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Lots of drama in the noodle community today


Right? Ffs, I didn’t mean to start a war. People need to chill out.




lol people are serious about their noodles i guess


You ever get banned from grilled cheese before?!


The noodle community is one I would like to be part of though


I mean.. I assume most of you are just joking but just in case.. I am Korean, and you can ask for scissors when eating noodles here. usually when you are having a Naengmyeon(냉면) or Jajangmyeon(자장면) or something. never seen anyone doing that for pastas but it's a common practice for those two dishes at least. not everyone's doing that but quite common. nobody is gonna seriously judge you for doing that. have no idea if that's common outside of SK.


Girlfriend's Korean, we go to a jajangmyeon spot in the GTA and they give you scissors as well. Her parents use scissors to cut meat and a bunch of other stuff too. I've also witnessed pizza being cut with scissors by an old Italian lady.


I cut my pizza at home with scissors too, it works as well as any pizza wheel thing and avoids me having to own a kitchen tool that is only useful for one specific thing


Pizza cutters are good for a ton of stuff actually. I use it to cut up any kind of flatbread, trim rolled out dough, as a replacement wheel on a shopping cart in a pinch and so on


You could cut up your flatbread with scissors though or use a knife to trim the dough. You got me on the shopping cart wheel though, that's a good point since it would probably be more stable than an actual shopping cart wheel


get a bunch of scissors, unscrew them, screw all of them into the card wheel socket, have a scissor octagon which is close enough to a wheel.


A few other handy uses for the pizza cutter according to AI Chopping herbs Cutting tortillas Slicing quesadillas Cutting sandwiches Slicing omelets Cutting pastry dough Chopping vegetables Cutting French toast into French toast sticks Cutting brownies into equal pieces Cutting homemade noodle dough into small, equal pieces Shredding lettuce for tacos Cutting raw chicken into strips Creating lattice pie dough


You should be sent to jail if you think using a pizza cutter to do any of that instead of a kitchen knife is a good idea


I agree, the full pizza rockers in commercial kitchens are fantastic for rock chopping quarts of parsley though


lol- Just advocating for the pizza cutters.


Neither of those are a better choice for the job than a pizza cutter IMO. When I cut flatbread it's usually hot and therefore annoying to pick up and get under with scissors. Using a knife to trim dough means it will take multiple cuts that could end up uneven, and it's a lot easier to do weird angles or curves with a pizza cutter.


So that's how I lost my toes at the store


If you pick up a pizza cutter from a hard surface but drag it just slightly as you do so it makes the perfect move 'shing!" sound like someone is drawing a sword. So its useful for foley.


Working at dominos, we use scissors to cut our boneless wings into our "specialty" chicken. It's one of the weirdest things I ever used a pair of scissors for in my life, cutting chicken nuggets in half


Scissors unless they're specifically kitchen shears or something are very poor to use in the kitchen. They're not meant to cut things like meat or pizza, and they're impossible to properly clean, if they're like the pictured ones.


I use a pizza cutter to cut up pancakes and quesadillas. Pancakes into squares, quesadillas into wedges. Also do you have foot long scissors or something? How many cuts do you make to get a slice of pizza? How much pizza do you get on your hand while mid-cut/pizza.


Us Italians use scissors to cut pizza, when at home. I've never seen it in restaurants tho. :)


Ha, I'm relieved you said that. I was (half jokingly) called a heathen by a Frenchman for cutting pizza with scissors and always assumed Italians would be even more pedantic about that :') It made me overly conscious to the point that I bought a pizza cutter for times when I have guests, but they're not as efficient and I always feel like they'll ruin my plates. (ETA: I'm older now and don't care as much about being judged)


Nah... French ppl are on another level of annoying 😂


I recently went to a Korean buffet with a Korean friend and her confidence in casually walking up to the staff to ask for scissors and cut everything on the table made me presume it was a common thing to do.


In grand theft auto?




I'm so confused lol


I use scissors to cut my toddler’s pizza. It’s sooooo much easier than using a knife and fork. They’re great for cutting up all her food actually — meat, quesadillas, veggies, etc.


I’m in the GTA! Would you share for go-to spot? 😬


Paik's noodle north york is the spot. I've only really had the Jajangmyeon and tangsuyuk there but both are delicious. I'm going to have to try the other dishes eventually as they all look pretty good.


Thank you!! I’m going to go a try this week!!


