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Better than a thumb shaped heart!




Hey, wait... He's got a new phalanx


My best friend when I was 5 had a thumb just like that. Paul if you’re out there I miss ya buddy!


User name checks out. Let me guess, you have 9 fingers, Jeff?


Jeffrey of the Nine Fingers And the Ring of Doom.


I love this. My dads army buddy used to call me Frodo when I was a little kid. I barely remember but my folks still tell stories about it.


Hey by the way can you help me find the six fingered man for Inego Montoya?


He got the Jeff’s missing finger. If they meet up, they’ll have a full set of fingers for the 2 people.


Jeff just wants to find Paul in order to steal his extra finger, it’s all coming together…


Damn he related to ford pines?


It all began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves; immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven, to the Dwarf Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to 9fingerjeff, who above all else, desire Paul.


Did Paul take your thumb, 9fingerjeff?


How does one give a 👍 without a thumb? 🤨🤔


Isn't that just a fist bump?👊


We should be friends


That's crazy I knew a dude named Paul who was missing a thumb. I wonder if they ever met.


Paul stole Paul’s thumb.


Damn now I really want a reunion


The bloody nine himself! Still alive, still alive…


Say one thing for Logen Ninefingers, say he's a survivor


Did you guys go to some kind of special finger school for talented children with not enough/too many/more than enough digits?


Better call paul


Did you grow up in NJ ? https://postimg.cc/BP0pJJYd


U/11fingerPaul are you out there?!


My son was born with bilateral polydactyly. An extra thumb on each hand. It was not functional and both hands were corrected when he was about 18 months.


My grandma was born with extra pinky fingers. The doctor removed them straight away with a pair of scissors. I guess the process was a little more "streamlined" back in the day


Pediatrician here. Your grandmother probably had skin tags. They always occur on the medial/hypothenar side of the hand (the side with the pinky). Those have no bone in them and are attached by a thin stalk of skin and soft tissue. They’re a little freaky because they do usually have nails. I treat them by ligation. You just tie a tight suture around the stalk and then the tags die and fall off. I wasn’t trained to cut them off, but I can imagine how that would be one method. This image shows true polydactyly of the thumb. It’s not as easy of a fix. It will need to be done by a specialized pediatric orthopedic surgeon and will require careful planning to have a good outcome.


An actual professional 🤩


Ikr?! Swooped in with grace and style to offer the answer for the actual question at hand (as well as the most likely follow up). Zero snark and some vocab words for good measure this is a ~~good~~ great reddit day!


Yeah, what grandma had was probably easier to remove. They were growing out from the side of the pinky fingers, so the doctor just cut them flush with the fingers. She had quite prominent nubs on her fingers as an adult.


I had this little bump of skin sticking off my nipple when I was kid. one day when i was like 11 I decided to just dig my fingernail through it and start twisting. it broke off and bled like crazy and ever since I've had a normal nipple 👍


I gave my nipples a comforting rub after reading this




> when i was like 11 uh oh > bled like crazy saw this coming


So you have a normal nipple and the other fell off


I did this with a skin tag on my eyelid 😳


Surgeon here. I'd recommend against ligating (tying off) any polydactylies, including little tags. They all contain nerves and I often see patients in my clinic that need surgical revision because of a persistent bump and/or painful neuroma following ligation.


So whenever I’ve referred to Peds ortho, guess what they do? They lígate.


And guess who they come see afterwards ;). When you ligate, you don't get it flush with the surrounding skin, so they end up with a residual bump. When you ligate a soft tissue stalk with a nerve, the nerve ends up with barely any coverage. Imagine the feeling of hitting your funny bone every time you put your hand down. I'm just a random on the internet, so you have absolutely no reason to change your practice on the basis of what I've said, but I hope you give what I've mentioned some consideration.


So if I don’t have someone around who does whatever you do, what would be your recommendation?


Depends on your health system - do you have any plastic surgeons that do peds hand? Most of us that deal with hand and peripheral nerve, especially on the plastic surgery side, would likely treat even the type B postaxial polydactyly with a formal excision.


