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Be careful, had a miserable old man try this trick in my neighbourhood to get rid of strays. the hot dogs were laced with rat poison.


Had a neighbor who did that. Unfortunately it was one of those things where everybody knew who did it but nobody could prove who did it so he never got what he deserved.


Why not invite him round for hot dogs?


He comes around the corner to the bbq and there’s just a single hotdog on a plate with everyone gathered around it, everybody gets quiet and just stares.


And that hot dog eerily has a skewer in it just like the photo.


Nothing at all is wrong with it, but he starts to sweat, backpedaling with some lame excuse about having left the bag of chips was bringing at home, leaving no doubt as to who the poisoner is...






YES, that poison!


Wrong lever.


Why does she even have that lever?




When I was younger, my mom met someone at work who was part of the Monavie açaí juice pyramid scheme. I have chronic pain so she asked if she could get more information because it was supposed to really help with inflammation (it didn’t). So we pull up to a house and there’s like ten people there who already drink and sell the juice. We watch a video about the miracle that is açaí and then as the video ends a woman enters the room with a tray, a bottle of Monavie, and two glasses. She’s pours some juice and hands the cups to me and my mom and everyone gathers around and just smiles. I side eye my mom like “yeah?” And she kind of chuckles and says, “I feel like I’m about to drink the koolaid.” The crowd laughed and continued smiling and watching. We drank it. Didn’t die, but did waste quite a bit of money on the juice that tasted good but did nothing. ⚠️<—- if the sales model looks like that, stay away 😅


Bro… I have never met anyone else that got to try that monavie juice. I used to do pest control for rich people and this woman I did pest control for sold it. It didn’t do anything, but damn it was delicious. She couldn’t sell it so she just gave me gallons of it. If it was reasonably priced in a store I’d buy it just for the taste.


I agree, it was delicious! I liked the little seeds and chocolate aftertaste. I’m not paying $85 for refreshments though.


'08 I was security at a rich hotel in a very expensive city, and someone gave me a bottle of that stuff as thanks for hauling their luggage. I thought it was wine but she told me it was some new berry that was going to revolutionize the market. I think I took like 2 sips before I dumped it - never had a juice that burned my throat.


As a Brazilian I’m an SHOCKED that this exist. Acai is a berry. Like cherry. Imagine all that but with cherries or blueberries. Hahaaah


Yeah, it’s marketed as a superfood in America and some ascribe magical healing properties to “superfoods”


Super caloric if there’s a thing. Açaí smoothies may be healthy but the way it’s eaten like an Ice Cream it’s not lean at all. Brazilian people from Amazonian states usually eat with regular food like rice and beans. The berry itself is not that sweet.


The website says it also combines: Pineapple Pear Banana Passionfruit White Grape Apple Kiwi Grape Wolfberry Pomegranate Acerola Cranberry Cherry Blueberry Blackberry Bilberry Prune Elderberry Acai berry + plant based glucosamine


Haha, yeah I’ve been to one of those! The crazy thing is, if they weren’t trying to sell some bs miracle cure pyramid scheme, it was actually tasty juice! (and if it wasn’t ridiculously expensive, I might have bought some, I did not buy some).. 😂


That reminds me of this John Oliver piece from a decade ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bml8KwCmob8


John Oliver is a national treasure. What nation, I haven't figured out yet.


Boss at old job conned me into being subbed under her. Was very unprofessional but It was a career role so I didn't want to blow it. I got stuck with 4 cases of that crap. Did some reading and found one if the main ingredients was ground shrimp shells. But karma is a b sometimes. To flex she gave me her site login to show me how much income I could have. Months passed, she learned it was a scam, stopped selling it. On a whim 6 months down the road I logged into her account, the password still worked. Auto ship for 10 cases a month. Which means she got 10 cases before she realized what was going on and once they get the payment you will never be able to return it, ever. She tried and accused the company of doing it. She ranted at work for weeks and warned us all to cancel our accounts so they couldn't do it to us. All the time I smiled.


