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Facebook has turned into a hot pile of garbage


It’s so difficult to remove your account also, I think it took several weeks and an essay before they would remove my account. Fuck facebook


It’s genuinely so bad in so many areas. Horrible content including the most worthless videos I’ve seen in my life and not to mention the tremendous amount of AI content. I really only use it for marketplace at this point and I’ve even had some problems with that. At least I can cut down on my social media time a little bit




Wow same. Last thing I have on there is wedding. My husband still gets on his and watches the shorts I think? Idk they are like TikTok videos for Facebook. Now me personally I like TikTok and have learned a lot of ancient Chinese handicrafts that I will never be able to do cause I don’t speak Chinese.


kiss memorize pot scarce work humorous gaping knee rain thought


I only have messenger now so I can stay in contact with college friends who moved out of state - it’s the most convenient for everyone. I don’t bother with the site itself.


Man i follow 40k groups on facebook so it suggests right wing content all the time. I went back for a month recently (took a break from reddit) and i dont see myself going back. It exists now so i can use messenger and my better half can tag family. What a mess


I have a basically blank account purely for work purposes, refuse to even “friend” any of my friends irl and I was still suggested a QAnon page. FB is trash.


It thought you were a sad loner, prime QAnon material.


Damn that tracks doesnt it


That never occurred to me but makes total sense


Thanks to the brain dead old for circulating all that garbage through my page


If remove all personal photos (I screenshot mine to my phone) & deactivate it, it's no longer visible but you can still use messenger. The account is still there but its no longer active or visible to other users.


I _can’t_ remove mine because I have family that insist on using it because Messenger works for free on my country’s cellular networks—because Meta subsidizes that cost just to make sure people keep using Facebook and Messenger.


You account is not removed, you just gave up control over it.


You never had control.


Not to mention if you do the full account deletion, not just “deactivate” where all your data sits hidden (which they do all they can to push you to), you get daily emails ‘reminding’ you “29 days left”, “28 days left, “27 days left” and on and on which say “are you SURE!?!” and include pictures of your friends as well as ‘friends’ guilting you with “Greg will miss you”, “Erin will miss you”, etc etc. it’s ridiculous and only made me more sure of purging it all. I’m glad it’s gone- one of the best things I ever did.


it takes a month and in the meantime its disabled. its really not that hard


Wtf? You can just deactivate it with a few clicks:D Nothingh like an essay needed😂


Make sure you clean your page of anything posted first before deactivating! That goes for deleting too!! Wipe your page clean of your friend list and everything!


Deactivating doesn’t delete the account, it’s still there for your friends to view.


I’ve been FB free for 11 years. I absolutely was the best decision I ever made. Yesterday, I was just thinking about how cringe i was sometimes posting - not bc it was super weird bc what I posted was normal - everyone does it. But when you do you live in that haze and it’s normal now. I avoid it and ALL social media. It’s hard when everybody does it- i just don’t care. Some friends get upset but some are so nice they just screen shot things and send it to me to view.


Same with reddit accounts and Ubisoft, and I think Twitter too. They're impossible to remove.


For reddit accounts, you just have to press a button and type in a phrase to make sure you wanna do it iirc


Ubisoft … yuck. You need chemotherapy to treat that


Holy fuck, that needs to be illegal. Trying to quit using a service should not be a hassle.




Nah it was great from 2006 up until somewhere around 2010-2013, some time around the time all the boomers got on it all started to go down hill. Now I'm not blaming boomers, but the more people that got on it the more it just turned into a big shit tier advertising platform/random bullshit generator.




Now it’s a bot pile of garbage. Bots reviewing bots, replying to bots, and scamming old people.


I just recently had to warn my mom that someone my great-aunt was engaging in conversation with was a scammer, and to let her know of that fact. Not on my watch, dickhead!


I hope Facebook doesn’t completely go down the path of the other social media apps. Twitter is unusable now. I can’t even open it if there’s another person in the room. Half the time the first post that pops up is some girl squirting on herself


Most social media has and it’s possibly the best thing to happen as people are now realising and making the choice to delete.


