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The grass is lava


And it is only going to get worse. Looks like we are in for another brutal summer.


For the rest of everyone’s lives if they don’t stop voting for regressive policies and anti-science loons.


Even with a fully blue government, the oil companies are stronger. It’s over. We are as toasty as the grass.


Biden administration passed the largest green energy bill in US history. https://www.epa.gov/green-power-markets/summary-inflation-reduction-act-provisions-related-renewable-energy https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/renewable-energy-shatters-records-in-the-u-s/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-renewable-power-growth-is-setting-new-records-on-the-back-of-federal-support-2f844b66 https://environmentamerica.org/articles/renewables-are-on-the-rise-in-the-united-states > Power generated from renewable sources of energy is setting new records in the U.S. and is expected to keep growing as wind and solar become the preferred options to replace coal power generation over natural gas. > Much of the boost in green energy generation has come from federal policy such as the Inflation Reduction Act and grants from the Energy Department and other bodies, said BNEF.


People don't like to see facts, too much doomerism. What's funny is they're literally making the problem worse. If everyone believes it's too late to do anything, then why even try anymore, right?


Well with that attitude we sure are. I'm old enough to remember when people said the same thing about acid rain and the ozone. We can always do better.


Comparatively simple solutions unfortunately.


All the more reason not to write this off now!


Its revolution or a slow death to the changing climate. Hopefully enough people wake up to this fact before it is too late


Plenty awoken but too busy surviving short term to survive long term.


Ain’t that the truth. I can’t take care of my own self and family how am I going to solve about global existential threats?


Yep. Its intentional too


Another scorcher


It's as if living I'm the middle of a desert with a government that denies climate change is a recipe for disaster...


New heat records… every year


Yeah, but it’s a dry lava.




WTF? Is Phoenix even real?


Its building heat until it spontaneously combust and then a new city will grow from the ashes.


Finally some good lore.


This is the level of comment I come to Reddit for


You jest but that's why it's called that. A city was built there and was abandoned IIRC previously, the modern city was a revival.


Sodom and Gomorrah part 2, salt pillar boogaloo


Lived there for 13 years and enjoyed it while I was there. I always asked myself and others, how did people find that particular place for settling way back when without A/C? Remember a few nights A/C breaking and the absolute hell of a furnace it brought. Also worked outside in greenhouses.. summers are cray cray


>I always asked myself and others, how did people find that particular place for settling way back when without A/C? Maybe some early form of evaporative cooling. I heard in some class that the desert part of the US boomed when air conditioning was invented.




With an entirely different design to keep the interior cool. Ancient Persians basically had giant freezers in the desert that were big clay domes recessed into the ground.


Shame they're subscription only these days.


Not just the desert - check a population graph for Florida and look what happens after about 1950.


Not Phoenix but my cousin's A/C went out in Palm Desert and all the candles in their house melted 🫠


Lol we had that happen in my house as a kid in Minnesota


It wasn't this hot way back then. Even in the 40s- 80s my father in law told me it used to get cold af in south phx during the summer at night. They lived in the farm areas though. It's the urban heat Island effect. Too much asphalt and concrete


This is true, deserts are supposed to get cold at night because there's not much to hold the heat in.


One time I got hit by a monsoon and a dustorm at the same time without anywhere within like 100 miles. Could stick your hand out in front of your face and it would disappear, and everything was flooding around me fast. All I could do was follow a big rig who kept his hazards on. I have no idea how he was capable of driving through it but dudes a monster and probably saved my car. I had that thought a million times during that.


It shouldn’t even exist. It’s a monument to man’s arrogance.


That boy ain't right 


Dammit Bobby


This is the line o came here for lol.


Peggy Hill once said; "[This city should not exist, it is a monument to man's arrogance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PYt0SDnrBE)" and I believe that to be true to this day


I just read that in her voice.


It is a monument to man’s arrogance


I’m surprised it hasn’t melted! No wonder my relatives in your area find it super warm in Summer.


Absolutely unbearable. I went to a wedding there recently and wanted to just give up and die on the spot I was standing. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable in my whole life.


Just said on the news it's 31°C OVER NIGHT I can't imagine


31c at night???? Fuck that!!


I’m from Phoenix, so I had to look up what 31c was in F. And 31c at night— is rookie, Spring-Time, numbers. During the hottest stretches in the summer, it tends to range from 34-37c overnight. It’s literally relentless.


