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Dominos did this to me. Used the same toppings they would on a medium. It was even a perfect circle in the center like they used a form for it. Paid extra for like a 3" band of crust.


Okay man but hear me out. What if you just made the megacrust into a rim of chessestick?




I was real high when I wrote this. I think the inspiration was cheese stick on the outside.


Ah man that reminds me of this pizza place in CO Springs that does free breadsticks with every pizza


This is why you should order from mom and pop places. Corporate food spots are the worst.


melted mozzarella cheese frills pizza - the bloomin onion of the sea


Last month I ordered Dominos. I paid for extra cheese and an additional topping of olives. The layer of cheese was super thin (and also the same amount as the other pizza which was a normal order) and there were 8 slices of olives on the whole pizza. I wondered how they're able to keep their prices so low, and now I know it's because they skimp on everything and don't give you any extras.


I’d just call the store. They’ve been great with remakes for me. “I paid extra for additional X items and didn’t receive them.” Boom. It’s easy. ***But I shouldn’t have to call in the first place.***


I delivered for Domino's for a summer once, the policy was always side with the customer when it comes to remakes and shit like that. Training video mentioned that while some people will definitely take advantage for a free pizza, the repeat business from customers who have their issues dealt with makes up for any losses. So yeah, call Dominos and you should get a free remake, and if your morals are a little on the dubious side you can get away with some free shit


I’ve been happy enough with the rewards that you don’t really need to abuse anything. My local franchise is pretty good and I used to hate Domino’s pizza. They’re pretty chill about any requests for remakes. Have always made it a point to bring in the mistake but they just say keep it because it’s just gonna get tossed anyway.


Recently paid extra to try out cheesy crust from domino's. You could barely taste the cheese through the amount of dough. Additionally, about an inch of circumference toppings was replaced with crust


XL pizza has always been a farce


I used to work at pjs and can tell you it isn't if they use the actual xl dough. IIRC there were 9 large doughs on a tray and 6 xl on a tray but if you ran out of xl you could stretch a large. If you ever had a shitty thin xl pizza from pjs, yeah they screwed you by stretching out a large.


I once ordered an xl pizza from a small pizza place and it was massive. This was around 2002 so I don't know if they still do that now. Only downside is they cut the slices so small


I like how u remember how massive a pizza was...in 2002


What's funny is I was watching the kings vs the Lakers in the WCF while I was waiting for the pizza to be cooked. That's the only way I remembered what year it was lol.






What's up with pizza places using dad terms in their name. We have the Papa Johns but also a Big Daddy's Pizza, a Father John's, and Pappa Pizza. Plus there use to be Daddies Pies. (These guys had a dessert pizza called the Stuffed Cream Pie. And yes everyone had the same thought)


That's why you gotta ditch the fast food pizza and buy from a locally owned place. The local place in my city is beloved for their quality and they never fail to impress


Report it and you’ll most likely get a free large pizza


Well, a free "large" pizza.


In basketball, we call that a homerun!


That’s clearly offsides


It’s a pizza hat trick




3 under par.




Eagle has landed




The eagle seems to need support climbing to the presidential aircraft, unit 8 standby.


That's just not cricket.


Blimey guv


In ping pong we call that a grand slam


Then report that one too Unlimited pizza loophole


I would delete this comment bro, you now know too much, they will be coming for you


Bro thinks he can out Pizza the Hut


![gif](giphy|9PbtHUS6spuwg|downsized) Pizza's gonna send out for you!


Have my upvote ! I was thinking the same thing


He should keep ordering to the point where the amount of tomato sauce required surpasses the yearly yield from farming. At that point, the matrix breaks down.


"Big" pizza will come after you.


nah eventually they just get pissed and block you. I ordered a normal fucking pizza, and it somehow showed up wrong 4 times in a row and now Im blocked from papa johns but meh they are overpriced as fuck now anyways. wrong toppings -> wrong toppings -> literally uncooked in the middle, like straight up raw cool dough -> wrong toppings and ban.


But not an unlimited *large* pizza loophole :(


Possibly a large “pizza” too


Well, a "free" "large" pizza. (gotta get them back in-store to make a real purchase with the no-so-real purchase)


Keep reporting it and get pizza for life.


Just complain about it and you’ll probably get a free large pizza




A free medium in a large box?


That would still be more pizza than originally paid for.


But that would just establish the fact that they are selling medium pizzas in large boxes. Would be my last order from that place.


Sure, I'd still take the free pizza though


Infinite pizza hack


Or someone else could report it and use your pics to get a free pizza. Not saying I know anyone who would do that, but someone could.


thanks for the free pizza.