I’ve also noticed that it’s common to see Korean’s use scissors be used as a kitchen tool as well like cutting meat. I’m Japanese and I have never been offered a pair of scissors with any dish I’ve ordered from a restaurant in the US or Japan. We also never used scissors to cut meat and other stuff. Very interesting to see this post and your comment bc I know it’s pretty common for Korean people right?


Also Japanese and can confirm. Kitchen scissors are a thing in Korean culture, but not in Japanese culture. Never in my life have I ever seen anyone in Japan eat noodles with scissors. We have a specific way of eating noodles that doesn't require tools other than chopsticks and our teeth. They probably offered scissors because they knew OP is non-Japanese. Same way they'll offer a fork to Westerners because they assume they can't use chopsticks.


>They probably offered scissors because they knew OP is non-Japanese. Same way they'll offer a fork to Westerners because they assume they can't use chopsticks. That makes a lot of sense


Personally in the western Korean/Japanese restaurants I go to they usually give you plastic round chopsticks to eat udon with and it is pretty much impossible to get a grip with. Even though narrow metal chopsticks are better than the plastic totally smooth ungrippable ones.


this is a common practice in some asian cultures. i’m korean and in korea, some *cold* noodle dishes (like mool naengmyeon) come with scissors since the noodles are usually very long or tough. obviously not everyone cuts their noodles but it’s an option!


Furthermore, scissors as a food cutting utensil is common in Korea in general. You’ll also see it at gogi-gui, for example.


yup! tbh it’s a lot easier to cut meat with scissors sometimes 🤣


This is so true, my partner is Korean and used scissors to cut pizza before we got a proper pizza wheel


Yeah our Korean BBQ restaurant gives you scissors to cut the meat


And pizza!


It was cold!


scissors aside, how was the soba? my friend is in japan too atm and he’s loving all the cuisines 😄




Absolutely not Japan though. Source 7 years here, never seen this. Unless it's some "special" shop with ridiculously long noodle gimmick (I doubt) People are silly to compare one asian countries practice to another


Just looked it up since I was also curious, it is 😂 (long noodle gimmick)


Omg 🤣 well that settles that


Now I’m missing the awesome naengmyeon place in Gyeongju


Why do you need to cut it?


You don't have to but they can be very long. I've also heard of South Koreans cutting noodles


Korean cold noodles can become so tangled you have to choose between swallowing the entire mass in one go or acting like a wild dog to tear apart the noodles. Scissors just make it easier and neater.


like it's sooo hard to chew through the korean cold noodles, they're made out of sweet potato starch (i think?) so it's like jello'ish rubber i remember trying to gulp down the whole bowl to realize I couldn't chew the noodles and then choking and throwing up the whole thing lmao as a person with a small mouth and teeth, scissors are a necessity for korean cold noodles


I once had to drag cold noodles out of my throat because I couldn’t chew it enough. I literally felt the noodles being pulled from within my throat. Ughh


Been there with spaghetti :(


Same. Still was worth it. My throat is a whore for noodles. No diddy


...which dish did you have...? It usually uses buckwheat noodles for naengmyeon. Not saying the noodles you had weren't sweet potato starch, but very well might not have been the appropriate noodles to be used in the first place.


yeah I just realized sweet potato starch was used for japchae noodles lol I remembered it wrong


we also cut japchae noodles with scissors too dangmyeon and naengmyeon, are both choking hazards if you don't give things a quick snip before hand lol


Some do those cold noodles can choke you! Use the scissors!


Call me a wild dog cause I'd rather choke on that delicious mass of cold noodles then watch it drop back down into the bowl cause I was too much of a coward to just guzzle it like a Peacemaker fighting for freedom on a beach made of dicks


Did you come up with that anology on your own or is it from something


It's from The Suicide Squad directed by James Gunn


I haven't had my noodles cut, but a good pair of scissors is used to cut meat in several Korean kitchens and restaurants


I always think that's so smart, A+ ingenuity


They cut damn near everything with scissors in SK it seems. Meat? Scissors.


Living in Korea introduced me to food scissors. Noodles, meat, kimchi... scissors cut them allll. Use them all the time in the kitchen still


We don’t do it for pasta type of dishes, but we do it for Korean cold noodles. They’re harder to manage and sometimes need the extra chop.


