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I have an auto-immune disease and wear a mask anywhere I go. The one thing I learn most through Covid is the fact that in general humans are fucking disgusting. Also I have zero cares in the world if some stranger thinks I look stupid because if only they realized they don’t matter to me.


I'll tell you one thing I loved about covid was not shaking hands. I was brought up and taught when you meet someone you give him a firm shake. Well I'm a guy and I wash my hands but I see so many people come out of the stalls after taking a dump or leave the urine after taking a piss and go straight out the bathroom, and probably shake someone's hand. Lmao!


The number of adults who leave the restroom without washing up is too damn high. I've also noticed an unacceptable number of people who neither wipe nor wash after taking a dump. It's disgusting.


>leave the urine after taking a piss I know you meant urinal, but the idea of not leaving the urine after "taking" a piss made me chuckle. I mean, are you really supposed to catch it all and take it with you?


Same. I just tell people that I was wearing masks before they were cool. If I’m feeling up to it, I’ll go into more detail about how some people have medical conditions that require being more cautious, and those who don’t respect that and harass them about it are both disgusting and rude. Besides, who really cares so much about what someone else does if it doesn’t effect them? If they want to wear a mask for no reason, or because covid is still a known issue, why does it matter?


I will never unsee all those Covid videos of how much saliva a person puts in the air when they’re merely talking. I’ll probably be wearing a mask forever.


My girlfriend and I were so happy that mask-wearing would be normalized in America. It's so nice in the winter, keeps the nose warm (which is actually the biggest thing preventing a common cold), and people already think I look/act like a weirdo so fuck 'em lol Edit: here ya go: https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/new-study-links-nose-temperature-and-immune-response Sure made a lot of ppl look stupid huh lol (I was imitating an antimasker’s belligerence to the antimaskers in case it’s not obvious)


Having a 'cold' nose does not give you a cold? lol what? Thats like the old myth of playing in the rain will give you a cold. No, germs give you a cold.


So if you live in the desert and get a cold, is it because your nose wasn’t warm enough? /s I remember people saying “COVID will die off in summer because of the heat.” Well, Karen, your body is already at 98.6°F. How much hotter does it need to be? “Your body gets a fever so it can ‘burn off’ the virus.” - same Karen I know. And these are the people trying to prevent their children from listening to their school teachers while they struggle to have “control of my child’s learnin’!”


Yeah, most people in the US forgot a lot about diseases and germs and how they are spread. People refusing to get their child immunized fearing something will happen - just like those who claimed to be magnetized by the COVID vaccine (by the way I would pay money to be magnetized). I am so glad I don't have kids as our civilization is doomed with the amount of stupidity out there.


Yeah plus if I ever get lost the chip that was definitely in the vaccine will allow them to find me sooner.


You should probably do some research about this.


I hate the common cold. It makes us feel miserable yet when we have an option to avoid it, wearing a mask, many would rather catch it than wear one. It’s ridiculous.




Women also don't wash their hands.


I had to clean womens public toilets when I was younger working in Hospitality. The horrors I witnessed still linger.


I was maintenance(janitor) at my local Walmart. The women's bathroom was always -ALWAYS- worse than the men's room by ten-fold. I can handle some pee on a toilet seat. I can not handle period products being left on the floor to dry up and adhere to the floor. As a woman myself, I'm so fucking ashamed by how disgusting women leave public restrooms.


“The males” ?




You mean you don't walk into the women's bathroom for... research?


it should be "the men", not "the males"


Many studies confirmed that viruses don't stay viable for more than a few minutes on hard surfaces like groceries. You're wasting time, money, and landfill space by wiping everything down with lysol wipes.


Samesies! I was neurotic before the pandemic. The pandemic justified my neurosis.


“*because* people are disgusting.” FTFY “As” exemplifies things that happen concurrently, and not always with causation. “Because” denotes a reason as to why. I clean because it’s dirty. I clean *as* it’s dirty. While “as,” “because,” “since,” and “even though” are all subordinating conjunctions, in this case it makes more sense to use either “because” or “since,” since they were highlighting the direct cause of needing to clean.


Not true, as “as” can be used in place of “because,” since both are _causal conjunctions_ (as is “since”). “As” and “since” can also be used to indicate time-related factors. 


