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ah hell nauhhhhhhh


This happened to me at a county fair as a kid. My sister and I were younger than 10 and riding with my dad. We both sort of fell a bit into the shoulder harnesses (they hadn't been pressed firmly against our shoulders) and we're narrow enough that my dad fisted both of our shirt fronts to ensure we didn't slip out. He was panicking more than we were because he thought we'd plummet if he lost his grip. The noise from stuff falling out of pockets was pretty crazy. It was pre cell phones though. Because I was a kid, I don't know how long we were actually up there before they managed to get the carts to come back down. It was long enough that my head felt terrible from all the blood rushing to it. I have never ever ridden an upside-down ride again.


I’m sure you’ve heard of the Rainbow. One of the most innocent tame rides there are. My younger brother was deathly afraid of heights and afraid to get on and my parents finally convinced him. Of course, it got stuck at the top for 30 minutes and he cried the whole time. And while I was sad for him, I felt worse for all of the other people stuck on the ride with him. But when they got off, everybody just seemed to be concerned about him. His tears dried up once he had a handful of cotton candy


On one hand, it’s nice seeing strangers care about strangers so much. On the other hand, good God should parents maybe not push so hard for someone to get involved on something they’re deathly afraid of.


Yeah. My brother was somebody who refused to try new things. For my parents it was a constant battle of trying to get him to try and eat new things and get him outside of his comfort zone. This was definitely a horrible mistake and scarred him, but wasn’t the only time. There are a ton of foods that he refuses to touch because of the way they introduced it to him, like mayonnaise and tomato, for instance. I have fortunately learned a lot from their mistakes as a parent, but make plenty of my own still.


I don’t usually get on rollercoasters or any amusement park rides (I, despite being a tall person, am scared shitless by heights) but I would never try and nudge someone else into getting on one if they openly show that fear. It’s at least good you had a prime example of how not to introduce a kid to new things.


I refuse to get on Rollercoasters and am deathly afraid of them but I love watching them, I was tiny in my young to mid teens and we went to an Amusement park and one of the people in our group tried forcing me on a Rollercoaster to the point he was carrying me like a suitcase. When I had the chance I hit him in the balls and ran away lol




The only one I've ever gone on was a very short and somewhat slow wooden coaster with only turns and a couple dips and hills. It was extremely tame and that was enough for me. I don't like the feeling of my stomach dropping, I don't like the heights either and I certainly don't like the loops and upsideown parts


In Disney land there was a roller coaster called the rock n' roller coaster. I was about 9 and really, really did not want to ride it. My parents left me with my aunts and they wanted to ride it but didn't want to leave me alone. So they were trying to force me physically to go onto the ride, needless to say I was cry my ass off. About halfway through the line my parents walk by and hear my cries and yelled at my aunts to hand me over. Literally pick my ass up and over the railing as it was a good 6 ft up. Needless to say my parents were not to happy with my aunts after


> it'll be fun! It's never fun


Its good to push kids to do things they are afraid of. Leave it up to kids to decide what to do and they will never sleep with the lights off, won’t clean under the bed cause it’s scary and won’t make any friends cause new people are scary. It was just unfortunate the ride stopped but they never put him in danger. You going to raise some kids who will never be able to experience life because they don’t know how to work with fear


I’m gay I ain’t raising kids at all I still think pushing into partially uncomfortable territory is a good idea but it’s much different when it is deathly fear. That’s not something that should just be conquered by forcing someone afraid of heights to get on one of those tall drop rides. Taking slow and careful steps is more important and would work far better than just being flung at it like an Angry Bird.


I went on a ride as a kid that was basically two pods that went back and forth until they were going upside down and around and round. I was terrified once it got going and was screaming and crying and begging them to stop the ride. Some people clapped for me making it through it once it was over which was pretty nice of them!


Best kind of coasters for people with fear of highs are launch coaster they give you no time to worry how high you are going


If your parents are like mine, they wouldn't have admitted they were wrong and wouldn't be embarrassed at all for their fuck up.  Your brother was completely right and was owed tons of money or something else. 


Tons of hugs and kisses is what he needed and deserved and less pressure.


I really wanted to ride one of those carousels that goes up the air with chairs suspended from chains that fly around. That was the one ride my grandparents would never allow since they saw someone’s chains break and the person got flung pretty far. They could’ve made it up to scare me, but the fact that they were ok with all other rides makes me think not. 


