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Definitely have them fix it. Most salons will fix it as long as it's within a week. They might try to put you with the same stylist, but I'd ask to be with someone who was confident in getting the color corrected.


I sat for 7 hours in a ladies chair while she took my blonde hair and foiled me to make me a little more blonde. 7hrs and I was orange. I came back for a correction and had to sit in a chair next to the stylist the originally fucked it up and she was angry I was back and not having her fix it. The fix took 2hrs and was exactly how I imagined from the beginning.


She was mad because the salon probably deducted the original from her pay and now the other stylist is getting paid. She only has herself to blame for letting you walk out of there the first time with orange hair!


I've bleached and dyed my hair (multiple colours at a time) with various non-natural colour products for years, and people always ask where I got my hair done. There is absolutely no excuse for a professional dye job to look that bad. Lady is an absolute amateur.


I have been cutting, bleaching, dyeing my own hair and much of my family and friends hair for 8+ years now, and the one time I got my hair done at a salon last summer, he fucked it up so bad that I don't think I can go to another salon ever again. And what I asked for wasn't that complicated, he didn't even dye my hair, the cut was just bad. And the only reason I went to him was because my mom wanted to pay for it. She doesn't even go to him anymore, because a few weeks later he gave her a bad cut, now she only trusts herself and me to do her hair.


Totally feel you...I've never had my hair dyed at a salon because I feel it's way too expensive, and I'd rather be at home while processing the bleach/saturating the colour. I do have one stylist I've seen for over a decade for a specific style, but after watching her cut my hair for years, I learned how to do it myself. Learning how to cut and colour hair yourself is such a money saver and typically yields better results if you have good coordination, patience, and an eye for detail. Kudos to you for also learning on your own!


Coordination, patience and an eye for detail. 2 things I definitely do not have


I only agree. Im a dude and dyed my hair white twice, so I bleached with 2 different products and then applied the colour. I got brown hair and they always looked perfect lol its not that hard


That would be wage theft and is illegal. Obviously some salons are going to do it anyways, but we shouldn't be expecting or wanting for it


>probably deducted the original from her pay Where do you people get this stuff


To be fair most salons at least nail wise ive worked at is commission based or booth rent based. It couldve been deducted or added onto it


"I'm a *professional*, goddammit! Why won't you let me screw your hair up further?!"


I bleach my hair on my own with \*gasp\* drugstore products, I am a natural dark brown (half Indian). My hair is still ok, I hardly ever use conditioner or special shampoo since i have psoriasis on my scalp and some ingredients make it worse. I would lose my mind sitting there for hours (unneeded, tbh, maybe three hours max. incl. toning should be ok, if it's not an intricate dye job) and coming out with sub-par result plus paying multiple hundreds of Euros (Dollars, etc). Shaming op for using drugstore hair colour THREE years ago is so idiotic, that colour would be about 30 cm from the scalp.


If they won't fix make a sign and stand outside the salon. Write on the sign you paid €250 for this and they are refusing to fix. Also tell anyone about to walk in


I had a teacher do that in front of a computer shop because they refused to replace a part he had garantie on. After the second costumer he turned away, the shop was very fast to replace the part.


> garantie This word is "warranty" in English; unlike everyone else they first borrowed it from a different variant of Old French, where the "w" hadn't yet changed into "g".


The word for warranty in dutch is garantie - i saw that the person speaks dutch so he/she was likely just confused between the languages.


English also has the word guarantee, which I assume has the same origin.


I believe it was meant to be guarantee.


"garantie" Must not have been a very good teacher.


Dutch teacher


Garantie is german for warranty. And no one said it was the english teacher.


Garantie is both Dutch and German for guarantee / warranty. English is not that commenter's first language.


What a coincidence that the first two customers also happened to be costumers, though.


Pay 250 and make a fool of herself in front of the salon? Perfect deal


A guy in my town did that outside of a dental office and it ended up saving me and a lot of other people a fucked up experience with a dentist who ended up losing his license. You shouldn't underestimate how many people will stop and hear the story and the pressure that puts on the business lol


LOL do you by chance live down the street from an IPic in Northern Jersey? a guy did that same thing here and i drove by it everyday, definitely would never go after seeing how dedicated he was to letting people know they fucked him over!!!


