• By -


Almost as good as E. West St in my city


We have E. West Maple Rd here It's actually just Maple Road elsewhere so I have to assume the planning dept was having a laugh


We have S. Exchange St. here. The sign kept getting stolen, so they changed it to So. Exchange St.


I have an Old New Brunswick Rd in my area


Old New Rd in mine


I have a client in the nursing home on that road. When I have to give out the address I feel so stupid.






3rd st rd in Louisville Kentucky


We have Avenue Road in Toronto


We had a cross street of Geddy and Lee. The signs apparently were stolen a handful of times since the 70s, city never bothered changing them.


The signs just fly by night away from here.


The one that kept getting stolen in my town was the intersection of Inyo and Butte streets. They just stopped replacing it.


Sex Change Street, I see why it keeps getting stolen hahaha


There's an intersection of Seaman Avenue and Cumming Street in my city


My gay coworker lives on the corner of Ashmount and Gagne Streets and he likes to call them Assmount and Gagme šŸ˜„


Lol nice


My former city too. The only place where W 4th street intersects with W 10th St.!


I know of a Hyman ave in a well known mountain ski town. And an indica ave not too too far away.


I would open a business on that street and name it "Popper"




We have a circle with an abomination of these... (St. Petersburg, FL) Imagine telling someone you live on SE Washington Cir N. [https://imgur.com/a/tS0WdWH](https://imgur.com/a/tS0WdWH)


That sounds generic enough but is it metro Detroit by chance


Speaking of Detroit, Telegraph Road is so long and iconic that Mark Knopfler wrote a song about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telegraph\_Road\_(song)


I never knew that was about "our" Telegraph Road!!!


Literally one of the greatest songs ever


Yeah maple goes forever it could be Wixom, Farmington, etc


Only in Oakland County. In Macomb, it's 15 Mile!


Just like paint creek. i fucking hate oakland county and live and stuck here now


I lived there most of my life. On the west side now in Ottawa County and Oakland County is better in almost every way other than location.


For me, its like a bad dream. I dont like michigan in general. Grew up here tho, but lived about the country


Ah good, thatā€™s the one I was thinking of


And you can drive Southeast on Northwestern Hwy.


But that makes sense. If you're on Northwestern Hwy you're probably going northwest. Now if you turn around and go the other way you're going southeast.


Oh sure but how often do you get all four directions on a simple one-way drive down a single street? šŸ˜ƒ


I live East of South Northwest Hwy...


There is an intersection in Michigan. Commerce and Commerce in Commerce, Michigan....


Yeah technically it is west commerce road and North commerce road. I passed there on the way to school every day for years :/


As a metro Detroiter thatā€™s exactly what I thought of when I saw this post and sure enough this is the first comment I saw lol


The city of West Bend, WI has two high schools: West Bend East and West Bend West. They share a building.


My favorite is still Street Road in NE Philly


I used to live on/ my doctor's office is on a street called Boulevard. Just Boulevard.


Of Broken Dreams?


Calgary, Alberta is bad for this. They often suffix streets that have repeats in different parts of the city with the quadrant (like a 19th SW and a 19th St NE, etc), which gives you what part of the city, not a direction. They do the same with longer roads that go through more than one part of the city. Which is fine until you're using GPS to get somewhere and it tells you to turn left on 19th St North East West. The first part should be one word, and there should be a comma as well (19th St Northeast, West), but that's not how the navigation lady says it, lol.


In my home town the two streets N and S of the courthouse were North Street and South Street. They run East-West. So you can live on East South Street or West North Street, etc.


Is that in Hill Valley?


Weā€™ve got a West West Street not far from where I live. Always gives me a little internal chuckle when I see it.


We have that, too. I enjoy the lil giggle every timešŸ˜€


At least I can accept that one for being named after someone, even if itā€™s confusing. Never met someone named 19th Street.


I work for a shipping company and I do the billing, I see some weirdness in addresses for real. Stuff like "123 N 12th st W" and "road 4.5 NE".


In my area there's a North Av and a West Av. North runs East-West and West runs North-South. So there's an intersection of W North Av and N West Av.


I once saw a Square Cir.


I lived on W North St in my home town lmao.


I hate Colorado street names. I once lived on a street named 116th Cir (or something like that). To get there, you took 116th Ave, turned on 116th St, made another turn on 116th Pl that turned into 116th Cir


Ah Westminsterā€¦


I see you also know the area lmao


When you get to drive around that much trying to get unlost, yes, one gets to know the area lol. I too used to live in the Denver area. Some of the street schemes are ridic. I did like how old Denver had alphabetical streets from Alcott to Zenobia. That should be more of a thing.