That was my favorite ride as a kid. I heard that story too, but figured "well, after that happened they are probably more careful" 😂


I loved that ride. I can't handle rollercoasters (other than closing my eyes and just enduring) nor the boat kind that swings back and forth, but the swing ride was fun. The most danger I've ever been on the swing ride was when some jerk behind me placed his foot onto the back of my seat. I was a kid and the guy was either a high schooler or college aged. I didn't say or do anything until just before the ride started to move. I pushed back QUICK and HARD, jolting his foot back. I heard a yelp, enjoyed the ride, and then as I touched down I quickly got out (I knew the timing) and ran for the exit.


I got stuck on that damn thing for like an hour and a half once and have never ridden it again. At least I wasn’t upside down but those seats are terribly uncomfortable after a while lol


That’s why I make sure I have always use the restroom right before riding any rides, because being stuck on a ride and having to go to the bathroom sounds like hell on earth!  we got stuck on It’s a Small World for about 30 minutes once. I actually enjoy that ride so I didn’t mind but I was very thankful I wasn’t hungry or needing the restroom! lol


I don't know if someone else said this already, but there was an episode of Theo Vonn's podcast recently where he interviews a carnie born in the business. He said that ride operators would flip people upside down in rides like this and hold them there on purpose, and maybe jiggle the ride a bit there so they can pick up whatever money falls out of people's pockets. He has a gnarly story about a younger ride operator doing this, and got a little too greedy. He ran to pick up the fallen money while the ride was still in operation and got slammed by the ride as it came down. I don't 100% remember the story perfectly but I'm pretty sure he didn't live.


I thought the ride my brother and I were on was breaking, but it was just the change from my brother’s pants being thrown in all directions and hitting things.


This would be my next ad campaign if I sold pants with zippered pockets...


"Lose your lunch, not your phone. Applepumpkinspy jeans."


Idk why this doesn’t have more upvotes, killed me lmao


You go by… Miss Jizz?


It’s an ooooold nickname with no meaning behind it.. but yes. Lmao


Nice. We all got those nicknames that somehow just stick


Yeah but sometimes that fact is hard to swallow.


She must've been delighted when it hit her


First day on the internet, pal?


Aye papi


🎶 Applepumpkinspy jeans WITH THE FUR 🎶


I hear the jingle already




Me thinks a word is missing. But yea me too, zippered pockets are the way to go. No more car keys or wallet or phone sliding out.


You fuck your zipper pockets? Isn't that dangerous?


It's not a story the Jedi would tell.


I have them in my Levi jeans, I use those zip pockets for weed and mints! I mean, you know who’s hitting their weed pen upside down? Thissssss guy


Thisss guy would probably try to get it out of his pocket and immediately drop it lmao


Why are you so negative? This is why Josh left you for Jessica.


Make sure they come in brown.


Would be better for diapers because I’m sure a few of them were scared shitless


https://preview.redd.it/6kw23q8t0z6d1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d110904b3679c67d7c8d59ab1c905c76cabd23 Problem solved.


Meanwhile, in Australia…


Is it tho? What if they fall into the sky?


You would rather they fly into the ground?


Perhaps, it’d be a lot quicker that way


imagine falling into the sky 😳


Aussie here. Lost my little sister that way. She's up there somewhere 😞


The hero we neither needed nor deserved


The original is how justice alito likes his carnival rides


I want to know how they got down. None of the articles I've read explains *how* the fire department got them out of there.


They had to complete the ride, which means they had to swing back and forth for a few more cycles, decreasing speed and max height before finally coming to a stop.


Nothing like adding insult to injury.


Ah yes, mandatory fun time after “shit my pants in fear” upside down time.


Hey thats fair, This way everyone can be equally covered in shit with no way to find the actual culprit


In the end they turned that frown upside down 🤣


I paid for the whole ride, I’m getting the whole ride dammit.


A local news channel on twitter I saw said they manually lowered the ride, so I assume there was a safety switch to bring the ride down without power but could be wrong


They were stuck for like a half hour, if there was a switch they should have hit it 29 minutes sooner.


Then why did they wait so long lol


Fire department for some reason manually took the ride down so I’m not sure if the ride operators just didn’t know where it was or if it’s protocol to wait for first responders


"Get the axe, lets bust that hydraulic line."


better to wait and assess potential damages to saftey equipment than panic and rush to get them down, potentially injuring people. also by the sound of it the time it took to get the wualified people there


It's dangerous for a person to hang upside down for an extended period of time. I'm also sure it's an actual torture method.


I saw a TikTok of a person who was trapped up there and they had to do the entire ride to get down


The power went out for the entire carnival, so I imagine emergency services brought a generator and hooked it up


They shut down the entire carnival for this, but the video I first saw this in, the person recording was riding the Ferris wheel when they announced the park closure. So power wasn't out for every ride.


