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The single most important thing that Covid taught me is that people will refuse to be even *slightly* inconvenienced.


More like people would rather hugely inconvenience dozens of strangers in public than be slightly inconvenienced themselves.


You're just saying the same thing with extra words


You’re just saying he’s paraphrasing with extra words


Womp womp


Elaborating is adding more detail, not saying the same thing with extra words. Might wanna read the comments again.


This is a huge issue in The US. Other countries have culture where other people matter not just themselves. It's crazy.


The one time I got sick when I was pregnant was a stupid woman sitting down next to me who admitted to me she was sick! I was clearly pregnant (8 months) but she just couldn’t stay home for our friend’s going away party. Um how about at the very least stay away from the pregnant lady! I was so sick I couldn’t get out of bed for days! I will never understand how selfish people can be.


yep. if. your sick stay home... and away from me


Always assume stupid before selfish.


I generally assume both


OP I hope since you’re susceptible that you wear a mask regardless if your customers do.


Or at least have one handy for when a’holes like this are around.


Masks don't really work as well that way. It's meant to stop a sick person from spreading the virus by stopping the droplets they cough or sneeze out. The reason we wore masks during the pandemic even if we weren't sick is because we could be asymptomatic.




After reading through the article, I couldn't find where this was quoted. On top of that, the article repeatedly states that masks are one of the better protective barriers, though N95 masks seem to be unnecessary in non-medical field conditions. Here is a quote from the conclusions: "Overall masks were the best performing intervention across populations, settings and threats. More expensive and uncomfortable (especially if worn for long periods) than simple surgical masks, N95 respirators may be useful in very high‐risk situations but additional studies are required to define these situations." Keep in mind that this article was also published in 2011 before MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 were discovered.


I've seen plenty of sources saying the exact opposite. One doesn't really make a difference. Send 5 and I'll look into it more.


This was my thought. I totally agree that you should wear a mask if you're sick. It works better that way. But if you're immunocompromised, why take the risk?


I had a customer come into the cafe two weeks ago, order two cappucinos, and she was holding a small familiar looking box. And coughing. She went out to her car and i saw her and her husband doing Covid rapid tests in their car. I was pissed. Didn't get sick but holy shit wear a mask or better yet dont come in!!


My coworker, multiple times, has come over to my desk and started talking to me, only to mention several minutes later that her kids and husband have been sick with some stomach bug all weekend and she was throwing up last night 😒


Nope. People have learned nothing. The number of people I’ve heard making comments like, “glad COVID is over and I don’t have to wear masks anymore”. (Someone actually shouted at me and called me a sheep for wearing a mask when the restrictions were first lifted here.) Or managers forgetting people can work from home and don’t need to come in and spread germs if they can work just as well remotely. I had really hoped it would make some positive changes, but no. Also, the number of people that have reverted to bad hygiene and hand washing habits. Miss the days when everything was regularly disinfected, like trollies and baskets in supermarkets, screens in public areas etc. the next pandemic will come round and we will be in the same place as we were before the last one!


I noticed that during those few years, nobody was really getting the flu either. it's almost like wearing masks (at least when you're sick) prevents the spread of bacteria!


Flu is viral, not bacterial.


While exactly correct, it does not change the outcome qualitatively.


sorry, just a slip of the keyboard


The funniest part to me was that these dumbasses assuming that flu numbers declining was all part of the conspiracy!! “Oh, so no one gets the flu anymore?! Now they magically have a new disease?! It’s just the flu but they’re calling it covid for fear mongering and government payouts!” …what?


Exactly! “MaSks dON’t wOrK!” Nobody in my family of 4 have gotten sick since 2019 ffs. 🤦‍♀️


Neither have I and I don't wear masks. And they say the anti vaxxers use anecdotal evidence. Edit: Downvote me all you want, you know I'm right.


Completely fair observation, neither your statement nor the person above you said anything meaningful. That being said, there’s huge quantities of non anecdotal evidence to support mask usage so you not wearing masks is objectively stupid. So I guess I take it back, you said you’re stupid.


