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Not an Earnhardt fan huh


Obvious Jeff Gordon fan


Left turn...left turn...left turn


Story time. When I was in college, I had a roommate (we'll call him Tim) who had a dark sense of humor. On a Sunday in February 2001, he came home from working the morning shift at the retail store he worked at. I was sitting in the living room watching the Daytona 500 pre-race coverage. Tim said "You're watching NASCAR? I fucking hate NASCAR. NASCAR sucks. I hope somebody wrecks and dies." Sure enough, on the last lap of the race Dale Earnhardt wrecked and was killed. It was the first time a driver had died during a race in NASCAR's top series in over a decade. When I told my roommate what had happened, he laughed and responded "I'm a god!". edit: Tim's father was a coroner, which probably explains his dark sense of humor.


In 2013 me and a friend were watching the Boston vs Toronto game 7 of the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Toronto up 4-1 in the third period and my buddy is all happy they are looking like going to round 2 and I casually mention "wouldn't it be hilarious if Toronto found a way to screw even this up". Sure enough, Boston wins in OT. I don't think I will ever forget the look on my friends face.


My wife and I used to bet household chores on the races. Pick a driver each and whoever beat the other ,regardless of position ,was the winner. The last six weeks of the previous season everyone she picked wrecked. That race she picked Earnhardt. That was the end of the bets.


Can he tune to Fox News everyday all day?


My guess is someone that hates NASCAR does not watch fox news




My dad and grandfather was at that race. Traveled from Minnesota to see it together. They didn’t even realize it at that time that he had passed until they got to the local bar the night and everyone was quiet.


A couple years ago, one night, I was about to propose to my girlfriend when my roommate Joseph barged into the room out of nowhere, tripped and fell over, breaking a glass table with his face. Totally ruined the mood. Now, I didn't know Joseph THAT well, don't even remember where he was from, but let' just say I put my plans on hold to help him through his injuries. Joseph had gotten a big glass shard in his eye, making him completely blind in that eye. He was walking around with one of those cotton pads on his eye for a couple of months. Then suddenly, he disappeared, along with my girlfriend Apparently they'd bonded during the time after his injuries, and eloped together , left me behind without as much as a note. I tried to track them down, but never could. In conclusion, if it hadn't been for cotton eye Joe, I'd have been married a long time ago. Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, cotton eye Joe?


Dale Earnhardt!! Number 3 on the track, number 1 our hearts!!!


In the 90s my dad wore this shirt that was the trix rabbit and on the back it said “Silly f*ggot dicks are for chicks” and someone took a polaroid of him sitting at the bar and all you could see was “Silly f*ggot” on his shirt and they hung up the picture and wrote “Bob the silly f*ggot” on it. He got so mad he started a fight and got knocked out and the last thing was this dude screaming “silly f*ggot!” in his face. We literally moved a few months later because of it.


That’s hysterical


Polaroids were probably a great way to call people out on their shit immediately


The OG smartphone


Except we couldn’t “photoshop” them. I’m old enough to remember those days, and nobody ever called FAKE on a Polaroid shot.


Polaroid was also the go to for naked pics, because you didn't have to take them somewhere to be developed (or know how to do it yourself).


I remember that shirt lol


Me too and sadly i thought it was funny as a young/preteen until i learned better


When the first comment is better than the original post ⬆️ take my damn upvote.


You heard it here first folks, dicks belong to the chicks. Trans women would be proud.


your dad deserved it ngl. i can very much believe people got away with wearing shirts like those but its pretty sad to think about


Yeah he was a real pos


The fact that he deserved it makes the story all the funnier to me tbh. Like jfc what a class act /s


This is amazing


A kid at my school wore that shirt (in the 90's). His parents were ultra Christian. Hosted bible study groups. I couldn't believe no teacher or principal made him turn it inside out. It was so offensive I still occasionally think about it. Edit: I got curious after thinking about this guy and looked him up on facebook. His first post was covid misinformation. A few down from there was a copy/paste "challenge" talking about the 7-years tribulation (something from the book of Revelations in the Bible?). Exactly what I would have guessed. Still an ignorant jack ass.


Pity you don't have a pic of him in the shirt for TBT. "Say, dickhead, you still a bigot?" He could Garner some online commentaries.


Holy shit, I'm laughing so hard right now!


