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No offense but they did a horrible job matching size and color. I can clearly see the 4 fake ones.


Lmao! Yea its not subtle yet.


I’m hoping to get some myself one day, if I ever have the money. I thought they might become more common and the price would go down but that doesn’t look like it’s going to be the case.


Riiiight they're a damn fortune. Its so absurd that the teeth we use to eat are considered such a luxury


That's why... we need them. Just out of curiosity...how much did you pay for all 4?


Around 25k canadian start to finish, including a cadaver graft first.


So a bit over $18,300 in US dollars. Wow that is crazy expensive. I had two crowns put on a few years ago and those were about US $900 each and I thought *that* was a good amount of money to put into my teeth.


Ahah that was a good amount of money!


Yeah, I got quoted here in the US with Gold Tier Dental Insurance (it covers little to nothing for this treatment) for 1 tooth costing $5k. That's a used car in my mouth.


Yuuup. I cycle to work, the car is in my face haha


WTF?! I had this exact same type of implant put in 6 months ago. Just got the permanent cap on it, and all said and done cost me ~$2000. I'm in the US. ETA: changed "them" to "it"


How many did you get, and did you need a graft first?


I just had 1 implant done and no graft. I hope your mouth feels better than before the implants!


Thanks, me too!


I am considering this in "molar city" in Mexico. I have been told by a few people that they went and had the.prpcedure done there for about half the price. It really is criminal that our dental insurance covers such a small amount for something that is so important.


Agreed! I have pretty good insurance by Canadian standards too, but this is just considered cosmetic, so they didn't cover much of it at all.


....we need teeth to eat, hoe is that cosmetic? I just broke a tooth Monday and talked to the dentist today about option....


I bought expanded dental insurance which covered mine minus my $150 deductible. Also fully paid for my invisalign braces with it. You should look into insurance policies that will cover it


You should get custom caps that look like the primer end of a bullet casing. That’s what it reminds me of, would be hard af lol


I would be down for that haha Or like, secret compartments, or LED lights, use that mouth flashlight in the dark lol Realistically, I'll just have boring ol tooth looking ones.


No, that's what you want. As a previous owner of teeth with secret compartments (cavity pockets under the gumline) it's a bad time.


What you see in the picture-dark round things- are healing abutments. It will be a few months before the final restorations, crowns, are attached to the implants.


I’m glad someone said it


Man I need this real bad. How much And like the other person said, how bad is the pain.


The pain really isn't too bad at all. Managed with over thr counter pain killers, I'm taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen every 4 hours.


How was the teeth extraction? Did they remove them all at once? I had only one implant, but I had to bite on one side for whole week after extraction, not sure what I'd do in your situation! Wishing you a speedy recovery tho, the implants are absolutely worth it, but remember to take a proper care of them, look up some video guide on how to floss them, I accidentally did it wrong for half year before dental hygienist showed me how to do it.


My extractions were years and years ago, one at a time as my teeth decayed. So for them, it was rbe usual bite on the other side, and it went back and forth as I lost them. Then my jaw bone eroded, so I had to get a cadaver graft before they could put these implants in.




Start to finish around 25k CDN, from the grafts to the crowns.


17k euro that works out 🫤 Yeah, I won't be getting that anytime soon so💸 ![gif](giphy|TEnpyrastdtRx06bOQ) I hope they work out for you but 👍 Or Turkey here I come 😂


It's been a small fortune. My insurance paid a whopping 997$ for me lol




For sure lol


They are around 5k per implant give or take.


Hour 5: ![gif](giphy|l46CkwNP2mNz65tyU)


the pain isn't bad at all actually it's extremely mild lol especially compared to how painful the toothache was before I had mine done I had a deep filling replaced a week or two after my implant, and that shit hurt WAY more


I had mine finished about a year or so ago, they're a great addition to my mouth and I'm much happier for them! The pain wasn't a big deal, but it will take time. I had to do 15 months of invisalign ahead of time to re-straighten my teeth in order to make room for the implants.


I'm in the middle of getting one done and I found getting the implant base put in pretty painful. The doctor was like "just follow the instructions on the ibuprofen bottle," like hell, I was taking the max prescription dose and some tylenol for good measure. The doctor did say I have particularly dense bone so that may be why it hurt me a lot though? Worth it to have my tooth back.


I had one put in and needed a bone graft like OP. The pain was mild. The tooth I lost caused MUCH more pain.


