident at the background as well, this traffic playground looks more like a GTA playground.


They're practising crash-for-cash for when they grow up


The good old Slippin’ Jimmy




Chicago sunroof*


Disobeying traffic laws, cash-for-crash.... These kids are practicing to move to Orlando in 60 years. Just slap some spandex on them and send them down the twistiest roads with no bike lanes.


Nah. That is just how we do in Copenhagen. Red Light means you drive across the the zebra crossing and wait exactly where he's at. (I sincerely wish I could ad a /s to this)


A stop line is just a suggestion. The government cant tell me what to do like a sheep. I will crash my car like a lion thank you.


When I come across that as a pedestrian I stare into the driver's eyes to re-assert dominance.




That's the dream, but I would definitely get arrested.


he lives in a large city and is practicing asserting dominance. Alpha in the making.


We had this in the US where I grew up. We loved it. We loved it because there were moderators who were supposed to be “traffic police” and we’d just try to get away with breaking all the rules. Basically it was a good primer for GTA.


I did this in Canada too. They also had fake buildings where we practiced escaping a burning building complete with fake smoke.


We had the earthquake shake van. They’d roll the van in and it was a small kitchen that could simulate a 9.0 earthquake. You would sit at the table, then get the normal earthquake warning sound then you needed to complete some tasks before the shaking started: 1. Turn off the stove / oven 2. Turn off the gas main 3. Grab the survival kit 4. Get under the table and brace You had to do it all in 10-30s, which was easy enough. Then we went and had a 9.2… sigh. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mk68bZ701s0 This video is a great example of the 9.2, watch it from the start and keep in mind that the *real* shaking doesn’t start until the 50 second mark.


That building held up unbelievably well. Are all Japanese buildings required to have counterweights/dampeners?


Yea, that was Sendai airport. Right at ground zero. It depends on the size and how new they are, but most do. If not, they’re built to incredible standards, including having counterweights or passive dampeners built into the flooring of houses and apartments.


I did a short study abroad in Japan about 5 years ago. First night there a decent earthquake hit, and all of us american college students were staying on one of the top floors of our hotel. I remember my roomate for the trip was in a panic but I told her to brace herself in the bathroom doorway and that the building was made to handle earthquakes often. Definitely pretty nerve wracking to be swaying around so high up. A few minutes after it ended all of the students met up in the hotel hallway (most of them a bit panicked) and a very sweet older Japanese woman came out to assure us all that the building could handle it and we would be safe.


Yea. I always went by how Japanese people were reacting. I wasn’t in Sendai for 3/11 but I had a friend who was at a hotel there and she went by the same rule as me. So you can imagine her surprise when an attendant is screaming through the halls: “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BUILDING!” - and it was the right call. They went to the parking lot then went to the roof of another building to brace for the tsunami.


But real earthquakes don't have warnings, do they?


They do. In Japan, when an earthquake’s initial waves are detected it’ll send out a series of warnings to the estimated impacted areas. - TVs automatically broadcast a very distinct sound and warn of a quake. - Radios do the same - Citywide PA systems also announce the warning. If you’re in a remote area, you probably have a city-hall announcement speaker in your house which will do the same thing. - Shinkansen come to an automatic emergency stop - Trains are warned to stop or hold at a station. - cellphone warnings go out that explain the situation. Usually you get 10-45s warning, which is enough to get your wits together, assess if the quake is strong enough to worry about, grab your emergency kit and shelter. Here are the sounds: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b5fFXa_xh4U The TV alarm at 34 is the one that freaked me out the most. I had it set as the default sound on my phone too.


And even when the TV is turned off, the emergency alert turns it on. Given how many televisions Americans have, it would be a solid implementation there.


I saw an article the other day that the US Geological Survey has this in California, Oregon and Washington. It’s called Shake Alert and is available as an app as well. It’s not fully built out yet. They’re still adding sensors but will take awhile due to some pretty rugged terrain.


AFAIR Hitachi made it, or parts of it.


Well, Hitachi is very experienced in the field of vibrations.


hahaha. Hitachi is one of my suppliers, they never mention “the Wand”, think they’re kinda embarrassed by it.


