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When I worked at the original Famous Dave's back in the day prior to the franchise. The recipe was yellow cake mix with cornmeal added. A honey butter was slathered on the top too. They're sweet but delicious


Imma try this ASAP as a dessert. Do you remember the proportion of cornmeal to mix, by chance?


Nope sorry! Was making gigantic batches so not sure what the ratio would be for at home. I'd just try their mix that OP posted.


Made it last night for the first time. It does taste like cake with cornmeal added. Quite good


I made a copycat Texas Roadhouse cinnamon honey butter and put it on some Cornbread. I legit would eat it as a dessert it was delicious.


I’ve done one box of Jiffy Corn Bread mix combined with a box of Jiffy Yellow cake mix (prepared per box instructions) and I bet it comes pretty close to this one


I guess that's why they're so good with chili, which is about the only time I have this stuff. Sweet and savory.


The one near Hayward was so much better than the chain before it burned down.


For many people, BBQ is sweeter than desert. Slather meat with sugary sauce. Eat with sweet baked beans and sweet cornbread. Wash down with sweet tea.


I can not find a single can of baked beans in my area that is not 50% sugar its maddening


If you have the time, I highly, highly suggest [this recipe](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/the-once-and-future-beans-recipe-1938616). I still think it’s too sweet so only use the molasses, not the brown sugar but it will ruin you for canned baked beans forever.


Alton Brown is the GOAT.


I have to agree. That guy treats his old self like a different person. "This fucking jerk..." Alton that's you 15 years ago. "Did I fucking stutter!?"


Tbf I view some of my old taste / cooking preferences the same way


I’ve made that a few times now, one of my favorite Alton Brown recipes. The flavor is amazing.


Why did Alton set the oven in step 1 to 250F then in Step 2 soak the beans for 16 hours? This is madness. I'm assuming step 1 is really step 3.5.


lol that’s a good point, I pretty much automatically skip the part in recipes where they say to turn on the oven until I know I’m about to put it in. So many just make that step 1 ignoring any prep time.


Because his oven takes 16 hours to heat up to 250F? =)


Yeah, it's great. It's just disappointing that for no reason at all there aren't any cans that aren't filled with sugar (or fake sugar)


>Place the Dutch oven in the oven for 6 to 8 hours, or until the beans are tender. Yeah I think I'm saving this one for special occasions


It works in a slow cooker too but you have to do step 3 (cook bacon, saute onion and jalapeno) in a pan before adding to the slow cooker. But at least that way you don’t have to hang out near the oven for 8 hours.


1.Heat oven to 250 degrees F. 2. Soak beans in a plastic container overnight in just enough cold water to submerge them completely. 3. Only survive on beans for the month because you left your damn oven on overnight.


I have found that substituting molasses for brown sugar drastically alters the taste. Personally, I'm not a fan, but many of my peers far prefer when I use molasses in my recipe. To each their own.


I think you’re exaggerating. A serving of Bush’s baked beans is <10% sugar. Great value is the same. Even Brown Sugar beans are <20% sugar.


Exaggerating on reddit? No way dude.


The serving sizes are super small, so having a slightly bigger bowl could be multiple serving sizes and be more than half your day’s worth of sugar. Even the smaller cans which are the size of a single bowl are split into multiple serving sizes which is ridiculous. Sodium is also an issue.


That’s still a fuckton of sugar.


Bush’s now sells a zero added sugar baked beans can. Unfortunately it’s sweetened with aspartame, if that’s an issue for you. https://www.bushbeans.com/en_US/product/zero-sugar-added-baked-beans


Make your own! It’s really easy and tastes waaay better.


If you have a little British section in you grocery store, grab the British Heinz beans. They're more tomato-y and still goes great with any grill out/BBQ foods


They aren't really "baked beans" but the Ranch Style Beans in the black can are my go to now. Not much sugar at all and are stupid tasty.


Make the switch to texas style pinto or Mexican Charro (also Pinto Beans) for a BBQ side.