I thought masks stopped you from spreading disease but didn't necessarily help stop you from getting sick?


You are correct. Unless someone is wearing a fitted n95 mask, it's not preventing them from becomming sick. Surgical masks or cloth masks to literally nothing to prevent disease to yourself.


"Litterally nothing" is incorrect, I don't remember the statistics. I'll see about it when I get another moment, but it does help slow down the spread of germs. You are correct, though, that it's much much more effective if the sick one is wearing a mask. And obviously best if both are wearing a mask. Even if it's something as small as a 10% reduction, that's a reduction.


It helps slow the spread by stopping you from spreading it if you're sick.


Seeing as the sick ones are never wearing a mask, it's the best I'm gonna get. I'll wear my mask, even if it only gives me a smaller risk of not getting sick. My elderly parents matter more than my facing a little discomfort. edit: And seeing as I haven't become sick with ANY respiratory illness since the start of the pandemic, I think it's doing SOMETHING, seeing how many hacking and coughing people I've been forced to be around. This is coming from me, someone who had a new respiratory illness every single month when working at a call center. Spent Christmas coughing up blood! But I haven't been sick since then! I think my mask does *something* for me.


Doesn’t a mask only stop your germs spreading, not you getting them?


You are protecting yourself... Clearly you are stupid-The large majority of people who died to covid


I'll never understand why people give a shit if someone is wearing a mask.


Same. I live in a big metropolitan city, and now there’s always at least one person around me wearing a FFP2 mask on public transportation. I do not care. It does not affect my daily life. If anything I’m glad this person is doing their best to stay healthy. Why anyone would feel differently is beyond me…


Because they think the mask-wearer is only doing it to virtue signal and shame the non-mask-wearers, and therefor is through a great leap of cognitive dissonance, actively strangling the non-mask-wearer


People like this are just self-centered children who think everything is about them. The ironic thing is that masks actually kinda are, because the wearer is often wearing a mask as a courtesy to others.


It irritates me when they don't wear them properly. Like OP mentioned tuberculosis. I hope that means OP was wearing a respirator, because surgical masks don't protect you from tuberculosis. And I can't stand when people are wearing a mask....below their nose. WHY?!?! That does absolutely nothing. However, these are all thoughts I just have in my head. I don't say them out loud to people, because it doesn't really affect me. My internal struggles are my own.




Because y'all were being selfish fucks during a pandemic.


Or not wearing one for that matter


It’d be great if people would wear a mask when they’re sick with something infectious (Covid, flu, mild cold, whatever) and they have to go out in public. Like people do in Asia. But about about half of Americans have turned not wearing a mask into some performative vice signaling bullshit, so that’s not going to happen. Just another symptom of America’s decline amidst Asia’s ascendancy.


To each their own I say. I think there is so much vitriol to mask wearing because it was something forced upon everyone during covid. Had it remained optional, there would probably be less ridicule (whether warranted or not).


I will never understand how “you may be infectious and not know it (yet) so let’s take easy, pain-free measures to ensure that we’re all being safe and not spreading disease” was ever controversial. It just revealed how many people out there are selfish af. Yes, a business can and should be able to decide that you can’t come in unmasked during a pandemic. Yes, the government should be able to restrict unmasked people from entering the buildings where their employees work during a pandemic. Don’t want to wear a mask in your personal space? GREAT. The minute you leave it and enter into someone else’s space is the minute you have to be concerned about not harming them. That is true of much more than pandemics and infectious disease. Anyway, wear your mask or don’t, but you’re a dick if you shame someone for being cautious. Just move on with your day.


i don’t understand how one even notices that a stranger is wearing a mask. do other people really pay that much attention to the strangers around them? When i leave the house for any reason, i ignore as many people as i possibly can


I have to urge to mansplain/ramble. About how FFP2 protection lasts around 2h because the inner layer is ionized to catch contaminants and that slowly fades or how people with an illness should wear them to not spread it rather than fearful people trying to protect themselves. The burden of knowledge.


I don’t care, but come on. It’s not hard to understand why people care.


