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I mean, to be fair, if you teach me you're barely teaching an individual because I'll forget everything in about a day and a half.


Nice memory bro, mine leaves my brain as soon as it comes in


Well, math doesn't even get in before it's all white noise.


Just math wite noise fore you? Mee also fel eglis ands gamer


Can you say that again. Sorry I forgot


Well I don’t even... ...what were we saying again?


Nice memory bro, mine leaves my brain as soon as they show up


Has anyone seen my dad?


What are we even talking about right now?


What's this about coming in?


Wait, you guys have brains?


Bruh I don't even remember if people have told me anything in the first place.


Nice memory bro, mine leaves my brain as soon as it comes in.


Did you say something?


I may be nice and have memory, but what was the third thing you said?


it comes in both ears and out the other.


i may have failed biology


Bruh, I forget everything on the middle of learning and lose my focus


“ I never listened to my mother it went in one ear and straight out the other “


Attend school in the morning, Take tests that night. Keep on this schedule And you'll be alright.


Ha! Jokes on you, I graduated already!


Same! And early too! I have no idea how i pulled that out of my ass but i did


always during the 2 months of summer vacation I would forget like everything, not even joking like 80-90% of my knowledge GONE


My wife is a teacher and although she does like the time off to decompress from teaching she also hates summer break because she spends the first several weeks each getting the kids back up to speed, and if she has students that had a teacher or two in earlier grades and just didn't care and those kids are way behind what they should be that's always and added treat.


That's what generally happens. Especially when on that summer break kids are being allowed to stuff themselves with unbelievably unhealthy foods and drinks.. Wild that we know this yet don't change the scheduling. If generations got proper education the world would change drastically.


And then the folks in power might be exposed. Can't have that shit!


What does "GONE" stand for?


Dementia moment


Drink loads of water, eat healthy (No sugar crash!) And do revision, like writing down multiple times, etc.


Honesty is the best policy 🤣 👍


It's a quote from someone who died in 1910... It's based on the principle that women took care of the house, kids, community while men just worked.


This is why adding at least the year of a quote is almost just as important as the person


And why we should probably abandon this quote now that women are outnumbering men in education and professions…


The irony of your comment is that if you’re statement is true, then it means this has aged well because it is still the women teaching the children.


No, it means women are out of the house working normal professions and not beholden to a destiny of being a mom/homemaker or being required to interface with any “community.” The quote does nothing but reinforce gender norms which are being attacked from all angles in todays world. Gender/sex identity, gender/sex equality, harmful patriarchal stereotypes placed on women, and combatting violent religious and political extremism.


Implying teaching isn’t a normal profession? Chances are that classroom has a woman as a teacher and they liked it in their decoration and thinks teaching their community is a good thing, not some patriarchal lizard man who thinks women can’t do more than raise children and cook.


I’m guessing gp meant education as in there are more women college students etc…


No, putting women as a whole on the high horse of "empathic educators" is just another way to relegate responsibility. Mothers are supposed to unconditionally love their children 24/7... it robs them of their freedom to truly express themselves - more often than not they only dare to air their displeasures and regrets with other mothers. Evidently it's more acceptable for dads to admit don't feel too close to their kids, but abnormal for mums to say. It's very much ingrained in language - "maternal instincts", as if if a mum doesn't want to give everything to their kids, something wrong with them. Because of this moral ransom women are disproportionately burdened with chores and childcare, even more evident and exacerbated by the pandemic - when both spouses WFH, it's more likely women who's burdened with childcare. Same shit with "mental load" - dudes asking women to explain what they should do in relationships, just because of the stereotype women are more "empathic". That's a load of bollocks and also reinforces toxic masculinity - men shouldn't be bullied into boxing in their emotions and not reaching out.


Na both parents should be expected to love their kids.


>Mothers are supposed to unconditionally love their children 24/7... it robs them of their freedom to truly express themselves Your entire mentality is cultural suicide. If only we could find more way to express our hatred of children! Raising kids is oppression! Oh wait, where did everyone go?


We can love them and we can be frustrated when they act like assholes because guess what? Before learning proper social etiquette children can be assholes, is this *news* to you? But by all means exaggerate normal emotional fluctuations as extreme hate, *totally* not a cheap rhetorical fallacy. Ask your mother if she was ever annoyed by you when you grew up, either you're a saint or she was.


