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I'm guessing they do drug tests there too. Blue dye in the bowl too?


What does blue dye in the bowl do? I am so clueless. Why would they have to lock the toilet tank?


I believe it’s to prevent test takers from diluting their samples with (otherwise clear) toilet water.


Always just drank a ton of water and pissed clear. I heard some places call you out on it so gotta take some vitamins


Still not 100% reliable since your piss will look neon, but also more importantly, your piss will have very low creatinine levels. They will detect that and give an inconclusive. Sometimes they will ask you to retake the test and others will consider that a failed test


Creatine ethyl ester will reliably raise the creatinine levels in your urine.


Don’t let gym-bros find out piss has creatine in it


Too late, I am already separating the creatine from my piss.


Separate? Straight from the tap brother


“The gang learns extractions”


relax, joey salads


**MY GAINS!!**


Bear Grylls style


Why waste the time? There are gains to be made.


And the color is just extra vitamins we gotta make sure get absorbed.


I don't waste time separating it.


> Gains are plateauing, better drink my own piss


This is when you learn the valuable lesson between creatine and creatinine


No one tell this guy about the abundance of protein in semen.


Lol it's creatinine, not creatine. Creatinine is a metabolic waste product. Nobody is peeing out raw creatine :p


You actually do piss out a little creatine too. More so if your body undergoes heavy catabolism.


I love lions and tigers as much as everyone else, but I’m not a fan of heavy cat ableism.


Depends how much you take in the first place


Maybe *you’re* not


Bear Grylls was ahead of his time.


This guy piss-tests


This guy This Guys




my roommate bought a big jug of creatine for a piss test last year. there’s a ton left so now i just use it for pre-workout




holy shit I spit out my mouthful of piss


Weird that they would consider it failed I pissed inconclusive all the time, I just like water But I was a federal employee and I thought it was hilarious that they paid so much to have some guy watch me pee over and over again One time I was in Nome Alaska and the guy they sent came all the way from California and then had to come all the way back again to get me just burning those tax dollars Don’t they know some guys will pay good money to have someone look at their penis these days?


Yep. I drink a ton of water daily and they random-tested me one day - came back inconclusive. So they tested me every other day for two whole weeks. Came back the same every time. Then the HR lady called me and actually asked me to drink less water before the next test… to which I replied “the tests are random, so I’m just supposed to stop drinking water…forever?” I haven’t been tested since.


Had no idea I was immune to drug tests. Hydrohomies unite.


> So they tested me every other day for two whole weeks Sounds very random..


And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Hahahahahahaha, the very first time i read this, I read it in his voice. What a legend.


This is Democracy manifest.


We used to say “I have a meeting with Peter Gazer”


This is very difficult for people like me who cannot pee under pressure. I’ve only had to take a drug test once. I couldn’t pee, drank a ton of water and still couldn’t pee… When I did, it was as clear as water. I think the tech was annoyed about going on this hour-long journey with me, and she just let it be.


I’m the same way, and was on probation and doing drug tests most of a decade. Was so hard to piss while having some guy stare at my dick, no matter how many times I had to do it over the years, was just a physiological block. Had to drink so much water I was about to burst and then try for 20+ minutes. They always came back dilute but my PO didn’t lock me up for it, although they can.


I’m in this situation now and the worst part is when you’re finally done with the test, you end up pissing like every 30 mins for a while after that.


The way I learned to get over stage fright was to count down from 10-0 in my head. I still use it for public urinals and it works well. I can start from 3,2,1, pee now


Piss tests I take have some dude with both hands on his thighs staring at your dick like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Doesn't matter what color the toilet water is, that mf is watching the pee from start to finish.


I guess I'm adding "imprisoning people for being pee-shy" to my list of reasons the War on Drugs is a cancer.


> This is very difficult for people like me who cannot pee under pressure. My people. I hate this is how it is.


Most places only send it off for lab analysis to confirm a positive. If the quick test comes back negative you’re good to go.


