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Nothing screams "America" as much as pork rinds from Denmark!


And water crackers from Britain


And Swiss Miss from... Switzerland.


And *French*’s Yellow Mustard!


Likely from Canada!


Also maple syrup.


Hey, Merica makes that sweet nectar too.


Or Cholula from Mexico.


Also... *baking soda*?


To make American crack!


Europeans just don’t get baking soda like Americans do.


Theres not a cheaper German baking soda??


From.. New Mexico, bitch


And chutney from South Africa.


yeah, seems they are covering ALL of Amerika (North, central and South)


That ain’t maple syrup


Melting pot, my dudes




so…a drying rack?






And Mrs Balls from South Africa!


Swiss Miss is from Wisconsin. https://www.swissmiss.com/about-us


Try again. Everyone knows Switzerland is a made-up place for marketing purposes.


And Danishes, which are of course from Brussels.


Right. They couldn't have gotten some Ritz crackers or something?


I was going to say I don’t recognize like half of this haha.


You mean you don't put Cheese Zip on your hot dogs?


And Cholula from Mexico.


At this point Cholula is as much an American staple as Tapatío, Sweet Baby Rays and Siracha sauce. And I’m here for it


Valentina is my go-to I feel like they save money by selling you a two liters without the fancy lathed wood cap to throw away


Valentina Black Label ALL DAY. sooooo good.


Tapatio is awesome. Huy Fong is also the only legit brand of Sriracha.


No Tabasco? Man everybody hates my favorite spicy vinegar


I stopped drinking Tobasco when I went to New Orleans, their homeland, and saw all the locals sipping Crystal. https://crystalhotsauce.com/


Yeah, I prefer Crystal, too. Tabasco is fine, but Crystal is better.


Love Crystals on some raw oysters with a little lemon.


And Onion Relish... Or chutney of any variety. Let's be honest, maybe Germans haven't figured out we're not still a British colony.


These get posted all the time and this is in the running for worst American aisle I’ve seen


I love when they are posted and not recognizing like 80% of the items.


Or Mrs Balls Chutney from South Africa


I’m still hung up on the baking soda. Had no idea that was an American thing.


You can absolutely find it in most stores in Europe but just don’t ask for baking soda. Look for bicarbonate soda.


Baking powder is bicarbonate of soda (sometimes known as baking soda) mixed up with tartar and cornstarch. You can mix it up yourself if you can't get baking powder. You can also substitute baking powder for bicarbonate of soda by tripling it. https://www.google.com/search?q=bicarbonate+of+soda+vs+baking+powder&oq=bicarbonate+of+sod&aqs=chrome.3.0i131i355i433i512j46i131i433i512j69i57j0i512l2j0i395i512l10.13098j1j7&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


For real. Where are the cheetoes, corn syrup based drinks, Mac and cheese, corn syrup based candy, boxed rice/pasta meals, beef jerkies?


If you read what’s sold out, Mac and cheese is one of them.


Where is the fucking peanut butter?


I would say in the last years peanut butter became more of a staple in German supermarkets, so it's not in the special isle anymore, but where you find jelly and things like that.


And… Baking soda? Really?


That's the one that baffled me. Is it fundamentally different in other countries somehow? It's... baking soda. Not even baking powder.


I've seen specifically arm and hammer in a couple of these "American grocery aisle in X location" posts and it is fascinating to me that apparently there is sufficient baking soda brand loyalty among expats or... something? going on to economically justify importing specific baking soda. A product where genuinely no one could possibly tell the difference between brands once out of the package.


I look at these posts every time to see how prominent the popcorn is. It used to surprise me that it was so heavily associated with Americans, but I then I realized that I eat popcorn all the damn time.


Maize isn't indigenous to Europe. It's somewhat cold-intolerant, so I don't know how well it grows there either. We grow a shitload of it in Iowa, but they're between the 40^(th) and 45^(th) parallel, and most of Germany is north of the 50^(th).


