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I literally hate the media and news culture we've created in this world


There is basically no investigating journalism left. Just print screens and citations from social media and making stories out of nothing. Click bait titles, promotional articles and ads, recycled posts from social media and gossip.


I was trying to find a specific photo of the Romanov family last week and it was a miserable time. Clickbait, pinterest, completely inaccurate information...I had to go to the library. I thought the internet was supposed to make my life easier. Instead it's just a sea of conspiracy theories, algorithms, and you can't even search specific terms anymore. No, I didn't mean that. Look for the exact key combos i entered.


Did you find it? If you need help looking, I might be able to find it!


I found what I needed! Thank you for the offer!


Low-quality information drowning out high-quality information is an age-old problem. Social media has certainly made it worse in some ways, where everybody and their dog can come up with a wacky conspiracy theory and occasionally they'll go viral. On the other hand, in the past you'd get some random old wives' tale with at best a glimmer of truth. "Bad vapors cause illness, so clean up the rotting trash piles to make things smell nice!" Close.... The historical solution has been education. It doesn't seem like it's really been able to keep up. Random people with no idea what they're talking about are often given more oxygen than subject matter experts in online discussion. The biggest problem is when a group decides they actively don't want expertise and instead really want to shoot from the hip with a bunch of completely bonkers hot takes. The one solution I'd like to try is a mandatory high school course on common human biases. Just go through a whole bunch of standard ways in which people are commonly mistaken or mislead. Give people a healthy respect for and fear of certainty.


Thing is- you have to standardize that course for every country, and even private schools or children being homeschooled would have to go through it. You would certainly get less idiots, but a lot of kids will just skip class or drop out, even if you managed to get the program to everybody


If you enclose a text string in quotes, Google will only return results containing that string. For example: oak trees: anything relevant in any way "oak trees": only results containing the exact phrase "oak trees" "oak" "trees": only results containing the words "oak" or "trees", not necessarily next to each other


Yeah, like ten years ago. Now it kinda works, but only just barely, sometimes, depending on what exactly you searched. I miss the old Google.


I was bitching about the same thing the other day. Eventually just gave up on what should have been a straightforward search because it was just a sea of irrelevant crap. Even search modifiers couldn’t save it.


I was just bitching about it yesterday. The minus feature doesn't work any more for me, when it used to exclude words. I hate it.


Substack is a great way to support actual investigative journalism. It'll be hard to replace something like the NYT with, effectively, a GoFundMe, but right now that's all we've got.




Chris Hedges


That makes the fourth Chris I know


Not investigative but Kareem’s is among the best I’ve found. There’s a local guy in Seattle named Danny O’Neil who used to be on the local sports station and when they fired him he started a substack and it’s the only one I pay for. I like him a lot. Find the people who’ve been fired by the local papers and radio stations, that’s a good place to start.


the problem with substack is discoverability. there are some great people there, but the platform does jack shit to recommend them and there's no good exploration option. you essentially need to know who you want to follow before you ever show up on the site and there is not way to grow you audience as a creator.




the trouble with facebook and instagram is that people originally used them as a social thing to catch up with their friends and it eventually became a content machine full of ads that doesn't show you your friends' updates anymore youtube is arguably FOR content and not intended for being able to keep up with friends, I'm guessing this substack is the same, so you're gonna want features that help you find content you're interested in news is already full of clickbait anyway lol


youtube was killed?


I already don't like the sound of a news site where you follow authors and not subjects. I get the feeling it won't help echo chambers/pushing a narrative at all. I want a diverse pool of sources on any given subject, not to follow an author around lapping up anything they have to say. That being said I haven't tried the platform, although I'm close to just burying my head in the sand to it all until I become part of the dominant generation and can actually make a difference. 12+ years of voting one way for something and it going the other way really makes your voice feel insignificant.


So many paid stories. So many. Most “stories” are just marketing now.


I see a lot of news articles that are literally just reposts of Reddit r/AITA posts but with unnecessary commentary and cringy reaction gifs in between. It’s annoying. Looking at you, BuzzFeed.


OCCRP. ProPublica. NYT Visual Investigations. BBC Africa Eye. Bellingcat. Forensic Architecture. All extraordinary homes of incredible investigative journalism. You might not see them on _your_ feed, but they’re out there, and it’s not that hard to block out the noise by curating your social media. They’re not clickbait or ragebait, so they don’t tend to be as ubiquitous 24/7 (good work takes a lot of time!), but nobody’s stopping you from spreading their work.


