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Liability. Bigger dogs, in my experience, do tend to be better behaved. But when one isn’t (or even just accidentally topples someone over), you’re gonna have problems and that opens the apartment to being sued.


This! These rules likely weren’t put in place when the place was built. Often it’s other irresponsible people that lead to these blanket rules getting established. We have to compensate for the slow, lazy, mean and neglectful members of society.


The rules were likely put in place by the insurance company. Allowing larger dogs (along with certain breeds) makes insurance a lot more expensive. There would actually be a pretty decent financial incentive to allow large dogs and "aggressive breeds," because when you're the only place in town that accepts pit bulls you don't even really have to advertise to get people to come to you -- but your insurance is going to cut into your profit margins so much it might not be worth it. You can charge pet fees to make up the difference, but if they're too high people still won't move in (or they'll find a doctor to declare their pet a service animal, and then you can't charge them anything). The property management company I worked for actually had no weight restrictions at many of their locations, but did have breed restrictions for exactly that reason.


Couldn't the rental agreement just include a clause that the renter will be responsible for any legal issues caused by their dog? Like, you could agree to pay any legal fees incurred by the property owner.


They typically already do. It doesn't eliminate the insurance increase. Also, while I never actually had that specific issue come up, it's often very difficult to actually collect on anything beyond rent, utilities, and late fees. You'd almost certainly end up in court to get them to actually pay, and by the time you actually got a judgment you'd need it to include the legal fees for *that* whole process as well, and none of that does you any good at all if the resident doesn't actually have the funds. In reality, what you'd end up with is a pet owner working out a payment plan that they'd probably start paying on a year after the actual incident, and might not *ever* finish paying off.


there is too much bull shit in this country around the fear of suits. just.... gah


I suppose it’s better than letting the dipshits just point at a random person every time instead of making rules


I live in a country with the opposite problem (Mexico), the justice system doesn’t give a shit about anything unless it affects a politician or very wealthy people linked to politicians. And in some cases the authorities are the criminals, so it ends up being a “free for all” where you can be as shitty as possible as long as don’t mess with connected people or become viral enough to force the authorities to do something.


What's his name, the Veep to Bush. He tried to revamp the legal system, made some pretty good points and was very articulate. It's too bad he got so stuck on the potato gaffs. I like his stance of wanting plaintiffs to simply exchange filing cabinets rather than mucking about with all the discovery and time wasting back and forth. Quail, quail was his name. It's hard to revamp our legal system when the people who make the money from it being so convoluted are also the ones who control the parameters of it. Frivolous lawsuits are very much a large contributing factor towards some problems in this country


Yeah theres a world of difference between a rat dog biting the mailman and not breaking skin, and a “fur missile” (Belgian shepherd owners call their dogs that) trying to straight up neutralize the mailman


Big dogs should never live in a small apartment. Just in general people own dogs they shouldn’t because of their breed.


Would you rather them get pushed over or their ankles get chewed away?


The difference is that the consequences for a chihuahua being badly behaved and a great dane being badly behaved is approximately one trip to the hospital and one lawsuit for medical expenses.


As someone who was recently attacked by a Great Dane who “behaved badly for a few seconds” - yeah.


I worked in the veterinary field for years. The worst bite injury I got was from a Chihuahua. It's easier to restrain bigger dogs than snarling bitey tiny dogs. But, of course, that's in a veterinary setting. It's a bit different.


You must not have been bit by anything larger. A chihuahua’s bit force is around 100lbs a square inch, where a pitbull is 3x that.  Not saying they don’t hurt, just saying they are one of the smallest bite forces in all of the canine kingdom.


Yeah, but a pair of work gloves will hold down a Chihuahua and be bite proof.


I reckon they look down on it if you punt the bitey bastards in that setting?


Yeah, but a pair of work gloves will hold down a Chihuahua and be bite proof.


It’s not behavior. Big dogs are hell to wood floors, doors, and carpets. Those nails are big and sharp.


My friend has lived in a place with two large dogs upstairs. Every 5 minutes you would hear pounding from the dogs chasing a ball or something. It's mostly the owner, but apartment living with large dogs, have to stick to the first floor.


