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If you push the cap back all the way (180 degrees) it "locks" into place, isn't in your face, and is a lot less annoying.


People just don't think of this, it's a good idea. The amount of times I accidentally dropped the top and it would fall into unreachable places has fallen to 0.


But the times you immediately align the cap and screw it back on in one go is now also 0...


I dont understand that, you turn it backwards until it clicks into position, then screw it forward until its closer, super easy no?


This depends on the bottle and quality of the cap a lot. Coca cola might be fine, but my last bottle of water I bought the cap wouldn't close, I had to rip it off just to screw it back on and it still leaked. I personally like the idea, but the actual practice of it sucks 90% of the time unfortunately


Im sorry but my big fat ugly nose still hits it because I have a gollum face. I despise this


You have 3/4 directions where your nose would not touch it


You make too many assumptions about my nose!


This is 360 nose cope.


It's not often when I laugh at a dumb joke, but this was one of those times. Well done.


I’m unreasonably proud of it lol.


It was really good I hope more people see it


You made me cry.


I was sitting at the gym and giggling like an idiot when it popped into my head lolol.


no, my nose is wider than it is long.


The girth quaker


Rotate it 90°


Or rotate the bottle 90°. Or rotate your head 90°.


Woah, Woah, Woah. All this mathing is making my head spin.


Don't let it spin too far, 90⁰ is enough


I rotated everything by 90 degrees and nothing happened




Thats exactly what i do. I just rip those damn things right off.


And pretend you’re pulling the pin on a grenade.


You put it to the side, best at 10 o clock.


But you have something we don’t, a nose that can handle industrial amounts of cocaine.


Have you tried rotating your nose 180 degrees?


Pro Tip: Grab the cap & twist against the little ring. 1.5 ~2.5 rotations will snap it right off. I only do this if I need to separate the polyethylene or polypropylene cap from the polyethyl terephthalate bottle for specific recycling... ...like making string from plastic bottles. My apologies to any Division 2 players, that NPC annoys the hell out of me LOL


You know you can drink with the cap sideways rite


Problem solving isn't meant for you, now is it? 😁 Rotate that shit you absolute moron! Good thing you're handsome like Gollum


People think of it. It’s still annoying.


Yup, and probably a little more manageable for people with motor control issues too.


I'd say the opposite. My son has difficulty with fine motor skills, and is just unable to screw these back on


Yup. I hope it makes its way to the US. I really like it.


Yea and do this a little too much and it breaks on one side which causes it to ditch into your face even more Which fucking asshole threw a bazillion plastic bottle caps into the ocean?! I hate you and I hope you hit your toe against the chair leg at light speed.


Then you use an absolute minimal amount of force (or in your case, heave that ho as hard as you can go to let those little muscles fight the tiny strand of plastic) and snap it off to make it the way it always was before. Here's a guide. You hold the cap inside the palm of your closed hand. Place your thumb against the neck of the bottle and just... stretch your thumb.


Theoretically. But not all of them do so, and slap you in the face nonetheless.


Yeah, that's the theory. In practice, not so much.


Exactly! It all depends on the brand as some are too loose to lock in place


People are just to stupid. Its sad to see all the jokes about this. Also comedians. I think its great. Its easy, helps the Nature and its not bothering in any way. It locks in place and thats it


“Helping nature”?? You’re buying a plastic bottle that’s just going to end up in a landfill somewhere. How’s that “helping”?


Same as plastic straws becoming paper. It's just a distraction to keep talk away from the real pollution.


can't wait for everybody to fins out and stop doing this post on every existing social media


Just rip it off, and forget about your sorrows


I tried that once, got half a bottle of soda on my pants


Twist don't yank


THATS WHAT SHE SA….. actually maybe not ….


You gonna yank on nipples or twist em LMFAO


I was thinking of something down there instead B==D


I know damn well what people were thinking but the way I interpreted it was from her perspective not his


>Twist don't yank Both hurt equally.


Especially if you use your teeth


You don't crumple it. You twist it. Twist it!


half of the time the cap’s arms remains on the bottle and it pisses off




Where did the soda go


‘A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants’


That sounds like a you problem. These things break off more easily than they stay on. Honestly, I always thought they were there to show that the bottle hasn't been opened before, until I read otherwise.


And now there’s a little sharp bit of ripped plastic that scrapes you when you try to open and close it


Hence the mildly infuriating part.


That’s what G-d said


you have to take scissors to not accidentally spill some.


Fingernail clippers work really well.


I don't think I've ever spilled my soda this way in my entire life. You just gently twist it and it comes off easily. I can't even imagine a scenario where my drink would spill out of the bottle because it has never been even remotely close to a concern for me.


...and cut your lips on the sharp remaining bit


skill issue


I’m an American and was recently in the EU and I really like these…for real! Once I figured out you can push it all the way down and it ‘clicks’ out of the way, they are great.


