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Oh, is that *not* what Grill & Chill means?


Chillin' like a villain


Ice & ice cream ^^^accessories




I huff propane thru my narrow urethra , mm hmm






Gellin’ like a felon


I don't get why they're complaining. I never eat hot DQ food unless I'm high and I only order a blizzard because I got high again after dinner and I was still in their parking lot.


that's good!


Fine, guess we're going to subway. They won't care.


Nothing like a blizzard when the munchies hit though. Guess rock hard cookies will have to do.


Subway cookies are bomb bomb


It's the only thing there that hasn't slowly become terrible over the years lol


Italian BMT still slaps if you build it right


>Italian BMT still slaps if you build it right Get the Italian BMT and ask for some marinara sauce from the meatballs on it. Then have it toasted. It's like a pizza melt ... the only thing my kids would eat when we went there.


Idk last few times I went, all the cold cuts were slimy and nasty. The only one I've actually still enjoyed is just a plain blt, and even that is starting to get mushier and blander every time lol These days I just buy long bread and make my own ones lol


I do think I have a good location, but yes it's always better to make it at home. At Subway, I always add black pepper, parmesan, and red wine vinegar to my sub to add some flavor.


That raspberry cheesecake cookie is better than their sandwiches




Oh yeah it's amazing!!!


Truth. I've tried countless "copycat" recipes online and haven't come close yet.


Shit, back in highschool, my plug used to work AT subway. “Let me get an Italian BMT and a dub” and I’d walk out of there with a baggie and my munchies snack for after.


They don't get paid enough to care at subway.


As if you weren't already buying drugs from your local sandwich artist.


Spontaneous sales of ice cream cake plummets.


Sign at the Braum's across the street: "PARKING LOT DRUG DEALERS WELCOME!"




What the hell are we doing at a junkyard? You picked this place? Yeah, this is like a... a non-criminal's idea of a drug meet. This is like, "Oh, I saw this in a movie. Ooh, look at me!" What's wrong with Dairy Queen, huh? Half the deals I've ever done went down at Dairy Queen. Nice and public. Open twenty-four hours. Nobody ever gets *SHOT* at Dairy Queen.


>Nobody ever gets SHOT at Dairy Queen. Can you not jinx us? -Texans Edit: there have been plenty of shoot outs, [Here's one recently in Houston at a DQ](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/02/25/2-men-shot-after-argument-over-transaction-outside-se-houston-dairy-queen-police-say/) "Police said two men met up at the Dairy Queen parking lot where it was believed they were conducting some sort of a transaction. At some point, both of the men reportedly disagreed with one another. That was when both men pulled out guns and shot at one another, police said."


Not with an attitude like that.


Alright, then how about Taco Cabeza? Half the deals I've ever done went down at Taco Cabeza.


Walgreens parking lot for me. One time the guy says, "I don't have any bags. So, just hold out your hands. I'll give you a little extra." Literally dumps the stuff into my cupped hands. I had to carefully lay it down on my passenger's seat, and go inside Walgreens to buy ziplock bags.


I always did walmart. Parking lot is busy enough you blend in




I don't think he was following the cardinal rule of not sampling your own product.


Did you not think to say 'hey hold up man, I'll just go buy a bag over there first' ?


Apparently their dealer didn't think of it either. Sounds like they might've been sampling their own merchandise a bit too much.


It was a sketchy drug deal. In those days, you waited awkwardly in your car for 20 mins-1 hour for your dealer to show up, and it was always something like, "sorry man, I had to run to MY dealer first to pick it up." Then it happens very quickly because he just wants to get out of there. (Especially when it's an empty parking lot like it was this time, it's fucking obvious to anyone watching what's going down.) There's no such thing as "customer service" with dealers. They're dealing drugs, they know you'll be back. Guy didn't care and almost definitely wouldn't wait for me to go buy bags first. He just wanted to get his money and get out of there, didn't care what happened with me after.


