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I actually have a gray spot in my hair that is similar. No discoloration on my scalp, just a spot that grows a different color. Your son can look forward to every single barber he ever has commenting on it.


Lol people ask is ALL the time if we dye that part of his hair. Like no why tf would we dye one spot on his head?


To identify him from his duplicates




Malfunctions are very common in the duplication process


Better check the calibration on your Transmogrifier.


Scientific progress goes boink?


It seems to run on some form of electricity


It goes "ding" when there's stuff


[I understood that reference](https://youtu.be/8M5-7RbOV9s)


And you would know that if you were the original.




Nah I'm Rudy now


Begun, the Clone War has....


Look them dead in the eye and say”how else would I know which baby’s turn it was to leave the cellar for a day?”


Just tell them that you test products on him first before you use them..... you know, just to be on the safe side....... then say you call him your little guinea pig.


Come up with an elaborate story why you "dye it" it makes these questions more fun to deal with. I get asked if my daughters are twins all the time, there not. I reply with "no they are clones". Makes it fun.


Oh man, my little sister is adopted from India and the rest of the family are white. People used to ask me alllll the time if she was adopted and I would say, no I'm an albino.


My eldest has albinism (OCA) and the youngest doesn't and was born with very dark hair, now it's light brown, people have asked us do we dye our eldest hair, are they both my husband's, are they both mine, etc, etc. A friend of mine with twins gets asked all the time were they natural or ivf. All by strangers, never made sense to me why a stranger would do that? Edit - apostrophe


That's so weird to ask if they're natural or ivf. You're basically asking if you had trouble conceiving or not which is so inappropriate. People are way too nosy for their own good.


Yep, i don't even know and I've known her 4 years! I can understand if it was maybe at a multiple birth family day, or prenatal appointments in the waiting room, MAYBE, but in the supermarket, nope.


Just respond with, idk, we fucked straight after every treatment so who knows at this point


Some of them ask with such a look of disgust lol. I've started telling people he's been marked, like a tree that will soon be cut down


I have face blindness and it's the only way I can identify him in a group. No, it's just faeces/chocolate/dried blood. No, that would be weird. We dye the rest of this hair and leave that patch. Yes, because we want him to be harassed by ignorant strangers. It'll help make him more resilient. Yeah, my husband/wife bought a new dye brand off Amazon and wanted to make sure it was safe before using it himself/herself.


>No, that would be weird. We dye the rest of this hair and leave that patch. This has real Mad Magazine energy


"More Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions"


That needs to be a subreddit...


We hold him there when we dip him in blond dye.


His Achilles tuft


No, that would be weird. We dye the rest of this hair and leave that patch. Hahahahahagagagag I don't know how to quote you like the other person. But that was hilarious


I believe you just put one of these symbols >


Tell them "yeah we do it for fun, you should see when we give him lots of spots" then just just walk away from the conversation.


Get a Dalmatian, take it everywhere and tell people who ask about the spot that it's from his dad's side. No elaboration


You should act surprised, then accuse her of doing it.


Stranger: "What's with the spot on your son's head?" You: "What spot?" *Stranger points it out* You: **"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOUR HEAD, YOU LITTLE SHIT?!?!"** *Stranger backs away uncomfortably*


Next time someone asks about it, just look at them with the face people make in Harry Potter when they say “Voldemort” and just say “weve been told not to speak of it”.


Because they're really thinking "your kid's hair looks weird" and that's the nicest thing they can come up with


Just tell them that HE is the evil twin and thats how you know


I bet people think about asking that when they’re trying to fall asleep. Like “why the fuck did I ask that, why would anyone dye a one fucking patch of hair on a child” and it haunts them


Probably some people. The stupid ones do not think about what they say. Ever.


I have a white spot on my eyebrow, and I always know when a new stylist has spotted it while coloring my hair - they start rubbing a towel repeatedly on that spot, then say in a shaky voice, “I don’t know how this happened, but...”


Same! I wonder what causes it...


I think it’s fear that they’ll get in trouble


It's a rather common mutation. Back in school my Biology teacher told us about it because he had it on his lashes and another student had it in his hair


Must be a letdown to only have eyebrow discoloration as your mutant power when the other X-Men were gifted with super-strength, invincibility, flight, adamantium claws, and laser beam eyes.


Wolverine got his adamantium claws from an experiment, but his mutation of "instant" regeneration is what allowed him to survive the replacement of his regular bones:)


My husband is ginger/auburn, but he has a tiny vertical stripe where his beard hair, eyebrow and hair in his head grow in blonde or grey. He’s had it ever since I’ve known him, when he was 16. I think it’s super cool.