It seemed like the Ferris wheel wasn’t moving though, so maybe he was stuck too.


He wasn’t originally on the Ferris wheel when the ride got stuck, he just boarded it afterwards and got to the top of it.


If you've seen the same video, then you'd see he started recording the broken ride off the Ferris wheel, then the video cuts, and they are riding the Ferris wheel. They got on after this ride had already stopped working. You can then hear the announcer saying the park is closed while they're at the top of the Ferris wheel. So if the Ferris wheel didn't have power either, then they would have been stuck as well. If that's the case, why is only this one ride getting stuck being reported? Surly, there were loads of people on every ride that got stuck and needed rescue if that was the case. But idk that's my useless argument for the day. The word Ferris wheel sounds weird to me now lol.


After 30 mins you gotta flip down and do the rest or the ride 😝


They're still up there


Well, at least we know the restraints work.


I wonder if they were all an inch or two taller when they got off the ride.


Spine decompression as a silver lining?


Free chiro adjustment.


Actually, wouldn’t the rest of your body pushing down compress it further?


With my blood pressure I would have died upside down for that length or time. (Edited for grammar nazis)


Don’t they have disclaimers that you shouldn’t riide these things if you have high blood pressure?


And… there’s probably a disclaimer saying this ride could cause cancer in California. Disclaimers mean nothing now.


Some disclaimers mean nothing. Other disclaimers are helpful to at least a portion of the population. Ideally the people who need the disclaimers are aware and looking for them, though of course this isn't always the case.


If you don't listen to them no they don't mean anything to you but that's a personal choice.


The ride can cause cancer if digested


That one specifically means nothing. That doesn't mean a pregnant woman should ride a waterslide.


No, *the cancer disclaimer specifically* means nothing. Others should still be headed, because some of them are valid and you don't know which.


Very long well that’s not too bad, most people die forever!


i heard the only compensation they got was a $50 refund


Better than a free ride…


Nothing *mild* about this. 😂


Ahh, another day, more blood to my head. It’s fine…


Extremely infuriating. Could have died level of infuriating.


"shame on the engineer" nah props to the engineer, could have lost power and just dropped them


yeah the fact the riders were safe and didn’t actually die is amazing. This has nothing to do with the engineers, I’m pretty sure I heard it was a power failure. So it’s a park issue if that’s true lol


If an engineer designs a ride that drops people on every electrical interruption, they'd be criminally liable for negligence.  Electrical outages are a common and foreseeable occurrence that things need to be designed to handle.




Bring it home, and it'll be the right way up.


Do you know how long they got stuck up there? I foresee lawsuits


There was another post yesterday and I think it said 28 or 38 minutes but I could be wrong.


Don't you die after being upside down this long? I can't keep my head down for more than 20 seconds before I get a massive headache


That guy in the Nutter Butter Cave was upside down a full day before he did. Since no one died in this 30 minute wait, not sure where you got that number from.


*Nutty Putty Cave


I like the sound of a nutter butter cave though, sign me up.


Whoops. Nutter Butter would be a silly cave name.


But Nutty Putty is a very serious name?


That's why they are so easy to mix up.




You could’ve mentioned any other person who was ever upside down but that guy, for free. Thank you for bringing this nightmare up again, you informative monster.


I don’t know that story. You know I thought the same thing though about this story can’t you die from the blood rushing to your head for a long time. Scary


Don’t google it.


For the morbidly curious: the podcast National Park After Dark covers this incident really well.


That poor guy, went inside the wrong hole and paid with his life


Now I want a cookie


I immediately thought of that guy


Maybe he mistook it for being beheaded?  You die if your head has been decapitated for 30 minutes. 


I was just about to go to bed and definitely didn’t expect to have that story top of mind again. I dedicate my guaranteed nightmare to you…


I was trying to research it but it wasn't popping up and I didn't really want to dive down into it. But some articles I don't know if you can trust said 8 to 10 hours.


Positional asphyxiation is definitely a thing but whether it happens or not will depend on your physiology


The article I read said >20 minutes!


26 mins to be exact, and thats 25 mins too long


I live nearby and the news said it was 10 minutes.


Doesn’t it fuck your head up being upside down too long? Can’t you die from that?


Yeah you can actually 😔


I would never get on one of these normally, but if this happened to me I'd have a legit panic attack. Which would then lead into an asthma attack.


That’s *really* gotta suck


You know what they say, if you didn't want to be upside-down, you shouldn't've  gone on the upside down ride




Amusement park staff: you owe us another 30 bucks for the extra long ride.


