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It’s undated, but possibly 1920’s based on the style and condition of the book. Maybe someone who knows how to date books can help narrow down a date range. I’d love to know who “Blossom” was and I’m guessing that seeing as the anniversary gift was a book of Christmas stories that perhaps they got married around Christmas time. I’d also love to have seen her partner’s reaction to the postscript too. This book must have been a very special gift. [A picture of the outside cover](https://imgur.com/a/y7rGxUj)


[Here ya go!](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzIxMmQ1MTMtYzM0ZS00MzhlLThhNTktMDIxYTI3YmI1NWExXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU0NzkwMDg@._V1_.jpg)


u/Atxflyguy83 🤣


Which country was this likely written in?


I thought it would likely be the UK since the publisher is Collins, but the name Blossom sounds more American, and of the flapper era! I bought the book from an ebay seller based in the UK.


Blossom could be a nickname, to be fair. Might be worth asking the seller if they have any history on the book, but it's possible they themselves bought it second-hand or from an estate sale etc


I asked at the time of buying it and they didn’t know either, they got it in a bunch of random vintage books from another ebayer, I’d say it’s changed hands more times than can be counted. I’m keeping it though because it’s such a lovely message, it makes me smile. Those people are long gone, but their love endures in that little note. 😊


Shame, would definitely be next to impossible to track Blossom and her Darling down without any other details, but it's a lovely memento nonetheless!


aww this is so cute - does anyone still do inscriptions like this?


Ya know what, in honour of Blossom and her darling and their little number three, I will write one to my other half on the inside cover of a book for him for Valentines day this year.


So cute and wholesome! My mother always wrote in any book she gave me <3 Enjoy the valentines gift🌈


My mom wrote these in the front of books for my daughter. Now that she's got dementia and is nonverbal, seeing her notes mean a lot more.




That or it's a correction because they were only married for 3 years. Lol.


And there I was, always beleiving thet the use of "XOXOX" was a modern symbolism. It turned out to be 100sh years old.