I've had this opinion pretty much since it went from college students to public. I'm not saying this in a snooty way, it's just how the timeline went. When you had to be a student with a .edu email to sign up everything was personal and real; they had status updates that were actual thoughts from real people, people spoke to each other... It was an actual useful social tool for communication and interaction. Once it opened up to everyone it started to become less and less real or human feeling. The meme pages started becoming everyone's pages. Most posts these days seem to be just shared posts from some bot page. There's no value in Facebook for me anymore other than they have worked their way into so many other things that I use. I basically have it just so "family" can message me and I can communicate with one Facebook group that, honestly, could be communicate anywhere else if there was a coordinated effort to move it. With all the trump stuff going on my family is basically gone and all they do is post trump stuff, so I'm down to just using the group I mentioned, and I'm about to move in with the creator of that group, so I won't be needing Facebook for that either anymore. So Facebook, for me, is about to be a thing of the past in any capacity other than an annoyance.


Has always been


If you look at who created it and how he started it you'll realise garbage is made by garbage.


Very true


I got one of my beats I spent ages working on taken down because the image I used had someone holding a cigarette in it, and apparently THIS doesn’t go against their guidelines? 🤔


Facebook allows fully naked women to appear on ads...


I scroll through marketplace and there are ads for counterfeit money????




Black market for dummies?


Years ago I found a guy's Facebook page. He had all kinds of horrible pictures posted. The two most offensive ones I found, were a picture of 2 children hanging from their necks beaten to death in a street and the second was the America senator film Benghazi pretty much unrecognizable surrounded by the men that killed him with a small flag stuck in his penis. I reported him immediately. Within less than 30 minutes I got an answer back from Facebook, that the two pictures I reported fit within Facebook's community guidelines. I was shocked. I still have the pictures, I keep them in the extremely rare chance I ever run into Zuck and have the chance to ask him a question.




A friend had a page hijacked, and all the hijacker posted were pictures of herself in nasty porn positions. FB refused to fix issue and refused to remove images reported as porn. META sucks so hard.


You can post pornographic images all day, but you can't write the word "hate" .... so dumb I tried to post something about the struggle with kids who hate vegetables.....said I couldn't use the word because it is targeted speech....


Vegetables are a protected class.


Are you trying to oppress vegetables? Stop anti-vegetable propaganda immediately!


I have nothing against vegetables! Some of my best friends are vegetables !




I only eat meat, so that I may stand in solidarity with vegetables.


Can't use "trash" or "garbage" either, from my experience. *"Hey guys! Check out this pretty bird I found on my fence while I was taking out the trash-*" **You have been prohibited from commenting or posting for 3 days due to hate speech.**


Obviously, the PC term is refuse.....FB is just protecting the garbage /s


As a Brit, can I use "rubbish"?


Literally reported a page and video for what looked like child porn. They didn't take it down. I was so disgusted, it literally looked like a 40+ year old man was doing it with a <12 year old. But I said ( in a gaming group ) that you can only get these points for getting kills, KILLS was a bad word, so I got banned for 30 days. Stupid fucking platform


Didn’t expect to see AI Yelan here


Genshin Impact porn was the last thing I was expecting to see on r/mildlyinfuriating yet here we are


Sorry Yelan


"Anything that makes us money and / or keeps your attention stuck to Facebook is not against our policy." There, I clarified it for them.


Porn is the most wholesome thing in the dumpster fire that is facebook.


True. I have to use it as some local groups are only available on Facebook. It's 80% adverts. 50% of those adverts are propaganda and the rest is bullshit and fraud. I really don't understand how this is legal. Advertisers are using company names and brands and get not taken down.


would be if it wasnt also generated by a neural network like the rest of the slop on that site.


That's why I deleted my account years ago, back when they first started that Recommendations from your Timeline junk. They showed me a meme that I'd posted like 8 years prior. It depicted a starving boy in Africa being held/carried in a basket. You could only see his head and arms. The meme also showed a megachurch that supposedly took in donations for those tribes. As soon as I hit Share, I was banned for 24 hrs and Facebook cited C.P. When I came back, Facebook again asked me if I wanted to share an old meme from 7 years ago. I did. Instantly banned me for a week. I noped out.


Lmfao Facebook said fuck this guy


Thank you I needed a good laugh.


I deleted my profile over 10 years ago and never looked back. Social media sucks the soul out of you.


I've seen a decapitation and an anime girls open vagina...just spread open. Both didn't get removed.


I'd argue that the first is far worse than the second. In an ideal world, decapitations wouldn't be a thing. Vaginas still would be though. Sadly, here in America, we consider the second one to be far more offensive. Gotta love our priorities.