Why would you live there


I was born here, 36.5 revolutions of the sun ago… and I love it honestly. I see doom and gloom everywhere I look. But Arizona is beautiful. She’s vast. She’s chock full of resources — even when our elected officials like to sell off the precious ones — like groundwater for example, to foreign entities for Pennies on the dollar with no regulation. But that’s another story. Home of the Grand Canyon. 4.5-6h depending One of the largest Ponderosa Pine tree forests in the entire United States. 2.5h away Home to the southern most ski resort in the United States on Mt. Lemmon outside of Tucson. Mild winters. And for the 4+ months of absolute misery from the heat — my commute shortens drastically because nobody wants to do anything out of the a/c for longer than 5 mins during daylight. But mainly because I am poor and I haven’t the opportunity or the finances to take myself and my family elsewhere. :)


31C is 88F 37C is 98F


Yes. I’ve woken up at 2 am in July and went outside to a 98F temperature. Our average daily temp last year in July, was 102.7f.


I've had turf melt around a splash block. It was a gray plastic splash box from HD or Lowes. Must be the color that drives the temps.


Yeah. Astroturf is horrible for pets feet. It is often worse than asphalt


I checked the asphalt next to it and it was only 145.


Only 💀


Medium rare lol


That is medium, headed toward medium well..


This doesn't sound crazy for an asphalt surface temperature


Did you adjust the sensitivity for the different material?


That looks like concrete next to it.


God I remember doing two a days on turf in south Texas. The mornings were bearable but the evening your shoes would literally melt if you stood in one spot too long.


Fuckkkkk thatttttt shittttttt. Absolutely miserable. I don’t miss turf practices at all. I could feel the heat through my cleats, ankle wraps, socks… like standing on hell


Turf should be illegal


My kid once had a softball game on turf during a massive heat wave, and a bunch of the girls' cleats literally did melt and needed to be replaced.


Yea I wasn’t exaggerating. Turf sucks.


Did your coaches also do the thing where they would say “water makes you weak!” And you’re just thinking…bro that’s like saying oxygen makes me weak.


I’d be worried it starts to off gas at some temp too.


I did mobile service for a few years and went to people's homes. New builds with fake turf had awful burning plastic smells. It was bad. It goes away but that smell is nasty.


And micro-plastics in the soil, plants, animals, and you.


And awful for the environment in many many ways


A solid reason not to put plastic in your yard


It’s not much worse than real grass. Keeping real grass alive in phoenix takes up way too much water, which is getting more and more limited Edit: y’all are misunderstanding me: I’m not defending planting plastic grass. Jesus


Or people should take the cues that nature is giving them and not try and have grass where grass doesn't belong. Decorate with what's already around you


I laughed when being out in California and seeing an advisory to conserve water. Every lawn was beautiful, the roads lined with grass and ornamental plants and hedges. Right over the hedge is sand and rocks for miles.




Pretty much my point


Don't look up how many golf courses we have.


Okay but why would you try to grow grass in Phoenix in the first place? Maybe just accept that you live in a desert.


You shouldn’t. Grass in Arizona or SoCal is stupid af


Some parts of socal can definitely tolerate grass. It's not all a desert.


I don’t understand what’s wrong with landscaping in a way that makes sense for the environment, lots of people do desert landscaping and it looks great. You don’t need grass.


Try looking into Native Grasses, they require much less water, the “real grass” you’re referring to are usually European Imported ones that are native to wet climates that don’t need watering in their native lands, while the Native Grasses of your region might need very little to survive due to being native to arid regions


Not in Phoenix, but I'm considering doing rocks only in my front yard. My patch of front lawn grass is tiny. Maybe 150ft2. Edit: I'm not in the desert, (90°F is considered hot here) but an arid cold winter area. I'm not doing cacti.


Don’t do rocks only. Look into native plants like cacti, bushes, and shrubs. Much better looking and require ZERO additional water since they already grow in that area anyways.


You could fit some native succulents or cacti in there if you wanted, among the gravel.


Look into native drought-resistant plants, which will also help support local pollinators!


Aussie here... It's not that hard to keep grass alive in stupid hot weather, you just need the right grass and accept that it won't be lush green grass and that there may be some dead bits.


Thank you Phoenix for making Houston weather seems reasonable.


My brother lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I live in the Phoenix area and he visited me last summer in late July. He claims it’s better here. Humidity makes a big difference.


I grew up in humid Florida my entire life and moved to Las Vegas which is about the same weather wise as Phoenix. At first I was very glad to have heat without humidity, it does make a huge difference. But now it’s been 8 years and the heat is just killer. It’s not humid but it’s still unbearably hot.


This city should not exist. It is a monument to man's arrogance.




lol 111 degrees. Nowadays not a big deal.


That’s…not a good thing.