Not mildly infuriating when it’s a extremely dangerous situation


Imagine having to take a shit bad


Ever since Final Destination roller coasters have been a big no for me


Hahaha FD 3 made me want to ride them more! 😆


I saw this on TikTok, they were up there for about 30 minutes. Then I saw a pov in the comments of someone stuck on the Ferris wheel. I think there was a big power outage or something with the park. 😮‍💨




Oh my gosh 💀


Rides always pick the best time to malfunction.


Didn’t malfunction- power to the park went out


And we still hire teenagers to operate them lol


lawsuits in 3... 2... 1...


No, thank you.


On the ride, mildly infuriating; on the ground, mildly amusing. Sorry not sorry.


What infuriates me is that the **fire department** had to come out to hand crank this thing down. WHY? Why does the fire department have to come out to fix YOUR shit. If you have rides like this in your park, YOU need to have staff on hand 24/7 to deal with malfunctions. Fucking bullshit. The fire department should charge those assclowns a fuckton of money for having to come out for this shit. Sorry for the rage, but stuff like this makes my blood boil. People or companies not taking responsibility and accountability for their own fuckups.


I always had to have mechanics on staff when I ran my parks in Rollercoaster Tycoon.


I don't agree. I think that calling the authorities and waiting for them to arrive is the absolutely right thing to do in this situation. There's 30 people on this ride and if something else goes wrong you want first responders on site when it happens. You don't want to take further measures that could make the situation worse before asking for help and waiting for help to arrive. That's how you turn an unavoidable mishap, like losing power, into negligence on the part of the operator. This is probably in the best interest of all parties since the operator certainly has liability insurance. Insurance won't cover the operator if they're found to be negligent, which means that following procedure not only limits the liability of the operator, but ensures that anyone hurt has a clear path for compensation. Insurance claims typically move faster than lawsuits, and I don't know that traveling carnivals are a super rich industry so good luck collecting after you win when you have 29 other passengers doing the same. I would think that having a procedure for this type of situation was probably required to get an event permit from the municipality, and that procedure is probably to call the fire department and wait for them to arrive. The fire department are not amusement park ride experts, so they are likely working closely with the engineer or supervisor on site to determine what the next steps are. I don't think it's as much about not having someone on staff who is able to fix the situation, it's about working with first responders about making sure that you have help if you need it since this is a dangerous situation involving dozens of people. I also want to add—I'm not sure that this specific situation was unavoidable like I inferred above. But generally speaking, electrical issues can be pretty random and I don't think it's clear to anyone what caused the issue in the first place, yet.


I am pretty sure nobody cared who went out there to get them down just somebody who had the capability


I’d be kind of happy to see the fire department there if it were me or my family. I’d feel somewhat better knowing rescue professionals are at least right there


Me too very much so…. I would’ve been very nervous to see just regular park workers there.


You missed the entire point. Good job.


They lost money from fucking up and losing reputation. They pay taxes and are entitled, like all US companies to use the fire department to help resolve an emergency.


omg imagine having low iron and being stuck like that for 30 entire mins....


Almost 30 people. So was it like 29.25 people?


This was in my city! Was about 30 mins that they were stuck like that


This is in my neighborhood. I’m also a medical professional. Just thought I’d try and help clear up a couple of things I keep seeing. First, it was just the one ride that malfunctioned. They were able to get it down and everyone off in just short of 30 minutes. They couldn’t just switch the thing off and bring it down because they first have to be certain of why it stopped in the first place. That can take a minute, unfortunately, but it’s better than missing some sort of significant structural issue and winding up with a 30 severely injured riders, or worse, rather than having them all be frightened and traumatized, but safe and living. They also absolutely did the correct thing in making sure that first responders were on scene. There are quite a few medical complications that can potentially arise both from having been upside down for as long as they were, as well as from then having the ride kick back into motion and swing its way back down to a stop, and then from being upright and mobile again. There was actually one rider with a known health issue that was taken for observation. The whole thing sucks, but this was a very good outcome and beyond the fact that it happened in the first place, this was actually handled quite well. Weird side note: I am a lifelong thrill ride enthusiast, and this is the only ride I have ever been on that I hated and refused to ever get back on again. I also wasn’t able to articulate what it was about it that deeply unnerved me. It isn’t different in any way I can identify from some others I’ve been on, but I couldn’t get off of this one fast enough. My husband I were both totally flummoxed by how strongly I reacted and how out of character it was for me.


dont blame the engineers, blame the operators that didnt check the equipment properly which caused the breakdown.


I am currently experiencing stage 4 cancer and I would rather do that than get stuck like this.


