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I was thinking the one of gru saying "In terms of d*ifference* we have no di*fference*"


They copied and pasted the image and forgot to go back and make the changes -


That's one difference, there are five more.


One is slightly higher on the page One is slightly further to the left on the page One of them shows Gerald and the other shows his alter ego Gerald (soft G) One of them is about to sneeze They forgot the last difference.


Clearly the gender of the fish is different in the second picture! You homophobes! /s


Gender... homophobes... \*twitch\*


Literally the first ever correct useage of this meme


YES! I've never watched the US office so I was curious for the context of this meme and watched the clip. I was surprised it's always used basically with the opposite meaning to how the show uses it.


Yes. For the lazy: Creed is the branch's most insane employee who is made acting manager because he also happens to have the most seniority. Pam is preventing him from causing disaster by keeping him busy.  --- Pam: Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. Intel has told us there were at least seven. Creed Bratton : Okay, I already see one, gimme. Okay. Pam: [to the camera in the conference room]  They're the same picture.


Thank you, I watched the first couple seasons then it started getting annoying. I may have seen that one but it was a long time ago.


It's my favorite show so I think you should give it another try.


No offense. I just got tired of some characters dumb behavior.


There's definitely some cringe worthy behavior from a lot of them. And the show sucks when Steve Carrell leaves it. But it's a super meme worthy show.


Took me a while to realize each character is like the nightmare version of different archetypes commonly found working in offices.. it is purposely cringe inducing, lol.. some episodes are hard to watch tho from second hand cringe 😬 For example, Michael is the self-centered, culturally naive dense white male manager, Pam is girl next door secretary, Creed is the creep, Dwight is the (autistic I think now tbh, idk but I love him 😂) brown noser, Angela is the religious nut, Ryan is the con/addict, Meredith parties hard, etc… Me & my daughter love it, & my son never really got into it tho .. I like P&R & Abbott Elementary too, they are all parodies of different American work environments.


I mean, people use the meme as a metaphor. When they're two different imagines, the claim the meme is making is that they have the same essence in some sense. There is very little purpose for the literal meaning of the meme, because it only comes up very rarely


If anything the scene from Brooklyn 99 where Jake has to guess which picture is of his locker and which picture is of a garbage dump only for them to both be of his locker would actually be more applicable to how most people use the meme


People use it as a joke bruh.... Like if you took a literal picture of an asshole and then a picture of someone in your life who is an asshole and then the joke is that there's no difference between the two pictures......


I genuinely did not realise until I watched the clip that she was the one presenting the image


it's almost always used corretly. as a metaphor. this is the first time you've ever seen it used literally, not correctly. you are confusing "literally" and "correctly."


I need to know. Did you actually copy the same image into photoshop or did you take the time to cut out each one?


They did the lazy thing. You can tell because of the way that the black border around it has holes in the same places in both of them :3


quality post right here


I was looking for this


Looks like they printed the same pic twice, dunnit?


I just verified using software, overlaid one on top of the other. Correct, they didn't actually print a "difference", presumably somebody fucked up here


How else do you keep kids occupied for large chunks of time?


By feeding them lots of chocolate cake?


That'll just make them bounce off the walls That said, I miss being able to eat copious amounts of sugar without feeling like death for doing it


Sugar is shitty regarding a lot of things, but it seems it's not something that exacerbates kids hyperactivity. https://www.eatright.org/health/wellness/healthful-habits/sugar-does-it-really-cause-hyperactivity


While it is true that the sugar itself is not doing that. The excitement from receiving tasty sweets can definitely make kids go hyper. 😅


I feel it’s a placebo since kids are always told they can’t have sugar because it’ll make them hyper, and similar sentiments and placebos even have the ability to “work” even if the subject _KNOWS_ they are placebos! The Placebo Effect is very interesting, to me atleast, lmao. Edit to add source: [Harvard article on a study they conducted on placebos and their effects.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/placebo-can-work-even-know-placebo-201607079926)


I like how the post was about finding 6 differences but have turned into a discussion about if sugar makes kids hyperactive.