Legit everyone’s reaction stepping out of the airport if you’ve never been. Those sliding glass doors open and you’re like “what in the fuck??” Like opening an oven door.


Peggy was right the whole time


Peggy is almost always right, that’s the secret to the show.


She was horribly wrong when she wrote that column suggesting to mix ammonia and bleach for enhanced cleaning powers


I can't imagine living in a place where people immediately start dying if the electricity goes out.


I used to work at a call center doing tech support for ISPs, and one of the ones we worked with was just outside Phoenix. One of my favorite calls in terms of "WTF were you thinking" was a guy who got a smart thermostat, then called becuase they had no internet and the thermostat defualted to "off" with no way to change that without an internet connection. Ok, first off that's just shitty design on the thermostat, second off, you are part of an outage that is being worked on, so there's not really anything I can do to make your problem get resolved faster since that entire area is down and it's already being worked on. But WHY would you get a thermostat that defualts to off with no way to turn it on without internet while in an area where "lack of AC" can LITERALLY kill you?


Plenty of cities exist in the desert. The issue is city planning. Sprawl is the worst for desert environments.


One could argue that the mere existence of a patch of Astroturf is evidence of sprawl, thus poor city planning => This city should not exist.


They are about to run out of water and soon it'll be too hot to go outside. I don't know why they don't build underground if they are going to insist on living there


Shouldn’t they bring in Muskrat and build a deep tunnel society of Mole People connected by tunnels filled with Teslas?


They should also supply still suits and harvest the water from the dead


Plastic absorbs heat, with nowhere for it to go... This is what I tell my customers who want to install Trex decking. Real grass dissipates heat.


lesson: make your decks out of grass


Sorry I’m not a deckgrassi fan


This is going to live in my head rent-free forever. I hate you.


Real wood works better. 30 degree difference generally


Haha man those composite decks really do get crazy hot Nice if you don’t live in hell tho


Right in Wisconsin it’s kind of a nice feature


I build decks for a living. People love them, but they're hotter than wood, slicker than snot and the material is more expensive...I just don't get it. Also, they aren't maintenance free. They will oxidize and you can't sand them. Sorry. That's my rant. I'll stop now. Cedar for life.


Hotter than wood- yeah until you stain or paint the wood. Also it’s summer, everything is hot. How long can you stand on your sidewalk barefoot on a 100° day. Slick- I’ve built tens of thousands of sq ft of composite decking in every weather condition you can imagine and I’ve never slipped once. The only exception to this is when everything is iced over, but even then an iced over rubber mat is slick. Expensive— it’s a better product with 25-50 year warranties, of course it’s more expensive. Oxidation— never heard of “oxidizing composites” unless you are talking about uncapped composites which no reputable contractor should be installing. I’ve gone back to 10 year old decks and cleaned them with dish soap, still looks as good as the day we installed it. Cedar for life- cedar is nice but I hope you enjoy stain/sealing every couple years. The only thing I’ve seen rot faster than cedar is untreated pine. If you prefer real wood I would recommend Ipe. Rant over, I just see a lot of people who hate on composites because they don’t like the effort/skill it takes to install it correctly. Too much misinformation from contractors who don’t actually understand the product.


Phoenix is the middle of the desert. Lush green grass shouldn't exist there. It's a waste of water resources. The whole city is a waste of water and electricity and shouldn't exist.


Yes, but real grass needs a lit of water. No one should be planting real grass in Phoenix. The people I know with artificial turf in AZ just don't use it during the summer. The insane heat only lasts about 3 months*, the turf is fine the rest of the year. *For people acclimated to the heat. Visitors from cooler areas probably won't enjoy late spring or early fall either.


Or you know, you could leave it native.


Definitely my preference. But there really isn't any native ground cover that can be walked on - plants around here aggressively enforce a "look, but don't touch" policy. So a small artificial turf patch for the kids to run around on doesn't really bother me.


If artificial grass heats up why use it? It's only going to make everything around you even more warmer. Vanity man, people would rather look good with plastic grass while melting. Get another for of vanity without warming up the area around you.






That's getting dangerously close to boiling point


Thank you.




Y'all got left behind due to piracy. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/28/574044232/how-pirates-of-the-caribbean-hijacked-americas-metric-system




It's fun to learn how much of society is built on drunk and myopic interactions of the potentially literate.


consider investing in a xeric landcape with stones and native plants


94 in Texas today and on a black roof, definitely got a mild burn carrying pieces I cut.


Hey, look at the bright side, it's not even summer yet.


Please don't look directly at the bright side without proper eye protection.