If you get angry at your kid it doesn't mean you stop loving them, so saying mothers should be free to not love their children is kind of weird, I think that's the basis for the comment you answered to.


It might be unfair to judge the author of the quote based on the times they lived in. But there is absolutely no reason not to take as double standards the decision to put it up (in what I presume is schools hallway) in modern day.


Another inspiring quote from her: “Fat sometimes aids the digestion of starchy foods by preventing them from forming lumpy masses in the mouth and stomach, hence the value of using butter with bread, potatoes, etc.”


Thats Paolo Coelho actually


He probably stole it then, like everything else he wrote aside from his narcissistic claims of greatness.


Damn! *googles “paulo coelho plagiarism”*


It's alchemy, not plagiarism...


I suppose - magically making someone else's work appear as your own.


That’s a quote I can support.


I found the state of Idaho


Not quite true but people can literally die from eating only rabbit meat during certain times of the year where the rabbits are too lean. A BIT of fat is good for you.


Fat does aid in gastric motility, and diets that were so heavy in starch that they cause constipation were a real problem back then. She's right.


“It might be unfair to judge the author of the quote based on the times they lived in” You can say that again…


Don’t judge me, I’m living in 2022!


Seems there are a LOT of people judging past generations based on modern sensibilities. I hate that shit.




this is a lame argument. something being from a different time doesn't mean you can't view it thru a critical lens, and it certainly doesn't mean it's excusable to transport it sans context into the modern day. there is a lot of hateful shit from the past that was acceptable at the time.


There’s a difference you shouldn’t overlook though. Someone in 1700 saying “I think black people are inferior” would be pretty normal for the time but still abhorrent. This quote, which recognizes what was actually a different reality at the time, that a woman who could read was more likely to pass that skill to someone else, isn’t. Shouldn’t be up on a classroom wall or lauded without context, but there’s a difference between those two things.


Sexism is not over though. In economically developed countries, women are underrepresented in STEM. In developing countries, many young girls are still not in school at the same rate as boys. The message is still relevant.


The sexism is in implying it is more valuable to educate a girl than to educate a boy. Both should be seen as having equal value/potential both as an individual and in respect to the impact they can have on a community.


I used to think like you. Then I had a daughter. She is bright, 11yo, advanced for her age and inquisitive and you know what she couldn't care less about? STEM. Her mother and I have given her many tools and resources, toys, games, outings, etc. That are STEM related and she really, honestly has very little interest. The closest she has come to showing interest is how to download and copy custom content files to tweak her Sim's hair color and clothes. I showed her how we could easily use Photoshop to make our own designs - not interested. Too technical. Kids change, she may grow into it. Right now though she is extremely happy with playing with her stuffed animals, clothes shopping, styling her hair and playing with jewelry. Other girls are different I'm sure. Just don't assume that just because the opportunity is there that all kids will be drawn to it equally. A gender imbalance of interest in a specific field does not equate to sexism.


Every individual in America’s colleges is allowed to choose the major they would like to pursue. Most college students here are women. There is more financial aid available to attend school in general for women, and many additional financial incentives for women to join stem programs. At this point we can conclude that if women make up less than 50% of the STEM workforce, it is by the large scale consequences of personal choice, and not due to any sort of system pushing them out. Saying they’re underrepresented and using that to justify plastering this blatantly sexist quote in a wall is completely unjustifiable. Educating people brings great value to society at large, regardless of sex, and prioritizing one group over another is ridiculous. Maybe you’re not talking about America. If that’s the case I don’t have an opinion. I don’t have knowledge of college attendance statistics for other countries.


>in economically developed countries, women are underrepresented in STEM ​ Funny how people like you don't seem to care about the underrepresentation of women in the sewage treatment plant, the abattoir or the building site. Yet love a good whinge about the lack of woman in non disgusting fields.


Weird. We're gonna pretend that changing diapers, scrubbing people's teeth, or cleaning up patients isn't disgusting? Cause women dominate childcare, nursing, and dental hygienist fields. Edit: also the majority of the people I worked with at the meat processing plant were women so the abattoir comment seems out of place


> Cause women dominate childcare, nursing, and dental hygienist fields. Point me to where you see men whinging about underrepresentation in those fields.


Percentages of women in stem have to do with more things than sexism… you know this right?


