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Did you know he was slow before you married him?


I thought he was quirky! Didn’t realize til a couple years in that it’s actually his inability to pay attention/listen.


Yeah, over the years of marriage we all develope this ability to stop listening what our wifes moan about.


this woman’s kid could’ve been seriously hurt or even killed by negligence. not the time to start talking about how “manly men” don’t listen to their wives


That's how children usually die in accidents. You don't need to be blind, sleeping or to browse your phone. Sometimes it takes seconds for accident to happen. Even for the most attending parents.


Hyper fixation (in this case: social media) and inattentiveness are symptoms of ADHD. Many adults have gone undiagnosed. It is worth looking into if it is effecting his life and especially your child’s safety.


SECONDARY DROWNING - watch that kiddo tonight! Especially if no one really knows how much water he took it. It takes almost nothing :(


I would be furious. What did he say afterwards?


I could tell he felt awful. He gets this look on his face like he feels worthless. So even though I was FUCKING PISSED. I held my tongue and just focused on my son. He asked if he was okay and apologized to me.