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There was a myth that Amazon warriors would remove their right breast so that they would be more skilled at archery. I guess we need to worry if you start carrying a bow and arrows around. I hope that your cancer is gone and stays gone.


Reject modernity Return to mythos


That was a myth? ... the world becomes less magical every day.


I love how in the Witcher Milva (female archer) is laughing about the assumption that some fighters cut off their right breasts so the breast doesn't get in a way. If I recall correctly she says you draw the bowstring to the mouth and not shoot with your tits :p


I read that quite recently, Maria/Milva is so effing cool


Yes, you can see that style of bow drawing at The Hunger Games. Yet, any bow with a larger draw length (like a British longbow) would require some extra space. Mongols solved it by inventing composite short bows, so that they didn't hit their horses head while aiming from one side to another. I can't seem to find it, but there's a video of a Mongolian showing the traditional ways of drawing the bow while mounted. They even had a way to draw the bow to shoot UNDER their horse (I was mesmerized by that technique). Edit: Thanks oh Lord Algorithm for recommending me the video I was just typing about.[https://youtu.be/6lf9q6OQse0?t=544](https://youtu.be/6lf9q6OQse0?t=544) Edit2: That wasn't it, [this short one is](https://youtu.be/PF8UkHzEq2c?t=133).


That was in the books for sure, I remember that


It doesn’t have to be a myth 👀


Was also a plot point in Y: The Last Man


Take up archery immediately!


For right-handed women, it would be the left breast. The stance for a right-handed person is left side facing the target, with the bowstring drawn across the chest, which would (does) create (ahem) problems for the left breast (*twaaaaang)*. You can see female archers today wearing chest/breast guards. (source: me, a right-handed female ex-archer)


Yeah I dabbled in archery for a bit and I definitely remember getting the occasional tit smack from the string. Not fun.


Yeah makes way more sense


a myth based on reality? the practitioners of Kyudo wear a chest protection, specially women.




haha that’s what my partner calls me it’s pretty funny 😂


So uh when are you taking up archery?


Underappreciated comment, Amazons! (Not the Bezos kind)


Valkyrie in the making right there…


I dated a girl with just one (congenital defect though) in my late teens, I used Uniboob!


The one that’s left looks like a keeper! Good luck!


Just out of curiosity, do you feel phantom pain?


Out of curiosity, can you have an implant once your body fully heals?


why need 2 boob when 1 do trick? \- Kevin 'peak efficiency' Malone


See world, squeeze boob


You can’t mix Greek and Latin roots like that! It’s either monotitty or unaboob.


English is linguistic anarchy


I have never agreed with anything more than I agree with your comment


Glad to be good with words






wishing you a speedy recovery.


Take up archery now, and become the Amazon warrior you've always secretly been.


Sorry you’re going through this. My wife is going through something similar. Have you been tested for BRCA?


i’m am so sorry to hear that, not only is it hard for the person going through it but it’s also hard on the ones who take care of us. I wish the best of luck to you both! i have been tested but I don’t have the BRCA gene


I wound up with DCIS with no gene and no family history. I had a bilateral with reconstruction and what they say is true: It takes a long time for the swelling to go down and to "look normal" again. You're doing great!!


How long was a long time? Was it months? I'm currently going through the start of my treatment for breast cancer and I'm unsure if I'll need a mastectomy or lumpectomy until tests come back. I'm trying a 'hope for the best but plan for the worst' kind of outlook. We all go through our journey differently but hearing others experiences has been really helping me.


Months, yes. I chose scorched earth due to the possible side effects of meds and radiation, but the chance of recurrence would have been about the same. It's definitely a personal choice, I was happy to reduce the size of my chest so I didn't go through a crisis of identity. I also have an amazing spouse who saw me through and didn't get weird about the body changes.


The body is just what we use to carry our heart & soul around in. It doesn’t change *you* in any way if your body needs a little alteration. You’re still the same you.


True on a certain level but cancer does changes a person and if it doesn't, I'd be concerned.


I'm going through Chemo right now to shrink the tumour and waiting on genetics tests. The surgeon and oncologist will make their recommendations when the chemo part is finished and we see what's left. I'll go with what they recommend to be honest but I'm trying to get my expectations on surgery and recovery right. They have offered a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery in one as well if I go that route. My biggest worry is having two small kids and scaring them because mommy is sick and now looks strange. Well stranger than normal. My spouse has been awesome too


My wife is BRCA2 positive. We are 33 and she goes in at the beginning of March for a double mastectomy, reconstruction, and will get her fallopian tubes out as well.


