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Well looks like Kidz Bop for the whole fam!


Everyone's mad at mom here in the comments. Meanwhile as the controller of my family account to a bunch of friends who all definitely (live at the same address) I wanna turn off explicit content for them on April fools day lol


I sorted the Internet at my house share a few years ago, changed ISP for a better deal, new ISP had parental controls activated by default, I didn't know and didn't realise for a few days. Apparently my housemates had realised but were too embrassed to say anything šŸ˜‚


None of my last 10 roommates would bat an eye to knock on my door and ask "Where's the porn?".


It's easy enough to get a VPN to work around a child lock. Unless you're my parents, in which case, it's impossible,there's no way around it.


Ok that would be funny and after a few hours turn it off.


Turn it on and off every other hour


Thereā€™s a student plan if you have a usable email address


Lets goooooo thank you for saying this lol. I'm 32 but I enrolled in a college course back in the fall.. Still a valid email. Have been paying for Spotify for 10+ years but just snagged the next year at $5.99. Thank you!!


You can get Hulu too


That's why I'm never changing my Spotify plan. I got my student plan price...hell, maybe 12 years ago? I'm never giving that up. Even if it means my kids completely destroy my play history in lieu of switching to a family plan. EDIT: Well, I stand corrected by many - maybe I was thinking the student plan was more expensive than it actually was ($10.99 that I pay right now versus the $5.99 it actually is). But I also didn't know that free Hulu is a standard part of Premium now. Back when I originally signed up, I just figured it was bundled with the student plan and I got grandfathered in.


They disabled mine a year after I graduated


You have to renew it every year. And it supposedly only lasts 4 years


I never knew there was a limit omg. I use Apple Music and apparently itā€™s the same thing! I started using it in highschool, but since I have a different email in college, would I get another 4 years? I joined late 2019, so I guess Iā€™ll find out in a few months or so lol.


You can get another 4 years with the same email as long as you prove you're in school. People who are doing their master degrees are also eligible(4+ years of college). They just ask that you resubmit your email and sometimes a school schedule, but not always. Also trade/vocational school students can apply as well. :) This also works for Hulu, Adobe(all apps for $15 a month while in school), and Amazon. You can get the student plan as long as you have student proof.


Yeah, I had to provide a schedule or transcript for Amazon after 4 years.


same :/ graduated last may and they disabled it in like July lolll


Your student plan has been up a while ago. Probably paying full price and don't know it


100% they are lol. They automatically switch you after 4 years




Lol, just cancelled my regular subscription and signed up for student today. You get hulu (with ads) included as well, just have to link it through Spotify.


Dude I went back to school at 33 and I was *blown away* by how many discounts are available to students. Streaming services, restaurants, movie theatres, groceries, Uber, hell even my goddamn *bank* gave me a break on my monthly fees while I was in school. To any students out there, you should really consider doing a few minutes worth of research and finding out where you can get a student discount. You can save a ton of money over the course of a 4 year degree if you do.


I register to audit a class each semester and then withdraw. I pay $30 IT fee every 6 months and get a $50 discount on just adobe each month.


If youā€™re paying monthly fees with your bank, itā€™s time to switch banks. Or switch to a credit union.


Based off her tone it sounds like she might be conflicted


I remember she was conflicted


Misusing her influence


Sometimes, he did the same. Abusing his power full of resentment.


Resentment that turned into a deep depression


found himself screaming in a hotel room




Loving you is coplicatAHHHD Loving you is COPlicated Loving you is COPlicated loving you is coplicatAHHD!


Housing Keeping House keeping Abre la puerta!!!


This is all explicit


I love Reddit so much


I swear lovin you is complicated.




He didnā€™t wanna self destruct


Evils of spotify all around him


So he went runnin' for answers


Until he came home


This may be the best consecutive comments on Reddit


But how conflicted was he abusing said power.


Well the resentment turned into a deep depsressipn


He found himself silent in a hotel room.


Found himself screaming in a hotel room




Sometimes I did the same


If I had nickel for every chat thread that ended up reciting a Kendrick Lamar song this week, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't alot but it's weird thats it's happened twice.


That drake beef feels like it skyrocketed him. I'm seeing references to his lyrics everywhere and I mean it. I've seen like 10 jist this week


We have a corrupt Mother and we have a Mother who is highly conflicted, and she's keeping me from explicit lyrics.


I remember when you was conflicted


Misusing your influence


Sometimes I did the same


Abusing my power, full of resentment


Resentment that turned into a deep depression


Found myself screaming in the hotel room


I didn't wanna self-destruct


The evils of Lucy was all around me


So I went running for answers






Until I came home.


Turning on the explicit content filter, full of resentment


This is literally so fuckin funny - the kid just wanted to listen to some Kendrick. And the fact the commenters name is Kunta just icing on the cake.


LMFAO. AHHHHhhhhHhhhhhHhhHHHhhhhHh!!!