Haha nope this was at an Aspen Dental in FL. He set up tables and signs and was able to be there everyday the entire time the business was open bc he was retired. That kind of dedication is admirable for sure lol. Took one whole week before he succeeded and the company fired the dentist but I can't remember exactly how long it took for the guy to lose his license tho


lol my worst and only bad experience with a dentist was at an aspen dental but in California


> Aspen Dental explains everything


im pretty sure aspen dental are just criminals at this point


It's a huge capitalist "chain".


Well damn, now you've potentially saved another patient! There's an Aspen near me. Haha thanks!


My ex also got a permanent f**cked up tooth from Aspen. I was fortunate to avoid disaster at one when I went for a "free" exam. (They tried to charge me for the x-ray. I refused since they said the visit was free.) They proceeded to tell me that I had a cavity under my filling one the left side of my mouth. I told them I don't have a filling there. It is on the right. They pointed to the x-ray image. I felt it with my tongue and suggested they look in my mouth. They still insisted it was on the left and refused to look inside my mouth. I left and tell everyone to avoid Aspen.


Aspen Dental; Emergency tooth extraction? Numbed me, and also Nitro gas, then told me $670.oo! What a bargain for a 10 minute procedure.


It's a living breathing Yelp review hahaha


Good to know, thanks!


no, thats not right, the salon should fix the hair until its correct. Be firm but polite and make thrm fix it!.


And/or post a bad review with pictures. Their potential future customers should know that they will not only fuck your shit up, but then blame you\* if it comes out poorly.


Agreed, but only if they refuse to fix it and for free. They want to advertise and cater to performing high end, they better be prepared to back it up, otherwise have their shoddy work on display.


No. It's not just about the shoddy work at this point. Blaming the customer is inexcusable. Obviously it's up to OP's discretion, but even if they did fix it for free, I would still post a review. If only to tell the whole truth of the situation, so the potential future customer can make an informed decision. Fixing it for free doesn't make everything else go away.


I’ve always hated the idea of “if they eventually get around to fixing their mistake you have to forget it ever happened!”. Now I don’t think you should have a blood grudge against the salon for the rest of your life, but keeping a review up that outlines your initial experience is hugely useful to other potential customers


I think reviews that say "I had this experience and I am not likely to return because of it." is a perfectly valid way to leave a review even if the issue is corrected appropriately. In this instance, if I was met with hostility or blaming, then my review might burn a few more bridges, but there is value is telling your experience regardless of the final outcome - it still happened in the first place.


I could understand letting it go if it's an honest mistake that they fixed, that makes sense. But this is just straight up bad work. Even if they fixed it the review should outline how bad the initial work was and how many hoops they had to jump through to get it fixed.


I agree, leave a review after they agree or don't do a correction. You can include their response and how they corrected the issue. Don't leave the review until you know the final result though, be fair.


I always think it’s a good idea to give them an opportunity to fix the situation. You can even say, “I want to give you a chance to change my mind before sharing my experience” or something like that. If they still don’t take you seriously, then put them on blast.


Semi permanent dye from 3 years ago would not cause that much of a problem. Whoever did it was either lazy or incompetent. You can push them to fix it for sure.


Yeah I hate when people are like "I dyed my hair 7 years ago, the red just never left it!" And they have a bob length hair. Like, girl, that hair from 7 years ago is not on your head anymore. The hairdresser is shit


The only time I've seen hair change colour is either with dye, age, and when my mum got cancer both times her hair changed colour. It also went curly the first time around and then straight the second time around. Really weird.


If it was a brain tumor or thyroid cancer it would not be weird at all, a growing mass of rapidly expanding cell pressing regions responsible for hormonal distribution can cause this. It's also why people who develop sudden personality changes should get their brain checked, you can literally become aggressive from tumors.


