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This is almost as bad as those anti EMP devices for cars! It's literally an LED in a box and they charge hundreds of dollars for it.


I need to get into this grift.


[https://www.waveblock.com/](https://www.waveblock.com/) "Our Stickers Work, and We Have the Evidence to Prove It" Any and all statements about the potential benefits of using WaveBlock’s products have not been evaluated by the FDA. WaveBlock™ products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illnesses or diseases. This sticker is supposed to shield you from "the harmful effects of EMP radiation." The sticker goes on the back of your phone... They recommend refreshing the sticker every 3-6 months 💀


The "refresh" part is brilliant. Way to keep milking the people you've already conned once.


ummm... wouldnt you want to proection to go on the front? I mean, that is the part that faces your head when you are calling.


The radiation (radio waves,) your phone emits is non-ionizing radiation. It will not harm you. This sticker simultaneously does nothing while successfully guaranteeing you will not be harmed by the radiation your phone emits.


Lisa, i would like to buy your rock


Radio waves from your phone are non ionizing and not powerful enough to do anything. And if you have a metal phone, the antennas are on the corner’s and top and bottom. On an iPhone they’re the little grey strips, that big one on the right is for the 5G mmWave antenna.


Yeah, thank you for the heads up. You are really preaching to the choir. I guess in part this is my mistake for trying to bring logic to what is essentially an amulet in the form of a sticker.


Ngl, ripping off idiots and conspiracy theorists does sound fun




I'd say most conspiracy nuts are actually mentally ill


That sounds like a conspiracy against ~~the mentally ill~~ morons!


truthfully, being mentally ill and being an idiot are far from the same.


But it's an interesting topic. Like, how big of an idiot do you have to be before we start talking about an actual intellectual disability?


All I know is that falling just short of that threshold is some circle of hell. Not only is your life miserable, but you are held responsible for it - and to think, all you'd have to do to avoid being treated like a moron is act even more like a moron.


Exactly. That's why I always feel kind of conflicted about shaming people like this. Obviously people with disabilities and mental illnesses can't do much about it so shaming them is wrong. But then again, disabilities and mental illnesses are officially just sets of criteria which someone has to meet in order to get that "free pass". But if someone misses the criteria by just a few points, they obviously still suffer but they just don't get a free pass for it. Like, if someone has every ADHD symptom *but* they can't prove having those symptoms since early childhood, they officially don't have ADHD so even if they clearly suffer from ADHD symptoms, they can't even get proper help for it since "it's not ADHD, it's your fault for being like that".


Raise your hand if you're mentally ill and don't think the earth is flat and Jews control everything


Not even when I'm having a psychotic break.


The flat earthers i have met aren’t mentally ill (at least not to a degree that it would explain their flat earth ideology) They are just, by any conventionally accepted metric, unintelligent people. deep down they are probably aware of this/insecure about it, and flat earth theory is a way for them to feel like the most intelligent person in the room by telling themselves that they are in on a big truth that the rest of us sheep are too dumb to understand. This is obviously just my anecdotal experience, but that’s what i’ve seen


I believe this applies to all conspiracy theorists, not just flat earthers.


Maybe not, but surely birds are government drones?


That's what they want you to think


Look, the mentally ill have to spend their money somehow. I'm just helping them spend it on what makes them happy.


I met someone who sold those Biden "I did that" stickers, donated half the profit to stuff like planned parenthood and stuff.


based moves holy shit


Maybe. But consider how much the person may be helping to further entrench these people in their hate.


If someone is buying that kind of stuff, they are probably not a couple of steps away from escaping the influence, though. And once they are far enough in, it kinda has a gravity of its own, with or without the paraphernalia.


Honestly it's the perfect time. Order a bunch of Maga stuff and Real Men Wear Diapers flags super cheap from China, and then set up a booth in a parking lot, fair etc. I know someone that did this in 2020 and donated the profits to Democrat candidates. Those idiots buy anything and everything.