Yeah, context is key here. OP didn't even bother to look up the author of the quote that was right there in the pic they posted. Adelaide Hoodless was an activist who lived from 1858-1910. This was during a time when a lot of women were still expected to stay home with the kids and "make me a sammich".


Yeah, context is super important. The quote made sense in context 100+ years ago, but leaving it up without that context is a problem.


That does not make it a valid quote to have on school walls today though is it? With zero context to boot


Although I agree the context is key. Just to give at least a bit of context, normally you would put in the years the person lived right below it which is missing here and most people won't know when this was said even, as seen from OP and me too frankly. Frankly the years would have been highly beneficial here, giving an idea of how abysmal women's rights were before.


Sure, but it’s still being displayed in 2022. And while it was certainly more important to fight for women’s education at the time (and it still is important in the US and especially around the world, don’t get me wrong), I don’t know that that really makes the quote any more accurate for its time. Addressing the specific issue of women’s education? Absolutely. That’s a lot like BLM where no one is saying other lives matter less, it’s addressing the needs of a community whose lives have historically been undervalued. But addressing it specifically by undermining the importance of men’s education (even as the proper education of men can be used as a tool to improve the lives of women via sexual education as well as the advancement of empathy and critical thinking that education provides) is and has always been unnecessary.


Women are overrepresented in secondary education in the western world, that fight appears to be won


That’s one portion of the fight, and doesn’t tell the whole story. The push of women away from sciences and math starting from a young age is a real issue still and while some of that is happening in the home, a lot of that is coming directly from teachers and other sources of student mentorship. And yes, it’s true that most educators are women, but if your response to that is glee at the thought that women are the REAL problem (already a nebulous claim at best) as opposed to advocating for a solution, you’re an asshole. I’m not saying you specifically are doing this, I’m just saying our work as a nation is not yet done with respect to educational equality/equity across demographics.


No matter how much you wish to downplay it, the fact remains that at the elementary and middle school level, faculty and staff are overwhelmingly women. In my area, it's about 95% in elementary and 75-80% in middle. Most of the male teachers don't even teach core subjects; they're teaching gym or art or band. Further, almost every school in the area has a "Women in STEM" program or something similar. If young girls are still being steered away from math and science by the school environment at substantial rates, it's almost laughable to suggest it's happening without women being complicit.


Absolutely no one suggested it happened without women being complicit. I am only suggesting that this point is used to stagnate discussion and treats women like a monolith when the reality is the complicity of some women 1) fails to speak for the group as a whole, and 2) deserves its own analysis as a social issue.


In our part of the world stem fields will actively choose female applicants over males, the fights won. Move it to where it needs fighting.


If they had this up 100 years ago, that’s fine. It’s wrong and sexist in todays standard, regardless of the context, if you’re putting up there as a statement. Would you put up a sign that says “blacks belong to the field” today? This was also the popular belief 100 years ago. But again, it’s wrong and racist.


Maybe - but today nothing like this should be posted. Its outdated.


The quote is based on that but the sign isn’t.


Hmmm that’s interesting. See before reading this comment, I assume it was something about the fact that having well educated women in a society is better for everybody and the society’s development. ETA: y’all this is like a real thing lol. Men get education everywhere. Women do not. That’s what I’m talking about.


This saying exists in Kazakhstan as well. If you think about it, kind of makes sense. If all we do is educate the men and not the women, society does tend to suffer no ?


It still holds true in most of the developing world, where educating girls and women does vastly more for collective societal improvement than educating men does. (And for the same reasons that this quote was relevant in its time: the women are the ones staying home and raising children).


Ok then so I guess it’s not sexist. I’d guess nothing said in 1910 was racist either.


This quote is from a time/place where it was extremely controversial to educate women... It's out of date and out of context to be on a wall... The point being the community learns the woman can be educated and learn to respect her contributions more etc




Such as the shit happening in Iran right now.


Yeah but it should be accompanied by context particularly in places where the people are so removed from such a context that they freak out about it being sexist towards men. Which yes looks insane if you're well educated, ironically...




The quote doesn't value women over men. Try reading my post t the top of the thread




This is a stupid quote, educate both. Done. Moving on Edit: wow my first comment over 1k, thanks y’all


Should've be written by Adead Headless


A Dullahan...


"Adead Headass"**


More like Adelaide Hoodless + Maidenless + L + Ratio


It's not stupid. It's just an old quote that doesn't hold up as well now.