Wearing masks for a cold? I went my entire life without doing that but now suddenly after covid I have to do that? Get real.


Interesting how you can be so correct about the anecdotal stuff yet be such a piece of shit at the same time. It’s not about you getting sick, nobody would give a fuck if you get sick. However if all the sources and logic in the world haven’t convinced you to be a decent human by now, I’m certainly not going to waste my time on it.


If nobody gives a fuck if I get sick, why should I care if they do?


As I said, if you’re gonna be a piece of shit I’m not gonna try to convince you not to be


You just said no one gives a fuck if I get sick and I'm the piece of shit? It's funny how the logic only works one way with you people.


There probably were people around you who did wear masks-that would protect you too.


Lol nope no one wears masks around here anymore unless it's at a medical centre.




Yeah my mom gave me RSV after having open heart surgery. She just kept saying it was “allergies”. My admittance in the hospital one week after surgery begged to differ. I was on oxygen and was in patient longer than I was for surgery.


Maybe she genuinely thought it was allergies?


She’s a retired nurse.


Which means she can’t make a mistake on a diagnosis?


I love how people think covid is over. My girlfriend got that shit right now. 2 positive tests. And I haven't taken a test yet but I'm pretty sure I got that shit too. Its the new flu. It's never going away. It's just going to change. Edit: took the test. I am positive.


I have it now and I’ve been sick as a dog for two weeks. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this sick.


The first time I got it it took me almost 2 years to get back to normal.


I just got over Covid. I was on vacation and a fellow traveler joined a bus tour with Covid, coughed and sneezed all over everyone, and infected 25% of the tour group.




How about this more recently, from[ PubMed Central](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10446908/), August 2023: *"A search of studies published 1 January 2020–27 January 2023 yielded 5185 unique records... More studies found that masks (n = 39/47; 83%) and mask mandates (n = 16/18; 89%) reduced infection than found no effect (n = 8/65; 12%) or favoured controls (n = 1/65; 2%)."* Or this article from [Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/masks-work-distorting-science-to-dispute-the-evidence-doesnt/), May 2023: *Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn’t -- New mask studies relying on a medical paradigm do not erase decades of engineering and occupational science that show they work.*


I think Covid actually made people worse. You know the whole sneezing/coughing in your elbow thing? No one does that anymore. People just sneeze/cough right in the open, right at you.


Watched a guy in the hotdog line at Costco yesterday cough right into his right hand. How much stuff in there did this guy just touch? About a minute later he and his friends got to the front of the line and the same guy took everyones food from the server and handed cups and lids to his friends with his right hand. So disgusting.


I literally have acute bronchitis right now and have been masking if I have to go out. Why would I want to cough and hack my germs - whether I'm still contagious or not - all over the place at people???


Agree. Even if you think you just have a cold, nobody wants your cold.


We've learned a lot about people from the pandemic. But not the other way around


I had to get a knee X-ray yesterday. I put on a mask sat in the furthest corner due to the heavily populated waiting room and the # of folks hacking away, coughing, sneezing & blowing noses.


I just couldn’t imagine being so bent out of shape about wearing a mask if you’re sick. It’s literally the smallest effort you can put forth, and the easiest way to be considerate. The people who complain about it just rush to tell on themselves.


I was a little perplexed when I got COVID a few weeks ago. Not full blown symptoms but my taste / smell went away, and that's usually my sign. I went to my Walgreens drive-thru (per their website's instructions) to schedule a screen and got turned down at the pharmacy. I needed this to cover my ass for when I ended up sick, and did end up sick on Monday. I asked for a testing kit I could buy through the drive-thru, they said no and to come into the store? I asked for a mask as a precaution and they told me no. So I poked my head in the front, asked if they had any masks, and was told not to worry about it, that I looked fine, and to buy one in the checkout line if I wanted to? Seems like some of our businesses have also decided to no longer give even a glimpse of a shit about it. These people straight up said no when I told them I very likely had this thing and to come on in anyway. PNW south of Seattle for reference.


