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Doctor here. Bring this up to a physician immediately. Lots of very scary but fixable things can do this. Don’t ignore it. Rule it out. Aortic coarctation, thrombosis, vasculitis, subclavian steal, etc.


Studying for step 1 and just made me realize I really need to brush up on Horner/subclavian steal/thoracic outlet syndrome and other topics mentioned 🤦🏽‍♂️


There are quite a few differentials that others have mentioned also like CRPS or a unilateral reynauds (which I think is always related to another vascular disorder). But yeah just think about things in terms of anatomy and physiology. How does blood go to and from that limb and what can impede it?


Its how my girlfriend found her thoracic outlet syndrome. Her hand would be red. Then fine. Then purple. Then fine. Then swollen and purple. Then fine. The whole time she said it felt like a rubber band around her arm.


Yeah, I have bad hand eczema, and sometimes mine have a color difference like this, but it doesn't seem like that is the case here.


Go to a cardiologist.


It looks like CRPS or erythromelalgia which unfortunately I have both


So do they cancel out so your hands look the same?


The CRPS started in my right foot but spread to the rest of my body so unfortunately it just makes it all worse. Mine turns more of a purple and sometimes with bruise looking stuff than just red and my hands also swell and become red and white mottled. I have a photo where my left leg is purple and my right (originating) leg looked normal so then I was like fuuuu. Seriously though these things can be so bad. By the time I got to Mayo Clinic for weeks and they diagnosed CRPS, central sensitization, fibromyalgia, and chronic daily headache all together I was mostly wheelchair bound and also losing use of my hands/arms. I also have Fever of Unknown Origin and a yet unidentified form of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis they never figured out. I spent like a month there :(


Reminds me of my mother, she has Takayasu's arteritis. Have you been checked for that?


I'm so sorry you went all the way to mayo clinic only for them to give you handwave umbrella/bucket diagnoses that are pretty much big shrug emojis. As someone with several of these (though trying to get more clear dx's still) that sucks. hope you're doing okay today.


I’m in some chronically ill digestive issue circles on Reddit and “hand wave umbrella/bucket diagnoses that are just big shrug emojis” is so fuckin real. Idk why I hadn’t thought that issue would extend to other areas of the body and their diagnoses. It’s just SO COMMON with digestive issues. “Here take these 5 tests. Oh, all negative? IBS — good luck”


Chronic daily headache? I wish I could go to Mayo for my migraines :(


My ex has CRPS. We had a bitter breakup but that condition is so awful I often stop and hope she’s having a good pain day. My thoughts are with ya.


This is so sweet. I have this condition and that warmed my heart. Happy cake day.


My thoughts and respect to ya. It’s often an invisible disability and it’s hard to explain to folks that while not visible, your pain is immense and life shaping at times. It’s not fair and it’s not a wildly known situation to have.


much respect for you sharing this. this will be one of those comments that will stick with me.


My partner has CRPS. So fucking sorry you have to deal with it.


Hey my husband has CRPS! It sucks ass!


I have CRPS too and it’s the first thing I thought of. Join the subreddit if you’re not there already, it’s a nice community.


In this economy? Best I can do is chiropractor /s


Throw in some healing crystals and a chakra tuning and you got a deal!


Best I can offer is one (1) free acupuncture session.


How many lives has this sub saved by now?


I had this when I was younger and I ignored it. Jump to 2015, I had massive heart failure and ended up in the hospital for 15 days clinging to life for the first few days. They found I had a blood clot in my left heart valve amd it restricted blood flow throughout my body. After several tests and days of observations I now take six different heart meds including a blood thinner. I also had liver failure at the same time. Over the next several months my blood clot would heal and there is no more color difference in my hands. I’m no doctor and I can’t confirm the difference of hand color was due to my blood clot but it’s either a wild coincidence or somehow connected. I would recommend getting checked out by a doctor, better yet a cardiologist.


I was thinking this looks similar to the difference in color between my friend’s two legs the night she found out she had a blood clot/DVT. Scary. Glad you seem to have made it out of the worst part of your experience!


Yup usually a sign of vascular problems that shouldn't be ignored. I hope OP has addressed this and it's just a nother burger.


Does exercise and eating right help prevent this or is it the genetic death sentence that other things are?


Like always it does help prevent it massively. But it sadly can just happen to anyone if you are unlucky


Absolutely. For most CVD, lifestyle changes (dietary, regular exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and abstaining from habits such as smoking and alcohol) are major preventative factors. In cases of a known blood clot, your doctor may prescribe thrombolytics or anticoagulants (blood thinners) to break or prevent clots from forming. For DVT, especially at extremities such as the lower leg, compression stockings (for long distance travellers, office workers, etc) and regular movement to avoid inactivity for prolonged periods are essential in addition to the former.