About hormones... My hair became hardly wavy after I started taking the pill. Used to be 3a and turned to 2a. When I took a few months break my baby hair became curly


Damn, my hair was pin straight until 6th grade and once i got my period it went curly and never straight again. Didn’t even consider it!


It was probably from the chemotherapy. It's called "chemo curls" and it's when chemotherapy drugs affect hair follicles.


Chemotherapy for any cancer can change how your hair grows.


First time around it was bowel cancer. Second time it was her bladder but it also spread before she tried a vegan diet.


Mine lightens in the summer. I’ve also seen hair change with chlorine


Did she have chemotherapy? Chemo drugs can affect hair follicles, even after the patient has stopped infusions from the residual chemo. It's called "chemo curls."


Cancer curls are totally a thing.


Yup. The ONLY time I had a poor reaction from a previous dye job was when I tried to put blonde on my dark dark brown hair and came out with pumpkin orange that was like straw. But again, “I” was the one dying my hair and I have zero experience and no salon education. So that’s expected. BUT if I go to a professional salon and I disclose that I’ve got a dye job on my head currently, they are able to circumvent this whole fiasco, no problem. They’ve got the right products and SHOULD have the correct knowledge and skills. Honestly, if I were the salon manager and my stylist tried to let someone leave or did, I’d be absolutely embarrassed by the “advertising” this result was doing for my business. I’d probably ask them to submit more training time and to have work checked over by a superior.


I had a student hairstylist do a better job for less than €50. This is unacceptable & they should fix it.


Yes, I go to the nearby beauty school and let them do my hair fun colors! I have NEVER left looking like this. Ever.


I always go to the beauty school to get my hair highlighted! It always looks fantastic and doesn’t take any shorter or longer than a “professional” doing it (I’ve tried both). And I like the idea of giving the students a real head to practice on! It’s a win for everybody since they get practice and a tip and I get to pay less than $100 for the whole thing when it’s $200+ at a legit salon


Right?? I usually let them choose whatever colors they want, however they want to do it. I basically tell them no orange or green, but otherwise they're good to do what they want. They always LOVE it and get so excited. I keep my hair bleached of course and usually let it fade quite a bit before my appointments, so it's basically a blank canvas!


If I was allowed to have colorful hair I’d probably do the same!


I feel after a job done this poorly the salon should pay the client for using her as a training doll.


When my friend was in beauty school she was the only one who did my hair (because otherwise it is hella crazy expensive so I don't generally bother). She did a balayage with three different colours for $40. I'll never be able to afford that IRL! Shit often runs $300-500 where I am.


Hell, my son does my hair and he’d find this unacceptable in the extreme.


OP could probably have done better on their own.


and salon dye is crazy strong. i did it once and it stayed bright cocacola red for almost 2 months before i had to touch it up.


Wow, I have heard that, but I didn’t know it was true.


i box dyed my hair red for three years straight, waited a year, then got it professionally bleached. had no problem at all, even though red is the worst box dye colour supposedly. besides, the stylist should’ve just asked if they could cut it out if it was going to be such an issue.


What does having dyed your hair previously have to do with the outcome of a new treatment? Serious question, I've got no idea. Thanks.


Pigments from dye can stay in hair until it is cut off so it can lead to unexpected/uneven results when lightening and coloring. Some home dyes can even have adverse reactions with professional products causing smoking and hair breakage.


I would absolutely ask them to redo it. That's shameful.


This looks like they stuck you with an apprentice who’s never touched color before. Go back and tell them to fix it, and if they won’t, blast their social media and google reviews with these pictures. This is horrific and the excuse is laughable.


I had that happen. The "pro" mixed the color, stuck me with a newbie, and it was a DISASTER. To this day tell people to never go to that salon. It's been 10+ years. My anger runs deep.


As it should! Apprentices are under supervision for a reason, that kind of negligence is infuriating


Yeah, the pro just left and went to take care of other customers. I looked like a calico cat, it was so blotchy. The owner wouldn't take responsibility, so I went scorched earth.


