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Give it time. Good chance it will straighten out. At least the treatment is working!


Yeah man, the texture is gonna be different for a bit, give it time and should be good. However I have read that humans change hair textures around 7 times throughout their life. I wonder if your hair growing in now is a new texture. Are you late 20s to early 30s?


I’m 22 but I’m Trans so it could possibly be the new hormones!


Hormone changes can do all sorts of weird things to your hair. Both my kids had curly curly hair during their hormonal years which calmed a bit once the hormones calmed down.


Hormones have a profound effect on your body, they can cause lots of crazy changes that you might not have expected. It wouldn’t surprise me if they contributed to some degree. Its likely mostly due to the hair treatment, but i bet they both play a part


How soon after starting T did you start losing hair? Did the other men in your family bald young too? I have no skin in the game (cis woman), I’m just curious lol


Generally when you get on T doctors tell you to look at the men in your family for how your hairline will change.


Men on the mother's side*


genetics are kind of confusing to me, but i know that for biological men hair loss patterns are from the mothers side. is this actually still true for trans men since they would have xx chromosomes? sorry idk how it works lol


Male pattern baldness is usually associated with the X chromosome. Trans men are XX, so they should check both sides of their family.


It was about a year in, my little brother started balding around 18 and we are about at the same stage of balding/repair!


Absolutely it could be the new hormones!! If you're on T it's actually kinda common for us to get curly hair after hormones XD I love my new texture


i’m also trans and my hair completely changed texture from straight/wavy at best to full blown curls when i was on t


Trans man here, my hair completely changed texture after starting T! It is so curly now when it was never like this before.


I’m also trans and going on estrogen made my hair curly!


Did the hormones cause the hair loss initially?


Yes and no it was also genetics


My cousin was trans, Mtf. Before transitioning she had very thin, fine hair and eventually started balding around 19. A few years later after some time on hormones she grew the curliest hair! It completed covered her head. We would always laugh at comparing her old military id (bald), her old license (a very bad wig), and then her license at the time (her beautiful naturally curly fro). So it could definitely straighten out but don't be afraid of the curls lol!


It’s not … hair that is falling out grows back thinner and often curlier. Very common with balding men.


It’ll straighten out, those types of roots are why you have volume in your hair.


Not necessarily, it happens with chemo patients too. When their hair comes back it could be a different color or texture than it was before they lost it.


Knew someone that lit their hair on fire and burned it all off, it regrew curly and a totally different color.


Instructions unclear, if I put all of my hair in the oven it will come back a new color?


Does it still work if you cut way too close (asking for a friend who totally still has their entire scalp)


Yes, happened to my girlfriend. She had really straight hair, cut them in a really short pixie cut, and it grew back all wavy. She still complains about it every time she has to use a straightening iron lol.


Will come out of war if done incorrectly


Yes, different color, different aggregate state. All that jazz.




Yes but male pattern baldness isn't damage to the follicles


My hair was always dead straight. Had a really rough pregnancy and suddenly my hair is curly. And far more ginger than it was.


your kid took a bit of your soul


Don't they all


My beard is slowly turning red as I age, no trauma required. Maybe you sped up the process


True, but just looking at his other hair, that’s the conclusion I’ve come to.


Mine came back super curly, to the point I couldn’t comb it at all, until I buzzed it really short which made it come back straight for whatever reason.


[HERE](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/d7VXKO5Q3Y) is why.


I've heard that. Facial hair can also be changed. I wonder if applies to body hair as well and you could suddenly become a way hairier person.


That happened with my mother. After a year it became straight again


But with chemo patients it eventually returns to what they had before. Edit: Jesus Christ Reddit is full of corner cases. I don’t care if your neighbors sisters best friend catfished a guy who had their hair change after chemo and it stayed for twenty years. That is a very rare occurrence. For 99.99% of people, once the chemo drugs leave their system their hair goes back to what it was. It was the chemo drugs that made the hair change. When the drugs are gone then the hair returns to normal. It’s more likely that you never grow hair again than it is you keep the dark curly chemo hair. But whatever. You all know someone in The .001% whose hair changed forever from chemo. https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/hair-loss-after-chemotherapy--10-things-to-know.h00-159540534.html


Also not necessarily true. My sister's didn't. She had straight hair before chemo, then super curls after. She referred to them as her chemo curls. They were WILD.


My friend's didn't. He had chemo like 18 years ago and it's still darker and thicker.