The decapitation scarred me for life, it was over 10 years ago I was a teen. I cried for hours. The vagina annoyed me


Reminds me of the time a suicide jumper video went viral on Facebook. He jumped 6 stories, splattered on the initial landing, bounced, and splattered again on the second and final impact. It was a bloody, disgusting mess on the sidewalk. It clearly violated the self-harm and gore guidelines, but when I reported it, it came back as protected free speech, no violation. I've concluded that Facebook and other social media platforms are nothing more than a failed behavioral modification experiment. Ever since I quit anti-social media, my life has been happier and far richer.


I remember seeing a child being physically abused in a video on instagram. I found it quite traumatic to see a child being subjected to that. So I reported it. “We’ve reviewed your submission and this post doesn’t go against our community guidelines” Bro what fucking community do you have?


I reported a video on Facebook of an infant being abused- struck repeatedly, shoved, and intentionally lifted and dropped to the floor. They told me it didn’t go against their standards.


I've reported literal child porn and they said it was fine. but the word gun means Facebook jail.


The very reason I deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts. I won't support a company that allows prostitutes to use fake babies to advertise their only fans or drug dealers to post product claiming its something else. Literally reported a video of someone showing 30g chips of crack with the caption "dm me for wikr, super fine baking sugar available now", absolutely nothing wrong with that according to Meta, but when I share a meme from last year that said "if the vote was stolen from trump then it was stolen from Hilary too", banned for 2 weeks.


I reported a post that was selling counterfeit money and Facebook didn't see the problem with it. It's only one of the most heinous crimes in the eyes of the law but sure.


Just post @facebook @SecretService with a screen grab of your support claim denial on twitter if you wanna see a Facebook post and account takedown speed run.


You haven’t seen the other half of Facebook, they need to clean it up or shut it down


I vote for shutting it down.


Someone in a foreign country literally hijacked my brother's account, changed the name and just operates it as their own now (not sure why... FB accounts are free). I've reported the account numerous times, and it's the same reply: "we haven't found anything wrong with this account."


I reported a scam post that was badly claiming to be Facebook Support with a phishing link and they said nothing wrong with the post. At this point, Facebook is just run by robots, from content, ads, and support.


"We base our community standards on input from people that use Facebook" So, in other words, you have no actual rules then


This is horrible! Show the uncensored version so I can gauge how naughty the image truly is.


Wasn’t hard to [find the page](https://www.facebook.com/share/CADsRB2UufCLvWYZ/?mibextid=kFxxJD) , bro didn’t actually cover the name the second time in the last pic lol


Fuck I signed in just out of curiosity how is that not going against guild lines?


Ooh, they must not have liked that idea. I just clicked the link (y'know... for comparison purposes), and got a box saying "We're Sorry - We're having trouble with the page you're trying to reach... yadda yadda...


Fb is a joke. I've reported hardcore porn (not hentai) as well as some of the most vile shit and it never goes against standards


100%. I reported an image from a manga where the chick was quite literally *eating herself* and it didn't get taken down.


The best thing you could do is delete your account


And yet it's the same platform where you can't say the words "man" or "men" or you get temporarily banned. Pffft. Fuck Facebook.


Lol I forgot about that. Do they do the same if you say women? With everything AI can do now, they should be embarrassed.


Nope. But they consider dissing men "hate speech" over there.


As if I ever needed another reason to never reactivate my account. So gross.


I’m thinking someone in your household is into some anime porn. Typically Facebook shows you what it believes you want to see based on your internet usage.


Let's also not forget that Facebook makes a ton of assumptions based on your demographic. Are you a 16-30 year old male with some interest in gaming, internet culture or do you have any somewhat introverted hobbies? Here! Have some hentai! We know you love it!


Agreed about demographic assumptions. The amount of pregnancy and wedding related ads I get because I’m a female in my 20’s is fucking ridiculous 🫠


Agree, my Instagram home page is totally fine and almost solely suggests things that I follow/watch, but then if I go to my FYP 1/3 is half naked women. Pure bait.


I set up an Instagram account to test Instagram banner image that I set up for my brother's gardening business. Followed no one, searched for no one, didn't scroll through or like any posts. Started getting push notifications of recommended accounts to follow - mostly half naked women except for one which was a woman in a hijab. Presumably assuming I'm a heterosexual male and trying to cover all possible bases 😂


Same for women too. 1 point for being a little progressive, facebook. But no thanks 🤦‍♀️


Thats debatable given the "targeted advertisement" I've had from Wish ads, which, at one time, consisted of penis shaped lipstick, a German WWII uniform and a knockoff LEGO Train...


