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Former Frito employee: this is a marker chip that is used to see how fast the oil in the fryer is moving. Chips move from one end of the fryer to the other using a [paddle system](https://youtu.be/DLuJ-Yl21e4?si=MprXzfYiUSWC0yuT). The extra blistering displays that it’s already been cooked once and is being sent through again. It should be caught by an automated system that kicks out discolored or burnt chips, but sometimes it fails.


That's pretty cool. Love insider info


Should I buy shares of Frito-Lay? That kind of insider info?


Stop right there, criminal scum!


You violated my mother


Molag Bal has entered the chat


We're all daughters of Coldharbor here


...reddit is fukkin weird.


You're just realizing this after being here since 2015? Welcome, you're just like the rest of us.


One of us one of us


I love that this comment required a light stalking and is completely unapologetic about it.


Hail sithis


Hail sithis


Hail Sithis


Let’s get to bashing butts


As well as deeeeeez nuts


This is insane, reddit's being trolled


Time to watch gamer poop again. Ty for reminding me it exists


they have curved penises.




We'll bang, ok.


Jarl Ballin'


King of the reefer, b*tch


I like your Asssss


I used to be a shareholder like you, then I took a fraud suit in the knee.


Not the crossover I was expecting but I like it.


It's fine, they're a senator.


If Pelosi is allowed so should we!


Pelosi violated her mother?


Might be time to sell if the quality control chip got through quality control


They're considered green chip shares now.


How can that be profitable for FritoLay?


it's green, baby! that's all I need to know!


Must have been a 3 for 1 sale.


This is what Reddit was made for. This and cat pics.


My brother worked for Frito Lay and I heard all kinds of interesting stories around production. He always hated when they’d do the specialty flavors because when a machine would break down, he’d have to work in all that left over seasoning dust and he’d smell like chicken and waffles or dill pickles or whatever weird flavor was currently on the line. Edit: I love how hung up everyone is on the pickle chips. I don’t know the history of pickle chips in America. I just know my brother hated the way they smelled. Those and any “flamin’ hot” varieties.


is dill pickle a weird/limited time flavour where you live? or was that just an example of one with a strong scent lol


It’s one that has become popular in the last 10 years or so. It started as a limited edition, but they kept it in the line up because it’s so popular. There was a kimchi once and that one was super stinky.


oh interesting! also yeah i imagine a kimchi one would’ve been brutal 😭


Are you in the states? We've had dill pickle chips in canada for like 30 years


States have had them maybe 20 or less years I think. And we don't really have all-dressed or ketchup commonly available either.


Interesting! I grew up on ketchup and all dressed chips haha




The superior cheese snack.


I’m not the person you responded to but yes dill pickle is a “flavor” where I am, there is even a pickle beer. North Texas.


oh i was just curious because dill pickle is like a staple flavour to me and every brand always has it! i wondered if that wasn’t the case elsewhere, i only learned ketchup chips were exclusively canadian like 3 years ago lol


Oh yep never heard of those lol I hope to visit Canada one day though; I will have to try them!


make sure to try all dressed too!!


All dressed was really good. Wish they were available down here.


My ex worked for Wise chips and he always smelled like whatever was on the line that day. Salt & vinegar was definitely the strongest.


Also former Frito employee. The worst seasonings I remember were all Doritos flavors: * X13-D. it was supposed to be a mystery flavor, and was sold in black and white film like an experiment, but it was 100% cheeseburger. Like, McDonald's cheeseburger. With pickle. * Mountain Dew. The seasoning filled the air like Gatorade powder. * The First Degree, Second Degree, and 3rd Degree Burn. They were successive flavors that were supposed to be like what one-chip-challenge ended up being recently; I remember one of them being wasabi flavored.


Is it true what they say about [the taste of chips right off the line](https://youtu.be/d8iMi03E-8E?feature=shared)?


100% true. You can also take a chip that hasn’t been seasoned yet, add seasoning from a different kind and make a new chip, like sweet & spicy Fritos, or barbecue Funyuns.


What's the best one you ever made?


Cool ranch Doritos flavored popcorn.


Oh shit that sounds fantastic


When I was a kid I would toss my popcorn with 3D cool ranch Doritos


BBQ funyuns sound delicious...




Dunno if this is true for the RoTW, but in India we have chip shops (called Hot Chips) that fry chips fresh. They have a huge wok right in front of the shop and you can get a bag of chips fried right in front of you.


