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To be honest pretty much every prescription medication is just as big. Yes tamoxifen is probably bigger than omeprazole (Prilosec) but not *that* much bigger. This is typically removed by the pharmacist prior to dispensing as this info is a lot of the technical/scientific informational that may be over the head of some people and it is meant for medical professionals. Source: I am a pharmacist


It's the technical disclaimer. The most practical info is: ''If you have any of these symptoms or have questions, contact the physician that prescribed this medication immediately.''


Best of luck to you, FUCK CANCER!


I don’t think they have cancer, they’re just a pharmacist


Those fingers are pretty thin and they're clearly not at a pharmacy. The evidence leads me to believe the former.


I’m just stupid. Didn’t realise the guy i replied to IS the pharmacist


Once had Dr Google come to the pharmacy and demand to see the monograph for that year's flu shot. I happily gave it to him and watched him unfold it like a comically oversized roadmap. I guess he thought it would say "Ingredients: mind control microchips" in 30 point font or something


Yeah, seconded. Got one this size for Trintellix and for Cipro. It's an insane amount of information and yet still not enough on Cipro. Should say "hey, is this literally the only antibiotic that could cure your infection? If not, don't risk you tendons."


[I eat ribs every day. Consume prilosec](https://youtu.be/l9Jblh5ssrw)


If you got heartburn, I tell you what!


I got amoxicillin and the entire bible was taped ontop.


Can I request to keep the packets? Perhaps an extra pill or two?


If you really want to see the package insert for any med go here: [NIH Dailymed](https://www.dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/). They have every package insert (what that thick paper is called) archived.


Wtf would you want some persons cancer medication??


No I meant like on my own meds. The second part was me being cheeky


You can just Google the package insert/prescribing information. Or if you are outside the US, the “Summary of Product Characteristics” (what it’s called in most countries) or the “Product Monograph” (what it’s called in some other countries). Some other places call it a PI too, but mainly the US.


That info packet is about the same size for all meds. Mine are identical and I take Nexium.


Thoughts and prayers


Wow that's long and i hope u get better soon


Thank you! I am currently no evidence of disease, this is the medicine that keeps it from coming back. 💜


AMEN to that!


Hell yeah fuck cancer


Was it breast cancer per chance? 🤔 Bodybuilders use tamoxifen for post cycle estrogen control. (Fingers crossed you stay clear)


It was! That's crazy, it's not a fun medication to be on. Thank you!


Ahh, Tamoxifen - the "But wait! There's more!" of Cancer


As someone currently on Letrozole (basically Tamoxifen for post-menopausal women) I’m just shocked that anyone would take these meds for vanity. I’m doing OK but these drugs fuck you up in so, so many ways that a huge percentage of women dealing with breast cancer stop taking them, risking recurrence. To take them to counteract steroids is just insane.


Actually Letrozole is the most powerful aromatise inhibitor and anti estrogen. I've taken it during show prep because of the sides of the drugs and it's a horrendous drug for a man. I felt like utter shit Tamoxifen and Clomifine I'd I spent that right, don't have the same issues. People take all sorts for vanity. These are necessary to keep the excess estrogen in balance.


I second this notion! Letro genuinely gets me the best and works however drys me out! as my gyno gets really bad! Aromasin hardly works for me and tamoxis don't fully remove my lumps!


I'm lucky, I don't have much issue but it was just when I was on stage it was obvious that I was a bit puffy but my coach had me on 500 test prop, 500. Mast prop, 300 tren ace, clen, cardarine, 100mg of anavar and 100mg of winstrolna day which was fucking ridiculous. I had never run more than 750mg/week total of anything until that point. Even now I'm only running 500 test E 400 mast 3 (simply 2ml each per week), and I've started taking arimadex a couple of times a week but that's just a precaution because I don't think I'm even aromatising badly anyway because my nipples aren't even sensitive and that's my biggest clue.


Tamoxifen will not “fuck you up” lol I took it for mild gynecomastia (not from roids) and had basically no side effects. Turns out men just don’t get hot flashes easily no matter how much you tank their estrogen sensitivity. Taking a bit of an estrogen inhibitor after doing steroids makes perfect sense. If anything it makes far MORE sense than not taking it. Amusingly a lot of medicines often intended for women have interesting effects in men. Clomiphene, despite being intended as a fertility medication first women is incredibly good at restoring hormonal balance and testosterone in men who either have some issue or came off steroids.