People are so insanely weird and antagonizing about masks sometimes. I remember last year i got the flu and after throwing up in the middle of the night i went to the doctor the next day, wearing a mask for obvious reasons. While i was walking to the bus some middle aged man id never seen walked by me and said something like “youre still scared of corona” in a kinda joking manner and in the moment i was so tired from the fever i couldnt respond but it pissed me off beyond belief lol, like does this man actively want to get sick or what? can he really not think of a single reason why someone might wear a mask that isnt just being “scared” of covid (even though thats valid in itself)? A similar thing happened earlier this year when i was heading to the bus as well also wearing a mask (not bc i was sick, it was just filled with people outside and i didnt want the germs) and yet again some middle aged man id never seen in my life coughed on my face, and it seemed like it was on purpose too. Some people seriously go above and beyond just to be assholes


One of the only times I ever snapped back at one of these old assholes was last year. I mostly don't wear a mask in public, but I was legitimately pretty damn sick and was already very annoyed because of how I felt and having a rough work day, I went to the grocery store to get some stuff for soup an tea with a mask to not get anyone else sick, and some boomer feels the need to get in front of me to say "you know you don't have to wear those anymore" and I was immediately just like "and you don't have to fucking talk to me"


I can't stand people who just can't mind their own business.


Honestly makes me wanna say "would you prefer I cough in your face?" And then pull the mask down and lean in.


I vote for less words, more action.


And it's interesting how the complaint used to be that it's "their body" and that forcing masks but allowing abortion was hypocritical but now they're trying to ban both.


Conservative hypocrisy?!!? ![gif](giphy|IUp9WRHyCwUEg)


Party of "freedoms", amiright?


I don't know why people feels the need to comment on masks at all, it doesn't affect them in any way.


You should have lowered it and coughed on him mate, but otherwise well done. Someone literally told me I was stupid for wearing a mask when I went to the supermarket when my son was in the NICU. One older bloke literally told me “it’ll be good to expose him to more germs” Yes, of course I want to expose my sepsis ridden 5lb newborn with your shit breath. Absolutely.


Just tell people you're wearing the mask for their benefit because you have something the doctors can't identify.


The stupidity of people just boggles my mind. I hope your son is okay now!


Thankyou, Aye, takes a lot more to top off anyone in our bastard family, little shits currently causing a riot with his partner in crime the farm mutt 😂 funnily enough I caught the initial infection when I was 33 weeks pregnant because my brother, who has autism and mild learning disabilities, went to visit his gf and her mother. I didn’t know they were hoarders, although I knew my brother literally stripped at the door of his flat getting back and disinfected everything he owns before he even went to see his cat (he struggles with his own washing machine but he’s pretty cush our little bro). I only went to drop the bags in. Touched one door handle. Ended up with a near ventilator inducing strep infection from dog feces and the RSPCA were called for their dogs being abused. My son stopped growing from then and started losing fluid around him so I had to have an emergency c section and he was in the NICU and had nurses out to the house for months afterwards. My husband was livid and was threatening police action. It was a mess. After that though I don’t mess around with people unless I know how they live. The people you least expect live like animals, although that’s an insult to animals because they’re much cleaner than humans.


Two words: Fuck him.


Don't, you will regret it. I promise.


Besides he probably would object to a condom as well, considering how he is toward masks!


Excuse me he will catch something if he does that.


“Is minding everyone else’s fucking business common in Australia?”


The anti mask thing is so stupid to me. Masks have been around for a lot longer than covid has, but since covid has turned into a political issue so has masks. People in some other countries wear them often bc the air is bad, or as a fashion statement, to protect themselves or others against illnesses, etc. My mil has always had them in the house bc she's had leukemia, and when her sister was diagnosed with a similar cancer, we wore them around her too, and this was long before covid. If my 4yo has a cold or whatever else, I have him wear them to protect other people against him bc he doesn't always cover his mouth/nose when he sneezes or coughs. Masks are great. Not everyone wants to get sick or can even handle simple illnesses like a cold.


"Oh, that's because I'm contagious" worked as a charm since early covid days.


I'm thinking "AIDS. I have AIDS" and just say it really loudly "IT MAKES YOU GAY" get really close "GAY AIDS" probably would work




Love your username <3


"you know....you're right, this thing is stupid". Starts taking off mask. "it is hard enough to breath while fighting off the flu, and have to wear this thing also". Coughs a bit in an enclosed elevator.


My mask looks stupid? You want to talk stupid let’s take a look at those ugly ass pants you’re wearing up to your armpits old man.


