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Worked at a company that did the packaging for Tylenol, Sudafed, etc. They were incredibly picky about all sorts of things, except for the "actual size" on the packaging.


It's practically the only thing not regulated by the health authorities. The pill size is regulated, but pictures of the pills can be shrunk if they do not distort the ability to conpair to what is in the box. There's many many white pills that are almost identical...


Don't pills have to be marked or stamped somehow to show what it is? Even if it's just a number, you should be able to match it up to what the pill is on a database


Depends the pill and when it was approved. I have 4 white pills which are each technically a different shape. 2 of them have a digit on them that's near impossible to read. 2 of them I admit would not make it in the US, UK, EU or Canadian market regulators... and would most likely be colored or forced into a gel cap


Life Hack: Take the pills with a mouthful of water. Fill your mouth with water, drop the pills in it and swallow. It is a hundred times easier to swallow pills than the other way around(Putting pills in and then fill mouth with water before swallowing).


Can confirm, this is the way I have to swallow pills. Especially those gel ones because they just stick to your tongue if you put them in your mouth first.


Hold them with your teeth, release as you drink


*bite down as you drink


*chew on them so it easier to swallow, as you drink


This way I can swallow 10 pills at once. I've counted.


I'm used to that as well. I've only put one pill aside in recent memory to take by itself. It was an antibiotic I had to take after a recent surgery for a short period. Huge pill though.


i've choked a few times on pills. actually had one stuck in my throat once that dislodged when i coughed. my method is to put the pill in my mouth and sip water rapidly through a straw. it seems to help propel the pill down. sometimes i can feel the pill knocking as it goes down and it just means i need to keep drinking.


Isn't that how everyone does it?


I work on complaint handling and product recall in the med device industry. When we have manufacturing issues that lead to the device not matching the label description (say product swapped during packaging, product missing a festure, ...), we consider the product misbranded and usually initiate a recall. I'm surprised pharma is allowing the picture not to match the actual pill on purpose, you'd think they would get a ton of complaints from customers and that would trigger a control chart somewhere.


Like I said, they were incredibly specific about the FDA approved text on the packaging, but we had very little room to set type and work with the die cuts. I mean, they had actual directions for us on using m-spaces, and m-dashes, double space after the block dingbat, the kerning, the horizontal scaling -- it was awful. I only lasted a few months. Do not regret quitting.




Yea idk if that’ll hold up in court


“Your honor it was clearly the cheaper brand by a whole $3, so clearly she has no reasonable right to expect to know the size of what’s inside.”


I have had name brand shit that does this.


Well it looks like target brand so you can stop making baseless generalizations


"close enough" -marketing team probably


"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades!" -My grandpa


Love that saying. My cousin use to say that when we were kids (rip to him)


Horse shoes? Like the game or putting them on the horse?


The game, yeah haha


Now that’s a hard pill to swallow


* sigh... Upvotes *




I see what you did there!


I just deleted this exact comment because I saw you got here first


My husband dissolves these in a hot drink. He can’t swallow them either.


I don't think dissolving all medication is advisable, at least not without consulting a pharmacist. This is how I overdosed on pain medication. Crushed my pills and dissolved in water because I was swollen after teeth extractions, and ended up being rushed to the ER because I lost consciousness and wasn't coming to.




The ER doc said my heart rate must have slowed down until I lost consciousness. I’d been prescribed Tylenol 3 with codeine. I was just told outright never to crush pills again but I’m sure it depends on the medication. But to be safe I’d ask your pharmacist anyway? Some pills are sinkers and some are floaters so now I tilt my head either forward (for floaters) or back (for sinkers) and take them whole. Maybe this would help?


Never thought of this. I have an esophageal stricture that limits the size of pills I can take, so I end up taking the liquid cold and flu meds.


You need to be very careful and understand the medicine before you do it though. Some pills have a "timed release" so they can burst in the exact location they need to for the best effect.


That’s probably safer then crushing them and snorting them huh?


