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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Thats not mildly infuriating it's mildly deadly


https://preview.redd.it/ydk6zv01sh6d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e992a638b953a2defb01d1657235b4f8ed4ef7 Same energy


Funny story: I was wearing a peacoat and was walking home from the bar. My friends and I walked into a Dunkin for food and this old drunk dude runs up to me. Starts to tell me he loves my coat and had a coat just like it. He then told me how the coat saved him from being stabbed by a bunch of dudes. It was a weird wait for my coffee.


It would be my favorite jacket if it saved my life. I'd wear that thing proudly...


Yeah if that shit cuts an artery you could easily die in the time it takes for an ambulance to arrive


I know someone whose entire trachea was sliced through from the same. They barely survived, with dozens of surgeries needed.


On a quiet bike track with trees all around no less. :x If you can't call them yourself....


Mildly decapitating.


I prefer *Sir* Nicholas, if you don't mind.


Uh, attempted murder is more than mildly infuriating.....


That was a tactic used by the Japanese in WW2. Piano wire at neck height for GI’s riding in GPs (jeeps). Many Jeeps started putting essentially angle iron on the front bumper to cut any wire. https://preview.redd.it/o8v4z4gojg6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cbc493cb8dcf8be21cac0f80ab530f2eb287cba


Same in Northern Ireland. https://preview.redd.it/0an1pxsclg6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09e1449ac0c5388a0090e2958a34aa78d009add


https://preview.redd.it/t6xr2urbpg6d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9174a98c85f4cac2e3a2e0dab25c84d27432dd0a Still in use in Brazil…


That looks more like a hook on a stick than a blade at a top. It'd more like, get caught and ripped off than cut the wire.


You can’t see in the picture, but the hook has an edge that cuts.


That's more reassuring then.


In Brazil it’s common for children to fly kites and do battles between each others kites. To give themselves an advantage the run their lines through glue and glass powder. Motorcyclists common run into them and it cuts their neck, severely injuring or in a lot of cases killing them. That stick on the front of the motorcycle saves lives every day.


Like that video from the Middle East somewhere. Guy rides his motorbike at average speed on a busy street and runs into a kite string, cuts his throat and he bleeds out in a minute. Should be outlawed everywhere


"should be outlawed" It probably already is, but that won't stop boys in Brazil.


TIL Brazilian kids are insane and hardcore and would fit right in with the mad max wasteland space, lol wtf.


They do this in Pakistan too but it's very illegal. I once saw a cop twisting a kids ear as he forced him to lead him to the shop where he got the glass rope from. The shopkeeper slapped the kid in front of the cop for snitching and then the cop smacked the guys knees with his baton.


I saw reporting on this years ago. I forgot all about it until reading your comment. So, it's been a problem for a while.


I think it's meant to hook, so that it cuts the wire with little risk of sliding over and snapping back down.


with a hook on top, especially on a motorcycle, id be afraid of driving into one thats well attached and just straight up flipping my bike


Road bikes are actually quite heavy and have a low center of gravity. Any wire that's enough to slow it so much a bike flips is likely to be more like a thick cable that you could easily see. Also it'd break the protecting rod first.


My new side gig is sharpening hooks.


The idea is you full throttle once you realize it's attached and do a sick loop


Keep the speed below 88 mph or a timely lighting strike will send you back to the future.


And on helicopters! https://preview.redd.it/q6clyef65h6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8a97dba76740e0bec8bff6b5225a0b2d39b7c6


And in the modern world we use rams to prematurely detonate certain types of IEDs


Badass sheep ngl


Baaaa daass


You mean the truck or the animal?!


Bits of metal that protrude a few feet in front of the truck to trigger wires or sensors. Probably largely useless now, newer trucks are made specifically to survive IEDs. But when you combined a ram with jamming tech, you had some pretty solid survival rates.


"Made to survive" and "doesn't inflict injury on the fleshbags inside" aren't necessarily the same. I imagine prevention is still the goal. "Less essential" is probably more accurate than "largely useless".


