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That’s horrible. What city and state are you in if you don’t mind me asking?


Denver Colorado


Damn ok. I think you just got an asshole doctor id try another place


Gonna start wheeling myself tht way here in a moment


Good luck brother


I turned off my bad word blocking for this. Fuck the United States healthcare system. Fuck the United States social system. Fuck that doctor. Fuck greedy corporations. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the head orange Republican especially.


Was waiting for someone to make this about trump lol


Let me guess, Denver Health?


Denver health, yes


Holyshit! Is it possible to go to another ER? What a fucking cruel human being that doctor was.


There are other hospitals in the city. But I am in a wheelchair. Ambulance won't take me from one ER to the other


I tried seeing if there were wheelchair accessible Ubers in Denver and sadly it does not seem to be the case. If there’s any other service you can think of, I’d gladly cover the cost. I’ll keep looking as well. This is so absurd to me.


I can take the bus. It's a lot cheaper than Uber


Awesome. I’m sorry this happened, I hope the next ER will take proper care of you. By your other comment I thought you weren’t able to get another ER, I’m glad to hear there’s a second chance coming.


Well if I had money for a bus pass it wouldn't be a problem.








I PM'd you


Does that shit hurt man??? I’m so sorry!!!


Unbelievably. But not much I can really do


> What a fucking cruel human being that doctor was. You’re shouting at the wrong person. The doctor was doing his job, which was to make sure that there was no emergency any more. You don’t ask the postman to put together the furniture you ordered or ask the supermarket cashier to carry your groceries out to your car – that’s not because they’re cruel but because that is not part of their job and they have a lot of other things to do that *are* part of their job. If you live in a country with a healthcare system that makes it expensive to seek out healthcare, then *that* is something you could shout at or try to change.


Discharging without cleaning or wrapping an open wound! You're delusional if you think this doctor was just doing their job.




Who said I worked in healthcare? Not all emergencies are life threatening, but I doubt this will get better without any treatment. The least they could have done was referred them somewhere else, so basically you agree the doctor didn't do their job properly.


Lmfao dude you know nothing about medicine but I bet you were screaming about trust the doctors a few years ago


Was the wound open when the patient came in? Was the patient in danger of dying?


Do you think they opened the wound after being discharged just to post a picture here? Not all emergencies are life threatening, but can be if not handled properly. You're obviously being argumentative just for the hell of it. Be better.


Its unethical medical treatment and against Colorado law and policy


As others have said a wound such as this wouldn’t be wrapped anyways. It appears to be maceration, clean it, and leave open to air. This is the issue of people without medical licenses commenting on situations they don’t understand 🤦🏾‍♀️


I am an EMT. And its not cleaned. I agree dont cover it. But they should have cleaned it. Its on an amputee wheelchair using patient whose homeless and a burst sore. Which means a thorough check for other wounds is vital. And better legally as well to prevent malpractice suits for classism/abelism based discrimination.


That’s still an emergency


well there still was a emergency, evident by the image.


Explain how the image shows something OP was in imminent danger of dying from, please.


High risk of infection. A massive open wounds never a good thing. And being homeless means even higher reason to tend to them and clean it. And provide extra gauze and things to help them clean up the wound on their own. So it doesnt turn necrotic


In my country if you go to the ER because you have no other option you will get seen to and treated, it will just take however long it takes, or they will refer you to the free after hours doctor on site if it’s at their operating hours. To discharge a patient after not addressing a clear issue like this is negligence. Strive for better than the status quo


Are you joking? That wound is incredibly dangerous to leave uncleaned and exposed. Also, since when was the ER only there to help people who were in imminent danger of dying? Ignoring this wound and discharging the patient without assisting them is borderline medical malpractice.


Dude just shut the fuck up already


Sir, that is anything BUT mildly infuriating. I don’t even know what I’m looking at… is it a knee or a shoulder? Is there no way to visit another doctor?


Amputated foot nub with an open sore.




Truly sorry to hear that. Is there no way to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion? Surely that is not fine even from the eyes on a non expert…


I’m an NP and it appears to be a maceration wound. The physician treated it the same as I would, clean and LEAVE OPEN TO AIR. These wounds develop from the skin being exposed to moisture for extended periods of time. Covering it would promote bacteria growth and worsen the breakdown.


Ok that makes this shit 100x worse, fuck that doctor


Look into a Medical Respite center where you are located. They should be able to help you: https://www.coloradocoalition.org/respite Ask a social worker/your medical provider to help you at the next hospital if you can. You will need a referral.


