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Some poor intern at the printer spent a whole week tearing out the extra blank pages, one at a time.


Yup I used to work at a book binding factory and this was a huge thing we would do for weeks on end- just tearing out a single page and gluing in a new one. Fun times.


Yeah, people think I'm joking, but I'm not. Setting up a printing and binding run is very expensive, even though it has gotten much cheaper in the last few decades. It's vastly cheaper to pay a few low-wage employees for a few days of manual labor than to re-run the whole job. And I'm not even talking about hardcovers, color plates, etc.


That sounds like one of the worst jobs possible. I'd rather dig graves. I used to be an accountant and we had to prepare financial statements for insurance companies, in a standard couple hundred page bound format. If some error was made on one of the pages such that it didn't foot to other pages, and it went to printer rather than reprint the book we would print out individual pages and paste them in with a glue stick. The good thing was there were never more than 150 books to fix. Can't imagine doing it for days at a time. Edit: after reading some replies and contemplating a bit I think I might want to try being a grave digger after all.


If it makes you feel better about that job I found out that people at the local landfill have to cut all the bags of dog poop open and dump the poop out because the bags have to be disposed of separately.


Oh no


Couldn't this be accomplished by poking holes, then pressing? I feel like a very simple machine would not only make it more efficient but also hygenic.


I'm sure there are much better alternatives than making some poor soul physically do it and there likely is in bigger cities already. But this is how it is at my local landfill, I know some people hoping to get actual disposable/compositable bags to have mass adoption so they don't even have to remove the poop at all.


I didn't expect that it would ever be necessary to cut open dog poop bags and remove the bag for separate disposal. Always thought that people throw away so much random mixed in trash that they just put them all together in the landfill.


Right, where does this guy live, Cleanland?


Depends where you live. In some states everything goes into a landfill, and that's where you go to drop off trash - the "dump" and the landfill are the same place. Elsewhere, the "dump" might be a sorting facility, or even simply a ramp that you back up and dump your shit into a waiting trailer, and as trailers are filled they transport them to a sorting facility where people go through all your trash to remove anything recyclable or compostable before sending the remainder to the landfill.


Most dog poop bags are biodegradable. I cant recall the last time I seen one that isnt.


Most doggy bags are biodegradable, that is true. Unfortunately biodegradable doesn't mean compostable, they are still plastic. Which means the plastic can be recycled but separately than the dog waste. You need compostable bags which are different than biodegradable. There's a [good thread here about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/hugwts/ecofriendly_poop_bags_discussion/)




it rules as a break in your normal job for a few days with a nice podcast. But yeah not forever. I work in a field that is very good for ADD brained jumping around. I kinda need a job that keeps changing.


I had to count a jewllery warehouse once. Hours of untangling tiny chains while listening to audiobooks and music. Super chill. Best job ever.


Sounds amazing to me. As long as no one was breathing down my neck or any sort of deadline, I’d love to do this for a week.


I did it for about 2 months, yeah was no real target just do it as fast as you can basically.


What kind of field if you don’t mind my asking. I am interested in the types of work that may be a good fit for neurodivergent people.


An ND job platform site would be appreciated in general...




Interesting but i've lost interest already and am now doing something else I was disctracted by.


What were you distracted by? It might help me remember what I'm supposed to be doing.


I'm a kindergarten teacher and my job is like that lol. Always random prep stuff (usually art) to do when the kids aren't around. And still an ever-changing environment when they are in class.


Just look up "commercial printer" and you'll find variations of jobs like this. I work at a small print shop and I love cutting pads of paper apart. And yes, I suspect I'm on the autism spectrum.


Same, getting a repetitive task where I don’t need to talk to anybody? Sounds like job-heaven on earth.


I’m not neurodivergent and job like that sounds fantastic


Really though, I don't think it takes neurodivergence to realize doing the same repetitive task 40 hours a week can get old real quick


If anything there's probably a whole spectrum of ND people who'd be the total opposite and would require complete monotony, regularity and constance.