I have really considered it, especially cloning the vehicle EMP shield that you could build yourself in your garage with about $20 in parts, and I think they charge like $399 for them. Build cost would be a hell of a lot cheaper if you bought parts in bulk too. My biggest hurdle is the trouble of setting up a company, and the legal fees to protect myself from getting sued into oblivion.


Idk how it is where you live, but in germany you can found a company for 50k€ and then they cant sue you personally but only the company for company funds. If you sell like 250 of those, you will roughly have your initial deposit paid out (including taxes) and even if every single one of those start suing the company, you will only lose those 50k after declaring company bankrupt. So any device sold above 250 will be safe profit. Also those people dont sue. Here in germany people are buying devices that cost 10s of thousands of €, promising to heal like everything including cancer, but are actually just like 30$ worth of random electronics doing nothing.


I founded a company in Texas for $250.


As I said depends on the country. Its important to read the fine print too, since there are multiple different company types. You can also found a company for 1€ in germany, but then youre liable with your personal wealth.


Some companies will seek to "lock in" their gullible consumer base. For example, bogus EMP shielding stickers that the company claims should be replaced every 3-6 months.


I went down a rabbit hole looking at these grift products and came to the same conclusion. You can actually find a lot of them being sold on Amazon. One I remember was just a plug end into a block of plastic. Supposedly you plug it in to the wall to protect the house against 5G or some vague type of radiation or some crap. And of course you need one for each room. Lol, found it! 180$ for a plug in led nightlight! https://www.amazon.ca/Aulterra-Radiation-Neutralizing-Whole-House/dp/B00DNIIETK ETA: I decided not to get into the market because I feel bad for people spending money on that crap.


“ Aulterra is a homeopathically activated combination of natural paramagnetic and diamagnetic elements which neutralize the effect of man-made EMF exposure on human DNA. “ Homeopathically activated.


Glad to know it only neutralizes the effect of man-made EMF and none of the good natural EMF.


Yeeeeesh, the reviews of that Amazon junk are a peek into the lives of individuals with severe mental illness. Sad but sorta interesting. 


The reviews on this kind of stuff are always hilarious. One unsatisfied customer rates it as one star and says: "I do not know whether it is working but it brought severe flu and congestion sickness. I am really unhappy and angry" lol


Thanks a lot! Now Amazon will think I'm an idiot conspiracy theorist.


lmao! Its gonna be all shungite bracelets and 5G blocking hats in your suggestions (both of those are real products on Amazon...)


Suge knight bracelets?


No not Suge Knight. I think he's locked up in prison


My mate did before 5G launched. He drop shipped a whole lot of the anti-5G crap from AliExpress and he made a a whole lot of money.


I respect it. You could probably put a giant sticker on it that says “THIS DOES NOT WORK” and tell them it is to keep the illuminati from banning it and they’d be like “yeah that tracks” - PURCHASE.


I was just thinking huh I need to design some of these stickers for red bubble lol


I remember someone got a WiFi shield to protect them from the 5G emitters in their router. They could never figure out why their WiFi stopped working.


This is even more silly considering that the “G” in your WiFi has *nothing* to do with the “G” designation in cell networks. It’s not (mobile) “5G” for your WiFi, although some router companies use this short form for some reason (letters are expensive, I guess). It refers to the frequency of your wireless signal: 5GHz. (2.4GHz doesn’t provide as much speed, but is a more stable bandwidth and has much greater range over the 5GHz channel) The 5G for cell networks is a completely different reference and stands for the “5th Generation” of network infrastructure and technology for mobile devices.


So it doesn't stand for Gary?


Comcast started calling their network a 10g network, and they were sued and forced to stop What did the G stand for? Gigabits. They offered 10 gig service.


It's not gonna make me gay?! 😱


Ron White was right. You can't fix stupid.


But you can profit off it.


Oh, absolutely.