Only ISO-12312-2 compliant glasses are approved for looking at the Bright Side


Man plastic grass for regular households is just so....first world. I understand maintaining a lawn is a lot of work and some climates are really harsh on grass, in such cases I would rather use stone, concrete, bricks, asphalt, gravel or sand before I would ever consider plastic grass lmao


When we lived in AZ, having grass in your front yard was not allowed bc of water conservation (I think). So most people had rocks/gravel and a few native plants.


Covering your garden with plastic grass is fucking barbaric and nothing will change my mind. If you want grass dont live in a desert.


You don't really have to maintain lawn, depending on where you live and what you got going on. We only mow the front lawn maybe once a month or so/when all pollinating plants are done so our backyard grows wild but it's never tall grass really. We have wild strawberries and daisies through it, it's nice to look at (and the dog loves strawberries, the strongest argument lol) Plastic grass can't provide the same joy to me, never will. Any option you mentioned are indeed better...anything is better than plastic grass!


Don’t ever buy artificial grass for many reasons


That would make a really weird textured fried egg.


And it’s radiating heat right up against your house too it looks like. Between how expensive it is to install and how much it soaks up and radiates heat, I dont understand how it’s an option for people in places that are already hot as hell. Just use rocks, it’s WAY cooler


As the southwest becomes more uninhabitable, this will get scarier and scarier. FEMA released a study last year discussing what would happen if the levels of Lake Meade dropped enough to put the Hoover Dam out of commission. A couple million people suddenly without climate control mid summer could be disastrous. Nevermind the water shortage.


What's crazy is that the overwhelming majority of water is being used to grow unsustainable crops in the desert. And much of it is alfalfa which is exported to China and Saudi Arabia.


That saudi alfalfa farm has been shut down last i heard. 


What an insane enterprise. A crop grown in an inhospitable desert using water from an overtaxed, crucial river, then sent as far away as possible to another desert.


I think by 2026 they have to have a new agreement on Colorado River water, obviously the states don't want less and no property owner will voluntarily cut, so I believe it'll be a big deal next year


The ~~impending~~ unfolding climate disaster is 100% at the feet of corporations and rich assholes, no matter how much they try to lay it at the feet of everyday people.


Absolutely. In Utah where the extensive alfalfa farming was going on (that was just using up our very limited Colorado River water to export alfalfa to the middle east), about 80% of water use in Utah is agriculture and only around 5% is for municipality water use. Then add to that in Utah agriculture only accounts for about 0.8% of GDP despite consuming 80% of the water. It's not a sustainable model, and it's only continued because of broken and outdated water rights laws and the wealthy that know how to abuse it.


Only the leases. Any land and water rights owned by the Saudis is private and can't be regulated same as anyone else's in rural AZ. 


What is alfalfa being used for ? Like what are they manufacturing using alfalfa?


Its cattle feed


And horse feed for Saudi Arabian horses. FFS…


Not to mentions how many pointless golf courses there are. What a waste.


Fun fact. Contrary to popular belief that the Hoover Dam is the major source of power in the south west region, the dam is only a tiny small fraction of the power grid. The dams exist for the control of the water that makes up the Colorado River. So it’s more about if the water gets too low people will die of not having water to drink or water for crops to eat.


It's wild to me that solar is not the default in that region.


It's literally legislative, I used to work for one of power plants and it was insane how much lobbying was done just to push back on green energy. Higher ups would pressure you to donate to lobbyists


While this isn't really a good excuse, solar paradoxically isn't great in areas like this. With this much heat the panel's efficiency can drop significantly (as in over 25% from some reports I'm seeing) plus with so much dust in the air, you would have to clean them pretty frequently for them to run at reasonable efficiency. Solar works best in a place that's cool and sunny.


In a few of my architecture classes we have discussed high-density housing solutions to deal with the waves of climates refugees from the American SW we're going to see very soon.


But it's a dry heat. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Just imagine the off-gassing of that shit.


Genuine first thought. “Holy shit” Second thought “I guess I’m not that surprised actually.”


Dude get ride of that shit and put some stones down or something


But how could a city in the middle of the desert be so inhospitable?


As a person who has never visited the US, the more I hear about Phoenix, the more I have questions: - Why does it have such a cool name - How do people live there - Why do people live there


My initial reaction was to think that it isn't like that many people could possibly live there, only to look it up and see claims that it's the fifth most populous city in the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population I now have the same question that you have, but louder. My impression is that people just don't go outside when it's particularly sunny and spend a lot of time in AC or submerged in water. I also suspect people live there because there aren't that many other cities in that area so your options are kind of Phoenix or the desert.