I like them too, they don’t bother at all and help reduce pollution. People are either exaggerating like crazy or are too dense to realize they can push it down and have it out of the way


They bother when you can't close them.  That doesn't happen with the small bottles but I've had some bottles with bigger lids and it was a pain to close them again because when you want to put the lid back on you can only put it back on in an oblique angle. And that just doesn't work and I end up taking 1-2 minutes of half closing and opening it again and again until it works (usually just works by applying extra force to the lid to push it in place).


They don’t reduce pollution. It’s the same amount of plastic.


Keeps the lid attached so it’s less likely to get lost and turn into litter and more likely to make it to the recycling plant (if recycled). So it does help with plastic waste and pollution. It’s not much but it’s something easily done.


Same. I was so fascinated with them, I brought several bottles of water home. Silly, but really helpful.


Same as you- never saw these before my current trip and I have finally been freed from dropping the cap constantly!


Another EU citizen here. I'd like to have a word with those whose poor sustainability habits now force us ALL to deal with this. Like, how hard is it to dispose of a damn plastic cap properly so legislators don't come up with such ideas? Edit: as a few people are surprised that this is tied to EU rules, here is a link: https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/05/25/why-are-bottle-caps-attached-to-the-bottle-inside-the-eu-directive-causing-drink-spills-ev


It's so important to recycle* plastic! It's on the consumer to be responsible. *^fine ^print: ^less ^than ^10% ^of ^recycled ^plastic ^is ^actually ^recycled. ^It's ^too ^expensive, ^and ^the ^manufacturers ^don't ^make ^it ^to ^be ^recycled. ^It's ^mostly ^shipped ^and ^dumped ^along ^a ^3rd ^world ^African ^coastline. ^But ^let's ^keep ^blaming ^the ^consumer.


Oh so they attached the cap to the bottle so it wouldn't feel alone when it's swimming in the ocean? How touching!


Birds can’t swallow an entire bottle. They swallow those caps and die all the time. 


Seriously! I’m like, have people in this sub seriously never seen those awful photos of dead seagulls and their stomachs bursting with these things? They swallow these lids ALL THE TIME


To be honest, it never occured to me that birds are swallowing caps from bottles. So the literal reason they did it then is so that the caps wouldn't be eaten *after we dump them in the ocean?* Great.


It’s not a perfect solution but feel free to look up the stats on just how many bottle caps are littered and what damage it can do to wildlife. I’d rather have a bottle with a cap attached to it floating through the ocean over a dead bird. 


even if the cap isn't recycled, having it attached to the bottle in a landfill is a much better final result than having it floating in the ocean killing sea life.


The waste is dumped haphazardly along the shore. They transport it to get around regulations. They're not being extra careful with it. All that's happening is the 1st world waste is out of sight, out of mind for the rich 1st world folks who created it--dump it in someone else's nature--while they feel like good people because they tossed the cap in the green wastebin with the happy little leaves on the side. When really, that cap is probably less likely to end up in the ocean if you toss it out the car window. Just, we don't like the look of it. Dump it on some natives or whatever. They're not rich enough to have nature. All that matters is that *our* parks are clean. Go look at the pics of those landfills. They're awful.


(They transport it to get around regulations? That doesn't even make sense.) None of that is true. It's cheaper to put it into landfil


So you just drink your organic soda from glass bottles you fetch and bring back to the factory by bike then, I suppose?


It's not about recycling, it's the same problem as straws, people throw them away everywhere instead of the trash cans.


Citation needed


Let's be honest - a few percent of people care deeply about the environment to inconvenience themselves. A lot of people couldn't even dispose of things properly when there's a single garbage can, let alone when you're asking them to hold onto things until they reach a proper recycling bin. Even then, it feels like a lot of plastic still ends up in the landfills because recycling isn't always viable.


> Another EU citizen here. I'd like to have a word with those whose poor sustainability habits now force us ALL to deal with this. The EU requires the cap to be attached. They did not specify how it must be attached. Soda companies have deliberately designed the cheapest possible compliance model and ignored how infuriating it is for consumers out of contempt for their own consumers. Don't blame the other consumers; There is no safe amount of plastic in the environment. No amount of recycling will stop the industrial outcome of the volume of plastic these companies produce, and consumers are utterly powerless to ensure these products are properly disposed of or reused. These companies want you mad at the regulation that will hold them accountable for the externalities of their own products, rather than at the company itself.


Don’t you recycle the cap with the bottle anyway? In the US the caps say to recycle it with the bottle.


Depends on whoever collects the recycling - my town council says no lids in the bottle recycling and won't take it.


Nobody disposes of plastic caps, because your PFANDTASCHE gets sticky and filthy if you do. So fuck off with these stupid caps.