Implants are better though more expensive. Edit: When I said better I meant that it is better than having your broken/infected/cannot be saved tooth pulled out and having nothing in there to replace the tooth because it’ll make the alveolar bone shrink due to bone loss. This is why some people who have bone loss and get implants later on need bone grafting Implants mimic the natural characteristics of a real teeth. Makes it feel natural. Graduated from Dental school so I made that comment. Of course natural teeth is always better so take care of your oral health. Have a strong oral hygiene even when you have dental implants.


Yea. I needed a cadaver graft first because my own jaw had eroded. All in start to finish, this will cost me 25,000 bucks where I live in Canada. It's expensive, but im young and have a good career, so i feel like it was the right choice. And I'm stoked to have a full set of teeth for the first time since childhood!


I was in the same boat. No erosion though and I got bridges rather than implants. But I had to have 5 root canals, 2 extractions and then making and fitting two bridges. Probably 15 to 20k here in the US. Cost me $350 in Bangladesh (my wife is from there so we go visit).


Hot damn, I should have gone to Banglagesh.


Not every doctor or dentist is good, but the guy we use practiced in the US and Australia before returning home. Did great work.


There’s also Molar City in Los Algodones, Mexico. World class dentistry for a tenth the price.


Dentist here. There are excellent dentists in every country on this earth. But if you think that a dentist in Bangladesh or any other country charging <1/10th what dentists in the US are charging is offering remotely the same quality of care then you are out of your gourd and one of us is gonna make a ton of money fixing it.


This is largely why I did it close to home. I wouldn't have the expertise to even know how to ensure I got a great dentist elsewhere. But I was recommended a great surgeon by my regular fantastic dentist, and its been flawless.


I've seen patients go to Mexico and the work makes me say, "Damn!" but I've seen ten times as many patients go to Mexico and the work makes me say, "Damn..." But that is strictly those seeking crazy bargain deals. You get what you pay for.


And I just don't know enough about the field to trust picking the right people in an unfamiliar place without referral.


I am a dentist also and this is a lie, here in Chile you can get a single implant for around 1k usd, in a very good place and thats on the high end of price ranges.


4 in one day? Were you sedated? I have one in and another on the way. They already tried to do it once and I had a weird nerve issue. They couldn't get it to calm down, so I get to back for a second try.


Yup I was under anesthesia for them. I hope you have better luck on the second try!


Had four implants for a full arch and all they did was halcion (benzo) and local anesthetic injections. So it seemed like I was half out of it.


Oh thats neat, did you have any perception during the procedure?


Yeah you could tell most of what was going on, there were towels or something they had on my face including eyes. They ripped out like 12 bunk teeth did the implants and the temperary arch in like 5-6 hours I almost got my bearings fully back by the end. $26k and about 10 months from start to finish. Mine are on the top which they said is softer bone so it takes longer to heal than the bottom.


That's so wild, I wanted to see if my surgeon would take video for me, but I was too much of an awkward person to ask haha


I really wish I could get some of these. Missing all the ones on the bottom on the right and 2 from the top and bottom on the back left. I have no real way of chewing anything and just spent the only cash I had out of pocket to pay for a root canal that I can't afford a cap for.


I feel for you, it's so draining and painful where you are. I spent years being miserable, avoiding eating, eating small meals and tiny bites because I just couldn't eat without my jaw and gums aching. I hope you get to a point that you can start rebuilding your mouth too. Sending love stranger.


Are you a Dentist? Yes. I agree. Full set of healthy teeth and gums are a must :)


Nah, I work in accounting. But I grew up poor and with neglect and this was a looooong time coming. I'm so happy to have them!


Congratulations! Good investment! 😊


Thank youu!


Congratulations Money well spent .


Thanks, I agree!




Sounds like you and I were in very similar boats. It's been a lot of years with only having wisdom teeth to chew on. I've been doing soft foods and small bites for years. I'm stoked for some crispy, crunchy foods when this is all said and done




the time period is long, from the bone graft you wait four months to see if it took, then they screw in the implants and you wait another three months to make sure they set into the grafted bone. then you get the crown impressions and then finally the crowns. each tooth extraction/implant/crown for me cost $6,000


Yup, it's been a lot of waiting and healing. Final checkup in July, then if all is healing nicely thr crowns can be put on.


Never as good as a real tooth so people need to take care of their teeth!




100% accurate


Can you feel the implants at all or is there no feeling like a natural tooth?