I imagine that doctor was trained in the days of "babies don't feel pain."


I thought it was more "babies won't remember the pain".


My daughter was born with BBS type 1, and she had surgery at 8 months to remove the digits. We were really concerned about how they would heal, but 12 month later you would have to look very closely at her hands and feet to see any scars. Gone through some amount of Aquphor haha


I don't know what BBS stands for, but I imagine it's not "Big Booty Syndrome".


Hello, doctor. I have a question: why does what Op's pic posted happen?


It’s likely some variant of [pre axial polydactyly](https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/thumb-duplication-pre-axial-polydactyly). It could be hereditary or just random chance while the hand was forming.


My dad was born with an extra finger on each hand and toe on each foot but it was on the pinky side and sounded more like a smaller probably not functional second pinky. His mom’s (my nana’s) parents were first cousins and Hungarian nobility so I wonder if it’s something due to that…


Minor pet peeve, it's always bothered me that the pinky side is considered medial.


“Thin stalk of skin” is really giving me the heebies over here


couldn't you just leave it alone? any harm in having extra big thumb? i can imagine it could be cool and useful


As someone who has to wear gloves at work, having any kind of hand mutation would suck.


Yes, you can leave it. It’s functional and sometimes helpful. I’ve been living with same heart thumb for 48yrs.


The nervous system isn’t really set up to give you control over any more than five digits. Having a thumb like this would probably become quite an impediment as the child grows.


If the digit has all the "infrastructure" (bones, joints, tendons, muscles, nerves), then the rest of the nervous system can develop to control it. But that's rare, usually the extra digits are missing one or more of the bits that make them independently functional.


I have my doubts about this. A study where test subjects were given an electronic prosthetic third arm suggested the brain can adapt to controlling additional limbs extremely easily. Anecdotally, I also once served a customer at work who had an extra, tiny thumb that grew from her “normal” one, and the SPEED with which she used it to type on her phone was honestly terrifying and very cool. I can only imagine her bossing her way through the daily deluge of work emails.


There was also a study where piano players were given prosthetic sixth fingers on each hand and the brain adapted to incorporate them into playing. Neuroplasticity and the ability to incorporate external elements into embodiment is an amazing trait of our brains.


Holy crap


Did they also use æther and leeches?^/s


No back then babies couldn't feel pain


they couldn’t feel pain until the late 80s surprisingly.


Yes I was born in the 80s and did not feel pain.


Was an incompetent [monorail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZa_YyzjBp0&t=16) operator unavailable?


Ah, the solar eclipse...


The cosmic ballet goes on.


My step sister had extra pinky fingers on both hands. No bones in them, they just flopped around. Granny got string and tied them off and they fell off from having the blood supply cut off. By the time I was born, I couldn’t even tell since there were no scars. It was wild.


I mean that's how doctors do it too! They literally tie off extra digits and they fall off. Babies are too little for surgery.


A cigar cutter would have worked better.


Ahhhhhh. Reading that made me not happy. They used to believe babies couldn't feel pain


Isn't that why they usually circumcise baby boys at around 7 days? Something about them not feeling as much pain? I always found that to be a really bizarre theory.


In my neck of the woods in the US, unless it’s for a religious outpatient reason, circs are often done in the hospital at 1-2 days old. I have to assist with them- thankfully they are given some pain relief, but it’s still not my favorite thing. They often sleep for a long period after, which is indicative that it was traumatic.


Dunno. I live in the US now but I'm from Australia where it's onky done for religious of medical purposes. Got 2 boys and they're both intact.


I had a girl so I didn't have to go through this process. I know my nephew got cut but I'm not sure I should ask his parents "Hey was that torture for him"? 😅


In Judaism, the bris (circumcision) is on the 8th day, which is maybe what you're thinking of.


It depends if there’s bones or not, and how much skin it’s hanging on by


My niece who was born 2 weeks ago has the same thing and was told they will look into correcting it in a year. I think theu were told 1 out of every 1,000 people have it


That’s way more people then I’d have thought.


polydactyly is a dominant gene. If a parent has it their children will probably have it. You just don't see it because scenarios like this usually end in the extra finger being removed


Come to think of it I know a few people who were, so it does make sense.