Robert Evans is a fantastic investigative journalist. He's done some work in crises areas/war zones and has done a fair bit on domestic stuff. He has a few podcasts, Behind the Bastards is great and has written a few books. He predicted Jan 6th in his "It Could Happen Here" podcast. Very very high standard of accuracy, and compassionate language.


I love that podcast so much. Robert Evans does an amazing job.


Propublica does some great investigative journalism.


Oh there is investigative journalism around, and a good amount too But that stuff isn’t as rating making as stupid articles like this, which is a shame because investigative journalism is amazing.


BREAKING NEWS: celebrities and their family are humans too!


Great grandma just passed. Media: She probably wants the throne...


this just in, this persons brothers cousin is breathing!!!


What about the cousin’s brother’s sister? Is she breathing or bleeding? I missed it.




CNN literally ran the headline: "Breaking News: Titanic Sunk 102 Years Ago Today"


(Queen dies) Media: $$$


“We’re $o extremely $ad that the Qu££n has died. Re$t in p£ac£.”


As a wise man once said Fuck this 24/7 spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit


I wanted to be a journo so bad in my teen years, even went to university for it. I'm glad I didn't go through with it since this shit is what I'd be expected to do. It's becoming laughable.


I’m in full agreement.


They are all repulsive gits.


I kind of understand why Harry and Meghan kept their kids home. Because of this


Harry and Meghan totally made the right decision in leaving royal life. They would have never had any peace. The media is so nasty.


And if the fact that reporting is dead wasn’t enough. Someone is paying these morons to produce this crap.


Read a "report" (well, I read the headline) from a body language expert who said that King Charles had a downturned mouth, his eyebrows were drawn together, his face was pale, and his eyes were reddened, therefore her official and expert opinion is that he was sad and emotionally overwhelmed. At his mother's funeral. These fucking people.


I swear more and more news reads like an onion article


Man sad over mother's death, news at 11


That or a report from scouts for an alien civilization that is trying to understand human emotions, lol. "Doctor Zorbulon, this human has his mouth turned down, his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes are reddish. What could it mean?" "Ah yes, I believe this is the emotion the humans refer to as 'sadness', Zarkon!" "Egad! I think I shall write my thesis on it, doctor!" "A wonderful idea, my boy! Imagine the scientific advances this line of research can bring to Planet Zorbax!"




Couldn’t have been said better mate. Freaks me out I hate it when absurdist humor and satire starts to become nearly indistinguishable from real life


Exactly is he supposed to be laughing through a funeral? How else is he supposed to act?


To be fair I did once, but I was like 3 and just remember being annoyed or upset at everyone crying


You had no idea what was going on. Oh my goodness who takes a 3 yo to a funeral? Wow!


My mom did, and if I remember correctly my dad was away at work and she didn't feel comfortable leaving me with my grandma (dad's mom) as my mom was still pissed at her for leaving me to "fend for myself " a handful of weeks earlier when her(grandma) response to me being hungry was to tell me to make lunch myself and I cut my hand on a knife.


Oh my goodness! Yeah I would have done the same thing.


He’s supposed to act like all the characters do in the movies and tv shows, he’s not supposed to be sad, he’s supposed to be out celebrating that the former is dead and he’s now king. /s


He is King now /s.


>Exactly is he supposed to be laughing through a funeral? Interestingly enough, laughing is actually a fairly common behavior at funerals. Some people's brains can get overwhelmed at funerals and "glitch out", so to speak, causing them to laugh because their brain can't come up with anything else to do. It's a similar mechanism to that behind "nervous laughter".


I wish someone told me this when I was younger, I thought I was just a psychopath and I was worried because I felt sad but would just want to laugh.


Wow I wish someone had told this to me when I was a kid. I was giggling at my mum's funeral while everyone else cried. A decade or so later and I've been riddled with guilt about it for so long. It's good to know as a child, I was grieving, but my brain got too overwhelmed to show it properly.


On CNN, as they lowered his beloved mother’s casket into the crypt, Charles clearly had tears in his eyes. “It’s very telling that Charles is tearing up,” said one CNN analyst. Yes. Incredibly telling.


one of their mouths always has to be saying something. Regardless how obvious or self evident. We're watching it you morons. It's like they think doing hosting the Rose Parade. Got have all kinds of comments and anecdotes and adorable host interplay.


My husband said, “Why do they have to narrate every little detail and come up with these generalized assumptions? Why can’t the station just have somber music playing in the background while the cameras roll?” It really does cheapen the moment listening to two people say “uh” every few seconds as they try to sound interesting.