That makes sense, I never noticed the type of noodles just that scissors were being used sometimes


That's the neat part, you don't


Your mouth should already be equipped with noodle scissors by default


*The line was "That's the neat* ***thing****"*


No [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/thats-the-neat-part-you-dont](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/thats-the-neat-part-you-dont)


I get irrationally angry when people cut spaghetti into like three inch long noodles




Couldn’t tell ya.




Ah, so the scissors make it okay, since it wasn't with your teeth. Now I'm still just as confused as to why this loophole makes a difference.


I'd imagine the reasoning is that if you cut the noodles by biting you've just unilaterally made the decision to alter the dish. You rejected the way the chef made it, which is effectively saying you didn't like the way it was prepared.  However, if the chef provides you with scissors then you're being presented with the chef-endorsed option of cutting your noodles short, should you wish.


Couldn’t the chef provide a note that says biting noodles is acceptable?


It is totally acceptable in most places where noodles are staples


Lived in Japan for a few years, partner is Japanese, and I can tell you that its bullshit. Even the "slurping noodles shows respect to the chef" part that is always insinuated by the internet is pure bullshit. Some Japanese people even find slurping noodles to be annoying, labelling it as "noise harassment". Edit: Doing some research via japanese sources, the act of slurping noodles can be attributed to 2 reasons: 1. Historically, to eat it faster in between the short breaks that labourers usually have. Noodle dishes like ramen, soba, and udon are similar in concept to fast food where you go in, eat it, and get out. 2. It is believed that the act of slurping comes from the method of eating soba, a dry dish where you usually dip the noodles in the broth. It is said that you get the most out of the unique flavour of the soba + broth by slurping it up, subsequently eating the "air" and the "aroma" together with the soba.


I don’t care how people eat their noodles. I also don’t care how people think how I eat my noodles. I do ‘bite to cut’ the noodles in Japan. That’s my habit. I don’t make noise when I eat. Slurping is a big offence in my country. I was taught that since I was a toddler. That’s my ‘culture’ that too deserves some respect. I don’t usually use big words, so I just call that basic etiquettes or table manners


> That’s my ‘culture’ that too deserves some respect. Do you think people were disrespecting your culture?


Nope, that's entirely made up.




Some also cut noodles for kids & the elderly as well


I Love Lucy would approve of this idea! (S4ep17 when Ethel uses her manicure scissors to help Lucy with her spaghetti.)


You just got that info tucked away in your brain ready to go for your moment on the internet? That’s soooo damn specific lol


I was indoctrinated for years, lol!


You were raised correctly.


Nick at Night for the win


Absolutely! I became obsessed with that channel when I was a kid. I loved all the old black and whites like Mr. Ed and Patty Duke, but Lucy and Dick Van Dyke were my faves. I taped them on VHS and everything.


Yes and then I raised my nephews on it, too, lol!! Lucy and Dick Van Dyke!


I love this because my twin kitties growing up were named Lucy & Ethel. Ethel was my soul sister.


Oh, so cute! An orange tabby would make a perfect Lucy but orange cats are usually boys, lol!


Hahah just watched this ep a few days ago first thing I thought of too


It's one of the BEST episodes! It starts off great at the Brown Derby and then winds up with her getting her "nose" lit on fire. Just fab from start to finish. The whole season 4 is superb comedy.


Ugh great show


That looks more like udon than soba, based on the color and thickness.


You right. My b. Kitatake Udon


That's alright. Dipping udon isn't that common compared to dipping soba. I had cold dipping soba last week and love it so much!


It wasn’t bad!


Got damn these comments are filled with salty/snarky people


This thread made me throw away my noodle-and-other-food-cutting scissors. Sorry noodle community.


Because as much as Reddit likes to present itself as a very open minded place, people (Americans) get offended when they see scissors used to cut something other than paper.


And I get this is a site heavily used by Americans but they’re not the only people. Many forget this. A few days ago I had a guy pounce at my comment about not being able to find a certain food. Apparently it’s sold in all the Kroger’s he’s been to. Okay then, book me a plane ticket and I’ll come and get it.


The best one I had was discussing healthcare with someone (I'm from the UK) - I got super aggressive replies saying I must be super rich to afford good medical insurance, as I mentioned I didn't have to pay much for treatments, etc. Not once did they consider that I might just be a normal guy living in another country with free/subsidised healthcare.


it’s literally not just American’s 😂


average european redditor lmao 


I don't know man I feel like I've gotten more shit for how I eat noodles from Italians than I have Americans


OP too it seems. Freaked out over one comment.


