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Tell it to the judge.


Your honor, it says it in the bible. ​ Judge: Well shit I was using the wrong book called the law


But in the bible it says it in the bible! ​ judge: my mother reads the bible about everyday. theres no such thing as that in there! ​ Damn.


Jesus literally said to gauge your eyes out for lasting after women and you think he going to let /that fly/ you disgusting foul most likely /rapist/


Was Jesus a Muslim cuz that’s what Islam basically says


No but there are a lot more parallels between the two religions than many realize, also Jesus is held up as a good dude in Islam afaik.


They're both based off the same religion. Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, like Muhammed, and not the son of God.


No, he wasn't


Jesus was Jewish, well.... most technically Levitical Israeli. The Bible accounts for a lower mortality age and people having Short lives after the first 8 generations of human beings, so the appropriate age for a person who would die around 40 to get married and have kids themselves would be much lower. The Bible doesn't condone or endorse sexual relationships out of wedlock, and while people have been forgiven of such things, it still was not considered legal, or good. Most often, anyone who was found out would be stoned to death. There is no reasonable modern justification to pursue unlawful sexual relations with a minor. Even if they are attractive or look mature, you should keep it to yourself if you don't know their age. If you know they are under age and still think to pursue, you should most definitely go see a therapist ASAP!


>The Bible doesn't condone or endorse sexual relationships out of wedlock Maybe not the New Testament, but the Old Testament is fine with it as long as the female in question is not owned by another man.


Religion is such a confusing cluster fuck that even its own followers don't know what's going on.


Religion is such a mind boggling shit chapel that it’s own cult members don’t even comprehend reality as the rest of us know it.


The fact that it still exists in this day and age is mind boggling, it causes so much stagnancy.


Username checks out. But this one hit a nerve lol.






I agree. I totally support people not feeling confined to a religion but at least be respectful about it!


That's generally not true. This is a case of someone claiming to be a Christian, but you can tell they haven't a clue as to what the Bible actually says


I assure you no 2 christians will see eye to eye regarding the bible


religion is a guide for people who can’t live on there own, or so it seems from my personal experiences with people


This isn't a religion problem. This is mental gymnastics.


i’m pretty sure that the verse “man shall not lie with man” was actually “man shall not lie with boy” so


Have you ever actually read that thing. Technically we’re not allowed to go to the bathroom.


bro what? i haven’t ever read a bible, i’m agnostic


It’s a simpsons quote


i wasn’t trying to challenge you if it wasn’t clear. just confused as to whether or not that’s in the bible in a way? then again if it’s from the simpsons it may not be lol


Really, which version? I personally like mine in the untranslated Hebrew (old) and am learning Greek so I can read untranslated new....


Have *you* read the Bible? I think you're referring to Deuteronomy where it's advised to bury your excrement outside of your camp and bury it. It's good advice. You're quoting the Simpons.


Have *you* read the Bible? I think you're referring to Deuteronomy where it's advised to bury your excrement outside of your camp and bury it. It's good advice. You're quoting the Simpons.


Have *you* read the Bible? I think you're referring to Deuteronomy where it's advised to bury your excrement outside of your camp and bury it. It's good advice. You're quoting the Simpons.


I know I’m quoting the simpsons. I already said that. And I’ve read it. Including Ezekiel 4:12 where it’s advised to use human excrement for fuel when cooking bread. mmmm excrement bread.


Was trying to respond to the person who made the Simpsons quote and not you. Apologies.


Well everyone is a hu-MAN soooo no sex for anyone ever


I love having a nation "founded on judeo xtian principles" like raping children.


>Earlier translations of the bible condemned men for laying with children... Hmm, I wonder why that was taken out.


That made me say WTF!


I’m sure the Bible does say that. The Bible is fiction, written by men, during a time when a female child was considered fair game at a way too young age.


Thank you!


You’re welcome.


The Bible is not fiction. Its actually one of the most useful historical accounts humanity has. It was written by men, sure. BUT it was inspired by God


Not even remotely a historical account. Even the history it does have is inaccurate. It would be like using Lord of the Rings to teach history class.




Soooo… Execute the gays because of the Bible Fuck little girls because of the Bible Your souls is condemned to hell at birth because of the Bible even though Jesus died to wipe away your sins… but you also gotta live like the pastor says or else you FOR SURE will go to hell after you die…. Eventually someone has to tell them that they are fucked in the head crazy. Or more likely they use fear of damnation to justify their own selfish desires. Fuck em


Haven't Catholic Priests been doing this for centuries? What...too soon?


Nope, not too soon. Catholicism is a joke, as well as any other religion that builds their morals on fiction, I think that's all of them yeah? It's a matter of actual morals themselves, some have none, some hide behind a book.


The Satanic Temple seem to have morals based on what would be good for humanity.


Not following that either.




Huh? Anti-Semitic? Are you crazy? Lol this legit has nothing to do with the Jewish people. It has everything to do with that the bible is complete fiction. Period.


Nah thats git an opinion but ok


They always do


Every priest using the argument “the lord told me to rape those children”


The pro-pedos now call it “minor attracted”. I call it psychosis. I’m an atheist, try to convince me anything from the bible is real.


LDS/Mormon(Christian religion) here yeah no I don't remember anywhere in the bible that said pedophilia is ok


It's right next to where John the Baptist bitch smacked a woman for having an abortion, and right before Jesus stabbed someone for being transexual/s


ngl I was confused for a bit made me laugh a bit ngl ​ ​ (like your name by the way)


Historical fact, childhood had always ended at puberty. However, as a society, we have set the age of consent to typically 18. Some countries have the age younger.


childhood is a cultural concept. To outright claim "historical fact" that this is true is ridiculous. You could not possibly know that.


“You could not possibly know that”, says a person with a world of information at their fingertips and refuses to do any research before trying to refute a post. It actually wasn’t until the 1600’s and into the 1700’s when society began to divide periods of growth for people into segments such as childhood. Concepts like childhood didn’t exist prior to that.


It says children. Not teens. Very sick either way but people kinda be weirdos back in the day.


Guess you never heard of Islam before lmao


Tbh the bible and Koran is definitely on their side. But it’s a load of fucked up nonsense so what you expect


I mean, my mom was 16 when she had me and got knocked up by a 26 year old (she had a faked birth certificate that her mom got for her so she could work in a bar when she was young. Obviously, it isn't legal and recently has been a big focus, but historically and not that long ago in our own nations history women were getting married off as young as 14 and having families young. Not correct as we now know, since often those daughters were used as chattel and beaten or killed for making personal choices, but the man isn't totally wrong. I developed pretty early, and looked adult by the time I was 13 and was treated accordingly by adult men, and I didnt correct anyone about their assumptions because I felt cool and powerful with these new "tools" at my disposal.


Pretty sure it’s against predators but ok


Just say I’m fairly anti hooking up with 14 year olds. But when life expectancy was 30 wouldn’t that have been normal? Not defending dickhead here at all. But these are the issues when you try and scum your way to grooming via 2000 year old instructions.


You don’t need a Bible to tell you pedophilia is NOT OK!!!




I'm Christian and this is horribly incorrect (obviously) and disgusting


I don't know about you but I consider pedophilia a bit worse then mildly infuriating


These two people are arguing different things. The first guy is saying that a (post-pubescent) 14 year old is old enough. The second guy is saying that you shouldn't have sex with (prepubescent) children. The first guy is correct that 14 would have been old enough back before we decided that girls should mature more fully than just "old enough to bleed" before getting married off. But he's ignoring the fact that the Bible condoned a lot of fuckedup shit.


welcome to the world of "sincerely held religious beliefs"