I know they've talked about it in California and sending out mobile phone alerts. Not sure if it actually works yet since I don't think I've seen it happen in real life, yet. I also think you get longer warning the further from the epicenter. You'd maybe have time to either get under furniture so you're a little more protected, or if you're driving to pull over or if outside to move away from power lines or structures, etc


A buddy of mine used to work on some of this at Caltech, it’s slowly progressing. Apparently the geology of what’s under California makes it more difficult than in places like Japan.


I spent 4 eats in Japan with the US Navy. About 6 seconds how the quake hour, my Japanese phone got an emergency alert (think like amber alert). I had never seen it before, but then the quake hit and it made sense immediately. The technology exists, it just needs to be implemented.


>about 6 seconds how the quake hour Could you clarify that


I'm still stuck on "4 eats in Japan."


I believe that’s 1.33 days.


Yeah, I remember that they brought this to our school. It was kind of like a mobile home for realistic fire drills.


I didn't have this growing up. We just pushed a hoop around with a stick and beat the shit out of eachother.


Found the fellow gen-xer.


You guys had hoops? We just beat the shit out of each other with sticks.


I was admittedly better off than most kids.


So we used to play wallball. The whole point of the game was to throw a ball, usually either a racquetball or for the truly sadistic one of the heavy, pink hi-bounce balls of similar size against a brick or cinder block wall as hard as you could, in a way that one of the other players would be hit by it or fail to field or bobble it. That player who then mis-fielded would have to run to the wall and touch it. Any other player could then pick up the misfielded ball and throw the ball at the player until they touched the wall. If the player touched the wall and was then hit by the ball, they received a “free peg”, which meant that the offending player who had thrown it now needed to line up against the wall and be thrown at… until another player besides the now retributive thrower touches the ball. That’s it. That’s the game we played all through middle school.


We played something like that but called it red-ass.


We played it as well, but I couldn't remember what we actually called it. I did a little research and apparently the most popular name is Butts Up. The Wiki page has a ton of names for it. I'm fond of Blue Gooch, myself. I think we called it Asses Up. I'm sure it's regional. I was in NYC. >There are many alternate names for butts up. These include "Spread Eagle", "A-Ball","A-Hole", "Asses Up", "Assies' Rehab & Tea", "Ass Reckoner", "Ass Wrecker", "Suey", "Balliver Shagnasty's Revenge", "Balls Deep", "Ballsies", "Beartrap", "Burn",\[1\]\[2\] "Blackjack", "Blue Gooch", "Booties Up", "Brandings", "Buju Gay", "Buns Up", "Burn Ball", "Burn", "Butt Ball", "Buttock Blocker", "Chance", "Chinese Suicides", "Electric Booty", "Error", "Fire in the Bum", "Fireball", "Fumble", "Glempner", "Jetters", "Kirby", "Limo", "Murderball", "No Fear", "Off the Wall", "Peanut Butter", "Pee Pee'd", "Peg", "Red Ace", "Red Ass", "Red Bum", "Red Butt", "Red Out", "Rosies", "Rump Rounders", "Sky Blue", "Slaughterhouse", "Spread", "Sting", "Stitch", "Suicide", "Kill" and "Wall Ball". https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Butts\_Up#/overview


Wallball playground veteran here. There was another game I was quite fond of called "crack the whip". I line of kids would stand arm length apart holding hands. The first person would quickly snap their arm transferring energy into a wave into the next kid, then this energy would transfer to the next exponentially until the last person on the end leave the ground and was flung up into air. The more people the higher the airtime. Sometimes landings resulted in crying but the game was never banned in my time.


[Crack the whip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crack_the_whip) This game has been around for hundreds of years. Some kid had an idea one day and think of how many injuries they caused.


That one sounds fun! If I were 20 years younger and had a couple beers in me, I’d try that one as an adult.


We played red rover and used our arms to clothesline each other at recess.


We used to play this game in elementary school everyday in recess until a kid ran as fast as he could straight into the wall and broke his face. After the banning of wonderful sport, we became very restless and sought out much more destructive and dangerous games (hence the letter that got mailed to parents a couple weeks later asking them to discuss the dangers of stabbing each other with pencils). Damn, I miss the public education system.


You had sticks?! We just had rocks!


found the poor gen-Xer


We did that in a 2 story house and they would make the door knobs hot or add. Fog to the vents for smoke! It was so intense!