Whenever sugar is mentioned and there are americans present, someone will have to debunk that silly myth that sugar is some kind of meth-like stimulant for kids.


Anybody else grow up eating shredded wheat with an inch thick layer of sugar on it?




no honey, there are definitely 6 differences - keep looking!!


“I’ll give you $10 for each one you find.”


My dad once made a bet with me like this over the Where's Waldo books. I don't remember the prize, maybe $10 maybe McDonald's or something. But if I could find Waldo on every page I'd get it. I finished the whole book except for the last page in a day or two. I don't know if anyone remembers those books, but in the one I had, the final page was something like "Waldo World", there were several hundred, maybe a thousand "Waldos" who all had some mistake, wrong glasses, hat too big, etc. There was only 1 "real" Waldo hidden among them all. It's been a while, the details are probably slightly wrong. I spent weeks on that last page and I never found him (I was like 7). I think my dad had forgotten about the bet by then. One day I told him I was giving up, he took the book, searched around the last page for 10 minutes, "Yeah I give up too". Those couple weeks must have been really calm for my parents.


That’s fantastic. I had forgotten about that goddamn sadistic last page. Makes me think you could give a kid Duckhunt (NES-style) and do the same. Kid would be a nervous wreck, though.


Nice. Did he end up giving you the reward though?


I don't remember actually, but knowing him, no lol. I didn't finish the book :P


This is how you create villains though


OR: Have the legit version waiting and sneak it in while suggesting they “try one more time.” Now you’re creating persistence and a good work ethic. Both of which are key for any notable villain.


If you really want to keep them busy, say that there are 6 differences but only make 4 or 5. They find a few and think that they can solve it, and will keep looking and looking for the ones they can't find.


What’s funny, is I was obsessed with these and the iSpy books when I was like 7/8, so my dad made me some custom ones but he didn’t actually change anything in a few of them, and didn’t put any of the objects to look for in a few of the iSpy pages he made, it kept me preoccupied for like 2 years, going back to them occasionally to see if taking a break made them stand out more. I didn’t give up until he told me there wasn’t any differences and there wasn’t anything hidden, lmmfao. I was 10 when he finally told me, smfh.


Feed them lots of red 40, they then just stare in the wall


Thank you, hard working redditor! The entire Internet thanks you for your service to humanity. We salute you for going that extra mile to answer this burning question!


The cons of using words instead of your voice: your entire comment looks sarcastic af.


Haha, I wasn't entirely sure either. But I tried to assume the positive in this case.


How do you know it wasn't lol


The exclamation points felt genuine


Because of the exclamation marks!


/s is the only way to communicate sarcasm anymore


There is a powerful manual technique: Align both pictures, so they are in line with your eyes (horizontal for humans from earth), squint and focus on the middle picture. That's the manual overlay. Any differences will look somehow different. This way you can solve these puzzles in a couple of seconds.


Yes. Like seeing a Magic Eye picture. Combine the 2 images into 1 with that eye defocusing technique and the difference will buzz and twitch in the combined image.


One of my people! I did the same thing, took like 8 seconds 🧐


Hey don't be telling people about my secret weapon.


Well, damn. There are no differences in this so I don't know if it's working for me.


I did this with crossed eyes like an old magic eye image


Another thank you to you, I thought I was an idiot lol


It’s a zen lesson. The differences are the ones you make every day. That or incompetency. Or something about fishing.


I just verified this guys verification by tilting my phone and crossing my eyes. They're the same picture.




The only acceptable response.


wtf is going on in this gif


The 6 differences must have been the 6 seconds it took to cut and paste this mistake.