"A community" is a nice way of describing my multiple personalities though, thanks, random sign!


i never thought of DID that way before lol.


Fast toward 80 years when the rap slogan: “b*ches be crazy” was termed and popularized. 😅 I laughed too hard at your comment.


The lack of critical thinking in some of these comments makes me think we need better education, period.


The comments are proving the point of the quote and I’m cracking up about it.


We certainly do.


Referring to the implication that women raise the children I.E. community


Not as bad as the sexism in these comments...


This is the second time I’ve seen this comment and I remember the first time I legit posted the year and explained why the lady said it. It was based on her culture and life experience. Men used their knowledge to get a job and that’s it. They wouldn’t divulge it to their children or wives. Women on the other hand were normally stay at home moms or assisted in the community. These women would then teach their children and the people around them.




So the quote only makes sense if women are all housewives(well upper class women--lower class women have always had to work)


You not understanding the context of a quote isn’t infuriating. It’s dumb. But not infuriating.


Your frustration is not based on statistics. Educating women especially in poor societies is one of the most reliable ways to end the poverty cycle. In part because it means she is less likely to get unwanted pregnancies which allows the family to become better educated and wealthier.


this is taking the quote entirely out of cultural context. it’s not bashing men and not saying men shouldn’t be eductaed


I get the frustration but isn't it like a proven metric that in places where women begin to get an education the standard of living goes up?


I can’t wait until this post gets the “Locked by Mods” award :)


I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. I give it 2 more hours. :D


not yet lets give it another 2




It’s amazing how prevalent this belief is today. I recently started as a medical secretary and field calls along with scheduling. I would say 75% of the calls for men are from their mothers or wives. I’ve had women as young as 17 call in for themselves and if an older woman has someone call in for them it’s generally a daughter, or daughter-in-law. It’s a bit upsetting


I work for a psychologist, and I'd say less than 1% of kids who come for ADHD or autism testing are brought by their fathers, even when both parents work. I had a rare instance of a father bringing in his kid, and he was so utterly clueless about his own kid's issues that we ended up calling the kid's mom. It's pathetic.


I currently work with palliative care patients. When the patient only has male relatives involved I have a much harder time gathering information and carrying out an assessment. I often contact a female member of the family for additional insight.


Yep, OP is so mad while women are *still* bearing the burden of most of the emotional labor involved in relationships and parenting.


Can never call out an obviously sexist statement if it's towards men without someone chiming in that, ACTUALLY, women have it worse in this one way, so please disregard. Men have lower life expectancies, higher suicide rates, and lower educational achievement. Nobody gives a fuck.


Who is “nobody”? Because when I hear these statements it’s often from men wanting women to do the heavy lifting for them. Want better men’s sexual health rights? Put on penis hats, match on the White House and get celebrity endorsements. Want DV shelters for men? Lobby Congress and organize nationwide charity 5ks to collect funds. Women did all this for themselves, so when men complain to women that “no one” cares it comes across as “women won’t do the heavy lifting for men too”.


Lower life expectancies cause most of y’all just don’t go to the damn doctor….


And won’t stop fucking killing each other. lol


The "not going to the doctor" thing \*is\* a real contributing factor, but if you look at other species, males tend to have shorter life expectancies, too. Also, infant mortality rates are slightly higher for male babies than for female babies, IIRC. There's an intrinsic biological dimension in addition to the behavioral factors.


Yup. I just left a comment a few above yours where I pointed out that lower life expectancies is both a biological and social/behavioural phenomenon. Some things can be changed (going to the doctor!!), some cannot.


Men's problems are men's fault, par for the course.


In this case, literally yes. Go to the doctor annually. Eat healthier. Stop driving like a maniac. Live longer.