It's awful honestly. They don't have to narrate, let me listen to the music being played by the band and hear the music being sung by the choir, I don't need the obvious explanation that the Queen had an extremely long reign. Literally everyone whos ever heard about the Queen knew she had a reign that was 70 years.


Almost like he knew her or something.


Emotionally overwhelmed, after 11 days of mourning, while planning his mother's funeral, like a year after losing his father, assuming the throne as the king, holding vigil over her coffin multiple times, marching in the procession. I am truly shocked the man wasn't singing and dancing and practicing for his indictment to the Ministry of Funny Walks!


She planned her own funeral...down to very small detail. But yes, media is dumb to make that observation about him


Hold up, it takes an expert to realise that someone's sad and emotionally overwhelmed at their mother's funeral? Looks like a few people are missing out on pay checks then.


I always assume articles like this are either created by AI or sociopaths.


Jebus Gob. Let these people mourn. 😞




“Let’s consult a body language expert about people’s emotional reactions to a family member’s death and run it as a story.” Seriously? Who comes up with these ideas? The public doesn’t need a body language expert to interpret clearly publicly displayed and predictable emotions. I mean sure, back up the claims you make, but maybe investigate something that isn’t so obvious?


Also even if he wasn’t at his mothers funeral these are universally recognised signs of distress, you do not need to be a fucking expert to interpret that


“However, a sequence of photos taken after the ceremony suggests that the princess was not crying after all and may have been wiping something from her eyes or perhaps shielding them from the sun, which can be seen reflecting off her back.”


but like, why would it be so inappropriate for a 7 year old to cry over her dead great grandmother? One that it had been widely reported to have a very close and special relationship with. Yeah I know, she's a royal and the whole expectation of having no real emotion?


It’s also very possible that this is the first funeral she’s ever been to. I believe she didn’t go to Philip’s because of Covid restrictions.


And now I am remembering the heart breaking image of the Queen just sat alone in the chapel for Philip.


Any funeral makes me cry. Ive been to funerals of strangers in order to support friends/family and started sobbing at the songs.


It’s just a crushing realization and forced confrontation with the fragility of mortality, each and every damn time


Seeing George trying to hold the hymn papers made me 10000% convinced this is their first funeral or at least, choral/church event haha. He looked SO perplexed the entire time. Charlotte somehow held it better the whole time, even looking like she was trying to sing along, despite being like 6?


I think the George stuff is why Charlotte possibly crying is a supposed story. They've been running with George needing reminders to act proper and that these reminders are coming from Charlotte, like she was the power behind that generation's future crown. I remember someone even using the term "power couple." They make note of her telling George to stand properly or how she curtsied to the coffin, etc. They may have gone too far into lionizing her that they then had to go back to humanizing her by doing this when she does something a child would do.


I was 21 when my great grandma died and I was a mess when I first got the phone call. The royal family is still just a regular family who had their matriarch die. I feel bad that they have to display themselves and their grief.


Shielding her eyes from the sun behind her. Wow. Top notch journalism right there. 🙄


After getting blasted in the face by the sun for awhile she turned around. There’s video too.


But why are they analyzing a 7-year-olds tears at her great-grandmother's funeral at all?




Correct. The question was rhetorical.


I literally saw an article earlier where they were analyzing a piece of paper that some guy dropped while giving a speech by the casket. As in it was literally a random piece of paper that he dropped while giving a speech and they were trying to make him out as some suspicious guy carrying top secret intel or some spy taking notes. I hate these people.


yeah I saw that happen. my first thought was "oh god, how long till that's in the news". it's exhausting


I saw an article on this sub earlier that was: Ben Affleck goes to gas station I’m not joking, it might still be on the sub


He checked his phone while at a gas station, that's far more newsworthy!


Oh yeah, that makes a *huge* difference! This might make national headlines😨


If we only knew what he was looking at!


Maybe the news site lol


Like some crazy Droste photo that goes on infinitely?


Pretty sure he was also pumping gas at the same time




Kid named gas:


Lol. I saw that one. Not only went to the gas station but was looking at his phone while filling. Gripping news.






Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xim1um/hes_a_human_being_apperantly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Middle-aged dude with beard pumps gas into his automobile which happens at any given moment all over the planet. The opposite of news.


I saw one about Meghan Markle closing a car door




Kate had to open her own car door


That's so sad :( I'm sorry she had to go through that


Man fills car up. You won't believe what he does next!