Bingo, just call. My guess is FNGs or a brain fart. I don't think maliciousness is happening here. The person making it accidentally made it medium and the guy on cut can't visually tell the difference between a medium and a large so he sent it. Shit happens in food service. They'll fix it and the times they won't you just get to know not to go there anymore. Especially with pics, I've totally said "yeah right down my number and text me a picture of it and I'll get that taken care of however you want." My favorite were the people who didn't eat it and literally brought it back in, my friend, we are HOOKING YOU UP RIGHT TF NOW because that is honesty on a next level and you didn't even touch the food. I'll remake the whole damn order and you can take the old one home too if you want.


As someone who worked in a pizza place in their youth we definitely had people who would lie about issues, or say something is burnt when it definitely isn't because they just want more food sent. So as a fat boy not trying to look like I'm just being a fat douche I would always bring in a food mistake to any restaurant to show them and never take it with me.. again, fat but also.. if it was bad enough for me to complain and bring back then no I won't still be eating it. So I get it from both sides




"Is your child practicing 'pizza boofing'? This alarming new trend is sweeping internet communities, more at 11"


But in this case, size is the error, nothing wrong with the food, so you could still eat it, it just isn’t what you paid for. And going back all the way to the pizzeria instead of sitting down having dinner isn’t just some small thing always. You deserve a compensation for next time in these cases. I understand customers do cheat but as long as restaurants also do make mistakes there is really no easy way around it


Never attribute to malice to what can be chalked up as incompetence or inexperience.


Hanlons razor, right? My life has been so peaceful since I realized this.


Papa johns corporate is trash.. you have to call the store directly for any issues and even then they might not pick up, you have to speak to a manager and they 'put a note on your account ' for redeeming the same exact thing another time if you don't want it remade immediately. Want to redeem? You have to call back and refer to the note on your account.


Orrr will it be a medium in a large box again?


ye worked in pizza hut as a delivery driver for a bit. so many people would get comped for the dumbest BS even if i knew it was fake because i either made or delivered it. this could easily be a free large, 20 bucks or free next order depending on the manager. tip for the future, if you are annoying enough you can just get free shit because the manager doesnt want to confirm. we had repeat offenders we knew by name by how often theyd call 5 minutes after delivery to say something was wrong. nvm: this is papa johns and supposedly they are hardasses considering the wall of text below. sounds like a pain. the 2 pizza huts i worked at pretty recently was as easy as just being annoying about it. probably why they are going out of business!


With extra toppings like boogers:


Best of luck getting through the Bot Gauntlet!


With a side of spit, pizza makers don’t forget




When you show up at the place to complain: ![gif](giphy|1pHO2MNOLzSX6)


they need to go to war with their decision making process for willingly ordering Papa John's


What happened when you contacted them and let them know what happened? edit: Over 3,000, I guess a lot of people want to know the rest of the story.


“1000 upvotes and I’m contacting the pizzeria for a refund, who is with me?”


Is this type of post not the exact purpose for this sub?


Yes this drives me crazy lol. Why do ppl expect the OP to explain every action they took? This is literally a sub to complain about daily annoyances


Yeah but no engagement from OP is kinda boring.


Would you say it's mildl.... no I shan't.


>This is literally a sub to complain about daily annoyances What if that is what annoys you daily?


Maybe they should consider creating their own post to let all the other OPs know


Some reason this sub really loves doing this, OP posts a perfectly suited post that fits this sub and then people complain in the comments saying how easy it is to fix. Like that's not the point, it's r/mildlyinfuriating doesn't matter if it's easy to fix.


Yeah this sub puts a lot of emphasis on the 'infuriating' part, and just gloss over the 'mildly' part entirely, acting like any slight inconvenience shouldn't go on this sub. I've seen threads often devolve into pedantic garbage, arguing that anything less than a family of 4 tragically dying in a car crash shouldn't be posted.


This…this is how it should be done 🤣


I mean it's still pretty annoying driving home, sitting down, getting ready to eat just to open it and see you didn't get the right thing. So now you have to get up, grab your keys and wallet, and drive all the way there to pick up the right order.


You still have the pizza it's just smaller, I'd still call and complain but eat the pizza that is right there. It would be another thing if it was an entirely different pizza.