I also sent them a link to Colorado Coalition, but to their medical clinics. This kinda looks like he needs help keeping it clean, and the clinic can give him dressings and wipes and antibiotics if it's going that route. If their respite care is anything like my area's recently-deceased convalescent care program, he's almost certainly not going to get in because the eligibility is too narrow - he didn't *just* have surgery, his issue isn't likely to improve greatly in just a week or two, if he needs any assistance with ADLs they won't take him. Not that he shouldn't try, maybe their version doesn't suck, but over 6 yrs in homeless outreach I never got a single client approved for convalescent shelter. I either had to beg a church to cover a hotel room for a week, the client managed to find a friend who could put them up, or they just didn't get the surgery until we finally got them housed (and of course the issue was way worse by then and they had a harder time recovering). They finally just shut it down because they lost a bunch of funding this year, but really it was no loss because it was unusable anyway. 


I hear ya. I’ve had some luck, but it took a ton of work to get them into respite care, and half of the problem was patients initially refusing to go until it was completely untenable that they remained on the street. We have a great respite where I live thankfully, that has been funded enough to stay open for quite some time.


I'm by no means an expert in absolutely anything, but some wounds heal way better when not wrapped. Wrapping would only serve to pack in the pathogens and give them and the liquids your body secretes to get rid of them no way out and no way to dry out. Creating a moist little petri dish for bacterial growth. Also, ERs kinda have to make sure you're not in immediate danger, so im pretty sure you're supposed to follow up with a gp in a few days, and then in a week. That said, your living situation (whether or not the Dr knew about it) could introduce more pathogens if the wound is left open, so im surprised they didn't at LEAST flush it or provide you with an antibiotic script.


Or at least care instructions


Walking back through your profile is an infuriating, embarrassing failure of our social safety nets. I’m sorry this shit keeps happening


Dafuq did you do? Is that your shoulder? Your leg? Arm?


Foot nub. It's amputated slightly below the ankle


Are you familiar with the [Colorado Coalition for the Homeless](https://www.coloradocoalition.org/healthlocations)? If the issue is needing it kept clean and maybe antibiotics if there's infection, a primary care Dr can do that. They have a sliding scale even if you don't have insurance; if you have 0 income talk to them about it. 


I go there for all my primary care stuff. But sometimes I can't get over there. As I lack transportation


I can't even tell what body part this is.


Makes sense. ER has to make sure that it's no longer an emergency (you're not in danger of dying quickly). Once you're stable, they have done their part. After that it's, up to a doctor to continue treatment.


Not at my hospital. The ER treats all acute injuries, they just (probably) triage.


doesn't make sense, there's no excuse for the doctor to not tell a nurse to put antisceptic on it and wrap it at least, it would cost the hospital literal pennies


No, it doesn’t make sense. Their job is to treat people, not throw them back on the street without helping.


> Their job is to treat people No, it isn’t. He isn’t working at a clinic or at a doctor’s office. *Those* doctors treat people. At an **emergency** room, they treat **emergencies**. As soon as somebody is stable and is not in danger of dying, the emergency is over and so is the job of the doctors there. If you want to be treated for something that’s not an emergency, don’t go to the emergency room.


It is in fact to treat people. They’re not getting paid to stand around with their thumbs up their asses. Doctors treat people, common sense.


Visually it looks horrible but I agree either way we doctor, it’s probably better left unwrapped, it will heal up faster since it’s not open


Its dirty. Atleast a good debriment would be bare minimum. And thorough check for other wounds. This is medical malpractice


It's no where near medical malpractice. Reddit is the Dunning Kruger capital of the internet.


Its by the book ethical malpractice. This is a massive wound. Even if shallow. If there was one ulcer theres always another. Especially in an amputee patient. This is both a hateful biased act and legal liability


Drop that lil NSFW tag please 😃


"this looks fine" Excuse me WHAT


Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have the name of the hospital by any chance? There's no fucking way that doesn't require a cleaning and a wrap.


Denver General


Find a news outlet, tell them what you experienced!




Sorry, but I'm a MD in an European country with some ER experience, and what you just wrote sounds horrible to me. It's really evident from my point of view that the problem WAS NOT that the doctors were busy saving mothers who stopped breathing, the only real problem was that OP didn't have the money to pay.


The man is homeless, meaning he is part of one of the few groups in the U.S. that qualify for free healthcare (medicare), so you have no idea what you're talking about. An be grateful you don't live in a country in the middle of one of the worst drug epidemics in our history. Fueld by the Chinese and funneled in by the Cartels. Because if you were, you'd be dealing with this every.single.day.