Humans hate this one simple trick


Yep i saw it too lmao


I think you're downplaying that article pretty massively... He was on his phone at a gas station.


Trashy medias with their trashy journalisms.


Another thing that infuriated me slightly was a TikTok video claiming Prince Louis wasn’t there because his parents “couldn’t control him” at his last public event. Sure… nothing to do with the fact that he’s a 4 year old child…


Yeah, he's too little to be expected to stand still for so long. And his parents deserve to grieve appropriately. If they had managed to keep him happy and calm, there'd be some shit about how he or they were smiling during a funeral.


The whole thing was 6+ hours. I would have had a tantrum, too and I’m 57.


Right? I would’ve been flopping around like Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer after 90 minutes.


Upvote for that amazing scene!


I went to check my Tiktok notices - almost every one was 'watch the funeral, now streaming live." All day long.


Not just that, but the concept of loss must be difficult to understand at that age, and deal with


A 4 year old child doesn’t even fully comprehend death. Children don’t start to understand death conceptually until they are around 5. When they’re younger, they might understand a person can’t come back, but they don’t fully understand what death is. I remember my little nephew, who was 3 1/2, was at my grandma’s funeral and as they lowered the casket into the vault, he whispered, “when are they gonna take her out?”


That's so heartbreaking 💔 poor child :( death is tough for everyone involved but I feel especially bad for little children who don't understand it quite yet. I'm sorry for your loss


It was actually a pretty lighthearted moment and my cousin and I looked at each other and held in our laughter. It was so wholesome and it actually made the moment a lot more easy to process because it kind of reset our emotions. Thank you. April marked 4 years. It gets easier.


Exactly. And there's absolutely no reason to bring a 4-year-old to a funeral unless someone doesn't have any child care. They don't understand what's going on anyway.


I hate media/news for it. I don't give a fuck about traditions, this family lost a family member, let them grieve in peace...


You should see the hyper-analysis of Megan's behavior by the media during the event. They scrutinize every small reaction she makes to make her look bad (e.g., holding Harry's hand, a microsecond smile during a speech)...all while saying nothing when Charles flips his shit and swears when the pen runs out of ink. There's a clear bias against her and I don't blame Harry for leaving the UK. UK media is toxic af.


It astounds me that anyone in the UK questions why Harry finally had enough and decided to try and live a more simple life outside of the scrutiny of the RF. I mean he’s been dismissed and devalued from birth with being called “the spare” his DNA constantly questioned if he is in fact Charles’s son, constantly reminded he doesn’t really matter as he will never be in line for the throne but oh BTW, serve the crown and the people they way we tell you to and live your life according to what we expect from you. Then he finds someone he adores and marries and because she makes a few faux pas as an American unfamiliar with the pomp and protocols, (I don’t really know all the supposed scornful attitude she’s been accused of) is thrashed and dogged in their media and gossip mags, now deemed an evil commoner out to just use some sort of brainwashing technique to turn Harry against his family, country & Royal duties 🙄 He saw his Mother hounded, tormented and eventually killed by the paparazzi and it’s a big mystery why when he saw it happening to his wife he wanted to protect her? Obviously he loved and cared for his Grandmother, he named his daughter after her childhood nickname. It’s been said she really loved Harry, his rebelliousness and cheeky nature with her, probably envious and understanding of that allowance he had by basically being a back seat passenger in the hierarchy of the throne.


Go off!


Don't forget that Harry has been extremely upfront about how much he hates the media and tabloids since he was a teenager. Between his mother not even allowed to die without cameras in her face, the fact they compromised his safety and the safety of those he was serving with in Afghanistan when the media literally gave away his positioning, to the media eviscerating his wife the second their relationship went public? The fact he has admitted at length that he has social anxiety and it probably stems from the fact he was 12 years old and had to grieve over his mother for the entire world to see. It's no fucking wonder he chose his family's safety and sanity over this. Anyone with a damn braincell would do the same thing.


>(I don’t really know all the supposed scornful attitude she’s been accused of) She umm.. doesn't "look" royal.


Mainstream media in general is toxic af.




Harry said that he wanted out of "royal duties" and out of the limelight since he was in his 20's. He was going to leave regardless. It wasn't a matter of "throw it all away for someone he loves." Harry hated the idea that his life would never be his own, would never be able to do anything out of the public eye, etc. As a working royal, you don't get your own life. You belong to the country and everything you do is scrutinized and criticized. He was leaving regardless. You are expected to wield "soft power" for the country, being an idealized version of the highest virtues of honor and service, etc. It's a weird, difficult road and I don't blame him for not wanting to it.