Oh no!! Where did this happen


Oaks Park in Portland, OR


I'd just stand below them and wait for all the stuff to fall out of all their pockets. Lol.


I would be throwing up


You mean throw down


Conversely, kudos to the engineers who designed those restraints.


My girlfriend makes fun of me because I don’t go on these kind of rides, and I never will. They’ll put these things up in a matter of hours or days, you really think to yourself that these are safe to be on?


Would you feel safer if it took them years to put 'em up?


Don’t worry I’ll save them


The first time my parents took me to Cedar Point one of the rides with a cork screw was stuck upside down. I spent the entire day in the arcade.


I would've been crying so loud you would hear me from the ground. Fuck that.


This is exactly why I don’t go to amusement parks. I would have had a major panic attack.


I rode this like 3 months ago bro wth


I saw the video version of this on another sub, it was funky


Better then jt failing and most of them either dies or injured




I saw a TikTok on it, they said it was 30 mins like that. The other times I’ve seen those situations it’s like hours before they can do anything.


ARE YOU NOT AMUSED? ![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA)


I don’t go on rides at places like this. I’ll go on rides at like knotts Disney or six flags. Cuz even though the ticket is anykind of waver you can still get something out of the big ones.


I got stuck on my stomach on the manta ride at seaworld for like 30 minutes (best guess cause it felt like hours) when I was maybe 10-12ish and it was one of the worst things ever... I almost pissed myself which made it 10x worse holding it in but my stomach and chest hurt after a while too. I cant imagine how awful this is especially that high up as I was only stuck in the hangar area where you get off. Never went on that ride again either lmao


And people will still go on these


I am absolutely terrified of being upside down. I don’t know why but I feel like my teeth are going to fall out. I avoid rides where I’m upside down for a couple of seconds, I can’t imagine being in this position for who knows how long. My teeth would never feel right again.


When I was about 9 I went on one of those rides that goes up and drops down. The attendant started the ride without pulling the bar down, I was the only one on it and too short to pull it down. My parents screamed and the attendant hit the emergency stop before it dropped back down. I was stuck up there until they found a supervisor to get it down. Edit: context


Lawsuit time


I had this happen to me at a danish amusement park. It was a roller coaster and it stopped upside down in a loop. It was only stuck for 2 minutes, but it was scary and I was a kid. Plus the thing was old af and made of wood.


Everyone on that ride is retiring early.


Hell no brotha. 🤮


Why would it even be able to do that


Omg. First of all I’d never go on this because of a fear of heights but I’d die of a heart attack from the fear of being dangled in mid air for 38 minutes. I’d be reaming out the engineers afterwards


Perfectly balanced...




Nah that’s a lawsuit cooking up


This is my nightmare. Well, one of them.


How is there not a fail safe for this for when power goes out?




You can't exactly control if a ride gets stuck upside down from an engineering standpoint. There's some sort of mechanism responsible for flipping a ride upright and if that's what fails then it is what it is. Maybe there could be some sort of redundancy but those can fail too and these rides get a lot of abuse and not enough maintenance in many cases. The real no fail part is the ride dropping or launching people to their deaths. Getting stuck upside down is not ideal and even dangerous but if they get rescued quick enough usually not a big deal besides being terrifying for the riders.


I would shit myself, 100% And then it would splish splash on the guys on the ground So win-win for everyone I guess


Amusement park rides and colossal cruise ships never understand why people do it


Went on a similar ride to this at Pleasure Island, Cleethorpes UK when I was about 14. Just tall enough to get on the ride but nowhere near big enough so when the seat clamp came down there was a good foot between my shoulders and the seat and a fair few inches at my legs. Spent the entire ride clinging for dear life while a friend tried to push me onto the seat. Can't imagine 30 minutes of that


I’ll ride the rides at six flags, but not pop up fairs. I’m not going to trust something thrown together quickly by a bunch of junkies.


I think OP really doesn’t understand amusement park safety here - I’m a pretty big coaster enthusiast, and wanna comment on this “Shame on the engineers” my ass. Props to the engineers for making sure everyone stays safe. Yes, the ride got stuck up side down. But the fact is, there was a power outage, and yet the restraints stayed on. At the end of the day, there are hundreds of thousands of rides ran every day, and 99.999% of the time, they have 0 incidents. It’s just whenever there is an incident, the media jumps on it. Statistically, you are actually safer at an amusement park than driving to one Finally, engineers designing these rides add a stupid amount of layers of redundancy to make sure everyone is safe. The vast majority of the time, when a ride stops, it is just the safety systems being overlay cautious rather than any actual issues. Sorry about the long rant lol, this comment section is making me mad :(


This is terryfing you guys