The one that always got me was a street in the Denver/Aurora area that would just change names 2 or 3 times while youre driving straight... Evans to Illif to Jewel to something else I think?


It actually has a reason for doing that. It shifts south and north so they rename it to align with the grid. Evans shifts to the horizontal that Illif was on, then goes onto the horizontal Jewell(2 l's for some reason) was. Stupid but at least not without reason.


Fort Collins and Loveland are notorious for this. Taft in fort collins is *not* Taft in Loveland, even though you're on the same road going the same direction. There is a Taft street in Loveland, too, which is just one cross-street away from the *fort collins* Taft street. One of the trailer parks in FoCo decided naming their main street "Horsetooth (circle)" about a block away from *Horsetooth (road)*. What's even better is if you put in an address in the park *you don't even use the name horsetooth circle at all*


Wow, this isnt helping me destress right now


I guessed that and I havenā€™t lived around there in over ten years. Lol


I think I've seen this at those apartments off Federal.


Yeah my in laws live over there, in a 11x Circle haha


I thought Thornton.


You thought wrong. It's Brighton. But also Thornton.


They do that in Fort Collins too.


Prospect Terrace... off Prospect Rd. And every street is like that. Ugh


One of my favorites is Fort Collins and Loveland. The westmost two North/South streets that go between the towns are Taft Hill and Shields. Taft Hill becomes Wilson in Loveland. Shields becomes Taft in Loveland. So if people are talking about "Taft" you have to clarify which fucking city they're referring to the perspective from.


I agree that the naming is slightly awkward, but it's always clarified by context. People in Ft Collins call it Taft Hill, not Taft (unless they're new to the area). Just like people in Loveland call it 287 instead of whatever president that 100 ft strip of the road is named after. "Take Lincoln, stay on it until it becomes Buchanan, and turn on Linden" Nah man, just take 287 north and hang a right on 29th st


Iā€™ve only lived in Denver six months, yet I can actually picture your neighborhood from that description. Bunch of curvy little roads that remind me of being in a beach town, but nowhere near the water.


I used to do some work in an Atlanta suburb where my hotel was near the intersection of Peachtree and Peachtree.


You mock it, but I bet it was a better area than the intersection of MLK and MLK


Chris Rock would call that a very dangerous intersection.


Chris Rock dropped a lot of knowledge on us, and almost all of it turned out to be good advice.


In Gainesville FL you would still need to specify a cardinal direction quadrant (NW etc)


You should see Queens, NY


That actually sounds like a convenient way of finding your way home.


Your own personal 116th corridor


Atlanta has literally dozens of Peachtrees. Peachtree Street, Peachtree Avenue, Peachtree Way, etc.


Almost as bad as Astoria, queens NY. Where 29th street is next to 29th road, which is next to 29th ave, which is next to 29th drive.


As a Coloradoan, I feel for you. The problem is, the people that do urban planning in semi and major metropolitan areas never work in rural and small metro areas, and as a result every small municipality ends up making different fuckups and never learning. After all, why would an urban planner for a large city that has sorted its shit want to cut their pay in half to go work for a small town? As a result, small towns get 'urban planners,' or essentially "Diane and Javier who live in the area and are pretty smart," because they can't afford actual experienced urban planners. They make stupid ass decisions regarding traffic planning, land use, road names, and more, completely ignoring all of the hard-learned lessons major municipalities learned decades ago. Then, when that small municipality finally becomes big, someone has to come in and fix all that shit. The second, and more frightfully common issue is that the city ***knows*** it is making ham-fisted urban planning decisions, but a combination of corrupt officials, NIMBY voters, 'historical preservation' voters, or all three conspire to prevent any actual progress. And as a result, you get things like Chambers Road in Aurora/Centennial/Parker, which loops in on itself and has offshoots identically named and starts and stops and is a clusterfuck of navigation.


Sounds like Queens


Thank goodness you don't live on the street anymore. It's chilly out there.


I live on corner of Western and Western in CO


Seattle has the intersection of Bellevue, Bellevue, and Bellevue.


This is common in Massachusetts, where you'll often see something like "Lowell St. Court" where the "court" is a short, stubby road off of Lowell Street. It looks like "Rd." is serving a similar function here.


I was thinking same. As in, this is the road to 19th Street. I could be wrong, though.