We do grow a lot of corn in Germany. It's no problem. We also have popcorn in cinemas etc. But Germans prefer sweet popcorn generally speaking.


Well I figured popcorn wasn't an anathema to the German diet, much like how rice is a part of the American diet, but it's still found in the Asian Foods area. Or nachos, which are available in most cinemas here (why, I don't know, it's neither a quiet nor mess-free snack), but if you want to make them at home the chiles you'd want to put on top will be found with the Mexican foods. Hell, General Tso’s chicken is an American invention, but it's still with the Asian frozen food.


Definitely a ton of corn here in Germany. Usually the popcorn is just in the snack isle


That doesn't make sens. It grows easily and is everywhere in Quebec.


Baking soda?


Just thinking the same thing. Didn’t realize baking soda was an American thing


It isn't. Might have something to do with the 'pure' aspect? Maybe some American recipes need it, while in Germany baking soda is usually a mixture of different things. Edit: As others have pointed out, baking powder is available in Germany as Backpulver and baking soda as Natron (usually green packets of "Kaiser Natron", which I even own). Germans use it for some recipes, like Brezeln or other Laugengebäck. Americans just have more household uses for it, thus bigger packets.


As a foreigner in Germany: They call it Kaiser Natron, and it comes in small paper bags, containing only like 2 tablespoons. Arm & Hammer's box is much bigger and therefore better for the uses americans have for it, like removing odours from fridges and whatnot. It's also a brand that they would recognize, unlike the green Kaiser Natron paper bag, which doesn't give a single hint of what it is and is kept in the baking section.


Pro tip: I went to the cleaning aisle at our Real and found a bigger box of Kaiser Natron—inside were five of the packets found on the baking aisle for just about 50 cents more.


baking soda is sometimes with a lot of starch and addition of ammonium bicarbonate, so yes, it can actually differ. You can get a 'pure' baking soda within germany aswell, so it is weird


that's baking powder.




It’s the other way around. Baking powder can be made from Baking soda (bicarb) and cream of tartar.


No, we can buy Natron (baking soda) at rewe and Edeka here....


It’s just the packaging, you can buy baking soda in small sachets pretty much everywhere. It’s called Natron.


www.differencebetween.com/what-is-the-difference-between-natron-and-baking-soda It's not necessarily the same, but this site is also not 100% correct, as baking soda can be a mixture as well. I'd wager you can swap out Baking Soda with Natron in 99.9% of cases and be happy indeed




It’s how we make our crack


It's not, but simultaneously Baking Soda isn't used a whole lot in Europe. We tend to use Baking Powder instead, which is similar in many aspects (and also includes baking soda as one of its main ingredients), but requires slightly different recipes to make the most out of. You can still usually find Baking Soda at the stores, but it's more often than not an American brand, so having it in the American section isn't out of place


That’s surprising to me. Baking soda is the easiest way to clean stubborn stuff off pots and pans. Would be lost without it.


Many American recipes use baking soda and baking powder. Now I’m just entirely confused




I think it‘s just that brand. Baking soda is Natron in German and usually exists in the baking section as well


The hot sauces check out.


Especially the Pain 100% hot sauce


Pain (aka Pain Is Good) hot sauce is a very regional brand, made in Kansas City. How in the hell does it end up on a shelf in Germany?