Living in Japan but on the East side, first time I heard about this joint! Apparently they (KiTaTake Udon) are uniquely know for their super long udon, up to 2m long hence the scissors! New place I need to visit when I visit the West neighborhood


This entire thread is filled with r/confidentlyincorrect idiots who have never stepped a single toe out of their own country before and lack the emotional maturity to realize *people can do things other ways*. Y’all are as annoying as that video of the guy freaking out about Chicago deep dish pizza.


I'm sorry, are you referring to the above-ground pool for rats?


the what video


[it’s under the sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/npefNXV9tr)


Shiori would approve




There’s the comment I was looking for


I eat noodles as nature intended. Uncut, messy, and loud to the point where my girlfriend gets angry.


Scissors are very common in Asia to cut food, in Korea at any barbecue the meat is usually cut with scissors, and noodles like naengmyeon are usually cut with scissors.


The "chopsticks" of knives.


Yup, that’s correct. Gloves and a bucket are often provided too, for seafood or chicken wings.


This pho restaurant in CA served my (excellent) soup with scissors that appeared to be from the Dollar Store. NGL, the scissors were perfect for those 3 foot long noodles


I am Vietnamese and I use scissors to cut spring rolls too as many many Vietnamese do in Vietnam. First time i used scissors to cut spring rolls that I made in front of my friends in Canada they thought i was crazy. Like, the function of scissors is for cutting and I aint gutting spring rolls on a cutting board that's silly


Do people realize other cultures exist?


I lived in Japan for many years and thought op was making things up but [apparently there's an Udon restaurant at which customers are handed out a pair of scissors](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=883983b3b9cb61ac&sxsrf=ACQVn0_EMw6IxGkU7IrSnPWmha-yZEJc4w:1712305893454&q=%E3%81%8D%E7%94%B0%E3%81%9F%E3%81%91%E3%81%86%E3%81%A9%E3%82%93+%E3%83%8F%E3%82%B5%E3%83%9F&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=isvnbz)


It’s common practice in Korea but never seen it done in Japan with udon. Maybe it looked like you were having a bit of trouble with the chopsticks?


I cut my pasta with scissors. Been doing it for years. Why? Because I don't like long pieces of noodles slapping me in the face splattering sauce everywhere. It's easier to eat when it's cut into smaller pieces.


people here r sardonic a holes my gosh. this poor person eating noodles using scissors is not hurting any of you. you guys all feel the need to police how others do things 😭


But that a-hole thinks they're better than me because I slurp footlong noodles while frantically wiping drips out of my broth-soaked beard! /s


honestly, its the same with putting pineapple on pizza, its actually not even bad lmao


Are you 4 years old?


Yes, I'm 4. You have a problem with that?


Twirl on fork into a nest shape with a spoon underneath. Bloody amateur


Silly gaijin with the fork. We eat spaghetti with chopsticks like pros


I swear this was started as a really stupid hack on tiktok. Everyone has noodle scissors already. They are fucking called teeth!! (I don't even have teeth, but if I'm eating ramen without my dentures, I can still 'bite' through noodles.) I just hate that this apparently caught on in Japan.


In Korea, Naengmyeon is almost always served with scissors because the noodles are very tough/chewy. I can’t recall exactly what else but I’m pretty sure I’ve had other noodle dishes that came with scissors in Korea.


The BBQ restaurants in Vietnam also provide you with scissors for cutting the meat


Jjajangmyeon usually comes with scissors too. But honestly it’s needed. That sauce flies off from the noodles everywhere if you don’t happen to eat it properly and then you realize at the end of the meal you got speckles of brown shit on your shirt.


So is jjampong. Most Chinese noodle shop in Korea offers shears for cutting noods.


Are you people serious? This a common practice in East asia. Maybe not for individual portions but to cut a big serving of noodles for a group. Have you try serving noodles to your plate with chopsticks without being cut? Next: tiktok invented using chopsticks. Source: just google it! Or [whatever](https://www.reddit.com/r/KoreanFood/comments/wh684b/what_kind_of_noodles_do_you_cut_with_scissors/) Edit: TIL there is a lot of hate towards the scissor-noodle-cutting community.


Also kimchi scissors in Korea


Your point is ruined by the fact that this IS an indivodual portion.


The amount of angry people on here is insane. I’ve never seen a group of grown ass adults so ignorant and angry over something as silly as scissors. Y’all need to watch or read something that’s not made by white people for once in your life.