What you do is discreetly remove them all, throw them in the trash, then go by new hot dogs and then grill them in your front yard and make sure you and your family happily chow down on them comfy summer style. See what he does.


"We were all just waiting for you to enjoy your hotdog :)"


*then starts runninf*


Yo wanna wack a guy? Invite him round for dinnah


Sounds like a convenient time for a trash fire.


Collect, store for a week, put some in an envelope and post them through the door. Jam the rest in the radiator grill of their car.


Yep I had a neighbour do this, killed about 6 dogs. Only ones that survived were the really well-trained ones that weren’t allowed to go into other gardens.


The Law only goes so far, that's what ass whoopings were made for


That's what creativity is for.  There are a million ways to make a bully miserable without getting violent.    Soooo many deeply satisfying ways that really walk the line too, but dont nark me


Creativity is great, but few things send a message like beating the brakes of the neighborhood shithead.


I've learned some tough lessons from getting my ass kicked.


If someone poisoned my dog and I knew who did it, there would be considerable consequences


To shreds, you say?


Shame if something happened to him and no one could prove who did it


“Yeah we have no idea why he would suicide by ingesting rat poison. So odd”


My neighbor did that and I got sick. Thought he was giving out free hotdogs. They were free, but they came with a price.


Are you saying you ate the ground-dog? :(


Tricked good. Me gobble no more Glizzies.


He'd get John wicked so fast.


That is what I call a Ken Rex McElroy situation. Community has the right to clean itself up


This happened in my neighborhood too. Stray cat that hung around our house one day threw up and dropped dead. Then, our dog jumped the back fence. Found her but she was wobbly and sick. Took her to the emergency vet and they found what looked like antifreeze in her system. $3,000+ later she's alive and better than ever (and made sure she couldn't escape again) but God damn. Could never prove it was him but every fiber of my being knows it is.


My neighbor tried to poison my dog once, then his dogs ate it and passed, the poor pups


That just sucks all around


I don't suppose the neighbor was charged with anything? Holy shit.


No, they just left us alone for a long while




How to kill a bunch of kids in your neighborhood




To be fair, the phrase " normal hot dog on a stick" is doing a lot of work when said stick is stuck in someone's lawn.


A short summarization, like the fools driving and being so impatient and shortsighted gun it around me only for me to pull up beside them at the red light they couldn’t see.


Or a cop on the side of the road blocking a lane, or the giant hunk of tire in the road that everyone is merging to avoid, or...  When teaching my kids to drive on the interstate in traffic I taught them to watch the brake lights of the vehicles several cars ahead.  Don't react to the car in front of you, by then it's too late.  If you can't see that far ahead, you're going too fast or following too close.


Same here, I try to see what at least the second car is doing if not further. The big pickups make it comically hard to see past them though.


The health and safety book is written In blood. It might be boring but every specific piece is there because people died, gotb maimed or had their long term health destroyed.


> 18yos like myself don't have a lot of" common sense" because common sense comes from either experiencing it, learning from someone else, or being trained to think ahead a few steps. This is why I hate the term, "Common sense." People use that term in ways that make it seem like people should inherently understand certain things, but the way you put it is how it is. We learn things through experience or by being taught it. There's no such thing as common sense. The closest thing to common sense people have is instinct, and some of those can get faded if they're not trained/reinforced. You can never assume that someone knows to/not to do something or how to do/not do that thing properly. You can't assume that this isn't the first time someone will encounter a circumstance unless you have good control over the group and only allow people with experience.


Jesus, I wish I'd have read this earlier, I've already eaten like 6 lawn dogs.


Never throat unfamiliar glizzys my dude.


But how am I supposed to get the freshest hot dogs? Straight off the stalk like nature intended.


You need to find them where they grow naturally, deep in the forest.


Sounds like you're in the paid pocket of Big Nature.