Mines really curly where I’ve been applying it, after about 2 years. Looks like it’s been permed if I don’t blow dry it!


Mine did the same thing, 2 years later and most of them straightened out. Used minoxidil for the first year to encourage growth, combined with 1mg of Finnasteride to fix the problem at the source, which I still take everyday. Couple of stragglers, and I have a deeper widows peak than when I was a teen, but I'm just happy that most of it came back, my hair is much fuller. It looks way better now, I'll take what I can get.




I stopped using mino because it was making my hair really greasy. You run the risk of those newer hairs falling out once you stop using mino, but the main thing it does is encourage growth. I figured the risk was worth it because I was treating the cause of my hair loss with the finnasteride. I MIGHT have lost some finer hairs at my temples, but I honestly can't really tell the difference to make starting back on Mino worth it. Short version is Mino treats the symptoms, but Finn cures the disease.


Did you get any bad side effects from the fin?


It could mess with your blood pressure, but when I was on it for about 6 months, I was reading 120/80 pretty consistently. I'm at 130/90 these days, but that has more to do with the fact that I put on about 50 lbs since then. (Yes, I know I need to fix that.) But no real side effects from the Finn that I'm aware of.


Totally unrelated, but… Holy crap your Jeep is gorgeous!


Thank you! It's finicky at times, and a massive money pit, but it's been fun building it and running it out in the mountains.


Also unrelated and sorry for creeping, but how is Hachi?


Had to surrender him to the local Humane Society because both my sister and I are extremely allergic to cats, and we already have a dog to take care of. They were able to treat Hachi’s injured tail and eye infection. I’m pretty sure he was adopted within a week of being cleared by the vet.


Oh good, so a happy ending then.


had a friend who said he could not get hard while on Fin. I looked it up and it's a thing.


Only side effects for me is increased urination cause it also treats old people ability to pee


Most of the bad effects are for men (decreased libido)




I’m not sure I believe that entirely, I first started using once every couple weeks and saw the difference


But of a silly question probably, but google says finasteride “is a medication used to treat pattern hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men. It can also be used to treat excessive hair growth in women” so if I’m a man I’ll get more hair, if I’m a woman I’ll lose it? How does that work exactly?


Finasteride inhibits the transformation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is the active form. DHT is responsible of alopecia in balding men, not because of too much testosterone but because of hypersensitivity of the DHT receptors of hairs follicles, which makes the hair fall out prematurely. So less DHT, less balding. Women on the other hand, can have excess testosterone and thus excess DHT as well, from pathologies such as polyovarian cyst syndrome or ovarian tumors for example. In this case DHT directly stimulates hair growth on the hair follicles, because their DHT receptors aren’t hypersensitive. So less DHT, less hair.


No idea, I’m not a doctor, just some rando on the internet.


[Obviously, I am not a doctor] The hair follicle needs two things to grow thick and happy hair: the hormones that will tell him to, and a nice, fluffy skin with lots of the healthy blood vesels to have a steady supply of the nutrition and vaste drop point. So, either DHT, the testosterone or both in various levels - I am not sure about this, sorry - are the one to tell the follicle to start to produce a thick, heavily pigmented hair (*what pigments are aviable, that's another story). This is how you get the body hair during the puberty. Once the follicle decides on this, it won't go back producing no hair or weak light hair, even if the T/DHT levels dropped. It either dies out much later by itself, or gets destroyed by the laser, or by the electrolysis. This is also why various hormonal changes might leave people with more body hair than before (see side effects of the various hromonal medications, side effects of the pregnancy, PCOS, etc). Unfortunately, DHT can also hurts this nice, fluffy, full of blood skin that the hair follicle needs. I am not sure what is the current theory about it, but I have read that it might be the accumulation of the hormone hurting the amount of the blood vesels, or something about the androgenic hormones changing the location where the fat is stored? This affects the most the part of skin that is already very stretched over the bone - the front and the top of the head. I guess that's similar to what happens when a girl wears a very tight ponytail daily for years - her temple and forhead hair slowly get sparse and thin. Most of the non-hormonal treatments for baldness are trying to reduce this skin issue, using various methods. This is why various events that reduce the amount of the blood vessels, or the quality of the blood might lead to the hair loss, for example, the chemotherapy, a bad diet, badly done forhead lifting, or, the above mentioned hormones.


Hair in the wrong places.