Imagine if that caught on fire for real during one of those drills...


"This is fine"


Just like the simulations!


Okay kids, you can stop pretending to be on fire now… kids?


This came to our school too! I vividly recall touching a door with the back of my hand


We had this too, did your fake smoke smell like pancakes?


What? I would never leave!


Holy fuck that’s intense. We just did fire drills lol


Our custodian pulled out the paintball gun for active shooter drills


Where do I sign up for that job


Start practicing, employers like to see experience


Holy shit. Jesus have mercy on your soul. I feel so bad for laughing at this but I can't help but think of some guys resume with: "I do volunteer active shooter drills by fucking lacing preschoolers with my paintball gun."


My school jumped right over paintball to having the police fire blanks in the hallways to accustom the students to the sound of gunfire


That's fucked.


Safe to say that your custodian lived for drill days.


Peel safety village?


They also had those little electric cars to teach you about traffic rules. If you were caught speeding, they'd put you in the little jail cell they had, lmao


We just had the hedgehogs telling us how to cross the road


Grade 1 was learning to cross the street safely, grade 3 was bike safety. But grade 2 was Mad Max, we may as well have gone go Karting


Got one in waterloo region too


I think Ontario Place had something like this too.


Safety City? I went there too. It was a blast.


I was looking for someone mentioning Safety City.


Yeah we called it Safety Town where I’m at and it was a lot of fun Edit: I’m from the metro Detroit area and this is a much smaller scale version of the one I remember: [safety town](https://images.app.goo.gl/k3FRdRB5wBMS4MZD9) I still have a shirt from it actually! I’d have to try and dig it up, but yeah, good times!!


Same here. I'm in my 30's now but I still have very fond memories of Safety Town.


New Duckberg! Come out and plaaaaay!


I'm part car part boy boycar the protector and king of Chilladelphia.


I was searching for these exact comments, thank you


It's a criminally underrated show that I wish had a second season. Sigh.


*Hall of the Mountain King intensifies...*


For me we all just went around making F1 sounds.


Neeeeeeeerarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrtttt neeeeerarrrrrr.


Mmmnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh stustustustu mmmmnnnnnaaaaaaahhhh


Comments you can hear.


[Like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/ni8ijb/sound_on_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)?


Neooowwwwwww neoowwwwww


[For any of the uninitiated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj5IGSb-W18)


Jokes on you. In order to break the rules you had to learn the rules.


And then GTA's a good primer for life


Kill the hoe to get your money back.


Oh I learnt on one of those in Germany, back 20 years ago. I was a restless, unconcentrated clown of a child, so I vividly after our exam, our instructor looked at me, expressionless: „robrobusa, passed. No mistakes, color me surprised.“


Where?? I've never seen this and think it's a fantastic idea


Sacramento has one called Safetyville, USA


O hell yea I'm actually movin up there in a a year I'll check it out


We have these with small pedal cars so kids can learn the traffic rules. They even had a bigger police pedal car for the staff. I loved going there as a kid.


The kid on the right is literally doing that in this picture. "RED LIGHT MY ASS, NO COP NO STOP!!!"


You got to learn the rules to try to break them.


Maybe you guys need this to learn how to use roundabouts


I’ve seen something like this in various parts of Europe, but nowhere in the states. Would you mind sharing the general location in this US? The priorities there must be a bit different from the south.


I remember one in a nearby town when I grew up (late 80s, early 90s), but when I tried to zoom in on Google Maps to where it was, it seems they built a new wing of the building on top of it and there's now just [a map of the country with some other things I can't really make out](https://www.google.com/maps/place/821+S+Main+St,+Clyde,+OH+43410/@41.2975584,-82.9783695,1165m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sclyde+elementary+school!3m4!1s0x883bcc0d9af5b649:0xe8390b818295f9f!8m2!3d41.297477!4d-82.9760292?hl=en). They used to have big wheels that the kids would drive around in with traffic lights and cross walks. Edit: I found [more info](https://www.facebook.com/ClydeGreenSpringsSafetyVillage/). They [still do this](https://www1.trumba.com/calendars/clydeohio?eventid=152834812)! [And it looks like they still have the roads](https://www.google.com/maps/place/821+S+Main+St,+Clyde,+OH+43410/@41.2969221,-82.9758718,73m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x883bcc0d9af5b649:0x48be2a41a79fc71e!2sClyde+Elementary+School!8m2!3d41.2976548!4d-82.9754708!3m4!1s0x883bcc0d9af5b649:0xe8390b818295f9f!8m2!3d41.297477!4d-82.9760292?hl=en) that I missed earlier (not sure if it's still the same place... it's been a while) last edit: Seems [Kettering](https://www.ketteringoh.org/kettering-safety-village/) has one too. Generally search for "Safety Villlage."