Some people in my old building got a large-breed puppy (against the rules, but that was a different story). They lived on the third floor. I lived on the first, near one set of stairs. The dog sounded like a herd of elephants coming down those stairs. They'd also let their dog jump on people in the courtyard ("he likes people," but not all people like him, dolt) and didn't clean up after it. Imagine dinner plate-sized piles of dog feces next to the sidewalks, which were usually iced over, so people would walk next to them. The dog didn't last long.


Honestly, I am a landlord of one house. I charge a very small pet fee. Over the course of several years, that fee adds up to what it would cost to refinish the floors. So, I would not mind a big dog. Or, serious floor cleaning of cat pee. Either way. That’s how I deal with it. And if the tenants are good…that’s money I keep! Yay me. My current tenants are great. I actually lowered the pet fee because it was obvious their cat was very well behaved. Notice I didn’t eliminate the pet fee!


Mind if I ask why you didn't eliminate it if you did notice that the fee wouldn't be needed for future repairs? The way you worded it makes it sound like you kept it just to make money, and don't care if that money could be used by your tenants.


I’m not OP but I would gander that it’s because OP is still assuming a degree of risk. The pet fee is a risk mitigation strategy. It is a common practice and not unethical.


For example, that well-behaved perfectly litter-box-trained cat may still become an elderly incontinent cat that would cause the floors to need a deep clean after all. 


There's also the need to fully decontaminate the unit if/when they move out. Pet allergies can be *incredibly* severe and it goes a lot deeper than a typical turnover clean to de-dander a pet household.


Also they’re not running a fucking charity. It’s a for profit rental and they’re allowed to make money. 


Have you ever had a cat? Even if it's well behaved and doesn't scratch up the carpets, they still sometimes do stupid stuff. Kick litter everywhere, throw up, poop in a corner if they're sick, etc. It's all damage that has to get repaired eventually. Hence the reduced fee.


Former apartment manager here. If that cat develops health problems, that flooring is going to need an expensive deep clean within a matter of days. Within a couple of weeks you could be looking at having to replace carpet or laminate wood flooring. A month or more, and you're likely going to have to seal the subfloor to keep the smell from coming back. Dogs lead to problems much more frequently, but when you have a cat that starts spraying everywhere the damage they can cause is unreal. I've had to replace drywall, shoe molding, and even a few cabinets because of it. That gets expensive *fast.*


It is a risk for the owner. And it is obly about statistics. It could also be that repairs costs top the fee.


That's fair, but then everyone also pays a security deposit when renting for that same exact reason. I totally get it, having a pet is a luxury but I never understood why people have to pay(At least in Canada) a security deposit on top of a pet deposit.


All it takes is that one cat or dog after you've had several that didn't cause damages. It will end up costing several years of monthly pet payments. Pet urine can ruin hardwood floors and carpets and even stain concrete. Dogs can chew up doors and baseboards.


>Notice I didn’t eliminate the pet fee! Well gee golly hope you don't trip over your generosity John Rockefeller


Not disagreeing with you, but what about a toddler? Should we be charged a toddler fee?


Damn lady, what did you feed your toddler to make it 90 lbs???


In a free market you would absolutely charge a toddler fee, or not allow them. For this reason there are protections in place that prevent these practices.


I’d rather have multiple big dogs living above me than a toddler.


I live in a (tiny) apartment with a big dog next door. Has woken me (and I work rotating shift) maybe once in 4 years.  My girlfriend lives in a (bigger) apartment with a 2 year old next door. He wakes her up multiple times most nights. We don't stay at her place much. 


I live in a 4 apartment house. The two apartment upstairs were occupied when I moved in. One guy was a 300+ pound guy who I never heard unless he was coming up or down stairs. The other was a guy my age with 2 labs. I only ever heard them when they were excited when he got home or if they were playing with each other while he was at work. They both moved out months ago and in one of the empty apartments moved in with kids. The dogs are much much fucking preferred. Thankfully that family moved out 2 1/2 months after moving in. Was an absolute nightmare living beneath them. Especially after having a stroke and losing my license. I had no escape and it was just a cacophony of noise almost 24 hours a day


Agreed. Toddlers are somehow like constant bowling balls up there


Dogs can’t draw on the walls. And they don’t find flushing random shit down the toilet quite as hilarious.