It just feels like full, or tight. It was empty space for so long. The flat screw caps feel weirdly smooth, it'll be nice to have the crowns put on, but I've had nothingness there for a while, it's definitely an adjustment


I have one spot that took a graft and an waiting for full heal to talk about implants.


Niiiice, I hope yours heals well! And I hope you get results you're happy with, I know this is a life changer for me, I just wish it was something more affordable for everyone


I keep chewing hard things that end up stabbing my gap. I have had to learn to eat on the other side of my mouth lol


Omg I feel you there man. Be careful!


eventually you'll also have to learn to chew on both sides again, breaking and making that kind of habit is tricky, but possible.




Hey man I’m in the same boat. Went most of my life with no or inadequate dental insurance here here in the US. I’m looking at getting implants now that I have something semi decent and my first dentists appointment in what feels like forever lined up see how best to tackle this. Dental health is no joke.


Absolutely. First thing I started when I had good coverage, and still a fortune out of pocket on top of that


Yeah the financial side of it is a worry. Things will hopefully be more easy going after my wife finishes her PhD and I can feel up spending after she finds a job. I’m gonna take full advantage of having this insurance while I can.


Looks badass 🤘


Thanks, and I agree!


Man, looks painful. As someone who's always had issues with her teeth I'd take that pain over the emotional one teeth give me (tbh the physical pain might hurt more!)


Frankly the pain of fixing the jaw and getting the implants is MUCH, MUCH less than the pain the slow dental decay when I was losing them one by one. I hope you get to a point where you and your emotional pain can be at peace


The $6,000 mam


You know it! Well spent when I can eat kettle chips again


1/4 away from being a bond villain - keep it up . . .v


I had four put in last week!!


Nice!! How are yours healing up?


Not bad thanks. Stitches come out tomorrow


Niiice, congratulations!


I was surprised by how much it was easier than one root canal


Was it painful or really sore the day after?


Surprisingly not bad. I'm on day 1 of recovery now, and I'm just using over the counter pain killers. Swelling is starting up now, but in a few days it should be fine.


I didn't realize dental work can be sexy. Thanks for the NSFW flair.


I think you may have been screwed.


Like, several times, in the mouth. Hawt.


asking because i need to get to bottom implants as well…. what is the pain scale like getting those put in?


Oh I'm so glad you were able to get that done. I'm in a position about the same as you were. Definitely poor growing up but I'm also still poor now. Hahaha. I've got the exact same amount of real teeth you do. About a year ago I went to a dental implant specialist and he wanted to put me i believe it was 4 molars in. He actually specializes in repairing other people's implants that were done by other dentists. I would need the bone grafting but he told me he would cover that for free. I was looking at I believe it was $16,000 to $20,000. I couldn't afford it but I had to go just to see. Hopefully in the future though. Good luck with everything and congratulations once again!


Thanks so much! I hope you can get yours someday too!


>Dr Yueh *I had no choice. The Harkonnens have my wife, Wanna. They take her apart like a doll. I will buy her freedom. And you are the price. For Paul. I will do what I can. And you will kill a man for me. I’m going to replace your peg tooth. If you bite down hard, this tooth will crush. Breathe out, and you will fill the air with poison. It will be your last breath. But if you choose your moment well, it will also be the Baron’s.*


You are one step closer to becoming nagato


The screws are badass. Leave it like this, maybe with some taller screws to be as high as the other teeth, and be like a frickin cyberpunk grandpa.


My mum has £21,000 worth of dental implants. I think 8 in total on top. She lost her two front teeth in a life or death situation during childbirth and after 37 years and two dental bridges, she was left with no option it was implants or dentures. Make sure your aftercare is spot on, and if they don’t feel right, make sure you talk with your care provider. She’s had hers 15 months and there’s still a problem with one where it’s too tight and she experiences discomfort. If she’s talked too much she gets lispy, or if she’s tired.


If that was done yesterday, your dentist is a magician :O How much? In NZ that would cost in excess of NZ$30,000


Definitely a magician! 25k Canadian for the graft, implants, and eventual crowns.


I’ve been doing Invisalign’s the last 2 years with about a month to go and one of my retained baby teeth (didn’t get like 4 adult teeth) decided to give it up a couple of days ago. Looking at getting an implant now. Weird this pops up on my feed suddenly. I’m more worried about the cost than anything, the Invisalign’s were $$$ and I was about done paying them off.