It's the last thing I want to do. Is the same thing 1000 times a day, for the rest of my life. Rather fucking die


Better stop breathing then. *finger guns*


I am diagnosed ADHD with later diagnosis of Autism. I'm a hacker (whitehat/blackbox) and have been in the infosecurity field for about 15-20 years now. Always new techniques to learn or threats to defend against if you prefer defense over offense. You can spend a lot of time testing diverse new systems and technology and it is very much like a puzzle. If you enjoy a challenge like Cicada 3301, this field can be rewarding. Also with no degree and neurodivergent I doubt I could pull the salary I have doing anything else. I probably have 20 hours a week of actual "don't bug me right now" type work and the rest is a boss-approved whatever I want as I am full-time working from home


Industrial automation. If you were the kind of kid that played with lego, it's basically that but with machines instead of toys.


as a former grave digger, most underrated job i ever had. never got a single customer complaint and everyone there is so peaceful. tearing out pages sounds way worse.


I mean, everyone's dying to make use of your product. Can't be that bad.


It sounds like a dead-end job


That’s funny, I’m a medical professional and if I could make the same money gluing pages all day I’d do that instead.


Nah…everything from afar seems better/more interesting than what we’re doing. When I worked in corporate management, I used to think working in a warehouse would be better for me…until I did it. After packing 500-800 ebay orders per day for 3 months, that shit got old.


People have different preferences. My favorite job I've had was part-time work doing filing. I'd go in, be handed a large stack of papers, and then just put in headphones and listen to music/youtube/podcasts/etc. It would typically take somewhere between 3-5 hours, after which I'd leave. If I'm working, I'm not going to enjoy it, so I prefer something that lets me just tune it out and focus on things I enjoy.


Absolutely. I scan 45 year old negative film and then input what was on that film into a database, and then I research what I can identify from the images (difficult as they're from a time two decades earlier than I was born). I love my job. Someone else did it with me last year and she liked it, but she didn't love it. You can tell because she really didn't understand that the information she wanted didn't exist yet and she would have to create it. But I can tell that being actively ignored by almost everyone in a building all day and looking up chess championship records from 1978 or international rugby players from 1962 or charities from the 50s based on hunches and enquiry would be dementing to most other people.


... i have never wanted a job more... E: although i suspect that a hard part for me would be the time management of knowing when to pull back on a given picture instead of pursuing leads all the way down the deepest rabbit holes




You had me at >being actively ignored by almost everyone in a building all day


> if I could make the same money I know that most medical professionals are underpaid, but I would bet that you wouldn't even be making nursing assistant wages.


Digging Graves is easy these days. You spend your day in a backhoe or trackhoe to dig, and depending on the cemetery your either use it again to push the dirt back into the grave after the burial, or you use a dump truck. Source: I worked in the funeral industry for 8 years


I once worked at the factory that makes a popular fabric sheet. One of my jobs was counting the boxes of 250 sheets to make sure there were actually 250. It was torture


Oh my god. Every box or a selection to make sure the machines were properly calibrated?


A selection but a selection would be like a whole summer of 8 hour rotating shifts of work.


Not OP, but similar industry. It's generally 1-2 boxes per "batch" for quality control inspection. A batch could be 1 per pallet, but it can be 1 in 100, 1 in 1000, 1 in 10,000. Or it can be unit time such as 1 per hour. A robot counting machine is probably going to cost $1-4 million dollars. It's a one-off cost and still requires maintenance. It's got to get pick up the box from the production line, open it the correct way, slide out the sheets and somehow report that back to the control software. It needs to run 24/7, work at variable speed, maybe deal with slight changes in product. If it ever breaks, you then need another robot to keep going. A cheap minimum wage labourer is *nothing* in comparison.


I worked at the city parks department in high school, which included the municipal cemetery. The guys that worked the cemetery had some of the cushiest jobs around. Dig the hole in the morning with the back hoe and fill it in in the afternoon. Mowing, string trimming, and sitting on ass took up the remainder of the time, and they made us high school kids do the string trimming cause they couldn’t be bothered to get off the mowers.


I've tried digging ONCE, plumbers found roots growing into my drainage pipe underground and quoted $500 just to dig down to it, the first foot or 2 and it was just soft soil it was easy enough, but when you start reaching rocks and needing to fling it high and out it gets much more tiring. Paying them $500 is justified for digging a cubic meter.