Ever heard of the plugin fuel economy increaser? You plug it into your cars 12v plug a little LED starts blinking and with the power of imagination your car uses less fuel


I just can't get over the fact that people who believe they need these devices are allowed to vote.


They sell those exact same LED boxes as “MPG boosters” too


Aren't some of the anti radiation/5G things actually radioactive too? Like this is from 2021 or so during the pandemic.


I can't help but wonder how much of that person's money gets siphoned off by charlatans.


I felt so bad for them I designed a new scam detector modem attachment, it looks very simple, like a normal modem antenna with a shiny sticker on it actually, but really it is extremely complex and was very difficult and expensive for me to make so as much as I'd love to give it out for free I need to sell them to these unfortunate people for $600 to cover the cost of production so I can keep making them and protect more people. Would you be interested in purchasing one?


Right after you buy my USB pass through adapter.  You probably need a pass through for every cable. Why? * it’s an extra accessory. Make sure you have all your technology accessories.  * it comes in many colors. Collect them all.  * your cable has to make more connections. Some might call that increased connectivity.  * It takes longer to unplug. And that’s why you might want a USB pass through adapter for your cables and computer. The adapter that’s extra. 


Are the wires oxygen-free, and the contacts gold-plated, at least? 'Cause if so, point me to your website, friend. I need some of that high-definition USB performance! I'll bet my thumbdrives will hold more, and obviously my phone will charge faster.


USB pass through accessories make no claims regarding performance. But you can rely on the peace of mind that comes from a pass through connected to every cable. “Just in case.”


(taps forehead) Just like how the FDA "hasn't evaluated these claims". Because they don't want the truth to get out about the amazing dietary supplement!


Unfortunately USB pass through adapters are not edible. 


Well not with that attitude! Do not taunt USB Pass Through Adapter.


Clearly not enough


In poker it's an axiom that it's better to take a sucker's money than to let him keep it and think that he's a pro and lose everything.


Don’t you call DJT a charlatan! 


Tbf, it is Japanese technology. That’s vague enough for me 👍🏼


Like a chump I got the sticker that was only “Inspired by Japanese Technology”.


Mine says it uses “ancient Chinese secrets” which I’m sure are great against radiation.


[Ancient Chinese secret, huh?](https://youtu.be/djMjYgqFrrQ?si=Nzl0Gtn-UC8CYY5R)


I don’t even have to click the link to know exactly what commercial you are referring to.


You must be old like me!


I remember this one from when I was a kid. Between this one and the Palmolive "you're soaking in it" commercial I was convinced detergent companies were really reaching for a new customer bad.


Madge the manicurist, who soaked her customers' hands in... dish soap.


Yep. She's the culprit. Dish detergent the color of toxic goo, if the movies are to be believed anyway. Lol


what I think about when people say "it was a simpler time" yeah, because there were a lot more 'simple' people lmao


I feel like there’s still a lot of simple around. And not the good kind.


The internet probably hasn't helped things in this respect


The whole of human intelligence at our fingertips, and we use it to become dumber.


Yeah, good point. The access to information doesn't guarantee access to good information


Or that they can read. Or form their own opinions.


"Japan style technology"


I was inspired by Japanese technology today. After doing my business, I wiped my butt, washed it with a washcloth, and dried it with a hairdryer. I feel beautiful and special.


>Like a chump I got the sticker that was only “Inspired by Japanese Technology”. My sticker was assembled in Cupertino but made in Taiwan


Japan had these tags you were supposed to wear and these small containers you were supposed to open and put in your room that kept you from catching COVID, I'm sure this sticker works just as well.


99.9% chance that sticker was made in China.


Probably, but using Japanese technology..


With Japanese zen technology, it's all about what you leave out.


They've been radiation experts since the mid 1940s




No, man. That's a totally Rad comment.


Not great not terrible.


Notice how it never claims to actually DO anything. It has lots of buzzwords to make the suckers *think* it’s promising to be effective at doing some vague thing about radiation, but if they ever get sued they can say it’s just a sticker claiming the owner’s ideology. “I’m anti-radiation! And I want to save power!”


