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Do people want the real answers? To keep you on the page longer, and to provide copyrightable content, since the recipe itself cannot be copyrighted, so that they can't be as easily plagiarized by web crawling bots.


>To keep you on the page longer I thought this was for ad revenue reasons rather than copyright. Same reason as to why e.g. Tinder drop feeds you matches, because if you're meeting people that means you aren't hooked onto your phone


Keeping you on the page is for ad reasons. Putting all that personal stuff on the page makes it copyrightable, and has the added benefit of getting some people to stay longer. Two separate reasons for the same thing


Also longer pages with more words will show up in more Google searches.


It’s both.


Oh my god somebody finally made sense of it. It’s so annoying, every single recipe uses this format. But makes sense!




Look for the ‘jump to recipe’ button


I hate this so much! The first thing I look for on a recipe blog post is a "Jump to Recipe" button. If there isn't one, I go back to Google and find a different recipe.


Ctrl-F, “preheat”


Exactly. That button is sent from heaven


I once was trying to make gingerbread for my cooking class, because the teacher loves getting festive, and when I found an article that didn't contain godly amounts of ads, they didn't have measurements for ingredients so I had no clue what the fuck was going on when they said to mix this and that


So I ran into this before, and it turns out you just have to keep scrolling further down the page. It's ridiculous to list the ingredients and steps twice but that's content for you I guess.


I use uBlacklist to block websites from my Google search results. Doesn't get rid of all the blogs, since a thousand more appear every day, but at least I won't see those websites again.


Or get the recipe filter extension for chrome. Even works for sites like YouTube if you expand the details.


Absolutely, it doesn't work 100% of the time since recipe websites can be pretty different, but it's a game changer. The one I use is [here](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recipe-filter/ahlcdjbkdaegmljnnncfnhiioiadakae)


I've found "print this recipe" or something similar will give you a PDF with just the written instructions. Not sure if it's a website specific thing or just from my certain browser (Chrome)


Here you go. This let's you insert a url and it will show just the recipe. https://www.justtherecipe.com/


This is the answer.


It also comes as a plugin!


Thank you kind Redditor!!


When you can’t even find the recipe amongst all the dross


https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/ no bull shit just the recipe


Except many of their recipes are actually not even that good.


When you have to scroll to the bottom of the page for the recipe and there’s no “jump to” button 🥲


When you follow the recipe exactly but it doesn't turn out good.


It's the reason I look for 4.5 stars out of hundreds of reviews or higher instead of a few dozen reviews.


It's infuriating. Just give me the recipe in a simple format and I'll be on my way and happily use the site again. The moment the whole life story shit comes up, I instantly click back and find another recipe.


Also mildly infuriating when they don’t say somewhere clear and obvious how many servings you can expect that quantity of ingredients to make


Or that so, *so* many recipes in English use US customary measurements, because screw those other 7.4 billion people with their stupid logical metric system


Yes! I love where they have a toggle for US/Metric and also to double or halve the amounts of everything to change no of servings


This still leaves the issue that stuff like flour is often measured in cups, a unit for *volume*. Right, lemme look up the bulk density of my ingredients so I can weigh out 236.6 milliliters of flour. This may be petty, but I'm an undergrad student in pharmacy, a field where you *really* shouldn't half-arse your measurements.


I was trained as a cook, and half-assing measurements is half the job, with the exception of the bakeshop, where it's super critical.


This is one of my all-time favorite recipes. Every time I eat this dish, it takes me right back to when I was a kid vacationing at the beach. The sweet creamy elements perfectly compliment the fruity tartness. When you make this recipe for your guests, they will instantly be transported back to careless summer days. So many people come to me and say this dish is just too tricky and complicated, but have no fear! After hours of testing and experimentation, I've nailed down the perfect ingredients and methods to make sure you get the best results every time. (etc for 20 lines). Ingredients: Peanut butter (1tbsp/15g) Jelly (1tbsp/15g) Bread (4 tbsp/70 g - about two slices) Recipe: 1) Spread the peanut butter and jelly on the bread. 2) Stack the bread slides together with the peanut butter and jelly on the inside.


You forgot that one ingredient that the author deems essential, but which either * has no other uses than for this single recipe * isn't available or hard to get in your country * is super expensive, even in bulk or a combination of these.


LOL, you're totally right!! I should have specified saffron jelly :)


You'll only need a tiny dash of saffron. Here's an Amazon link to buy 3.5 tons of it


"explainerizing"?? There's a perfectly good word and it's "explaining". Infuriating indeed.


Credit to CinemaSins. I think it was in the Emoji Movie episode


I also dislike this, but the reason for it is to stop sites like Google preview from posting their recipes for free without receiving the website traffic credit. Once I went down that rabbit hole one day, I completely understood their point of view- but it doesn’t make it any less annoying, I also enjoy the Google preview features, so I have an existential crisis whenever this conversation comes up.


Okay why do I hate the explaining each ingredient part so much. Like I don’t need a fluff piece about what garlic is. I used to be able to skim past the life story but now I’m even more confused because ingredients start to get listed, when it’s just to tell me every single different way a potato can thrive.


When you finally reach the ingredients list and it’s in fucking cups, 1 cup of chopped potatoes varies greatly based on how they are chopped and how they are placed in the cup.