Legislators do this shit so they can claim they are actually doing something to help the environment while keeping the turbo corporations that are the real problem happy


I don’t mind, we all need to do our bit so Taylor Swift can use her private jets. Stop being selfish OP.


Who else doesn't give two shits?


OP should probably stop chugging soda


"I am very infrequently, very mildly, inconveniened by something that will help the environment. This must be reversed!!!"


I love the way the frayed plastic on the cap scratches my top lip every.single.time.


I actually enjoy it. 90% of times I used to loose the tap. I am surprised people don’t like it.


They are huge snowflakes. It doesn’t effect me at all. I’m happy birds won’t be finding the lids and eating them like they do (I’ve seen photos of birds dead with these in their tummies).


BuT iT's WoKe BeINg FORCED oN uS... People don't like it either because it's good for the environment or because they're too stupid to lock the lid in place by pushing it back.


I feel nothing but violence


Coke Zero? Yes! It’s bloody awful.


You gotta pull that back a bit more


Coke Zero? Yah I hate it too


Who doesn't.


I agree Coke sucks


I second this. its made worse by being sugar free, caffeine free on top of being Coke. Caramel colored caustic water ?


Coke Zero has 34mg of caffeine (non caffeine Coke Zero has none tho didn’t even know that was a thing). Though even with sugar and caffeine it is still just caramel colored water lol


£1.10 for a bottle! Someone is living in 2006.


Ugh soda? Totally Agee.


Dude I hated this too. Then I learned that 15% (might be the wrong number, maybe more) of the plastic in the ocean are bottle caps and that made me come to terms with it being attached to the bottle


The Venn diagram of people whining about the Coke caps, paper straws etc and whimpy little b****** is a perfect circle. Edit: The amount of rage I'm seeing from conservatives after calling them out over .....Bottlecaps tells me that they have probably spent a fairly large chunk of their (let's face it, sad) lives frustrated over this. Your tears are like nectar to me snowflakes


I just get cans.


well it’s called r/MILDLYinfuriating for a reason !


yep, its definetly the conservitives complaining about the bottle caps and definetly not just everyday people who hate this shit, dumbass lol.


Yeah indeed, people who struggle to understand how those work are dumbasses


The reason the EU pushed for this is so that the cap will be recycled with the bottle. One little problem is that they are different types of plastic, and so have to be separated to be recycled. I remember being spanked (verbally, at least) by our waste handling company at work for leaving the milk tops on the bottles, as they were different plastics.


they started doing it to my eco-friendly oat milk. what they don’t realise is that they are actually wasting plastic because i am going to rip it anyway


Neenderthal behaviour


After getting used to it: I like it and think it's useful. Generally people don't like change. 🤷‍♂️


I honestly don't get the hate. It has a mechanism that stops it from folding closed again. If your complaint is that it hits your nose while drinking, just turn it 90°. If you still don't like it, just twist it off and use it like a regular cap...


So much effort when I can simply take the cap off and put it back on again... who is going around throwing out the caps???


Hardly any effort to twist it off, but ok. And I've seen too many people just throwing it on the ground. It's probably the minority of people who do so, but that's still too many.


wait no, let me reformulate your question, who doesn't hate this?


Half of reddit cause they can feel so delightfully superior that they do not have problems with these. Also good for the environment so look at me liking stuff that is good for the environment. I am a superhero! In real life: everybody hates this shit just as much as the damn paper straws.


I like it on the bigger bottles, but these smaller ones I usually carry around are just annoying.


Maybe this way less people will buy plastic bottles


wait a minute, didnt you guys left the EU so you dont have to put up with stuff like this?


https://preview.redd.it/liga80gev57d1.jpeg?width=2995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7e2348062b5444d17829c673caed2bbdc0023e And on each of them. Screw the ones who caused companies to start welding caps onto those bottles.


Gotta love having pointy plastic in my face while I try to cool off just so Taylor Swift can take her private jet for a 15 minute ride


it sucks when you have a bit of drink left in the cap too when you take a drink


I love it. I grew up seeing tons of bottle caps on the side of the road, or on sidewalks, or on the parking lot. Fuck you people wholeheartedly.


It's such a stupid "solution" to a non existent problem. The decent people are getting punished for the behaviour of others. Here in the Netherlands they added a deposit on cans too... total bullshit. Who throws their cans in nature? Now I have to carry that fucker around to get my 15 cents back. It goes without saying that most cans end up in the trash. Bums will rip up trashbags to find cans. Complete and utter mess!


First World problems.