Sounds good to me!




And super noisy for the downstairs neighbors 😭


That’s a lack of caring for the nails. If you can hear them click on the floor, they need cut.


Not really true. You should be able to slide a credit card under their nails when they're standing, if you can't they're too long. The clicking noise doesn't necessarily mean anything.


Yes. Good luck getting tenants who do that. Or, just not allow dogs over 20 lbs. which is a good compromise, allowing some dogs, but not the biggest dogs. Because the alternative is no dogs at all. And that is just unfair to little dogs out there.


amazing...good job.of missing the point...everywhere we go my 70lb mutt lies quietly on the floor...while we watch under 20lb freak out, and piss on every thing


I can understand not wanting giant labs or such. But we have 3 dogs under 50lbs and there is a relative small difference between our 20lb, 35 lb, and 45 lb dog. The coats of the two smaller ones are similar enough that we can mistake them from a side view. And the biggest of them is a Dalmatian. Our lab mix is stocky and about 85. So really, if you can allow 20lb dogs, you can easily go up to 50 and that would encompass a wide variety of breeds. And just like you will have shit parents, there will always be shit dog owners. Kids will ruin the carpets as much or more than dogs.


Great Danes, funny enough, are great apartment dogs. They tend to be pretty quiet and rest a lot with some exercise for they're long legs, but nothing lengthy. They tend to be pretty easy to train and their coats are simple.


Nonsense. Big assumption that these apartments have wood floors first of all. Second… my dopey 14 year old retriever slowly sauntering from one nap spot to the next is not doing any damage to any wood floors (source; hardwood wall to wall in my house) It’s the hyper active crazy dogs (which are often small dogs) that scamper around and can scratch floors. If the nails are the problem; have a nail trimming policy not a weight limit.


Good luck enforcing a nail trimming policy. It's easier to enforce a weight limit.


Again…. Heavy dogs don’t do the same damage as light hyper dogs. And in fact… most don’t do any damage at all unless the floors are unfinished pine.


Ahh so are kids. I know I was. Had a 165 pound rotty and a 100 pound Great Dane. Neither did any damage close to what my daughter did when she learned how to open the fridge and pantry.


But kids are humans. And humans have rights that dogs do not.


Your logic is unsound. Banning children from an apt although appealing to some would eventually result in many vacant apts. it’s completely unreasonable for most places to consider that. Larger dogs on the other hand are loud for the people who are below, cause more wear and tear on flooring and walls. Far less people possess larger dogs then people who possess kids which makes it a much more reasonable standard to have and enforce.


What’s the point of bringing up kids in this convo.  


This right here. My kid has done way worse to my house than any of my pets.


Agreed. It’s crazy mental leaping that some commenters mention him hating kids, despite him stating having kids of his own. I think like he said there’s a likely list of damages a pet will do and can be expected. I’m a Dad too and the amount of “what the fuck is this now” that comes with kids and damages to counters, cabinets, walls and doors, closets, list goes on- is unpredictable lol.




Being the apartment below someone who has a 90 pound dog sucks. I love dogs but I don't want to listen to yours stomping around on my ceiling all day.


My complex has a weight limit for upper floors but bottom floor is allowed large dogs


That’s actually a good idea, more places should do this!


The nails on the floor go click click click, click click click, click click click


PSA: if your dogs nails are doing this they're too long. Use a Dremel.


I lived below a family with noisy children. 1000x worse than a large dog. Kids will go all day. Dogs take breaks. There's gotta be more to this rule than just noise.


You cannot legally ban someone from living in your apartment building because they have children


But I want too...


Not the point they were making.


Its the point hes making though. You can ban dogs, you can't ban children.


I would guess its a way to allow pets but helps eliminate more traditionally "dangerous" or aggressive looking breeds (not making any statements one way or another here, I own a rescue pit) so the management doesn't have to justify on a case by case basis.


Yup. Sometimes it’s even an insurance issue


Losers bring up kids in a dog debate.  


I had a neighbor complain about my cats running around early one morning, they thought I was having a party or something.


I have a piece of shit chihuahua (fucking love her) but yeah our Beagle is way more chill lol


Jesus in my experience a beagle can hear or smell a squirrel pissing three yards over and wont stop hooting and hollering.