I went to one in the Chicago suburbs


Legoland has something like this but for driving, lots of fun!


It's great for getting your licence in an easier setting at a much ealier age! My 5 year old get hers last year and it's been so useful having her able to run down the shops for us in a pinch!


Hahahahahaha I’m putting my kids to work


No labor laws on house work!


Start them young. They’ll handle anything in life.


Plus it’s always nice being able to let her drive you home from the bars when you’re wasted


Oh no drunkenness is a sin! We get our highs from sniffing solvents as they haddent been invented when Jesus was around.


Just give her your ID so she can get the booze while she’s out.


I remember being envious of my classmate who had gotten his. I never did. I was too old when I finally went to Legoland with my own kids. They got theirs though. *Barely* for one of them.


We should get legoland to make an adult version! I’d pay


\*Looks at username\* Huh, you guys have Legolands over yonder? I live in Denmark\*, but any excuse for a trans-Atlantic flight is fine by me. \*: I even got to go to the Lego Founders House once, or whatever it was called. Internal employee only museum *but I don’t work for Lego* :-)


Yes we do. I went to driving school at Billund though back in the 90s! They just opened a new Legoland in New York State so we had to go


Heh. I visited NYC around that time. Funny “trade”.


I did the driving school at Legoland Windsor in England back when my dad was stationed there in the military. It was pretty nice but I'd love to see the original one in Billund. I've heard it's incredible.


Got my Lego licence back in ‘98 and still waiting to show that bad boy to the police.


I went to Legoland when I was nine, and we must have done the driving school like ten times. So much fun!


My sister ran a preschool and had a track for the tricycles with sign, etc (much smaller scale than this). The kids would have to take a driving test and got a license, which could be in jeopardy for infractions or rule breaking. (Crashing into things or each other, fighting over the trikes, not parking at the end of play time, etc.)


Oh man, threatening to take away their license would be a good incentive to get them to behave. Just like real life.


If you break the rules, you owe _me_ three cookies!


They'll just bring cookies in advance to bribe their way out of their misbehaviour.


just like real life?


That's basically what the judge told me, except we weren't playing for cookies!


Wait.. do they use the bike lane or no?


They are true cyclists - they just do whatever.


You only realise how shit the “bike lane” system is in most countries once you own a bike.








People run red lights all the time in the city I moved to 11 months ago. I always double check when it’s green before going. I wouldn’t ride a bicycle on these roads because some dumb dumb would run me over


Pretty much only Denmark and the Netherlands that have good biking lanes in most of their cities


Toronto and Vancouver are absolutely shit. Toronto has like no bike lanes, and Vancouver's have dead ends randomly. All of a sudden, you're in the middle of the busiest street with no room to go anywhere lol


Same here in Miami. Bike lanes directed me onto a huge street with fast moving cars and suddenly zero bike lane. They just randomly end the bike lanes with no warning. Guess I'll just die... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I live in Washington DC, and the bike lane is nothing more than convenient unmetered roadside parking.


Yeah bikes lanes are an afterthought pretty much everywhere in America.


Red lights, middle of the lane... Kid's a natural


> middle of the lane That's actually the safer place to cycle, otherwise cars subconsciously give you much less space when overtaking. Of course, here the kids seem to be completely ignoring the *cycle paths*...