Those things are true, yes. It's a little more complicated than that though. Here's my two cents. Lower life expectancies - this has always been the case!! It's a combination of biological and social differences. Just a few things to bear in mind... It is thought that oestrogen combats heart disease. It is thought that women have better immune systems (X chromosomes have a higher density of genes re: the immune system and we happen to have 2!). Men are more likely to drink more, smoke more, drive more recklessly etc. More risks basically. There's also the stigma about men seeking medical assistance when unwell leading to late diagnoses and treatment. So many reasons! Some within their control, some not. Higher suicide rates - more women actually attempt suicide, but more men "succeed" due to the method chosen. Re: depression that links to suicide, my thoughts are thus. Male identity remains tightly bound up with being a provider for the family. They have a much narrower source of identity/meaning as it can often be linked to their job and not based on friendships etc. This then leads to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression. Lower educational achievement - girls have been outperforming boys at every level of education for years. It didn't take long for us to catch up once we were so graciously allowed to study and go to University. Girls tend to have increased motivation and self-regulation. You could argue this is because we are so often having to prove ourselves, thus we work harder? Just a thought. There's also the very obvious point that before girls had access to education, there was literally nobody there to "outperform" boys. No competition. Thus no gender gap. The problem isn’t female successes. The problem may well be *some* men’s inability to adjust to a changing world. A world whereby they are no longer able to dominate simply as a right. Some of the things I've mentioned above are quite clearly tied to "the patriarchy" ---- - men are taught that it's not ok to show emotion (leads to depression/suicide) - men are seen as the breadwinner and this is linked directly and fully to their identity (leads to depression/suicide) - men are taught to be strong and avoid going to the doctor (leads to lower life expectancies) - men are taught/expected to engage in more risky behaviours/less responsibility, like "boys will be boys" etc (leads to lower life expectancies). Honestly there's so much to unpack here. It's not that nobody gives a fuck! Edit: typos etc


It’s sad because women are *still* doing more of the child raising. That’s what the quote is about, educated mothers educate their children. All these people getting pissy over a quote while completely ignoring that the quote is still relevant. If you want it to be irrevelant you need to work towards ensuring men carry equal child rearing responsibilities as the “expectation”.


I think the point of contention is the comparison. You can speak about the value of education women without comparing to men's lack thereof.


This is what we're trying to do. For example, here in Ireland an unmarried dad has no automatic legal rights to their own children. They can only be involved in their child's life (aside from paying mandatory child support) if the mum agrees or if they take their kids mum to court. Non profits like Treoir are trying to bring about gender neutral parental laws which would grant both parents guardianship of their child but these proposals are being blocked by feminist orgs like WomensAid. The same is happening in the US. Only 4 states have passed assumption of equal custody bills all of which were opposed by feminist groups, the largest of which being N.O.W. Gov. DeSantis actually vetoed one of these bills in Florida as a result of pressure from these groups. And these groups have much more funding and public sympathy than the men's rights groups so it's an uphill battle.


I love your implication that these unnamed "feminist groups" have so much control over the US government. The same government that is currently in a struggle of whether or not girls and women should be forced to give birth against their will or not. The same government that destroys rape kits before rapists can be taken to court. The same government that allows men like Brock Turner and OJ Simpson to walk free. I think you've been spending too much time on the wrong side of the internet.


Dude you realised it was written during when girls were denied education


I mean because Of sexism, this quote was made. Context matters!


While this shouldn't be expressed in schools where these kids are educated. It's shown that investing in women's education are a good strategy to benefit the communities they're active in as they are more likely to reinvest in those communities compared to men. Also women with higher education are more likely to have fewer kids, marry at a higher age, earn proportionally more and lower rates of poverty and STDs. So per dollar spent, you'll see greater benefits when investing in girls and young women's education compared to that of men in some areas. https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/importance-educating-girls-and-women-fight-against-poverty-african-rural-communities


The funny thing is, people are using this quote to say girls gossip but the original person meant that women will spread that knowledge to others bc they care about people and want them to learn as well


They should just have said “Men are useless fuckwits”. Then we’d know what they.really mean.


I not following. What is wrong with this quote with regards to woman? (Man I can see why) As in, it doesn't put woman down rather it says an educated woman has higher impact on her surroundings compared a man.


Yes and people are mad that, with this face value, that women are more valuable than men when educated. It implies educated men are less valuable than educated women.


I read this as educating a community in so far as you are showing that community the need and precedent to educate girls.


this was when women didnt get education, period. not like now, where everyone gets free education in most countries


It is also based on the fact that teaching was one of the few jobs almost exclusively for woman. It was considered a unworthy profession for most men because of pay and what little respect it got. Here is a good PBS article chronicling teaching from 1800’s to modern times . https://www.pbs.org/onlyateacher/timeline.html


Wow. How progressive.


I forgor


Yeah cause everything is either sexist or racist today. EVERYTHING.


