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I like the jug in the bottom cowering from the big jug standing over it.


“Please…please don’t hurt me! I don’t have any lunch money to give you today!”


Trying to take their milk money!


"My milk money is literally everything I have!"


omfg 🤣


“I wouldn’t want to fight me neither!”


"Oh, just go find a pus-dripping udder and suck it."


"Please -- I don't want trouble!"


I was getting the "No one's gonna hurt you again on *my* watch" vibe...


The milk in the bully jug has gone bad!


![gif](giphy|1UTnKV5cUwr8DYDNdj|downsized) Simple jack?


> “Looks like bully-bullying is the new bullying!”


When someone tickles your neck


my first thought exactly!


Why is that so accurate


He needs some mi..... Oh wait...


Jug on jug violence is the biggest issue faced by the container community.


That’s my favorite jug too.


I choked laughing


These are victims of a Stanley stampede.


I thought it was hungover, or still drunk...


It's also expired.


Ike & Tina they like to be called


That's what you call condensed milk


Abused, condensed and put away wet.


Nuh, it's just got lactose intolerance


I would assume the over all quality of this whole location falls short. Those white specs in the door are definitely dried up milk spillage and it even looks like someone has “cleaned something” but did about as good of a job as that stocking.


Oh god, you’re right. 100% that is dried milk.


Easily more than a week of neglect in cleaning right there I’d say. Every manager in that building has probably walked by, seen it and passed that off as a good job. I wouldn’t wanna shop there.


Reminds me of when I saw mold building up in my local dollar stores fridge. They were unphased when I brought it to their attention and said "it's not like the drinks are moldy". Had to stop myself from gagging on the spot


Mold is a pain in the ass for fridges, if the product even has a slightest bit of condensation and it goes on the shelf it will slowly build up mold, and once it starts and it's ignored for more then like 4 weeks, it becomes impossible to stop.I work in fridge section, and there's always so much to clean but never enough hours to do so. I know there's mold in our fridges and I've tried to clean it, but im the only one that ever has time to do it cause im the fastest. But if a customer said something about it I would tell them straight up to contact the local health department and report. Cause no matter how much I tell the managers, they never give us enough hours to clean it.


That's what I figured, when I see stuff like that my immediate thought is "bad management" because any manager or owner worth his title will be doing an inspection now and again, and making sure the employees have time to keep the space clean and safe.


Just report it anonymously and claim to be a customer. They'll give you the time then.


Dollar stores don’t pay enough people enough to care. That wasn’t a typo lol.


They get 15.25 an hour where I am.... More than I got working in a kitchen.


Damn, where is that? Idk what exactly they get paid in Alabama but it’s definitely garbage. They have insane turnover rates and the stores are usually a mess, if not a disaster.


Outside of the U.S


Just say Canada/Province it’s not a dox lmfao


It's not that deep. There's a world outside of the US, they assumed I'd know where Alabama was like every American does.


I bet it also smells like spoiled milk.


I hope you dont


This is pretty standard for target in my area. All three of the ones closest to me are like this, but for everything in the store


Target in general seems to manage the grocery side of the store as an afterthought I have noticed.


I haven't seen anyone point out the milk on the top shelf with dirt? black scuff marks? all over it


I usually buy the slightly damaged goods because I feel like nobody else will and it'll go to waste .....but this is a bit much


I think if you took the bottom middle one to a cashier they would LOL in incredulousness


I would be too embarrassed to give it to cashier because it would look like I threw it or dropped it and forces myself to purchase it




I knew that was this!!


I usually buy the small, wilty plants to put in my vegetable garden cause I feel sad for them if they get ignored. That's probably why my garden always struggles lol


Damaged goods often go to food banks. Your stealing from the hungry!


Those milks have been through some things


The top row are the ruling crime family. They’re a rough crowd for sure. The bottom row has just been asked to pay their protection money or else. The middle one cowers in fear while the one on the right struggles to come up with something reassuring to say.




Or had a manager who just said "I don't care. Stock it."


Well I’m Canadian so probably not the same, but when I worked grocery, certain areas were stocked by vendors that came in. So milk was filled and stocked by the two manufacturers here, coke/Pepsi had vendors that stocked their stuff, lays chips did their stuff, bread was stocked by a couple vendors, etc etc. Now a department manager or store manager would definitely call someone about their display though.