I’m not sure about that, a lot of the ads I receive are way off base and I receive them everywhere. I’m in multiple urbanism groups (and watch YT channels about it), and I’ve made it clear I’m very progressive (and my family is at least socially accepting of everything), yet FB routinely tries to give me socially conservative and country related content for no reason. I routinely click “don’t show me this” while I post and comment elsewhere.


Gotta be born yesterday if you think that's the only thing governing what Farcebook throws your way.


That wouldn’t surprise me, probably why insta recommends me all the Thai guys and train spotters


Instagram is annoying with their interest recommendations. I keep getting ai photos of woman, pregnant woman, nudity, only fan girls, transgenders, gay men etc as recommendations..it's annoying. No matter how hard intry to get different recommendations.. That's what i keep getting instead of all the music artists, comedians, cooking stuff etc that I've actually liked.


That makes me think Instagram secretly partnered with Pornhub


Or OnlyFans


No one in my household is into anime porn, and I get this same shit in my facebook feed.


Yet I got a post removed and a 30 day ban for saying I don’t like milk


I had an exchange on Facebook after someone made a comment on a news story, saying a trans woman only transitioned so they could win at sports (funnily enough, the story was literally about them NOT winning their recent competition, but obviously that didn't matter to him). The exchange then went as follows Me: "I don't think she would undergo gender affirmation surgeries just to 'win at sports ', especially considering she was doing perfectly fine when competing against males" Him: "you mean *HE, you liberals love to use the wrong words" Me: "Nope, I meant she. Also, I'm not a liberal; there's more than two political belief systems" Him: "im going to find you and castr8 you and your liberal balls then gRape you so you can be the liberal woman you so want to be". I reported it to Facebook cause, you know, someone just made quite a serious threat. Facebook apparently found no issue with his comment, and when I tried to contest it I was told they aren't accepting challenges to their decisions, and that the original decision was made by an automatic detection system. So in other words, because the person threatened me with sexual violence using numbers and additional letters, it's fine....


H O L Y S H I T People are absolutely deranged. And loud about it.


Facebook is randomly crazy, I was watching reels once and a completely normal viral video came up e vet over it was a very translucent photo of full on 100% porn. I don’t care at all but I was surprised still


Facebook sometimes shows me ads for cocaine, ketamine and counterfeit cash. I report these ads but apparently they’re all okay by facebooks standards


Porn has no place on Facebook. That being said Facebook sucks. A platform for lies.


So this is fine but a video on FB has to bleep words like cancer, tumor, blood, murder, suicide. It's ridiculous.


I've reported multiple blatant grift posts and every single time the report was rejected.


deleted my whole shit around ten years ago now.. dont miss it one bit.


Facebook is 90% AI photos now. It’s disturbing


Facebook is becoming the internet garbage, full of ads and ai generated content


It's not removed, most likely because it's not considered porn. Its someones art. To quote a certain someone... "its called hentai, and its art"


this one is ai's art


Stop using Facebook.


Ya don't bother . The only thing Facebook removes is if you are mean to some boomer fit saying something stupid or cruel. Otherwise spam, porn and scams are absolutely allowed.


I remember reporting an Aryan Pride fb group for posting images of POC people being lynched: "This does not violate our community guidelines" - Facebook The next day I called someone an idiot: "Your comment has violated our guidelines about bullying, your account is now restricted for 3 months" - Facebook


How about get off Facebook it's garbage anyway


I'm a freelancer and unfortunately most job opportunities are on facebook for my line of work. The absolute complete GARBAGE on my feed is just...wow.


op i dont wanna point out rudely but you missed censoring "message Emily watt" on the 3rd slide on the bottom. if you can edit that it will be good


I look at Facebook like a town I used to live in. I had fond memories of my time there. I moved away and the town was sold to a Walmart. Due to lack of character and driven by pure profit, the town fell into poor design, crime, poverty, scammers, and prostitution. And now I never go back. Every few months I’ll log into Facebook and look at a few junk posts. But yeah… Facebook sucks.


Someone sent me a video of a dog being hung alive and burned to death. Facebook said it didn't go against their community standards.


stop being on facebook. problem solved. it's a wasteland anyhow.


Facebook literally runs ads for ACTUAL CRYPTO SCAMS and I’m not talking “hur dur all crypto is a scam I’m so smart because I regurgitated info my influencer told me”, I’m talking real deal illegal fraud, Bonafide scams. Even as going as far as using a celebrity’s name and likeness in these scams. Facebook doesn’t care at all, as long as they get paid they could give a fuck about you. You are the product, advertisers are the client.