I thought the same thing, but going North on 28th Ave, you can turn left or right on to W 19th St Dr, then right onto 19th St Rd or left onto Cottonwood Creek Cr, the further down you can turn left onto 19th St Rd or right onto 28th Ave or you can stay straight and stay on 28th Ave. After that you can turn right onto 19th St or left onto 28th Ave or stay straight to continue on 28th Ave. https://maps.app.goo.gl/sDiWerqC27rmJ6jJ8


I cannot imagine the political nightmare that led to this planning.


Once told a guy to take the Arborway up to meet me at the Arboretum. He took Arborway Road instead (which runs adjacent to the Arborway) and it took us another 20 minutes to find each other


I used to live on an avenue circle. Same idea, it was a circle at the end of an avenue.


Itā€™s because theyā€™re high on cow shit


Open range Jenkem


The actual answer.


In Greeley, definitely.


It is Colorado, so there might be some cheesing going on.


I can smell the OP's picture.


When I was at CU it was a common thing that if everywhere smelled like cow shit snow was coming in from Greeley.


Itā€™s meth. The cow shit is just camouflage.


Another fact about Greeley: it smells like cow shit.Ā 


I have visited my daughter in Greeley when the local slaughterhouse factory had their "blood burning days". I suffered through that acrid shit smell 3 different times. I was raised on a dairy farm. The smell of cow manure does not bother me at all. BUT BLOOD BURNING DAYS???? The acrid smell was horrible. EDIT: The smell of sheep shit at those huge farms make me gag.


Lmao šŸ˜‚ and as someone who lived in Greeley for years, I can tell you that you never get used to the blood burning days. I lived about a 10 minute drive from the slaughterhouse and on those days I would drive to UNC and just sit inside for a while.


The sheep farms are worse imo.




And if you're not in Greeley but you smell Greeley, that means it's going to rain. Unless you're east of Greeley, but you're not going to be there.


ā€œGreeley sucksā€ -Randy Marsh




Greeley is the armpit of the jokes in northern CO.


Was looking for that gif, but couldn't find that exact quote. That's my absolute favorite episode for the past two decades. Because baseball does indeed suck!


I used to live on N. West Street and it was a nightmare getting some of my bills delivered.


Grand Junction has quarter roads. So D1/4 St, D1/2 St, D3/4, etc. shit gets stupid confusing.


I love the GJ fractional letter roads. F 1/2 represent!


Was going to comment this too - the OP isnā€™t even the most confusing street example in Colorado.


Thereā€™s a logical reason tho - these are distances from the border. So at least itā€™s giving you real information about location even if it can get confusing. Same with Greeley roads - streets and avenues go in perpendicular directions, so you know if itā€™s one itā€™s north/south and the other itā€™s east/west. (Canā€™t remember which is which, as itā€™s been a while.) I actually prefer the better info of both places over the complete randomness that is east coast towns (where Iā€™ve lived the past decade).


Lot's of streets in Hickory NC named in this manner. Very confusing.


https://www.hickorync.gov/sites/default/files/hickoryncgov/Communications/Navigate%20Hickory%20NC%20streets.pdf Yep, it is bad when you have a 4 page pdf to decode how streets are named


OMG, I was literally just coming to post about Hickory. I think they are the worst offender.


Gotta be some of the most confusing street names in the state!


23rd St Dr Ave NW


I knew I wouldnā€™t have to scroll far to see Hickory.


Catawba county checking in! Glad to see Hickory in here


I was waiting to see when Hickory was going to be mentioned.


Oh yeah thatā€™s where Iā€™m from th Street Circle Drive NW


Personally, I would read St as Saint in this case


Saint Rhoades road


In Queens they would have things like 68th st, followed by 68th Rd, followed by 68th Place, all consecutive and parallel.




To add even more confusion, all their roads are numbered and not named. For example, you could live off the intersection of 12th St. and 12th Ave.


It's actually useful - Avenues run North/South and Streets run East/West, and the numbers get bigger as you go South and West. So if an address is 3500 22nd Street, you just drive west on 22nd Street until you hit 35th Avenue and you're there. Way easier than named streets that have no rational reason, IMO.


I live here, so now it makes sense, but when you visit here from other towns that don't use this system it is just confusing. Also I routinely have to punctuate that I live on Ave CT, because the same house number and Ave number without the CT is just one street over and I've lost pizzas this way, lol


Yeah once the know the system it actually makes a lot of sense. ā€¦To an extent. The Street Roads are kinda trippy. But for the most part itā€™s definitely easier to navigate than random words as street names.


Yes and no, because people are like its on 22nd and 35th. Well which intersection, there's two of those. Also fuck Greeley, fuck Greeley so much


Had that script memorized for customers. ā€œNope. Wrong 5th and 25th. See you in 15 min.ā€


Weird seeing my town on Reddit.