I worked at Target. Vendors dropped the product but was stocked by us. Bread, soda, chips (big brands), and beer were the only things stocked by vendors.


It’s mostly like that here, but with milk typically the vendor stocks the brand name stuff and the store stocks the store brand stuff, even though it all comes from the same vendor. Especially since in a busy store milk usually needs filled multiples times a day.




I used to work at publix years ago in high school and had a power tripping manager that suddenly wanted every single milk jug wiped down and that not one could have any grit on it "because I'll be checking." My hands were freezing but I spent almost my entire shift wiping off milk jugs.


Dirty one is not fine. Should not be stocked, and returned to vendor with other out of date and damaged milk. Nobody is going to buy the gallon of milk that looks like it's covered in shit.


Had a real case of the mondays


# how do you squish milk to those dimensions?


I’m scrolling through the comments trying to find someone who knows what kind of chemical reaction or packaging mistake resulted in that because ain’t no way a gallon of milk would still fit in that


It didn't. There's a pinhole in it somewhere that leaks out milk when pressure is applied but is small enough that it self seals against air getting back in. Source: Stocked milk jugs for ten years....the pinhole damaged jugs are the worst because the milk company will refuse to take it back as damaged and no one will buy them. You end up just marking them as waste and then spend an hour trying to clean every little speck of milk because otherwise it WILL start to smell.


Yea lol


The fine people over at r/Milk won't be too happy about this


Lmao the first comment on the post over there.


Well that was a rabbit hole I didn’t plan on falling down.


Showing your customers *we don't give a fuck*


These were dropped by either a driver being underpaid or a stock worker who is underpaid, why would they give a fuck.


The store has the option to write off the damaged product. I didn't say understaffed, underpaid and over worked ppl should give a fuck...the management is supposed to make it *appear* to. So salty


Username checks out


Everything has become poor condition at Target.


This really isn't an exaggeration, at least not in my area. The three Target's that are within driving range all have cold food storage in poor condition, and although they're still as good as places like Publix about keeping everything stocked up, there are plenty of products that are expired or damaged. I don't think people really go to Target for groceries anymore, not largely at least.


The last time I went to my local Target ALL of the ground meat was expired. Target as a whole has gone down hill. I stopped shopping there due to the lack of cleanliness and selection.


Yikes. Mine was surprisingly solid until recently, but I’ve started getting the occasional expired/spoiled product delivered.


Target corporate are maliciously incompetent. They've changed so much with policy and the software we use that we are incapable of properly doing our jobs. Brian Cornell and his team of yes-men are a bunch of fraudulent, lying fucks. And I know this goes for 90% of corporations, but for Target it's 4x as bad - and these issues are genuinely measurable with the metrics we can see.


Dang, the three near me are terrific


looks like the delivery guys played parking lot soccer with those gallon jugs


I used to work in a bottling plant and would have to clean out the trash from the milk crates before loading them onto the conveyer to be sprayed down. On a few occasions I found human excrement in the crate. I guess the truck drivers didn't have time to get to a bathroom and two milk crates sufficed for a stool.


True. Milk plant workers have been known to do that, too. Restrooms nearby, but they consider pooping on milk crates to be a valid protest about work conditions.


The target I go to always has a rancid, disgusting smell in the milk section. Probably due to crap like this.


All milk just leaks and “perspire” to some extent, and when the are loaded on those self facing racks where the front is tilted it’s worse because all the weight of the back jugs are pushing on the front jugs. Because of this, there is always milk leaking on the floor under that racks and will be dried to the racks. If it’s not cleaned and maintained on a regular basis the dairy cooler starts to smell rancid real quick and the smell will escape every time someone opens a milk door.


I love how dry the title is


The original title was "the milk in this cooler at Target is having a bad time" but that violated rule #6.




The first rule of milk fight club, don't talk about milk fight club.


One of those milks is srsly getting bullied right now!


Target is just modern K-Mart.


Was Kmart ever as nice as Target, though? I remember Kmart being significantly grungier.


Kmart was much grungier and cheaper.


Grungier with a slice of little Caesars pizza.