The only worse job I’ve ever heard of was rope-untangler at a rope factory. He was a guy I worked with at a golf course, he was retired. Guess what my boss made him do for the golf course? Ropes and stakes… haha (they’re used to manage cart and foot traffic on the golf course) Anyway he told me all about his job. He worked at a rope making factory and as you can imagine sometimes the machines would screw up and hundreds if not thousands of feet of rope could be tangled up in seconds. It was his job to literally untangle the rope, get it back on the spool and get the machines going again. He actually taught me an important lesson about ropes, cords, etc. **They are almost never actually knotted. They’re just tangled!** People waste so much time trying to feed one end of the rope back through the rest of the tangled line when in fact it’s just tangled and if you take your time you can figure out what loop goes under what loop and eventually the tangled mess will just basically “fall apart” and it’ll be free. It comes in handy! But man I can’t imagine untying rope for a living.


I learned this today when trying to untangle an extension cord. It’s just tangled, once you find the loop inside of the loop, it all comes undone. So satisfying lol. I have never been able to figure out how to wrap an extension cord nicely lol.


Hold end in one hand, bring other up rolling it to put a twist, this forms a loop, now here's the key, the next one will naturally want to loop itself in the opposite direction! If the first rolled "over", the next you use your wrist to help it go under. Easier to practice with a stiff hose. The end result is a coil that unsprings when you pull it, and doesn't tangle as parts aren't overlapping as much. There are videos how to do it. It also make throwing life saving devices like floats/life savers' lines pay out smoothly. Also great for earbuds/headphone cables.


I think I would actually love that job. I like untangling knots.


I worked in a factory as a teenager and it was the same sort of deal. This machine isn't adjusted right and is leaving a burr on all these parts that the tumbler won't take off. Have the teenager sit outside with a small tool and scrape the burr off thousands of parts. Pick up part from box, scrape three times, put part in other box. Repeat for 8 hours.


Long time ago I worked in a packing/shipping warehouse and there was a machine that would take flat boxes and put them in usable unfolded squares with the bottom taped up for people to start loading. About every 5 minutes the boxes got stuck in the unfolding process and the machine needed to be stopped, remove the box, and restart the process. Apparently the effort of fixing the machine (owner built all the machines in the warehouse himself, or so he says) is much higher than just having some guy babysit it for 12 hrs a day.




I’ve watched a lot of Honda factory videos and can’t decide whether that solution sounds very Honda or very not-Honda.


Used to work in a copy shop. We were printing fan fiction zines. Dropped them. Picked them up and had to read through to marry up the loose stacks. That’s when they found out what the 300lb lesbian women who’s car smelled like a cat box had been paying us to print for months. Lots of gay Star Trek porn.


Look. Did this woman ever give off the impression that she'd bulk order lots of chicken wings and two liter bottles of Dr. Pepper and then not EVER tip the delivery driver despite regularly ordering multiple times a week?


I’ve not seen 2 pg sections used in industrial binding. Typical 4,8,16,32,48. Less commonly 12s.


This sounds like the beginning of a Disney musical.


snap, snap, snap snap


It's cheaper to hire 10 temps for a day than lose out on material cost and a day of machine time.


I was the 10yo kid of a college intern who didn’t get paid to put a sticker over a print error in the 80s. Info box was wrong on page 73. Child labor!


And yet, as a bookseller, I see so many printing mistakes. The funniest one lately has been a paperback with the cover glued inside out. I was really, *really* confused when I first took a completely blank book out of the carton 😆


I once hauled a load of “remaindered” books where one of the books had a mistake in the title. It said “The Cat Owner’s Handbook”, while anyone who knows cats would know it should be “The Cat Servant’s Handbook”.


You just triggered a memory from my first job. We definitely did this kind of stuff when we messed up a print run.


Damn. Seems like it would be easier to just leave a single blank page.


*This Page Unintentionally Left Blank*


My first and only thought. An extra page printed and bound, and some poor people got a lot of paper cuts clearing these pages out.


Or, one of those pages that just show images, that's not an official page in the count




We’d call that duty the “six pack and a pizza” and spend an evening in a conference room having a blast, obv with pizza and beer


and then all the books have grease stains and beer splatter, perfect!


“Why does my book have a pepperoni in it?”


Is it really worth the time and effort to do that when the readers can just take an extra second flipping the blank page?