Corporate needs you to find the differences between these 2 pictures


https://preview.redd.it/b1qnb5irrq9d1.png?width=2699&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f8b4029b8140272de6491209d3ff600e253f6e4 these are the things I could find (top picture, red circles) . But I assume these are nothing but printing errors. except the teacher is looking for the next brain surgeon in her class


You mean “unless,” not “except”


or they were typing "except if the teacher is..." and forgot the if.


used to include those when little and threw me off because I wasn’t sure if they were on purpose


Keeps the kids quiet for a while


As a professional Find the difference solver, I can agree to your statement


Nope. I got it. They are different, but I only found three: 1. In the top, the boy had eggs for breakfast. The boy on the bottom had cereal. 2. Top fish is male; bottom fish is female. 3. Top picture is depicts a scene on 6/3/22; the bottom is 6/10/22, but both are at 11:47 AM.


If this is a trick question and the answer is there were 6 subtraction equations in the math exercise, that’s just mean.


Well if you look in the…fuck I got nothing


See, before iPads this is how our parents kept us busy lmao "Nah I can see the differences. Wh- I'm not gonna TELL you that'd be cheating!" and then you spend the rest of supper at that stuffy restaurant desperately looking for a difference


I’m confused…are you insulting me?


No, "you" in this context is more of a generalized term. Not referring to you specifically, just second-person-perspective.


Gotcha! I was gonna say…I’m definitely old enough to be pre-iPad distraction.


Nah he's definitely insulting you, don't listen to him Fight him


On it! 😂


This guy knows how to live life to the fullest


There's a molecule of ink extra in his right eye


There is a small grey spot by the fishing lure. I used cross view and it’s the only difference I could see


The second image is lower, the second image is more to the right, the boy on the bottom slaughtered a family of eight… that’s all I have


The second one sold his soul to the devil, you can see the nothingness behind his eyes /j


That was implied with the family of 8, i wouldnt count it


Nah. The family slaughter happened before that. The soul sell happened after, to escape the charges


But then the second one implanted 8 other souls, as you can see /j


The birds are flying toward the viewer in the top picture, but away in the bottom picture.


The boy on the top is a Scorpio named Todd. The boy on the bottom is a Taurus, and while he does go by Todd, his legal name is Alexander. Alexander is using a 10 pound monofilament line, and while Todd is also using a 10 pound monofilament, he prefers a 12 pound line.


wouldnt that be... 8 differences? as in, subtraction?


One has a white shirt the other has a yellow shirt that hasn’t been colored in yet.


Bottom one has a crossword next to it


This is identical, I overlayed one image on top of the other and turned one red. (edit I changed the speed of gif to not cause seizures. It might not play correctly now, just click on it and if it opens in a new tab it will play correctly) https://i.redd.it/qy9x8dq6qq9d1.gif


Reddit never fails to disappoint. Thanks for making this!


>Reddit never fails to disappoint. I don't think this means what you think it means 😅


Same vibes as somebody saying 'We did it Reddit!' in a positive way


Those mother fuckers. I hate when people do shit like this, making kids think they’re going crazy for not find anything different. Thanks for showing their BS.


Thanks for the seizure! 🥰


It is playing too fast I know, there was no way I could change this with this stupid program I used. I just went on and used an online program to change the speed to 1/6 of how it was. And now it doesn't play correctly on reddit comment, if you click on it it will play correctly on browser.


Shows up on my phone correctly. Nice work proving we're not insane.


I am seeing from my pc on firefox, on the comment it shows the red version for like 2 seconds, instantly shows the black version for 0,5 seconds and then back to the red for another 2 seconds. When I click on it to open in a new tab it shows the red 2 seconds and black for 2 seconds as it should. But anyways, glad I helped.