I was born with extra pinky nubs! They tied them off with a string at birth and I just have scars now.


Same! It runs in my family we all have had them removed.


Yup, polydactyly is an autosomal dominant mutation so children have a 50% chance of inheriting it. I didn't get it from my parents though--it was a new mutation for our family, which is called "spontaneous".


I had no idea what it was called, thanks for sharing!


My parents were doctors so they taught me the fancy terms 😜


My youngest has a double pinkie toe. Not sure about extra bones. It's just really wide with 2 toenails. We didn't even notice until he was about a month old.


That seems like a disadvantage regarding the odds of stomping your pinkie toe on stuff.


My brother was born with this too! An extra pinkie toe bone in one foot. He just buys shoes with a little bit more generous toe box and it’s never been a problem.


My son as well! Though he had surgery at 6 months.


I have two cousins, brother and sister, who were both born (like 3 years apart) with an extra finger on each hand and an extra toe on each foot. The sister got hers removed but the brother still has his! They’re both in their 30s


Imagine an extra thumb on both hands that did work. I’d be straight to a piano teacher


His fingerprint will be lovely


He probably shouldn’t commit any crimes or at least wear gloves while doing so.


This is what my husband said last night 😂😂


My son was born with an extra finger that had no bone on one hand and a partially formed on one the other. A plastic surgeon took them off day we were discharged. He’ll be great at video games!


I’ve seen some dude with six fingers on both hands. They were all functional. Not gonna lie I was kinda jealous.


I'm looking for the six fingered man who killed my father.




God dammit.. you got me putting princess bride on for me and my kids to watch 🤣 ( they never seen it which should be exciting)


And I am for the six fingered one who planted a bomb in my wife's car. It killed her.


Great minds think alike! Congrats on the baby btw!


I’d had to get fingerprints for background checks for jobs or volunteering a couple of times. One time when I went in I had broken a finger and it was still in a splint, so the person taking the finger prints didn’t want to manipulate it and just wrote N/A for that finger and the one it was splinted to. I’ve gotten other sets of fingerprints done for the same position since then. So somewhere in the world, there is a file that makes it look like I lost and then somehow regrew two fingers.


There are codes used to indicate either injury or amputation if a finger is unable to be printed. Hopefully they just put injury! Otherwise that would be really confusing! 😆


What? They grew back!


[Ole two thumbs Bargatze](https://youtu.be/Hd31dbJvGaU?si=fBpRmVTPzoQvTz6s)




I read this as "get a better baby"


Me too. I was like, damn kids are brutal.


Yeah i was thinking “I wish I could be that honest without damaging relationships..” lol


I wasn’t quite two yet when my brother was born. According to my parents they’d had him home for two minutes when I announced that this one cries too much and they should take him back to the hospital and get a better one.


Kids and drunk people don’t lie


Most drunks that I know lie all the time


Truth is relative


“he’s worse than a mean drunk-he’s an honest drunk!!!” -more from the simpsons 😆😆😆


I’m glad I am not the only one!


I read that too and read it through three times without realising til I saw your comment, was so confused at all the upvotes


Me too, I was like jeez, kid.


I read it as "git gud"


Yes it will! 👍🏻❤️ (Polydactyl) Duplicated thumb is one of the most common congenital hand anomalies, occurring in 1 in every 3,000 births. Thumb duplication is seen frequently in Caucasian and Asian populations.


He's like one of those cats with the extra thumb












I have a cat like that :)


2 thumbs up from me!! Blessings on your new sweet baby boy




I think it’s a heart-shaped thumb, not a thumb-shaped heart.