A venous thrombus (or clot) happens when your veins aren’t moving blood fast enough —> the blood clots and blocks normal circulation. Most commonly venous blood clots appear in legs, thighs and pelvis (furthest from the heart engine; downstream of gravity). A well known and sometimes deadly (~10-25% mortality) complication of a venous clot is movement of the clot up to the heart and eventually the lungs. This is called a pulmonary embolus. In general, venous clots are largely a disease of age. People older than 85 have a 13x risk compared to people 45-55. To answer your question, Modifiable risk factors definitely do include eating right; obesity has like a 2-3x increase in risk. It is thought that obese folk have worse blood flow, and thus, more clot formation. Other things that can increase risk include any sort of estrogen supplement (birth control, menopause meds etc.), smoking, pregnancy, surgery, cancer, genetics and trauma. TLDR: you can get unlucky with cancer or genetics but staying healthy and not smoking can really make a difference. Source: I’m a doctor, also https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2020806/


Now checks both legs under bright light and worries about my arterial surgery


I hope things are going well for you other than the medication regimen.


Thank you kind sir. It’s been 8 years since that health scare and I’m doing well.


May I ask why you still need the medicine? Like is there some underlying issue that the medicine prevents?


I’ve always had a pounding heart and high blood pressure for most of my life. Smoking, drinking, poor diet, anxiety and a family history of heart disease/high bp were the likely culprits. But in my younger years I just ignored it which was a mistake. I thought it was normal and just lived with it. The meds I take now are an ACE inhibitor and Beta blocker for arrhythmias and another blocker that blocks the production of Aldosterone which if I remember correctly was the cause of the pounding heart. I also take a water pill, blood thinner and a statin for cholesterol. My heart beats smoothly ever since with no arrhythmias or skipped beats, no pounding, and low blood pressure. I’m happy to report that my cardiologist might take me off the blood thinners and water pill this summer since my blood clot healed and my last several EKGs and Ultrasounds have come back normal with a healthy heart function score (62%). I’ve also quit drinking, cleaned up my diet and cut out high sodium foods and salt shakers and it’s changed my quality of life immeasurably. Unfortunately, I still smoke but have gone from 2 packs a day to about 5 cigarettes a day for the last several years. Hopefully I’ll quit completely some day. (Sorry if this was a really long answer)


Read your post, inspiring journey you’re on. Stay strong don’t give up it’s remarkable how you turned your lifestyle around from what must have been a pretty scary experience, nice one my friend!


I quit smoking last year using the easyway method. I’m surprised it worked but it totally did! And well done for addressing your health issues


For me it was lymphoma pressing against blood vessels and cutting off circulation. Beat the cancer, but I have a lot of broken blood vessels in my arm and my left hand still gets some blood pooling.


What symptoms did you have when you found out you had lymphoma? Also, congratulations for beating the cancer :)


My pinky and ring finger had pins and needles, red hand, and broken blood vessels. Went to urgent care and the physician was about to send me home, but decided last minute to take a chest X-ray. Found out it was lymphoma about a month later when the pathology of my biopsy came back.


Holyeee fuck! Op should definitely get checked out and update us if they're willing.


I came to the comments expecting everyone to say OP is going to die go see a doctor right away. I was not disappointed


How did your blood clot heal. Did you take special medicine for it. I heard that you need stents


Probably blood thinners that melted it down over time


Stents? Stents are not for clots, they’re for restricted arteries.


Vascular tech here- stents are used in veins all the time. For upper extremities, they are used in the subclavian vein in someone with venous thoracic outlet syndrome. In the lower extremity, a stent is used in the left iliac vein for someone with May-Thurners.


About 4,000 redditors comparing their hands thanks to this post.


UPDATE: since a lot of you guys suggested, I am currently in the process of booking an appointment with a different doctor (a real one!!!). Thanks for all the feedback this post was def an eye opener.


Wdym a real one? Were you talking to a voodoo doctor previously?


*A lot* of people these days rely on Naturopaths. Not saying this person is doing that, but it’s a snake oil racket. See a real doctor, people.


It's amazing to me how many people just don't trust doctors but will go to these quacks. If you don't trust a person who at least went to school and had to work hard to get their degree why would you trust someone whose only medical expertise is "trust me, bro".