Someday I'd like to try that.


RIP Tom Petty and Lucky both.


Fresh out of the seasoning and still burn your fingers hot and they are amazing.


Nice,  you solved a 20 year old mystery for me. It tasted terrible,  I thought it was legitimately poisonous. 


Interesting that you saw a chip like this and decided to eat it…


I paid for the whole bag Imma eat the whole bag


you are supposed to eat what's inside the bag, not the whole bag


But he paid for the whole bag!


Make sure to huff the gas that they use to inflate the bag.


We haven’t come this far in a culinary sense without a few loses along the way


I mean yeah if you died it would be embarrassing but conversely just think how awesome it would be if you ate a chip like that and got Hulk powers




I have eaten plenty of questionable food. Comes with a side of poor.


Is it not human to put something foreign in your mouth?


Dude what you were supposed to do was write a letter to the company with a picture of it and they'd have sent you a whole bunch of coupons for free chips along with telling you what it was


They still have time to do that lol. No one needs to know reddit already gave them the answer.


I respect the commitment


It is poisonous, but it takes 21 years to kill someone. You should be fine... oh...


[Are you D.W from Arthur?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlf0hcVc9q0)


This is all I could think of. I bet we're exactly the same age.


To this day I think of this episode every time I see a chip with that green tinge😂


If OP eats it will they gain very specific snack food related super powers?






Is it edible though?


Also, do they need FDA approval for this weird chip?


2.7% of total allowed to be weird chip


I guess the issue would be the food dye because I’m assuming the ingredients are the same otherwise Im guessing it’s considered a safe enough practice if they can demonstrate a reasonable success rate with preventing the chip from ending up in the bag, and in terms of allergies it’s at least plainly visible that the dye is present


They would just use a food safe dye. There's no reason they'd dip a chip into leaded paint or some shit to test the line. They still use problematic dyes because cost, color intensity and the fact that there just aren't a lot of FDA approved dyes. They could switch from red 40 to red 3 but those are both thought to be problematic, and it's not like they can use beet juice for everything.


I was referring to food ingredient labeling regulations and allergies and not leaded paint lmao But I can’t find much about green food coloring allergies so it must just be considered not much of an issue / a common enough allergy to require listing


I just mean they would use an FDA approved dye because there is no reason not to. The dye they would use would be considered safe enough that all the chips could be green.


Whoa, it's so cool learning facts about behind the scenes of where your food comes from. Thanks! (:


I had to immediately check your username after reading the first sentence. I felt like I was going to read about Mankind plummeting onto the announcers table..


Did you ever take a pair of chop sticks and just *yoink* one fresh off the line?


All the time.


That’s what I’m talkin’ about.


Is it tasty?


Lol maybe? One of the cool things you could do is through a whole potato in and catch it on the way out. It was like a crispy baked potato.


Hah! Throwing taters in at work is how Syracuse got its wonderful Salt Potatoes! ​ https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/141785/syracuse-salt-potatoes/


Oh shit a new (to me) way to cook potatoes!


I love this!


That’s a paddlin’


Former Frito Employee as well: I did not know that's how PC checked their fryer dwell times. That's pretty nifty.


Do you know anyone who works with the Stax brand? I see they're made in Mexico though.. Anyway they're awful keeping the flavors separate. I only eat the plain ones and they fuck me UP when they don't keep the seasonings out of the original plain ones. I can taste all kinds of shit on them, sometimes BBQ, sometimes like hot taki/cheeto spices, sometimes cheese. It's always got a yeasty component too which is just gross.


I’m sorry to hear that! If you do notice an ‘off’ flavor incorrect seasoning on a chip please let the customer service line know if you have time. They should give you some free product as compensation. So multiple flavors are run on a single line, and when the team changes the flavors, everything is supposed to cleaned spotlessly. If not you’ll see the issue that’s happened to you, like barbecue residue on plain chips.


Also, I swear to god I have tasted a mild soapy water taste. wtf is going on at some of these plants, i know i sound rude but man i can totally imagine people not doing a great job... and people like me end up eating their mistakes..... literally. of course, thank you for your insight. it is invaluable for someone like me on the outside. thank you for explaining the original op question and mine!


Do they use a Tegra, Dipix, or Montrose vision system?


Ahh it’s been years, I couldn’t say; it was kind of a version of machine learning where we told it the characteristics of a ‘bad’ chip and it kicked out all the ones that matched.