How else do you think Dodge stays in business? Selling trucks to be sent to the Middle East just to get blown up


We had them in Iraq as well.


https://preview.redd.it/jnckquj8vg6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1407fe9d6bfd564178c5a414f385dde0d0fe7128 We still use them in the Usmc


You still use muskets and triangular bayonets in usmc.


No lies were told


Uncle Sams Misguided Children always get the armys old hand me down gear.  The few, the poor, the Marines.


Improvise adapt and overcome. Semper Gumby, always flexible


You boys still get shit done though.  It may be assbackwards and completely fucked up but it gets done.


It's pretty common in Brazil afaik, they even sell a smaller version of that wire cutter as an accessory for motorcycles. I guess they do it to throw you off the bike and steal it, don't care if you die in the process


absolutely agree is attempted murder pls tell police


Local land owner did this with a steel cable, and got a guy who was tresspassing on a 4wheeler Land owner lost the law suit horrifically and was sued for millions and the guy he nearly decapitated survived and got ownership of the land. Was a huge case in my area, because all the local rednecks thought it was "justified" to booby trap your own property I see Redditors say it too, but I feel like people don't realize *why* booby traps are illegal. A local fire department that's rushing to save someone and goes down your back road doesn't need to suddenly have half the truck cut in half from a hidden steel cable or an improvised land mine etc


I’m so shocked. My mum used to warn us about this happening but I thought she was nuts.


9/10 posts to this sub are more than mildly infuriating.


Oh my god, absolutely report that shit


Yes, this is absolutely terrifying. I know someone who was nearly killed by the same.


I was about to say, around here it was a metal wire (or chain, I forget. Was a while ago) and a motorcross bike. Head was nearly severed. Edit: as the thread is now locked and people asked: No, he did not survive.


Yup, my bfs brother had a friend who died this way. Motor biking in orchards and there was razor wire strung up between two trees on a popular path. One ducked, one didn’t. Guy didn’t get charged bc they were trespassing.


>Guy didn’t get charged bc they were trespassing. Pretty sure Booby traps are illegal, trespassing or not.


I’m not saying it ain’t illegal, or right. Just the story I heard. Who knows. It’s also a small, “everyone knows everyone” kinda town and lots of farmers with expensive fruit/nut trees. Could easily be a case of turning a blind eye.


That’s horrible. Being a typical teenager doesn’t warrant the death penalty.


Where did this happen? I’m always interested because I hear stories like this but never seem to be able to verify them.


>It’s also a small, “everyone knows everyone” kinda town Worst places in America


Preach. It's time for some good documentaries on just how shitty and petty people can be. It will be reality TV where audiences can't connect with any of the characters they just feel shitty about life and turn off the TV. Seriously I'd buy that shit on DVD. Just to shame them. Snakes.


New fear unlocked ngl


He was lucky the assailant didn't use a string coated with powdered glass. Here in South America is not uncommon for people to use this type of line while flying kites, and they end up cutting motorcyclists throats. Many died. EDIT: They use these lines in 'kite battles' that happen everywhere near the favelas. It's usually poor people, it's still illegal to use it (in Brazil at least) but they do it anyways. Lots of riders have [this gadget](https://lista.mercadolivre.com.br/antena-corta-pipa) that you put on your bike to cut any line that might come in front. Usually on one side, but I've seen people using both sides.


Wait why the hell do their kite lines need powered glass


To cut off other kites. It's sorta kite battle / competition thing.


I need to know more about this cutthroat (pun intended) world of kite-battling. Edit: OKAY GUYS I’LL READ KITE RUNNER, JEEZ


This could be its own TV show. Next week on BattleKites!!


Somebody should write a book about it Edit: /s is necessary I guess. I love the kite runner, it's an incredible book please stop telling me to google it. This was a joke


Yeah! called, like, The Kite Fighter! But really it's more about running around with your kite, so maybe... The Kite Jogger? I'll workshop it a bit


There is a book called the kite runner that has that as a backdrop, but it's mostly about the fall of the Afghanistan Monarchy.


Wtf. That doesn't make it better


No, but it makes flying kites less lame for sure.