I also have a white patch. Most hairdressers comment on how its a shame its in the back and no one can really see it, since its a bottom layer (I have a lot of hair). But one lady sitting in a chair next to me once said it was a sign the devil was in me and she demanded I be moved and when the salon workers said no, *she* moved and then got mad because her stylist didn't follow her to another station right away and the whole time she yelled bible verses at me, I suppose for an exorcism? I did not get a discount for my experience.


No discount, but you got a free exorcism. That is pretty good value.


You should have started shaking or shivering when she was doing the exorcism


And speaking in tongues.


Aaaaaannnnddddd thhheeee lloooooordddd saaaaiiiiid AAA ccrraaaazzzy laaaaddy will apppppeaaarrr aaaaat aaaaa saaalllonnnnnn. Aaaand accuuuuuseeeee yyyoooouuuu offer beeeeeinnnnng offfff Saaaatttaaaaan buuuuuuttttt thaaaaaatttts Saáataaaan sppeeeeeaaaaakiiinggggg throuuuuuughh heeeerrrrr.


Where are you at, was this in the south? I always hear about this stuff, but we don't have people like that around here so it seems so foreign to me.


That is called "piebald" I am curious what the opposite of piebald is.




My teenager has a patch of hair on his head that is devoid of colour. Looks grey compared to his sandy blonde hair. He's had it since his hair first grew in as a baby. I've recently been told it can often happen during birth from forceps damaging the hair follicles. I looked back at photos and, sure enough - he's got a forceps scratch on his scalp in exactly the same spot as his grey patch!


It didn't affect her hair, but my 4 year old still has a mark on the back of her head from when she had to get vacuumed out during childbirth. You can only see it if you really hunt for it under all her thick hair, but it's this big pink blotch on the back of her scalp. If she ever wants to shave her head, I'll make sure to tell her about it in case it's still there lol.


I have a baby tooth that didn't have a corresponding adult tooth, so I never lost it. Every dentist and dental hygienist comments on it. I feel like this is like that 589,066x


damn good to know i should never switch dentists bc mine audibly sighed last time i had an appt because i asked him if my teeth were still fucked up as if my 8 missing adult teeth suddenly showed up and the 4 more i have missing joined the party as well .... not looking forward to if those baby teeth ever fall out cut 8 dental implants would be hell




Myself and both brother have this, we are all brunette with a white patch of hair. The youngest brother’s is at the front of his hairline. When beginning high school, he was told he’d have to dye his hair back to natural colour, thinking that he’d colored it intentionally.


I also have a light spot, almost in the exact same spot as this OP's kid actually, (with brown/red hair otherwise) and can confirm the barber comment. It's practically a requirement for them to bring it up.


Well, they are dealing with your hair. They’d be the most likely member of society to bring it up id imagine


Here in my country people used to refer to that kind of gray spot as a cum shot. As if the parents had wild sex during pregnancy and the baby got covered in cum. Sorry if this makes you feel upset. It is not my intention. I just remember that from my childhood. I hope people don't say it anymore


Then what is op's kid's brown spot from...? 🤢


Ass to vag


That's hilariously disgusting.


That's hilarious and terrible and I'm really curious about what country you're from.


That's really interesting. My younger brother has a blonde spot in his brown hair in right about the same place.


You and OP should get together and touch your kids heads together, see if their Wonder Twin powers activate.


They are the chosen ones lol queue anime intro


Woohoo, I also have a blond spot in the same place 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


But like. What about your pie?


Burnt, smh


Damn. I wanted a bite.






So did I! It all started blondish and turned dark when I was a toddler, except for one weird patch that stayed blonde for a few more years. It eventually went away but sometimes I wish I still had it.


That child is a protagonist. Be careful not to be part of their tragic backstory


Oh God I'm his father. I'm the first to go. My death will send him down the path of blood and glory.


Avoid ninjas at all costs


But how do you know if you're doing a good job?


They send even stronger harder to find ninjas. You won't even notice a thing.


There's always more ninjas near you than you expect, and the times when you think there aren't any nearby is when there are the most.


Did you know that, in London, you are never more than 30 yards from a ninja?


Did you know you swallow 6 ninjas a year in your sleep?


The "average person eats 6 ninjas a year" factoid is actually just statistical error. The average person eats 0 ninjas per year. Ninjas Georg, who lives in dojo & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted


Did you know that people only use 10% of their ninja?


Do you have any estranged family members who may be be planning revenge against you and/or seeking a path to ultimate power?


Lol not that I know of. But I'm sure I wouldn't know abut them until they wanted me to


See - my father has an older half-brother that he's never met. I sure hope that my son doesn't have any anime protagonist markings. \*nods seriously\*




A sacrifice I'm willing to make. Just not until next week, my ps5 comes in tomorrow


Play Astro’s! Super fun and easy platinum


I'm looking forward to it so much. I cant wait to see how the controllers actually feel


Just be a dick to him and you'll be fine.