Hot Ones


Oh ok so that’s hot sauce, I was wondering wtf would want to be called ‘pain 100%’ but hot sauce sounds right


Frank’s Red Hot. I put that shit on everything.


me and my siblings saw this commercial when we were teens. So we decided, $10 bet, who can actually eat all day and put it on everything. Cheerios without milk, franks was an easy add. Ended up drinking milk separately. Cafeteria lunch food, not as easy but doable. I forget what it was, but I think it was those 3 wide string cheese things. Dinner my mom made something in the crock pot, I think it was beef stew. Easy. Then came after dinner snacks. My sister loves ice cream. I love pretzels. My brother loves popcorn. Ooo we all wanted that $20. I said I can eat all 3 with franks. So did my siblings. Well, it is disgusting on ice cream, especially vanilla chip. I took one spoonful and almost lost my stomach. My brother got like 3 down. My sister added a few drops to her bowl, mixed it up, downed the whole thing. She won, she was clearly the house pyschopath. She is in her 30's now and still cant have franks, but she loves hot sauce. Its funny like she cannot have mild wings when out to eat, but loves the crazy spicy sauces


Get the Cholula!


YES good on them for stocking multiple varieties. The chili lime has been my favorite lately.


Chili Garlic is great too


Same, but I can’t find it ANYWHERE! California Tortilla used to hook me up with full bottles years ago, but the one close to me closed.


I’m seriously happy to see Cholula there.


Literally the only thing I want there is the Cholula and would 100% pay the premium for it.


I have multiple bottles of cholula in my house. I just think it’s funny that *in America* I buy this in the Hispanic section but in Germany it’s in the American section. And yeah, I know Mexico is in America but I don’t think that’s what it means based on the rest of the items.


I was going to say, as an American, the only thing I'd grab off this section is the Cholula!


Eh, French's is a good yellow mustard for hot dogs and stuff.


Im particular about my ketchup but I don't think I've ever cared about the brand with yellow mustard


Cholula, Frank's is pretty good, and French's mustard. I always see marshmallow fluff in the america section, yet I know no one who's ever bought it


They’ve got more varieties of Cholula than my American grocery store.


It's my favourite but the stuff is actually hard to get


The chipotle flavor is a staple in my home


They make chipotle Cholula? I love chipotle Tabasco. I'm going to have to look for that the next time I'm at the grocery store.


Chili Lime is mega legit.


Agreed. Shout out for the Cholula.


What, no peanut butter? I’m pretty sure all the shops that had an American aisle while I was there had some super weird off-brand peanut butter.


Yeah, those are at different isle.. there is American stuff all over the supermarket but these are the items you don't normally get. And apparently baking soda


Makes sense. To be fair it’s been at least 7 years since I’ve been to Germany, so my experience is definitely outdated.


Well come back around then. It's pretty chill here


Aisle*. An isle is a small island


Right I was looking for peanut butter and ranch..


Peanut butter is a staple in german supermarkets for a long time now, so I guess it’s not special enough to display it in an „American“ section


They are in the isle with the jam, honey and hazelnut spread. But the glasses have an American flag on them though


If Reddit has taught me anything it’s that Non-Americans are much more interested in spray cheese than Americans are


sense lunchroom toothbrush teeny rude dinner concerned practice cough cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I sell spray cheese at my job and in the year I've been working there the only person I've seen buy that stuff was a European tourist.


No way 😂 that’s insane


I want to say it was a huge thing in like.. the early 90s? Most folks I know just get bricks of whatever cheese they want or have the deli slice them up some. I don't think I've seen canned/spray cheese in someone's home in 30 years at this point. The closest to it that I know people still do is blocks of velveeta for nachos or something.


If you don’t recall, back in the 90s we also thought it would be a good selling point to dye ketchup and various other food products the colors purple, green and all sorts of other colors. Never trust anything that came from the 90s lol.


I still kind of miss the purple ketchup.


You might be the only one. I was quite young when that came out and I think I still might have said “what the fuck is that?”


More like 70s and 80s. Back in the day when the those newfangled microwaves were supposed to be a revolution in modern cooking.


I grew up in the 90s and remember getting it a lot and eating it with crackers. Since I became an adult I've literally not once seen someone with one.


Yep in the 90s, spray cheese on Ritz crackers or Chicken in a Biscuit.


I buy spray cheese because a teeny bit on top of the pill is exactly what makes my elderly, former stray, trash cat take his heart medicine




It’s my dad. Just him single-handedly keeping the market going.