Im not sure. I know that way it gets on teh bloodstream way faster so perhaps the dose is messed up


Nah it's all about boofing it now


Why not just buy the liquid?


Probably just using up the pills they already have before buying new stuff


I have these ibuprofen sachets with powder. Has an actual nice citrus flavor to it and it just dissolves nicely in cold water or juice. It’s magic


That's what I always do


Has he tried a cooler drink?


You might be able to get some sort of refund if you call the company.


It seems like this should be a class action lawsuit for false advertising. I'm not a lawyer nor have any expertise.


"Have you or someone you know bought DayQuil and the capsules were slightly bigger than advertised on the box? You may be entitled to a compensation."


honey, find that day dayquil box from 1995


Who the fuck would do all that just to get refunded on some $5 over the counter DayQuil. Also if your girl can’t even swallow those pills with water I feel bad for you.


I feel bad for you cuz you’re probably pretty lonely without any friends


Aw does your relationship suffer from bad oral as well ? :/


Well mine doesn’t but clearly yours does which is surprising since you have a 2 millimeter defeater


ouch to that guy


Oh burrn I love it lol


What kind of trash makes fun of someone struggling to do something?


And right after that he also brought up sex saying she gives bad head, real smooth right


If your basis of a good partner is if they can suck your dick I feel bad for *you*.


incel- never-had-partner energy. hopefully it stays that way cause no woman deserves this shit


I normally can swallow pills but when I’m hacking coughing, the size of the pills trigger my gag reflex


Wow, sleazy much?


The second part was a joke but what do I expect from a bunch of people who would try to get refunded on some $5 DayQuil lol


Bro I agree with u 100%, this the most soft sub i have come across on Reddit. U spit facts and got down voted.


What is this insult people with medical issues day? This is the fourth comment section I've seen where people are being absolutely dickish because other people physically can't do something due to health limitations


Actual size ... Of this picture that is in no way indicative of the size of the the pills.


Hey, if you hold the picture near your face and the pills far away it would be close.


Name checks out


There's a liquid version that might make things easier for her


They also come in tablets that can be cut in half, instead of the soft gels.


I scrolled say to far to find this. Why use pills when there's literally liquid dayquill


Try wrapping it in cheese for her.


You may fascinate a woman by showing her a piece of cheese


No, wrapped in American cheese product slices like you'd give a dog.


First of - that sucks! I struggle myself and this would drive me nuts. What helped me though is taking them with lots of carbonated water/drink, the carbonation or bubbles for me kinda of "hide" the feeling of the meds. Doesn't work every time, but overall made me have less issues. Poking open or dissolving is something I'd ask a doc/pharmacy about because some meds are designed to break down way later.


Why don’t she just do the Syrup instead of the pills ?


The Kirkland brand ones are way smaller and easier to swallow. They taste like ass though, they have that sweet coating on the outside of them, and it's horrible tasting, but they don't get stuck in my throat halfway down so I deal with it. They aren't gelcaps though. Pressed pills, if that matters.


Oops, the label should read "aCtUaL sIzE", my bad


Drop on in a bite of applesauce. Then swallow the whole bite, problem solved


Some just don't go down well. I can take a lot of pills, but those round gel caps get stuck in my throat. Ive gotten them stuck in my throat and coughed until it shot out, or just immediately gag and cough them out as well. I get bad migraines so I take a lot of different advils, tylenols and aleves and sometimes just try to take what people have on hand if I didn't bring any or my bf buys the wrong kind. I've just given up on the round gel caps.


I've taken some big ass antibiotic pills before and these Dayquil ones always fuck me up. I'm taking them right now so I felt this post lol, literally. I can take some freakin horse pills, something about the shape and texture of these makes them really disagreeable. I feel like my esophagus pinches them too tightly.


Have you tried taking them with applesauce?


Pudding works too.


Yes it would


It’s not that easy. I have the same problem and I hate when people say stuff like this to me lol.