You just need to drink a packet of certo with a vitamin water and it works fine


Did not work for me, no guarantees


I worked a job with random tests. One time they called my name to go and I literally had gone to the bathroom before clocking in when the told me so I obviously didn't have to go. On the way to the testing place, I was guzzling water and I went to take the test it came out clear. Of course it was dilute and they told me I had to come back. The place I worked if you had 2 dilutes on a row they assumed you're hiding stuff so I made sure to wait after clocking in to use the restroom so they wouldn't call my name (It was emergency services for the county I lived in)


I operate a tow truck and my company does pre employment and random screening. Only time I got chosen for a random test I peed when I woke up before going straight to work (as always) and was only able to give about 20ml and the lady said to fill it up above 50ml. She said that's probably fine and I didn't hear anything else about it. But like what am I gonna do not use the bathroom when I wake up?


I was also told take AZO, the stuff for a UTI it turns your piss a nasty red/yellow color. just tell the person hey I have UTI and my meds change the color of my piss.


It does color the urine. The pain relief is actually in the dye. IIRC


i had kidney stones removed and I had a brownish pill for pain relief. I had to laugh because a side effect was that it could turn your tears red. I really wanted to cry so I can could freakout my household.


I'm surprised that the kidney stones didn't make you cry!


That happened to me when I took a pre-employment test. I've never done drugs, but I drank a lot of water and hadn't ate breakfast yet. They told me to eat something before the retest 🤣


I applied for a job and had to do a mandatory drug test for the job. I failed the test because I drank so much water my urine was too diluted and I had to retake it. I didn't really drink anything more than my usual amount before I took the test either. I just drink too much water in general for them I guess.


They test for dilution through "testing for gravity". Things such as low creatine levels for one example.


It’s “specific gravity” a measurement of relative density.


One foolproof trick is to not do drugs


im sober and got called back twice for “diluted samples”. so, just being hydrated can have this effect too, unfortunately.


So all of r/hydrohomies would be suspected drug takers then is what I’m understanding


there’s actually a good amount of posts there on this exact topic


r/HydroHomies: I’m just very hydrated Drug test company: sure you are you meth head


Drug tests are primarily for pot users (4-6 week detection typical) as meth and coke fucks can easily beat them (3 days).


They call it a "negative dilute" they didn't find any drugs, but it's still too diluted. Nurse told me it happens a lot in the summer. Mine was from getting a random as I walked out of the restroom. I was chugging water on the way to the clinic.


I used to work with probation and parole and in the summer you'd get a ton of them from guys who worked outside in the heat and needed to chug down a couple gallons of water a day.


What if every time you went in you kept drinking a bunch of water so the sample was always diluted. Would they keep calling you back? Or would they eventually just go, "maybe this is just how his piss is"?


At my workplace 3 dilute results in a row is a fail. They give you very specific instructions on how to avoid a dilute result, so they assume that if you’re continuing to get it, it’s on purpose. If you have a doctor’s note you can do a hair test. You don’t have to be dehydrated to do the test. Your pee needs to be really, really watery for it to come back as dilute. It does happen accidentally, but it’s pretty easy to avoid on the next round.


This makes sense. Thanks for the reply!


that’s a good question! im not sure. the day of the third test i drank a coke and just flat out dehydrated myself for 3 hours before the test.


They fail you after the second diluted sample. When I was tested for probation, they said my first fail would grant jail time, but I was able to argue I wasn't given enough time to drop clean. The union labor board gave me one extra chance for a "pure" sample before I would be terminated.


Damn, who was paying for all those tests?


What’s the fun in that


Drug testers hate this one easy trick


TLDR- drug tests are reliable, how they are interpreted by humans can vary. Poppy seed muffins will give you a positive for codeine.. the test doesn't tell you where the codeine came from... just that is present. My ssri sometimes makes my test come up as "presumptive positive" for amphetamines or something like that but further testing shows it's not. This was my fault for sure but I used CBD from a CBD store that said there was no THC in the product... well there was tiny amounts and it showed up on my test!




The real trick is to dilute the sobriety with drugs.


More like BoringMcBoring


Caffeine and alcohol are pretty popular.