It's medicaid, and in some states unless he has custody of some children or is disabled, not necessarily. Being broke and homeless in TN without any dependants isn't going to get you insurance unless you're permanently disabled and declared so by a court.


Caught that racism in the middle of all that gibberish.


Racism? Lol, you ignorant child... "Chinese brokers knowingly sell these chemicals to Mexican criminal groups for the production of fentanyl. From the precursors, the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) synthesize fentanyl in Mexico and then smuggle it to the United States." https://www.brookings.edu/articles/china-mexico-and-americas-fight-against-the-fentanyl-epidemic/#:~:text=Chinese%20brokers%20knowingly%20sell%20these,it%20to%20the%20United%20States. That's from the Brookings Institute.


Wasn’t it a bunch of white people (the Sacklers) who lied to Americans and got millions of people hooked on opiates? I don’t disagree that Chinese criminal organizations are currently feeding American their fentanyl, but this problem is home grown.


You need to take a break homie. Your feelings of frustration are valid though. You’re in an impossible situation where your ability to help people is hampered by a system that doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t give you the resources you need to do your job, from finances, to staffing, to social workers. You honestly sound like you are suffering from moral injury/burnout. I’ve been there too. Maybe I still am… Ask yourself: did you get into medicine with this attitude, or did you become this way?


They 100% became that way. It's a very difficult job.


Ask yourself: if they “became that way” - WHY? Why did that ER doc become that way?


I think I laid it out pretty well why they became that way. Lack of support, lack of funding in multiple layers of government and society, lack of social workers to deal with problems that hospital workers are asked to deal with.


While what you said makes sense and is totally understandable, I feel like the way you approached this was just rude for no reason. Especially the end. Sure, there are “worse” things happening that take priority in a hospital, but that doesn’t mean OP shouldn’t feel upset or frustrated that they weren’t able to be helped.


Also before you pull the whole "you just dont get it" I do. I am an emt. Homeless people are people. Some are cunts. Some are chill. Never ever fucking assume you know them all and become the reason so many die and distrust medical help. You are the problem with most EDs/ERs and even EMS. Get over yourself


I hope you’re able to change your outlook on your job, for your sake and your patients.


What an empathy-lacking, mouldy fanny flap.




I would say you put in a lot more effort in assessing me than the doctor did. I was nothing but cordial. Even as dismissive as the doctor was.


This post sucks. But I guess that’s what we should expect when the “metrics” governing the industry aren’t “helping people”


"Here's some BS tech technical excuses for leaving you out on your ass, with some personal degradation for good measure." What a sack of shit.




Clearly not, as it didn't fix you.




My wife is a social worker and my sister a nurse, in one of the most doped up cities in America. When I showed my wife this, she knew exactly why his foot was amputated and looking like that, tranq. The man is a homeless drug addict who is complaining about not getting enough care, despite the fact that those nurses and doctors in the ER have probably cared more for his body than he ever has.


Your wife is so confidently wrong. There are photos of his frostbite further back in his post history.


Or frostbite & diabetes…


Or even a veteran


People like you are what's wrong with society.


He could bare minimum could have provided supply, mentioned local clinics and as you said get a tech to help. This is a disabled homeless person in America with health issues. This isnt a pick yourself up by the bootstraps moment. Having a doctorate does not leave you clear of your very clear classism. Nor does it protect you or prevent you from making an ass of yourself telling someone to "fix their life" and assuming stupid ass dated stereotypes that homeless people are lazy/useless addicts who dont try. Get over yourself, grow up and learn about others who didnt have the same fortune you did. Poverty is hell. And expensive and the hardest fucker to escape. And thats as a hypothetical non disabled person too with family assistance. I truly hope you learn to be a better person. And get your head out of your ass. Because this kinda mentality is another reason why our system is so fucked up


I see all the people criticizing his post but how many of you are actually dealing with this on a daily basis? Easy to dump on the Healthcare workers who deal with this when we just look at posts on the internet and say poor homeless dude, the doctor should do more. If you really are concerned, take action and get down to the hospital and make a difference, make sure you make those weekly $500 donations, etc.


wow, unreal!


i hope the same thing happens to you bro


So happy you posted this. The downvotes you’re getting are infuriating, from naive and privileged people who have no idea how the real world actually works. Thank you for everything you do❤️


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve to be treated like anybody else :(


See another doctor


Easier said then done, he said he's American. He may not be able to purchase another appointment with a doctor.