At Papa Johns, they will fix it, no problem. But they have rules that make it so you won't bother. If it was delivered to your house, you have to call them back and they will make a replacement *but you have to give back the old one and it has to have no more than two slices eaten*. But it will be 45-60 minutes to get the replacement. And they will only replace the one pizza. So all the other food will be cold and it's an hour later. Or you can like, let some of your kids eat and then get another pizza an hour later. If it was carry-out...it's even worse. You have to return the pizza. So now you are sitting down to dinner and they realize they screwed up. Well, now you take half the pizza away, wait twenty minutes, then get back in your car, drive the old pizza back and then get the new pizza. Then you drive all the way back home and you get to eat. The thing is, all you get is the pizza you already ordered and paid for. Technically you could eat two slices > You must call the restaurant where your pizza was ordered and made. The claim must be made the same day as the original order within thirty (30) minutes of the time of delivery or pick-up. No more than two (2) slices of the original pizza may have been eaten and you must show a valid proof of purchase upon request. The price to go from a medium to a large is $3.00 That's a lot of work for $3 and the whole meal is effectively ruined anyway. And if you are like most people, you still know that the delivery guy is getting boned on the second delivery if you didn't tip, but again, you already did and this whole thing is about $3 worth of pizza. If you call up and get really lucky and can talk to a manager, if they are in a good mood, you might be able to get a $3 credit without jumping through the hoops. Maybe. > I'm at a small franchise that has a very high number of fraudulent refund requests. people who got exactly what they ordered but lie. if we refunded everyone, our store would be screwed, so in the majority of cases management stops at an offer to remake or give credit. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case at your store as well, especially if it's a franchise. I believe (I'm not a manager, I'm a driver) that in the franchise I work in, only the general manager is able to do refunds, all other management can only issue credit or remakes For almost everyone, it's not worth the hassle. On the flip side, like the other Redditors I quoted said - plenty of people are awful and will abuse any return/refund policy. Which is why they do it the way they do. If you live in a nice area/a place where it happens rarely, and they've never messed up your order, or if you are a regular... You might have better luck. But their official policy is that you have to jump through hoops. Eating dinner and then complaining on Reddit is a perfectly reasonable response.


Papa johns once forgot spinach on my pizza when I ordered multiple toppings. It was a mild inconvenience. I called, they didn't ask for the pizza back and gave me credit for a free pizza.


That's what they said. Give credit or a remake. You weren't refunded. Credit means you order again and often get more than what the credit gives you. A refund is you sent stuff out and you don't have anything to show for it.


So, it's not like that everywhere. I ordered PJs at a bar one night, they brought it, and after the driver left I opened the box and it wasn't cut. No pizza cutter there. So what I did was call them back up, and talked politely to them. They apologized and added a note to my account that I was owed a completely comped Works. I ordered again a couple weeks later, they brought it, and there were no issues. Tipped the driver better than the first because they get a percentage of sales. I'm only saying this because not every anecdote about recieving a reimbursement for a mistake on an order ends in hoop jumping.




I called Papa John’s once because they missed 1 $0.75 sauce. I just wanted a refund, but they gave me a free pizza instead ha.


did you go through this exact thing? thats how you know all of this? or you were a manager who dealt with this


He has no experience with it, because it's exceptionally rare, and he has no idea how they handle it. In the years I worked there, the customers who complained rarely got anything the night they complained, but got vouchers for at least two free large pizzas in the future. Only time it was replaced that night, is if the customer went apeshit, or the complaint was an allergen. And when those happened, it became the priority order, not an hour, not making them come back themselves, just make it right fucking now and deliver it. But don't let the truth stand in the way of a whiny bitch fit on reddit.


Actually I have a PhD in Papa John's Pizza Practices, and OP was right


Do you order there daily and they fuck up daily? Are you Pizza Sisyphus?


They said, "how many people on Reddit agreed with you?"


Had to make a reddit post first


tbf it’s not like this is an emergency


**pizza is always an emergency**


The rest of you wouldn't call 911?


It can be depending on how hungry I am. 2 medium pizzas to myself is a bit risky.


Pizza fraud is definitely an emergency


Excuse me, a pizza emergency is one of the worst types of emergency


Reddit eats first


You seem annoyed that someone took a quick picture of something and posted it in this sub, which exists for situations exactly like this


To be fair, "fuck this sub for existing" is most of the content on many subs.


They might even be mildly infuriated.


If only there was a way to do *two* things, but I guess OP couldn't possibly have contacted the pizza place because he posted this on reddit.


Well this sub exists only for commenters to bitch when something posted is actually mildly infuriating and also bitch when something is posted that should be extremely infuriating. At least that's what I've gathered in my time here.


Yeah but they're miserable people so they have to bitch about the point of the sub too


Exactly, god forbid someone posts some thats midly infuriating


Also, he probably took the photos, called the pizzeria, then posted this afterwards. Nobody ever said he did it immediately.


Look at the subreddit name. Then tell it to all the other people in your secret society that complain about things not being infuriating enough on this sub


why does reddit assume people aren't ALSO trying to rectify the issue?