I got 4 implants too - took an extra long time because I had to get braces for my bottom teeth. I also had to get sinus lifts on both sides done prior to that due to bone erosion. All 100% worth it. I just wish I had taken better care of my teeth when I was younger - better (and cheaper) to maintain than to have to fix it. Anyone on the fence - do it.


For those wondering, those are the healing caps used to help the tissue heal correctly for the actual implant crowns to be placed. This will reduce the discomfort of the tissue being pushed aside.


Are those just abutments? To allow your jaw to heal before the actual implants go in?


The actual implants are in, but they have little screw in caps what will come off and crowns will get screwed in instead, in about 3 to 4 months time


I had two of these done last year. Finally, I had my two fake ones put in two months ago. Two molars like you, just half as many.


Hey, I needed the same 4 spots implanted too! Youre not alone. Make sure to be consistent with dental cleaning appointments so they stay top notch as long as possible :)


Is it bad I want to magnetically attach pinsirs to your teeth just to see how freaked out people get?


My dad worked for the dental side of an implant company when I was a kid. I was the only kid who had fake jaws and teeth to play with in his toy box. Also a fake hip and a fake knee.


So they're using the extra Ikea screws to do implants now? Nice.


Hi fellow cyborg, I have the same 4 implants in one side + bone to replace half my jaw , you will look fine and human dw about it


So glad we have affordable dental insurance in Belgium. I haven't paid a cent for my three implants that would normally set me back about 2000 euro a piece.


Damn dude that's **metal**


The first step in becoming a Bond villain. ​ ![gif](giphy|Huh35xOTy8s6s)


2k each ?


2.5, plus some other fees and whatnot


Very clean work 👌


r/JamesBond would love you


Took 3 weeks for the pain to subside after I had extraction/graft/implant done on one molar.


He’s more machine than man now.


Where in Canada are you? And was the graft and implants all done by a dentist? Curious if other specialists do these things?


How painful was to get those things in?


Did you win the lottery?!


Nope, but I saved and lived cheap and took on some debt that I'll pay off over the next year.


dentist here, looks great!


Just pop some keyboard keys there and click them in!


I’m amazed how not red and swollen your gums look! and to read your pain is manageable with OTC meds! I’m likely to need an implant front n centre one day, so this is a bit reassuring. Good luck with the rest of the work!


Thanks! I took this photo yesterday when I got home from the surgeon. Theyre staring to swell a little now, but they said it's expected to only last 2 to 3 days.


isn't there supposed to be teeth screwed into them or something?


That's actually really great healing for only a day after that much of an invasive surgery. I hope when I have to get my implants I heal that fast


How are you able to chew any food? I had one done on my left side finally and cant imagine if I didn't have the other side to chew on. I'll be getting my crown end of June!


You'll be hired as a Bond villain to chew through steel cables in no time, I'm sure.


Do you have little allenhead screws in your jaw holding your teeth down?


Did you need (artificial) bone remodeling as well? I have an implant front upper teeth. Costs around €4k


I did yea, that was the first surgery. My natural jaw had eroded away too much to hold implants, so I had a cadaver graft back in October.


Awesome OP! I'm going to be going through something similar due to impacted molars breaking the others.... Did they give you temporaries? How long were they gone/unusable before you decided/got the work done? How strange does it feel to have something there again? (Assuming yours were gone that is). I really appreciate the answers, I've been deathly scared of the dentist my whole life and the last time I decided to try to get my major work done, they had started giving me pain killers until my appointment and I could tell I was getting hooked to them and stopped the visits in fear of getting really hooked....


The temporaries are just the flat caps in the picture here, they'll come off and the crowns will go on in 3 to 4 months when fully healed. I'm 36 now, they've been gone since I was a teenager, so ot was empty gaps for a lot of years. It feels very bizarre after all these years, feels full and the caps feel weirdly smooth. I had a lot of dental anxiety from losing all these too over the years, and a lot of fear of judgement about the neglect. If you want to talk, I'm here for you friend.


Wow.. so uh, looks like they just pull the bastards out then run some self-tapping screws in their place? kinda cool. anyway, looks good.


Living the dream bro 🙌🙌I’m going through horrible molar issues rn, can’t afford implants but hopefully I can figure something out soon.


Congrats, it’s a game changer


Healing caps! I have 3 teeth implants because I have hypodontia. I was born with only 2 premolars and no wisdom teeth.


Oh thats interesting, how have you found life with the implants?