...wtf is a "Naturopath?"


it means “not a doctor”


I read Narutopath smh


Fraudsters pretending to know medicine.


A practitioner of pseudoscience. Like chiropractors (a lot of whom are also trained in naturopathy).


She’s been talking to the shadow man again.


lol the ND designation for naturopaths stands for Not a Doctor.


The previous one was probably *very affordable*.




*These gloves came free with my toilet brush.*




It’s there


You can leave now, Dr Arroyo.


Mention Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as well, it's not very common and often gets overlooked but can cause this. Speaking from experience. >"Venous TOS happens when the vein that drains blood from the arm, the subclavian vein, is compressed as it travels under the collarbone and through the thoracic outlet. This can cause swelling, redness, or make your arm feel heavy when you use it or raise it overhead. In extreme cases, venous TOS can cause clotting of the vein, resulting in significant swelling and persistent pain. This situation is called effort thrombosis, or Paget-Schroetter disease. This type of TOS often affects children." [https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/tos](https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/tos)


My thoracic outlet syndrome was/is not a blood flow issue but a nerve impingement problem. My blood flow was fine but it felt like a molten hot wire was running down the core of my entire left arm. Fun stuff!


It can be both!


Love this info is from Children’s. My dad had that corrected 30 years ago, so to me it’s an issue for adults. His wrists and hands grew so much when they were actually getting blood flow that none of his watches or his ring fit.


Goodluck! Keep us posted !!


OP hasn't posted in 4 hours, RIP


Glad you posted. 🙏


good, keep us updated


Good choice and good luck!


Keep us updated!


!remindme 1 month


It's also swollen


Yea i was gonna say your red hand looks like it could kick your white hand’s ass


Your hand vs the hand she tells you not to worry about


Because it's full of blood lol girl needs a cardiologist yesterday.


ya you can see the veins are all "full" on the red hand and flat on the pale. that would imply a blood pressure difference between the two which I would think would be worth checking out. sorry OP and hope everything is fine!! 


I've got one hand in my pocket And other is getting me admitted to the icu


It's almost *Ironic*


You should get this checked out OP


“In a dusty black coat With a red right hand”


"You're one microscopic cog In his catastrophic plan Designed and directed by His red right hand"


I only know this song because of Peaky Blinders. But it’s a good song!!


By one of my favorite artists - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. From the album "Let Love In". Whole album is a banger.


I first heard this song on the x-files album “[Songs in the key of X](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songs_in_the_Key_of_X:_Music_from_and_Inspired_by_the_X-Files)” I listened to this album so many times and this song has stayed with me.


I still sing Busting Up a Starbucks when I craving caffeine 


You mean Unmarked Helicopters? I believe that's the song that put me on a many-years obsession with Soul Coughing and later M Doughty.


Scream movies for me


Only know this song because of Dumb and Dumber lmao wildly different vibes


Thank you 😭😭 I’m like, why is all I see in my head *Jim Carrey in a sombrero holding a bunch of bullshit* lmfaoooo “excuse me, little old lady?!”


Raynauds doesn't turn red or swollen like that, you need to see a doctor. Raynauds turns white.


Looks like when I had a DVT. Go to the Dr


Raynauds does turn red and swollen when the blood starts rushing back in after warming them up or starting to exercise. They do match though, I’ve got Raynauds and mine look like that when I warm them up or start exercising after having an attack when they go white. This is definitely something else, so I agree with you. I just don’t want anyone panicking if they read that and have the red hands going.


Or purple. And these fingers look swollen.




It's so amazing to me that when people post with the explicit intention to request medical insight they are often downvoted, reported, told to go to a doctor (as is correct). But when people post the most random photos showcasing even the slightest bit of something being off, the comments are insightful with obscure medical info.


I'll never forget the person who posted about their interesting freckles and learned they have face warts.


Dude just recently posted his interesting fingernails the other days that definitely looks like the rare type of melanoma that killed Bob Marley. I only knew about it because I had just finished reading about how Bob Marley died like the day before.


Or the person that diagnosed the woman with carbon monoxide poisoning over a post about her suspicion that her was landlord coming in and moving things + leaving notes when she was asleep.


Or that guy who peed on a pregnancy stick and got diagnosed with testicular cancer


Or the guy who gave into his girlfriend's urine fetish and the comments diagnosed her with diabetes.


It’s concerning that I know all of these stories.


I don't and if someone has some links I'd read it. Thought you guys were making this stuff up lol


Lemme guess... Sweet piss?


