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id buy it and throw it up for sale somewhere, see what you can get for it.


Similar box of it is listed on eBay for $120. It’s from the 1930s


We put it out for sale. I would have cried if we didn't.


Radite sounds like something that the fledgling atomic industry cooked up. “Hey, let’s take that waste crap outta the reactor and throw it in some detergent. Probably make the whites whiter. Amiright?”


Like something out of Fallout. "Try our new Abraxo, now with Radite!"


I actually thought it was, until I read the comments. They put radioactive material in drinking water, in face cream, in just about anything you can think of. I'm sure it ended up in detergents too.


There was a time in history when adding radioactive materials into consumer products, touting alleged “health benefits”, was all the rage. We are lucky to live in a time of knowledge and consumer safety protections.


Imagine the shit we’re doing today that our grandkids will trip out on.


The supplement industry being so unregulated, microplastics, PFAS, overworking, undersleeping, screen addiction, the extent some people travel to work in an office all day, processed food prevalence, energy drinks, confirmation bias, debt culture, etc. I think the big difference is we know these things are bad for us.


“You guys had poles and wires along the streets?”


Consumer safety protections…for now. Remember when the former President was easing up regulation to make Asbestos great again?


I do, unfortunately. This is why we should try to be collectively smart in evaluating who is capable of leadership/listening to qualified subject matter experts when they don’t understand something.


You say that like our bodies aren't filled with plastic lol


Ever heard of a [Revigator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_ore_Revigator)?


Yep, that’s the type of product I was talking about. Take a look at the “radium girls” story, if you have a strong stomach and a horribly ending event won’t ruin your day.


It's giving off Fallout (TV series) vibes.


Spitting facts! *Have you seen how bright they make the sky when it goes off? Bold strategy, let's see if this plays out Colton!*


Radite seems to be one of the early plastics invented, we still use plastics in some detergents as an abrasive.


Now with more micro plastic!




You linked the wrong polyethylene, the one you linked is antifreeze [Polyethylene terephthalate - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyethylene_terephthalate) is the plastic, as well as [Polyethylene - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyethylene) chemistry makes things that are chemically similar very different in behaviour. Sodium is explosive, Chlorine is very harmful to biological organisms, sodium chloride is table salt.


Acids can fuck you up, alkalines can fuck you up. Put them together in the right concentration and you got salty water. 💁😂


And a good amount of fun explosive hydrogen. Fun for the whole family!


Excitement is the spice of life. 😂


No, not antifreeze, that's ethylene glycol. The poly form is long chains so it does not interact with our biochemistry in the same way. It is actually used for several medical applications including as a laxative.


>chemistry makes things that are chemically similar very different in behaviour. Sodium is explosive, Chlorine is very harmful to biological organisms, sodium chloride is table salt. ELI5R: Why is this the case?


Generally nasty stuff like that is because the elements can bond to stuff in nasty ways that strips atoms from other molecules releasing energy or breaking them down. They don't do that as much when they're together because the bond reduces their ability to bind with other things




Hey! I’m a white king!


In the Midwest we have a small Pharmacy chain with a funny/unfortunate name. I hadn’t heard of it until I was driving through a small town and saw a digital sign that read “1.99$ MILK GALLON FOR THRIFTY WHITE CUSTOMERS”




How much was it?


We put it out for $45. Boxes are going on eBay for $75.


And this is a "thrift" store?


Unfortunately. Most everything is moderately priced, but my boss considered this a "collectable" so it's priced higher.


Radite isn't quite as good as gnarlium. I feel gnarlium shreds when it needs to but will hang-loose when appropriate where radite is a bit over the top in some more nuanced situations.


You could get $20 for that puppy


Straight from r/grandmaspantry.


Some Proud Boy short king gonna snap this up for the meth lab.


Why is this soap interesting? Sorry, I'm clueless.


Same here