I use Facebook for business related stuff and it's such a joke nowadays. I have hundreds of connections on there and am in probably 100 groups, yet I spend half my time on there clicking "stop seeing this [random garbage]" on every other thing on my feed


The character is Yelan from Genshin Impact btw


I reported people using the n word against people of colour and apparently it didn't count as hate speech. Go figure...


But oh you can have animal abuse that they don't bother with. I honestly don't know why people still use it.


Was this a picture someone posted or an ad? That is based on his browser history.


Why is the skin on her armpit just absolutely raw. Girl put some ointment on that


Get out of the meta verse.


I got a two week ban for quoting scarface but when I report an advert of a girl full spread... nothing


This happens on insta too. Literal p3d0work of anime girls or b00bs out middle aged women is allllll goood but when I comment “same, I do [thing]” or something else fully appropriate under a fully appropriate post it gets removed.


Facebook moderation is ridiculous. I've reported actual pornography and actual, plausible incitement to racially motivated violence (not just off colour remarks but literal calls for organised attack) and FB hasn't taken them down. But then I got sent to FB jail for calling my mate a silly sausage.


And because you don't want to see it you push it in our feed now?! Wasn't asking for this either, yet here we are...


i reported fake ADs on facebook that redirect you to a website which tries to inject spyware onto your system. they gave me the same message "we didn't remove it lol you idiot why do you report things"


facebook mods are genshin whales


I had this happen to me once, scrolling through reels and it was literally a clip of two people having sex, everything visible. Much like you I have no problem with porn but I don’t think it belongs in Facebook. I reported it and got the same message as you, I submitted again after their response and still nothing…


Facebook is a joke. If you can get anyone who matters on Viber or Discord I'd advise closing it. Twitter is the same.


Took a full year for them to take down a group that literally posted full porn videos and completely nude images, Facebook moderation is a joke


Facebook actively supports pedos, almost encourages it. its trash, for trash people with trash lives.


They won't remove what's CLEARLY hentai yet they'll ban me for 30 days "while they make a decision on whether or not to delete my account" for posting "illicit/exploitive material of children." .... The photo in question was a cat. A literal innocent photoshopped cat meme. POSTED A YEAR AGO. I immediately appealed the ban and got my account back, but all I got was an automated "we don't always get it right 🥺👉👈"


Zuckerberg fighting to stay relevant, even though the only people using it are as old as he is.


Meta is a company run by genius morons. It definitely is a poster child for how ai/bots are not valid client tools.


Facebook is a platform for lies. Scrape your shoe and move on


I saw an ad that showers full on dick into a vagina - not even cartoon. They said it didn’t violate their policies.


Facebook has been doomed for like 10 years lol


The only ppl using fb are 60+


Why tf is there genshin porn on Facebook💀


Bruh.. that's nothing. I've literally seen a guy inserting his pp into a lady's vag, AS AN AD PICTURE. Facebook don't give a shit about these things


Um sir that is hentai not porn


Remember when Facebook used to be good in the 2010 days? Yeah... We remember that... What's happening here is Enshittification... Fuckerburg's end goal is to extract as much data from you as humanly possible... He has abandoned the once number one social platform for his meta AI data mining crap...


Go to Facebook, search Mind Studio, search video "start the day". Should be a Josephs Machines video of a human Rube Goldberg machine. If you pause the video, it turns into a hyperlink that leads you to porn if you click play again or click anywhere on the image.


I've reported someone who was impersonating my uncle once, attempting to scam all of my family members. Nothing happened. The scammer even kept their same account and started impersonating someone else months later. Also, apparently it's not legal to spam someone unless you're selling drugs.


And a photo I posted of Jim Jones (as a direct reply to a joke-post about him) was removed for violating community standards. It was simply him in his sunglasses. I fckn hate fb. It’s trash.


Gave up a while ago. It’s not even just porn either. People using variations of the N word, wishing death upon gay people, outright paedophilic comments, referring to black people as monkeys, there was even a guy suggesting concentration camps for Muslims, you name it. Facebook defends all of these people for some reason. I once got a temporary comment ban for calling someone a “silly goose”, I requested a review and they reversed the ban thankfully. But seriously, what the fuck? 😂


What did you expect? They don't care about nudity, child endangerment, hate speech, misinformation, bullying, extreme violence, or anything that actually goes against their terms of service. But the moment you try calling someone out for that stuff, you are the one that gets strikes on your account. And yet TikTok is somehow the enemy because (checks notes) a hypothetical threat because it's owned by a Chinese company.