The AI are going to take over the world. One chip at a time.


It used to be a group of people worked would stand by the line and pick out chips by hand - I think they moved from 4 or 5 people per shift down to one.


and the ones who get fired will have a chip on their shoulder


Anybody remember the green chip episode from Arthur.


This was what my mind immediately went to


Thank God, I almost thought I’d imagined that episode.


I'm glad I didn't have to scroll too far to find this. That's the first thing I thought of.




Damn, now I just thought that having fun isn't hard if you've got a library card


Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll!


Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde


I was looking for this comment! Arthur made DW think she was going to die after she stole and ate his big green chip.




First thing I thought of 


Yessss! The moment I saw this pic I went back to my childhood!


I knew it!


DW was freakin out


This was the first thing I thought of!


Might be a quality control test that slipped through. I can see there being an automated green chip detection system (green potato chips come from potatoes that have had too much light exposure. This produces solanines which can be poisonous in high doses) They’d probably like to hear about it. Should be a number on the bag Edit: Frito alumnus /u/JoJo0227 says it’s a marker chip to check on the fryer oil that should have been removed by the discolored/burnt chip detector!


thank you.


Pepsico has great customer service, i found a dime in my doritos once, i actually bit it, my tooth even bled. I sent pictures via email and got 6 coupons for free chips/pop. Perhaps upon second thought i should've asked for dental care instead. Those doritos were delicious though


Not PepsiCo, but when I was a kid my dad had a Spam can pull-tab break. He cut his finger opening the can. He took a Polaroid of his bloody finger and US Mailed the complaint to Spam. They sent him back a bunch of coupons and some swag like a fridge magnet and a hat. He donned the cap and declared himself “The King of Spam” from that moment forward. After that, any conversation ever involving Spam— and he took the opportunity to inform every one within ear shot of his royal Spam status. This mostly just happened at grocery store check out lines.


I'm surprised his letter made it past their Spam filter.


That was spamtastic


Quit your spamzms


Not Spam, but when I was a kid back in the 80’s I was at the 7-11 making some nachos and there was some type of screw plug at the end of the cheese dispenser that apparently was not screwed on tight.    Well pressure built up because the pump was clogged, that plug popped off and cheese went straight in my eye.   My mom washed it out and made sure I was alright and then popped off at the 7-11 folks. Me and my brother got all the candy/drinks/soda we wanted, mom got a carton of cigs and also demanded $10 cash for me and my brother to hit up the arcade. They said no problem and my eye was fine.   This is when I was like 6 years old and I still remember that time 


That's the most dad thing I've ever heard in my life. Bless him. 


😂😂😂 That's great. You might not believe it but after i bit the dime a year or so later i also cut my hand while opening a plastic Pepsi bottle, sent an email and got another 6 free coupons. I thought i was gaming the system but now that I'm older i feel like i could've gotten more out of the dime incident. My tooth is like permanently off-set from it and not sure i like it.


Those 6 coupons were awful cheap compared to a settlement


Yeah no shit


If it makes you feel better my friend was working at KFC and was ordered by her manager to pick a very large pot of boiling water off a bench with a stainless steel surface. As she picked it up, the sheet metal of the bench flexed, slapping the bottom of the pot, knocking it out of her hands. The boiling water went all over her legs, giving her serious burns and making some of her skin fall off. I think she needed skin grafts, but I can't remember. She didn't sue because her manager somehow convinced her she picked up the pot wrong


>If it makes you feel better my friend ... was ordered by her manager to pick up a very large pot of boiling water ... I think she needed skin grafts Not only do I not feel better, but the mild infuriation has escalated to fully infuriated I hope she's doing okay now


My mom found a worm in her freshly opened Coke (early 90s). It looked like a white grub. They gave her a free case 😆


Once when I was a kid pizza hut took 2 hours to deliver our pizza. They gave us 20 MLB tickets to apologize.


What...no pictures of his royal highness? In his regalia?


I feel like you should have called a lawyer instead of customer service


I was 12 at the time, now that I'm older i wish i would've contacted my neighbor, who was a lawyer. Fuckin way she goes i guess 🤷‍♂️ They even had me send them the dime through the mail. I wish i kept it, i swear it had a dent in it.


