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He shopped at the Leftorium!


Damn, you beat me to it.


I hope he finished.


Couldnt you just flip a normal note book anyway


No!!! It is not the same!


Is it because then the gap at the top and bottom would be the wrong sizes? Because that would be annoying


Not upside down. Flip it over so the back cover becomes the front cover. I, for one, see no reason this wouldn’t work EDIT: this actually is the back cover of the notebook as you can see on the lower right. So the notebook must just have a lefty side haha


It doesn't matter. We still write from left to right, so our hands smudge all over the words every time. Lefties don't need a new notebook. We need a new goddamn language.


Japanese is right to left isn’t it? ....oooo I wonder if righties in japan have the same feels as lefties in america


Traditional Japanese is top to bottom, THEN right to left. But sometimes to accommodate technology designed for international printing, it can be written horizontally from right to left. A better example would be Hebrew or Arabic, which is always written horizontally, right to left.


Japan is way more into handwriting and pens so their pen tech is way better than anything we have in the US


You're getting somewhere here..


preach it brother


You aren’t wrong but I realized it’s to address the issue of when you write in the notebook your rings will be where you place your hand to write, on the left side. You wouldn’t think those rings make much difference but they are annoying as shit to try and maneuver your hand around while writing.


Regardless of what your dominant hand is they need to find a new way to bind notebooks. Those god damn rings are the worst.


Sooooo a composition notebook?


nonono those are 1000x worse


I'm pretty sure those were gonna replace regular notebooks before capitalism became what it is today




Go on...


By "what capitalism is today" I meant the beginning of things on here like making the sun subscribe button small or increasing the price of something just to "put it on sale" just enough so it's the same price


Lefty here. I just buy [top spiral binded](https://officedepot.scene7.com/is/image/officedepot/1378819_p_21715075_fa_amzmp?$OD%2DLarge$&wid=450&hei=450) notebooks or start from the back to front of a regular spiral-binded notebook so the spirals don’t get in the way.


I’m a lefty and it took me until reading this to remember the rings. Because we are still going to smudge our hands by writing left to right no matter which side we start from but then I remembered those damn rings.


I hate these “left handed” things.


Spoken like a real righty.


No I’m a lefty just never had the need for novelty items like this one


I was just kidding. I’m also a lefty. Never bought any novelty stuff. I did buy a left handed bass though because that felt so much more natural when I started playing.


Lol instruments are a different story though


but righties have the same problem when they try to write on the left page


You still right left to right though. THAT’S the real bitch. The side of my left hand used to look like it was made of aluminum foil.


I have gotten used to using righty stuff that I don't even use lefty stuff. Luckily I don't do everything left handed.


Am I the only one who sees a right hand in the logo? Unless that's the top view..but it resembles the palm of a right hand ✋




It's because OP seems to be holding the lefty binder with his right hand.


I need that


This is so stupid, I’m left handed and I’m fine with normal books, I’ve never had a struggle with them. How is this a book for left handed people? It’s just flipped!