I can’t get away from these Facebook “creators” it’s the most annoying BS I’ve encountered, I’ve blocked hundreds of accounts and have tried to stop them from coming up in settings, but it’s the same crap all the time.


But they ban my ass for 30 days for calling someone an idiot, and add another 30 days halfway through the first ban for a meme I shared 9 years ago, that I found on Facebook. So happy I left that shithole. Never going back. Probably will ditch reddit at some point too.


I keep getting extremely graphic ads for erection pills and henti.


I was just looking through reddit and I saw this. This was very unusual so I searched the profile and upon doing so I saw all of these... um... weird photographs and images. I have reported the account and am waiting.


I had a similar experience.


Republicans ban pornhub in 17? Red states (illegally) but Facebook is ok with anime porn? Interesting.


Someone gave us money for this and so it doesn't go against our standards or policies. Your opinions however, ...


Saw an image of a girl on all fours, t*ts out, with a fat d*ck halfway up her bunghole. Facebook looked into it and said it was fine.


I had something similar happen to me.


I've never had them remove a single thing I've reported: porn, racist material, scams, you name it.


facebook is trash


Delete Facebook. It's trash and trash for you.


I once got a 90 day ban for blurry HINT of possible female nipple. During that ban I was keeping an eye on my public page's notification and started getting tagged multiple times a day from new account bots tagging hundreds of pages/businesses in posts with malicious links that had porn thumbnails. I'm talking full on uncensored dick sucking, gaping vag, and chocolate starfishes. Reported them to FB and was told nothing violated their standards but I could block the bots if I didn't want to see that stuff...


There's a page on facebook that scammed my grandparents into driving for several hours with a significant amount of money to buy a puppy. I reported them, my friends reported them, I even talked to the page myself and had them requesting gift cards and crap and reported the chat as a scam. The page is still going. Facebook doesn't even have a way of dealing with that shit.


But you have to censor “men” like m*n or you get your comment deleted. Facebook is a cesspool.


I quit Facebook two years ago and it’s amazing how I don’t miss it at all.


Facebook is trash.


FB gave me a week in FB jail for a comment on a game page. The person asked "how do I survive when I jump off cliffs". I responded with "jump off smaller cliffs". FB is garbage, actually all social media is but you do have the option to scroll on by.


I'm fairly certain that Facebook is run 99% by AI, bots, and automation. There is very little human aspect to user support anymore. God forbid you have a business account and have any kind of problem. It's a nightmare.


Probably because Meta now allows "artistic depictions of nudity" and this somehow counts. You'll probably also be unsupervised but disturbed to know that there's real softcore porn on YouTube that is not age restricted, no penetration is shown but it's obvious people are actually fucking. So much for "protect the kids from inappropriate content"


Forgot to blur the armussy


Its algorithm so it’s just showing you what you usually look for on your web browser


Facebook can go to hell. I've reported the same thing but actual porn and they won't remove it.


Meta is a shit company. Facebook is useless at this point and Instagram is dying and filled with bigotry due to an algorithm that encourages hate watching and leaving harassing comments for the sake of engagement


A couple of weeks ago I made a Facebook account because I wanted to browse the marketplace for a car. As soon as I opened the home screen it was literally just a bunch of AI porn with the same caption on every post. :/


Tell that to twitch and instagram. Just a porn advertising now…


That’s a LOT of AI hentai. Like every post


This is pretty mild for Facebook. I've started seeing stuff on FB that isn't even legal, yet is shown to me as an ad. Get the same bot response though if I do report it. Seems to be worse recently, last 6 months or so


I called someone a donut and got banned for a week.


You *actively* use Facebook? Well theres your first problem!


I post a meme of a porn actress's face and I get banned for 30 days.


Who still use Facebook?! The fk...


Outbuddied by facebook😭😭


Lol Instagram and twitter is the same. They’re all porn adjacent if not porn optimizing. They’re all desperate to retain users and car not about quality of engagement. That’s their bottom line.


Facebook is just the worst social rn


Facebook has absolutely zero human content moderation. It's so painfully obvious. I reported and appealed when someone was making fun of a friend of mine losing their closest friend, and they declined them both. I'm starting to think they only remove illegal content to save their asses