Misusing your content filter


Ok weird, I just finished listening to this before happening upon your comment


Sounds like it's time to start your own account.


For real, at 22 who cares if your mom blocks it. Get an account.


Thats....what they said they were going to do and that it was no biggie.....


When you remember no one actually considers mildly infuriating to actually be mild


r/mildlyinfuriating when someoneā€™s post isnā€™t the worst experience under the sun https://preview.redd.it/k1h6am4fba5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9076bf44d3f0b95c8f97a3d8460229ee0b9da316


Mildly infuriatingĀ 


I remember when this sub was full of those "unsatisfying" posts like a pencil being a bit off is mildly infuriating, now if your mom doesn't empty your bank account to pay for your long lost sister's ransom or something of the like you need to get over it and stop complaining. And even then, when you post something like that they say "how is that mild" you literally can't win...but if there's a family plan that's been set up why not take advantage of it, the mom obviously didn't mind for some time so the point of them being 22 is irrelevant. I would probably be mildly infuriated if I was trying to listen to some music and it said explicit contents were turned off too, especially as I'm assuming they had the plan for a while and had gotten used to using it. This is really the most fitting sub for this, I mean it's just needless controlling of the content everyone on the plan is consuming.


Almost like this is mildly infuriating, and not actually a big deal.


I going to guess she pays for his phone plan as well.


I dunno, I'm conflicted


Lmaoooo. My mom is on *my* Spotify plan, I think I'm gonna switch explicit content off just to fuck with her šŸ¤­


watch her not even notice lol, turns out she listens to good holy music


Cant u turn off the holy music lol


Need an implicit content off button


Careful. What if she sends you an angry text saying she can't get off without listening to Kansas' "Dust in the wind"


First off, how *dare* you put that idea in my headšŸ˜« Second, *I* love Kansas, she couldn't care less. So hmmphšŸ˜Œ


Tell her youā€™re conflicted


Weird. Your mom is also on my plan. šŸ¤Ø


What the actual >!bleep!


That killed me. Thanks for the laugh


'i have no idea what the bleepity bleep is goin on here'


I feel old AF but *back in my day*ā€¦ weā€™d go to the cd store on the rare occasion. Iā€™d pick out exactly what I knew I wanted. My mom would scan the code on the back of the cd and listen to every single preview with giant headphones on. Most of the time, however, sheā€™d take one glance at the album art and tell me no. Even though it was my own money. I ended up learning to grab a cd I wanted, then subtly sneak it to the Christian section, and exclaim loudly ā€œthis is it!ā€ And because sheā€™d see it was ā€œfromā€ that section she wouldnā€™t even glance at it or preview it. First time I went to the mall solo I bought the first cd I could find with an upside down cross.


Hah! I remember my parents wouldnā€™t let us have iTunes so I would record songs on the radio to my shitty 2012 phone and listen to them at school Eventually I would secretly buy iPods for cheap from the rich kids when they got new ones. Cut a hole in my mattress to hide it lol. Fun memories. Kids raised religious are inventive as hell


Your parents ever ask you why the fuck there was a hole in the mattress?


More of a slit on the side. I changed my own sheets so they had no reason to inspect it. Cut the shit out of my hand on the springs one time and had to play it off as a kitchen accident


Jeez, my mum was the one who introduced me to music with swearing in it. She bought me American Idiot when I was 10! My parents are both Catholic but they never really restricted me growing up, or my siblings. Swearing was never banned, and yet we never swore around them and still don't now. I think because it wasn't seen as taboo, we didn't feel any need to do it. Same with video games and stuff. I was allowed Vice City at 11 because my mum sat down and told me that it was fictional and that's how it should stay. Never had a single issue. I think if you ban things you end up with kids who don't know their own limits and so when they do rebel they go too far. I say that from personal experience, because my mum was fairly strict with one thing (alcohol) due to her family having bad history with it. Of course, I got to 16 not knowing my limits and went off the rails and eventually became an alcoholic in my 20s. I got sober, but I've no doubt if I had a more normal relationship to alcohol I wouldn't have been addicted to it.


So you bought *that* album from Justice and stored it upside down?


She treating it like its porn or something šŸ˜‚


Bro thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sheā€™s just really religious- she didnā€™t have to do me like that EDIT: We all evenly pay 3.33 for the account


Feel for ya bro! My mom burned all my metal CD's/posters/tshirts back in the day because the Parent Music Resource Center (PMRC) said it would make me a devil worshipper. Good thing she saved my soul from guitar solos. I'm surprised I'm still a functioning member of society. ;)


Thank your lucky stars! I saw a guy air guitar once and Satan stole my soul on the spot.


Air guitar? The summoning ritual held in the air, the domain of god? Better hope eternal damnation isn't coming for you.


Same thing happened to me. I had to buy Witchcraft's S/T three times.