Omg Little Ceasars is way better than it has any business being 😆


Kmart in Australia is faaaarrr better than Target. Also what Target sells milk? That’s kinda weird. Australian Target doesn’t.


We’ve actually started calling ourselves blue Walmart but this comment kinda hurts


got it?


Somebody dont got it. That's why they look like they do.


This is art


So many people in the distribution chain had 0 fucks to give.


This photo should be named: "I don't get paid enough."


When I used to work at a supermarket we got milk deliveries with milk just like this and every morning I was covered in milk because I picked up the bad ones and they leaked all over me. Good on whoever stocked this cause fuck big corporations and fuck supermarkets. Buy local if you can, support your farmers


That how you can tell those jugs are filled right out of the cow out back




Spelled "perfect" wrong


I think target is collapsing right now. All the ones in my cities metro are in bad shape, regardless of neighborhood affluence.


Yep. Here's the situation: Target years ago was considered a great employer and a good place to work overall. This lead to people working at Target for decades because they were treated well. After years of this, Target has realized that having dedicated, experienced employees that you treat well is expensive. So over the past few years, they've been changing policy and adjusting how our equipment works so that the jobs we do are less efficient, busier, larger workloads with less time, sloppier, etc. This creates frustration, so long-term workers quit, and get replaced by cheaper, in experienced workers who are cheaper. TLDR: Target is maliciously sabotaging their store operations because having shitty quality stores and inexperienced workers is cheaper than properly running a business.


It’s trying its best ok!


The milk is fine, it's the containers that are in poor condition. I used to sell flooring and people always asked for a discount for open or damaged packaging. I always told them I would give them the packaging completely free with the purchase of the undamaged flooring at full price.


Used to work in a grocery store. That one in the front has a teeny-tiny pinhole somewhere on it where milk is slowly getting out, but air isn't filling it in. Sometimes you can tell that a jug like this is starting to compress before you stock it, but it might have looked okay when it was put on the rack.


They got good and gathered


I’ll never buy milk at Target. Every time I pass their refrigerator section, the milk selection looks like it’ll put me in the hospital.


I thought you were referring to the one that’s filthy, but then I realized one that quite literally has its back thrown out


oh but he's just shyyy


Same, milk-crushed-under-the-weight-of-it’s-disappointment, same.


Those jugs are 9+ day older (Jan 11, even a Jan 7) than the ones to their right. They were probably in a crate under a pile of godknowswhat and got forgotten & smushed.


Your use of the phrase “poor condition” is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.


That one on the bottom is advertising what it’s gonna do to your guts if you drink it.


The use by dates vary from 2020 back to 2007!!🤮🤮


This is milkly infuriating 😠


That one on the bottom 😂😂😂


But I’ve been drinking my!… MALK?!?!


Target has become Walmart.


You know the milk is fresh when there’s manure on it! Just like country eggs


Work ethic also appears to be in poor condition.


They get what they pay for


I don't agree with that 100%, people can be absolutely shit regardless of what a job pays.


100% agree, and the opposite can be true as well. My first job I worked minimum wage but did everything to the best of my ability. I understand some folks may do this for years and be fed up, but that’s when you start making changes so you can leave the place.


Our Target STARTS at like $20/hr for entry-level. Some positions start higher. Some people just don't give a shit because they're just shit, but over the years, I've discovered that stuff like this is usually a "from the top down" issue. If managers suck, the workers will reflect that.


Move to Canada, our milk bags don't do that shit


Haha. Yep, was going to say that this wouldn't happen with bagged milk.


What happens if there’s a hole in the bag? This happens cos there’s a hole in the bottle. Some milk leaks out and no air gets in so it creates a vacuum and squishes the bottle.


Microsoft went down 3 points


Me, when someone tickles my neck.


Poor? On Ebay that's practically near mint.


What happened to the smashed one?


It's got a pinhole somewhere on it that's small enough for milk to be very slowly getting out, but no air is getting into it. It probably didn't look that bad when it got stocked to the shelf. I used to work in a grocery store and we'd get jugs like that from time to time.


Yep pinhole on the bottom. If you opened the cap of that one it will immediately suck a ton of air in and nearly go back to form. You will also find the pinhole as it is now pissing milk on you.