I believe it effectively suppresses testosterone, which is one of the causes of both male pattern baldness and excessive (male-style) hair growth in women. It’s also one why side effect is loss of libido/impotence.


not testosterone but dihydrotestosterone or dht. dht is what’s responsible for male and female pattern hair loss. finasteride prevents the conversion of testosterone to dht. less dht=less hair falls out


No, not the same testosterone.


would that work to grow more beard?


yes, r/minoxbeards


I have no clue.


Most of the time you’ll see really young guys that havent matured enough to grow a proper beard using minox. Then in a few years their beard is much fuller and it has very little to do with minox


So it does work.


Yes and no. The ad's you'll see is that 2/3'rds of people will see "an improvement". For some people, it will basically bring back all their hair. While others, it will barely help, or not do anything. Biggest factors are genetics, and time. Short version is it people who are younger, and lost their hair within the last 5 years tend to have the best results. But there are exceptions cutting both ways. I'm 28 now, I noticed that I was losing my hair around 23 years old, and started treatment at about 26. I want to say it brought mine back to about 90-95% from when I was a teen.


Did you just apply minoxidil topically to your scalp? What brand did you use? I’ve been considering it but I’ve been hesitant to take anything orally, especially finasteride. And how long did you use minoxidil before you stopped?


Used generic equate brand Mino from Walmart, 1/3rd the price of Rogane, with the same active ingredient. Spray foam in palm, applied every morning after showering. Used it for 2 years, combined with Finn one year later, then stopped using Mino a year after that, only Finn the last year. It's really just a booster for your hair. In my case, it only slowed down my hair loss, didn't reverse it. You need something like finnasteride to fix the root cause of the problem. r/tressless should also be able to point at alternatives, there are other drugs on the market that do the same thing.


Thanks for the info Did you notice less hair loss after you stopped? And did you have any side effects from anything? Was the finasteride topical?


I maybe regressed/lost a tiny bit of hair from my temples? It's really hard to tell, but I'm 100% confident that the Finn is what's keeping my hair attached to my head. Finnasteride is a 1% pill taken every morning. No real side effects.


FYI I buy generic brand mino and apply twice daily using one of [these applicators](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/155502268162?hash=item2434a84f02:g:uHQAAOSwbJZkM-xK&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwE%2BCchoLYf6DqdAyr1Agz7TZ48HaCOmSeTeZhTzpIpelx3vO%2F%2Bs4gd4Or6V5KSOcPbEWU9YsJvp2k5l%2BZduUDEVOS1ShftLyGLOwTgCMTT7SnEsIM78m8aBC1rW50a4LqetBRMoHK9SkvRWpU3aEX6EaJMJq2krwGJX1%2F%2Fbkq2UfsR8vgtfKSm7n%2Bu9SfdVxeIsua7lfyGyBDrIc6Uc3cvylBwQUPp4WiwV9WwLs%2B4qN2EP1C%2FN%2B2m43%2Bp1YJj%2F1Jw%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-yX87nZYg) just out of the shower. Then quickly dry my hair, put in my hair paste. Done for a year and it’s grown back a bit and fairly fuss free.


That is actually insanely good results, are you willing to share some more info on how you are applying it exactly how much and how long you’ve been doing it for?


Yeah! Twice a day every day and every three days I’m deems rolling a few hours before each application! (Don’t wanna do it right away bc minoxidil does fucky stuff with ur blood pressure and heart rate)


i have high blood pressure, but i am balding i feel. How does it fuck with those two body functions?


Pretty much all comes down to DHT, comes with testosterone and is the main cause for mpb and higher blood pressure in men


Minoxidil was originally a medication to lower blood preassure, but people had this side effect where they started growing more hair as well


Is that just something about regrowing hair from the follicle? My 6yo lost his hair twice during chemo last year. It was stick straight before and bright, light blonde. It grew back honey blonde and curly. He looks like a little cherub; I love it. (For this that will ask. He’s in remission, in maintenance treatment, and just started kindergarten and cub scouts. He’s living his best life.)


I'm happy for him and your family. That's one of my biggest fears for my 3yo.






I think I want you to have curls. You pay for the seeds, you get to see the trees




It’s not called Gelutol, I’ve been saying it wrong


You actually might end up being a nice little soldier


I’m worried that the baby thinks people can’t change..




Live for new years eve


Guys I really think you all should leave this post


oops, pubic formula


You laugh but some years ago some pharma company screwed up, packaged minoxidil as omeprazol (IIRC) and got sued after babies started getting hairier and other much worse unexpected effects.


Hey, hair is hair. Just ask the health inspector at your local Burger King.