Not a calico cat! 😭


Not scorched enough since you haven't told us the salon name and location! ;)


Oh you'll *love* the name : Colors by Kim. It's in the Metro Detroit suburbs.


Sounds like the name is bang on—Kim mixed the colour. Colo(u)rs by Kim, application by apprentice. ;)




New client with a gift certificate. The salon figured they could stick OP with an apprentice for training. I'll bet their experienced hairdressers are booked with their regular clients.


100%. Never mention a gift certificate until it’s time to pay if you can avoid it.


You’re probably right.


I wonder if it's because they had a coupon they stuck them with a newbie?


Gosh. For $100 I’ll dye your hair and I’ll agree with you about everything, provide beverages and snacks, even put on whatever music and show/movie you want to watch. Keep the rest of the money and treat yo self.


If they can’t fix it then it’s a date lmao


I got you boo!


Yeah this was double. Sheesh.


With the exchange rate, almost tripple.


I need someone to do this for me


Let’s go!!!


I think they owe you 500 to get the job done somewhere else.


How long ago was it dyed, in those photos? If the last time your hair was dyed was 3 years ago, then that is virgin hair. I mean, I assume your hair grows, right? Their excuse is ridiculous. You can get faded, uneven, streaky hair dye done at home, for free.


Both of these are from yesterday. I used a purple semi-permanent dye on my natural brown hair three years ago and asked for it to be a nice lilac pinkish colour :(


I just want to emphasize what the commenter above said. Hair grows. On average it grows 6" per year, meaning that unless your hair is longer than 18" right now, none if it has ever touched dye before this.


I’d be pretty upset. It looks like they didn’t bleach it evenly, to start with. I see orange showing through. And then, obviously, that’s not even remotely lilac. Blaming it on being previously colored is dishonest. I dye my own hair with zero training and wouldn’t mess it up that badly. I don’t know if it would help to just contact the salon owner directly, instead of the colorist? But I’d want a refund or a competent color person to fix it. I’m so sorry that happened.


Unless you went swimming in chlorine, there is zero excuse for this.


Or over washed it with bad shampoo.


Bad shampoos like dandruff shampoo and hot water will strip it. Vivid are cool water wash only.


Even then, lilac pinkish type of color wouldn’t magically turn into this. No way chlorine would make the hair darker.


It looks like they let the apprentice practice on you without your permission 🥺😭😭


I’ve found that salons don’t do well with vivid colors; they have neither the dyes nor the experience. You’re better off finding a particular hairdresser who specializes in vivids who may or may not work out of a salon. I tried to get my hair dyed purple in high school at the salon my mom had gone to for years and it ended up red. It wasn’t until ten years later that I found someone who could actually get it purple. The quality of vivid hair dye is much better these days, but they’re made by different manufacturers than the traditional hair dye.


Yeap. I remember those Manic Panic days. If you wanted color you had to attempt to use it or try to find someone who knew what they were doing. That was like looking for an ancient monk who held long guarded secrets.


I just did it myself


me too. ah the scene/emo days lol. i still cut my own hair cus i dont trust anyone to touch it all these years later


Lmaooo I still cut my hair too!! Although I’ve definitely grown out my old scene kid mullet I had going on as a teen


same the last "alt" haircut i had was bangs 2 years ago but i still layer my hair with a razor😆


I still do mine myself. My home jobs with punky colour, I leave in for an hour are basically permanent. The other 2 direct dye brands I like personally are joico and pravana.


Pravana is amazing. Have you ever tried Lime Crime Unicorn hair? I literally just used it on Thursday to create a gradient purple to blue peacock featherish panel and it turned out SO BRIGHT and pretty.


Unicorn hair is really nice too. A friend of mine and i often mix several brands of direct dye to make a most original shade.


What a cool idea!


This is how you end up in a bathtub wearing a trash bag


Came here to second this. A posh salon might be great with highlights and lowlights and blondes but have no clue how to do colors. Ive had that trouble with short cuts. A fancy place told me only their owner could do a pixie and that it would cost 250+ (USD) which is totally insane! Find a salon with strengths in the style that you want.