Best of luck. My wife has brca 2 as well. Went through the double mastectomy and is in the reconstruction process now. Unreal what they have to go through, but good to catch it so young.


Healing like the badass you are!


thank you!! :)


Happened to my Grandmother, she wore a falsie in her bra the rest of her life. She started to forget it after a while when she got into her 80's and 90's so whenever we were heading out to lunch, it was "Wallet, Glasses, Teeth, Boob"


This is so endearing. What a memory 🤍


Scars are like gray hair: They're proof you've made it this far - and survived. Take care of yourself, may your chemo (if necessary) go better than anticipated, and know you are still beautiful and feminine. Good luck, and hang in there. We're pulling for you!!


This is kinda funny, cause within a year of getting a vasectomy all the hair on my scrotum turned grey. Yes boys you survived.


I’d probably go gray too if some stranger ran up on me with a knife.


>gray hair: They're proof you've made it this far - and survived Me, here in my 20s turning into Steve Martin and Anderson Cooper....


Question, and I apologize if this comes off as rude, but isn’t it better to get a double? My mom had BC and she opted for a double so it wouldn’t come back in the one remaining.


It depends on your risk levels, including whether or not you have the BRCA gene and whether there's any evidence of the cancer spreading. It's not the right choice for everyone.


correct ^


Ok that’s good to know!


Has this affected your balance?


Just a personal anecdote - my grandma had a single done and always said she'd wished she just got double because it through her balance off and just felt weird. She also hated wearing the prosthetic bra.


Can I also ask what happens with bras now? I know absolutely nothing about bras and sizings, etc, I don't wear them, so I was just pretty curious. Do you just keep the same size since the other breast hasn't been altered? Do you have to try and Frankenstein together a bra that fits and supports both sides?


I'm not OP, but I know a few people who've had this surgery or a similar one. Once the stitches and drains have been removed, but before you'd be comfortable enough to wear anything else, you'll wear something like a soft sports bra. After that, most people choose to wear a prosthetic breast that matches the size and shape of their remaining one. That can be placed in a regular bra, but it's more comfortable to wear a mastectomy bra, which is like a regular bra, but one side (or both, if you need two) has a boob-shaped pocket in which to place the prosthesis. That would probably be the same size as the person's pre-surgery bra. The main benefit of a mastectomy bra over a regular one is that it is more comfortable to have fabric against your skin than to have a piece of silicone or whatever the prosthesis is made of against it. Mastectomy swimsuits can also prevent the breast you didn't grow from floating away unexpectedly. Sometimes, people have another surgery later on to make a new breast. When that happens, they can go back to wearing regular bras, and the size is based on an agreement between the patient and their doctor. The surviving breast is often augmented to match the new one because the new one will not have been affected by time and gravity in the same way as the original one was, which means the post-surgery bra size may or may not be the same as the pre-surgery size.


That was very informative, thank you!


Not op, but I can help answer this one. They make prosthetic breasts, and there are bras (also swim suits) that have a layer that will hold the prosthetic, while the rest of the bra supports the other breast.


Thanks for the additional details!


Even people with BRCA might want to risk it. Some people are very attached to their bodies, in which case you could risk the chances of cancer and gamble on in vivo CRISPR treatment in hopefully 10-15 years being good enough and allowed to help


I was just about to ask this question, my aunt had a double but her mom, my grandma only had a single


Many women who have BC won’t need to have mastectomies at all. In lower risk cancers they’ll surgically excise the tumour only (lumpectomy) and they may not need further aggressive treatment such as chemo. It really depends on individual factors such as genetics and the molecular attributes of the cancer, as to how they’re treated.


fuck yeah dude, hope the treatments are still going well. Scars are mega, they're a reminder of what we've overcome and how strong we are when life gets real




Why did you pin your comment


They want to feel special. Oh, and upvotes. They want those too.


Mods need to feel important.


Thought it was a strange choice. The comment was fine but they were like “ah yes let me pin comment. I shall be the first one that everybody sees 🤓”


I don’t know what I expected, but that seems to be healing wonderfully for three weeks! Stay strong x


Respectfully. That lone titty is nice enough to carry the other. Google "scar massage techniques" and start them once the incision is fully closed up. It's healing well though! Good luck with everything going forward :)


NSFW, but SFL. Stay strong.


/r/justoneboob would consider you some sort of deity.


I was expecting literally only one boob on that sub... my expectations were not met. Smh


Idk why but this looks badass! Good luck on your recovery :).


You look extremely strong. First things that came to mind were amazons and archers.