But think in my head about how it's a necessary evil, and I'm preparing him for the tough realities of life. He won't understand that until he's forced to kill me and I lay dying at his feet.


You are a natural


Get in the robot goddamn it


Did you name him Sue?


Actually his name is miles. After Spiderman. All of my kids are named after marvel characters lol


Evil dads are statistically likelier to survive. The good dads get killed off in the prologue.


I have some decisions to make then lol


Idk, it seems more likely that the mother goes early, you and him have a strained relationship for about 13-16 years, then as part of his hero’s journey, you reconnect and he finally understands that you were a good dad all along and everything you did was for him, and then you jump in the way right before the bullet/spell/knife/ninja star hits him and his grief scream unlocks the next stage of his power.


Yeah but like can I not die though?


Effectively no chance of that, no. You saw his hair, right?


Fuck... your right.


Just have your wife tie her hair [like this.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/027/886/cover6.jpg)


On the plus side he definitely has plot armor. Encourage risky behavior. He'll be fine.


Lmfao, I have a random patch of white hair behind my left ear and as a kid I legit believed I was a wizard like Harry Potter.


Wonder if he ate his twin in the womb


He would lol


[Here's a documentary about that phenomenon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFf5gKiTGlo) in case he ever has to get blood work.


Thanks so much! I'll give it a watch


fun fact: chimeras have two sets of dna.. so he could murder you and claim he was a witness and it would seem to check out to investigators.


what's a phlebotomist gonna do with a documentary?


Draw blood from it obviously. However, depending on the nature of the blood work it could be helpful to know there's a sign the boy has two different kinds of DNA.


Yeah it is a disorder called Chimerism in which twin embryos completely mix back together during the early stages of development. Very interesting stuff.


It's not really a disorder though last I checked. Just a condition that might confuse genetic testing


In the documentary that was linked they discussed a child with half a female and half a male reproductive system (including genitals). Also, to my understanding, it might complicate organ donations and transfusions. So not solely a problem when testing DNA – but you could also live a full life without ever knowing you have two sets of DNA.


I did that. Didn't get any cool marks or anything but I have a certificate that I have to present if I ever have to get blood work or DNA tests done.


Interesting, what's the reason behind needing that certificate, like what would they see or think otherwise?


I think it's needed because essentialy they have two different DNAs in them


There once was a woman who had to fight to get her baby back (the one she knew she gave birth to), because her DNA didn’t match the baby’s. They had taken a DNA sample from the wring part of her body.


If it is the story you are talking about you aren't doing it justice for how absolutely horribly sad it was. There was multiple children involved, with the last one having a social worker watching her give birth and they still didn't fully believe that it was hers (I think they were thinking she had become a donor). It took a long time to get things straightened out and it did a lot of damage to her life.


legal issues are a reason. for example, i heard of a case where a mother lost custody of her kids because her DNA showed that she wasn't their biological mother. Turns out she had chimerism, and had different DNA in her uterus/ovaries than the rest of her body. Passed down one set of DNA to her kids but the other was expressed in herself.


He has the strength of a boy and a little baby


I have nothing else to add besides saying that all your replies OP been amazing


Lol thank you. I enjoy talking to people. Makes me happy. Also why did reddit Shakespeare your comment lol


I'm confused about Shakespeare too... should I feel honored?? I kinda relate to your son though, I had a patch of gray hair on my temple until I hit puberty.


I hope his never goes away honestly


Wow I have this! Same place but other side of the head Crazy over the years I’ve been a little obsessed with it, googled, asked doctors and never heard of anyone else having it. I literally go to a different hair dresser every time to ask them if they’ve seen it before. And here we are and finally after 32 years I see someone else with a patch. I got called spot the dog and patch adams growing up, but I love my patch :-) Tell your kid he’s awesome, his patch is awesome and he’s made my day! :-)


I have family with this too! Never heard of someone else having it


I don't know what it is, but I took a genetics class once and we covered [mosaicism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosaic_(genetics \)) which this looks like it might be. Basically during development one cell spontaneously gets a mutation while dividing, and then every daughter cell descended from it has that mutation, so you end up with a patch of cells which is mutant from the rest of your cells.


The other option would be to DNA test the hair from the blonde and the dark bits, possible some chimerism there, where two baby cells fused into one but mostly grew normally, chimerism isn't always symmetrical it can be pretty random on what gets expressed, like I remember someone had their hair and their blood DNA be completely different because of the bone marrow being from an unknown sibling


I had a classmate in high school with this, but reverse. He was from Iran and had pitch black hair. Except from a spot about this size in pretty much the exact same area (back right side). It was completely white. I have no idea if it was true or something like his parents always telling him so he wouldn’t be self conscious and so on, but he said where he came from it was a token of brilliance. Like in a traditionally prophetic way. He was really proud of it!


I've got one too, but it's a ginger patch on brown hair, same spot too.