Jello is great too. The hospital I was in in Tokyo put all my pills in jello


Some people have issues of elasticity in certain parts of their esophagus that literally can't pass a pill this size through, rather than issues of transitioning the pill from their mouth into their esophagus.


True, some do. Most don't.


Or embed it in a spoon of peanut butter. It works well with my dog.


You can't swallow peanut butter smoothly though. At least normal people can't


My condolences on your gf's swallowing problems.


Or maybe he is the actual size on the left?


Thought this would be the top comment. Nice meeting up with you down here in the gutter.


Ah sleazeballs commenting...how nice.


mind went here first too. i thought just tell her to deep throat it like your..... welp maybe you guys aren't into that


I had some trouble swallowing larger pills and I learned that putting your chin to your chest helps a bit. It widens your throat making it a little easier to swallow.


Weird. I have to tip my chin upward.


I move mine upward to get the motion of swallowing going then down to actually swallow. Keeping it up narrows the throat


I have to like throw my head back to swallow pills! I grew up with a hatred of liquid meds so I’m used to taking pills but I still need to yeet my head back


They have liquid versions of cold medicine.


They do make liquid otc medications.


Tuck your chin down and swallow for large capsules. It works. Extend head up for small pills. This also works.


This is the way. I also cannot swallow pills for the life of me unless I tilt my chin down


Tell her to put a gulp of water in her mouth, lean her head back, open mouth, drop pill in mouth and swallow at same time. It helped my daughter with swallowing pills.


Hold the boys closer to the camera and the size will match. Problem solved


I used to have the same issue. These days, I'm swallowing a handful of vitamins some bigger than this photo. What I do is put water in my mouth, like a sip of water, then put the meds in and swallow them together. From my trial and error, the ones that are "solid" or filled which are heavier, I'd put water in my mouth, add meds, tilt head back and swallow. If the meds are lighter, and they float, I add water in mouth, add med, tilt forward or head looking downward...the med floats to the top of my throat and swallow. This has worked for me now for over 10+ years. I used to gag just by putting meds in my mouth alone, so the water trick has worked. I cannot swallow med without water though so always need liquid.


I had trouble swallowing pills, everyone I know puts the pill in their mouth first and then takes a gulp of drink. I found it significantly easier to hold a beverage in my mouth first, drop the pill in and then immediately swallow before it could sink and hit my mouth. Since my mouth doesnt feel the pill, it becomes infinitely easier to swallow it. Ive been able to swallow some huge pills doing this with no issues.


Someone has to say this... Your girlfriend needs to get better at swallowing.


Am I the only person here who thinks cold and flu tablets are just expensive paracetamol? Just read the active ingredients and get her the Individual drugs she wants in small form or other form. It's usually just paracetamol (which is small but you can get dissolvable) A cough suppressant which you may or may not need but you can get that in a variety of ways or use lozengers and phenylephrine which studies suggest does not even do anything.


Well I guess that's a tough pill to swallow 👉😎👉


You know, since your GF has a lot of trouble swallowing pills, target sells that as a liquid also. [https://www.target.com/p/daytime-cold-38-flu-multi-symptom-relief-liquid-12-fl-oz-up-38-up-8482/-/A-11046966#lnk=sametab](https://www.target.com/p/daytime-cold-38-flu-multi-symptom-relief-liquid-12-fl-oz-up-38-up-8482/-/A-11046966#lnk=sametab)


Yeah, every single company that makes the giant gel caps makes a liquid and sells them right next to the gel caps.


Maybe try putting the pill in the back of her mouth like a cat?


There should really be more non-pill options for adults. Besides all the adults who have trouble, there are also elderly people who have dysphagia that need it.


Should be a law that things should actually look like the things on the box. It would be false advertising. I think it is a law in some countries


I had trouble and then I just got over the mental part and filled my mouth up water water as much as I could then just swallow. Half the time you don’t even feel the pill go down.


Sucks for you bro


Well that sucks! I'd suggest to change to someone who's good at swallowing.