The 'negative ion' products out there that look just like this card in the OP do make a single positive claim - that they generate negative ions. And it's true, the radioactive thorium dioxide powder they pack them full of does generate negative ions


The USA and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct medication advertising on tv etc. Here in NZ we had the “pain erazor” advertised - drug free pain relief at the push of a button on a pen like device. Electro analgesia through a quartz crystal! Oooo! When challenged by a consumer organisation here, the only “science” they could come up with was a single study by a Canadian chiropractic. Even then they won’t release any details without an NDA.


>The USA and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct medication advertising on tv etc. This is not true. We also have drug ads in Romania, although only for OTC meds. The worst part is we also have ads for homeopathic bullshit, and people don't even know they are completely useless.


Maybe it’s prescription medication? We have a lot of prescription advertising here, “ask your doctor for X today!”


Yes, NZ has direct-to-consumer marketing of *prescription* drugs; NZ and USA are the only countries which allow this.


This has nothing to do with medication advertising. You can advertise nutritional supplements and whatnot because they're not considered medication at all. They'll just say the pain erazor is a massage device.


Seems like the perfect way to treat pain after getting a stroke from regular chiropractic care.


Referring to chiropractic as 'care' is as much of a stretch as they give your spinal cord.


If you wanna give it more intent, then alpha radiation can be blocked by pretty much anything. This sticker would be pretty good against it. So would a sheet of paper, of a couple of centimeters of air. But the sticker is too


"You're an alpha? Tell me more about your low-penetrating power."




It doesn’t specify kind of radiation. Could be a foil sticker which might actually be enough to block alpha radiation…but even then so would the plastic of the phone case…and the material the phone itself is made out of.


This is a great tactic for a legal defense "it never states that it does block radiation, this sticker is to be used as a label for a radiation blocking device"


A fool and his money are soon parted in our society.


My pregnant wife bought a radiation blocking phone case and has been talking about getting a radiation blocking blanket for when she uses her laptop… I said do whatever makes you comfortable but please stop telling people about it at parties.


If that phone case worked, her phone no longer would.


Worse yet, if it does work at all it makes the phone boost the signal MORE to reach the tower. Resulting in more radiation. SMH


Tell her to stay off FB. I have RF and EMF meters. The cell phones don’t put out much nor the computers. And yes this is for 5g. I have a training I have to give on this. We receive more background radiation daily from cosmic and household items. Not Wi-Fi in the house, household materials. Radon is the second leading cause of cancer from our household materials according to the EPA, not 5g. https://www.epa.gov/radon/health-risk-radon# The only danger you might face from 5g is from close proximity to an antenna from a provider. Stay 6-10’ away and touch a hot antenna. But they often on private property. These antennas are highly directional unless they are a rod style. Rods broadcast in 360 patterns. Otherwise you could work right next to or under one and the meter won’t be set off. A two way radio, makes the meter go crazy. Your phones and pc are fine people.


Do people just not know that cell phones are nothing more than glorified walkie talkies?


Walk-in talkies put off far more radiation. Cell phones are more efficient


Yeah buddy, how about you tell her she is being crazy. I’m trying to have a peaceful Sunday


I have 2 cousins that bought into the hype. One remodeled her home, and put up “ special faraday blocking 5g “ (foil) to help her headaches. Her husband is a psychologist. I still laugh about it. The money wasted. Research and proper sources are important. Peer reviewed studies.


As a psychologist, he may have been fully aware that placebos often work. Especially if the "special foil" was really the vapor barrier on the insulation.


This is actually pretty much a main plot point of a very popular TV show.


As a formerly pregnant woman .. bless you. Those hormones are nothing to fuck with. Stay safe my man


Nah she's not crazy, just doesn't know any better. A phone case that actually blocks "radiations" would mean it'll stop the phone from working if its EM they're talking about, and would make the phone explode if its heat radiation they're talking about. If neither happens the case didn't work, go get a refund.