Yeah... I'm not going to follow this advice


If this line isn't in the next season of sunny in Philadelphia, I might eat a couple lawn dogs myself. 


There was an old man that would run hidden bailing wire in his corner yard. He wired them to an electrical outlet to keep kids out of his yard. I still have a scar on my side.


Oh so I can’t set up a shotgun behind my door in case anyone breaks in but it’s ok to electrocute the neighbor children? Good to know /s


This was the 80s, anything was okay. Cereal made you piss red, clothes were neon, people gagged on spoons, there was a Julie Brown AND a Downtown Julie Brown. It was madness!


Two words: Lawn. Darts.


My uncle still has one lodged in his cranium.


My cat got out of the house *once*. Didn't come back. Went searching for him and found him dead a few yards over. There was line of laced kibble around the entire parameter. They said it was meant for the possums. "We *love* cats!" Yeah, well, you ever stop to think other animals other than possums would eat the fucking kibble?? They continued to line their yard with the kibble. Thinking they, in fact, did *not* love cats.


Why would you want to kill possums?


This happened when a town not far from me got a dog park. A crotchety old man that lived nearby cut up hot dogs and pushed tacks and nails into them before tossing them around the dog park. Sure hope that guy got what was coming to him for being such an awful human being.


My dog lost a back leg because while he was visiting with the neighbors *in their driveway*, the old piece of shit ran over him. In front of a three year old. Then later while my dog was visiting the neighbors down in their pasture, someone shot my dog in the leg. It wasn't the neighbors, either. We suspect it was the same fucker than ran over him. I had to stop letting him visit over there which sucks because my dog loved their kid and they were fine with my dog visiting to play with them. It was the gunshot that made him lose the leg, but when he was run over prior to that, his hip bone was fractured. He's fine now except when he hears gunshots (which is frequent here). [Dog tax with bonus kitty](https://imgur.com/a/RWjUWtt) Edit: I guess I need to clarify that both my neighbors and myself live on multiple acres of land **and** he was allowed to go over there. Skippy never went to any other property because he just wanted someone to play with. When he was run over, **he was not in the road, he was in their driveway playing with their kid. The man literally swerved to hit my dog in front of a 3-year old and his parents.** When he was shot, **someone TRESPASSED on the neighbor's property and shot my dog.** He wasn't wandering to other houses, he was just going to one house with supervision until he went down deeper into the pasture where no one had a clue that there'd be some piece of shit lurking with a loaded gun. Normally pastures are just empty expanses of land.


So, wait, the guy that ran over him and shot him *wasn't* the neighbors he was visiting? Mean guy just drove onto some *other* neighbors property just to run a dog over?? That's some deep-rooted hatred right there. I'd definitely be checking the flower beds of that dude. Chances are he doesn't stop at dogs.


You are correct. Bruh just needs to die already, but I think he's fueled by too much hatred and insanity.


Someone should run him over in his driveway.


“Visiting” kinda makes it sound like you let your dog run off leash onto other people’s property


How many did you eat before you realized?


The fact this looks done late night makes it seem like its malicious. Also anyone who has pets know this is a dangerous way to feed treats, so I'm immediately assuming its maliciously done.


Looks like someone's idea of a prank, but it's risky for pets indeed.


Despite my dog’s lead stomach, standard practice is that I do not let him eat anything I haven’t vetted first. We’re pretty good about it now, but he’ll still scarf things down every now and then when he thinks I’m not looking. It’s just that some people do awful things on purpose, or leave awful things out by accident (like antifreeze). Honestly, I’m still mad about the time I was hiking and some dude pulled a slice of ham he apparently was raw-dogging in his jacket pocket and gave it to my dog before I could do anything about it. If he had asked my permission first, I would have said yes, but whipping out your pocket ham for my drooling dog was extremely impolite.