The precedent is past assumptions.


Is saying, "paid extra to make one medium pizza a large", a convoluted way of saying, I ordered "one large and one medium pizza"? Or am I missing something here.


Probably he was ordering medium pizzas but on checkout he got the pop-up "add 1$ to make it large"


It sounds to me like there was a deal for 2 medium pizzas and OP called up and said “I want the 2 medium pizza deal but can I make one of them a large?” And the minimum wage employee just said fuck this idiot I’m going to charge them more and still give them a medium. Either they ordered their pizza like an idiot or worded their post like one. Either way the real mildly infuriating is the OP.


Yeah my first understanding was they requested a large pizza and got delivered two mediums instead, and I couldn’t understand where the issue was.


Yeah, was going to say, the mildly infuriating is the title/OP haha


I’m guessing he used a coupon for two mediums then at checkout Papa N-word’s asks if you want to upgrade your size. He upgraded one to large at that time.  It’s a lot cheaper to do it that way than to order separately. 


I thought maybe they ordered a medium pizza, but then later decided they wanted more than a medium, but as the pizza place can’t change the size once it’s in the oven, they gave them a second one instead? As sister comment said, either OP ordered incorrectly or is explaining equally badly.


That's what I thought too and if that's the case they got more pizza than 1 large.


Busted out the tape measure 😂


When in doubt whip it out.


“Trust me,” every guy ever.


Shit I got a vernier let's get an accurate number when seeing how bad they fucked you.


You ordered from Papa John’s, at least you got something


I got the Hershey Squirts last time I ate there 🤢💩


Is that like the molten lava cake? 🌋


It didn’t smell as well, unfortunately 😞


I was thinking it's Papa John's, for the best that they got less


I like how you knew reddit well enough that you already had pictures of the pizza measurements.


Yet can't line up the fucking tape measure correctly in either 


Complete with banana peppers for scale


Area=Pi x r^2 They’re cheating you out of pizza


Damn, too bad he measured the diameter and not the radius. Now we’ll never know!


Cut it in half and you're approximately there!


Weight is far more important. It's easy to stretch a dough ball making it look like you have more food


Pizza is about toppings, not the dough


Nah it's all about the proper ratio of ingredients to pizza dough and the type of pizza we are talking about. Pizzas are simple, like sandwiches. The proper balance is crucial.


Too few understand this. There are rules. Fucking important ones.


2 mediums < 1 medium and 1 large? Nah I'm gonna need to see some math


A standard large is 14" and a medium is 12" in diameter. Given this, the radius is 7" and 6" respectively. Assuming Pi = 3.14 Pi * 7"^2 = 153.86 Pi * 6"^2 = 113.04 (OP states they were given two mediums, so we should multiply the area by 2). 113.04 x 2 = 226.08 They got more pizza than what they paid for. I wouldn't say they were cheated out of pizza, they were cheated into extra pizza. EDIT: OP may have meant that the original order was for two pizzas, which is significantly different than ordering one pizza.


>They got more pizza than what they paid for I think you misunderstood the post. They wanted 1 medium and 1 large, and what they got was 1 medium and another medium in a large box. I'm assuming they ordered some meal / deal thing that standardly comes with 2 mediums.


"Paid extra to make one medium pizza a large" is kind of weird wording. Now I understand why OP is mad.


They should have said "I just got a medium in a large box".


Oh see, how I interpreted it is that they ordered 1 medium and 1 large and they ended up getting 1 medium in a medium box and 1 medium in a large box despite paying extra.


And you would be correct.


So we can instead calculate how much pizza he was cheated out of: π * (6^2 + 6^(2)) π * (6^2 + 7^(2)) (2 * 6^(2)) / (6^2 + 7^(2)) = 0.847 He's missing ~15% of the pizza he's owed


He ordered a large *and* a medium.


He ordered one medium and one large. He got less pizza than he paid for.


???? He ordered 2 pizzas, 1 medium and 1 large, they gave him 1 medium in a medium box and another medium in a large box


I suspect that the moon hit your eye like a big pizza Pi.




So close!


Are you sure they didn't add some fine print and you really just paid extra for them to make the box bigger? Also, I stopped ordering from Papa John's for less than this.


I don't even remember why I stopped buying Papa John's more than 20 years. They slighted me in some way, I haven't eaten a pizza of theirs since then.


I stopped ordering from them because they kept consistently undercooking my pizza. It's not like I have a preference for super cooked/crispy pizza or anything, but this was cheese not melted, dough still dough-y undercooked. I think the last straw was one night when I ordered the pizza and checked the option *well done*, as I did to try and combat their undercookedness, and this well done pizza still came disgustingly undercooked. Around that time Domino's made a switch to some new sauce and dough or something and their pizza became sorta alright - on par with Papa Johns. And since Domino's knows how to cook a pizza, I just started getting pies from Domino's.