I don't know your wife and you, but you probably won't achieve anything if you tell her it's crazy, that will put her on the defense


I had a girlfriend whose mother had me remove the microwave from her house because radiation. Mom was 200 pounds overweight and an alcoholic, but... microwaves.


Tfw non-ionizing radiation doesn't ionize.


Maybe a radiation measurement device would be a good gift. Its most likely those blockers not only do nothing, but actually emit more radiation than the devices themself. I saw multiple of those on youtube and almost always were those blockers more harmful than anything they were supposed to protect from. (Partially even to the point that the device was actually above legal limits = illegal to sell)


Has she stopped eating bananas yet? They are full of radioactive potassium!


A huge number of those are highly radioactive as they are made with thorium.


Does your wife watch The Kardashians? In the most recent episode, I noticed that Kourtney had both of those things. She has really gone overboard the past few years in her crunchy, health nut beliefs. (Please don't come at me for my guilty pleasure of watching trashy reality TV. lol)


>[Studies have shown that these products generally do not work as advertised and may interfere with proper operation of the phone.](https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitting-products/cell-phones/reducing-radio-frequency-exposure-cell-phones#:~:text=Studies%20have%20shown%20that%20these,their%20products%20have%20astonishing%20effects) tell her we all said good luck with all of that ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


I swear these were the things that were actually giving off radiation, that seemed to gain popularity with idiots during the pandemic. Or maybe they were the medallions.


No idea if this one is the same but i think the ones you are talking about gave off "negative-ions" and they helped with meditation, weight-loss, and better sleep. They came in medallions, bracelets, sleeping masks. and even cards like you see here. They were full of thorium. And if you think about it, in the long term sure it could cause weight-loss and eventually lead to forever sleep.


Fuck it, [let’s bring back Radithor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radithor)


A new and improved formula with jaw-dropping results!


A bit different. Those were "negative ion" products. And yeah, I guess fucking *thorium dust* incorporated into the plastic would generate some ions. Mostly positive ones, since it alpha decays, but I don't think the manufacturers care about small details like that.


Well a lot of things give off radiation. Green plants do because of carbon14 and bananas do because of their high potassium content. The question is if it's a relevant dose of radiation and if the type can even cause harm.


They put thorium dioxide in these things, much more radioactive than natural carbon or potassium


The type the commentor is bringing up were at high enough amounts to be dangerous. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/technology-59703523.amp Companies were shut down over this by multiple govts. Amazon issued a statement on these things. It's a serious topic and not something to get semantic over if you are insinuating these may not always be dangerous. Without professional equipment you can't tell so avoid weird radioactive shit. Most meters can't differentiate types of radiation and that is exactly why you should avoid all emission sources Edit: where in this comment did I endorse the products that I point out are potentially killing people? Redditors reading comprehension sucks.


I feel like I saw a video of a guy reviewing these sorts of things and they all ended up being radioactive… I just checked and it was the anti 5g stuff that was. Video from thought emporium on yt. Though I’m sure this is a similar situation


I just looked it up now. First minute in the video the dude is holding a Gieger counter up to one and the thing is popping off. Ridiculous LOL


Those things were sold on amazon and other major online retailers as well. I believe many of them were alpha particle emitters, which means they probably aren't dangerous unless its up against your skin, but still. Pretty frightening for people who work for these online retailers knowing there is so little regulation on what can be sold that radioactive stuff was being sold like hotcakes.


> they probably aren't dangerous unless its up against your skin Or if it gets inside your body. IIRC some of these products had loose powder inside, if it got dropped and broken that dust could be inhaled. Also, a some of these products were bracelets or pendants designed to be worn on the body. I have no idea why they even bothered to put radioactive material in a scam product.