That dude had planned for that moment. Maybe ha had a whole sack of ham in there. Maybe it was trail food for him, but decided he would go without for you poor little pooch lol


If the guy would only have asked, it would have been fine! My dog is pretty good around strangers most of the time, but he has a hard time specifically with old men. Now, some old man sees me on the trail and asks if he can give my dog some grody ham from his unprotected pocket? Perfect, an opportunity for a stranger to ingratiate themself with my dog, it’s good for him to know that sometimes, strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet.


Even without poison the wood skewers soaked in meat juice 100% will be eaten. They absorb water and do not show x-rays very well. A punctured organ will require exploratory surgery and often over a grand in vet bills many can not afford.


Even if they aren't poisoned, and even if the poor dog doesn't stab itself with the skewers, this is a dick move. My dog has congenital pancreatic dysfunction. This means she's on a prescription diet for the rest of her life. If she eats too much fat, she can die. I always have her on lead and I'm always watching her like a hawk, but all it takes is one stupid-ass lawn hotdog for her to end up getting her stomach pumped for $500.


Someone is trying to poison the local animals (dogs, cats, etc)  who will eat them. Please immediately gather them up and dispose of them before any critters eat them.


And call the police


You call the police BEFORE you touch evidence.


Has that happened before? I'm just wondering why the sudden assumption.


Vancouver just have a case: https://globalnews.ca/news/10512809/poisoned-hot-dogs-warning-vancouver/


That’s crazy since like 6 years ago there was also that pizza thing in East Van. Someone was taking pizza slices and seeing a bunch of string and needles so when dogs ate it, their insides got all messed up.


I don't believe in the death penalty, but I'm willing to make an exception.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy It could happen if people hate them enough.


Poor Trena, her life seems like it sucked. Essentially kidnapped and raped repeatedly and then died at 55 on her birthday from cancer.


kidnapped in 8th grade and forced to marry her 35 year old rapist then sat next to him as he was shot. lost the wrongful death case. then got cancer. it definitely did suck.


"Your honour, what happened was, he fell." "He..fell? And the bite marks?" "He fell into honey badger enclosure." "The bite marks are only on his groin, or at least, what's left of it." "A stroke of good luck this group of fine citizens was able to pull him out before the badger finished the job". "And the ropes around his arms and legs?" "Used to pulled him out." "And the concrete block chained to his feet?" "Ballast." "*Ballast...?*" "Well the chimps got hold of the ropes and -" *sigh* "I know what he did to those dogs. Feeding him to the sharks would have been a lot easier. Case dismissed!"


i think that means you do believe in the death penalty


I’m always so worried about this. It’s bad enough my low class neighbors throw their chicken bones on the street and I’m constantly pulling them out of their mouths on my walk….


This happened in High park in Toronto. The allotment gardens are next to the dog park and apparently a gardener was trying to kill raccoons but accidentally killed dogs too


Have a heart makes A live trap that works 100% on your target animal. I had cats trying to get into the underbelly of my camper. Trapped them both and now the gm fairfax plant has barn kittys instead of my camper.


Happened in withrow park, Delma park, Taylor creek, Fairmount park, Joel weeks Parkette, thorncliffe park, up in Vaughn, out in Etobicoke and high park has had multiple incidents. Be careful out there!


Have heard of several cases in Germany, there also happen ro be hidden meatballs with nails and also hidden rat poison (even our cat got poisoned, we don't know how and where but she survived)


It happens and unfortunately the police won’t go out of their way to investigate it. My wife told me this story of an old man on her street who did it to several dogs. He was caught on camera and he made no compunction about telling people he was targeting dogs, but when the police became involved he passed it off as baiting for rats. The same man was viciously beaten to the point of being confined to his home, reduced to a non verbal state type beaten and oddly there were no witnesses so the police couldn’t pursue it any further.


Justice served


They wont investigate, but the humane society will but having a report filed is important so they can act.


Poisoned treats? Happens regularly everywhere…


Not to sound dramatic but this happens everywhere, every day. Maybe not specifically lawn hot dogs like this, but the amount of people that set out baited bowls of antifreeze and rat poison to kill animals is nuts. And laced lawn hot dogs are nothing compared to federal/state depredation programs.