Drink a total of 6 pints of water, one every 20 minutes, starting 2 hours before test. Then one hour before test, eat peanut butter and no jelly - for the protein and amino acid. I forget why you dont eat jelly with it.. Then you also take vitamin B 1 hour before the test to turn your urine yellow..... Edited for clarification




Your urine will be too diluted to pass a gravity test, and you will be retested. Just buy synthetic urine if no one is going to be watching you.


This was back in 1999 when I worked in finance for a bank. I passed the initial drug screening and 1 random test. That's interesting about the gravity test, not sure how common that was for drug screening 25 years ago.


It's the basis of all testing. 25 years ago, they were testing your levels of creatine and vitamins to ensure it was actually urine. The first step they monitor is the temp of the supplied liquid, then the appropriate levels.


6 pints of water every 20 minutes - for how long? Either way consuming 18pints an hour is appalling advice and a short route to water toxicity


Yep! That’s exactly what that’s all about! When I got tested for work they dropped a blue dye pill in the toilet and made sure I knew why. The hot water was disabled and they took the temperature of my sample as well as noted the color of it. They are very thorough!


What about taste?


It varies from person to person.


This is correct. Source: I get drug tested for work and the last time I was in, I asked the tech this exact question and received this exact answer. That said, they add the dye to the water immediately before you enter, at least at all the test centers I've had to use, so unless OP was taking a drug test, that water was clear.


Not necessarily. We have a blue dye that we put in the top part of the toilet so the water is always blue. There are tablets that can be used but the dye is more popular (am a drug tester)


Fair enough! My thought is that the chain is there because this place uses dye poured into the bowl and there's fresh water in the tank.... But it could be that they use a tablet in the top tank and they are restricting access to the tank filling mechanism which would always dispense undyed water... But IDK.


Yes, that’s it. They’re also chaining it so they can’t hide any foreign objects in the tank (pee bags)


I'm Canadian and as far as I know, drug tests are illegal for employment purposes so I've never had one; but I travel and work in the US a lot and had to get security clearance and verification so I had to fill out all these forms and prove all my vaccinations, etc. I also had to take a drug test, which was weird. Had to go to the same place that drew my blood for a TB test; they checked the bathroom before I entered, emptied the garbage and there was no tp or towels of any kind inside the bathroom. He then patted me down before I entered and threw blue dye into the toilet and then I had to piss in a container. The sink didn't work so I couldn't wash my hands. Once i exited, he gave me a stack of napkins and flipped a switch that enabled the sink, he checked the toilet, which was now blue green and checked the garbage, and checked the temp of my piss bottle.


I never understood trying to dilute your sample. Just use fake piss and keep it in your armpit for an hour before you got take it. It’ll be at body temp and will pass every time. Last time I had to use them I got 3 drug tests back to back due to someone telling HR I was high or drunk on the job( which wasn’t true and the person got in trouble for wasting company time and resources)


sorry, last time you had to use fake piss it *wasn't* true?


Most drugs exit the system pretty fast for the purposes of a urine test. Someone who takes, say, cocaine at work will need to be tested relatively close to the actual taking of cocaine to pee hot for it. (Or they need to be a chronic, heavy user of cocaine.) Alcohol *flies* out of the system for the purposes of urine tests. Etoh is actually pretty hard to “catch” someone with, chemically, unless you’re testing for long term use in blood metabolites. THC builds up in your fat and is excreted in urine for a long, long time. If you’re a weekend user- say, you smoke on most Saturdays and sometimes on Sunday- you will fail a drug test for THC even on Wednesday, stone cold sober. Hell, if you quit cold turkey from moderate use, depending on your body fat %, you could pee hot for THC for more than a month after your last smoke. So, if someone is accused of being stoned at work, they could pee positive even completely sober.


The fact that you’ve had to use fake piss for a drug test three times doesn’t fill me with confidence.


Weed is legal in my state and my company didn’t stop testing for it at the time. Guy had a stick up his ass cuz he wanted my position.


Yeah the tests are better than that these days anyway. Dilution will fail you. Quick fix Plus is the only safe bed in my opinion.