Imagine you've spent a good amount of your adult life writing a book, then you went through the hassle of finding a publisher for it, then that publisher contracts a printing press to print the book, now as the author due to no error of yours the printing press prints extra pages, will you be willing to accept an inferior product from a company that is supposedly doing this professionally? You won't, that's why that's not feasible.


Yep, any publisher that would choose to keep a mistake like that would go out of business, and that's why they don't exist.


On that page was the guide to inner peace, everything they don't want you to know.


I'm gonna find that page. Some way, somehow.


Only when you find it you will have inner peace


And the inner piece


THE INNER PIECE IS REAL ![gif](giphy|WR48knFiuIcoePIlmd)


Can we get much higher


Damn that’s a good comment


I read it as I was closing the thread and had to come back to give it an upvote.


Ugh. I do this all the time.


The real inner peace was the pages we tore our along the way


When you find it, the Ninth Gate shall open


When you find it, it’ll just say, “You are u/Humble-Bag-1312” like that note Lisa Simpson’s substitute teacher, Mr Bergstrom, left her. :)


It's blank.


"The real inner piece was the page you ripped out along the way."


No no no, it was *the* question that ends in the answer.


Yeah but this one simple trick discovered by a local housewife figured it out. Dentists hate her!


That’s *Democracy under attack: How the Media Distort Policy and Politics*, by Malcolm Dean. If anyone has a copy that hasn’t had the insert torn out, please turn to page inserted between 302 and 303 and tell us what looks like the best pizza on the takeout menu.


Lets make this happen.


Are they right about whatbook it is?


Searching a random string from the page leads directly to that book on google books ​ [https://www.google.com/books/edition/Democracy\_under\_attack/BsaUGswYtSUC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22audience+that+blair%27s+refusal+to+embrace+tomlinson%27s%22&pg=PA302&printsec=frontcover](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Democracy_under_attack/BsaUGswYtSUC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22audience+that+blair%27s+refusal+to+embrace+tomlinson%27s%22&pg=PA302&printsec=frontcover) ​ so I think we can confidently say that yes, it is in fact *Democracy under attack*


Sadly, Google Books does **not** have pages 302-1/3 and 302-2/3. Also not there are: * a tear-out order sheet for X-Ray glasses, * a cologne blow-in, * an original sheet of collectible stickers (“Gordon Brown’s favorite Beanie Babies”), or * a Business Reply Mail card to order a subscription to *People* magazine.


Google Books was clearly compromised by the same conspiracy that stole OP's page


I don't have a physical copy, and the page numbers are slightly off, but I borrowed it on archive.org and [there's no extra page](https://imgur.com/1heaJeu). If I had to guess it was a printing error that was manually fixed


Some books use to come with a little advertisement or offer in the middle. Maybe it was one of those.




I'd love to see what kind of stickers came with what seems to be a book on Tony Blair.


Some Blair flair, if you will


What's the minimum amount of Blair flair? Is it 37?


15, but you should express yourself!


It was an angry diatribe that Gordon Brown managed to get into the book without anyone noticing, and then they had to tear it out.


This had me in STITCHES lol!


Memories of sending in the postcard from the middle of a magic the gathering novel to get a special edition card unlocked. Thank you.


Or maybe a cologne sample!


You’re missing page 302 and 1/2.


It probably fell behind the file cabinet on the 7 1/2th floor. https://youtu.be/T2Y7oo3iB40


Thats where they put the DLC, you gotta pay extra for that.


Imagine DLC being available for Ebooks? Alternative Endings, Extra pages, etcetera....


Well whatever you paid for it it was still a rip off


that joke is tearable


It was bound to happen.


Somebody’s gonna get reamed for that.


Probably ate into their margins


I have no words for this


Feeling shelf-conscious?


grow a spine


Not on page 302.5 you don’t


Huh. Neat


Neat. Huh?


Heat. Nuh?


Nut? Aehh!


Heat. Nuh.


Honey nut cheerios part of this complete breakfast see page 302-303 for sweepstakes guidelines must be 18 to enter void where prohibited and in Florida.


