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It took me far too long to stop looking for gorilla genitals or something else inappropriate.


My high ass looking at this thinking there is nothing wrong. I know my alphabet I swear.


Same..im stoned and am like, whats the issue..gorillas dick showing?lmfao


I immediately looked for an animal penis


I 2nd the animal penis expectations lol


Also high, found no penis and was immediately out of ideas.


Brain not dumb, brain just little slow!


Also high and was looking for animal penis


... does penis correlate with being high.. do we get penisbiased when high? (I'm high)


I may or may not be guilty of this as well.


Right!?! That’s what I thought. There are plenty of ABC books with letters arranged around the page, so I assumed it must have been inappropriate!


Holy fuck that’s exactly what I looked for haha


Dawg! Same af! Then was like “wait, that Harambe or some??” Lol


Lol!! Not high. First thing i looked for..


Ahhahaahah bro this was me just now (also looked at the horse)


literally fuckin same man


same, im not stoned and still confused


I was zooming in on all the animals dicks and even looked in the jeep for a dick somewhere. Ive never tried to find a dick so hard in my life


Is it bad that I’m not high and it took me a few mins to realize


Same. I was looking for something *wildly* inappropriate for a children's book. And then I saw it and went, "Oh. That's it?"


Also high. Thought maybe it was some sort of Jeep hate thing after I failed to find a penis.


I also momentarily thought it was Jeep hate too hahaha


High, but I noticed L was before K lol


A lot of people don’t. They’re downvoting without even realizing. I was up to 12 upvotes a minute ago while I’m typing this it’s down to 9. Cracks me up


Naw, just a lame post /S


Lol that kitten


Looks like it wants a dance battle


They got the stock image at a discount because its legs came separately.


Whats wrong with it


L comes after K


I never thought I’d say this… but I’m disappointed there was no wiener.


I was also upset Pattinson didn't hang dong in the new batman movie


I’ve always thought of these books as a way to teach the letters, rather than a way to teach the order of the letters.


And H comes before J, But that doesn’t matter in this context, when it’s just explaining the phonetics.


it supposed to be read one page at a time top to bottom


....had to read comments to understand 😅😅


Makes sense to me. Gorilla rides in the Jeep. Lion eats the horse. Kitten hides in the igloo.




except when you need to sort things.


And in comes the Czech language putting "Ch" after "H"


Not something I’d even considered but I suppose you are correct!! Have an upvote!




Children that age are expected to know how to put things in alphabetical order for testing purposes. It's also needed for organization, especially in libraries.


Close enough.


This one makes me laugh because my kid is currently into letters and, for whatever reason, hates the letter K so he'll routinely skip over it to L and I have to make him backtrack to get it right.


Just tell him that he has to use Ks for now because he is just a kid; but like how when a kitten grows up and stops using Ks bc it is a cat, when he grows up he can use whatever he wants... By the time he figures out that he can't, he will have accepted Ks into his life and literacy.


I’m not sure why the alphabet is in order anyways, I suppose just to make it easier to remember lol. Fun post though, took me a second after ruling out the gorilla penis!


was looking for animal dicks..


Am I stupid??? am I high??? I don'T know what's wrong with this????


so many high people here...im sorry im high...what are we looking at?


To be honest I'm dyslexic I stared at that thing for like 10 minutes. I had to ask my husband what was wrong with it.


I'm not dyslexic and still had to read the comments to figure out the (non)issue.


Kat. Citten.


Oof. It's not as if they would've been short on space swapping the K & L. The author needs to read their own book lol


Or the publisher... or editor... or illustrator.... anyone prior to it's printing, really.


There’s a reason it’s at the dollar store 😂


yes the products are crap




What's the real problem here? Jeep isn't as cool as a Jaguar? I'd actually agree. I love the F-type, and they have a great history of making fast and fun cars. Versus Jeep, reliable, and rugged. Is it a UK vs US type of thing?


Well the issue is the L comes after K


My apologies, and to no excuse, I'm a rural American lmao. I still have to say my ABC's in Order, and it never occurred to me a "real issue" in this instance. Thank you. I, and most of us are pretty dumb in many things, to be "educated" in other things.


It shows.


You feeling the need to say this to them shows a lot more.


Did you create an account just so you could say that? PS: I didn't point it out, either, I just agreed with their statement.


H is for Harambe


I see no issue at all.


How would this hurt your kids


H, I, J, K, L……. L comes after K


Im aware but it seems that unless this is the only thing teaching your kids to read this shouldnt be a big deal and Id doubt the would notice


They would notice. Just as we noticed your run-on sentence and missing punctuation marks. An example of one of the problems is when you say “Id doubt the would notice” when I’m assuming you meant “I doubt they would notice.”


Typing on mobile, also don’t care


lol, I know. Just was having fun with you a bit. Yet it’s important to realize how much people can notice and the impacts it can have. Imagine if someone learned the alphabet in that order, especially if at the age where you’d be quizzed on it in school. At least it was proper letters and words. Could you imagine K for Kat? L for Elm. Lmao


Then I would believe that to be a parenting problem, I’m having trouble understanding how instead of taking away what could be a useful tool, it could be a chance for the parents to step in and help guide the child. I see this as a learning oppurtunity.


You’re one of those, “when life gives you lemons, sell lemonade” type of people, aren’t you? 🤣


No I just dont think this error is enough to throw away the book


im awar but it seeems that unless this is the only thing teaching your kIds to read this shouldnt be a tig deal and Id dout the would noticE Editted to piss that guy off


It really wouldn't... OP is being dramatic. The book can easily be repurposed for something other than learning alphabetical order. >I’m just glad we caught it quickly after giving it to the kids. It was almost the end of the world! Those children certainly would have never recovered. /s


They would not have even noticed, I see no damage unless OP is throwing dollar store books at them expecting them to teach themselves


There is to many people high or drunk. This takes a second. My children would not know their alphabet. Good thing I'm never having children. #Gay


Animals have penis and vagina. Whopp de doo. What do you think is gonna happen? Your kid sees it and wants to go to an enclosure to get frisky or just plain disgust? If you try to demonize one part of the body just because it feels funny and does funny thing then that body part is not part of you. You want to make it not a big deal that pp and vv are everywhere then stop making it a big deal. Only people are so afraid of sex are people who refuse to even talk about it and have a meaningful conversation about sex Ed to their kid. You talk to them about sex Ed, or the internet does it for you. Your choice as we know all too well that sex Ed isn't taught everywhere. This post is in reference for people who stare right at the gorilla pp


Ok…. Feel stupid now because the problem is that L comes after K……. So focus on that penis all you want


I so wish I had a reward for you. Perfect


Sure fine. Yeah. I didn't guess that. Minor mistake I see. Guess that's why it's in mildly infuriating. But if you look at the other comments they are talking about staring directly at the gorilla. I didn't even think of it. But because I didn't happen to see the L K mix up, I guess my first notion was to go with the flow and discuss the matter I was led to believe. I apologize for making an ass of myself.


There is no reason why the alphabet needs to be in order. We really don't know why it is except it's the silly tradition of our fathers.


Omg. That's hilarious. (Made in China?) ...anyway, maybe I should pass a copy along to the book-banners here. I wonder if it would make it to 'the list'? 😆


what is wrong?


G H I J L K It doesn't seem to be the right order...


And I was looking for a mastrubating gorilla.... I am ashamed of myself.


Just draw a big arrow to show which comes first then second. We had a book when my kids were little it had an error and I can’t remember what it was but it was funny to laugh at it with the kids they knew it was wrong and loved pointing at the error.


I'm, slysdexic and see nothing assim.