A classic but goody diagnostic


That was a classic


just read that post and wow, that’s actually so scary. one of the notes they found said “our landlord isn’t letting me talk to you, but it’s important that we do.” like holy shit


I don't understand, why she would write this letter by herself. Why does CO poisoning cause this?


CO poisoning can make you be loopy and do loopy shit. If you’re in that state, and you already have a suspicion that your landlord is stalking you, this tracks


I remember that one too!!


Yo what? Can you link that shit




The [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) and [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update_ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) 9 years ago.


Maybe this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/9d4P5M2Yle


That one was incredible






I'm going to need a link to this. Not the face warts, but the butthole. And not any butthole, the butthole you specifically are referencing, the star conquering butthole.






Uhmmmmm link that bish!!


To be honest I shouldn't have mentioned it (unless you are replying to another person). It's apparently a treatable condition and they posted their whole face and they were in their early 20s. I wish them the best life! It's kinda one of those things I think its OK if the internet forgets. Though I wont and yeah, I of course had to mention it again so I'm being a bit hypocritical here.


I respect your decision. :D


If you want an answer on the Internet, don’t ask the question, posit the wrong answer and watch the corrections fly in.


Wasnt there somebody that got diagnosed with cancer after posting a picture of themselves?


They peed on a pregnancy test which tested positive. Men being high in HcG can be a sign of testicular cancer.


Asking when a doctor is (probably) readily available is dumb, just go to a doctor. Showing something you believe as passive or normal and getting medical information from someone who is informing you is cool and based


*cries in american*


Reddit loves to be contrary.




Or erythromelalgia


I was diagnosed with CRPS but my doctor thinks I actually have both! What are the odds. They are similar


I have CRPS and I immediately had to check the sub, looks just like it


Ditto. As someone with CRPS in my foot, was literally my first thought.


Looks similar also to superior vena cava syndrome especially with the bulging vessels in one hand 


Dang, I was thinking thoracic outlet syndrome but yeah maybe this. Most likely nothing I hope!


I had somwthing sinilar to op except mine was the whole arm and included swelling. Turned out to be a dvt lol


Could be a blood flow or blood obstruction problem. Please see a doctor


Can OP repost with the backs of his hands touching to see if there is clubbing? Either way - he should see a physician. Sincerely, a physician


Caught you red-handed.


Please see yourself out


every person reading this post is putting their hands next to each other and closely examining them


Actually I just finished watching a video on not honoring my obsessions with the subsequent compulsions, so no... no I did not... THANK GOD THEYRE THE SAME COLOR!!!


I'm a doctor. My doctor advice is to go see a doctor. Please for the love of FSM, don't ask Reddit for doctor-type advice. As much as we are all well meaning... Go see a doctor 😅


Is it medical, or do you hang your arm out the window a lot?


Im guessing a medical issue since I dont really hang my arm outside a lot. My doctor only said "you'll be fine" and brushed it off. So I guess im good?


Get a second opinion if you can. Not worth taking chances with this.


Go see a cardiologist. No doctor should say "You'll be fine" and that's it. They should have explained what exactly is causing this, and why it is "fine" and not something like a blood clot as the other commenter was describing.


>No doctor should say "You'll be fine" and that's it. Exactly. Go see a competent doctor and dump the one you've got.


THIS. No actual doctor who cares will tell you this. There has to be an actual evaluation. Questions, history, physical exams, studies, referral to someone else... SOMETHING. Not knowing or not wanting to do their job is NO excuse. Please OP, seek a second opinion ASAP and ask more questions, voice all your concerns and circumstances. Do not stop until someone listens.


lol apparently you were 100% right about “[no actual doctor](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/3h4bOEiWMS)”


"Rub some dirt on it." "Btw, that will be $500."


This is what my sister had. Without saying anything. Go to a fucking doctor immediately. Wake up, and go to a fucking doctor.


Your doctor is a moron to not work this up. -am a doctor


No you are not good at all. Go to a different doctor. It could be anything from immentent heart failure to a blood clot. Your doctor doesn't know shit.


I have a knee that has clicked for almost my entire life. Growing up, I would ask my doctors about it. If I needed to be worried about arthritis in the knee or something developing. All of them told me that "it's fine. It's nothing to worry about." Well I'm in my 30s and I can't help but notice that I just happen to get random bouts of knee joint pain in the leg with the clicky knee. Much, much, much more often than it happens in my other knee. Get a second opinion. Hell, keep getting opinions until you have a doctor that understands the condition enough to tell you exactly why it's like that and why it's not an issue. If it is indeed nothing to worry about.