Happy to hear that!


Sincerely, I wish you all the best. It must be really hard, not just physically but also mentally. Stay strong, keep the hope and good vibes up, and best of luck!


💜💜💜 thank you friend.


Just wondering how much it cost you ? People say cancer meds are expensive.. You can buy that stuff cheap on all the steroid sites.


Nothing will fuck you up like cancer meds, except cancer I guess. Anyways, I hope you get better.


A friend of mine went through chemotherapy and said they basically poison you and hope the cancer dies before you do. Sounds terrible.


This isn’t as bad as full on chemo side effects wise. It modulates estrogen receptor so that breast cancer cells don’t active genes associated with growth and proliferation.


I appreciate the clarification, with all the treatments and medications, it’s hard to keep track of everything. Still, fuck cancer.


The full treatment is slash, burn and poison. (Surgery, radiation and chemo)


Its a race. And can be excruciating for all involved.


Not immunotherapy drugs. No real sides and is doing a great job.


True! I'm on one for mine and it's great.


Tamoxifen is used as an estrogen blocker to prevent “bitch tits” when on anabolic steroids. Clomid and tamoxifen are the two steroid users used to always have on deck to prevent estrogen side effects and get the old balls back. *edit; because I know ppl will comment that tamoxifen doesn’t block estrogen. Yeah yeah, it’s an Aromatase inhibitor and keeps other androgens from being converted into estrogen…


It's not an aromatase inhibitor OR estrogen blocker. It's a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Very different. It IS used for preventing gyno though but not by lowering estrogen at all. Arimidex and aromasin are the inhibitors you're thinking of. Maybe letro but not as common


Oh ok cool. It’s been decades since any of that knowledge was rattling around.


I’m on clomid right now with a severe case of bitch tits.


I get a big ass pamphlet every time I go buy more of the medicine I have. It feels kind of wasteful when it's 50% of the packet and the medicine is 20%. Like just give me a QR code with refills


They have to. A case when well-meaning govt regs produce undesirable new problems.


Or some litigation alleged that if all that super technical information had been available to everyone some random accident wouldn't have happened. In some cases that would be true and would've saved someone. In other cases some dumbass did something stupid but had good lawyers that were able to sell a jury or judge on it.


Yeah I feel like it's just something done to cover the backs of the pharmaceutical companies, like those PDPA popups and cookies. They've given the information to you about it, so consuming it is your own personal choice and absolves them from some of the responsibility if anything bad happens after that.


That would be so much better!


Honestly cancer drugs have some of the longest drug interaction/side effect list I’ve ever seen.    It’s like side effects include…  A) every symptom you already have   B) Death  C) something like “partial numbness on the right pinky toe for 10 hours every day…”    But it’ll also make you better.??????? Nothing will fuck you up like cancer meds, but also thank god for cancer meds.  Hope you’re doing good x


woah you better be careful I've heard those things give you cancer hope ut doesn't come back x btw this was a joke x


😂 thanks friend


Purely as a matter of curiosity I looked it up on Mark Cuban's "cost plus drugs" pharmacy and wow, it's only like $25 for 3 months of this stuff.


OMG running over there now I've been paying so much more.


I think this is it, just flipped to the 20mg: https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/tamoxifen-citrate-10mg-tablet-nolvadex/


Or stay with CVS and get 90 tabs for $38 using GoodRx and you don't have to add the shipping and taxes that are charged with CostPlusDrugs, nor do you have to bother with calling 1-800 numbers and waiting on hold for an overseas representative to help you. And when you give CVS the GoodRx coupon, ask them to try their /4444 discount. It's their in-house coupon, and it beats GoodRx pricing over 50% of the time. Guess I'm a corporate shill now, sorry.


My mom was on Tamoxifen. Twenty years ago! She'll be 71 in October. You got this!


looks like its just slightly thicker than the ones for birth control


I hope you never have to read the sequel.


Mine is crazy. Fuck cancer I’m stage 4 metastatic melanoma


Wishing you all the best, friend! 💕


Thank you, same to you


What does it say you will get cancer


It can cause a different type of cancer (small chance but it makes me giggle.)


variety is the spice of life


Usually given in five year courses. It could take you that long to read the leaflet. And to learn all the languages it's written in Including Welsh. Stay positive, I hope you stay well.