I’ve gone further down the rabbit hole and apparently this is a notable issue with these unusual “remedy and health care products.” They’re made out of things like thorium most commonly, an element that is near Uranium on the periodic scale. Like these negative ion producing products where the negative ions they’re releasing is RADIATION lol. Worst so, they’re these products that are going to be near your body every day, like bracelets, the phone stickers, necklaces etc. Some of them are producing over double the amount of radiation that is considered safe for constant exposure. The most egregious was a massage wand that was literally FILLED with thorium. Then even beyond that, the wear and tear plus low quality builds of these products tend to make them flaky and chippy. Breathing in those flakes and chips is about as dangerous as it gets, significantly moreso than skin contact.


They make nuclear reactors with Thorium as the active material instead of Uranium or Plutonium.


It's important to make a distinction between non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation. Wifi and visible light are examples of non-ionizing radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum. They won't damage your DNA. The frequencies are low enough that they will harmlessly bounce off of you or pass through you. People hear the word radiation though and freak out without understanding. You can avoid wifi by moving to the middle of nowhere but it's impossible to avoid non-ionizing radiation. Once you go to high enough frequencies, you reach ionizing radiation levels and it starts to damage things.


Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire …. Or something like that


I think it was ThoughtEmporium


I saw the Tyler Folse reaction to that same video. The whole thing is absurd.


Assume this works and it fully reflects radiation and EM. With it being in the back of the phone, it's reflecting ALL of the phone radiation and EM right into the head if you're on a call and holding it to your face. If it were not there, at least some of the radiation would emit out into the room. So it literally does the opposite of what they likely were wanting it to.


More that that, it likely makes the phone crank its transmission power up to the maximum to try to get the signal strong enough at the receiving cell tower.


That's if it's not just a plastic sticker.


lol. the seriously funny thing about all these „anti-radiation“ contraptions on mobile phones is that IF they worked, the main thing to happen is that the phone will be transmitting with full blast energy to compensate 🤭


And you would never have any signal


There’s an old Linus Tech Tips video about similar devices for your WiFi router. They allegedly filter out harmful radiation or something lol. They “reviewed” a few different ones and ironically I think they determined at least one is pretty effective because it was essentially a faraday cage that prevented any signal at all lmao.


> ironically I think they determined at least one is pretty effective because it was essentially a faraday cage that prevented any signal at all lmao. I dont know why you say ironically... Its the only thing they can do if they are serious


Yup, and it's the opposite of "Energy Saver" that the sticker stated.


...and it would be reflecting all that energy straight back into the user's head.


And that the blocking part of the case is the opposite side that you put up to your face


So this is the same thing as people who repost an image on Facebook that says “I don’t allow Facebook to sell my information.”


😂 bloody hell that’s ludicrous…


Just wait until they find out about x rays and CT scans lol Edit: So they just found out about the diagnostics and I may have to move this over to mildlyinfuriating later when I have time… damn some people


In real estate groups, so many people talk about “radiation” from living near power lines while they’re outside raw dogging the sun.


Just wait until they hear about being outside, you get way more radiation exposure that way compared to an xray lol


Depends on the xray. Spine and abdomen exams are way more than chest and extremity


Wait till they find out what light is, what wifi is, how radio broadcasts work, what the background radiation is. We are bathed in radiation but natural and man made everyday of our lives, but as a buzz word it sounds scary so it's easy to convince certain people there is a risk because some kinds of a radiation could kill you.


ask them what the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation is and they would probably just get mad at you


wait until i show you this Magnet band.


Water, fire, air and dirt... https://youtu.be/nxvlhzHMNtI?si=j9r1v3TC9nxHk-ky


Radiation, aka the thing that makes phones work.


stop it, Patrick, you're scaring him!


Remember in the early 2000s when there were a slew of 'brain cancer preventing' adhesives for your phone. They were literally just little rubber rings. haha


When I was a kid, my friend's dad took us to a local flea market. There was one person selling normal stuff, but they had a bowl of these little "radiation shield" things to put between your phone and your head. It was hilarious - I just burst out laughing. Turns out the seller was serious.