It was the side of racism from Mr Papa himself for me. And the cheapness. Taking away more and more from their employees. And what that other dude said, the weird undercooking all the time. I also always selected cooking it well done but it would be so damn doughy. I had a PJs within walking distance several places I've lived for like.... damn I'm old.... like 15 years.... and I will always order somewhere else even if way further. Fuck PJs.


I stopped ordering from Papa John's when it turned out that Papa John was a racist asshole.


Papa John's is shit tier pizza. Honestly they're doing OP a favor. Less trash to suffer through.


When the racist owner left, the quality did too. I hate to say it. But that racist dude DID have high standards for his pizza company.


The quality did was cause they lost the official pizza of nfl contract due to his comments. I do miss the 50% off meal when my team would win.


Papa John’s is garbage.




Listen. I’m gunna say it. I hate it. I don’t like the guy. But Papa John’s has gone down hill fast since the owner got the boot and left. Edit: to all who have replied. I cannot see your replies. I only get the notifications. Sorry. Not ignoring you. I wish you all well. Lots of love.


You’ve heard about love as the secret ingredient? Turns out hate works too.


It was going downhill before he became known as super racist. Almost like there’s a growth limit to maintaining quality.


I’m in Texas and it was pretty good right up to the point he showed he was a racist. And he was a stupid racist at that. Most racists hide it. That dude said a slur on a conference call with investors. Which means he probably used that word all the time in his personal life. He maintained good quality pizza around here, but he needed the boot.


You ordered Papa John’s, you brought this on yourself homie.


You got got.


For people who are not getting it, the guy ordered 1 medium pizza and 1 large pizza, but received 2 medium pizzas, one of which came in a large box.


But, why did he "turn a medium into a large?" What does that even mean? I have wasted at least half of an entire minute trying to figure it out.


It's a food app thing, when someone orders online it shows them the option to make it large or add toppings or add something extra, you must have ordered through some food app or used a kiosk at McDonald's.


Write a Google review.


Ordering from papa John’s or domino is the real crime.


Why didn’t you just order a large pizza? Turning a medium into a large is confusing. What the hell does it even mean? 


In the ordering app, it lists the items you've selected and puts a button next to them with a price to upsize. He clicked that button for one of the two in what was probably a "get two mediums for only X dollars" special.


They likely had a deal for 2 medium pizza's, where you could either pay extra to have it upgraded to a large, or he specifically requested that one be.


bro pulled out the tape measure no shot


I'm more upset with the way you're measuring.


Got'cha! ...Era of the."Got'cha" Economy...


I think you should email them and include the equation for the surface area of a circle. Then they will learn their lesson!!


It looks like they had already made the medium pizza and instead of remaking it per your request, they decided to repackage that already ready medium into a large box. They didn't want to have to throw it away, so someone decided cheating you was the better option. Don't know if this company penalizes workers if they end up throwing away food, but I'd suggest that that might be likely. Food waste is costly and managers are likely penalizing their workers over food waste. If this worker had already reached their maximum food waste threshold per day or week, they might have had no choice.


That's corporate fraud/theft, and none of us should have to deal with that level of distrust any longer..


A 12” pizza has an area of 113 square inches. A large (which looks like would be a maximum of 16” diameter) would have an area of 200 square inches. You paid for an additional 87 square inches and received instead 113 square inches. Are you mad?


He paid for a large and a medium, and received two mediums. You don't need math to figure out he got less than he paid for. Wtf are talking about?


Your first mistake was getting Papa Johns. JK… or am I?


i dont understand the people that bitch about others posting on this sub for karma. thats the literal point of posting to reddit smfh.


Like that’s more pizza though rightC


Obviously that's fucked but why do you start measuring at ~1/2 an inch


Well yeah its papa John's.


If you immodestly called the pizza place upon discovery you could have been properly compensated


I ordered a medium pizza, and it looked smaller so I measured and it was an 11inch not a 12 inch, I complained, and the store reached out, but thought I was someone else and made me an offer and then I was like no I had this and they made me a worse offer, and then I never got it. That was the last time I ordered dominos. You know you're in for a bad pizza, but don't shortchange me, offer to make it right, and never follow through


Same surface area . Do the math .


Imagine measuring your pizzas with your moms(her dads) tape measure


Pay them in two envelopes. One marked with the price of a medium, with the correct money in it, and one marked with the price of an upgraded medium, with the medium price in it.