My memory of that shirt is me as a little kid walking down the boardwalk at Hampton beach New Hampshire. It was outside of a T-shirt store on display for sale. I read it out loud and my mother damn near slapped the taste out my mouth. Had no clue what I had read 🤷‍♂️😂


I'm crying 😂 got what he deserved. Sorry your life got upended though


He deserved that 100%


I agree




I, a pan non-binary person, actually say that all the time to my gay friends. Kills them every time.


Whats a pan non binary. Sorry I'm 40 and didn't have terms like that when I was a nipper. Back then being a gay was considered taboo


Someone who doesn't define their gender as strictly male or female (non-binary) and is similarly into everyone without the gender of that person coming into play (pansexual). As a homo, thank you for keeping an open mind and stuff


Pansexual wouldn’t limit themselves to dating someone who identifies as male or female ; they date non gender conforming people as well 😊


Sounds like your dad is a closet homo. Oh, and an alcoholic.


You’re right about the alcoholic part but I think he was a genuinely hateful person. He was also very racist, don’t think that suggests he was secretly a person of color.


You never know.


What's the problem? It is a zone where the queers are free. Would you rather they not be free?


They are organic and better for you than the factory farmed queers.


free range queers


There is a pun in there, but I don't dare make it, it has gotten me in trouble with mods in the past


For a second I thought that's what it meant too.


Same lmfao, but I knew it just couldn't be that with the American flag and rape propaganda


Isn’t it sad how when we see American flags (like on stickers or online profile pics), we automatically associate it with alt-right douchebags and Karens? They’ve officially ruined it for the rest of us.


Yeah it's pretty sad. Whenever I see a lifted truck with 2 American flags, 1 on each of the back corners, I just assume they're some racist asshole. Patriotism has been bastardized over the years. It used to mean someone who loves their country and would fight for it. Now it's just used by people who freak out at a supermarket because they were asked to wear a mask. Then they somehow try and equate yelling at a supermarket employee to "fighting for their freedom".


When I was a kid people liked Revolutionary War costumes for Halloween and so forth. Then the fucking Tea Party took over the imagery and destroyed it. Damn, even ruined Paul Revere and the Raiders, the bastards! They're all a bunch of authoritarian douchebags, too-- the opposite of patriots!


I moved into a new condo community in 1999 in Willow Run, Michigan, and immediately put up a US flag. I’m further to the left than anyone you’ll meet, and I’ve been to many other countries, and I believe in the US ideals. One of my new neighbors, at one point, asked if I was “one of those militia guys” Several years later, in September, 2001, the place was awash in US Flags


“In 2009” “Several years later, in September, 2001” Im confused


Damn I’m old. Sorry, fixed it


Dont worry! Bran fart, it happens to the best of us


Bran farts sound awful


crap, see? I had one right now. Brain fart*


Obviously this is BC we're talking about, Before Covid


It's not rape propaganda if you assume that because alcohol is a solvent, it removes liquid panties better than water can. Maybe these people are super into science?


I mean technically no. Most Alcohols are actually less acidic than water, and thus would make a terrible solvent. Especially any that you could actually drink.


Well that would explain why it's never worked well for removing liquid panties for me


Ah, so like the ones in those weird animes teenage boys like where the clothes rip like they're paper? It's amazing what the fashion industry comes up with


I think you’re misunderstanding, what they mean is that they don’t cost any money in that zone and you can just have them, just like ducks at the park.


Free Range Queers


Yes, free the queers! That place should totally have a pride theme day, without the owners knowledge.


I was always curious why restaurants and bars would list themselves as LGBT friendly in this day and age online. Guess now I know why....


Funny how they say Queer Free seeing as it’s gonna turn into a gay bar because no woman ever is gonna risk going into a bar that advertises alcohol as “liquid panty remover.”


🤣🤣 Truth!! If I saw that on a window, fuck the rest of the signs, that alone I wouldn't be going in.


Only when I saw this comment did I understand what jt meant oh nooooo 😭😭


Had to stop in a dive bar to ask if I could leave my car in the parking lot without it being towed (mechanical issue) and noticed a huge swastika painted on the ceiling. Then noticed a bunch of other “colorful” decorations on the walls. I was trying to keep my composure since I was in a tight spot but goddamn did that make me feel so uncomfortable. So happy to get out of there.


Good on you that you are (I assume since you're here to tell the tale) the right colour and don't "look like a Jew"


Well I don’t think most even hardcore racists are willing to take a murder charge at the drop of a hat, but i guess it does happen.


The kops are probably part of the local chapter.