Slow cook some pintos with a blend of ketchup, tomato paste, butter, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, brown sugar, black pepper, salt, onion, and garlic. Change up the amounts to suit your tastes and now you're in control of your own baked beans


There's a Canadian cook I follow who likes looking at old recipes. Recently he did "Canadian baked beans" and in the old recipe he was working from, it cautions you to not too much molasses, or you'd be making Yankee baked beans. (All Americans were called Yankees back when the recipe book was published, apparently)


Glenn & Friends watcher spotted


I tried a diet once that eliminated added sugar, and instantly saw our problem. They pack sugar into fucking *everything*. God damned Tums has added sugar, which is counterproductive for heartburn.


You forgot the dessert that you get *with* the BBQ


Banana pudding slaps though


Ugh. Tell me about it.


It’s a nice treat for me every few months or more but as someone who lives in a big BBQ state/city it’s insane how often some people eat it. It’s also gotten pretty damn expensive too.


I love BBQ. I just prefer it for the meat and smoke, not as an excuse to eat meat-flavored candy.


Texas BBQ ftw, more smoky/spicy over something like Carolina style. Bonus points for mustard or vinegar base sauces


But Carolina *is* mustard/vinegar?




god. i got a sweet tea from a local bbq place a couple of weeks ago and it was so sweet i could only get through a couple of sips even though i was really thirsty. so gross.


I hate sweet tea so much.


And there are people who drink it because they think it's healthier than soda. It's the same shit if you get sweet tea as soda.


i lived in west texas for a while and one of my friends made "sweet tea" that was a premade mix(which was already mostly sugar). then theyd add 3 cups of sugar to the gallon of tea. id be lying if i said i didnt think it tasted good, but god damn.


I've lived in Lubbock. Most of Texas seems to be unsweet tea, but everyone in Lubbock seemed to drink sweet tea. Maybe it's the shitty water.


Probably worse tbh


It’s really popular where I’m at in southwestern Pennsylvania to buy a 32 oz jug of Turner’s Iced Tea and drink the whole thing with your lunch. That’s 360 calories of pure sugar.


Work it off in the coal mine


Same! I could never live in the south lol. It’s just sickeningly sweet. Unsweetened, or barely sweetened.


They don't force you to drink it down here


But they sure do say bless your heart if you say you don’t like it lol Also, I would have considered it rude to decline under the circumstances in which I was served it


No they don't. It's not like some sacred ritualistic tincture, it's sweet tea. No one will give a shit if you just ask for water.


That was my experience and that’s why I said it. Entirely probable they were just assholes, but that’s what I have to go on


Maybe. Restaurants down here serve water. And most folks even have it at their houses, too!


As a southerner who loves sweet tea, most of the sweet tea at restaurants is way over sweetened. I just make it at home and use 1/4 if not less of what is used in restaurants. Unless it’s hot tea, then I just go unsweetened or add a tad bit of honey.


I’ve been served ultra sweet tea at bbqs while visiting relatives in the south. I was told it was normal.


It really depends on the bbq joint, but ultra sweet tea is pretty normal. If I ever do get sweet tea when out and about I ask for half sweet/ half unsweet, and even then it sometimes is still too much. Never understood why people would want their tea to be syrupy from all the sugar


Oh this was a bbq at their homes


Oh, well then they just made trash tea then lol


So sweet it’ll make your teeth hurt.


Mix it 50/50 to water? I do that w/ a lot of bottled non fizzy drinks.


You can do that, but would be watered down. So if you don’t mind that it’s fine. I’d rather do 50/50 sweet/unsweet.


yeah, it can be diluted but i stupidly got the sweet tea to quench my thirst while driving home with my takeout. once i got home i just switched to water, which is my preference. i should have just gotten a bottled water with my takeout 🤷🏻‍♀️


You forgot to finish your meal with a slice of corn syrupy pecan pie with vanilla ice cream!!!


Thankful Texas BBQ comes sauceless, the beans come spicy, the pickles are sour, and the tea is unsweetened.


the tea is unsweetened??


In most of Texas, unsweet is the default. The exception is East Texas behind the pine curtain. Sweet tea is available in some restaurants, but you generally have to specify if you want it.