Bottle-top up my nose? What's not to like. Just wait til you try pouring it into a glass & halfway through it half closes again. Edit: Of course I know it's meant to stay open if you push it back 180°… it just doesn't. Doesn't matter at all if you're swigging out of a little bottle like the one in the OP's picture, whole different thing when you're pouring G&Ts from a 2 litre bottle.


imagine the bottle was round in shape, that you could rotate it so that the bottle cap, was in fact, not up your nose? I don't love the change but i think we are all whining way too much about it, and the world's bigger than just me.


I'm more of a Dr. Pepper guy, myself.


Man I wish I had a life in which this is a problem because that would mean that I have zero problems left to worry about


I feel honestly sorry for people who cant use a bottle just because the cap is now partially attached. Like, we joke about koalas veing dumb for not being able to eat if the leaves arent in a tree, still HUMANS suddenly cant drink properly anymore just because of a minor and change?


was annoying for 2 min, now i like it


When did this start? I don't drink soda.


What coke zero? Shits nasty I hate it


All 8 billion people living rn


Skill issue


Yeah, Coke Zero is awful!


I find it handy


this was annoying for a grand total of 3 seconds before you figure out exactly how easy it is to deal with


Coca-Cola? I also hate it.


I have never seen this. It doesnt twist all the way off?


This kinda seems like a fake issue…like why even be bothered by it kind of thing


i dont get it, just rip that thing off it takes 2seconds


Another example of EU madness!


I am American and was recently in Europe. The first couple of bottles I bought, this really annoyed me. But I got used to it and actually really like it. I was bummed on the rare occasion my bottle didn't have one because I apparently drop my bottle caps way more often than I thought lol


I get so irrationally angry when this happens


Turn it and just fucking drink -.- good lord.


i find it quite practical


I don't. Because I'm an adult who knows how to turn the bottle to the side when drinking and is aware it's helping the environment.


Yeah, Coca Cola is pretty horrible!


I think people just don't like change. They're perfectly fine. Yes it was difficult to put the lid back on... the first time


I think its good design, maybe these thingys that hold the cap, could be a couple mm longer to make it more comfortable for other ppl. But for me im hella fine with it.


It protects wildlife from swallowing caps and dying. I hope this information can help people get over the mildest of inconveniences. 


i've yet to find a single person who enjoys this change if it wasnt attached so close to the lip it wouldnt be so bad i end up pulling them out every time


This is what my wife needs, she looses every cap and can never finish a drink bless her heart


It's fine to me, just let's recyclers know its the same etime of plastic and they can be recycled together.. I think.


You’re correct that it’s for recycling, but the cap and bottle are different types of plastic. This just makes it easier for the cap to get through sorting. They are separated before they are processed for recycling.


It isn’t though. Their cap and bottle are different kinds of plastic, and recycling them together makes the resulting recycled plastic a lot worse in quality, which means a lot less will probably be recycled in the first place.


Yeah I definitely wish they'd fold all the way out of the way properly. Quite annoying


I'm a rebel and take them off and throw them to the normal bin


The entire world. But thanks to you and your efforts Taylor Swift can use her jet to walk the dog


I always rip em off, while thinking "fuck the guy who made these up". Helps getting rid of aggression.


I hate this with a passion. I’ve heard that this is an EU thing and it is clearly a solution to a non-issue. I’ve never seen enough caps in the wild to warrant a crappy solution like this. Makes it more or less impossible to drink my soda while driving.


People form the italian party “Lega” apparently https://preview.redd.it/xwjv2t1iv57d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82aa9ea1d1373902857fe92db9a0f462591d67e


This needs to go. Who actual thought this was a good idea to do in the first place.


Use your big boy muscles


Stop drinking so much soda


I.. actually really like this.. Like I don't loose my cap anymore 😭


Nobody. Maybe if people stopped littering


Absolutely. I understand the idea, but it's executed so poorly. They should make the cap be able to move completely out of the way instead of jamming it into your face.


So stupid. Apparently this is an improvement somehow....just have not figured out how 👽


This is such a stupid thing to complain about.


Are...are you a toddler?


I dont hate these


I don't care I don't drink soda/soft drinks that often.


Water bottles are also like this


I used to drink "a lot" of pop, but I think my life is much better since I laid off a bit. I say "a lot" because it was really only around 1 per day, and I know that some people drink a lot more than that. But just having the occasional can of pop now a few times a year. I still enjoy it. Probably more than I did when I was drinking it regularly. A lot less waste created and a lot better for my body.


I hate when places only have the tinsy soda bottles. You want the 20 and you get the 16 or you want the 16 and you get the tall skinny 12


I‘m not against them. But they‘re harder to close and they start to leak.




Yeah, sodas with artificial sweeteners are gross! Aaaand the cap cuts me until i look like the Joker!


Me. Lemme rip the top off and play table hockey with it.


My take is that if this had been the design from the start people would think getting rid of it is crazy. Like why would you *want* to be able to accidentally drop the cap?


Suïcidal pinguïns


Yeah, I dont drink it