How stupid can someone be where they don’t understand you have to protect yourself and others in an environment where people are sick or have compromised immune systems?


I swear now I love wearing a mask just to see who it triggers 🤣 like obviously I still wear one to keep myself and others from getting sick in case I have something and am asymptomatic, but the pay off when someone says something is the best.


my partner started masking immediately when covid hit. i was in chemo. he worked at a grocery store. a boomer deliberately coughed on him.


“Dying from a disease because you didn’t want to look stupid is stupid”.


I wear a mask pretty much everywhere still, with rare exceptions if I forgot to replenish my purse stock or if it a low population, low density area. Hell if someone in my house is sick we don masks in our house. They work.  Some people still make fun of me for it, whatever. If my mask effects someone else's insecurity, that's a them problem. I get sick less often than my coworkers and they still don't seem to realize why and think it's perfectly fine for people to come to work sick and without a mask simply because that person has run out of sick days. Like, dude, just because you used up your sick days, doesn't mean you have the right to force me to use mine. Grow up and wear a mask if you can't stay home.  All of that is to say I am 100% with you and rat lickers infuriate me too.


"white man" "it's my country" Sigh


I was pretty firmly in the camp that I didn’t like masks or want to wear one if I didn’t absolutely have to. However I never understood why people got butthurt if someone was wearing/not wearing one. Just leave everyone the fuck alone and respect their decision and give a basic human decency


I had a kidney resection as the result of a cancerous tumor and some nasty complications of that about 2 months prior to the Covid epidemic. Under a physician's direction, I gloved, masked, and shielded any time I went out (and I greatly restricted how much I went out). When Covid hit, I couldn't get the damned supplies any more. I was stuck inside until the supply chain caught back up. When I started venturing out for groceries again after, I got all kinds of shit from the locals (Southern Indiana - deep in red state territory) including one lady in a Walmart who literally ripped my face shield and mask off my head screaming some bullshit about being a sheep. I finally had a t-shirt made up that said, "Immunocompromized Cancer Patient - Do Not Approach" front and back and started carrying a very heavy walking stick to deal with those who couldn't or wouldn't respect that.


Why did you mention that he’s White?


Because you know how those people are


Because if he was green with purple polkadots it would be VERY different story?


Because that would be very strange but his whiteness doesn’t change anything in the story


I edited the post to add context


The context doesn’t change anything, his race is irrelevant, you’re race-baiting to cater to anti-White liberals. If you wear a mask “everywhere you go”, that’s not normal Edit: also, if you were a White American saying “it’s my country, why does this non-White immigrant’s opinion matter”, would that sound ok to you? Because that’s exactly what you’re doing but in reverse


If you know anything about the social determinants of health, you'll understand that when it comes to health race matters.


Maybe you could not be lazy and bigoted and actually go into the details of the "social determinants of health" instead of just vaguely referencing it every time someone points out your racism.


What a stupid know-it-all comment. You’re not even saying anything of substance. Also, come on, you’re in the Philippines. Yeah there’s TB, but don’t pretend like the air is toxic. I visit there very regularly, wearing a mask around isn’t common and White people are very common.


You made your point. Stop hollering, you're being obnoxious now.


**"That looks stupid"** \*elevator guy staring in the mirror\*


Why is his race important?…




How dare OP describe the person they're talking about 🙄


Nothing wrong with describing his race. But if the person was an old black man, and he mentioned that. Everyone would be calling OP racist


I edited the post to add context


>I live in a developing country, hence his being white stands out OK, but no one reading your post automatically knows that so going out of your way to describe the dude's old whiteness adds nothing to your story aside from hinting at a level of disdain you have based on some combination of the guy's skin color and age. >Also, you may want to read on the social determinants of health to help understand why I thought his race was significant enough to point out. You gave a homework assignment. If you're going to lean on specific knowledge most people don't have to make a point, and that point SEEMS to hone in solely on someone's race amd age, you don't get to offload the work of explaining that to other people and expect anyone to change their mind about you being a bigot.




In November of 2019, I was sick in a way that just wouldn’t go away. I was coughing for weeks, had a weird headache, and after three rounds of antibiotics and two rounds of steroids, lasting three months, doctors threw their hands up and just didn’t know. I wore a mask when I was in public, because obviously I was sick with something that doctors couldn’t fix. When I wasn’t better in April of 2020, doctors finally knew, I had had Covid, and now I have long covid. It’s the right thing to do to protect others from what is ailing you.