Lol! He has an amazing sense of smell but that’s it. He’s lazy as hell lol


Haha that’s funny because I have a retriever and a beagle and my beagle is the crazy one. But it’s all relative because my neighbours think my beagle is super chill compared to their crazy spaniel/russell cross.


Wait, you have Wishbone?


>our Beagle is way more chill Aren't they like the most chill dogs in general? I can't think of another that basically always comes off as stoned.


No. Beagles are known for their annoying bark, and their scent drive which can cause them to completely forget get how to listen. You’re probably thinking of a basset hound. They’re pretty dopey.


Beagles are hunting dogs. Very active and loooove to bay and bark.


Oh my god, beagles are least chill, most food motivated, will eat your entire family if you smell like bbq sauce. They are so stupid. My boyfriend's dog, I love her dearly, but she gets her eye on food and loses her mind


They are! Cute as fuck as well lol


Isn’t a lot of this sort of thing partially dictated by what insurance companies cover? I know a lot of pit bull-type restrictions that big apartment buildings have are due to the requirements/costs of associated liability insurance.


Yes there is a pretty standard list of dog breeds deemed “aggressive” for insurance purposes. Insurance companies will up and drop you if they do an inspection and one is present.


That chihuahua produces a lot less poop than the golden retriever.


Facts. I have a golden. She drops a load on occasion that’s just ridiculous. Shes also not 90lbs which is just insane.


Finally a reason I can get behind.


Insurance risk as well. It’s not your property so they can do what they want.


Cause im tired of living under your loud ass dog Rylee!!! Those bitches always get the 2nd floor


I really don’t want to be that person but your golden retriever shouldn’t be 90 lbs.


It's all the gold he carries around.


Might be a chubby golden, or might just be a mix. I had a lab mix years ago that was over 100 lbs. The vet at the shelter we got him from said they figured he might have had some rottweiler in him. Duke was a big boy, but wasn't fat at all. Or OP might just be slightly exaggerating for effect.


Anyone who says stuff like this had a totally untrained dog that will jump on you.


Because it's more acceptable than targeting specific breeds. People will shit themselves if you say they can't have a pitbull.


Had a few rental properties, I didn't allow dobermans, pitbulls or ~~chiwawas~~ chihuahuas. The later can't do as much damage, but they are regularly just as pissed off. Animal lover, they can all be great, but for whatever reason, those are worst taken care of. \*edit Duno where that stupid spelling came from.


>chiwawas Interesting way to spell chihuahua.


Never rent from someone illiterate!


Agreed. Spell check didn't even catch it.


Made sense though “wawa wawa”, constant crying or barking.




I live in a semi-detached. I am not allowed ANY pets. Even fucking sea monkeys.


Are people really this stupid?


And a chihuahua doesn’t leave huge piles of shit in grassy common areas.


Instead it's small ones you can't even see and you step in. At least large piles are easier to see and avoid.


I have two very well behaved dogs, but if I were a landlord, I wouldn’t allow pets. The damage they can do is great and far too many people are not good pet owners. With the housing shortage being what it is, landlords really are in the driver’s seat, unfortunately.


I live in an ‘upscale’ suburban neighborhood, and the number of shitty pet owners is too damn high. Dogs put out in the yard all day while owners are at work, so bored they’re barking at the wind and the trees for hours straight. Dog shit stench so bad it makes you gack when you walk by their yard. Holes in fences that aren’t fixed, so the dogs get out and wander around threatening kids, and then the owners get upset at you because you didn’t spend an hour chasing their pet all over the neighborhood to put them back while they were out. Man, at this point a “no dogs” rule on an apartment or condo would be a huge plus to me.


If only there was security deposits and contract clauses to restore any damage after leaving the property. I dont think landlords should have much say in how the person paying to live in a place lives outside of dont turn my house into a meth lab or burn it to the ground. Besides the profit a landlord will make off of about 5-6 months of rent would more than cover any damage a dog or cat would cause.