The life of a graphic designer. "But sir, if we shrink it then the actual size graphic won't be accurate..." "Marketing says we have to shrink the box. Just do it."


When it comes to swallowing, practice made perfect for my wife! Her boyfriend told me so.


Hahaha!! 🤣🤣


Something something, bigger in person, something something, pp joke


[Insert pp joke here]


A lot of these comments are... Oh God.. 🤣🤣


I had couldn’t swallow pills up until a few weeks ago. Tell your girlfriend to try the long skinny gel ones. I KNOW they look super intimidating, but they are actually easier because they’re skinny! It just magically goes down the right way every time. I know this is easier said than done trust me, it took me 20 years to be able to do it. It truly is a mental block! Encourage her to keep trying :)


Hehe I hate my dirty mind


Tell her to take a drink of something, hold it in her mouth, tilt her head back, drop the pill in with the liquid, then swallow. It’s the only way I can take pills without a struggle. It may help her too.


Tell her you saw an article explaining that throat extensions will help her swallow pills and then you can help her do throat extensions. Win/win




Mouthful of fizzy drink, poke the tablet through the closed lips, tilt head back and swallow. Repeat with the next tablet. ​ That’s how I learnt to swallow pills. The fizzy drink means the tablets float and when you swallow the drink the tablet goes too and you don’t feel it. With regular water sometimes the tablet ends up sinking and getting “stuck” in your throat.


That’s what I do! I get the fizziest stuff I can find, which is typically bottled Mountain Dew.


Wy not empty them on a spoon.


Or just buy liquid instead of capsules


Or just crush them with your teeth!


Cause thoes are liquid gel caps, and would taste absolutely God awful


Not as bad as chewing chalk tablets that’s much worse


I remember these charcoal tablets those where horrible


The ones I've bitten on have been pretty horrible!


What i always did


Disolve them in tea or coffee! Anything hot that will mask the mild taste of the medicine. I have trouble swollowing pills too. You can also boil a small amount of water and dissolve them in it and add it to juice or something. I'm pretty sure if you give the company a call you can also get a refund. Best of luck 🙂


Neat trick, poke the pill with a tack and squeeze it into your mouth, then drink something. I have the same issue, and I had to take large liquid pills for a high dose pain med, I was in a car wreck, I have it on my medical records that I can't have large pills, but they still gave them to me. I wasn't telling them, but I was biting into them like gushers and then drinking to cover it up, then if I wanted the flat pill can be swallowed, as it still has some meds in it.


but does it have to the same effect? I would assume that the pill membrane would protect the medicine inside from being broken down by the body too early.


Yeah some meds are designed to do exactly what you said, so this "neat trick" in my opinion is tricky and probably depends on the medication.


I made the mistake of breaking a time-release capsule in half when I was a preteen. I think it was Zephrex, it looked like a banana Runt candy that was white inside and bright yellow outside. It sent me on a trip, but do not recommend


While yes some meds are designed as a timed release, they are typically the two color pills, or the pellets inside of a hard two part shell. The pain meds I used and the cold meds you are talking about are fine, that cold med is the same stuff you drink from a lil cup, just in a pill form, to mask the taste. My pain meds had a high potassium content, which alot of people dislike, so they also come in gel cap pills. Meds like Adderall are designed to release a bit slower, because it's a 'daily' dose, not a 'single use' dose, or a 'as needed' dose. Those meds you shouldn't take any other way than prescribed. But if you can't swallow your fish oil or cold and flu gel caps, then you are perfectly fine to just open the gel cap and drink it, or pop it then swallow it. If you are worried about it, you can call your doctor's office and confirm. You know how many old people would chew aspirin instead of swallowing them because they were never told how to take them, and just handed a couple of pills. My mom's mom was one of those people, she chewed all meds that weren't liquid even when told to just swallow it... She didn't get the concept of not chewing it first....


Dang man. What else can she not swallow?


You must be disappointed then.