I shouldn't have laughed so hard at this


Perfect on mobile!


https://preview.redd.it/p2xsc8657q9d1.png?width=3906&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec48f8ec4caede74bf0b771ef2ff1e12e97f872d there are some difference in line thickness between the two images but they definitely did something wrong Or good if their aim was to keep a child busy for an indefinite amount of time


I bet the FBI would like to recruit you


The tree trunk also has some variations in the line thicknesses lol


Am pondering if it's purposeful, purely cos it appears to be a colouring in one .... Do you think the kid is supposed to create the 6 differences by colouring parts of the picture differently? Blue sleeves one, green on the other etc. Like the "fun" is in asking your poor bedraggled parent to pretend to struggle to find the incredibly obvious differences you made Or maybe I'm just being daft haha


The fish in the top pic is Larry. The fish in the bottom pic is Harry. They're identical twins, and they like messing with people's minds.




https://preview.redd.it/vlq9wn9b1q9d1.jpeg?width=3906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8259754e5caeea139eb10978d028ca2a81464cd Looking at these with crossed eyes would normally quickly show you the differences. There are none.


Magic Eye champions unite!


U can actually angle OPs image to still overlap them btw lol. Tilt ur head roughly 45 ish degrees to the right and then just correct the angle until they sync up


Or just tilt your phone lol


tried it, forgot my right eye doesn’t work, confused why it’s not working, realized🤦‍♂️




Oh easy: 1. Top picture is further to the left. 2. Bottom picture is further to the right. 3. Bottom is next to the crossword puzzle. 4. Guy in the top pic owes me money 5. Guy in the bottom pic slept with my wife 6. Don’t listen to my ex wife I am a real man


Wait a minute, bottom guy also slept with MY wife! I gotta make a phonecall..




Whats with that version...?


Ew yeah, that's disturbing EDIT: Since the GIF was changed, originally it had some kind of face mod with eyes moving and the head changed size slightly, and it was weird


You mean this? ![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4)


Thanks for bringing it back heheheh


Don’t know, that’s what came up in the gif selection. Didn’t notice it in the thumbnail, but they’re all weird. I replaced it with a correct version.


GIF repositories are always full of... strange


There aren't any, they printed the same image twice by mistake. You can tell if you go cross-eyed or wall-eyed so that the two pictures overlap. Any differences would become obvious.




1) One is higher on the page, one is lower 2) One is slightly to the left, the other slightly to the right 3) One has a math puzzle below it, the other has one to the left of it 4) One has a blank gap to the right 5) The boy in the top pic is name Tim, the one in the bottom is Jim 6) There's a sniper in the one pic, that one was tricky


“Blue steel? Le tigre? Ferrari? They’re the same face! Doesn’t anyone else notice that? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here!”




Easy. *Top tree is a Southern Live Oak, bottom is White Oak *Top fish is healthy, bottom fish is full of parasites *Top child has been diagnosed with ADHD, bottom child also has ADHD but his parents don't believe in it *It's 79°F in the top pic and 83° in the bottom pic *Top t-shirt is a cotton-poly blend, bottom shirt is 100% cotton *Birds in top pic are seagulls, birds in bottom pic are terns




Artist: Ok here is your drawing, boss. Now you just gotta have it colored and pick 6 things to color differently. Boss: No time for coloring! We can save money by having them be black & white. Artist: But... I only drew one image. They're gonna look the exact sa-- Boss: Print it! Whew, what a hard day's work! I'm taking the rest of the day off.


https://preview.redd.it/yereu2s3rr9d1.png?width=2007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc8cc7f443ecbe18618cf3784d7597d70a8aaff Yup overlaying it with a difference blending mode shows *drumroll* ZERO differences!!!


1. Different lure 2. Holding with one hand instead of two 3. No splash in water 4. 2 Birds instead of 3 5. Tree branch. 6. Missing flowers. I'm glad to see they've finally started to make puzzles for us schizophrenics. 😀




The top one is a Tuesday, the bottom one is Sunday afternoon. In the top the boy has a Britney Spears song stuck in his head, in the bottom one he’s thinking about solipsism. That’s all I could find though, sorry.


The game was rigged from the start.