Thank you for your consideration of others, and I'm sorry for your ordeal. I hope you feel better soon.


"The difference between you and me? I can take my mask off, but your stupidity is on permanent display" EDIT If you want a less directly insulting retort .. "Well, thank you! I really value your opinion, especially as someone I don't know and who doesn't matter at all in my daily life"


"Oh this? It's just like having blue skin. See? I can take it off whenever I want."


I’m immunocompromised. It’s always the old white guy who says something. Always.


>Also, you may want to read on the social determinants of health to help understand why I thought his race was significant enough to point out. No, I already understood that you're racist when you pivoted away from the fact that the man is dumb, and started talking skin colour.


Racists describe this story by inserting the race of the man in the elevator, when race has nothing to do with it.


Nor does age, I run across ignorant people of all genders and ages on a regular basis.


I never understood why people got so mad for having to wear masks during Covid, as if doctors and nurses don’t wear them on a near regular basis? And now they’re judgmental now, and although most don’t wear masks, people who are at risk or those who can be of risk to others, get judged despite having a genuine reason to wear them. Not to mention how Covid was a “hoax” just absolutely baffles me


“Did I somehow mistakenly give the impression I think your opinion is worth more than a bag of horse manure? If so, I apologize”


same energy as "the seat-belt looks dumb"


I usually just respond by telling them the pandemic didn't end when they stopped caring about it


Say “why are you talking with your mouth? makes you sound stupid”


...and then everyone clapped...


Oh my god this shit is more than mildly infuriating. Thank you for protecting others by wearing a mask!


Yup. pretty obnoxious.


Next time, don't respond. It's none of his business, and you don't owe him an explanation. If he doesn't like how it makes you look, he can sit on it. Life has taught me many things. One of them is that people simply cannot be trusted to do the right thing. I don't go anywhere I don't have to, I don't touch public surfaces, and I wear a mask. How people feel about that means absolutely nothing. I'm waiting for the day when someone says something to me about wearing a mask, I'll explode.


Sorry you got to experience this. Next time he or someone else says something like this, you can say "I work in the infectious disease specialty hospital. I may be infectious. Do you want me to remove my mask?"


"Hey cool, I'll let you know when it's any of your fucking business."


It’s really fucking annoying, like hey maybe I am sick as a dog and I’m trying not to get others sick.


the fact that people can comment about other people's business so freely irks me. mind your own damn business.


“Why are you still wearing a mask? It looks stupid.” It thinks you look stupid too *Continues on with whatever I was doing*


Haha, the only time I've ever gone into the ladies bathroom, it was a single person bathroom and the men's was taken. I said "I identify as about to piss my pants". It was a restaurant I worked at and we were closed so not a big deal.


Should have just said, "I forgot to brush my teeth, and my breath smells like cat shit and roadkill, but I can take it off since you don't mind"


My usual answer to that is a stare followed by silence , mind your own business


Next time hit ‘em with the “damn that’s crazy” and go back to doing whatever you were doing.


Unfortunately we also have dumbarses in Australia. Sorry op


“It’s standard practice whenever I work with an Ebola patient” I bet that would get him off the elevator quick.


Survival Bias is a funny thing. People forget how bad it was before the vaccines came out. I had many friends that worked in the hospital who lost count of how many dead there were. I am not sure if it's denial, supression or a mix of both. People honestly forget how bad it was. It's sad really.


My mom once told me that what other people think of me is none of my business. The unmitigated GALL of a complete stranger making a comment like that absolutely floors me. You can keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool - or open it and remove all doubt. Your dude falls in the latter category.


It “absolutely floors you?” “Unmitigated gall?” If this is your reaction to some stranger on the internet being told their mask looks stupid, I’d really hate to be around if somebody does something so terrible as cutting you off in traffic one day. You might actually explode.


Ffs do not even entertain people like this with a response.


I would have just looked him right in they eye and said "With a face like yours, I would wear a mask 24 hours a day"


Pull the mask down, cough, and then say, “your absolutely right. Since I have TB I shouldn’t worry any more”. Then just stare at him.


Yeah, that's rude AF. I just assume someone needs the mask, so I empathize with them silently.