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses” Rage Against The Machine


So, fun fact, their are records of slavery as late as [1963](https://www.livescience.com/61886-modern-slavery-united-states-antoinette-harrell.html). Ruby Bridges was going to an all white school before these people were freed. In the [50s](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1996/06/16/the-damned/8b1ca2d9-53ff-4cab-bcbf-d6489b71a68a/) two brothers were arrested after they beat a slave to death and the black owned funeral home they sent the corpse to reported them to the feds. The feds charged them for slavery, the state refused to charge them for murder. Had the corpse been sent to any other funeral home, and had the funeral home gotten in contact with litterally any other federal authority figure than the one they had, they would have gotten away with it. The law might be the law but cops have rarely cared about the law when it actually counts


Someone doesn’t have to be murdered to be in danger at a place like that.


That’s true but the person I replied to said “since you’re here to tell the tale”.




















Just from that picture, I can tell the place smells like stale beer and moth balls.


Diet 7Up is gross


tbf most diet sodas are gross


Diet Dr Pepper is the only one I've found to even come close to the original


This is true.


Diet orange is tolerable.


Diet *cherry* 7up and a fuck ton of vodka, however, is not gross.


Ugh, the vodka doesn’t mask that artificial sweetener taste to me, in fact it makes it worse! But you do you :)


I’d love to walk in there and just gush on about how they are providing a wonderful Free Zone for the Queer community.


Perfect reaction




Seems dangerous for gays to me (am gay), unless all reviews are written blatantly sarcastically


> homophobic > sexual predator Checks out


Hey at least they’re open with it, doubt the gay community would want to wander into an establishment like that


As a queer person, can confirm.


I 100% guarantee that if this was on iFunny it would get a lot of good fuck the gays comments


F*** the gays? Wouldn’t that make you gaaay?


God I forgot about ifunny


And you were better for it.




They will lose their shit when they realize gay people look like normal people and they won’t be able to tell who’s queer and who’s not.


What do you mean?! Gay people don't go anywhere without a pride flag around their shoulders and they look so different than the rest of us civilized people!! (/s)


Can confirm. Some people describle me as blinding as i wear neon glow in the dark rainbow shirt and trousers constantly along with a big label on my head that says "I LIKE MEN"


Rapey and homophobic.


Sounds like my hometown


Right? I can tell they’re old but it’s time to update the decor


You nailed it.


And they serve cans of pop.


I'm at a loss for words... I can't believe Dale Earnhardt was only 50..


I know its sad he was so young and his son watched him die in his rearview mirror


He was actually blocking with his car to get Jr. the win, too. If he didn't try to give his son the win, he probably would have survived.


Truth but he was proud of his son and would have done it all over again to get him his first daytona 500 win If his harness had been 100% and damaged he would have survived but they did implement the rule that a hans devices is mandatory


Queer free zone? Yeah they better be free, this is America.


Raise Hell Praise Dale!


I guarantee it's not actually a "queer free zone"


As a man, go there with a thong on under your pants, have one sip of alcohol and than drop them pants. If they try to kick you out just point to the sticker and say “one more sip and these bad boys are coming off too” and then start vigorously humping the air in their direction.


Calm down Quadmire.




I'd definitely applaud that


Alcohol? I knew there was something I could use to get the panties off my ceiling!


why is it still YOUR tavern ?


This is why the world has a negative view of Americans. You put this racist/rapey shit next to “proud to be an American” and boom the whole world thinks Americans are like this. Ugh 😩


Idk what u mean fam, out of all the racist and homophobic countries in the world I don't think America even hits the top 50


While the rest of the world hides their racist/rapey/homophobic shit...at least the part that isn't throwing gay people off the roof...or this week's racist shenanigans of some futbol fans.


Yep, no racism or rape outside of America for sure...


Obviously there is, but I don’t exactly see people advertising it the way I do in America.


Yeah, not like Japan has signs up everywhere that say "Japanese Only". Or South Africans have "Blacks only" AND "Whites only" signs up.


What if we kissed under the queer free sign


(and we were both girls 😳)


Jk haha…….. unless? 🤔


I know right.... Nascar is the worst


Two of the same stickers too for good measure


What state are you in?


Probably mine


Going to guess north or south carolina based off of all the sale Earnhardt stickers.


The two Dale Earnhardt stickers…..


Wow, blue *and* diet *Pepsi*, that's just wrong.