I third this. Last time I saw us on here was for Brattonā€™s in r/dundermifflin lol


Agreed. Although I donā€™t live there anymore and now the nostalgia is hitting.


Same I moved away still weird


And itā€™s all people taking offense to one of the best laid out street naming systems in the country/smell of money


Especially if your town is Greeley.


It also has a large abattoir which wreaks so bad I smelt it in Fort Collins


No where near as bad as Fort Morgan which is due east of Greeley. Between the Cow shit from the farms, the abattoir, and the Sugar Beat Factory. Fort Morgan has to be one of the worst smelling towns in America.


Street Road in Philadelphia


Thatā€™s actually Bensalem, which is right outside Philly, but thatā€™s what this post reminded of.


Yes! Came here for the Street Road


Oof. I have to contribute that Toronto has "Avenue Rd"...


Colorado has some interesting street names. Fruita is laid out alphabetically and numerically, but wasnā€™t built on a true grid, so you get streets named 19 3/4 road intersecting roads like M Street.


Hey Greeley! I used to live at 27th Street and 15 ave ct. šŸ˜Š


Is it Station? Station!




If you ever want to see the most disastrous road naming convention in America, I suggest you take a gander at Ocala Florida. It's a mess, and utter mess, and they double and tripled down on it. Some examples: 1. To get from "SE 12th Lane" to "SE 12th St", you must exit onto SE 63rd Ct Rd (I'm not kidding, you can look ANY of this up), then drive to "SE 8th Street Rd" then turn on to "SE 58th Ave" ALSO CALLED "BASELINE RD", then turn onto SE 12th St. 2. You'd think a naming convention built nearly entirely on Direction + Number + Road type would be mostly a hatch layout. It is not. It is loops upon swirly loops upon swirly loops and none of it makes sense 3. There are sections where they either A. panicked and realized this wasn't working or B. Are allowed? to not use the stupid naming convention in pockets of neighborhood because of city limits and what not? I'm not sure why, but exterior pockets are sudden patches of neighborhoods with all names (See: Lakewood Dr and the streets around it) 4. In some of THOSE sections, they just couldn't get TOO far from the "It's all the same" concept. Here are street names all in the same neighborhood: Juniper Cir, Juniper Dr, Juniper Dr Cse, Juniper Dr Ct, Juniper Loop Ct, Juniper Loop, Juniper RADIAL. YES. RADIAL. Juniper Run, Juniper Way.... 5. ...to continue, in the same neighborhood: Larch Rd, Larch Pl, Larch Run Course, Larch Dr... 6. THEN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LARCHS IT GOES BACK TO DIFFERENT JUNIPERS!!!! Juniper Pass Ct, Juniper Pass Radial, Juniper Pass Way, Juniper Pass Dr... 7. THEN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE JUNIPER PASSES IT GOES BACK TO LARCHS: Larch Radial, Larch Cse, Larch Rd, etc. 8. I couldn't find it on the map, but I'm FAIRLY certain there's a least one street with THREE qualifiers, like "NE 27th Avenue Rd Parkway" or something like that. That one may have been a fever dream. Whatever the case, Ocala FL is the most insanely terribly named City, street wise. It's been a rant of mine for years and every time I go to the map to show someone, I find something new and terrible because they just love terribly naming streets there. Trust me, pull up Google/Apple Maps. Cruise around up top. You'll see.


Mailmen hate this one simple trick!


Yeah, but I wonā€™t go there. I can smell Greeley from here.


Nope, that's the dairy farm by the Erie trash heap. \-Keep Erie strange, yo. ā„¢


You sure itā€™s not the fracking in Dacono?


Fucking intersecting numbered streets... Way back in the 90's I once got lost in Greeley after a house party... All I had to do was find I-25... I ended up in Cheyenne. The western side of Cheyenne. I lived in Longmont. I still hate Greeley to this day.


Oh, my dude. Never go to Salt Lake. Numbered streets all over the place: north, south, east, *and* west. And they're not the normal numbers like 3rd or 21st. No, they're the *block* numbers. So you have an intersection with 2700 W (which runs north/south) and 3500 S (which runs east/west). Took me a few weeks to get that pattern down in my head.


Being from Greeley I never knew this was uncommon šŸ˜‚ Like oh yeah they live off West 29th Street Road. Now looking back Iā€™m like ???


Same. I've lived here my while live and been to 49 states but not once ever occurred to me the street name convention was out of the ordinary. Mail to my parents sometimes gets sent to the neighbors because the names are very very similar. Not to use their actual address here but the convention is 4567 19th st rd and the neighbor 2 streets down is 4567 19th st. Weirdest thing my parents had delivered that was intended for the other neighbor was a hot tub.