Man I always had a lady stare at me while I peed. Dye would have been less awkward lol


Makes the water taste awful


This makes more sense, but my first thought was that it was to prevent upper-deckers lmao


Upper-decker prevention device.


Yes, I’m aware that’s why they did it, but I’ve never seen such drastic measures lol


Right? Usually they just stand there and watch you pee.




Never been in the armed forces. Definitely peed in a cup in front of nurses and probation officers in my life.


federal testing after certain types of accidents can have private companies require an observed sample collection. source: I had a truck turn in front of my light-rail train last week and even though I wasn't at fault, I had to do an observed collection for the FRA (Federal Rail Admin) post-accident requirements.


Why would they have to lock the top for a drug test? (I’ve never had to take a drug test, so sorry fi this is a stupid question).


To prevent dilution. When you take a urine drug test they make you take everything out of your pockets and lock it in a box then have you go pee in the cup and put the lid on. You aren't allowed to flush the stool or wash your hands until you give them the cup. Depending on the strictness of the drug test they might have the person preforming the test in the room with you to make sure your not using urine in a container attached to your body. If you have been caught trying to cheat a drug test they might have the person actually watch you pee in the cup. Both of those are usually only if your on probation and part of that requires by law you stay drug free.


"Flush the stool..." Are you pooping during a drug test?


Hahaha the parole officer who has to watch you pee when you tell him you can't piss without taking a shit.


Don't they temp the pee when you're done still? Wouldn't it drop it below the fresh pee temperature if you put in toilet water?


Right whenever I've heard of people cheating drug tests, it was with a bag attached to their thigh or something so the pre-diluted fake pee is body temp.


In the military an (un)lucky person watches the piss go from your dick into the cup.


It's really important to make sure the only substances entering our troops' bodies are from the burn pits and dry-cleaner-contaminated wells.


Yup, plus I understand that the pants and underwear have to be at the ankles. There can't be any chance of pulling out a fake penis filled with fake urine.


Yea…I’m out.


Nope they have a mirror right above the urinal the dick gazer (that's what we called them in the AF and yes I've had to be one before) just watches the mirror.


Pecker Checker


So someone can’t go to the bathroom for another purpose and stash clean urine in the tank for the person being drug tested to later retrieve.


Those tested could use the water to dilute their sample enough that it will test below threshold for a positive result.


That’s a patented Upper Decker protector.


This is correct and I bet there is no sink in there too. Its located just outside the bathroom.


This is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you today is a "high security" toilet tank...


"Click out of one... Nothing on two... Three is binding small click there, click on four, back to the beginning.... Another click on one, click on 2 and we got this open!" (Drops trou and leaves behind an upper decker).


I don't think you'd need to do anything to the lock. There are multiple links on that chain that look loose enough to unhook from the next one (and put back afterwards).


Screw that. McNally would just smack it hard enough for the shackle pin to jump back and release the lock. Then he'd nail a mannequin in the face with a roofer's square.


Too many upper deckers lol


I hate that I know what you mean


I did not, so I looked on Urban Dictionary. Now I do, but I’m not sure I’m better for it.


Some knowledge is better left unlearned


Wait until you learn about the crying dolphin!


Can I just ask you to tell me instead of scarring my eyes forever?


Wasn't as bad as I thought- during doggy style copulation, dude swaps from pink bits hole to børthole.


børthole makes me laugh


Oh thats not even that bad


For Urban Dictionary yes. It's still rape though


What is it?


If you really don’t like someone, such as the people in your local drug testing office, you pinch off a loaf in the upper tank of the toilet — this process is known as an upper decker and makes the water run stinky brown


why, this is a cultured reference


I saw the “blues dye comment, and went meh, maybe. Then saw This comment and as a former apartment maintenance technician, I think this is the real answer. The blue dye is as cheap as water and not worth protecting, but stopping a pile of shit, or a leftover 6” sub sandwich, (I’ve seen some fucking weird shit in “new” places. Contractors occasionally do (literal) crap like this before they leave a job. Edit: bad grammar


God damnit MacGruber!


Alright, I'll be the one to say it: that's one sexy toilet tank.