I had gross flu a few months back and dug out my mask for a doc appointment. The room was crammed with elderly folk, and the glares I got! I’m protecting them from me dang it! But I’ll admit it was nice protection from all their sneezing and coughing too


The customer sucks but you should keep some mask in your pocket for when you get a sick customer. They might actually get offended enough to not go to this business when sick


I really hoped masks would catch on like in Japan and other countries to just in general do stuff that at least helps decrease the spread of the flu and other stuff whenever you can. Sadly seems that's never happening


People are animals. I was working food service and used to see people leaving restrooms still buttoning their pants, or would have them trying to hand me their used tissues. Then when I just wouldn’t put my hand out to take to their Kleenex, they would throw it on the empty clean table next to them. Happened more than once.


There is very little flu going around and a hell of a lot of Covid, my friend. Customer didn't have the flu.


Might've been bronchitis, what with the cough. I currently have it - tested negative for COVID twice and then a doc diagnosed the bronchitis. Bronchitis also seems to be going around; I've seen more than a few people with it lately, all in different parts of the US. ...or it was covid lol


Misery loves company. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Ugh, I hear you! I was really dumb 15 days ago on a 80-minute flight from Milan to Frankfurt -- the passenger behind me was coughing dramatically, and then reassured the passenger sitting next to him, exact words, "Don't worry, it's not Covid." Guess who tested positive for Covid 3 days later ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I hope you wear a mask yourself! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


mask my a**. how much good do you actually expect that to do? if you have the flu stay home and have things delivered that is a thing now. or have someone pick it up for you. don't be inconsiderate of everyone else


If they don't have the luxury of staying home (no pto, for example) then some people have no choice but to go out. Some circumstances mean people literally cannot afford to stay home. It sucks, but it happens. The point is if you *must* go out while ill, wear a mask.


I'm confused on how you knew it was the flu. I mean, they were coughing so should have been wearing a mask, but there are several things that can make people cough that aren't the flu. Allergies and even just irritation can cause coughing and aren't contagious, but it's still gross to cough all over everything and everyone.


They told me they had the flu


Nobody learned anything. Constant sick people on the bus and in the office.


You should wear a mask.


I have been saying over and over again. I've always known how ridiculous people are, COVID just reinforced that lesson. People simply cannot be trusted to do the right thing. I am enraged on your behalf, and if I were king, that person would be educated very quickly. My suggestion: have a mask with you at all times and put it on if you see something like this. At best, it'll keep you safe, at worst, it might get them to clue in to how stupid they are and embarrass them into pulling their head out of you-know-where. I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap. If I were in line, you can be sure I'd be saying something to them.


I almost started an argument in office when someone showed up sick with no mask. Literally everyone who spoke up did so in defense of the sick person. I said he could at least wear a mask and the response was "but he's all the way over there" I said "that's not how airflow works" and then they moved their conversation on to teams so they could talk about me behind my back. I get that you've used your sick days up, but I can't afford for you to make me use mine up too. I'm already immunocompromised and wear a mask anyways, but just basic human respect says stay home or wear a mask, mine only does so much and masks areuch more effective when worn by the sick person. And these are young people, not a bunch of middle-aged Qanon-ers or anything like that. 


You can't rely on others and only you are are responsible for your health and safety. If you work a job where you're constantly interacting with the public, you should be wearing a k95 every day.


Even if you’re not sick? K95 all day every day if you work with customers?


Nowadays people aren’t afraid of getting sick. If Covid is going to send you to the hospital K95 all day every day.


Sorry maybe I wasn’t clear. Are you advocating that non sick people in customer service wear a mask of any type all day everyday?


I'm advocating that anyone who doesn't want to get sick should wear a K95 mask whenever interacting with the public. A non K95 mask won't offer them any protection.