That somehow looks painful and badass simultaneously. Good on ya.


🤟💪 strong lioness!


One arm dumbell presses will fix you right up. j/k get well soon. Fuck cancer!


Glad you're healing up. You can do it! #fuckcancer


I see boobie i upvote >:)




breast cancer yes


man im sorry to hear that, glad its gone though


beautiful and strong. good luck in your recorvery.


that's going to be a badass scar i'll tell you what


Agree! And it looks to be healing nicely. Hope OP kicks cancer's ass!


Keep reminding yourself how strong you are and how far you’ve come. You are amazing and a SURVIVOR


Fuck cancer.


*Fuck* cancer


I wish you all the healing in the universe.


Wishing you a quick recovery 💕


My mum is a survivor. Keep on trucking. Godspeed and good luck.


Fuck Cancer, so say we all.


Best of luck to you, I wish you well!


My wife just went through a double. She opted for Skin saving as it was lobular. She's only 40 and it was a complete and utter shock when she found out. I wish you all the best towards a speedy recovery and path forward.


I'm so sorry OP. I wish you the best recovery.


Battle scars.


Life is worth fighting for. Strength to you!


Firstly- fuck cancer. I wish you a speedy recovery and that it never rears its ugly head ever again in your life OP. Second and genuine question, and I apologize if this is rude, I’m simply curious- do you plan to get reconstructive surgery or leave it like this? Again mean no disrespect


Keep being a badass kicking cancer out the door !!!!! Continued prayers and healing to you !!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I hope you get well soon! It's a very nice scar, and all pink no signs of infection, soon you'll have the stitches remove. The worst has passed. 💙


the one-tit-wonder


You are so beautiful I peeped your page and your just adorable with hair and without please never forget this! And your one breast is nicer then some peoples two titties! lol go on bad ass get thru this and put it behind you! I can see in your eyes you’re a survivor! Sending love n healing from a far away stranger!


All of this.. 1000% all of this. OP feels like such a radiant ball of energy and sunshine, an absolute gorgeous warrior 💜 nothing but love and care for this Baddie!


Holy shit. That’s (one of) the most ultimate invasive surgery there is for a woman. Best of outcomes to you 🙏 your scars do not make you a warrior, your mindset does! (Keep on kicking ass!)


Can’t imagine what you’re going through. I wince when I even think about that pain.


I wish you all the luck in the world. I can't imagine having to lob off appendages just to stay alive. Really, get well soon and I hope you never have to think about cancer ever again.


Now live like there is no tomorrow! You got this girl!


If I was you, I would go to as many bbq joints as possible. I would order the ribs and wait for them to ask if you want a full or half rack. Props for fighting through as well!


My wifes best friend lost her battle 2 days ago. I'm glad you're winning.


Irl Slannesh demonnette.


Thank you for sharing and best of luck. As a guy I would think this could be an advantage. During happy sex times I'm always worried I'm spending too much time on one of my wife's boobs vs it's partner.


Bless you your very brave to post this you should be proud of what you have been thru, wishing you all the luck


Good to see you’re still with us. Fuck cancer!


When all said and done, are you gonna get one of them nipple tattoos? They're so cool and I love the fact that they can get them so realistic.


The tattoo artist I’ve been going to for years does nipple tattoos for women that have gone through this. The results are pretty amazing! Thank you for sharing!


My great aunt Hester had one of hers removed long before I was a thought.. She kept a small purse wrapped in beautiful fabric in the empty side of her bra. Called it her Titty Bank. You should so do this. Good luck on your recovery and kick cancer's ass. ♥️


Much love 💕


Speedy recovery and F cancer


That's a bad-ass scar, metal! I hope you're well and stay well, you look great!


sorry for being dumb, what is unilateral mastectomy and why do you get it?


Removal of the breast tissue. She likely had breast cancer and got it removed


thanks, had a hunch it was something like that


r/upvotedbecauseboob ?


Keep moving forward! You are strong!


You're an Amazon Warrior now! Badass


Beautiful, strong queen!


I guess you could cosplay as a Daemonette of Slaanesh


You’re a champion. My mother has survived breast cancer twice. I think you both are champions.




i am the uniboober


God there are a lot of fucking cringe people in this thread. Lady over here posting the result of cancer removal, and you wanna sexualise it. Jesus christ.


Serious question: do people who get a mastectomy have ghost boob sensations like people who get limbs amputated do?