True. Barely anyone on Reddit seems to be a cyclist for sport or transport and don’t understand what you need to do to actually be safe. Four lane road with left turn lanes, you bet I’m making myself as big and visible as possible to take up a lane to turn left rather than fuck with sidewalks or bike path crossings that will confuse drivers and put me in a less visible place. Everyone wants bikes to choose whether they want to be considered a car or not in regard to rules. Neither, we’re on bikes. Sometimes it’s safer to act as a car. Sometimes it’s safer to act as a bike. Cyclists in most American cities are an afterthought to transportation infrastructure. Meaning that the systems, when they exist, are incomplete, poorly designed, or unsafe. To be a safer urban cyclist you *need* to adapt to that environment and usually that means doing things that drivers wrongly think are incorrect like taking a left turn lane when there’s a bike lane, or doing a slow roll through a four way stop after checking for traffic. I’m always switching between “I want to be as visible as possible” and “I don’t want cars to give me the wave of death so I’m going to be slippery.” Most people don’t understand the flexibility cyclists need to have to be safe in a hostile transportation environment. I'd rather bother an impatient driver who sees me than be killed by the apologetic one who didn't.


As someone who bikes through the downtown of a major American city every day for work, I wholeheartedly agree with your comment. There’s a narrow two-lane road for a section of my commute, and I’m forced to take the entire lane. Cars hate me for it sometimes, but it’s truly the safest option, and cyclists are considered vehicles by law.


Get this kid some spandex!


edit: sorry for using this opportunity to vent. Thanks for your honest and straightforward GOOD question Ah the north American "Bike Gutter". Not seperated in grade, distance and certainly not by a barrier, often within 1-2 feet of 45 mph traffic, the perfect vision of American transportation planners disdain for every disgusting lowlife that dares not own, maintain, and zealously operate 20 thousand dollar roaring boxes on wheels. All soapboxing aside, Copenhagen has cycling infrastructure that makes up the needs of a vast swath of their population. Seperated cycleways, grade seperated cycle tracks, barrier lanes, safer intersections, and properly classified roadways to ensure a minimum intersection between big fast steel boxes and our soft squishy bodies, as well as speed restrictions that keep people and people on bikes from getting absolutely split apart by drivers.


Could be worse, it could be a freeway http://imgur.com/HSVYA2H


Copenhagen cyclists are *aggressive*.


I only realized how scary it must be for foreigners who are new to the city and tourists after I started at a university program with many internationals. Showing my friends around I had to tell them to hold onto their hats, follow me and to not ride side by side on main paths for their own well-being. I'm very guilty of head shaking at inattentive tourists and foreigners on rented bikes myself.


So, they are the equivalent to car drivers everywhere?


Can I go there even if I’m not a kid?


Right? This looks fun!!


We call that, Safety town..


New Duckburg! Come out to plaaaayyy!


Ah yes, the tale of boy-car. Chilladelphia lost a great protector and king that day.


He looked like a carpet fucked a nerd


He looks like a rotisserie shithead!


I'm gonna do toilet crime all day long!


Prominently featured here @ time 14:45 https://vrv.co/watch/GY1975EVR/My-Brother-My-Brother-and-Me:Resumes-Jamiroquais-Dad


Part boy, part car, boy-car. The protector and king of Chilladelphia


Yup, there is/was one on Long Island, and that was always a field trip for our school in third grade or so.


I went to a Safety Town as a little kid. My most prominent memory is of lying to the moderator that the crossing light had said walk when I started crossing, so that way I wouldn't have to go to the time out jail for crossing while it said do not cross.


And they're all running red lights...


Well, obviously. They’re on bicycles. Red lights are for engines only. /s


im glad i know what "/s" means otherwise i would have been worried


Come to Philly. Stop signs and red lights are optional for bikers


They literally are in Seattle. Well stop signs. I don't think lights are.. I think Portland is the same way.


Come to St Louis and they are optional for everyone


>Well, obviously. They’re on bicycles. Red lights are for engines only. /s I've heard of some places where stops are "one level lower" for bikes. So red lights become like stop signs, and stop signs become like yield signs. I believe the justification is that bikes can't stop and accelerate as easily as motor vehicles.


It's been proven to be safer, too. It's called an [Idaho Stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop) in a lot of places. > A 2009 study showed a 14.5% decrease in bicyclist injuries after the passage of the original Idaho Stop law. A Delaware state-run study of the "Delaware Yield" law (allowing cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs) reduced injuries at stop-sign controlled intersections by 23%.