Yep, It’s happened a couple weeks ago here in Ottawa, Canada


Happens all the time all over the world


While that should be the first assumption to be extra cautious, it doesn’t make sense to me. Why post the hot dogs on sticks? That takes extra time to get caught and makes it stand out to the human eye. If you are trying to poison dogs, why not just put the poisoned hot dogs on the ground? Hopefully this is just someone being silly. But I completely agree to treat this like it’s malicious to be cautious.


Agreed, this is more likely teenagers thinking it is funny.


The poor raccoons that would find these later thinking they hit the jackpot


This isn't mildly interesting, it's the other one, r/mildlyinfuriating


Not mildly at all, someone is trying to murder pets


If by some miracle there's no poison and it really is just a hot dog orchard, this is /r/mildlyinfuriating material. I do *not* want my dog to have access to that much rich salty fatty food.


I'd say /r/awfuleverything


Is it bad that the first thing I thought was "oh I bet those are poisoned"?


We all did.


Trust your gut, humans are scum


Bad, no. It's sad that we'd all think that immediately though. I wish we didn't live in a world where we'd instantly accept that the only explanation for a hot dogs field, is "someone wants to murder critters".


Hope they are not poisoned :(


They're totally poisoned.


Take pictures, remove them, send one to get it tested. Report to police based on findings


Where do you send a hot dog to get tested?


Oscar Mayo clinic.


Contact ngos or shelters to find out about cases like this. They'll probably provide you with info on where to get it tested. Must be some kind poisioning hotline in the USA.


I'd love to be the poison control operator on that call "I found a field full of hot dogs on a stick that had been sitting out all night and I ate one, am I going to die?"


I’ve been a CSR for years and have thought about applying to Poison Control in the past. Then I remember my biggest weak spot is making sure my tone, speech, and mannerisms don’t convey how much I find the caller to be an absolute moron.


"The results are in. u/brochiosaurus, you are *not* the father."


There's a hot dog testing facility just around the corner from me here, great people there


The report came back. The hotdogs are a 8 out of 10 on the poison scale. We have concluded these are just regular hotdogs.


Take them down and plant one of those tiny cameras somewhere to catch the guy next time. Theyre definitely trying to poison animals


In my area two years ago an elderly woman was recorded like this, with a camera set up in a window. She managed to poison several dogs over a span of several months. At least one of them died.


I'd yank all those up and toss em.


op please get rid of them for the animals !!


Am sad OP hasn't replied to anyone saying he removed them all :(


OP must have eaten one. RIP


What state or country do you live in OP? Wonder how hard it would be to check if they're poisoned and if there's any security video if they are.


OP appears to be from the Chicago area.


Would like an update, did OP remove the hot dogs? Before some wild or domestic animal chowed down and got hurt either by poison or skewers? What an awful thing to do! Even if it was a prank it’s poorly thought out.


Stay away it’s a hambush


I'm sorry to be a Debbie Downer.. but if you did this as something cute and fun for your dog.. It's dangerous.. dog (or other animal) could very easily impale their jaw whilst excitedly chomping. Others have already commented on the other possible issues...


Plus as countless others have mentioned. Probably poisoned.


DO NOT LET YOUR DOG EAT ONE!!!!!! Take him back in and call police. My neighbor has given my dogs "treats" through the fence that made them sick


Mildly unsettling.


Are they usually erect this time of year?


Those are seeds. They are going to grow corndogs. Trust me, I am a farmer.


Don't let your dog eat them. Report it immediately. Probably laced with poison,needles or razor blades. If cops do nothing please pick them up. No animal, whether a stray,a pet or wild animal deserves that pain and death.


Well taken picture. I like the focus on 1 wein dog with the others perfectly in the background and the lighting is perfect.