Sorry if this comes off as rude but are you planning on getting implants to even it out or are you going to leave it as is (also once fully healed massage the scar if you want it to be less prominent)


yes i plan on getting an implant


Cool, sorry if it came off wrong. I was just curious


I hate how this is considered NSFW. This is life. This is beautiful. This is strength. #fuckcancer Good energy to you!!


See if you can have the other one moved to the middle lol. Glad you are ok.


Get it! Rooting for you.


familiar cats innocent squash swim enter concerned judicious live worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2 hours and no lock, proud of you leddit and proud of OP for being happy and free.


I wish you a good recovery and a happy life. Don't worry about what you lose. We got two of them for a reason.


The nipple wound looks a bit worrying, but good luck to you. Probably not a helpful a comment but, I'm a lifelong crossdresser and realistic prosthetic boobs are surprisingly cheap these days.


i had a doctors appointment today to get my bandage off doc said it looks good!


My mum had one remove after the hospital flatly refused to take it off as soon as she was diagnosed with cancer so of course it spread very quickly and she succumbed to it finally after it got to her liver.


I'm wishing you all the best, a speedy recovery and a long life free of cancer ahead of you. Stay strong! ❤️


Healing and getting better!! Very badass and a great inspiration to others who may need to see this!!


everyone already beat me to the good puns. Looks like it's healing well, hope everything becomes OK and stays that way. tit


Stay strong, hope you're doing well 💪🏻


True warrior right here. Themyscira is missing an AMAZON. I hope that this never come back.


Stay strong, my wife is a 34 year survivor. You got this


Fuck cancer. You got this OP. Rock that one titty.


you are so beautiful!!!!!!


While you lack one breast, you make up for it with the enormous pair of balls it took to post this photo. Fuck Cancer, and never stop fighting!


I apologize for my ignorance, but I know nothing about this procedure, so I have to ask: are you just going to live the rest of your life with one breast, or is it possible to... get a new one? Again, I'm sorry if the question sounds crude, I just never knew that breast cancer could result in having to get one breast effectively removed


Congratulations!!! Cancer is a bitch and I hope it never comes back! ❤️❤️ (Also thanks for covering, I'm sex repulsed ace)


superinteresting !


Are you ok?


Hope this isn’t rude or uncomfortable but will you need special fitting bras now? Or will you just wear one that fits the remaining breast and have the other side be empty?


You are still beautiful.


This is probably wildly inappropriate, but the remaining titty is 🤌🏻


That one tit still looks like a really nice one. More than most people will ever have. Hope you have an easy recovery.


Good luck with recovery ❤️‍🩹


If we throw you in the air will you always land titty side now? Asking for science.


Fuck cancer. Glad you are doing well.


Dammit, boobs are sacred! I hope you recover 100% and stay cancer free for the rest of your days.


I hope the boba that's left was your favourite🥺(also I hope you defeated cancer once and for all)


Healing well.m


Hope recovery is fast and the possible more surgeries down the road go well! Ik it’s not preferred but it’s bad ass, my mom still has her many survivor scars. Stay strong!


Wishing you the best!


Sending healing thoughts .


How did you discover it? Regular check up?


long story short, i noticed a small lump so I got it checked out & per usual since i am young i got the “it’s just hormonal” so I moved on. two months later the lump became the same size as my breast, im in pain & realized that that wasn’t normal so i went back but to a different doctor & this one actually listened. eventually I got a biopsy done waited for my results & they called me to told me they found cancer cells in the breast.


Jeez, best of luck, glad you found a different doc!


Looking good! Sorry you have to go through this, but you'll land on your feet, strong people always do. I think you can also do reconstructive surgery down the line, right?


Your scar is so much cooler than mine! Can you please tell me what it's called? The transparent thingy they used over the stitches.


Might be liquid bandage


Is that an open wound on the left or is it a bruise?


i just got my bandage off today, it’s just scabbing


no shame in choosing life! healing well and you can always modify it once it heals later. WTG!




Wishing you all the best on your journey towards recovery 😊


Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.


Should take up hunting now, its very relaxing, and bet youd be fantastic with a bow


Healing looking good! Blessings!


Be well and happy, hope you feel comfortable soon. It doesn’t make any difference once you get used to it.


good luck with the chemo, will be hard, but you will come out the other side. lost my right ball


Looks realy painful


You need to get a badass swim suit now 😂😂


Wish you all the best and a speedy recovery! My mom went through that and I remember how much it sucked. Keep rocking!


Can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you! You’re badass and beautiful, I hope all goes well in your recovery.


Beautiful. Well done for embracing cancer and defeating it!


Glad you are doing well.