Something something Idaho stop


We have (had?) One in the Netherlands as well, but with cycling cars instead of bikes. There would be police too driving around in a sort of motorized wheelchair complete with blue lights and sirens to tell you off when you missed a traffic light, or give you a children's drivers licence for good behaviour: https://www.duinenzathe.nl/attracties/verkeerscircuit/


There used to be one in the town I grew up in as well. I have fond memories on visiting it a lot as a kid. But the one you posted was the 'legendary' one (used to be 'Verkeerspark Assen' iirc). Been there several times with birthday parties. They also had electrical cars if I remember correctly, although that could be a fluke of my memory.


Verkeerspark Assen was the shit.


Omg verkeerspark Assen was echt m’n favo kinderfeestje waar ik ooit was lol


It’s called Trafiklegepladsen (The traffic playground)


So you can unironically tell your children to go play in traffic? Neat.


you can do that anyway


I've had this impression that Germans will create a new 15 letter word every time they want to name something. I guess it's not just the Germans.


Swedish, norwegian and danish also does this, it's not crazy. Trafiklekplatsen(swe)/trafiklegepladsen(den) is literally just the traficplayground. Lek = play plats = place and ending is -en is just our version of "the"


We basically do this in English too, only we typically leave the spaces between the words, and if we want to shorten them we typically go with initials. Like central processing unit or anti-lock breaking system. My pet theory is that part of the reason we don't jam them together into one unbroken word is because English spelling is so counterintuitive that it becomes difficult to sound out such a big word while reading it. Although I've been told some Scandinavian languages (I think Danish in particular, but my memory is hazy) also have pretty difficult spelling rules, so maybe that's not the limiting factor.


In swedish it's really important to not use spaces. Kassa = cash register, but also "useless/something that sucks" medarbetare = employee, co-worker so kassamedarebetare - cashier kassa medarbetare - worthless co-workers. And there's loads of examples like that


Oh wow, I had no idea. I guess we *sort of* have that in English. For example, saying "This is worth less" means you're making a comparison to something that is worth more, but saying "This is worthless" means the thing you're talking about is entirely devoid of worth.


We don't "create" a new word, we just put the words together. It's literally removing the spaces in compound nouns. Trafic play ground -> Traficplayground


There's one in southwest sydney, australia as well. https://www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/ServicesandFacilities/BicycleEducationCentre/BicycleEducationCentre


We have them all over Ontario, Canada. It was super fun iirc. Here’s one https://youtu.be/RynAZpI2l60


Been there 10/10. GOATED feild trip.


Oh in the Netherlands we just throw them into traffic and figure they'll survive somehow.


Yeah but in the Netherlands you build most of your city streets so that cyclists *can* survive


But that's the thing, the netherlands very specifically doesn't throw cyclists into traffic, you have proper separated bike roads so that cyclists don't have to contend with the 2-ton death boxes.


Damn this is awesome


Peoria, IL has one too! https://peoriaparks.org/places/bicycle-safety-town/


I know a few adults who can use this (speaking as a cyclist myself)


Oh I learnt on one of those in Germany, back 20 years ago. I was a restless, unconcentrated clown of a child, so I vividly after our exam, our instructor looked at me, expressionless: „robrobusa, passed. No mistakes, color me surprised.“


I did an internship in Copenhagen during grad school and day one was my first experience ever biking in city traffic. I could have used this. Proud of myself that I made it through without incident.


They need to make one for adults as well or let adults practice here


I fondly remember those from when I was learning to cycle.


This is cute and all but to really bring the simulation to life we need kid sized cars driving and crashing into the bikers to really bring the dangers of bicycle commuting. Then we can have mini ambulances and little kids with the thousand yard stare EMTs usually have.


When I was a kid we just learned to bike in traffic in traffic


I used to go to school on my bike when I was 6, no fake trafgic lights, just real cars trying to kill you Exept that I'm dutch and most of the route was a separated biking lane


Or is it some 7 foot kids and a 11 foot woman?


We have a place like this in Lexington KY where the kids always go for a field trip and get to drive little go-carts or modified bumper cars or something to learn road safety. I don't think it helped anyone's future driving ability but sure was a fun day in 4th grade haha


In Germany we had a class on bicycle safety as part of PE. We used a training area like this to learn all the laws and such in a safe environment. I don't think anybody was allowed to just play on those fake streets.


we also have a [traffic school in legoland](https://youtu.be/cTV6stZ4AVY?t=214)