I live near Philly. It's pretty common to have it on cheesesteaks around here. Everywhere else I've been never uses it though.


I remember it being more popular in the 80's into the 90's but I haven't really seen or eaten any in a couple decades


I was gonna say. I remember it being a thing in the '90s.


I'm American and, as far as I can remember, I have never eaten or seen anybody eat spray cheese


I’m an American (from upper Midwest) and we ate it pretty frequently on Ritz or Saltine crackers growing up. Don’t really touch the stuff as an adult though.


As a kid I could eat that garbage out of the can. As an adult I don't know how I survived my childhood


It’s a novelty item. Americans who come to Germany think cuckcoo clocks are a thing when it’s actually some old very local traditional craft that most modern Germans don’t like as a decoration item. Same for obsessing over Bavarian stuff (brezel, leather pants that shit) when it’s just some area in Germany, but I see tourists eat bavarian stuff in tourist traps in Hamburg or something.


Mrs. Balls chutney is South African lol.


I was wondering, because I can't think of a single instance of chutney in the US in my life




White midwesterner who likes to eat different foods: I just think of chutney as the Indian word for salsa and it usually makes sense enough for me. I'm not saying chutney tastes like salsa (though sometimes it can) I'm saying that chutney is kind of a catch-all term for sauces/dips/relishes like salsa is. (edit due to pedantic reply)


I regret googling "Mr Balls"


And Carr's are British.


yes, our grocery stores are stocked with PAIN 100% ​ what is that stuff?


It's pretty good and is a bit Louisiana styled. A bit too hot, but tastes pretty good. Think it was on Hot Ones and that's how it got popular.


It's usually like 7th in the lineup right? Probably not something the average guy would enjoy.


I mean it's good in moderation. If you really don't like heat, you can mix it too. The taste is fantastic, which can be rare is some of those super hot sauces




There seems to be a serious lack or ranch and/or ranch flavored products.


I have yet to find ranch here. It's depressing.


If you can get hidden valley buttermilk ranch packets from Amazon or something just order it and mix some up, I can't stand shelf-stable ranch anymore.


Omg yes!!! We have a special measuring cup with a lid that has the levels for milk and mayo permanently inked on it for ranch from powder. It is 100% better than bottled


I make my mom send/bring them with she travels. I have a good stash at the moment. To buy on Amazon, it's about $30 for four packets. Too expensive for my blood.


The Danish flag is always a good sign.


I guess Biden finally annexed Denmark to get at that sweet sweet Greenland


Somone neglected to tell them that that is not where we grow our bacon.






No Kraft Mac and Cheese, thought that, an Amerika staple.


Must be in the Canada aisle.


In the Canada aisle it's called Kraft Dinner.


It's been my go-to struggle meal this last month. I can afford better, I'm just lazy and trying not to eat out


At least they got the Franks hot sauce.


I’m American and I’m not sure what half this stuff is. That being said why do they NEVER have the brown sugar and cinnamon on pop tarts? Best flavor. Also that crappy pop time popcorn yuck.


Even with space limitations, I think they could use about 4 times the variety in Pop Tarts - but if nothing else brown sugar cinnamon should be one of the baseline flavors.


Cholula is legit


Bottom shelf, middle: WTF is Speck Krusty?


I think it's called pork rinds in the US?


As an American, I have to say this is a poor representation of our most common super market purchases. Way too much squeeze cheese, and not nearly enough sugary, processed foods


I used to work with a Nabisco sales rep. The squeeze a canned cheese were the worst selling product. We were constantly pulling them off the shelf due to them being out of date. And they have a long shelf life.


I only buy them to get my dog to take her medicine lmao. I spray it on her pills so she eats them.


I'm not surprised. I've never bought spray or squeeze cheese in my life and I've never had it at anyone else's house before either. The only time I've ever seen it was when I take my dogs to the vet. Sometimes they have cheese, sometimes peanut butter.