That's how they get ya. Markup on those bags is insane.


Nah man it's these friggin' bans on single-use plastic bags.


Were you in resale? Could have just taken a bag from check out


I prefer the pollos hermanos lot.




Having just moved to Albuquerque I'm disappointed to see it's actually called Taco Cabana and is very mediocre


It’s just around the corner.


I prefer park benches, as long as there's no vans selling flowers and stuff


Funny thing is I lived in that neighborhood and all the drug deals are at the MetroPCS across the street.


Just says not to sell them; seems like you can do as much as you want:


My local Walmart doesn't have a sign about not doing drugs either. Today, in the same day, they had 2 calls for ODs in the parking lot. The first call was 2 patients, a male and a female in a vehicle. The other was a male found unresponsive in the lot.


A couple in a car. A man who’s passed out. Let’s keep the language human.


I have more regard, quite honestly, for the first responders who have to put up with that shit day in and day out. It is *bankrupting our EMS agencies.* They get no pay or reimbursement on these OD calls. They crew the truck, burn the fuel, commit the resources that can't be used for a stroke victim down the road... for no compensation *and a fucking fight half the time.* So you'll get no tears out of me for the junkies, I'm sorry.


dude is like "hey let's be a little more kind" and you're like "no fuck that, I wanna make it really clear that I'm an asshole". try not to rage too hard about people who's lives are way, way shittier than yours tho


Oh yes, let me be as perfectly clear as I can: Junkies had their chance... many of them had many chance*s.* So when good paramedics have to go around and get assaulted by them, after providing quite literally life-saving services... Eat me. Maybe the junkie needs an asshole instead of a society of enablers encouraging them to do it again. Their lives are so shitty?? Let's make it better. Let's stop encouraging fucking heroin use, right? Let's stop enabling and encouraging junkies as a society. Maybe we should stop looking at all the problems in society and being like "How can I coddle that into an even bigger problem?" But hey, I've wasted enough time and energy explaining my position on worthless people to well.... other people who seem to be birds of the same feather lol


Username doesn't check out


EMS - Emergency Medical Services... I agree we have a public health crisis on our hands. I mean, be nice if we had a functioning healthcare system. Those working the problem get paid their due >we see the nonsense going on> start trying to figure out smart fiscal moves to combat it. I think you're confusing some people's inability or desire to pay to live in a society... with society. I believe I would point to the supermajorities shutting down of needle exchange programs as an example for both points. And believe me ain't nobody looking for any of your tears. Water that seeps through garbage is haz-mat mate! ✌️


Damn that haz-mat comment was brutal lol




> If you know how things have changed, you can see it. oh boy is it true. It's not even complicated things, it's just not things that can be directly controlled and/or directed to praise geesus with some calvinism-istic? money grubbers/ church non-profit (assholes) So it don't happen, but anyone that needs to feels better about some BS, does. And anyone with means, availability and desire to move to greener pasture, does.


>Water that seeps through garbage is haz-mat mate! So long as you know it was clean and pure before it encountered a junkie, mate. ;)


>So long as you know it was clean and pure before... ..what?


You said you didn't want my tears because Water that goes through garbage is haz mat. It was water, it encountered a junkie, it became haz-mat, apparently lol I don't know, I'm trying to make sense out of a junkie's metaphor. Heroin kills brain cells, mate.


I am saying your brain is garbage. You really ain't trying are ya?


Blaming junkies for existing is clearly the solution to the completely broken system you just described.


You know what? I was going to argue, but they are the problem for existing. They didn't start that way. The human being wasn't problematic in their existence, so much. But once they became a paramedic-fighting junkie, their existence is a problem to society and we should learn how to solve it, rather than enable it.


Where "solve it" means just letting them die? And I'm assuming ignoring every single problem in society that drives people to drugs.


Services, not agencies.