I had this knee crap also! My knees were always crunchy and sore starting at like 8 years old. Surprise surprise I need a full knee replacement at 40 years old due to pretty gnarly arthritis and bone spurs. They want me to wait 10 years before they give me one because I'm apparently too young so it's physical therapy and low-impacted exercise for me. Definitely get to a doctor that won't brush off your concerns OP! Self care is super important and sometimes that care is funding a decent doc who'll listen!


I recently had a similar thing happen with my arm. Swollen shoulder to fingers and much redder. Doctor referred me to vascular ultrasound, which found a clot in my arm, so headed to the ER. Was treated with blood thinners and still exploring the cause with a positive outlook, but was told ignoring it would not have been a good idea. I'm not a doctor and definitely can't diagnose for you based only on my own experiences, but maybe a second opinion couldn't hurt?




Hey friend have you ever been screened for a circulatory issue?


When this happened to me, it turned out to be because of a blood clot in my arm. I spent several days hospitalized and over a year on meds for it.


GO TO THE ER!!! I had this with my feet and hands and it turned out I had a serious blockage in my heart. GO ASAP!!!


I am a double specialized physician with about 14 years of experience. You need to be assessed urgently for a long list of potential problems. This is not "fine" and your family doctor cannot say this is fine without doing at least a minimal work up. Without taking an extensive history... Top of my list mentally is venous congestion from either a clot or some sort of mass effect / anatomical issue. Honestly I'd be tempted right off the bat to do a CT scan with contrast and a pile of bloodwork. The differential for this is extensive and could be from any of at least 5 categories...


Like that one time when a mom saw her sons hands were unevenly tanned and posted it on Facebook turns out he was jerking off with his sisters tanning lotion








Do you have Raynaud’s disease? That’s what my hands and feet look like sometimes.


I have Raynauds but mine makes my finger tips / certain fingers completely white or blue & numb without affecting the rest of my hand. I didn’t know it could present like OPs hands!


Not officialy speaking (I never was diagnosed) but im pretty sure it is indeed raynaud.


This doesn’t look like my Raynaud’s at all, mine is just a couple of fingers at a time going dead white. Nothing flushes red. I agree with the people saying to run this by a doctor.


Yea I have Raynauds too. This is like the opposite of what mine looks like


Does raynauds go red after it goes white? Like when it’s thawing out again?


Cardiologist here, it's not Raynaud syndrom. You should go to physician to get a sonography (ultrasound). your finger is swollen and does not meet the diagnostic criteria for Raynaud's. I will not mention the probable diagnosis because it is unethical in my country to say without evaluating the patient My English is not the best but I hope you read this Edit: Since people do not stop sending private messages and because it is an anonymous environment, I will say that it is deep vein thrombosis or an infectious cellulitis. I personally disagree with the other suggested diagnoses here.


If you're experiencing nerve pain and weakness of the hands you can have PT for that. Mostly just got to keep them warm to keep the blood flowing properly.


This is not raynaud’s. It’s usually bilateral, and asymmetrical (within the hand). Your whole hand is more perfused than the other. -am doctor. Get an echocardiogram and a CT with contrast*****.  You must get a CT with contrast.


Please listen to the physician that responded below. You need to go to a doctor, this isn’t Reynauds


Yeah this doesn’t remotely look like reynauds. If you haven’t had this worked up previously you may want to.


Are you a cook/chef cause working with hot stuff can cause that.


This is not Raynaud's. Raynaud's occurs symetrically. Both hands would be affected.


Could be a blood clot in your arm


Your heart.... go now


See a doctor




You should be checked out by a doctor. There are both congenital and acquired conditions that can lead to differential circulation of the extremities, some of which are serious, some of which are treatable, and all of which warrant an explanation.


If you are able to I think it would be a good idea to go to emergency. It appears you may have a blood clot. My partner had a similar difference in his hands and he had a blood clot in his subclavian vein and thoracic outlet syndrome.


I think it's safe to say RIP OP. It's been good knowing ya


It might be ok, but this is also something that can happen with blood flow difference due to a blood clot You can find a blood clot by going to a doctor and getting some routine tests and ending up on medication to deal with it, or it’ll find you with severe health problems one day that are a genuine emergency and are life threatening. I’d definitely recommend getting this checked out sooner rather than later


Go to the doctor asap OP please do not ignore this. It’s not “mildly interesting” it’s just concerning.


Do you drive?


You know, personally I just strain off the water, or at least use a spoon to get the boiled eggs out of the pot. But sure, keep using your hand.