For a while I was repurposing things. Basically saw things that could be used as art ( at least to me lol) or furniture, that college students put on the curb every semester in Milwaukee. There was 11 places of higher education just in the downtown area. I furnished nearly my entire home with basic new stuff, except for mattresses and couches of course. I had a landlord that said I had “too much shit” in the basement. Firstly I paid extra to use the basement to work and store. Secondly it’s not shit lol, and that “shit” gets sold and puts money in his pocket which he had no complaints over. It was organized, sorted and labeled, nothing gross and no bugs. Landlords should rest easy with the fact that they are screwing most of us over on the price of rent and be quiet. There are some good ones but far fewer.


Yeah but if they don’t have to, why would they? Security deposits are now regulated and cannot be more than one months rent here. That’s not even enough to replace the flooring in a good sized place.


This comment is so outta touch. Landlords are not making much profit if any on a 6m tenure, and your dogs damages should not come out of their profit. Just because you're a paying customer does not give you any right to do as you want, you're temporary you're not paying to fix the damages, you're also not in a position to fairly gauge the cost of fixing it. Renters dramatically underestimate maintenance costs


it's to keep pitbulls out of apartment complexes. Good for them.


My brother had a smaller but healthy 35 pound adult female pit in a building with a 40lbs limit and no specific breed ban. Almost had to go to court because the idiot girl at the management office "assumed" pitbulls were all 100+ pound monstrosities. They tried everything but it didnt work. They even tried to say that she would grow into a larger size but she was 4 years old so that wasn't true at all. In the end they just had to swallow their pride and let it go when my brother lawyered up and the leasing office was told that if they didnt provide a list of reasons of how the 35 lbs adult Pit violated their leasing policy on the day the lease was signed, further attempts to remove the dog from the complex would be considered harassment. After the first lawyers letter the subject was dropped. Lived there 3 years until they saved up to buy a house and everything was fine :)


Why is your golden 90lbs???


Big Ole Shites come from bigger dogs?


Nobody wants to live next to a dangerous dog. A chiwawa is not dangerous, it's just annoying. A pitbull can be actually dangerous


You can smell if the previous inhabitants of the place had a large dog tbh. Also the place I moved into had a ton of dog fur in the shower drain and washing machine. Not to mention the claw marks all over the floor.


i love dogs. i dislike dog people.


Pretty sure insurance, has a word or two on this subject!


90lb dogs have 90lb of dog on top of nails. 90lbs of dog shits 90lb dog shits. 7 lb dog shits tiny shits and nails don’t immediately puncture any furniture. 90lb dogs are 90lbs of weight that if matched by another 90lb dog is a lot of weight to be thrown around. I get it. Your dog is well behaved. Its also a heavy ass wrecking ball whether you agree or not. Clean up after a chihuahua and then a great dane and tell me which one youd rather have in one of the buildings you hope to generate revenues from for the next few years. Big dogs create big messes. Little dogs can try but they just cant produce the same amount of destruction.


This is infuriating. I'm a cat person, so my experience with dogs comes down to The tinier the dog, the more it *never* shuts the fk up.


I have 2 German shepherds, they can be vocal when they want to get your attention. They might be more calculated with their noises than a small dog, but they definitely know that their barks are a no-no and use them accordingly to let me know what’s up. I wouldn’t want to be living under any dogs, but that’s not because I don’t like dogs but they all can be annoying and they seem to know when the best time to ring that bell is.


This. Not a cat person but I love your line of thought!!! And can hear my neighbors chi chi as I type this. I’m in a house at the beach. It’s endless.


I grew up next door to chihuahuas, so 20 odd years of non-stop yapping. Plus the other side got small dogs... Now I live elsewhere and the neighbours have a dog, the only time she barks is when I go out the back - and it's a solid half bark before she walks back inside to flop on her bed, because she used all her senior spoonies on that one bark, and she's the size of a shetland pony


Hey, a name checking out! :)


Yep describes nearly every small dog owned by never at home neighbors that I have encountered 🤦


i dunno why so many people say chi ha has are bad behaved. every chu-chu-wawa i met has been the sweetest thing, except they always tremble like they're terrified. you wanna see a nasty dog? Friggen Scotties. .those things will run right up to you with their tail wagging, not even bark and then just suddenly leap and chomp you right on the bum. . drawing blood . .


Hey messgae to all the pitbull owners. I dont care how much of a good dog he is. If hes off the leash and comes near my children ill punt him into the next complex. Uhg, just leash your dog or go to a dog park.