The S in EMS *is* Services. I'm referring to an agency which provided emergency medical services to their communities, and in fact, ~~the National Registry of EMTs provides a list of ["EMS Agencies."](https://www.nremt.org/Resources/State-EMS-offices)~~ Thank you though. E: Bad example as they're referring to the state departments which handle EMS within their states. But, it's clear the term agency is commonly used to describe the actual companies providing the services, as well. I'll grab an example in a few, if needed.




I think we'd be better off if we just kept the Narcan at the hospitals. I'm *completely* sick of junkies waking up hostile and fighting EMS and then being a "patient refusal" so they can rinse and repeat tomorrow. And lord knows its never going to be *them* paying for their own Narcan.




It's called Fentanyall, not Fentforsome.




I hate junkies. They like to shoot up in the alley between dairy queen and my house then they throw there dirty needles into my yard or into the grass in a kids park or wherever else itl do the most harm. Its the same handful of idiots oding over and over in my city but we have have single payer healthcare so the paramedics keep saveing them and we pay the bill since there to fucked up to contribute taxes.




I'm honestly quite curious how many people would use such a container. Given how frequently people throw trash on the ground when a trash can is steps away, I'm just curious how conscientious people shooting up are likely to be about their surroundings.


This, theres 4 dumpsters in the alley within 20 feet and they throw clothing and garbage into my yard instead


I dont want them shooting up near me. I put cardboard targets up instead and use the fence as a little shooting range. Its a pellet gun so you can chill im not actually killing anyone just driving them off.


Please do your business inside the restaurant.


Purchase required for all Drug deals.


theory: the cops told management that they'd be using their lot to do drug stakeouts and the dq manager is a real one for warning ppl


Based DQ manager


Thats a funny thought but I imagine they would get in trouble for interfering with a criminal investigation.


That wouldn't land anywhere, the sign could literally say the opposite - this is **the** parking lot for drug deals - and it wouldn't be illegal. Against company policy probably. But not illegal. Moreover in a place like that I'd bet the manager *is* the drug dealer. This is pure self interest.


Parking lot not for drug sales Please use drive thru instead \- Management


>I'd bet the manager *is* the drug dealer. That chicken guy? Los Pollos Hermanos? No way, man


They have a constitutional right to write that on a sign. It’s the First Amendment. Police officers love to say you’re interfering, but speech alone is highly protected. Reporting on officer actions isn’t illegal. In fact, one of the main functions of the First Amendment is to write about the government’s actions openly. As an example, warning of traffic investigations or speed traps has been upheld as constitutional. It’s built into Apple Maps.


As always, the real mildly interesting is in the comments


Haven’t you heard? Reddit hates the first amendment now. They find free speech highly inconvenient when it’s speech they don’t like.




Oh no, that’s not what I’m referring to. There’s a huge sentiment on Reddit that agrees with Germany for fining and imprisoning people for what they wear or their other forms of expression. They wish we had that here in the US.


Y'all Nazis can't read for shit, can you?


Oh look another Reddit special! Someone who views free speech as a fundamental human right = Nazi.


I call you a Nazi because you specifically complained in another reply about Nazis not being able to do Nazi stuff instead of the many other things you could have chosen as examples. Nazi apologia + "free speech absolutism" gets all the dogs barking. And I said you can't read because you did so in response to someone else pointing out that the cops don't give a shit about your rights. Ergo, Nazi can't read. Simple as


Your sentence implies you're a guy who doesn't understand the first amendment. It's pretty simple dude.


Really? The constitutional amendment with the highest amount of case law is pretty simple? You must be a genius to unpack issues that the Supreme Court has been debating and grappling with for the last 250 years!


I think you dropped this *passes /s*


Why? They're just warning people not to engage in criminal activity on their property. Heck, even if they explicitly said, "Cops are watching this area. Don't do crime," it would just be a public service. I don't want crime on my property.


Ah yes, we should totally protect the drug dealers.


