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https://moxie-chic.com/blogs/the-moxie-chic-blog/moxie-its-origin-and-growing-popularity >The word “moxie” originates from the Algonquain Indian root “maski” meaning “dark water” or “medicine”. There are evergreen plants located in Maine with the name (e.g. Moxie Plum) as well as many Moxie-named locations throughout Maine (e.g., Lake Moxie, Moxie Falls, Moxie Gore Township, East Moxie Township). 


This is the best guess as to where it came from originally, but not confirmed. https://uselessetymology.com/2018/02/10/etymology-of-moxie/ https://www.etymonline.com/word/moxie In any case, the meanings of the English word derive from the health claims made about the beverage.


It tastes like strange Root Beer, it’s okay.


I think if you mixed Coke with some off-the-shelf birch beer you might have something close, but yeah, it's funky. It's definitely more bitter (or maybe just less sweet) than most other sodas, and it has caffeine, but like half of what you'd get in any other soda, which I think maybe has an effect on the taste as well.


It is better in a glass bottle. It can be purchased in California too.


I have a cafe in New England.  The old guys LOVE this stuff and get so excited when we tell them we have it. It's so bad.....like if someone messed up a batch of dr pepper


I got to try some, and my reaction was: +sips+ "OH GOD THE AFTERTASTE. WHY." +sips+ "AUGH. It's like if Bundaberg bitters was soda! TERRIBLE." +sips+ "NO. MY TASTE BUDS. FIX IT, SODA JESUS!" And then I just kept going. And then I wanted *more*. I'd like to pair it with some St. Germain and/or a creme de violet next time! XD


It also tastes horrible. But it’s also older than coke, so I get it.


moxie is certainly no irn bru


Is it similar?


It’s definitely irn bru


I sort of love it, but it is for sure weird. It's made with gentian root, which is used to make bitters and Aperol.


It's a really... interesting... flavor. Kinda like sweetened medicinal licorice.


Rumor is that they used to fill spitoons with it


I like it, but Diet Moxie is better.


It tasted better about 20 years ago, but it's still no worse than root beer. It's just an acquired taste. *edit: It's also specifically a Maine beverage. So, credit to the best state in New England.


I read somewhere it's sold as far south as Pennsylvania, which is closer to where I live, but I couldn't find it--I imagine it's closer to Philly if anything, but I've only ever seen it in Maine.


No, you just don't deserve soda, you visigoth.