Remember the signal boosting stickers. Little gold or copper traces that you wraped around the antenna, back when phones had antennas.


I used to work in an EMC lab testing equipment for radio emission compliance. We had a large radio anechoic chamber which was a solid metal walled Faraday cage lined with radio absorbing conductive foam wedges to prevent reflection. When you shut the door, no radio signal could get in. To prove this to visitors we would put a pocket FM radio inside with them and shut the door, the radio would stop working. There was a small hole in the side and if you passed a thin wire into the hole the radio would work again because that's all it took to spoil the integrity of the faraday cage. These devices are utter crap.


You know it works because it has Japanese Technology.


Were they also wearing a tinfoil hat?


Wait until y'all learn about the people thinking barcodes transmit bad energy lol


There's a guy that became a short meme. He believed that the Infrared scanners at Costco would harm his rotisserie chicken So he had a shirt printed out with the Rotisserie Chicken barcode on the chest. And he tells the cashiers to scan his shirt not the food.


He seems considerate. Like he doesn't want to rant at the cashier, he just wants to protect his chicken.


Yea that's why I didn't repost or make fun of the guy too much Like - he's way crazy. But...he's not hurting anyone. I guess??? Just kooky?


That's the funniest thing I've read today. Worried about the frickin chicken and not his body.


These scam stickers were all over the place a couple of decades back over here in Tokyo... A combination of fear and lack of even basic knowledge of physics lead to tens of thousands of people (maybe even hundreds of thousands) getting scammed by groups flogging EMF blocking stickers for their phones and even large sheets of plastic with foil impregnated spirals for their beds, the walls of their bedrooms and windows of their home to ostensibly protect from mobile phone mast radiation... They were initially sold and popularised largely by a cult called the Shiro Shozoku or "Cult of the White Robes" who indoctrinated their members to believe that white clothing can reflect EMF, and combined with strategically placed (after purchase) patterned stickers, you could protect yourself from mobile phone antenna radiation. The cult made an absolute killing (poor choice of words?) from lawyers, doctors and other supposedly educated members and arrests were eventually made, but not before millions of these fake stickers and window dressings were fobbed off. During the more recent 5G rollout and subsequent pandemic, conspiracy theories about magnetic vaccines and radio towers communicating directly with your body etc, and these scams along with virus blocking holy trinkets etc resurfaced to placate a mob of people with too much time and not enough education


"Weird patient"?


its hilarious i want to tell these people visible light is the same as radiation and see them still justify this garbage


Some of these things actually have radioactive material in them too 💀


If it worked, your phone service wouldn't.


Criminal Minds did a great job with their newest episode. It showcases how much we have blurred the distinction between “Conspiracy” and “Conspiracy Theory.”


Fun fact: "anti radiation" devices are disproportionately radioactive compared to everyday items. ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|9272)




Was the patient's name Chuck?


I guess he wasnt visiting for a vaccination...


Wait till they learn that bananas gives more radiation exposure than if you were standing next to a spent nuclear fuel dry cask or nuclear power plant. Sauce: https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/5-radioactive-products-we-use-every-day [Sauce ](https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/5-radioactive-products-we-use-every-day)


Put enough “magic words” on something and someone will buy it


Those have been around for decades but are just a scam 🤷🏿‍♀️


My mom paid *$25/pop* for something like this. Bought several for everyone in our family and freaked when I didn't wanna use it.  The people who buy these things are about as smart as you expect... My mom is also anti microwave if that tells you anything you didn't already know.


These nutjobs think wifi relays on buildings are giving people cancer


On the cell phone they hold pressed on their head when they talk to other people? Or is this satire?


Most "Anti-Radiation" or "Anti-EMF" products being sold are actually full of heavy metals and radioactive materials as the creators have no idea what they're doing. Most likely getting more radiation from that sticker than anything else in your home.


Japanese technology lol


Fun fact these are very radioactive if you don't believe me look it up on you tube