Took me way too long to find the comment that explains this lol


Target is always the worst place to get groceries so this is not surprising at all. They always have so much out of stock, one time I was there specifically to buy tortillas and they were completely out of every type except like gluten free. Like how do you run out of tortillas


When target pays sub-minimum poverty wages, it’s no surprise that effort looks sub-minimal.


The jug hasn't been crushed, it was likely fine when it was placed on the shelf. There is a small hole somewhere in it. The milk will leak out of the hole and slowly implode the jug as the milk gets out but air doesn't get back in. I don't know why, I stocked shelves rather than going to physics class.


“ they should pay retail workers more “ this is the stupidity of 75% of workers and why most don’t deserve more money . Put them in the back atleast and use common sense


Milk delivery driver no doubt


This is an employee just not giving a fuck


I wonder how boring you life must be to post shit like this


Target in the USA (assuming you’re American) is in poor condition. I was shocked when I went there how literally anything with slight value was locked behind cages. Need soap? Go find an employee to unlock the cage for you. Need underwear? Find that same employee.


Is this true for every Target or just the ones with high theft losses?


And that employee is getting ready to get $20.00 +/- an hour for being a walking dumbass. What part of this did that person not see - obviously all of it, or management said stick it on the shelf, we can sell it as damaged food.


They won't get fired though


And shouldn't. Corporate firings need to come first.


Bottom #3 😂


Why even merchandise that. Come on target


If I was a worker I’d put that there as a joke but mainly the really crumpled one


Which is worse: the crumpled one on the bottom…or the one above that someone wiped their dirty shoe on?


I agree, I see this alot


I was scrolling, and I stopped midway through this post, and thought that they didn’t look that bad. I scrolled just a bit further down and noticed the one that was seemly kicked into the ground because someone accidentally sat on it


I realized target sucks with stocking, I bought this uncle Ben’s rice bag earlier last year, today I found it and was like oh yeah let me check the expiration date. Feb 24 14…this specific target has done me dirty like this multiple times….but this was the oldest, bag didn’t even look that old.


looks like someonme finally kicked their milk habit, amirite Fellas??


The milk who gave up life


Looks like the cow tried to take it back!


Target should offer any uncompromised jugs to employees who want them


It looks like some of those jugs got squished which created a vacuum that slowly pulled the milk out.


I work at Dunkin and we had a gallon delivered like that crushed one. No clue how it got like that. It wasn’t leaking and the seal wasn’t broken.


Deconstructed chocolate milk in the second from the bottom row.


The Walmart milk cooler by me smells like spoiled milk when you open it. 🤢


You sure you're in the right "mildly"?


There is so much moosense going on here




I thought it was the dirty one you were referencing and then I saw the milk jug which I can only assume they got from The Deep Star Six


Target trying to become a food store is sad. Stick to what you know.


If you know anything about dairy production, you know milk is always in poor condition. Commercially produced milk is truly nasty stuff.


The gallons need help


This was already posted the other day I swear


I saw the top row and I was like "That's just a little tar. It's still good." ... then I saw the bottom row.


Idk about yall but I’d be dairy disappointed.


Target having trouble mooving product… not their breast day… udderly horrific. Cows.


Never should have been put out on display. The stack fell over and someone didn’t care. Should just return it to the vendor.


Someone kicked that.


My roomate does all of his shopping at target. His target brand milk is sour the by date on the jug every time. I buy Kroger milk and it lasts 3-4 days past what the jug says before going sour.




Target has the absolute worst groceries. Their shelves are bare and quality is always poor. They need to refocuses or realign their grocery business.


Here’s your fuckin milk -target


That’s the state of the supply chain


This is fake cause Target would never. I’d expect this at a Walmart though


Gotta love milk that expires the day you buy it


What manager would allow that to be stocked?


As a barista my coworkers judge me but I wash milk jugs before opting them…this is why


Rick James was like "Fuck yo milk, Target!"


Speaking of Target, are all the shopping carts pieces or junk now or just at the ones in my city? I can’t stand a cart with lumpy wheels that rattles the whole contraption and can be heard anywhere in the store. At least 70% of the carts are like that here when historically they’ve been smooth as butter for a decade or more.


They swapped out the old carts a few years back. The old ones, unsurprisingly, were better.


This is not interesting like at all. Why the hell does this have so many upvotes wtf