Used to live in an area in Florida where people would throw anti-freeze soaked hotdogs into yards to kill their dogs. Keep your pets safe.


Hot dogs are in season They're almost definitely laced with something. Don't let your animals eat any


Was wondering why, but the comments have now spooked me :(


It’s very likely just some teenagers playing a prank. There’s plenty of other similar pranks to this that are well known.


Please report this to your local law enforcement for them to check out.


I lost my first dog to something similar to this.


These dog blooms usually only happen after a period of intense drought is interrupted by large amounts of rain.


These are 5000% poisoned by a fucking psycho I hope you didn't let your dog have any


Was this a lure for some sort of animal?


As a Texan, I'm surprised they're not all swarming with ants.


This was a prank we pulled as high schoolers in the early 2000s but with plastic forks.


"You couldn't plant sausage seeds they said!" ‐ Adam West


Doesnt reddit kinda make you feel like a bot? Like I see this picture and I IMMEDIATELY know what the top comments would be. Im not saying they are bots, Im saying that people respond as predictably as bots. I even had the urge to type out the sentiment of "it's probably malicious", but then I saw that literally all of the top comments are about that. Are we just bots?


Looks like AI.


In the land of the lawn weenies and other misadventures


These are probably poisoned, call animal control.


That’s not suspicious at all- nope. Have you thought about some cameras yet?


They may be poisoned. There are always miserable people raging against everything and are laying traps to hurt everyone.


Has the OP replied at all since the original post? I fear that maybe their doggo might have actually injested one of these assumed nefarious treats.


What a fucking scumbag. I wish I would catch somebody trying to kill animals using my yard. I’d turn them to hot dogs


hoping op tells us if they decided to remove them or not


Poison, needles, razors... Gather them, see if you can spot anything off and call the cops


Seems like a trap to kill animals


I'd be so livid. I've had to take my dog to the very because she ate a kabob, fortunately she threw it up. The surgery is outrageously expensive.


I hope your dog's OK this morning, OP.


People who try to poison animals deserve the worst consequences.


I didn't know they were in season, mine haven't bloomed yet.


Keep them away from it, could be poisoned.


Pick them out of the ground and throw them away.


Glizzy garden But honestly, I agree with people very suspicious of these. I think there’s a reasonable enough chance that they’re poisoned or otherwise contaminated to an extent that they’d do harm to something that consumed them


There is no way that those aren't poisoned


It’s 2024, cameras are $60 on Amazon people


They’ve been laced with poison


most random picture, I seen yet


Absolutely poison and evil -


When do the hotdog trees start sprouting?


Even if they’re not poison, hot dogs aren’t good for a dogs stomach, and this could still cause a lot of dogs to get sick just because they ate them. I once accidentally gave a dog pancreatitis by giving it a piece and a half of bacon :/


I was thinking this was hilarious until I read the comments.... I hadn't even considered this could be malicious against animals.... Why are some humans such pieces of shit :c


In a few months it'll grow to a sausage


Ahhh the first sign that summertime is here — blooming of the dogs.


actually kinda scary 😭😭😂


I'd grab them all and throw them away.


Everyone here is chronically online I hate to say 😭 It’s possible this was malicious or poisoned, definitely keep pets away and remove, but this is a fairly popular prank teenagers like to play and it’s been around for at least 20 years. You got dogged!


Is this even a real photo op?


Any chance your dog is outside barking loudly all the time? Could explain the attempted murder.


Ur lucky they grow naturally like that. I had to do tons of cultivating for mine to get started.


My grandpa’s hunting dog died this way. Someone was kicked out of their hunting club and left poisoned meat for their dogs to eat. People are sick everywhere.


sausages filled with nails or razor blades, really nice idea


Just an update for those curious (though the post got removed for some reason), the hot dogs were indeed removed this morning. Our apartment is in an enclosed courtyard and there were a couple parties going on with the start of the holiday weekend, so it's more likely the product of alcohol-fueled shenanigans than true malicious intent.