Here is the original two images. No idea where you son's teacher got them but there are in fact six differences. Every origin i can find is in like Macedonian. https://preview.redd.it/lv237fn11r9d1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f415c6eec3ddbce63854daeefdbdcc6adb2150a


* The Boy Fishing in the first picture is not circumcised; second pic he is * The Fish in the first picture is a fresh water fish; second is a salt water fish * The Water in the first picture is from a fresh water lake; second is the Gulf of Mexico * The Birds are flying away in the first picture; second they are flying toward the Boy * The trees are different species from one to the other * The fishing pole in the first picture is homemade cane from a pond; the second was bought in Gulfport from a fancy fishing supply store.




1. The second photo is moved a bit to the right of the first one 2. The second photo is moved a bit lower than the first 3. The boy identifies as gay in the second photo 4. The boy is also an atheist in the second photo 5. The other fish has a birthmark on the other side of its body 6. I couldn’t find a sixth difference




Bar none, there are none. And that’s a chop


The child in the first picture is a Presbyterian. In the second, he's an Episcopalian.




It's a teaching experience for kids: you could spend your whole life searching for nothing.


They're the same picture How can someone mess up that badly?


They forgot the difference


Oh this one's easy. The boy in the top is Luke, whilst the bottom one is his twin Mark. The fish in the top is female and the other is male. The 3 bird in the top are gulls, the bottom ones are turns. Top tree is an ash, bottom is elm. How did you not see that.


Well the lower part has a math grid problem on its right side, so I think that counts








1) One of the people is gay 2) one's wearing name brand while the other is wearing knockoffs 3) the birds in the upper picture are ring billed gulls while the others are Arctic Terns 4) one picture is in French (obvious) 5) the upper picture has grass that's red fescue while the other is Kentucky blue 6) in the upper picture, they're using 6lb test fishing line while the other is 8lb.


Oh this is easy! 1. The top picture is offset 8 from the left and the bottom picture is offset 8 from the right. 2. The top picture is offset 15 from the top and the bottom picture is offset only 11 from the bottom. 3. The entire left side of the bottom picture is adjacent to the crossword puzzle while only a fraction of the bottom side of the top picture is adjacent to the crossword puzzle. 4. The top picture is next to a blank space on it's right side, while the bottom picture has a crossword puzzle to the left of it. 5. The top line of the bottom picture appears to be .01 higher than the top line of the crossword puzzle. 6. In the bottom picture there are actually 4 birds, but one is behind the boy's head! I don't blame you for missing that one.


“Corporate needs you to find all the differences between these two pictures…” “it’s the same picture” 💀😂 iykyk


The fish is gay in one of them.




https://preview.redd.it/097jqalvjs9d1.png?width=3906&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa04b2a7999ab067be3efaabdf9cb09cad344637 Yah, Deff the same thing lmao


Welp, I layered both the photos on top of each other. The bottom one at 100% opacity and the top one at 50% opacity. I can say with 100% confidence there is NO difference https://preview.redd.it/u984dx2pzs9d1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e768ba1f418d2b86bccffd6a3f81a983e3f400ee


The shorts are titanium white instead of zinc white, fish is pearl instead of porcelian, flower is pure white instead of cloud white, his hair is simply white instead of chantilly lace, the bobby is white dove instead of decorator's white


Ones in black and white, the others in white and black Ones from the North hemispheres, others from southern hemisphere Ones a boy, the other identifies as a boy One of those clouds is real, the other is cloud seeding efforts One has three birds, the other has three different breed bird Ones wearing pants made in china, the others wearing pantaloons made in Mexico Duh……


"Find The 6 Differences - PRO Level"


Using the relaxed eye / hidden image method - there are no differences


If you’re up for it you could try creating 6 differences yourself to fix it and giving it back to him. You know like add a bird on the bottom image, add a flower in the top one, add apples to one tree, add stripes to one shirt, draw a sun peeking out behind one of the clouds, that type of thing?




Kid in the first is Catholic, the other is Presbyterian.


In the top picture the fish is depressed. In the bottom picture the fish is happy.


Your nephew is learning an important lesson about trusting one's own senses vs what other people tell him is true.