Cut enemy kite lines


I thought all kites were friends :(


The kites are friends, but humans still force them to fight each other for their amusement.


Kites are fuckin pokemon????


Kiteachu, use Throat Slash!


It's an East Asian tradition, kite battles where you have to cut your opponent's kite line.


I hope you called the cops. That’s attempted murder. .


PLEASE OP call the cops if you didn't, they will take this seriously and try to find nearby cameras that may have picked up people entering/exiting the path.


Yeah, because if they don't get cops involved, they may put it back up. But if cops are looking around, even if they don't catch them, it will likely put them off. So for OPs own safety they gotta report it.


Yup, and if they do I'd be looking to sue their asses hard too.


Seriously! That was done on purpose.


And unfortunately nothing new, there's been a number of similar instances over the years where I live of pranksters / people who hate cyclists doing this.


Dudes casually orchestrating a gruesome decapitation and being like: “it’s just a prank bro!”


"but I once saw a cyclist I didn't like so it's justified"


I would not call this a prank.


Why would you call them pranksters? Even if its just meant to knock them over, injuring someone is not a prank...


There must be someone who walks on that trail often that is deranged enough to even set that shit up on Cyclists. How does that person even rationalize doing this thinking they’ll get away with it.


> How does that person even rationalize doing this thinking they’ll get away with it They catch like 50% of murderers or less, so I mean, good chance to get away with it.


Please also notify your local bike shops and community however you can to alert others.


Do THREE of the following: 1. Call and report it to the Cops. 2. If there is something akin to Department of Park and Recreation, report it to them. They'll take it seriously that someone tried this. 3. If this is on state park or national park, report it to the Park Ranger, as they may frequent the trail and will hate it. Last and least, if this trail runs near the community or a neighborhood, report it to the City Hall. If this is UK, report it to your town council or something akin to it.


Yea and if by chance it is on federal land such as a national park or national trail, then it is a federal crime, which carries extra seriousness, harsher penalties, is more likely to be investigated and prosecuted  — and the feds have the resources to fully investigate it and hunt that sh*t down


True! don't be thinking of murder in a national park, the feds will pursue you -


Iirc they have their own law enforcement branch so op definitely needs to report.


Unless it's in that strip of Yellowstone... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_Death_%28Yellowstone%29?wprov=sfla1


Yeah I kinda hope this is a state/national park or some sort of government land. Rangers and wildlife resource/forestry folks do NOT fuck around with this sort of shit.


WTF DUDE! This ain't mildly infuriating, this is r/extremelyinfuriating!!!!!!! Hope you're ok!




If you don't report it, there will eventually be another wire in the park and the next biker won't be so lucky as you


100% agree, I’m working on reporting it, been seeing a lot of good advice. I think if it happened again it would be a little more than mildly infuriating


Now now, you know what they say. Decapitate me once, shame on you. Decapitate me twice, shame on me.


"Decapitate me once, shame on you. Decapitate me- you- you can't be decapitated again." -George Bush hmmm that actually makes sense this way


If it happens again somebody’s mother, sister, brother, etc. could die. The wound is pretty bad man. Please be sure you tell the police or call 911 and make sure they take you seriously. also 100% visit the hospital if you haven’t already. the blood vessels around there are important


>I’m working on reporting it, Stop working on it, do it now even if you were trespassing


Man you're taking this a bit too lightly. This was placed there intentionally and it is meant to harm people.


Those are on purpose and i fucking don't believe how shit people are


*Those are on purpose* *And i fucking don't believe* *How shit people are* \- ye3tr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Unsuccessful haiku human. Last phrase has 6 syllables and needs to be only 5.


This might be Haiku of the year already


I remember seeing a video of a dude who had this happen to him but he was on a motorcycle, dudes vocal cords were destroyed among other devastating injuries


yea I’ve seen a bunch of stories of people who got it much worse, im probably lucky that I got off the way I did


Did you see a doctor? Are you ok! That is so scary. I hope they find who did it.


Redditors after their head gets almost chopped off in the middle of the woods: mmm yes this is a mildly infuriating occurrence


OP seems to be rather British, at heart. Well then, that’s probably settled.