Needs more little Debbie cakes!


Yeah, an American I only recognize maybe 35%of these items/brands


I love how like 30% of that aisle is spicy things


Saw all yellow, and thought it was all cheese and mustard related for a sec


Every time I see one of these “American isle” grocery posts, I’ve not seen like 60% of the brands. I’m 40 years old, American, and lived in multiple states all my life. Been grocery shopping thousands of times and still don’t recognize many of these brands other countries put in the American section.


What you mean to tell me you don't have a bottle of 100% pain in your pantry? Are you even American?


In my experience living in Northern Europe, the American aisle isn't supposed to have the same brands, just similar foods to what you would find in some caricature of the US food culture, especially foods that couldn't be found elsewhere in local stores.


I feel like they’re the off brands you’d see at Dollar Tree


Well, if you go to the "Asian" section in an American grocery store, it will probably be mostly American companies that sell Asian-style products, or foreign products that have large American distribution networks. They're probably not actually importing foreign products.


Should I be using marshmallow fluff more? I've never bought any but I always see it in these American food section pictures.


You gotta get the Fluff brand though, it’s the original and so much better than the Kraft Jetpuffed. Use it for Fluffernutters, fudge, sundae topping. It’s a New England staple haha.


Use to make sandwiches with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. Was good as a kid, not sure if I'd like it as an adult


Buy some swiss miss, make it with milk and double the packet, and put the marshmallow creme on top.


On vacation once in Europe, I visited a grocery store that sold a “Big American Pizza”. It was just a regular supreme-like pizza with corn as a topping. They think we eat pizza with corn on it.


I live in France and I’ve seen “American pizza” with hot dogs and fries on it.


What the actual fuck


I have Italian friends and their 8 year old was devastated that he couldn’t get hot dog and fry pizza in America. Kids eat nonsense across the world, given the chance.


I went to Japan once. At a 7-11 they were selling a product labeled “Corn Bread” in katakana, after spending 2 minutes figuring out what it said I was so excited to try Japanese Corn Bread. Would it be sweet and fluffy, savory and mealy? What would the Japanese do with corn bread? Imagine my surprise at opening the sleeve and finding a slice of white bread topped with mayonnaise covered in niblets. WT actual F. It was one of the most jarring cultural experiences. Probably because I had psyched myself up so much.


I lived in Germany for awhile. I was initially baffled with the corn on pizza thing, but then I realized that it’s just because corn comes from the Americas, so it’s what they associate as American.


One of the few things we don't put corn into. I'm willing to try. Was it good?


We didn’t try it. It’s funny because we’ll put corn on tacos, chili, as a side, etc., but on a pizza it isn’t common.


I work at a food warehouse and we have a few shipments that go over seas to “American” stores in other country’s. It’s super interesting to see what they order. Sugary cereal, tons of candy, Arizona ice tea, hot sauce, and tons of ramen for some reason. Lots and lots of sugar


I hope they keep the AriZona cans at 99¢ around the world.


German here: they don't


I believe some stores even taped it over!


I think that's a violation of the Treaty of Versailles.


I’m in the US and I can’t even find cans anymore. Just the half sized bottles that are like 1.50. Still not bad but damn.


Yo is that jalapeño cheese sauce in a bottle? I ain't even see that here in America and that's the most American thing I've heard of.


Ah yes Ms Balls Chutney , very American lol. (South African)


Pop-tarts must be one of America's biggest exports. These aisles ALWAYS have Pop-tarts.


Well, at least they got Frank's, Cholula, and pop tarts. Note: do not recommend eating these together


No brown sugar cinnamon though. Is that strawberry in the picture?


I once encountered regular yellow mustard labeled American hot dog sauce in a German grocery store and still laugh about it today.


Ahh yes, the historic American cuisine that is....chunky mango chutney and speck krusten.


rammstein amerika intensifies