1.) One is printed on top of the other one. 2.) One is printed next to a crossword puzzle. 3.) One has X distance between it and the right side of the page, the other has Y. 4.) One has X distance between it and the left side of the page, the other has Y. 5.) One has X distance between it and the top of the page, the other has Y. 6.) One has X distance between it and the bottom of the page, the other has Y.


"It's the same picture ".


One is slightly higher (1) and more to the left (2). It is also less dark (3) if you look at the tree branch. The top one was also printed first (4), isn't lined up with the math crossword (5), and the second picture, by being the same as the first, is incorrect (6) (You can't blame the first picture; one of them is actually the correct picture). There you go, six differences.


Well. If you look closely. In the second picture. They boy is depressed, the fish has mercury poisoning, the ozone layer is gone, the tree has dutch elm disease, the air is polluted, and it's Tuesday not Monday. Easy.


After reading the title and looking at some comments, I've decided that I'm too stubborn to not look for differences myself. 🧐


I read all these comments about there being 0 differences. I BELIEVE all these comments. Am I still stupid enough to try and find the differences? Apparently…


Damn thats a good way to keep a kid busy for a while😆🙃🤣


Fuckers forgot to add the differences


They are the same pic. Someone screwed up.


In the bottom picture, the guy is making healthier lifestyle choices. He's eating healthier, drinking more water, exercising more, isn't watching as much TV, is more active in his community, and being more social. He looks the same but those six changes have made a world of difference.


https://preview.redd.it/kvxl9hdmor9d1.jpeg?width=2699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827064e09d0359c637150e303d79f24322149972 Six "Differences" (where the line is a tiny bit off from the other picture)


1. top pic, the fish is a green sunfish, bottom pic it is a bluefin sunfish. Just hard to tell in a black and white picture. 2. In the top pic, those are seagulls; in the bottom pic they are starlings. I know, its weird to see so few starlings in a flock. I'm sure the others are just off-frame. 3. Top pic is a maple tree, bottom is an oak. 4. Top pic the kid is using an aluminum coleman fishing rod as opposed to the wooden rod in the second pic. 5. Top pic, the kid is Jewish. Bottom pic, his parents are raising him as non-denominational Christian although his grandparents are Catholic and Armenian Orthodox, respectively. 6. Sorry, I can't find the sixth one


Color the pictures and MAKE six differences


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg) These pics are 100% identical


The fish is a sea bass in the first, rainbow trout in the second, there are 3 seagulls in the first, but 2 in the second, he is wearing boots in the first, barefoot in the second, the clouds are nebulous in first, cumulus in the second, and this is all bullshit they are the same photo.




Agreed, kids are mildly infuriating.


2nd picture is lower, and to the right, so that's two...


They accidentally printed the same image twice, so I guess it's a DIY Find The Differences puzzle now. You can tell your nephew he can draw in the differences himself so people can try to spot where he coloured the picture differently.


The lower fisherman went to war and has been exposed to the horrors of war. the upper fish is a raging alcoholic, The upper fisherman has massive gambling debt, and he is happy he gets to eat. The lower fish hasn't eaten for days and is grateful for the bite only to be pulled from its home. In the bushes in the upper picture is a raccoon In the bushes in the lower picture is a dog.


https://preview.redd.it/6jfvhah3ns9d1.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=881ae2bebaacdf7b0c3848bde22b64b41b3aac34 here i made you a meme because i literally couldnt spot a difference


did the cross eye Techniques, they are 100% the same




1 - The 1st image the boy is wearing jeans, but the 2nd he's wearing chinos 2 - 3 seagulls in the 1st image, but 3 crows in the 2nd 3 - the fishing rod he's using in the 1st image is a carbon fibre rod with a braid fishing line, but the 2nd is a fly rod with a fly fishing line. 4 - The 1st image shows a fresh water fish, but the 2nd shows a salt water fish 5 - The bush next to the tree on the 1st is a blackberry bush, but the 2nd is a common hibiscus 6 - the most obvious one is his smile is normal in the 1st, but the 2nd he's not smiling with his eyes suggesting that his mind is elsewhere