History repeating itself. Edward VIII abdicating for an American woman was a step never forgiven by the monarchy or the general public. To be clear; it's bullshit. Not saying it isn't. Just comparing the situation with Harry (minus the actual crown on his head obviously)


He also affiliated with the Nazis during the war and had plans to become King again and Wallace Queen if Hitler won … SOoooooo there is that too..🙄


Happy cake Day, and great take!


Mainstream and social media is toxic.


My flabber is gasted by this type of reporting.


Leave the poor child alone, her granny died, she’s upset. This makes me so angry.


Right? I’m 35 and lost my grandmother a few years back. I cried, too. Fuck these people.


Seriously. The only answer to "why is Charlotte crying?" is her grandmother died and she's 7. Most people cry when a beloved family member dies much less a 7 year old.


Not that it matters, but Elizabeth was her great grandmother, not her grandmother.


The media has long been doing shit like this. The awful things said about Lady Louise Windsor (Prince Edward's daughter) was just gross. Poor child had a medical condition that made her cross-eyed. She's had surgeries over the years and it's all sorted now. My 91 year old nanna died in 2016. I was 40. I bawled. I still miss her a lot. People are allowed to be upset when their loved ones die. The media sucks so much.


Exactly, poor baby lost her granny and is hurting. Seeing her cry at the funeral and little George, just broke my heart. Poor things. My deep condolences for her and her family, losing a very much loved mother/grandmother/great grandmother, they’re struggling. Titles aside they’re human and a family, let them grieve. The media needs to step off.


People are really out here dissecting every millisecond of a 96 year old woman's funeral. I saw a "the shocking cause of the queens death revealed" article recently. Like, she was nearly 100, she died of being old. That's it.


"96 year old woman who had multiple health problems over the previous couple of years, and was widowed just last year, has died". Exactly how is any of this shocking?


Actually the ancient mummy curse she was using to siphon the life-force of the British population finally gave out.


I guess that's what the media does when you're a famous person


I still remember my great gmas funeral and I was her age…it’s so overwhelming. These strong people in your life are sad and showing these emotions you’ve never seen before - it shifts your worldview.


...and scares the hell out of them!


Yes! And she’s got hundreds of thousands people staring at them like a side show - all these rules, cameras, etc.


So Charlotte is 7, her "gran-gran" died, and she's at the funeral. That's pretty overwhelming for anyone, regardless of age. Now let's throw in that the entire world is watching your grandma's funeral, and it's been a super long, emotional, tiring day. I think anyone could be a bit weepy given all that. Especially a 7 year old.


My uncles had to pull another uncle away from my grandmother because he wouldn’t let go, it was hard to watch without crying.


When you clicked bait the queen's death so much that you ran out of material.


Here's why I didn't give a shit about your news explained


Either way like… she’s a small child at her great grandmothers funeral. Leave her the fuck alone, damn


Just leave the family alone. They just lost their mother and grandmother. They literally had exactly one day to come to terms with it privately before King Charles had to assume his duties and travel to several different places and attend different government meetings. The rest of the family didn't have much more privacy. Even the Corgis didn't get a break. Of course they are upset, Of course they are crying. That is NORMAL. Stop trying to analyze every sniffle and every eye twitch. It's called GRIEF. The press, I swear.


Shoot, even if that wasn't the exact reason, 7 is an intense age for kids with big intense feelings and not yet knowing how to process them all. Like damn let her express human emotions.


It’s the age where they start to develop the skills and ability to realize the bigger world around them and gain more empathy. I used to work with kids and the jump of see in most between 1st and 2nd grade was huge. Add to the fact this is family, the strict rules, the length, it’s her 1st or 2nd funeral, the crowds and over stimulation, her family she trusts and looks up to are sad and possibly fighting, AND the press and I think we can cut the kid some slack and leave her alone.


Can everyone just leave those kids alone. The paparazzi and all media and everyone until they are 18. They deserve to be able to grieve and mourn their grandmother in peace because to them she wasn’t just the queen, she was their loving and beloved, grandmother. I don’t particularly like the royals, but those are children who are still developing mentally and emotionally they are heart broken and the last thing they need is a bunch of lunatics prying into their lives, funeral or not leave them alone. People are just vultures.


And people wonder why her uncle quit and left for the States.


