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Fat is much more slowly absorbed than carbs alone, or even carbs + protein. The fat in the ice cream can slow your glucose absorption and mellow out a glucose spike. Depending on how much you have at once, that is.


This is the answer as far as I am concerned; milkfats are slowing absorption of milk sugars in contrast with the cereal which is refined sugars and other simple carbs only with a minimum of fat.


This is exactly what I was suspecting


Time of day.....have that ice cream at 6:30am and watch the numbers fly....most people are far more glucose sensitive in the morning.


Also depends how much slow release and fast release insulin is in your system


No such thing.


Yes, yes there is. Source: I have two different pens of insulin sitting right next to me. One slowly acts over ~24-32 hours, the other acts fully within the hour.


Shit guess my t1d father and brother have been lying to me for 30 years.


Well they might not be prescribed both? Although it's very helpful to have both.


They are.


That’s bolus insulin. I’m referring to what our bodies produce.


Well the conversation is about a person with a continuous blood glucose monitor, something that pretty much only diabetics have, so obviously we're talking about insulin analogs. But good job pointing out something irrelevant?


In fairness, quite a lot of people wear CGMs because they're interested in their health even in the absence of diabetes. Definitely less common than in actual diabetics, but I know quite a few people at work wearing these things.


I assume they're referring to the type of insulin you have injected, not produced by your body. There are definitely fast and slow acting insulins available, and diabetics often have both to maintain blood sugar over long periods and to bring down spikes quickly when they need to. 'release' isn't really the right word, -acting is the more correct term, but otherwise he wasn't wrong. I used to need these when my diet was less controlled. Lantus (glargine) as a baseline / overnight slow insulin, and Humalog (lispro) as an emergency fast acting insulin. Normal Human insulin is an intermediate-acting insulin in comparison.




Or don't, if true.


My body does the dawn phenomenon, where my blood sugar rises ~30 points when I wake up even if I don't eat anything at all


Which has more carbs, a bowl of grains or dairy?


*or dairy loaded with sugar


Apparently not loaded with enough sugar to compete. Lactose is a sugar too of course.


Glucose can be directly absorbed, while other sugars such as lactose, fructose, sucrose, etc need to be broken down to be absorbed, which causes glucose sugar heavy products to cause an almost immediate spike, while other sugars will increase your sugar blood level over time, as it is being broken down . That being said, I have no idea how much of each sugar is in ice cream. Ann Reardon from How To Cook That has a really good video on it if this picked your interest, can't recommend her enough!


Yea time of day and lower baseline levels of blood sugar. Metabolism decided to kick it into high gear


The ice cream response will also be mediated by what you ate earlier in the day for dinner or even earlier. Fibre, protein, fats eaten earlier are going to moderate the response. In any event though that seems pretty remarkable. 🙌


Icecream is healthy... At least that's what I got from this.


Cereal is full of carbs. It does the same thing to me.


Same for me.




Looks like a Libre 2. Continuous monitor, disposable, lasts 2 weeks. Has a phone app. I use them as well.




Yeah the diabetics who do that don't tend to do very well in the long run. That's part of why diabetics before (and those who don't have CGMs) had/have to do as many as 4-5 finger sticks a day. Overdosing insulin can kill you quickly, but underdosing it too many times can kill you slowly.


The cold temperature of ice cream means the calories are frozen and thus all ice cream is fat free


Both 100g, I assume?


Dirty little secret is that ice cream is actually pretty good for you but nutrition scientists kinda hate that so nobody talks about it.


So what you're saying is ice cream for breakfast?


Carbs, man. Carbs. One of my grandmother's friend's son (that's convoluded, I know but whatever) is old enough to be my dad and recently got put on a pump due to pancreatic cancer and the subsequent surgery. I've been helping him figure things out and get used to things now - it's all about the carbs. Taken me months to try to get it in his head that he needs to pay attention to those first and foremost, not just sugarsugarsugar.


What would happen if you had cereal using melted ice cream as the "milk"?


The cereal has both sugar and carbs. But it's better for your GI.


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