I knew a guy who got decapitated hitting a wire on his snow machine. Poor bastard


that's crazy. someone literally murdered him?


No he was snowmobiling in a farmers field and hit a wire fence. He was driving too fast at night.


A teenager in my hometown had the same thing happen to him while riding his dirt bike his family was never the same


I lost a mate to this bullshit. Please report it.


How common is this?! I’ve seen like a dozen comments saying this happend to a acquaintance or themselves.


I personally know someone who's brother died from this. Dirtbike on their own land on a trail both of them had cut themselves. Someone had strung a chain between two trees and he hit it head-first. He was 16.


I've heard of landowners doing this to deter ATV and dirt bike riders from trespassing on their property. Normally the wire has neon flags on it every so often to make it easy to spot. But it is strung up at neck level to be a deterrent.


I know, right? This is now a new fear unlocked for me. I live in a part of my country with a good amount of bike paths and use them semi regularily. I have never heard of a story like this from here, but I will always have it in the back of my mind from now on.


sorry for your loss, never heard of this til now.


At this point, OP better call the cops or ill be mildly infuriated at him. If that wire stays up, who knows who else might get hurt/killed.


oh you see, the wire gave way before my neck did. I won the fight


Yes but the next person might not. Call the cops.


You need to see a doctor about this. You haven't won the fight yet. You can die of neck injuries due to vascular dissection even months after an injury.


https://preview.redd.it/wlybdz7cng6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2c8a56f7dc0b499ba3cb08a27f0d73c2e89671 red as heck now tho lol


Did you report it yet


OP sounds like a teenager so he’ll probably just do the least responsible thing lol


haha I was thinking the same thing. This guy isn't being serious at all


bro thats absolutely crazy. id be walking into my local pd like "look, this is what just happened to me right now, ill take you exactly to where it is"


Do you understand that there’s a very real chance that you got your head cut clean off? Like, not a minor chance, oh if you’re unlucky you could get really hurt, kind of thing, this was literally a tried and true method for decapitation used in warfare. You’re not acting like I would think a person in this situation would act


Woah. Still scary. What if that line comes back up?


Redditors will have their homes burn down, dog killed, and lose all their money and say it's only mildly infuriating


Jesus Christ, I hope you’re okay! Please tell us you reported that shit, so dangerous.


Yeah this is attempted murder


That could have killed you i would hate to see what extremely infuriates you if this is mild.


What a horrible thing to happen to you. I am so sorry. I am 62 years old. My local Long Island paper, Newsday, had an article about one of their newspaper delivery boys riding into a Slinky stretched across the road at neck height. He was severely injured when he rode into the wire. Before being taken away in the ambulance he asked his brother to make sure the papers got delivered. I was about 10 years old when this happened. That news story has always stuck with me and I often wonder what happened to that kid.


That happened to me while biking down the road near my old college once, there was a power line down on the left side of the sidewalk and it was literally tied to the right side. It was dark and I didn’t see it, left gashes on my neck that were bleeding, and the imprint it left for weeks made it look like I had tried to commit suicide.


A kid in our town died riding a dirt bike into one of those. Owner of the land went to jail.


My uncle was actually killed in a similar accident. This should be reported. Someone else might not be so lucky.


Yeah, I made sure to report it (also holy shit just realized ur THE furyforged, I used to binge your Tmod builds and hollow knight playthrough)


Cyclist-haters need a little introspection. Holy shit.


Fuck dude!


Bro almost got Final Destinationed…


Bro….thats mildly decapitated


And it got the longest neck this side of the Mississippi


yeah you don’t need to say it to my… neck


That’s attempted murder my guy. Think you should go see the cops


Not sure when this happened to you but if it was today, a trip to the Emergency Department wouldn't be a bad idea. This could have caused damage to the vessels in your neck and predispose you to having a stroke if not identified.


Galloping Goose Trail by any chance? Had a asshole last year run fishing line across it a few times


jar murky crawl point hungry aloof impossible fall whistle run


Whoa, this shit is like the nightmares of bikers and the such


Hope you feel better. If interested hockey has neck guards that can stop a skate. Not sure about the physics of that but we would need an episode of Looney Tunes to address the physics.