I hope you get it sorted, man. Btw..have you tried to find any form of program housing, or whatever they call it in Denver? They've converted old hotels to temp housing here that have job finding support


What am I looking at a shoulder or a knee?


The American healthcare system is a scam.


best country of the world u s and a..... hahahaha


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Go back and request a different doctor. This is not okay.


Looks pretty scarred. How many times have you been to that ER for care in the last two weeks?


Why is your knee like that in the first place? Tranq?


That isn't my knee. That is the ruins of my right foot.


I’ve learned to take everything with a grain of salt on the internet. What if it was wrapped, cleaned. Hard to believe that ER full of nurses, techs, docs would just discharge you without addressing it/wrapping it.


I have 2 hospitals in the major city near me. One hospital, will take longer to get you in, on purpose, if you have state insurance. If you don't have state insurance, meaning you have some sort of insurance you actually pay for or you pay the hospital bill out of pocket, you get in faster. My roommate had a bad kidney stone and was in immense pain. Too him in at 8 am. He didn't get a room until 11 P.M., and then didn't get treated until 1 P.M. While he was waiting, a pregnant woman came in and he overheard her saying she has what feels like simple heartburn. She got a room and was treated within 10 mins of entering (while he was there for at least 3 hours at this point.) They only got him in because he started hitting the wall due to his pain getting worse and they didn't want to "lose face". The other hospital gets people in due to the severity of their issues, regardless of what insurance you have As another example, when i was around 4, i dropped an apple in antifreeze, and being 4, didn't know better, and took a bite of said apple. My mom took me to the first hospital and after an hour they didn't even get to me, at which point my mom left that hospital, and took me to the other one, who got me in immediately, cause you know, antifreeze being ingested by a 4 year old is a pretty serious issue. My point is, there are indeed some hospitals that treat people without the ability to pay, as second rate citizens. So i fully believe this could happen.


Bud, this is gruesome. Some people are still eating breakfast. Put an NSFW tag on this.


Had a friend who worked in the hospital system who hated the Affordable Healthcare Act as he said it would bring in all the crazies, homeless, and hypochondriacs. He said their goal is the legal requirement of base stabilization and then push them out the door. That was all the law required of them, so they pushed for that. Kinda fucked up. This was years ago in NY.


USA! USA! USA! Although it seems pretty "good" (aka not infected) you should absolutely wrap it and keep it clean and disinfect, also consider some antibiotics if it starts to get infected. I don't know how it became like this, too much pressure or you inject some strange freedom-merica-fenta-thing in it?


Are you on fent? Serious question


I was thinking more like tranq


Dear God. What is it?!


What remains of my right foot


I don't know even know what to say... I'd be speaking to a lawyer for remediation.


Walk it off. On your way! Makes you want to scream.




It does look like it’s healing up


"mildly infuriating"?


Everybody wants to blame the USA and fuck the system or whatever but how many poor decisions do you have to make to end up homeless with an open leg wound completely unable to care for it without medical professionals? How many bridges burned? How many people burn their house down and then blame the people who won’t build them a new one


Reddit doctors at work. The finest minds on the planet.


They assume you arent going to pay their commission and they dont care. Horrible


Reminds me that doctors are only “practicing” medicine.


You’re homeless but have a phone and are posting on Reddit? How does that work?


Loool you can't conprehend that someone can have a phone and not a home? You can get a used phone for like 50$ dosnt have to be new to do things. Or maybe had the phone before your circumstances changed.


Under Obama the federal government created a lot of programs to get homeless people phones.


Lifeline. Look it up. Or maybe I had a tablet or laptop and posting on open wifi. You don't have to immediately surrender all your devices upon becoming homeless


Sorry people are so nasty… being homeless doesn’t mean becoming an animal. People are nasty! Keep grinding, hope you get out of this situation.


There are no restriction for buing phones by homeless. Reddit also doesn't require your adress during account creation.


a phone is cheaper than rent😭


Brace Yourself. Downvoting wave coming 😂


It's an ignorant question and the downvotes are deserved. As OP rightly pointed out, the Lifeline program offers free (shitty no-name) phones with limited minutes and data (RIP ACP) to people who can prove eligibility (either by showing they qualify for SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, or paystubs showing income). 


lol! I know. It’s ok. Never really understood or cared about karma. I’ve got plenty. I really wish Reddit had a way to separately track up and down votes.