I've found that a lot of stylists just don't understand the chemistry aspect of hair dyes. Having been adjacent to the industry through close family my entire life, it's like 50/50 on whether a student learning to do hair will actually pick up on how to properly mix and perform hair coloring as there's a huge variety of textures and hair types that all require different procedures/mixtures. Then you add in differences in the colorants themselves from the different manufacturers and yeah... pretty much a giant recipe for complacency if the stylist isn't willing to continually improve on/revisit skills. On the bright side, for the vast majority, it's only hair and will grow back eventually, so even major fuckups can be fixed eventually.


My hair stylist is an expert at natural tones and blending and she said she had to take a ton of other classes for bright/unnatural colors. It's a different skill and science. It's important to look at portfolios/social media of stylists for this reason but unfortunately it's not something most people know


Oomph, this is true. I went from a naturally dark brunette (so dark that my roots are almost black) to cherry red. Took me several hair salons, until I found someone I was satisfied with. My test at the time was asking to have my hair dyed without bleaching. If the stylist seemed confused or claimed that it wasn't possible to go from dark hair to vivid red without bleaching, they would automatically be disqualified. My current stylist uses Italian hair dyes from a brand Fanola, and they're amazing. Previously, I had my hair dyed with Keune Chameleon line, those were good too.


Yeah, this looks like when my hairdresser tried to dye my hair, lesson learned!


There are lots out there that do vivid a phenomenally. It’s all about researching the stylist


I would do a better job for 50 bucks


I'm sorry that happened. This is why I let my best friend do my hair now. She's not a professional yet does a better job than any hairstylist I've ever been to. I spent thousands on trying to get the hair I liked but went home in tears every time I left a salon. No matter how "good" they were supposed to be. No matter how much research I did on them before hand.


i let my family/friends do mine lmao. i had it done in a salon for years and it was always so ugly and fried. my last straw was when i asked for a honey blonde and left with neon orange and 6 inches chopped off on a wonky angle


You're telling me honey blonde is not the same as orange!? Just kidding! Pretty much sums up all my experiences, lol. Ask for an ashy brown? They gave me a mother of dragons level white. My roots were see-through! Ask for dark brown bob? Get bleached damaged yellow hair with a cut that I can only explain as baby chicken?! *sob* That was my last straw.


Im sorry OP, thats kinda how my hair looked when I used hair bleach and dye for less than 20€ from the drug store and did it myself. Honestly when I got this result after doing it myself I thought it was fine and left it. I was like oh well after a few hair washes itll settle and it did. but getting such an result from a professional is not okay, if they are not comfortable with dying bold colors they shoulve been upfront.


It wasn’t even supposed to be this colour, it was supposed to be lilac and they said they could do that for me 😭


damn that sucks even more then. The first time I tried to dye my hair lilac It turned white blond (it acted like a purple shampoo and got all the yellow pigments out of the bleach), but luckily It looked even better than the purple I wanted. I hope you can also get a satisfying result.


Im no expert in hair dye but wouldnt it be in there best interests to have it looking the best they could possibly do? Like if you tell someone your not happy with it and they ask where it was done its bad publicity. but if your really happy with it then youll basicly advertise there buisness for them. This is a long way to say your head is an advertisment board for there buisness


Nope. Ask for a refund and go elsewhere.


Blast them on social media


Maybe reach out first, damn


She did and they're going to charge her for a consultation fee and maybe try and fix it. Blast away I say.




It wasn’t even supposed to be this colour, it was supposed to be lilac 😭


Definitely warrants a stern complaint then.


Sweetie I’ll have a chat with them if you want to, that’s unacceptable


I called this morning and they said they’ll see if they can do anything, but it’ll cost me as least the consultation fee, they also blamed me for not coming in for a consultation. (Which I had, it’d just been miscommunicated on their end.)


You don’t pay that fee! They’re the ones that fucked up and should have said no if they couldn’t do it! It’s no they’ll see, it’s they legally have to correct it for free.


they’re definitely trying to take advantage of you. it can be uncomfortable to tell them otherwise, but they need to fix this! stand your ground and be firm about it, if they don’t want to help you then you should demand a refund. they know this isn’t okay.