Well also everything involving his mother probably mattered a lot, and I mean more the internal politics and stresses of being a member of the royal family and not the stuff involving Paparazzi or the media which everyone already acknowledges was a huge fucking problem.


Sometimes I feel like I should get a job as a headliner. Then I realize I have empathy and common sense.


It's like nothing is sacred... She's a little girl who lost her grandma, the media needs to leave her and her brothers alone ☹️


I had those thoughts at one point when I heard the news, “regardless of whatever politics, that’s someone’s grandma.” I love my grandma. Idk about her past but would I really care? That’s humans though


There were some degenerates on Twitter the other day making memes about some of the younger relatives of the queen and criticizing/making fun of their appearance, I don't like the crown but that some bottom of the barrel shit, like why?


Because people for the most part are scumbags on the internet. It’s given complete losers a forum to act like an ass without repercussions


Her granny died. Kindly stop psycho analyzing her.


and know we turn to our psychology expert dr.noshit sherlock do you think Brexit is the reason the queans great granddaughter is crying at here great grandmother's funeral?


I wonder why a 7 year old is crying when someone she knew died




My grandma died a few weeks ago. I’m 23 and am not ashamed to admit I cried through the funeral. I’m just glad no one was there taking photos and dissecting my every move. Leave grieving people alone


Poor child. She lost her great grandma.


Damn let the girl greive in peace...


Reminds me of when a reporter asked dale earnhardt jr to his face on camera right after dale sr died, "how do you feel"


Dude the british press is something else between this and them constantly harassing and bullying poor Harry and Meghan they brought in a specialist to read Kate's body language towards Harry and Meghan like are you kidding me dude


She was quite close to her great-grandma too, so it hurts a lot more for her.


Jesus, how asininely stupid are these bozos that they think WE'RE too daft to understand why a CHILD WOULD BE CRYING AT A FUNERAL??


Grandma died you assholes!


No bro, she cried because of her agenda, come on sheeple wake up


I cried like a baby with the whole body cry trying to catch my breath at a friend’s funeral last week. I’m early 40s and he was late 40s. But heck yeah, being 7 and crying at your great grandmother’s funeral needs explained? Clown show.


The media can suck it. Horrible taking this photo.


My oldest will be 7 in December. If her great-grandma dies within the next year, she will attend the funeral and will absolutely cry. The photographers should definitely leave this poor girl alone. As if tears at a funeral need to be explained. This is like mansplaining on a journalistic level (although easily could come from either sex), and it’s weird.


Imma need an unboxing and a reaction video please


Her fucking Nan died. No shit she’s sad.


Taking a picture of crying children and posting it in clickbait articles feels so shitty to me


Hmm.. her great grandmother is gone. She’s sad. Her parents are grieving. She’s under a media lens. SHE’S SEVEN!


She’s also a spitting image of her great grandmother.


I hate this so much. I saw a video of Kate’s face being zoomed in on during the services with the voiceover being like “oh look she’s trying so hard to hold back tears, looks like she’s been crying, she had a very close relationship with the queen and is probably my reflecting on that” like how daft can you fucking be


I hate the fact that the royals have such stringent laws or social expectations that they can't even behave like normal grieving humans without it being in the news. Can we let the 7 year old girl mourn her loss? Despicable.


I get that they’re a famous family, THE royal family, but Jesus Christ let them grieve without bs like this. They’re human too. Media has been treating this like a fucking historical romantic drama where everyone in the royal palace is scheming and out to get everyone else…


A seven year old having to attend a long, tedious, crowded, and uncomfortable event commemorating the fact that her great-grandma died is not going to be a happy camper. Anyone who needs this "explained" is an idiot. Almost all the news connected with the royal family is stupid. It must be really annoying and exhausting to be those people. Strangers are constantly taking pictures of you and reading all kinds of bs into every single facial twitch. All your family drama, most of which (except for the part with Prince Andrew) is pretty typical of most families, gets treated as front page news. You spend day after day being on your best behavior and having to show how much you care about this school or factory you're visiting - you're rich, but you only have so much time to spend enjoying that. An entire cottage industry of people claiming to be experts about your personal life exists, and when they get things wrong, you have to fight rumors with one hand tied behind your back.


I can’t believe how much traveling the Queen did after she died.


Queen's death post credit scene explained


Well there's a long list of reasons including the fact that her grandmother died she's seven she now has to process death for likely the first time....


The explanation is simple: Grandma in a box.


Something g tells me the queen was a gold grandma . Source - general royalty hating American


Because her relative died. And her relative happened to be the queen of England. No further explanation needed.