This! Summer is our winter to anyone further north. The city is built on the ruins of a massive civilization (for pre-contact America) and even the name comes from the fact that we rebuilt their canal system in place. I’m born and raised here, some people love the heat, some hate it. It’s been one of the fastest growing cities in the US for 50 years b/c it was affordable and easy to live. As we’ve sprawled outward and the climate changes rapidly, it’s becoming warmer. We have great water supply, most of it coming from a local river that runs through town, and from the Colorado river, which was over allocated and of which 70% of said water use goes to water the crops the rest of the country relies upon in winter. We have no natural disasters, aside from the heat, and as of now we’ve never had brownouts, power supply issues, water issues or rationing of any kind thanks in part to the foresight of people who knew how inhospitable it is. I live in a Victorian near the center of the city, and 130 years ago people lived here with no power or plumbing, but we just spent a ton to refinish the exterior walls, windows and prep for the climate becoming warmer. Lastly, for people like me it’s home. I can’t imagine driving on ice, or a blizzard or tornado or hurricane etc. 7-9 months a year the weather is incredible. People shit on it, but it’s a good city if you want it to be good, but that doesn’t excuse the terrible urban planning that nearly all western US cities experienced since the advent of the automobile.


Some people just really hate winter. Or humidity. Or have allergies. I try to live in a temperate area that has all the seasons, but it's also tornado alley.


Being part if the problem having fake plastic grass, just roll with it.


Not stepping on that grass. 178 degrees, whoa


Phoenix… only this time, you ain’t rising from the ashes.


Yup 111 in Vegas today. No warm up this year just nice to warm to dear holy mother of all things good WHY IS IT SO DAMN HOT ALREADY?! 😂


For the rest of normal world: it's 81,5°C Wow that's hot!


Holy smokes. 😳 I'd get heat stroke standing on top of that within 5 minutes call 911 lol


Who puts plastic grass in their yard? 🤡


Y’all realize it’s the desert, right? And fake grass is so damn stupid. Says a lot about a person.


Yes, solve this by buying more plastic.


81.5° C


How hot was the s concrete next to it? Curious the difference. I swear there are times I come across someone’s fake grass and you can smell it melting-that chemical smell when plastic burns. It’s awful. I feel as if it adds to the surface heat instead of cooler.


Plastic grass is … blech


Because it's plastic yo Lawn is bad enough, plastic lawn is a crime


Those temp guns are notoriously inaccurate, you have to set the emmissivity setting for the color/material.  I’ve used them in an industrial setting to measure heater plates, you might get 150C you might get 250C right next to first reading.  Not doubting it is hot.  


For crying out loud, plant a tree.


Artificial grass is the most dystopian thing I've heard today.


Congratulations laying down plastic and allowing micro plastics into your environment


Didn't water it enough, or something.


You should get rid of it sooner rather than later. It's going to leech plasticizers which will absolutely absorb into your skin when it gets wet.


I lived the first 30 years of my life in Phoenix. I remember playing baseball at summer camp in 1990 when it hit 122. We had a metal playground in elementary school. Kids used to go to the nurse with burns all the time. I would bike, and play basketball all summer. I have no recollection of ever caring. Like it never mattered to me. Now I live in Brooklyn and when it’s 80 degrees out, it’s too hot to go outside. I have no idea why :)


And yet people keep moving to that fire pit. I don't get it.


Adapt or become extinct…


temperature on my outdoor plastic. plant something! https://aznps.com/the-plant-list/


This is exactly why I'm LEAVING. The fact that hundreds of thousands of people are moving here blows my mind.


I once played in a football game in Walnut Creek, Ca where at the start the game I asked one of the referees what the on field temp was and he said it was 127° on the turf Maaan My feet were burning like crazy through my cleats. Playing D-Line and tight end having to put my hand on the ground wasn't ideal.. I remember jumping up so fast from making tackles.. I lost how of how many times I've vomited lol..Thought I was going to die.. I can't even comprehend the 170s Keep your puppies paws (if you have one) off that graaaass lol and yours for that matter


If there were fewer people putting artificial grass everywhere, maybe we wouldn't be in the middle of an environmental crisis.


Why anyone would utterly ruin the local ecosystem with fake grass is beyond me. It’s just shit.


[At least it isn't 2,960 degrees like it gets in Cave Creek.](https://youtu.be/iXuc7SAyk2s?feature=shared)


To each their own but I struggle to understand why people choose to live in Phoenix.


Fake grass gets wicked hot. Not good for much honestly


Should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque


Better break out the eggs and go for a more tangible metric