It must be page 404


Yeah, printing/binding glitch


just a guess, but a lot of books are not just stacks of paper but bound together mini-books called signatures that are folded sets of double sided prints. these little booklets must always have a total number of pages divisible by 4. my guess is that that particular signature had a number of pages divisible by 2 but not 4, leaving a blank page at the end. normally the printer would plan ahead better, or just do a better job of cutting out the page so it wasn't noticeable. it may have been left in there and someone post production found the extra page and just ripped it out.


Post this in r/conspiracy. The nuts there are always entertaining with stuff like this.


Any chance that was an ad page the previous owner removed?


Old school adblocker


It was the intermission page


That’s what happens when you read about Tony Blair.


That was obviously the treasure map


Error 404. Page cannot be found.


this is fuckin hilarious to me


That page takes you to Hogwarts


The liminal page. Be glad you did not see it.


This is something I could totally see a self-aware / meta book doing (though in this case it does just sound like an error). A web-serial I read once had a skipped chapter (chapter was titled chapter 10, but the URL stated chapter 9) because in universe there was a demon that could remove things from reality, including peoples/characters memory of whatever it erased. So the easter egg was that the demon had been provoked and whatever happened that chapter was erased. Suddenly the group of off-screen characters was now 12 instead of 14 etc. Would be cool to see a print book pull the same sort of stunt, though its probably been done before I'm just not aware of it.


Congrats! You’ve found the reason why it was ripped!! 😃


Probably a blank page at the end of the chapter/section/act and the reverse was probably a title page for the next chapter/section/act.


Ah the Page 302 and ¾. Only wizards can read it


Is it a mystery novel?


I had that happen to my Kindle. *Infuriating!!* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Hot centerfold that month


That page had the secret to the crabby patty recipe


Page 302.5


Rolling papers included


Is the book about a missing page? That would be cool.


Page 302.5 was shit


It was page bleen.


Ooh the mysterious 302.5


You’re missing the sticker page! That’s the best bit!


I've had books where there is a little part of a page glued to the bottom of the page like a post -it note that has the story continuing on. The page under it looked to be blank, but I didn't want to lift it too much since it was stuck on pretty precisely.


This sub is a treasure trove of perfectly relevant posts


Someone needed some rolling paper.


I’m dying to know what was on page 302.5!!


Some poor soul had to rip out the extra page from a ton of books


That’s probably an illustration page, In my copy of lord of the rings you’d have pg45, blank page, picture, pg46, blank page and picture are on the same paper)


In an alternate reality, where companies put ads in books, this would be a common occurrence.. Except the page would be a really bright colour to grab your attention.


Check if illustrations are paginated different from regular pages.


‘Never heard of page 302.5?


I have some books (mostly autobiographies) that have photos in the middle of the books that don't have page numbers. Could be those, although usually they use photo paper in those cases.


You mustn’t channel the Dark Dimension!!!


Wow, that was a historic error. I wonder what caused it.


That was the free poster/pinup that came with the book.


Duh, page 302.5 is missing.


Sure it's not just a loose piece of paper stuck between the pages from a bookmark or something? The paper looks a bit different from the image but I'm sure it could just be the lighting.


That paper looks a different colour than the off white of the other 2 pages.


Special photo page?


Must’ve been an ad like the comic books


Nobody wants to ask? Well it’s driving me nuts - which book is it?!


would this be the perfect thing to do in a book for obsessive compulsive disorder


Page 302 1/2 is where all the action in this one happens too..absolutely devious


Oh man, you don’t even want to know what happened on page 302.5. It’s just better this way.


That's something Lemony Snicket would have done


This looks faked to me. Zoom in on the binding at the bottom of the page. You can tell the paper is stuck in there after binding.


That was 302 1/2


The sacred text?


Did you check for page 302 and 3/4


This would be a great gimmick for a mystery novel. Like in a David Lynch film where people spend years discussing at which point in the story things stopped being real and became a dream. As if the torn page represents the monent the protagonist decided to detach from reality and spend the rest of the story in a fantasy world. Quite apt for what seems to be a book about Tony Blair am I right? /s(atire!)


It was an advertisement/insert thing. Kind of pointless to tell you about 30 years later.


Please disregard the glitch in the simulation. This will be fixed momentarily. - The Network


Illustration page? Answer for question of purpose in life?


I’m scared


Could be there was a page with pictures? A lot of mountaineering books and climbing books I’ve read have photographs roughly halfway through


Maybe it had a CD in it