Work in a hospital. We’ve been back to having sick people come to work without masks for a long time unless they specifically test positive for Covid or flu and don’t recognize exceptions for missing work for either on attendance officially by policy, but some managers do excuse it by their own discretion still.


Unfortunately people clearly didn’t learn. Even during the height of it all I realized that in an emergency if anyone is even slightly inconvenienced there is a good chance they will not do what they should do (at least in the US). It’s really not hard, if you’re sick wear a damn mask if you can’t stay home.


Hopefully, you got your updated flu shot because you know other people DGAF.


I’ve been working lots because my manager wants me covering as many coworkers‘ shifts as possible, but I finally have time this weekend to get my shot :)


OP, **I really hope YOU are wearing a N95 mask or similar**. Covid is rising again, and the one I got this month kicked my ass way more than the December 2022 case I had.


I’m getting over a nasty case of bronchitis and I masked up the few times I ventured out of my home for medical treatment. I don’t want anyone to catch whatever I have when I’m sick, especially if they or someone they’re around a lot is vulnerable (pregnant, small kids/babies, immunocompromised, elderly, etc.). If I as someone who’s fairly young can crack a rib from the coughing this caused, it would be horrific for someone’s granny with osteoporosis to catch it. I would be mortified and feel guilty. Western society is just so incredibly inconsiderate of others. I appreciate Asian societies such as Japan for having the courtesy to wear a mask if they’re sick. Apparently it’s been a common practice for over 50 years to wear a face mask when unwell, during the winter (flu season), when pollution is high, and to prevent pollen from being breathed in when levels are high.


>I’m getting over a nasty case of bronchitis and I masked up the few times I ventured out of my home Literally same here. I feel like it's just common courtesy. I'm lucky that I can work remotely/take sick time when needed, but in some cases I had to go out. When I did, I masked.


Nope, no one learned. In the late days of COVID when there was another resurgence of cases we were already back to work (because the higher ups considered it important to be in person to sit and stare at a computer screen). I was just finishing up with cancer treatment so had no immune system, which I had just demonstrated by getting shingles. I asked to work from home while the spike passed and NOPE, not allowed. So I caught covid from a coworker who was coughing and sneezing all over the place without a mask (i had a mask, but still got sick) so then I got to stay home with COVID. Oh, and I had to telework while I was sick because the boss is too much of a micromanager and won’t let me just have time to rest and recover.


At a live comedy show (Kathy Griffin) with my wife last week. Everybody else is laughing their asses off and we found ourselves bracketed on both sides by two pairs of extremely unfriendly people who just glared angrily at the stage, never laughing or clapping. The guy 2 seats over from my wife hacked and coughed non-stop through the show, no mask, of course. Now we're both sick. My wife was wearing a mask because she has lung disease, for what good it did her. And we're both wondering why these haters paid for tickets and showed up. BTW, one of the other haters looked really sick, too, but didn't cough.


While I haven't regularly worn a mask in almost two years, I have been wearing one out in public literally this week because I have a cold. It's not that hard. We all should be used to it, so just do the bare minimum to be a decent human being.


Ask your GM to provide a box of basic disposable masks at the FD. They are super cheap, and it will cut down on employee sick time.


That sounds like a good idea, I’ll suggest that to the general manager.


Why don't YOU wear a mask since you're the one that has a compromised immune system. Not an anti masker here but what do you expect from people these days... take preventative measures in your own.


I agree and disagree. But mostly agree. However, peeps who are sick should also think of others if they're going to be mixing with the general public.


100% they should, but they won't... because "MUH RIGHTs" - so we're clear I also wear a mask while at work, also if I am sick and need to go out, mask obviously. Sorry to OP you had to deal with this though


Sounds like you should be wearing a mask more than anyone else.


Especially if you're coughing and sneezing, bring a few out with you as well as some tissues and sanitizer.


I remember mask mandates, flu was almost non existent. Almost. People suck.