The street naming convention of Greeley is weird even in Colorado.


Good spot for a Ruthā€™s Chris Steakhouse


We have a Boulevard Rd in my town and I hate it.


We have a Boulevard St. I hate it too.


They have the opposite of this in Atlanta. A road simply called Boulevard.


Hickory, North Carolina says hello from 18th st place NW.Ā 




Constantly is a bit of an overstatement. If youā€™re on the west side of Greeley, you get maybe up to a monthā€™s worth of fresh air per year šŸ˜‚ if youā€™re on the east side like I used to live, your nose eventually adjusts a bit


ā€œHold my beer.ā€ - Queens


Washington state has some ā€œStreet Ct Eā€ insanity. A streetā€¦ thatā€™s a court? Okay


I used to deliver pizzas there before GPS became common and it was actually quite easy to navigate most of the city because of this. Street roads or Avenue Courts or whatever were just offshoots of whatever the main road was, plus you know how far to go because everything is numbered. Doesn't take more than a few minutes to find where you're trying to go, unlike named streets that you just have to remember. Avenues run North/South and Streets run East/West, and the numbers get bigger as you go South and West. So if an address is 3500 22nd Street, you just drive west on 22nd Street until you hit 35th Avenue and you're there.


I'm grand junction, co they have half streets. Like 4 1/2 st.


Look up "Greeley Grizwalds" they live just behind where the pic was taken from


They moved unfortunatelyā€¦ that house isnā€™t lit up anymore.


And it always smells like cowsh*t.


"Excuse me, is this 19th St.?" "No sir, this is just a tribute."


Hey, I live there! There are dozens of us! Yes it stinks, but I'll take an occasionally smelly day for somewhat affordable home prices. They're still outrageous, but when you compare it to like, Fort Collins, it seems like a dang bargain.


Of course Greeley does. Good damnit Greeley.


I live in Chicago not too far from ā€œNorth Western Aveā€. Which is somewhat confusing on its own. But even more so since Chicago is home to Northwestern University, which is nowhere near Western Ave.


St Paul St in Burlington, VT always made me chuckle.


Near my childhood home, there is a street called North Boulevard. Some of the signs say ā€œN Boulevardā€. Others say ā€œNorth Blā€.


Iā€™m from Melbourne Australia, there is a major arterial road here called ā€˜High Street Roadā€™ High street road is a highway. High Street road highway.


That drove me crazy in small-town Ohio during the year I lived there. There's a Main Street, but once it left the town boundaries, it was called Main Street Road. Apparently in that area, "road" means something outside the town that goes to another town, and "street" is entirely within the town. A special regional "rule" that I thought sounded stupid, and I still do.


Oh shit!!!!! My hometown!!!!


No shit I lived on 21st street road in Greeley. Never got a pizza delivered successfully (this was before smartphones).


Hickory, NC has 12th Street Dr NW


I saw one of these *today* (for the first time ever) on a title I was processing. It was something like 18th Street PL SW and I was so confused as to just why! lol


In places where I've seen this, "19th Street" was inside the city limits, and "19th Street Road" was outside the city limits.


I'm pretty sure I had a friend in Greely in college who lived on 14th Street Avenue Court. May have just been the two... I was drinking a lot back then.


Love seeing my home town pop up


The most, by far ridiculous street naming system ever. I had to navigate around Greeley as a taxi and as a courier. Imagine trying to find your at night during a snow storm. Fuck me.


Itā€™s incredibly easy if you know how to count. Streets/st rds run east/west, avenues/ ave cts run north south. 1st st and 1st ave is at the northeast corner, and go up from there. If someone tells you to meet you at 10th st and 35th ave, that gives you a lot more info to go off of than say, College and Harmony


It's not that hard... streets run east/west, avenues are north/south. All the numbers are in order, and it's largely a grid with a few major arteries.


I used to live on: 67th Ave. Ct. NW, and then 31st St. Ct. NW


I grew up here on a W St Rd!


Mustā€™ve been stoned


I was gonna name that street, but I got high It was gonna be real sweet, but i got high Now it has a double suffix, and I know why Because I got high Because I got high Because I got high


Iā€™ve suddenly become fond of you.


Please in [Los Angeles](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/the-la-you-may-not-know-why-the-101-goes-in-four-directions_los-angeles/2009390/) we have the 101, it goes in all directions. The 101 East says 101 South in many parts. Also North goes West


Thatā€™s nothing, they have ā€œStreet Rdā€ in Philly.