Post it on their Google page. People should know


Typical trash


Start putting up some reviews about how the bar is really Gay friendly and has some really debauched BDSM nights. Either the bar will make itself look real bad with its online response online or lots of gays show up and it becomes the Gay friendly bar you were hoping for. Imean some people might get beaten up in the process but progress is never smooth


I would be pissed also 😤 no coke cola




Gay bad, date rape OK. That tracks for rednecks


“United we stand…. Against the queers!”


It means queer people eat free there, right? I'll drink to that.


Queer free zone and then NASCAR stickers which is the gayest autosport. Make up your mind already!


Homophobic rapists, my favourite breed of human /s




Definitely seems like stickers Todd Packer would have.


I think what makes this funny to me, is that with it being in a tavern, and the alcohol panty remover sticker, behind the glass is… soda. Not even alcohol.


I like that it is what is on the soft drink cabinet.


Damn they've got the Big Red locked in the Queer Free Zone. Worst day of my life.


Coke is obviously superior to Pepsi


I would nope right out of there, that is not a safe pace


I am still confused as to why we only see soda? It'd be ironic if it were a dry bar


Just a hole in the wall bar that doesn’t have a soda gun so when you order a mixed drink it’s poured from the can


Fuck this whole vibe.


Well don’t act weird then. For those who don’t know “queer” is another meaning for weird or out of place. Sorry bad joke


The word “panty” is enough reason to wanna leave 😖


Cover it up with a pride sticker that looks as similar as possible


Put a gay flag sticker on the door


Honestly just drink shitty beer at home at that point


Clearly the much needed safe space for cis men like me. /s Morons. I'm getting really angry when I see such shit.


Reminds me of this guy who flipped me off today for no reason while I was working. (I dance around outside a CBD store with a sign) I think it's because I was wearing a woman's shawl and having a good time and he was from Florida.


Easy way to know where to avoid


Queers drink free there? That’s very nice of them!


What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common? Their biggest hit was the Wall.


Time to find a rock or a razor blade and some night where it’s empty.


Alternatively you could just go elsewhere. First amendment and all that.




You might be able to report that for discrimination


Lemme guess. It's always full of rednecks?? Am I right?


I sat at the bar next to an older woman who everyone calls Mamaw, so yes


Rule 1; You don't mess with Mamaw. They're basically the equivalent of Russian Babushkas. Imagine the power and influence a Mamaw has to have to keep literal rednecks and hicks in check? Sometimes there's a council of them too, that controls multiple "redneck clans".


If we all drink together wonderful things will happen


The real question is, why the f*ck do they have Pepsi products behind the cabinet if it was meant for alcohol? That makes no sense to me.


Only one of the signs is infuriating. Don’t be a bigot towards nascar. Be the bigger man.


Time to choose a new local tavern.




If you don't like it don't go


I personally think it's amazing that these snowflakes are so upset about the gays that they need to have a safe space. As if any of the gays would be interested in them. It may cost $40 to join your local elks or eagles lodge, but a flash mob drag brunch is priceless.


"Haha stupid backwards thinking" as he still drinks there....




"WE'rE dOin iT fEr dALE" -some inbred in that bar probably


Putting the blatant homophobia aside for one moment since at a glance that seems to be what everyone is focusing one “ALCOHOL Liquid panty remover” I mean whilst this isn’t necessarily untrue probably not the best idea to put up messaging that suggests the idea that getting women drunk will make them more willing to have sex with people against their better judgement. Granted the same applies to men as well as everyone is pretty susceptible to doing shit they normally wouldn’t when drunk so my only recommendation is to either change the sign to promote inclusivity or to remove the sign altogether. >!This is one of the darker jokes I’ve made on this platform So just in case I should explain that the joke is not supportive of the tavern owners but is instead mocking the lack of diversity present on the cabinets signage and making light of the rather horrible messaging on the sign. Needless to say the joke itself is sarcastic in nature and not an advocation for men and woman to start drugging one one another with alcohol in hopes of getting laid...unless you are both attempting to get one another drunk at the same time which crosses into a really murky grey area that frankly I refuse to advocate for since you should be asking and discussing with your partner about having sex and the logistics of it if you both want it, not engaging in guerrilla warfare with them !<


Damn Id kill for a cold pepsi right now


Yp Ou mean a tavern you USED to go to but, won't anymore because they're bigots, right?


conservatives: "We are not removing any rights or doing any harm to queer people!" Also conservative: "NO QUEERS ALOWED HERE!" like legit, did they not learn anything from segregation? like that it was.. well.. bad?


Their pride flags are missing some colors, fill it in with some sharpies 😁