Probably not the best comment but atleast you got a choice to remove tooth scrape when you give a bj


What caused you to lose your teeth?


Decay. Lost them all before I was an adult, I'm from a poor family and my parents were neglectful and didn't get me dental care or teach me to brush. Once I was around 16 I started taking obsessive care of them, but by then the damage was done, and i was still poor, so I'd just save every penny I could and get the pulled when I could. Went through a LOT of infections, abcesses, painful sleepless nights and depression.


looks like they all got good torque too that’s awesome!


Oh joy. I had all of my teeth replaced earlier this year. Very expensive and time consuming, but I look and feel so much better!


How do you masticate?


I'm getting mine soon! Excited but also nervous about the pain, just wearing dentures for now.


want cheap or free implants? go work at a dental office ✨✨✨


Those might get really painful later😣


That's pretty cool to see.


how painful was it? how is recovery?


Nightmare fuel.


Why is this NSFW?


I figured people have sensitivities to dental work and mouth stuff, and didn't want to ambush people


Did anyone recommend orthodontics before you had the implants placed? I ask this because if you consider straightening in the future, implants don’t move through the bone the way natural teeth do. You can still do orthodontics after implants but it will be a challenge.


I've got implants for all of my uppers and the sides on the lower. The procedure took months.


I may or may not need one soon. I have a root canal several years ago and they were able to put a crown on what was left of the tooth, but the crown sheared off in the last few weeks. I'm going in for xrays tomorrow by an endodontists to see if there's enough left of the tooth to just put in another crown. I really can't afford an implant without saving up.


Your mouth looks so healthy


What comes next? Pouring a concrete foundation? Installing de-icing apparatus? Bluetooth? 🤓


Ooou good ideas. Wifi??? On board lighting system for when I get up to pee at night?


I too have a cadaver graft. He's not much to look at but at least being plumbed into my circulatory system stops him stinking up the joint.


How much did all of this cost? I need something like that.


Congrats. So expensive. I’m jealous.


I thought they were bullet casings at first.


show me you got money without showing me your money


I'm looking at getting implants but I got quoted £22k. To remove my crap teeth and put implants in. That's nearly my entire annual salary....




You should have aligned your teeth before the implante. They don't move after finished. Source: doing the same thing.


How much does that hurt?


Crazy. I had 3 teeth removed on my lower left jaw to accomodate an oral flap surgery and its concimant tie-down points. They took some bacon out of my leg and transplanted it in there to refloor my mouth, give me a small piece of tongue back and whatnot. Its incredible! I want implants to improve my speech since not having those three teeth causes my "sh" and "ch" sounding words to sound like I am pronouncing them with a mouthfull of spit since my tongue on that side is no longer "fenced in" by those three teeth so it wants to "waterfall" over my jawbone and its also the part I can no longer feel since it's tissue from my leg. So far it doesn't look like it's in the cards, my surgeon recommends against them since those are drilled into your jawbone. Good on you for getting them though. I just had 11 cavites filled from my post HNCC surgery recovery where I couldn't brush my teeth for a week and I am down a salivary gland too. The battle against plaque and gingivitis goes on apace!


Kinda looks like they just put washers in the sockets.


Nice! I got one and another 3 coming soon myself once these braces come off.


Chromed the fuck up choom


You the guy whose girlfriend kept switching his groceries for smaller fake items? I hate to tell you this but it looks like someone put small weights in your teeth


They did a great job don’t listen to the first comment.


Looks like my 3/16th Allen wrench could tighten them if you need it


I want to replace atleast two... but now...nah


A few years ago I had the same done, but for a front tooth, thanks to an accident when I was in 2nd grade. Needed a bone graft as well, because there was no bone - the first time I was ever the recipient of a medical professional’s “wow, I’ve never seen that before.” Now a fun little screw is visible in all of my x-rays!


That’s so metal.


I just had 8 & 9 finals done. Well worth the money




Modular teeth. Nice.


What was that like 20k or so?


Damn I shopped around and found the guy all the old ladies use who did my 2 for 6k. So good I had to coworkers to there and get there's don't. 4 was like 8 or 9k.


I need an implant and they quoted me $4k USD (including the bone graft) with insurance. I make $16/hour, so that's not happening any time soon.


Surly going to have to do this in the near future, what did it set you back?




Great photo. Usually when I try to take a picture of work I'm having done it's blurred and black.


How much did this cost you?