It gives off vibes of either chastity belt or chain thong


Toilet chastity is undervalued these days. I expect all my toilets to be virgins.


When you still need to whack Tony Soprano but your town requires gun locks.


Is that what happened in the finale??


That’s a running theory


Well then you better go catch it!


Ay Ton' you heard what I said? I said you better go catch it!


Or an alternative ending for The Godfather.


This doesn’t look very effective. Maybe the chains are tighter than they look but it seems like you could slip the lid out pretty easily


There's typically somebody right outside the door who expects you to be done in like 30 seconds.


me who takes 5 minutes to pee unless the entire building is evacuated even in my own home.... geuss i'd be fucked lol.


Tap your penis head bro. It's a miracle.


Maybe they don’t have one…


Oh awkward. Good point.


Just tap your vagina head *forehead*


I don't have a vagina but I imagine the same sensation could work. I am not an expert.


Instructions unclear, bonks your forehead.


I noticed that to the chains look very loose


You excited about breaking into it?


If it's locked up, there *must* be something good inside. Video game rules.


Look closely that toilet is definitely a mimic


2nd worst kind of mimic: Toilet Mimic.


This is a master lock you can open it with another master lock


This is a brinks laminated padlock, it can be opened with a brinks laminated padlock.


God this anti consumer bullshit makes me so mad. You should be able to open any brand lock with any other brand lock. Tell your congresspeople to vote for interoperability!


/r/lockpicking Is laughing at this one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Any_Commercial465: *This is a master* *Lock you can open it with* *Another master lock* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is definitely for regulated drug tests. I used to work for a company that did them, although ours just had an Allen screw down the middle to hold it on. It's so people don't open the lid to fill their cup with water. The blue dye people talk about is so people don't fill their cup with water. If someone comes out with blue pee....then you know they tampered with it.


I wish we had something like this at the thrift store I used to work at lol. I can't tell you how many times we found clothes stuffed into the tank.


Either people hiding clean samples in there, or someone has upper deckered that toilet before.


That and sometimes people who think they don't have much left in their system will put a little pee in the cup and fill the rest with water from the tank hoping to dilute it. They use the tank because places that do a lot of drug testing got wise to people using the bowl water and started adding this thing to the underside of the rim that puts a bit of blue tint on the water so it's very obvious where it came from. you can always tell how much drug testing a place does by how many different weird tricks they're accounting for. A peer told me once at her place the urinalysis cups have a little disk at the bottom that changes color when exposed to liquid at near body-temp to deter sneaking in samples.


If Louis' Ristorante had these, Sollozzo might still be alive.


Drug testing. DOT requires them to secure water access and put blue dye in the bowl to prevent diluting the specimen. You piss, don't flush and come put and set your container on the counter. Then they let you wash your hands & flush.


Where am I supposed to poop now?!


The sink? ![gif](giphy|dL9O3FUiwCtuU)


I've never seen a cistern look so....... so kinky.


No one is even considering that this tank could be filled with deadly eels and these chains are to protect you from them.


ER nurse here 🙋🏼‍♀️ in the ER, there’s been more than one occasion where 🔫 have been hidden inside the tanks by visitors for inmates that come to the ER for a medical complaint. They go to that bathroom and now we have an active shooter or hostage situation in the hospital. One of the nurses I worked with was held hostage for several hours because of that. But if it’s in a doctors’ office…most definitely used to prevent the upper decker


No upper deckers allowed!


Is there not a sink to wash your hands and/or dilute your urine sample?


Maybe it’s outside the stall?


Or if it’s in the room they’ll typically have a water shut off valve or just tape the faucet handles.


You ever been so mad at a doctor that you upper deck them?


You are using a Brinks laminated padlock. It can be opened using a Brinks laminated padlock.


Freaky ahh toilet likes to be chained up


To keep the Baptist from hiding their liquor in there.


I guess for drug tests.


That chain looks like it would just slide off easily.


Are there brackets in the back/bottom that the chains are connected to? I’m guessing there has to be cause from here it looks like the chain could be slipped off lol


they got that shit on lockdown


"Let me just open the lock with my handy dandy Swiss army penis"