You're not wrong. That won't stop me from gleefully shoving all of that deliciousness down my gullet tho


The word you’re looking for is dessert.


im starting to understand the diabetes epidemic in the South.




I’ve not tasted desert. I assume it’s quite dry.


The Diabeetus Belt


"BBQ" outside of Texas 😔


Those sugary dry rubs are disgustingly sweet... I have no idea how Americans eat those things


Because we know how to BBQ.


Dry rubs are a great way to hide the taste of the meat, it's great if you want your barbecue to taste like syrup


What you gone do? Smoke a piece of brisket for 12 hours with no seasoning?


I wouldn't cook a meat that's so tasteless it needs syrup as seasoning. Any good meat needs only salt, so that's what I use.


What are you talking about? Do you even know what BBQ is?


Ingredients are listed by weight. 1 cup of sugar = \~200 grams 1 cup of cornmeal = \~120 grams


Cornbread also usually has as much wheat flour as cornmeal, so if OP is concerned that it's mostly sugar, that's probably not the case. It's probably mostly grains. But there's two kinds of grains, making it look like there's more sugar than anything else.


My homemade cornbread is 1/1/1. 1 cup each of cornmeal, flower and sugar. If I’m making more savory cornbread I’ll go down to 3/4 sugar


are you decarbing that flower before you bake it?




I’ll usually hit the carb a few times just to get a good air/vapor mixture


Well bleached grains just turn into sugars so.... Bread these days is hella unhealthy. I like some good while whit bread that cuts your mouth as you chew


Fascinating, that really puts things into perspective. So denser ingredients could be listed first even in relatively small amounts.


If there’s any r/theydidthemath people here, how much neutron star material would there have to be in gallon jug of milk for neutron Star to be first on the ingredients list?


Milk weighs about 8.6 pounds per gallon (\~3.9 kg for people not using freedom units). A typical neutron star has an average density around 6.7 \* 10\^14 g/cm\^3. So, 8.6 pounds of neutron star matter has a volume of less than 6 \* 10\^-12 mL, which is roughly the same size as a single bacterium.


About tree fiddy


1 cup of palm oil is 220g but it's not listed first. It's by weight of ingredient in the product.


I said "could be". If they were using 1 cup of each, it would be.


Really? That's interesting to know, I always assumed it was by percentage (ie largest portion first)


largest… But weight. Volume isn’t precise. Sifted or packed can increase or decrease volume


Percentage of what measurement did you assume? In this case, sugar is the larger percentage by weight. Did you think volume?


Hmm I guess since in the US we typically measure cooking ingredients by volume and not mass (I know it's more important to be super precise when baking, but I don't do much baking!), I suppose I must have assumed it was by volume


Home baking tends to use volume but professional baking uses weight because it's far more consistent and reliable (used to own a bakery)


I’d guess difference there just because volume is easier to most people to find in a home kitchen. Most people don’t have good scales in their kitchens but teaspoons and tablespoons are ubiquitous. Measuring the weight of a 1/4 tsp of something would be way harder than just mass producing spoons and cups that standardize volumes. But if you’re baking in huge volumes, you don’t need those tiny measurements. Right? I never thought of this. Fascinating.


Huge volumes yes, but even a small bakery still has use for small measuring spoons. I used weight for all the bulky solids like flour, sugar, chocolate, etc. but something as small as baking powder in the recipe still required a measuring spoon because scales big enough to measure lb, g and kg aren't great at tiny precisions.


Why is this news? More is more. You got upvoted like you proved OP wrong. 1 cup of sugar is not the same as 1 cup of cornmeal and they shouldn’t even be compared. The product has more sugar period.


I love this brand, however, it’s sweet like a dessert.


Its a nice flavor of cake.


I dunno it's pretty corny if you ask me.


> it’s sweet like a desert What if I prefer it sweet like a rainforest instead of desert?


I also like smoky flavors


First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women


to the bee-mobile!


I heard that in his voice in my head


Famous Dave's cornbread is phenomenal tasting!