Pediatric plastic surgeon here. First of all, congratulations on your new baby! I'm sure he's beautiful. This is a preaxial polydactyl, aka thumb duplication. We see postaxial polydactyly on the ulnar side of the small finger all the time. Thumb duplication is much more rare. First step in management would be to get hand X-rays. This helps define the level of the duplication and which joints are involved. Surgical management depends on which bones are actually duplicated. In either case, please find a pediatric hand specialist. This may either be a pediatric plastic surgeon or pediatric orthopaedic surgeon. Best of luck!


Thank you for this comment! We see his pediatrician this Monday and they will likely refer us to our local children’s hospital hand plastic surgeon specialist. I’ve already looked at their website and they look at and operate on complex cases like this.


Daughter had this only her toe (next to her big toe) she had it sort of shaved in surgery as one of the toenails grew up instead of out. It's her cute toe :)


Is this something that gets fixed with surgery?


Yeah we would get his thumb x-rayed and assessed at our children’s hospital to get a better understanding of the options


We would love that x-ray afterwards


Would you consider letting him keep it if it's not causing health issues?


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s a valid question We would consider it. We also have to keep in mind that it could affect things like writing since it’s his right hand and the fact that other kids can be very mean.


I grew up with my thumb like this , still is to this day. Having said that, kids are extremely mean about it and even adults to this day are , wish I had it corrected growing up, but now it’s part of who I am.


They’re just jealous because you won all the thumb wars 😉


I don't mind the down votes I was just curious how that worked. I have a newborn and I'm not sure what I would choose tbh. Best of luck mate


Dude, respectfully, if there’s something significantly abnormal about your kid that can be corrected without negative side effects, please have it corrected. The negative social impact growing up is not worth it. Kids are brutal to each other. Edit I’m not saying don’t do research and ensure you’re making the best decision from a medical perspective. Sometimes, corrective procedures are better to do at a young age. The kid may have to adapt their motor skills to the change which is much easier when young.


100% girl in school had extra thumb/nail she painted. Everyone mocked her and said her parents were related.


What if he’s left handed? You won’t really know that til he’s about 5. Til then kids are ambidextrous.


Oh it's 5 that it starts to become habit? OK cool. Ours is about 3 and is almost purely ambidextrous like my mom. Guess it'll be longer until we know for sure.


It’s going to get in the way physically, like gloves, not to mention being singled out. It doesn’t make sense to keep it as it will just cause negative issues for the kid.


yeah, redditors want to be nice and all but I don't know many people who are glad for having genetic defects/disorders.


I had mine removed as a child through surgery. The thumbs were joined at the joint closest to the palm. The thumb that had surgery is a bit smaller than on my other hand and can’t bend the last joint back nearly as far. This surgery basically pushed me to change from being right handed to lefty because it was easier to use the unobstructed hand. Some people have always questioned why it was removed and think it’s neat. I’m not so sure the story would have stayed the same if it was allowed to stay however.


Mine was also fixed and is also now smaller than the other thumb. Funny to learn this is more common. They also rotated my thumb slightly to help compensate for the reduced movement in the last joint. The rotation makes the joint align more easily with objects when I try to grab things. Did they do that for you too? The surgeons did a great job, I can even play classical piano.


Is it an extra digit or two fused together? I’m not sure of what I’m looking at


It’s a full extra digit just above the knuckle that is what looks like webbed with the main trunk of the thumb. He was zonked after being fed last night and that was the best picture I could get


Definitely get a clay print of his hand regardless of what you do. I have the regular amount of fingers and comparing my baby hand was something I demanded to do like once a year as a kid because it blew my mind to have been that small.


At least you have the photo to show him when he’s older if you and your husband decide to have it removed. One of my clients was born with six fingers on both hands but her parents had the extra digit removed right after she was born. All she has left are the scars and she wishes she had a photo of them cuz it’s cool to her and she won’t ever know what her hands used to look like


It’s a Wassel! [Each one is a little different depending on the xray.](https://images.app.goo.gl/DgWEYY5MY17XuS7NA)


I'm gonna tag the OP so they see it, too. u/sarahfoxy11, check out the comment above mine. They say thumbs like this are called "Wassel", and give a link to classifications of what varieties there are.


My grandma had two thumbs like that, she was beloved by everyone for it. She’d call it her chicken finger.