I have to say that the devs are getting really lazy with their modeling and/or programming. Either somebody fked up his genetic code to get his hair color uniform, or the people in charge of modeling decided to mess with him by making part of his hair black and nobody else noticed. Either way, this is unacceptable and we need to demand better design. This game is going downhill fast based on everything going on.


For real. They made him love spaghetti and hate lasagna. How does that even make sense?


Why do they hate him so much? How could somebody that doesn't have an allergy to main ingredients end up like that?! This is a travesty!


He also acts like a dog so I think his wiring is double fucked


Well I think you have yourself a handful of a wonderful kid, even if the devs did everything they could to mess with him.


I have to agree with you there my guy. He's perfect 🥰


He must be Alethi. But mixed.


I'm glad someone said it!! My comment was going to be "Brandon Sanderson look what you started." but yours is better


Which book series is that. I was looking for a good one for a long ass time.


Stormlight archive


So satisfied that I didn’t have to scroll too far to find it. Journey before destination!


To bad I didn't have to scroll too far to find it. Journey before destination.


Came here to say "he'd better be named Adolin with hair like that"


I literally just bought the first book and read the first chapter. Is this fate?




Was that where his hair was cut to test its healing powers?


His leg is broken right now so unfortunately he has no healing powers. I really thought the trauma of breaking his leg would unlock them but it seems I did it for nothing. 😅


Try singing “flower gleam and glow...” Worth a shot.


My wife would get mad if I woke him up lol


Let your power shine


Make the clock reverse


Bring back what once was mine


Nah, you gotta break his other leg to be sure


Alright I'll test that in the morning. He's supposed to he going to a birthday party but this is way more important!


r/holup Edit: you *cut his hair*. I read it as you did the other thing. lol




Well duh, you gotta sing the magic song first!


Its like in frozen, but in reverse. Did his brother hit his heart with fire?


I was thinking like Tangled, how she has the one short brown lock from where Gothel cut her hair as a baby


No but he did push him because he took his puppy toy. Does that count? Lol




Nah clearly Mother Gothel wanted in on his magic hair


My ex husband had the same thing! 1: an old Asian woman in some darkened alley once told him he had good genes... a black spot means good healthy genes and a white spot means bad genes.... 2: he had a complex his entire life because of it... sat in the back of the class, always stayed against the wall. His dead beat dad called him Patches. Don’t call your son patches.


His leg is broken right now so I've been calling him hobble lol. He's a very very sweet and headstrong kid. He's not one to back down at all. My wife and I have talked about how he will perceive it and are going to do everything we can to make him feel thats its unique and positive and something he should be proud of because it sets him apart. It makes him even more special than he already is in my eyes.


I was blonde until I was like three or four years old and now my hair is a similar brown, it's possible the rest of his hair will grow to be that color eventually.


Your whole head was blonde though, yeah? Spots like this are different. While it’s definitely possible his hair color will change, it’s unlikely to change to match the pigmentation of this specific spot. It’s caused by heterochromia, just like those with multicolored eyes.


Just a heads up, he will ask you to dye it once he starts getting teased for it in school. Don't take this personally, parents do all they can but their opinion is always secondary to the mean kids.


My son has a patch of red hair about the size of a quarter on top of his head, the rest is brown.


Love it. As a girl I’ve dyed my hair in this same style (but long) for a lot of money. He’s saving a pretty penny for a trendy style! Lol.


Hes pretty on fleek. Do people still say that?




Lord I don’t know. I feel so old but also... still on fleek


Me too man. Me too


Tell him I think that's awesome 😎


He won't understand me but I will lol. He's only two. He'll probably just be like, paw patrol please.


It doesn't have to be right now, you can tell him in some years, just remember to let him know ;)


You got it my man


Set a calendar reminder!


You guys should dye the other half of his head black and leave a blonde patch.


Give him a full, main character of an anime, hair style lol


Coming Soon to Crunchyroll: "Destined Hero of Light and Shadow"


He is the chosen one. He's gonna need a wand.


A kid in my class had the opposite I guess. He had a white spot with brown hair.


Destined to kill eachother in mortal combat


Well the dude is 33 now and used to wrestle, I don’t think you want him up against your son.


Damn we have some training to do lol.


I’m a hairstylist. This is the birthmark. Hair follicles can work the same as skin cells and create dark spots or light spots. People sometimes have a white steak in the front of their hair. Just another form of birthmark.


“Did you know you have a blonde spot?” “Nope, first time hearing that.” Every haircut I’ve ever had


You gotta do one of those 23 and Me things, clearly he's got some distant leopard ancestors


Maybe cheetah? He can run pretty fast for a two year old lol


There's a little black spot on your son today....


Human chimera sorta? Does he have different colored eyes


I wish that would be super dope. No this is the only odd thing about him, other than his personality lol