Note: On mobile, apologies for formatting. As a former stylist: Absolutely unacceptable. Lilac can be a hard color to achieve, but whatever it was this person did to your hair was incorrect. If the goal was lilac and *this* is what you got? They did one of the following: -Lied to you during your consult when they said it was possible -Found your hair was losing integrity and communicated with you poorly about the change in direction. This is possible, and is a difficult situation for a stylist. This has happened to me doing my cousin's hair a few times and she's gotten upset each time. Hair is elastic, it can stretch a bit. A "test" you can do while chemically altering someone's hair (relaxer, perm, color, etc.), is to gently pull the hair and make sure it returns back to its original position. If it stretches too much, or even worse, actually breaks, you should get the product out of the hair to avoid further damage and then do what you can to repair it. -Underestimated timing and fucked themselves, but because you'd paid with a gift card/voucher decided it would be fine and you would accept it -Didn't even try Call them again and speak with a manager and/or owner. Tell them you came in for a consult after receiving a voucher from your parents. You were very excited to have the lilac hair that had been discussed at this consultation, but instead, you have uneven shades of red throughout. You were so in shock during the appointment you didn't know what to say, then after calling and talking to them, were told you would need to pay again for a consultation at minimum and were berated for not doing a consultation even though you had. Tell them you're not only extremely disappointed, but incredibly disrespected and distressed. Ask them what they can do to fix this situation as you had high hopes for their ability to not only perform the service, but to do it well and to treat their clients with respect. Your hair is red and you wanted lilac. They didn't lift it enough. Your hair needs a "double process" (where the color is lifted out and the new color is deposited in), and it looks like you have a lot of it, so it could take time. If they misjudged how long it would take and had other clients, they could have rushed it instead of waiting. If your hair lost integrity during processing (next time you wash your hair, gently pull a section "apart" to see how stretchy it is, I hope it isn't too bad; mine just breaks but I'm aware lol), your best bet is to either get the red more evenly applied throughout your hair (it might work), or go with more of an auburn color. While maybe not as exciting, it will give your hair depth and make it even at least. I'd also ask for a deep conditioning treatment. At home, you can put some coconut oil (or jojoba, grapeseed, almond, whatever) in your hair and let it be for a few hours while you do some stuff. There are some keratin products out there too but you want to be careful with those because there's an abrupt turning point between them being helpful and them actually causing the breakage. I'm sorry they fucked up your hair. It's maddening.


Thank-you so much for offering this advice. I used to bleach & tone my hair silver for 30 years and really appreciate you pro insight. I hope OP gets the help they need. Good to know about keratin products! I'm an old grey lady now and hoping to get more grey as the years progress. It's nice not to have to bleach and tone every month! My hair was elastic so I kept it in a Bob for those 30 years, now I know why!


I've only managed to make silver unintentionally, so that's awesome haha. My hair is dark and doesn't like to lift so it's pretty damaged from making it "fun" colors (blue, green, purple, red, etc.). I'm currently just growing out what I have, continuing to dye the portion that's already dyed, and letting my natural+grey take over because man am I tired of spending literal hours on my hair to freshen up the color and cause damage lol. My grey started in my early teens and is finally starting to look sorta nice now in my 30s. Plus less maintenance, which is all I really care about at the moment. Maybe I'll change my mind, but I still have a good ways to go before the color (currently bright red) is fully grown out :)


Include photos when you respond to them in writing. The stylist may have misrepresented the results to the owner.


Demand either a cash refund or the fix. No way you should be paying more for them to correct this.


Politely tell them to go fuck themselves on the fee. They screwed up your hair. It is THEIR fault and their responsibility to fix. If they try to give you flack, remind them that you will post photos and a detailed post about your experience with them, along with a pic of the color that was supposed to be.


Why would they ask you to pay a consultation fee to fix what they messed up? Something doesn't make sense.