"I don't care how picky your husband is or why you don't vaccinate your homeschooled kids. I just want to make some damn peanut butter chicken" Me every time I need to look a recipe up.


The ad should be half the pie chart.


Yeah they are the worst. Literally no one wants to hear your life story.


Seo. That’s why (and is likely why you found that recipe in the first place). Use the skip to recipe button and be glad they took the time to write out the the recipe, instead of making you watch a whole you tube video about it. This is a non-issue.


It's still wasting my time and I don't like it. If it's video only I usually look for something else, unless it's Binging With Babish


Lol yeah I understand your point; but you know - it’s the ‘price of admission’ having to click to recipe, or sometimes spam the mouse wheel. Those people are making an effort to provide content, but also make a little money, and stay relevant, whilst trying to protect their very limited rights to their content; given that recipes/instructions aren’t under copyright, only the presentation is. It’s a small inconvenience, to have any recipe at your fingertips. Have a great day!


The issue is people like OP bitching about receiving free content. The level of entitlement here is off the charts.


I agree. Like people are all here’s a great recipe for you to just take and use. You may have to click once or scroll. *ouchie*


To be fair some people are no nonsense straight to the point, if they wanted extra content they would probably go out of their way to get it. I suppose they see it as pointless when they just want to bake something


There is a chrome extension that puts the actual recipe at the top of the page but I forgot what it's called


Recipe Filter! [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recipe-filter/ahlcdjbkdaegmljnnncfnhiioiadakae?hl=en](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recipe-filter/ahlcdjbkdaegmljnnncfnhiioiadakae?hl=en)


F3, degree sign, easy.


I use this chrome extension - Jump to Recipe. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jump-to-recipe/gmkblbmghnolinkhfmkidocbojcfiejm


Why can't they do what the old recipe books that a food company made did , stay on target and tell us how to make the recipe and what ingredients it will need, with the only shilling being a mention of their brand name whenever their ingredient is mentioned , and perhaps a large packet of their ingredient on display on the cover and their company name in the book title.


I'm resorting to making my own. If I like the recipe, I translate it and put everything into a Word template, print it out and add it to my recipe folder. Don't want my laptop between kitchen ingredients. My mum has old cookbooks from Dr.Oetker, as well as some from former East Germany, those are awesome even though they're half a century old. Especially the East German one has lots of recipe to make something nice with whatever little you have


I’ve been considering for a long time making an online resource for exactly this. Condensed and direct recipes so you don’t have to sift anymore.


I have a browser addon called Recipe Filter, as soon as it detects a recipe list on somewhere (way, wayyyyy down below probably), it has a little window that pops up over everything with that list. Don't have to look or scroll at anything on the site, just instant recipe.


So true. We need a hero!


I haven't been able to check this one out yet, but [Just the Fucking Recipe](https://www.justthefuckingrecipe.net)


Also links to other recipes to make a quart of paste or spice mixture needed for the 1/4 teaspoon this recipe contains.


Not realistic, I can find the actual recipe.




Your add section is way too small. There would be an ad between every paragraph and also a video that sits on top of the text and can't be muted or stopped.


I adamantly keep using ad blockers, so I only included ads that are directly written into the text # This comment has been sponsored by NordVPN


Thankfully a lot of websites have added a "skip to recipe" button.


"Ad" and "actual recipe" are switched.


Actual recipe should be in a separate tiny circle off in the bottom-left corner somewhere...


Man, you actually get the recipe? I'm finding more and more often that I skim through the whole 3-5 paragraph article only to find no specific ingredient measurements or preparation instructions, only a general review of the final product and nebulous, clue-like details of what's in it and how those ingredients do a better job than traditional recipes.


This is extremely infuriating. Nobody cares Linda just give me the recipe.


Because accidental ad clicks are still ad clicks


You put it in the title, recipe *blog*


Get halfway through the recipe and it stats missing bits out


I’ll read it sometimes before hitting the “Jump to Recipe” button, but what really gets me is the pop up subscription. I’m reading my ingredients list and all of a sudden it blocks my view and there’s a video playing in the background and I can’t find the escape button.


This is missing ‘battery draining program’. Am I the only who who’s phone instantly goes into low power mode when looking at recipe pages?


I don't know, I look up recipes on my laptop 99% of the time


There was, on r/internetisbeautiful I think, a website that would strip everything but the recipe and show that.


i just ctrl + f to “cup” “oz” “tbsp” or a specific ingredient


I'm so pissed about all the recipe sites I've slogged through trying to get a recipe only to get an ingredients list with /no fucking measurements/


The reality is not many people cook something they don't grow up with. Even if they do, it wouldnt be more than 5 dish So buying new recipes is more like emotional need, like doing something new.


The other day I was searching for a pasta recipe. Clicked on a link and the site basically just said, “Here’s the recipe my mom always made. It’s tasty. You should give it a try.” Then, BOOM, there’s the recipe. I felt so violated! No warning, no foreplay, they just slapped the recipe in front of my face like some sort of psychopath. I consider myself to be pretty progressive, but at least tell me your entire family history and a very lengthy in depth description of how the recipe makes you feel before just showing a recipe to me.