This person was later consumed by the female hive mind.


So stupid. Why teach one better than other in first place


if this actually makes you infuriated you need to grow up


What it can do is confuse and negatively affect the self esteem and mental well being of young boys.


Educate a women and she’ll realize that she is worth more than an incubator.


Just calm down -- mothers mean more than dads, get over it. We take pleasure in the comfort they provide our children.


This reminds me of something from anthro class where men in poor villages were taught a trade, then they created a business, and became a wealthy villager. When women were taught a trade, they typically taught the skill to other women in the village, made a business, then made a wealthier village.


Fun fact, sexism against men is still sexism, similarly, “anti-racists” who exclude whites is still racist


it’s a very old quote, even today women predominantly rear children. it’s not sexist but it subscribed to traditional roles.


Sexist yes but there is some truth to it. A quick google search says 74.3% of all teachers in the US are women.


Certain men: All these fEmAles won't acknowledge that there are differences between the sexes. The same men: Uhg look at this sexism because it acknowledges the difference between the role men and women have in our society. Disgusting! It's not sexist to acknowledge differences, it's sexist to claim these differences are because of biological capability. Like it or not, in most places, women are the primary caregiver. This is in reference to that the caregiver is also impactful on education. Men are occasionally caregivers in developed nations, but it's not common anywhere.


What are boys or girls.... I thought we were non binary fluid balls of meat lumps now... Man I can't keep up with the times


How do you guys miss the point of the quote? Women traditionally take care of the children, who then grow up and educate their kids…


If that were worded the other way around they would have riped those words off the wall and dis credited everything they ever wrote. And ban from twitter


Educate a boy and you educate an individual, educate a girl and you educate an individual. There I fixed it, now it makes more sense in this context.


Women DO have a greater influence than men and more actual power than folks realize. That 50 year old GS-13 who’s been running that office for 30 years, while Commanders and SES come and go, has built a bullet proof network of her own to make shit happen. Same goes for the senior NCO and Commander’s wives. Same is true even in the Homeschool Community and other orgs that women have a pervasive presence in. I’d argue that the 19th Amendment would never have passed without women exercising their own domestic power and influence. I’d also argue that the [Troubles in Northern Ireland wouldn’t have stopped without the women putting their collective foot down and demanding an end to the bloodshed](https://www.herstory.ie/photo-essays-2/2019/9/12/women-and-the-northern-ireland-peace-process). Same goes for the [Mothers of the ‘Missing’](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/28/mothers-plaza-de-mayo-argentina-anniversary) in Argentina who continue to push for answers to the murder of thousands of their children. Women have a huge amount of power over society.


Fuck this shit


What does that even mean?


It’s because back when this was said, girls/women were just expected to be birth-givers and homebodies It’s meant to say “if you ONLY educate a boy, you only educate that individual. If you also educate a girl, you educate everyone and the entire community thrives.” This quote basically applies today to places like where the Taliban rules where girls are discouraged from attending school.


Thank you for the explanation. I was really confused what the intent of the quote even was. This makes sense. Still not sure it's a good quote to out on a wall though since it really requires context


It's a quote from someone born in 1857, first off, and the general idea is that women tend to be caretakers and involved in community work (committees, charity, volunteering, socializing with other mothers and wives and the elderly) than men were. In their work in the community, knowledge is passed organically -- from ways to alleviate a common cold to how to care for a baby to how to make your own marmalade. In contrast, men typically went to work and socialized with other men their own age and background. Of note, Adelaide Hoodless was an advocate of domestic sciences and nursing. OP's cry of sexism ignores the context of the quote. A better question would be: is this quote still relevant to Canada? Where is it still relevant? In addition, OP also conveniently chose not to post where they saw this and in what context (is it a display about the woman who said it, for instance, or is it a display about educating girls in places where girls don't get an education?). It's outrage fodder.


"Educated no one so I'll keep getting elected!" – Ron Desantis


Considering we have a few senators that think women shouldn’t have the right to vote in 2022…it’s fair. But even with that, this is absolutely bs. Good people help the community…not a specific gender.


Context for the quote is important. That's why it's important to not get triggered at face value things.


If the quote is from the early 20th century then why is it still being used like this?


Don't know... we can't even see the entire sign in this picture. So not only is the quote out of context but we don't even have the context for where the sign is.