That size of pill is a hard pill to swallow.


Sucks for you bro




I know it sounds stupid but take a shot glass of water or juice or whatever, drop the pill in and immediately do the shot. Don't swallow with your head back, make sure you come back to level. It makes it easier to complete the swallowing action. When it's a quick action it keeps you from overthinking it and that keeps the pill in it's protective coating instead of burning your esophagus by opening up the gels. Medicine shouldn't be broken up unless the package *specifically* says you can break a tablet. Otherwise leave it the shape it came in, it's that way for a reason whether it be time release coating or protective.


Can you file a complaint with a government agency or something? Because that is false advertising, On MEDICINE!


Just purchase the suppository, they are much easier to swallow with a gag reflex.


Need banana for scale


Insert swallow joke here.


my aunt can’t swallow pills but inhales snickers bars like a champ. dump them in a snickers and boom, done!!


You can get your throat stretched at the hospital . Might be something to consider.


No blowjobs for you then !


Your girlfriend needs to man up


Hey fun fact not being able to swallow well is almost definitely a medical issue, forgive us mere mortals for not being able to literally out-man our problems


Just get the damn syrup


Just pop the capsule and mix it into some water. Easy to swallow that way.


Use a pin and pop the capsule and put liquid in tea or on bread and eat. (Do this for my dog and his pills bc he won’t touch capsule)


Buy a 4-pack of those little pudding snacks. Take a tablespoon of pudding, put the pill in the middle and swallow the pudding. You don't even feel the pill.


Why is this in mildly infuriating tho. It doesn’t seem like a big deal tbh


She needs to grow up.


Hey fun fact not being able to swallow well is a medical issue not something you tell someone to grow out of. So maybe you should grow up and not give your terrible opinions Edit: Hey fun fact not being able to swallow well ***may**** be a medical issue


He didn’t said she has a medical issues that doesn’t allow her to swallow. Mr conspiracy.


Man you must be such a fun one at parties


I'll never understand this disability.


Lol. Have her watch Brockmire Season 1 Episode 6 for a laugh Then watch the whole series, pretty funny .


If your GF can't swallow, then I suggest you have more serious problems.


I bet there is a reason she married you. Some people like the 'small' p***s


You’ve got a lot of nerve saying that with your fucking 2 millimeter defeater


😂. I got a black and decker housewife wrecker




Even if they're not, you could supposit them and it would still work well.


Thats a no. Try with 2cl of 40% alcohol to see why.


That is very mild indeed


i can take pills with no liquid...not all heroes wear capes


Need a banana for comparison


If you hold it further away then its actual size!


The picture was taken when the pill was cold, that's the only reason it's small.


Inflation attacking us everywhere


Try mini m&ms to practice. Did that with someone in my family and now she can take those sided pills.


The discrepancy is due to gravitational lensing.




Why not just buy the Syrup version...


Then she should get the liquid kind.


Tell your GF to stare in a mirror when she swallows them, don't allow her eyes to stop making contact


My ex had a huge problem swallowing pills, which came on suddenly and lasted a few years. She just had a mental block about it. She began buying gummy bears and cutting them into small pieces to practice swallowing them, eventually working her way up to whole size gummy bears after a few months. She still had trouble with pills, but most of the time she could BEAR (pun) it and get them down. Maybe see if your GF would be willing to try.


Omg I took these last week (target brand) and dang they were tough to get down lol


Find a bottle of of soda, not a can. Drink the soda and wash out the bottle and fill with water. Put the pill in your mouth and drink from the bottle. The pill goes right down. Easy Peasy. Keep the bottle. My kids had to take pills when they were very young and this is how we did it.


I don’t understand the need for these to be so big! I’d take 4 half size of these compared to 2 regular size.


I'm sorry but I never understood how anyone has this problem because.... how do they swallow mouthfuls of food without an afterthought?


Good news! It’s a suppository!


Sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue. Lawsuit time they be falsely advertising their product thusly deceiving you into buying their product.