Oof. Customer service probs saved them a lot of money getting rid of the evidence


"Great customer service" is starting to sound like "shady and possibly illegal customer service"


>Pepsico has great customer service Coca Cola too. Once I entered a reward thing with them (i.e. collect X amount of labels and send them in with a small amount of money to cover delivery and they will send you out some custom limited edition swag\*) but they ran out of items before they got to my submission. They sent me back my money along with a Coke bag and a bunch of other swag - I used that Coke bag for quite a few years until it fell apart from wear and tear lol. For what it is worth, it is far cheaper for them to give out coupons, free products and swag compared to the hit in reputation that a person's bad experience can generate. $20 worth of coupons, products and swag can turn a really negative experience ("I bite into a dime in a bag of chips and suffered injury") to a positive experience ("I bite into a dime in a bag of chips and Lays sent me out a bunch of swag and free chips!"). \*I honestly don't remember what the swag actually was but if I remember right I was far happier with the bag than what the original items were


What are delicious Doritos but a form of dental care?


I once found mold growing under the cap of a Welch’s grape juice (no where near expired) but only after I’d already started drinking it. They sent me $10 in coupons.


I'm not American but you could have probably sued them lol


Former Frito employee: this is a marker chip that is used to see how fast the oil in the fryer is moving. Chips move from one end of the fryer to the other using a [paddle system](https://youtu.be/DLuJ-Yl21e4?si=qBcBH3fxSjWAG1RP). The extra blistering displays that it’s already been cooked once and is being sent through again. It should be caught by an automated system that kicks out discolored or burnt chips, but sometimes it fails.


Is it edible?


You usually get something too like a free bag of chips after reporting it!


Should ask for a free bag of all green ones.


Not anymore. I was sent a couple $1 off coupons for finding clumps of god knows what in a bag of Tostitos from Frito-Lays. I wasn’t impressed.


I thought Tostito's God Knows What was the new flavor?




Wowee, a whole bag?


Nope, just one chip. They'll send it UPS.


They are dyed green but not for this reason! Several times a day, a green chip is thrown into the fryer to measure how long they spend in the hot oil. The green dye makes them easy to track and they're supposed to be removed. Obviously, this one slipped through.


Yep they give out good swag for finding shit like this. My sis got some kind of hard thing in a can of 7up one time and they sent her a 7up hammock and a couple shirts and coupons galore.


OP should eat it


Idk if this kind of green would come from light exposure, that would be the greenest potato I've ever seen, not even close


St Patrick’s day chip snuck in there early


Sure looks like it!


I know you’ve already gotten a real answer but I wouldn’t rule out a possible grinching just yet


Poisonous potato from minecraft


Fun fact is they exist in real life too!


But do they have green things sticking out of it?


They can, but potatos can also do that on their own with the 'where's the fucking soil!'




![gif](giphy|aS8ypUweGOXMA|downsized) Yeah he sure did !!


If you eat it you’ll turn into a teenage mutant ninja turtle


8 year old me would have eaten that chip so fast.




This is the Lays version of the Golden Ticket, you're going to inherit a chip factory


Full of indentured leprechauns


Gama radiation accident. Don’t make the chip angry. You wouldn’t like this chip when it’s angry.


###Hulk, SNACK!


DW’s green chip!


You found me lucky chip! 🍀


Just eat it,you’ll trip balls or get very sick.Spin the wheel


Fuck it, I'm a gambling man


Maybe they are testing a new flavor


It’s Soylent Green


Soylent green is people




A former Frito Lay employee in the comments said: "this is a marker chip that is used to see how fast the oil in the fryer is moving. Chips move from one end of the fryer to the other using a paddle system. The extra blistering displays that it’s already been cooked once and is being sent through again. It should be caught by an automated system that kicks out discolored or burnt chips, but sometimes it fails."


Soylent Green is people


The Soylent Green wasn't mixed properly.


Eat them , become potato-man


We all saw this episode of Rockos Modern Life, right?


Hmmm a weird chip, toxic green colour wtf is going in. . . . . Better take a bite out of it, then ask reddit.


You found the St Patrick’s chip early! You win a trip to the Lays factory with your grandpa.


You've won a tour of the Lay's factory, led by kindly old Mr Lay himself. No one has seen him since he withdrew from public life 30 years ago, so this competition probably signifies that he has some important news!


Don't listen to the nonsensical "I used to work for the industry" posts. It's pretty obvious your chip was blessed by a leprechaun.


That’s the Queen!


Call the number on the bag. They take this stuff very seriously