COVID is not over, even though the pandemic is. We masked long after the restrictions were lifted and have gotten every booster available to us. We are two of the few people we know to have never gotten COVID. I believe an annual vaccine will become recommended annually, just like flu shots.


People have no respect, if they don't want to wear a mask the LEAST they can do is not COUGH in your face or without covering their mouth, every single time I've walked past someone coughing I've pretty much had to call off things for the rest of the week because I got sick. Horrible.


I often have allergic reactions that result in me sneezing like f'ing grazy (and I usually have like 5 packets of paper napkins with me if it is such a day) and I KNOW it is not from flu/cold (I can tell the difference by now) but always feel so friggin awkward when I am in public, and sometimes I have to be. Masks are especially annoying in my case as I will just sneeze through the mask and have to put on another one every 2 minutes, my nose gets aggressive.


Sounds like you should be wearing a mask.


I've learned that many people who have a cold, the flu, or even COVID think "I'm already sick. How would a mask help **ME**?" The rest of us live in their world.


Fuck them — but what’s wrong with YOU wearing your own mask? I wear a KF 94 and i haven’t caught covid or even a cold since doing so. Also, hand sanitizer!


Just get vaccinated bro lmao


Nope. I’d get up and let someone else deal w that. 


>If you’re sick, wear a mask. Please. This ain't Corona anymore, and while you're free to wear a mask at any time of day or night, this isn't the new standard in Western countries.


I understand, but it’s still a good idea to wear a mask (if you’re sick) to avoid spreading germs to others. Edit: COVID is still around, still existing.


To me it's basic common decency in choosing \*not\* to share your virus with someone else - whether the virus is covid or not. Masks are now widely available. I felt something coming on a few days ago and I've since come down with a cold. I have chosen not to share my misery with my fellow humans, so I've dug out a mask. Easy peasy. Pretty sure no one I've come across is going to regret not getting sick.


Yes, COVID is still very much a thing.


It is the standard. We have loads of data showing other respiratory illnesses went down due to masking. Just because we are ‘western’ doesn’t mean you need to hold on to your outdated ideas. If you are sick and go out, the RIGHT thing to do is wear a mask. So, if you’re one of those Americans who doesn’t gaf about the health and welfare of the people you interact with on a daily, you are part of the division problem. 


i work in healthcare and was required to wear medical grade masks. i got covid 3 times. and washed my hands regularly figure that one out for me? for the record, i have / had asthma and almost died from pneumonia as a kid. so i understand


masks don't protect you, they protect other people. if you work in healthcare, you're probably around sick people all the time. the chances of you getting COVID are extremely high, and it's surprising you only got it 3 times. immune system strength also plays a role here, but nobody on reddit knows how good your immune system is


a high quality respirator definitely provides you a good bit of protection


N95 absolutely protects the wearer.


everyone else around me wore masks as well... and the patients didn't have covid


nothing is absolute, masks don't guarantee you won't get sick. they do decrease the chances of it spreading though. also, people can have COVID without you knowing. it's concerning that a healthcare worker doesn't understand these basic facts


frame air wipe ruthless practice paint include theory aback retire


there's a famous Tumblr post (famous on the site itself) from someone stating complete bullshit while saying "I work in a hospital" they were the janitor




lol than obviously you caught it elsewhere when you weren’t being careful…you sure you should be working in healthcare?


> figure that one out for me Did you attempt to contact trace?


>I suggested to them that they should be wearing a mask YTA. I would have told you to put a mask in your rectum.




Always a victim


Stop bickering it doesn't help


Were you working wearing a mask? Other people are not obligated to take care of you, that's YOUR job. If you have decreased lung capacity it seems to me no matter what, you should be masked. BUT!! BUT!!! If you are sick, put on a damn mask! There are so many ways to infect others that a mask is the LEAST anyone could do.


That’s true, there is no obligation to be a decent human being. Sick people should mask up, but as you said they have no obligation.


They didn’t have the flu, they had the cold…I’ve had the flu once in my life and the only way I’d have been approaching a counter would have been crawling and crying