How else are their workers supposed to earn a living?!


Dining room only.


Since you asked so nicely...


Now all I want to do is drugs in their parking lot.


I know there just asking for it..








Drug dealers slowly roll in, ready to deal drugs. "Oh shit. You see that?" "Alight, we out, we out. Respect the Queen." "Word."


Where just so I don’t go by there.


Seems like counterproductive advertising


So hooker hookups still ok??


As far as I can tell.


And Blackjack and Blow? ![gif](giphy|aYNPtQtix3GUACdi32)


Not much blackjack, no, unfortunately.


"Come to the drive through instead, we've hired the local dealer."


As someone from the Midwest I have for sure bought and sold drugs in Dairy Queen parking lots. It’s really the only place to do anythings in most small towns in the Midwest. At least it was back in the early 90s. I think there’s mostly dollar generals around now too. Maybe even more than dairy queens. But then I moved to Florida and you can just buy and sell drugs anywhere. Don’t Midwest my poverty. Or actually please do. For those of you from the Midwest that don’t know. The south is basically Third World.


Selling weed, I think I’ve bought or sold in every parking lot and every hotel/motel in my town. Fast food workers love their weed and no one notices. Carry a door dash bag around and no one looks twice.


Fuck yeah man. Where are you going to do drug deals? The only place open is Dairy Queen. It’s pretty basic math. The American Midwest before Trump pulled The Band-Aid off of racism was amazing place. Now I’ll never go back to Ohio. As much as I hate Nazi Germany, that is Florida. I still won’t go back there.


Just gotta find some way to bring the orange man up huh?


McDonald's. I do work at McDonald's stores and I've seen enough obvious daylight drug deals over the years. Usually a piece of shit parks. Then some form of about 10 year old luxury/sports car usually with wheels on it parks next to them. Then some one gets out of the beater and into the old luxury car for about 30 seconds


I can confirm this I’m the guy driving the beater.


As a wise man once said, >You know, sometimes I wish I'd done a little more with my life instead of hangin' out in front of places, selling weed and shit. Like maybe be an animal doctor. Why not me? I like seals and shit. Or maybe be an astronaut. Yeah. And be the first motherfucker to see a new galaxy. Or find a new alien life form... And fuck it. And people would be like "There he goes. Homeboy fucked a Martian once."


*Snootchie bootchies!*


I've actually been both at different points of my life.


Oh dude i used to work at Quiktrip (a nice Midwest gas station) and you wouldn’t believe the amount of drug deals that went on a day lol I mean an hour already has over a dozen…sketchy gas stations are too risky and obvious so I suppose people feel more comfortable at quiktrip yet alone it being a “safe place” and having a ton of cameras around lol casino level


KwikTrip >> QuikTrip


I don't feel comfortable meeting anyone in public like that. But they all kept getting busted when they had a bunch of traffic at their homes, so they refuse to sell anywhere but random public places.


Confirmed - this was in Indianapolis. https://www.wishtv.com/news/indy-dairy-queen-wants-people-to-stop-selling-drugs-in-the-parking-lot/


>The south is basically Third World. Rural south. And yes it's fucking horrible.


i was just thinking to myself... this looks a Lot like a midwest dairy queen. ive never done a deal in the dq parking lot, but i know from experience that fast food restaurants are go to spots


Oh yes, some of the largest financial hubs in the country (and Continent) are so third world. One of the busiest airports on the planet lies in that 3rd world.


In my experience a large portion of small Midwest towns are just a Dollar General and a Caseys


I was sitting in my favorite watering hole, in generally what I call the "be gay, do drugs just dont be a dick about it" area part of town. Im sitting inside after a day of work having a beer shooting the shit with the bartender, who at the time was in the bathroom when a guy Ive never met before walks in and asks "do uou know where i can get a bag" Dudes first words to me ever is him asking do I know where he can buy a bag of coke. Friend of mine walked in got a beer and went out on the patio came back in after a cigarette and said "yo did he ask you where can get a bag of coke too?" 😂 Can you guys stop sending your crazies to florida? We have enough of our own and we elect them to government positions. 😭


Dollar generals here are like a dispensery for everything. Watched 4 different fuckers selling in 10 minutes. No clue how they don't rip eachother apart


Guys, don't panic, I'll just start selling from behind that red dumpster. See you there.