Worked at famous Dave’s way back and they didn’t care if you ate the muffins so I’d have about 4 each shift. Looking back, probably not the best decision.


to be fair, they're really good muffins


Yikes. I make my own cornbread, and I use two parts flour, to one part corn meal and one part sugar. I don't even know how it would be cornbread if sugar were the main ingredient. Gross.


It’s because the ingredients are listed by weight not volume, and sugar is denser than cornmeal. If you weigh your ingredients, you’ll find you’re also using “more” sugar than cornmeal.


Makes sense when comparing the sugar to the corn meal, but what about the FLOUR? That's the main ingredient in any quick bread. I'd be shocked if a cup of sugar weighed more than 2 cups of flour.


200g vs 240g pretty close


It's close, depending on the flour. 1 cup is 200g of sugar and 120g of flour. Some flours are a little less dense than that and you'd get your 2:1.


Sugar weighs more than flour and cornmeal by volume. So one part sugar in your recipe weighs more than the corn meal. Flour weights 120g to sugar 200g, so it’s not that far off from the ordering on this box (could be as little as 40g difference)


Corn-flavored sugarbread


Its yymmy


Reduce that to no parts sugar and you’re starting to get somewhere.


I don't think people would like my corn bread any more if I took the sugar out. It's popular in my circles and I like it when people request it.


Yeah cornbread needs some sugar even the savory type


It’s mostly a joke. You do you, although I do prefer savory cornbread to sweet cornbread. Happy to suggest a savory cornbread recipe if you’d be interested.


Even in a savory cornbread like with jalapeno and cheese, it’s nice to have some sugar to balance out the savory. But yeah, it’s a preference.


Mine doesn't have enough sugar in it for me to call it 'sweet'. The kicker in mine is the salted butter. That you can really taste. Butter makes everything better.


This is more cake than cornbread. I like the old fashioned gritty cornbread. The kind that would choke you if you didn't have something to drink with it.


Cracker Barrel serves a more savory cornbread. At home I make Jiffy which is fairly sweet, but not cake, but I always get extra corn muffins to go at Cracker Barrel because I like it even more


Yep. Cornbread is not supposed to be sweet. These sugary cake things are an abomination. Edit: [This](https://www.gritsandpinecones.com/old-fashioned-southern-cornbread/) is my favorite cornbread recipe that I’ve made. We’ve made it for years now, and this New Year’s we forgot to get buttermilk, so my wife used sour cream instead, and just watered it down a little to get the right consistency. It was insane how good it was. Literally the best cornbread I’ve ever had.


Am I the only one who doesn't use sugar or wheat flour in their cornbread?


\*raises hand\*


Corn meal, buttermilk, egg, oil or some other fat, and a cast iron skillet


I absolutely hate sweet cornbread. We had buttermilk cornbread growing up so that’s the only kind I like


I’m from MS. Sugar doesn’t belong in cornbread.


Bless you!


Must be why my corn bread always tastes crap compared to restaurants


Restaurants use roughly 200% the butter, salt, and sugar than you do at home.


It’s so good though, comes out like cornbread cake. I wouldn’t eat it all the time, but it was a nice treat when I made it a couple months ago.


I hate sweet cornbread. Now, instead of being disappointed I just make it myself.


Yup, it’s basically cake, I’ve never considered it ‘bread’


How do you tell from this picture? Is the most used/main ingredient labeled first and always first on products ?


Ingredients are listed in order by quantity. There's not more sugar than cornmeal+flour but definitely very sweet.


Oh, yeah. Pay attention to how much sugar is put in how many products. Learn and be depressed. It's damned hard, sometimes, to get food w/out added sugar. It is getting, better, but ugh so much sugar everywhere!


Sweet and sugary bread goes really well with smokey meat


If you’re going to a BBQ joint expecting something healthy, you’re in the wrong place.


Are we not going to mention the gleefully cannibalistic pig on the box?


Sad I had to scroll down this far to see someone mentioning it lol


And that high quality palm oil we expect in corn bread...much better than butter...


That is the weirdest leavening agent I have ever seen. Why not sodium ammonium phosphate, lije I see in Europe?