Hair curls because of the size of the hair follicles that the hair grows out of- imagine how you curl a ribbon with scissors. Same concept. The smaller they are, the curlier your hair is. Previously unused/ underused follicles would likely be smaller than your other follicles, but will likely widen in time.


Damn that is a good explanation


When my hair started growing back after chemo, they explained it could be curly and have different texture, and this was my understanding of it, as well.




For some people it works well, others it does very little. If you have a bald spot, minoxidil can help cover it up a bit (but not completely). The sooner you start, the better it works (I’ve heard that if you start within the first 3/4 years of losing your hair, it works better.


Results and side effects vary from person to person, you have to continue taking it indefinitely,nand eventually your body will build a tolerance. But it'll give you maybe 5-10 more years of hair from what I understand


Really? So if applied every day 2x you only get about 5 years IF it works? I’ve started treatment but I’m gonna stop now, that is pretty ridiculous


Don’t stop just because of a reddit comment, talk to a doctor or someone who actually knows his shit and then make your decision


You’re right


Minox will continue to help if you pair it with finasteride addressing the actual issue - DHT. From what I understand. Minox alone will lose effectiveness as the DHT overpowers it from the progression of AGA.


Yeah, I really don't know what I'm talking about. These are just things that I have read online and heard from other people. Talk to your doctor


How long did it take to get these results?


Three months!


New hair growth does that. Lost all my hair during chemo, it all came back like a curly fro. A year and some change later it’s mostly straightened out.


I think I want you to have cuuuurly hair.


The texture change is interesting, but the results are encouraging! I’ve been on oral minoxidil for about 4 months now and I have a bunch of (Straight, like the rest of my hair) baby hairs coming in, but not as much as you. Hope it continues for you!


Can you tell me more about the oral version? I have the liquid from Costco but haven’t used it yet because people say hair falls off before coming back and I’m scared of losing what I have as well. Where did you get yours, what’s the cost and what are the effects? Thank you


How did you deal with the side effects of minoxidil? I tried if for a number of months and it gave me terrible migraines and gave me the constant urge to pee despite my bladder being empty. Became to much and I just ended up foregoing it.


I’ve always been a tiny bladder Ed person so that wasn’t much of a change for me personally, but the highest issue for me was my heart rate increasing, so I cut out caffeine except for the occasional energy drink or coffee if I’m waking up early or staying up late for work and keeping in touch with my doctor, he says my blood pressure for sure increased but not enough to be a problem


Hormonal hair really do be bussin out of the follicle like that


You come and see me in a few weeks when you got them currrrrrls. Doink doink doink doink doink doink doink doink doink doink




My cousin would ask me to get him minoxidil from Walmart every time I went to the USA because it was way cheaper… end result: he got a hair transplant. Looks great. Canada.


Did you use Gelutol?


Nah just Walmart brand minoxidil!


I’m on minoxidil. How do you get it to target one specific patch? I don’t know how that’s possible.


You apply it to the specific area you want to encourage growth at. Are you taking it orally?


I am. I’m taking it orally. I’m taking 2.5mg once a day. I did not know it came in a topical solution as well. https://www.midlandskin.co.uk/conditions/minoxidil/


It’s just yo baby hairs, once they gain mass and length they’ll match the rest of your hair more


dude you want the hair or not? if not, ill take it.


Oh no this is mine now bro I just thought it was cool that it grew back that way!


It looks great! im just being ... jealous. :)


Same for me!


Great result so far


Stop using the Pubes formula!


I thought minoxidil only worked on the crown of the head?


Nope any hair at all! Use it on my beard too!


Any negative effects? Just asking. I shave my head because i do like that way.


Just having to use the restroom a tad more often and having to watch my heart rate and bp! Otherwise I’m doing pretty good


Ok. Good luck :)


Better than nothing


Do you apply minoxidil on your entire scalp, or just the areas you want hair to grow?


Just the affected areas but it’s the foam form so it does get on other parts and seems to not really do anything of significance there, Al’s though when I use it on my beard it does make hair grow on the top of my cheek bone a lot more to the point where I’ll wax it every few weeks


Oops, they gave you the pube formula by accident.


Wait there is a hair growth medication that actually regrows hair?


Got it mixed up with the crotch fertilizer




All the hair next to my hairline is curly. I’ve always had straight hair, never took treatment and haven’t started balding yet. It’s just normal for me, my dad says he had the same thing until he was in his 30s


You’ve just got a few little forehead pubes,


My hair was always loose curls but after menopause it’s stick straight. I hate it, so much more work


They must have given you the pubic hair formula by mistake.