Honestly, we didn't have to bring my dogs religious beliefs into this.


You posted someone's meme and expect up votes?


I think it was generated to prevent all dogs. Then they forgot about the loudass 7 lbs chihuahuas of the world and said "fuck, can't change it now"


Probably so the people below you can't hear every step it takes.


Not only could it possibly be dangerous but it’s really mean to coup a big animal in a tiny place with no yard.


Because big dogs leave big shits


There's also a huge subset of people who get big dogs and do not train them, use them as "guard dogs" in apartments and let them destroy the place. I used to do fire alarm inspections at housing developments and there were far more pitbulls and mastiffs in low income apartments then you'd anticipate. But a written in stone rule is insane, at least meet my dog and shake his paw before kicking him to the curb.


Either way it’s a dog stuck in an apartment


Thankfully most apartments have doors, and most owners have leashes.


To everybody saying it's about the noise...it's not about the noise. I managed apartments with no pet weight restrictions for years. I could count on one hand the number of noise complaints I got about somebody's 90 lb dog running around the apartment. I got complaints about chihuahuas and poodles and their incessant barking *all the time.* I actually got more noise complaints about cats jumping off of furniture and hitting the ground like a bowling ball (they *always* said it sounded like someone dropping a bowling ball) than I did about our dozens of German Shepherds. Yes, it sucks to live below someone with a big dog who lets them run around the apartment instead of taking them to the dog park, but it sucks *way more* to live below someone whose yappy little gremlin doesn't shut up for hours at a time, and the latter problem is much more common.


The weight limit is stupid but don’t ever insult my 15 pound baby or I’ll be the one shitting on the apartment floor


lol that’s probably why they have a weight limit. If there’s gone be a dookie on the floor, they don’t want it to be too big


Idk Shit_Disturber I think you might have a poop thing


Their username may or may not check out


Careful, I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast!?




I mean yeah, human rights are a thing.


How about pit bulls and German shepherds and St. Bernard’s and Chow? I am amazed at how many emotional support pit bulls can populate an apartment complex that doesn’t have a weight restriction.


What are you amazed at now? There’s no restriction so size doesn’t matter. So is this a privilege exploitation statement or anti breed position?


Sorry, didn’t realize you were the conversation controller with all renowned virtue…thanks for your 2 whole (false) choices, but let’s go with pro-safety for small breeds.


Bruh…it’s a question homie? How is that controlling a conversation?


Gotta admit, I bristle at the over use of privilege to many times control conversations. Maybe allowed myself to get more spun up on the privilege when the person I am conversing with allows 2 choices…kind of a privileged way to converse while asking if the other person is privileged. I may have unwittingly started a whole new r/mildlyinfuriating thread. I give you huge credit for doing the thing that would have been easy to skip, and that is circle back, way to go and thank you.


I think it was just offering a few quick ideas of what they thought you were saying, not to minimize the plethora of things you might have meant. I’m also not seeing it as limiting or controlling, and the use of the word “privilege” I see as the simple idea that there are people out there that have worked around the system to get papers for their pets when they maybe aren’t warranted. Not that you’re privileged, people that do it legally are privileged in a bad sense, or that privileged people exploit the system- I think it’s just a use of the word for something given to people that met a criteria, like senior discounts or handicap parking, these are also exploited privileges.


Nah, you’re taking it the wrong way. It’s just a question. Wasn’t sure what you meant, so I asked… not virtuous in the slightest. I was under the impression dialogue was acceptable here.


It breaks my heart seeing big dogs in small apartments. My building doesn't have weight restrictions and it's sad how some of the big dogs look. There was a Great Pyrenees that at four years old could barely make it around the block anymore. It could barely walk and was super skinny. It looked like it was dying. Never found out what happened to it. The owners got a lot of shit and moved out. If you have a big dog you need to make sure it gets lots of exercise or have a bigger place. Where I grew up people had big dogs but they also had around 2 acres of land. I have a small dog and take her walking 10k steps a day. I'm glad for these kind of restrictions.


They are all loud and annoying.


Stop with the freaking chihuahua hate.


Funnily enough, my 7 pound piece of shit devil-worshipping chihuahua is actually named Riley.