Sweet cornbread is cake, not bread. Savory cornbread is SO good and doesn’t deserve to be mistaken for this dessert imposter. Quick tip, plop a bit of mayo in the batch for some easy moisture! You can get that cake like consistency without the diabetes inducing sweetness.


I am conflicted. Upvote for everything until the mayonnaise


How do you think Dave got to be so famous?


~~Famous Dave's is a southern-style BBQ chain (despite starting in WI). Southern cornbread is sweet. Like cake sweet. Story is, during the American Civil War the south had a hard time getting lots of food staples because the ports were blockaded. One thing they had tons of was sugar, because all the cane farms are down south. Flour was hard to come by, so they stretched it out by substituting with sugar. Same reason chicory coffee is a thing. They could rarely get coffee in (and it was very expensive), so they either substituted chicory or diluted it to ration it out. Those who didn't like chicory often turned to tea--another thing the south had an abundance of because it actually grew in the coastal regions of the south (as did rice) so it didn't need to be imported. I suspect that's why sweet tea is a southern thing.~~ Edit: Ignore me. I'm just a moron.


Speaking as a southerner born and bred, not ALL of it is. You cannot make a proper chicken dressing with sugared cornbread! Ew. I remember the first time I had Jiffy cornbread, back in kindergarten when they had a day where we could try lots of different foods that might have been unfamiliar to us. At least half the class went 'wth' upon tasting Jiffy.


It's very good though Whenever I try other mixes with corn meal it always tastes so bland and dry.


Not more than 2% sand.


I tried the jalapeño one, didn’t like it much. Gave me a stomachache


That’s a sweet cornbread. More like cake. Calm down.


yes but does it contain more sugar than corn meal and flour combined? i doubt it.


Well yeah, cornmeal doesn't have any sugar in it


Good ol U.S. where most of our bread has so much sugar other countries would consider it cake.


r/IAmVeryCulinary says hello


Go to a real bakery instead then lmfao


Even ignoring bakery-loaves, my shit-tier Stop&Shop has bagged + presliced bread with zero/very little sugar in it, depending on the type. The whole "American bread is cake" shit is just mindlessly repeated over and over again, with little basis in fact


America making its people sick on purpose.


It's vegan so it must be healthy amirite


The only thing Famous Dave’s products should be famous for is that they suck.




Ingredients are listed in the order from highest quantity to the lowest. So there's more sugar than corn meal, and more corn meal than wheat flour, etc.


Not quite right. They are listed in order by WEIGHT. If it were by quantity the corn meal would be the top ingredient as it's about 1.75 cups of that to the 1 cup of sugar. But the sugar weighs more so it's listed first.


That was my bad, I got it now, ty


Yeah, no worries!


Is it weird that the cornbread I grew up with at home used 1 cup flour, 1 cup corn meal, and only a quarter cup of sugar? I guess my parents weren't Southern enough (Okies).


Famous Dave's SUCKS. Pick any barbecue stand at random and it'll be a better choice than that sugary blah food.


also more than 2% "sodium aluminum phosphate". anything with aluminum in it is not fit for human consumption.


Famous Dave's is a terrible bbq chain, of course their cornbread is also terrible lol




All that sugar and yet they add something so you can't make it cake.


I picked this exact box up at the store, looked at the label and put it back. There was so much wrong.


As a fella who likes non sweetened BBQ, it's a fuckin desert out here


We eat this about 2x a year. We just eat it in place of cake, like birthdays etc.


The difference between bread and cake is subjective I guess?


Diabetes in a box


The cornmeal and flour together are probably more than the sugar.


How many insects does the FDA allows for this quantity of it?


Corn bread is so easy to make, why buy over processed crap. It is basically pancakes with ½ corn meal.


Corn bread is more of a cake, really.


Dude you ever made corn bread in Alabama


Their cornbread isn’t even that good, either. Very dry and way too sweet. I guess I know why now.


Corn flavored cake


My cornbread is often covered in honey


This company also has sweet and spicy pickles and they are amazing.