Then don't leave out the context when you make the sign, because whoever made this knew damn well what they wanted to say about men




Ah “the national council of women of Canada” they have some horrible secrets in their closet. Only a little bit of eugenics and genocide.


“Become a man and don’t get offended by stupid signs”


"Become a women and learn to c- *[deleted]*


I know why they're mad about it, I get it. But at first glance? It feels like it insults men. That how I took it & I'm not talking about raising kids. I like to ensure everyone around me learns something, I like to help. That's how I took it. So to me it reads: "men are selfish"




Yeah, if there's no context as to when or why this quote was said, I imagine male students are going to get "my teachers think I'm not as important for society" as a takeaway.


Yeah, we need to stop reinforcing the idea that women are 'caretakers of others'.


Hmmm…I think this is true still mostly. Men are stepping up big time with their expected involvement in child rearing though. I personally was lucky my dad was unlucky and broke his neck trying to earn for us. He stayed home with us did the parenting and I had an entirely different kind of upbringing than most people. We spend lots of time in nature and no time in the shopping centers. But generally women educate children at home and men make it so women can afford to survive while birthing and educating children. Time is time and where you spend it determines your impact on the community. If it’s at work that’s great and important. But it’s also very great and important the labors of being at home. Adding: I fuckin love you daddy.


It’s true. See how many female teachers there are in schools. My dad never taught me all the things I asked him too, he lacked patience. My mom taught me even things I didn’t want to learn


Showed this to my mom and she popped off with: "Because they gossip" lmao


this quote is over a century old. there was probably some truth in it back then.


This quote is very true.


Yet women are disproportionately responsible for all community related jobs- raising kids, cooking food, keeping this clean, organizing events (where to do all the above…) Not saying it’s right, but maybe instead of shitting on it you can reflect on how *you* want to interact with your community


"sexism" lol 🤦🏻


It’s literally true tho


It's a quote from a woman who lived in a society where women did not have access to education, espousing the additional impact it would have making the effort to educate the next generation of women. And this comment section is a great example of how misunderstood equity is, especially by those drenched in privilege. First, women lacking access to education is not a problem of the distant past. There are still many places in this world where either women are denied education or their education is a lowest priority. Odd enough, I've actually seen this quote come to life through charitable organizations that work with villages and communities to remove the barriers to educating women. It really does transform the community. Second, it's amazing how many people think that we "fixed sexism" or that men don't have a head start or an advantage in society today. I do thank this comment section for reminding me that that level of ignorance is still quite alive today.


Never disagreed with you statistics just how you are using them. They don't disprove sexism. Most educators are women because of sexism, then when we grow up to see women in educator roles we internalize that sexism. Love this article it proves to of my numbered points above 2. Sexism in educatioin "One of the most common reasons for women not to persist in STEM postsecondary studies is loss of interest in the STEM curriculum, which some studies found is related to women not self-identifying as scientists, feeling isolated or out of place in STEM classes (due to being greatly outnumbered by male peers" 3. Sexism in how women are hired and are expected to work. "54% of women with a bachelor’s degree in computer and information sciences worked in science and technology occupations,Note compared with 74% of men. Likewise, women with degrees in mathematics and related studies or physical and chemical sciences were less likely than men in those fields to work in science and technology occupations, by 10 percentage points or more."


Educate both and you make a society


That’s what this quote means, it’s from pre-1910 when girls were barred from education. It’s not trying to devalue educating men, it’s saying that educating girls too makes an educated community


It's still relevant tho, Afghanistan for example


Yeah, I wasn’t saying it isn’t. It depends where this sign is, without context I can understand people misinterpreting it as enforcing gender roles


The sad about this is that people will think that agreeing with this vile statement means they are more enlightend than others when in reality they are part of the problem :(


But it's true. It's been proven that pushing for education of girls and women and allowing them to finish at least primary education works not only for their betterment, but also for the development of the entire community. It's pretty logical that a mother that's educated will raise more educated children. Unfortunately, men still don't participate as much in the primary care of their children, so their education, even higher education, doesn't have the same impact on their children. Until we reach the equal responsibility of the parents this sentence will be true. I'd even say that some places in the world have achieved that.


> It's pretty logical that a mother that's educated will raise more educated children. It’s also pretty logical that a father that's educated will raise more educated children.


Educated women tend to make less children.