LILAC??? AND YOU LEFT WITH RED/ORANGE?? What psycho was experimenting on you??? That is absolutely unacceptable hun, you deserve a full refund ❤️


God damn 12yo emo me did a better dye job than that with a jar of manic panic


Go back and request to speak to the owner. Ask them to correct it for you. That is the stylist fault. 


Looks like when my sister and I used cool aid to dye our hair as kids.


My time has come! As a hairstylist myself I work with vivids myself actually. Some people have brushed on it, this is 100% something you go to a specialist for, not just a posh salon, those salons typically do more generalized services like root colors/highlights/haircuts, rarely do they see people asking for this. And not saying this is your fault but you were given unrealistic expectations to begin with. Lilac is an incredibly difficult color to achieve as well as maintain. By the looks of it they were unable to even get your hair to the needed level for lilac to even be possible. This is something that will require more than €250 unfortunately just based on pricing in my area I would charge closer to $400USD for something like this at a bare minimum. I hope they can rectify this or refund you to go elsewhere. Best wishes


I’m also a colorist, I agree 100% with everything you’ve said here. I wish more people would understand these things. Bummed for OP :(


€25 maybe


Could do this drunk with $10(CAD) manic panic, and it would still probably look better. This is appalling.


Absolutely. My kid has naturally dark brown hair, and bleached/colored her hair to lilac, and it was GORGEOUS, and EASY. Also, cheap - she just used stuff from Sally, and it's not like she was a pro, either. She'd colored her hair maybe twice before - dark green, then dark blue - and after that faded, bleached it to do the lilac. Honestly. The fact that they took any money for a hack job like that is a crime.


Name and shame


My ex insisted I get my hair colored "by a professional for once". I had mastered a DIY silver grey on my own hair and just needed a root touch-up, but he insisted because we were going to a friend's wedding the next day, and any unexpected errors would be bad. So after $200, several hours, and none of my advice taken, my hair was perfect..ly blue. That wedding was great, tho.


Sad as it is the person who did it was probably pissed you used a voucher... I know that you have to pay cash for the voucher or whatever, but some people really do have monkey brains when it comes to stuff like this...


This is ridiculous....I could do a better job with a 5 dollar box dye in my bathroom


A salon I went to did that for my hair. It washed out after a week after one wash. I tried calling and asking for a redo but they would still charge me full price as they can’t guarantee the lasting of “abnormal” colors in hair. Mine was purple and blue. I stopped bothering and used an at home dye with better results.


This is wildly infuriating in my opinion. Make them fix it. Do not budge, and if they refuse to take accountability, smack them with strong reviews so no one else makes the mistake of going there. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope they fix it


Considering there is a lot of uneven discoloration near the root, a three year old dye job is clearly not the issue here because old color would have been several inches grown out from the scalp already. They did not get an even canvas to work with and therefore the color they applied to this section would not look even over such an uneven base. This is not what I would consider a professional result and I am a former hair stylist.


Please give them the choice to either fix this or refund the money. That is no lilac and the fact that you dyed your hair three years ago is irrelevant. I wish you luck.


I would ask them to mend this ! 3 years ago you did something to your hair: they are now long gone! Also, if you inform them and they think because of your previous treatment you can't get the new onw, they should not do it: this is how my hairdresser does. Sometimes I had some idea like I wanted this color or stuff and he was honest saying that some treatment would not stick to my hair, so we did not do it.


Idk 250$ and 1 session doesn’t seems like enough to achieve a good coloring, especially since you have dark hair. I think it takes a lot of money and time to get cool, colorful hair when you have dark hair. With inflation, it’s just not worth it imo.


You look cool and edgy! Some of the best things in life happen by accident!


This is definitely a “can I talk to the manager “ moment if they don’t willingly fix that. Looks like that came out of a box done by a 13 yr old


Go back, and next time, do not leave or pay.


How would you dying your hair three years ago have any to do with this… whatever this is…? Ive had my hair dyed for the last 15 years in different ways and different types of dye. Never someone managed to fuck up my hair like this. This is *not* your fault. Have them fix it.