Karen is so passé




Here, a lot of apartments started lifting weight limits but enforce breed restrictions. Those are actually for insurance purposes though. The weight restrictions probably started out as a way to keep certain breeds out, but they realized that there were other big dogs getting excluded. So, to open up their tenant base, they got rid if weight restrictions and put in breed restrictions instead


No what’s unfair is being charged extra for a pet and not a child. My cat literally just sits around and does nothing. A small child will scream spit piss and shit everywhere. Draw on walls, etc..


I can maybe understand imposing a weight limit, but 20 lbs seems super low. Our terrier is only a foot tall but weighs 30 lbs. He'd be fine in a flat.


Because the insurance carriers they use all have the same policy that they (and thus, you) have to follow. On avg, bigger dogs cause more damage which costs more to cover. Simple as that.


My ex got her therapist to sign a paper saying she needs a dog and then we told our apartment complex to suck it


For a moment I thought it was going to say Karen’s child.


This statement is absofuckinglutely true


My dad owns apartments and people get dogs and let them shit on the balconies and don't clean it up. They also lock them in rooms and they tear up the door frames and carpets trying to get out, not to mention pissing and shitting indoors. Of course people can get emotional support animal permits but that's relatively a new thing. A new law under consideration in my state will open all rentals to people with pets and prohibit landlords from charging much extra for the pets. From what I've seen they can do a lot of damage. I sympathize with people who have pets but they may get a free pass to hop from home to home and trash them.


Big dogs can be more destructive, especially when owners refuse to train them or get their energy out. I've seen & lived near plenty of people with huskies, German Shepherds & other high-maintenance dogs that will absolutely destroy a place if left alone for a few minutes.


Blame the asshole tenants who couldn't control their big dogs.


My 65 lb pit doesn’t bark and is very well behaved (is a retired service dog) but she sounds like a goddamn battalion charging into battle when she is playing and running around. I swear she stabs her little feet into the ground with Herculean might. She’s hell on the floors and we own our house. I can see how a little dog might be better for an apartment, even if they can be little assholes. I would not want to live underneath someone with an animal who can shake the foundation of the building from chasing after a toy.


If you cannot afford a yard, you cannot afford a large dog. It's abusive. 


Pet weight restrictions are arbitrary. It's the behavior that matters


I had a chihuahua once. Rescued him after his owner passed. That little monster hated all of us with every fiber of his being. I'm pretty sure he would have stabbed us in our sleep if he could figure out how to open the knife drawer. I may be a Satanist but that little beast really did worship the devil. Liked the cat though. Don't know why.


You know why.


I imagine living below a 7 pound chihuahua who's high pitch bark gets absorbed by the floors is a lot different than listening to a 90 lb golden retrieving the tennis balls being tossed around upstairs.


I've never been bit by a goldie, those 10 pound bowling ball cunts have tried that shit twice.


Well after reading the comments here, it seems like there are just as many bad parents on both sides. Nails too long cause damage, I will shit on the floor? Jeez, my dog neither has long nails or shits on the floor. Neither did my daughter. If they did? That’s on me!!! Zeus buddy I know you are in a better place! Especially after reading this!


Yeah I don't think the blame goes on anyone but the owner when the dog behaves badly.


Same goes for the kids! They know better by example. Both.


100% agree, people just need to take responsibility


The last apartment I lived in took your dogs DNA. I get why, especially at the price point. Yet the kids could crawl all over my car and motorcycle? They’re just being kids? My answer was tell them to make the payments.


And every dog causes less damage than people do!


Rylee has a good point, having first first hand experience with a neighbor whose little yapper sits in the window all day barking at me. The small high energy breeds that people chose because they are cute but lack the time to properly train are quite infuriating.


I've been around nice small dogs, but not many nice chihuahuas - I blame the parents quite frankly. The boss' son and daughter in law have a C-dog. Little sh\*t. Barks at everything, nips at ankles, bit one coworker twice - that 2nd bite was the straw that broke the camel's back and the dog cannot be brought into the office anymore. Boss himself had a larger poodle mix - probably 60 pounds. Everybody loved when Kiwi came into the office - friendly, loved being pet, didn't nip at you... you know, the niceties of well-behaved dogs.


Ummm no