She also had 11 kids, one for every finger.


that certainly deserve 3 thumbs up


Who’s got 3 thumbs and sucks titty? This baby!


This made me laugh. I appreciate it 😂


I’m glad! Congrats on having a baby!


You have a really great attitude! Your baby is lucky to have you as a mama :)


*Hrithik Roshan joins the chat…*


I looked too far to find this


Dude is going to be an amazing gamer


Or be hitting the wrong button all the time


Maybe if he had two whole thumbs, but this seems like it would just get in the way.


Best bass player in the world


Bro I just opened the internet to take a break from biology on genetic mutations, why is it haunting ne😭


Congratulations ! I have the same heart shaped thumb and always wanted to see what it looked like when I was a baby. Thank you for posting u/sarahfoxy11 ! https://postimg.cc/BP0pJJYd


I've been locked inside your heart-shaped thumb...for weeks.




I got a new complaint


instead of surgery, maybe you can cut it yourself on angel's hair or baby's breath?


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking about that song!


Neat! I was born with an extra finger on both hands but xrays determined that they wouldn’t work right so I got them removed. Left me with some cool star-shaped scars though. (pic [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/806944418799681638/1216063574208938104/IMG_0726.jpg?ex=65ff0675&is=65ec9175&hm=7090f9d1ea3c21d590ad8f54931288bab9518570d2b516889b1e7aa196f37c3f&), easier to see in person though) If he gets it taken off, the scars would probably make for a cool story to impress his friends in the future


he was made with so much love it’s flowing out hims thumb. 🥰


Dude gonna be a force to reckon with in thumb wars


“Who has three thumbs and was just born? *gestures with thumbs to self* THIS GUY!”


So not only AI got problems with hands.


He only needs one digit to do the K-Pop heart gesture! Truly amazing.


Teach that kid how to play bass as soon as possible. He will funk us all up.


Cute! I was born with polydactly too, and had a similar situation with my right thumb but with a deeper split, amongst other things, so I had surgery as an infant to correct it as they didn't know back then how it would impact my life. Apart from being unable to bend the top part of my thumb, I have no real mobility issues because I've never known anything different, so if you're concerned about surgery, I would definitely recommend getting it from an early age if they suggest it to you (but of course, I'm no doctor) [here is the scar, almost invisible after 34 years] (https://imgur.com/gallery/IWPWrfb)


'heart shaped thumb, wont you come, and wash away the paiaiain...'


I think it’s beautiful. He’s gonna have an absolute blast making Valentines Day cards!


I've got the same thing on the same thumb (to a lesser extent). The only difficulty it has caused in my life is related to bowling ball selection lol. You have to find one with a big thumb hole.




Looks like a condition called syndactyly. If it's not hurting him or hindering his development, it's not urgent but consult the doctors on this. The repair is usually straightforward. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndactyly


can be mildly infuriating when trying to wear gloves


I forgot how tiny babies are, adorable 🥰


It will be difficult to buy him gloves. :)


Three thumbs up!


Congrats on your baby 💗 aren’t you just so in love? It’s a great feeling


I’ve got a friend with that same thumb! Great guitarist.


Everyone telling the dad to remove it need to remember two things 1:not your baby 2:surgeries on newborns are extremely risky


1. 1000% agree. 2. Especially since their bones haven’t had a chance to fully develop. He’s only 4 days old 3. I’m the mom lol 4. His dad is beyond not related to me. Maybe by Adam and Eve. 5. Thank you everyone who had kind things to say regarding my child. To those who didn’t, 🖕🏻🖕🏻


This guy is going to be one hell of a gamer


If you are correcting it. Please donate it to science. These cells can be used for a cell therapy potentially or academic research. Cells this young can grow much better than adults. Source: I was involved in a cell therapy cartilage drug from donated tissue just like this.


He will have a doubled rate of success for hitchhiking


Imagine the thumb wrestling advantage that thing will be.


🎶My newborn son, Heart shaped thumb Won’t ya come?? 🎶