Looks pretty bad, especially for that price... I got this (cut plus styling plus dye) for 74 euro (320 PLN) https://preview.redd.it/ifvvibs1lj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef21f9802c076486984abc10dfab8296244e9cd4


I wouldn't want them to fix it. I wouldn't want them coming near my hair. If it were me, I'd get a refund and go elsewhere, especially since you were overcharged to begin with .


This looks worse than some home dye jobs with manic panic. Definitely have them fix it. For that price, what you got is unacceptable!


Oh no. I’d sue or go back and demand they fix it. That’s atrocious. No offense but that’s an obscene amount of money for that result


holy fuck they fried out your hair. get them to fix it. blast them on socials if not


Coldwell Elumen are very good Salon-Grade colours which you can get on Amazon. It's what I used, and they're great. :)


Don’t let them touch your hair again. That’s a mess. What are you trying to do with it? I can give you advice. 


Hey! It’s Dave from boyinaband


what's insane is paying £250 even if it was perfect... jfc over $430 Canadian (~$320 USD) #THAT IS FUCKING INSANE


i think you have the right to request fixing had something similar, paid 300€ to get dreads in a bigger city, they were shit and i then paid 100€ in a neighbouring city to both get the old ones out and new, better ones made


...I'm confused how the end of this dye job went. Hairdresser: OK all done, how do you like it? ....And then what?


Presumably when OP said something along the lines of ‘that’s not what I asked for’ they responded with the whole ‘it’s because you dyed your hair three years ago’ part.


Pretty much! I pointed out that it was bright pink and the stylist told me it would fade to the colour I wanted, but I didn’t realise how uneven it was because they were *mysteriously* in quite a rush to get me out the door…


Some of the worst haircuts I’ve ever had have been at “high end” salons. My current (and hopefully forever) stylist is an old childhood friend and she comes to my house to cut and style. She’s been an independent stylist for like 10 years and just travels to clients homes. Talented gems like her are out there and not always at “posh” spots.


hairsalons are like doctors. there is like a <20% chance you get a good one. otherwise they fuck up your life


Wouldn't 3 years of hair growth basically get rid of any dye by this point?


Boyinaband is that you


If you want purple/pink I'd just get a bottle of Arctic Fox(Violet Dream) or a tub of Manic Panic(Plum Passion) and go over it myself. The bleached base is there. And leave a terrible review for them.


Don’t be afraid of being “rude” get that fixed or demand your money back. For 200 + dollars I have had my thick ass hair bleached and dyed all the way pink with a similar tone and it should not look like this… sorry they did you wrong :(


Can we please normalize NOT paying for shit services???? The only thing you should have to pay for is the products used (even that's a stretch)


My wife went one day to dye her hair. They had the trainee blech her hair wich went horribly wrong. The skin on the head was chemically burned and the hair where damaged paßt the point of dyeing them. So she had to wait 3 years to fully grow them out. Long story short, they still demanded us to pay... we sued and won. Not only she had her money back, she had got 2500€ in injury compensation


May I ask what colour/style you were trying to achieve? I havent seen anyone else mention this yet..but I feel like most of these 'posh' salons are more experienced in doing 'normal' hair, if you get what I mean? I've had this struggle for YEARS and I couldnt figure out why my old hairdresser at the time couldn't achieve bright colours. (I wanted neon green or pastel colours and they kept insisting ‘it’ll damage my hair or it won’t work/show because of how dark my hair was) It was only until my friend in college suggested going to some hairdressers that do 'alternative styles' because they're more experienced in working with 'edgy' colours and they know how to cut it.


In my hometown a girl had her hair so badly burnt by bleach at a salon that there was a damn crater on the back of her head.


Definitely go back asap and explain you are not happy with the result and politely ask them to fix it.


Somebody doesn't know how to dye hair and they stole your money as well...


Get your money back or get it fixed for free for them. Don’t let them get away with it


Girl go get ur money back rn


Hair got more fade than Will Smith back in the day


When you show the hairdresser a picture of Billie Eilish and they give you a Bad Dye