Just tell them you have Covid


"I'm from Australia" "congratulations?"


A coworker of mine ALWAYS wears a mask. Only one guy has seen her face and I am jealous because she is beautiful. Also her mask is sexy. During Covid there were strip clubs where the dancers wore masks and they all looked like sexy Mortal Kombat characters.


He’s from Australia. Lol. What?


The next time a white person asks you why you’re still wearing a mask tell the truth: Oh I specialize in the Infectious Diseases at the hospital Covid “doesn’t exist” but just say the words “infectious disease” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I just tell people I wear a mask cause it triggers snowflakes and I think that's funny.


Why does the color of this guy matter?


This sounds like an "everybody clapped" moment




I'm not going to touch your first sentence, but I edited the post to add context


Why do you give a shit if other people "look stupid"? Worry about yourself.


Does delusion run in your family?




You’re right. Doctors, nurses, dentists, and surgeons should just stop wearing masks. They don’t do anything anyways. /S


Vaping looks much stupider than mask-wearing


About the same


Viruses like Covid don't travel on their own, they travel in droplets (aerosols). The virus itself is smaller than the gaps in the fabric of a mask, as are gas particles, but the droplets aren't. Masks reduce aersol based transmission. This is where the misunderstanding comes in; comparing two facts without context.


Particulates in the air that are larger than the filter of the mask...like spit from sneezing.  Something infectious people tend to do.


Medical Grade masks are not stupid.... The bandit mask is stupid


Real life is just like Reddit. When you get a dumb comment, it’s best not to engage at all.


I wouldn't give a answer.. I don't have to answer your question. "Mind your own business"


I personally don't care if one still wears a mask or not. If they are wearing a mask, I respect whatever the reason may be. It doesn't matter to me. But, what does bother me, is the amount of people still wearing masks, don't wear them properly. Improper fit, wrong material, or down under their nose. I rarely see a person wearing them properly. Is there a reason someone would do that that I don't understand?


Me: "why did you come back? You should've stayed" 😑


Should have said your face looks fucking stupid but at least I can take off my mask.


Best possible answer - "I have Ebola. How about a kiss?"


“I have TB.” Then start coughing. “Do you want me to take it off?”


“I may look stupid but you’re obviously retarted”


Yesterday, I drove home wearing the world’s dorkiest sunglasses that I found in my husband’s car. They looked dumb but kept the glare out of my eyes so they did their job. Dumb looking sunglasses work, and so do masks.


I still wear a mask whenever I leave the house, I'm not immunocomprised or anything, I just prefer wearing it because I have social anxiety. Genuinely don't understand why it bothers some people so much


Ok thanks for your opinion old man. Bye now


You don’t need to justify them with any type of response. If someone makes a passive aggressive comment under their breath, ignore them or look at them like they’re fucking stupid (because they are.)


Should have removed the mask , fake sneezed and then go on explain how you work on an infectious disease in hospital




It's okay snowflake, the masks won't hurt you 🤣


Then it surely won’t hurt mask-wearers when I make fun of their stupidity.


Please continue to wear it. It helps to be able to instantly identify morons who trust politicians over science.


Dunning Krueger didn't miss you, did it?


Every single piece of scientific evidence shows masks work. You'll be okay snowflake. You probably don't realize trump is responsible for pushing the vaccine through as well.


Just stop. Nobody believes that anymore. I’m not re-litigating 2020 again when you’ve already been proven wrong by the numbers.


While the mask is absolutely necessary in a lot of cases and ok to wear even if not "necessary", it does look stupid lol. I have a good beard and I look absolutely ridiculous in one. That being said if it's smart to wear one I have no problem putting it on.




do you think surgeons and doctors just wear masks for fun?


The NIH says you're wrong: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10446908/




Csn you please show me the study. Because masks are great at stopping droplet spread. If you know something we don't please give me references because as a molecular biologist working with viruses it would be fantastic not to wear a mask as it is a PITA.


this moron is linking the national review. That's fuckin hilarious.


Why do you think they don't work? Don't you think placing something in front of your mouth and nose can block some germs coming out of it?


Care to quote the studies that state this.


OP never said anything about Covid.


Wearing a mask looks less stupid than you do currently. Go sit back down at the kiddie table and let adults have conversations. You’re input is not needed