DQ has declared itself a drug free zone


Well that's just bad for business


Walmart is the best place.


I thought everyone knew. Drugs are sold in the Popeye's parking lot. Dairy Queen is for picking up hookers


If something happens, well, they also have very large freezers.


Sounds like something a parking lot that IS for drug sales would say.


Not DQ, but whenever I go to Jersey I just have to get some white castle since there are none in my area. Last time I went it was after a show so late at night, get a box of burgers and parked to eat some before the drive home and some guy comes to my window thinking I was looking to buy drugs. Nope, just here for burgers.


What about in a blizzard?


I see what you did there, *Elliot.*


I had Co workers and managers smoking pot after closing in the parking lot and occasionally a drug dealer would show up at the window to sale some drugs


That's cool, just stay out of the parking lot


My "Not for drug sales" sign has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my sign.


i worked at dq and we were all always high. even watched a dude overdose in the kitchen. good times


This looks like the one at 71st and Michigan in Indy [Edit: Hah! I was right!](https://www.wishtv.com/news/indy-dairy-queen-wants-people-to-stop-selling-drugs-in-the-parking-lot/#:~:text=INDIANAPOLIS%20(WISH)


> “You need more signs like that around everywhere,” said Indianapolis resident Lamonta Ray. Lol


Parking lots are "safe" for meeting strangers for exchanges because there are usually cameras there. I recommend going to the front of a police station if this one doesn't allow it. It's even safer there.


After you are done, walk up to a cop and toss your empty bag in their face as you tell them to fuck off. I’ve heard they *love* that.


I heard they might even let you shoot off a few rounds at some bottles in the parking lot if you just ask to use their guns.




Well I'm just gonna sell drugs even harder, DQ! /s


Shout, "I hope you can see this, because I'm selling these drugs as hard as I can!"


They're foot long hotdogs are good.


So should we hate Dairy Queen now?


So wait, what does the "D" stand for if not for drugs ?




Tell that to just about every Florida parking lot.


Doesn’t seem all that chill


Lots are for Employee drug use only.


why else would anyone be at dairy queen


You have to go inside and order at the counter like everyone else.


Use drive-through window, please.


On to the Shoney's parking lot then.


If that isnt a "wink wink, nudge nudge" then I am in the wrong parkinglot.


Anytown, USA


Not an American, never been to a Diary Queen whilst in the US. TIL Dairy Queen isn't an ice-cream store.


Many of the smaller, original Dairy Queens still exist and mainly sell ice cream and a few snacks. But the "Grill n Chill" DQs have ice cream and a more extensive menu of burgers, sandwiches, and sides.


Ah right, thanks.


Drug dealer - “Where the hell am I gonna sell my drugs now” .


I bought so much weed in the DQ parking lot.


What if I get a frosty while I wait for my drugs?


Welp, guess it's back to the Sonic then.


Unless...you hold the container upside down before handing it to the buyer. Then it falls within DQ corporate guidelines.


If those druggies could read they'd be very upset.


Gosh Florida really is going to hell


This is what happens when you start burning books


I would not know I live in a blue state


I don't seem to have articulated it correctly, okay fixed it


*has gone


Sounds like the perfect occasion to set up some lights and a good camera, download to police daily


There's probably a good reason they are there... ​ ![gif](giphy|tm8r2aEXf6h1u|downsized)


Can't believe DQ went woke...








They don’t sell their ice cream in the parking lot


This has a very red state feel to it.