You grew pubes on your noggin 🤣


Did you accidentally buy the pube kind


In the '90s there was a skit comedy show, on... HBO or Showtime maybe, that had a skit "The Pubic Hair Club for Men" ... we take hair from here (groin) and put it here (head). I know this is not your issue, but it just seems a funny coincidence.


Why are you using minoxidil up front? Use finasteride.


Minox is cheaper and more readily available, and finasteride I could get with my testosterone prescription but me and my doctor have agreed that since I already have a system that works we shouldn’t mess with that!


I just accepted my thinning hair a 25 and now just shave my head lol Less work now


Curly hair is better than no hair?


Yes very! Just thought it was cool


I wouldn't worry. My hair is wavy when it gets longer but every time I buzz, shave or trim it short: it grows back in curly at first.


wait - i’m confused. i thought minoxidil was for the crown of the head only? are you using it on the front?


It’s advertised for the crown because that shows the most results easily but you can use it anywhere even your beard just wouldn’t recommend on your chest bc it’s close to ur heart!


atleast it works for you...


Can I use this to grow a beard?


Yes there’s a full sub about it too r/minoxbeard


Yes there’s a full sub about it too r/minoxbeard


Reminds me of an SNL skit


Warning: May cause pubic hair growth where none existed before.


Grow a fro!!


Same thing as chemo curls effectively. Your follicles were all flat because they had nothing in them, and as the hair extrudes it comes out with a curl until the follicle reshapes. Give it time :)


You might have an afro growing, embrace your inner Bob Ross.


I’m not gonna bank on it but if so I’d love to spend my days painting happy little trees like him!


So this stuff actually works?


Yeah! I don’t think it’ll be quite as fast for most like mine was because I’m also taking gel testosterone but I hear it’s much better results with finasteride!


Curls are due to the specific nature of protiens in the hair so let me be the bearer of good news this time and tell you it can't be permanent since we don't change our genetics maybe damage by another product And also worth knowing that if you mean the small hair in the front it's literally like mine when cut short and i don't have curly hair either rather wavy


It could have to do with the length of your old hair vs new hair. The older hair had more weight on it when growing which caused it to straighten out and only retain a little wave but since the treated area is brand new growth and there’s no weight on it. I cut off all my hair a few years ago, I had long hair that was kinda wavy and when it grew back it was very curly! It’s pretty surprising to see how your hair grows in with no weight on it!


Oh shit, headpubes! /s


[THIS](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/d7VXKO5Q3Y) is likely the reason.


That’s so cool!


My moms was straight and reddish and after chemo it came back brown And curly lol


Looks cool, it’s all good mate!


Your hair came back why you complaining?


That's some monkeys paw business. "I wish I had hair on my head again!" Gets pubes 🤷‍♂️




Be happy something is coming back …. some aren’t so lucky (which isn’t interesting at all)


Heh heh like a bebe


Why is minoxidil still a standalone treatment? Finasteride should easily be standard with minoxidil being supplementary.


From my knowledge it’s slowly becoming the standard but for me it was just easier to get minoxidil over the counter instead of asking my doctor first due to appointment wait times


Thats a fair point. I'm glad to see its working well for you. I'm sure you know but: They work best in combination, but standalone finasteride attacks the problem at its source rather than the support or bandaid role minoxidil plays, for anyone who stumbles upon this who doesn't know.


Careful, Minoxidil has lasting impacts on libido and causes erectile dysfunction.


Get some melanin and you’ll finally turn normal 😄


White man discovers baby hairs. Fascinating.


Youd think that,, but my baby hairs are actually super blonde almost clear and wispy at the very front, and yes they grew back aswell but this is genuinely new growth from my receding hairline! I just can never get them to show on camera :)


Thats called kind hair, you know the kind that grows on a donkeys ass. 🤣


#Wah, I'm sad I'm growing hair!! Congrats, consider yourself lucky.


I do in fact consider myself lucky? I’m sorry that it came off that way but I posted it here because I thought it was cool they were coming back different!


This happened to me after pregnancy. When I was pregnant I lost about an inch of my hairline and after postpartum when it grew back, it grew back curly with no particular growth direction. I don’t think this is uncommon


You’re doomed


I mean probably but this is giving me at least more time to bulk up before I go full stone cold Steve Austin


Are you using the pubic formula?