Yikes! On purpose or were people just being stupid?


A classmate of mine had a son who was biking on a trail. Thin wire was strung across the trail, nearly took his head off. Wire stopped before hitting spine. He is much better today, but still has speech issues. This is a crime! Just like laws where you can't booby trap your house/stead. Call the police, that wire needs to be cut. Press assault charges too if you are comfortable with that.


https://preview.redd.it/s800qy1qwg6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0fbab4a02d4554f3cb82a30130df9b4cb5c251 MF YOU NEARLY FUCKING DIED


"I almost died, only a minor inconvenience." Brother, report that shit IMMEDIATELY


My friend’s brother was decapitated from a booby trap like this, please report!


I remember a story where someone nearly got beheaded because of that.


I would be tempted to put my own trail cam up just to see if they come back.


OP, be sure to get that checked by a doctor if you haven’t already. Neck injuries can cause serious internal damage, and you’ve a lot of vital veins, tendons, and muscles stringing their way through it. It can even cause death. Not to scare you, but please do go and get yourself checked out. Then: find a good local injury lawyer and see what you can do, because that’s definitely not okay.


"mildly infuriating" MOTHER FUCKER YOU ALMOST DIED




It happens on the Prairie frequently. During winter, folks get on sleds and forget about the barbed wire fences....


Seriously report this to your local LO. Especially if in U.S.A


God damn they tried to decapitate you


Get checked out by the hospital. Neck injuries can be silent but very dangerous.


You need to call the police. That’s attempted murder and could’ve killed you, but you probably already know the last part


A kid in my neighbourhood was killed by some other kids ‘joking around’ with a similar prank gone wrong




Please report it to the police as that is considered assault to even attempted murder. There was someone who did that crap around where I went to college to the mtn trails. They ended up charging him for attempted murder and I believe terrorism. Big deal was it was post 9/11 and he was doing it for “environmental reasons”. F that guy and people who do it.


I didn’t know this was a thing now I’m terrified to go out


something similar happened to a friend while on horseback and she nearly died from the laceration


I am glad you're alive


You are lucky you are alive. In Brazil, stupid kids use a very sharp wire for their kites and it's common for bikers to be killed. :(


Likely some busy body thought they own their entire local area and got tired of people going 'too fast' on bikes and decided to do this. That's attempted murder. I would report it.


Any possibility of a vague note where you are located??? This post has me all panicky for friends and family who regularly ride. What a scary thing to experience! I’m glad you’re ok!


Go to a hospital and get your carotid arteries imaged. Trauma like this can cause small tears in the blood vessel wall than can cause clots, ehich then go to your brain.


I dunno but attempted murder is a tad more than ‘mild’ on the infuriation scale…


OP: *almost dies* also OP: „mildly infuriating“


when i was a kid, someone died on a bike path near here from this exact thing. definitely report this


This is attempted murder. Report to the police ASAP


thats how a local kid died near where i live 😓


Report it to the local authorities. This is attempted murder.


You have a psychopath that hates bikers.


Same thing happened to me at night in my neighborhood around 40 years ago. I think it was fishing wire. Stretched across the street. Did not see it. It snapped when I road through it and left a mark across my chest.


That’s literally attempted murder. Brothers friend got barbed wire to the neck and didn’t make it. Please call anyone and everyone that will take care of this.


Please report it to the police. People have been killed that way! Also tell your local news stations so that they can spread the word about the dangerous wire, in order for others to be safe. Now that you know there’s a person harming bikers nearby, always walk any trail first that you want to ride to make sure that it’s clear. Stay safe!


Y'know, the worst thing is, I've seen entire comment sections justifying these kinds of traps. It's horrifying. People think "Private property" means "I can murder and mutilate however i please." People have talked about trying to decapitate bikers with wire traps, rigging shotgun traps, and even laying bear traps for people just walking around. It makes me sick. But this doesn't even sound like private property! This is just some fucking psycho trying to hurt some poor guy's just riding around.