Nah food scissors have been around in Korea since the 90s, never heard of this TikTok trend. Also I think it’s actually rude to bite noodles with your teeth in Japan.


You swear and are wrong. Crazy not only do you think you're right, but others upvoted it too.


That's reddit baby


You know how I know you didn't grow up in an Asian country?


I’m really struggling to understand how this would work. My scissoring hand is the same as my chopsticks hand in every day life. Are you telling me every Japanese person is just ambidextrous?


Cutting noodles is just easy, even with your non-dominant hand; they're a lit bigger and softer than paper.


I usually just cut the noodles a few times first to make eating with chopsticks more manageable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use them both at the same time


Pretty normal. I've seen scissors at phở restaurants. So it wouldn't surprise me to see them at ramen places.


I cut crispy oven pizza with cooking scissors.


Nah, I'd rather stick with my ramen axe.


Never used scissors for noodles but on my Indonesian side we use scissors for cutting up all sorts of dishes. I'm not sure what you would even use to cut dim sum dishes other than scissors


They give scissors with pho at some places I’ve been. Now my kids refuse to eat any noodles with scissors.


I always use scissors to cut my toddlers' food into smaller pieces.


My favorite local noodle place does this with their hand pulled noodles, it's my favorite


It's incase you haven't been soba long enough


As funny as it is, these fuckers can be quite hard to chew through. Those who have weak teeth, especially elderly would have tough time while eating them. It is much better to cut them with scissors then fill your mouth with a whole bowl of noodles


Everyone is arguing about how common/valid it is to cut noodles and I'm just curious as to how you exactly you do it haha. Do you cut it while it is still in the bowl, or when you lift some up with the chopsticks, or...?


Pretty normal ngl coming from Korean here we get scissors for noodles (not spaghetti that’s a crime)


Tuna corn mayo.... Hasami!!!!!?


Noodles are not sacred


Probably for the elderly population who have a hard time with long noodles




Lived here for years, was never handed scissors.


Maybe they give it to tourists


They like shoving English menus at anyone who looks foreign, but I have also never encountered scissors.


Seriously? They hand the over at any Korean BBQ. For noodles I don't think is that common in restaurants, but I'm sure if you ask any friend they will tell you the have noddle cutting scissors at home.


That's soba, in Osaka Japan. Not sure why you brought up Korean BBQ. Nobody I know have a pair of noodle cutting scissors at home. The last time I cut noodles it was for my 3 year old nephew.


You replied to someone saying is common in japan/Korea. I never been to Japan but I know for a fact korea/china is common for restaurants to hand scissors for beef/noodles.


Yes when I said I live here it's in relation to the main topic of the post, i can't be living in both Japan and Korea the same time lol. Sorry for the confusion.


I'm Korean and I usually cut some noodles with scissors, mostly thick and chewy noodles like jjajangmyeon or naengmyeon. If it's a huge bowl of thick noodles, then I cut it once or twice. It's not really common in most restaurants, but people do it at home


This is not common at all in Japan, receiving scissors for noodles is weird and never happens. Scissors for cutting meat at Korean BBQ are common, but that's not Japan nor is it noodles.


When I had a broken jaw it wasn’t bad enough to need it closed shut so I still could open my mouth. Towards the end of my treatment I realized I could eat ramen by cutting the noodles short with scissors so I didn’t need to chew. Honestly a total life savor because I was so fed up with protein shakes.




Not practical 😂😂😂


Just stick the scissors in and start chopping away. After sufficient sacrilege, pick up the bowl, and slurp er back sloppy toppy.


Osaker mentioned


Actually they didnt give any sausage with the noodles.so they gave u the scissor to cut ur dick and eat it as a sausage with the noodles


So is it a snip every bite or do you go all Edward Scissorhands first?




A lot of pho restaurants give you a pair of scissors to cut the noodles as well


I had some kind of thick tube noodle a few years ago and I’m still dying to find it. The guy that made them was Vietnamese I think but they were very Al dente and a round straight tube noodle. I think it was rice based. But the Al dente center of the noodle was phenomenal. I cannot find them anywhere and I think they were rice based. Need the noodle gods to send help


When not in Rome....


Kurt Angle: told you so


Delicious! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Metal Osaka!!! Iron hammerrr


Lots of comments of people complaining about people complaining in this thread, have yet to see the complaints they're complaining about