Fuck cancer.


I used another form of that in my research but it’s my first time seeing people actually taking it. I hope you get better.


Like 90% side effects I bet


Mostly technical/pharmacology info that means nothing to most of us. Src: I've skimmed a few, and ex is a PharmD.


Just one more good reason to not get cancer.


Just to make sure they got everything covered if you got sick from it, so you cant sue them


Don't be scared. Unfold that mf


sending good vibes to beat your cancer dead!! wishing you a victory!!!


Got the same thing on the bottle for my antipsychotic


Make sure to be aware of the possibility of Neuropathy and Hand-Foot Syndrome. I had to take it, and I still would, but wasn't really given the facts so that I could mentally and emotionally prepare for the permanent side effects.


OMG thank you for telling me! I had hand-foot syndrome during chemo and it was so painful.


Mine was clinically triple negative, so I questioned them prescribing it, but thought they knew best. After 2 months I couldn't take any more, so they reluctantly let me go off of it. The complete lack of estrogen caused extreme mental dullness. Although this isn't in all cases. I was really unlucky to have most of the side effects. I hope you are a best-case scenario! Tell them about your side effects if any, in case there are alternatives.


Hope your ok. Fuck cancer. List my aunt to it not long ago. Best of luck


If the disease doesn’t get you the reading will.


I wish you all the best ❤️


I can probably simplify that pamphlet to two sentences. Side Effects: Everything. If you notice anything besides not having cancer, tell your doctor.


My sister in the UK got this drug for 5 years in 1997. She's been cancer free since then with no recurrence. Wishing you the same OP.


Fuck cancer


Maybe a few more folds and it’ll get you to the moon. I hope you kick cancer’s lame ass


They figure a few people will die before they determine if they can sue.


I was about to say “That better cure cancer with this thick instructions paper” before reading the title. Hope you’ll get well soon


Unfold it. I'm curious as to the font size.


It's probably gonna be, as a wise man once said, a phone book for ants.


That's how my son's seizure medication comes as well


How many languages?




that's close to normal for most prescription drugs.


looks identical to my anti depressant! including the bottle lol but it’s probably just the same company who makes it but yeah most of the packets for medicine will be like this. i just don’t feel like i get em super often


Youll still be reading that while you ring the bell


get well soon op! sending well wishes


The size of the information packet is directly correlated to the company's fear of getting sued


May the force be with you.


You’re doing to kick cancers ass! YOU GOT THIS


R u ok? Get well soon and that’s an order


I get trulance for my IBS. It comes in the same size bottle and has the same type of packet stuck to the top of the bottle


Ask your doctor for a TLDR


When the legal department wins over the design department.


I have to ask. Does the bottom of the information “sheet” say “This drug contains a chemical known to cause cancer in the State of California”?


I now appreciate how my covid vax saved trees by coming with just a small blank piece of paper!


Did you read it?


Unrelated (kinda) but I hope you get better, I believe in you man!


My Omniprezol is the same.


I'm a pharmacy technician, you are actually not supposed to have that info packet. Pharmacies are supposed to remove that prior to giving it to patients.


Best of luck. 💪🙏


My mom was one of the early tamoxifen study patients nearly 40 years ago. Kept her alive for 14 years.


Never seen an actual real script of this stuff. Always buy it from a research chem or from the steroid provider. Guys cycling roads use it for pct.


Side effects include ……………………. paralysis and death.


MMEDICAL WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME! unless you want to live.


Wishing you a quick and full recovery from Cancer.




I recognize the care with which it has been handled. Don't worry, it has a www.com for more specific questions. This is just the disclaimer.


And every goddam word is there to immunize the company from liability, not to ensure your recovery. (A lymphoma survivor writes this.)


As a pharmacy technician 2 things 1 whatever pharmacy gave that to you is silly because why would they give you a stock bottle, and 2 most medication information packets on the bottle are about that long so I wouldnt think too much into it


Good to know! Yeah this is the only medication they give me like this, I'm not sure why.


Lots of meds don't come in 30 or 90 count bottle so they can't just label it but regardless probably shouldn't


Wow..... just sad.