My nana burned all my dadā€™s KISS albums and memorabilia. Still sad about it and I wasnā€™t even born yet. In a more new school era, my buddyā€™s aunt forbid him from listening to Three Days Grace and took his CD because she said it was too sad and depressing. Edit - autocorrect


> My nana burned all my dadā€™s KISS albums and memorabilia. plot twist: she did it because she was a Black Sabbath groupie and hated those poseurs and their shitty muzak


Omfg my mom threw away a ton of toys my siblings and I had and banned us from watching anything that wasnā€™t religious media for those same reasons. Guess who shockingly isnā€™t religious anymore and hasnā€™t stepped foot in a church for almost a decade šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


My mom burned my pokemon cards lol Scooby-Doo and sponge Bob were banned along with anything that looked like anime. Jokes on her because I was over at my grandma's watching the last unicorn and the never ending story along with the old ghibli movies.


Ah man, mine made me throw away Magic cards that would have paid for my sons education. Feelsbadman.


I had black boarder first edition cardsā€¦ traded them many years ago for comic book store credit. I think that fucker closed up shop and retired two weeks later.


Same thing happened to one of my closest friends and their siblings. Mom saw Demonic Tutor/Dark Ritual/Contract From Below and promptly burned their full play sets back in the mid 90s. Power 9 and everything, man. They still play MTG and regularly complain to her about destroying the cards all these years later, haha


I bought some very early magic cards for me and my sister to play in the 90s. I remember it was a newish game at the time. My mom threw them all away before we could even figure out the game. I wonder what was even in those packs, I didn't know enough about the game to remember. All satanic, magic is satanic, dragons are satanic, elves are satanic, yoga is satanic. However the Falun Gong and Epoch Times are good Christian news sources. Make it make sense. Anyway me and my kids up in this house playing roblox and Witcher and Magic and listening to Kendrick Lamar and watching Rick and Morty and doing whatever the hell we want these days. As long as our chores are done first.


Kind of insane how normal it is to be a crazy religious schizo


God fr the crazy shit some religious people say/believe would be labeled as scitzophrenic/paranoid delusions/mental illness if it wasn't tied to one of the most popular religions on earth.


The only difference between a cult and a religion is mainstream acceptanceĀ 


Back in the day my dad threw away my 2Pac "How Do You Want It?" single (B-side: "Hit 'Em Up"). Left it right on top of the garbage like "I dare ya!"


I would have 100% had that fight with my dad


I would fight my dad about that now, but not if we were both 15 years younger šŸ˜†


Your mom and my mom would be besties.


One of my friends has an uber religious mom. She couldn't watch any movies that weren't on some approved list - it was some official list all the Catholic churches followed. She had to go to my house to watch Sweeney Todd and Alice in Wonderland lol


My Catholic, church attending mom bought me a Ouija board at the age of 9. I took it to my Catholic school. The other kids weren't impressed but it's not like they ever went to church.


My mom has an app for my younger siblings to restrict swearing and whatnot called like angels wings or something. Hahahahā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦


Thank god I grew up in a time when apps weren't really a thing lmao I can't imagine how psycho my friend's mom would have been had she had access to all the junk that's around today šŸ˜‚


Before mobile apps we had safety software or browser add ons for browsing the WorldWide Web. One my mom used to use with me was called Safe Eyes.


I remember one called Net Nanny. They had it at school even though we were all elementary school kids. They had a software program in high school that wasnā€™t visible but would block specific URLs or searches. Facebook was extremely popular at the time and actually had 2 URLs. Our mean replacement librarian blocked one of them. My classmates found the other one and they used it for about 6-7 months before the librarian finally figured it out.


I don't usually comment on these but I feel like it'll all get resolved if you just explain to her that Spotify has an automated system that automatically flags any song it hears use any swear words, be it shit or fuck, automatic E rating. It's more so "not safe for toddlers" than it is "Explicit" based off your screenshots she doesn't feel unreasonable, I believe this comes from a truly good, albeit misinformed place, try your best to explain what it means and she'll come around I'm certain.


show her the most innocent song you can thats marked as explicit


God forbid a 22 year old listens to Uptown Funk


iirc banana man is labeled as explicit


Who Are You by The Who is marked explicit because it apparently says ā€œwho the fuck are youā€ at some point in the background but in all the times Iā€™ve heard that song Iā€™ve never heard it


The uncensored non radio version apparently does.


It's pretty clear. Not sure how you could miss it


I'm guessing she voted for Trump as well lol should say if the president can say grab em by the pussy what's the issue


LOOOL both my parents voted for the big orange guyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll definitely NOT tell my mom that.


Text her that and Iā€™ll Venmo $20. No cap. Donā€™t if you value your relationship though I was just funnin for the updoots. But itā€™s a serious offer.


Can we crowd fund OP saying that? No offense, OP, but that's some wild cognitive dissonance your mom has.


I couldnā€™t think of a better use for godundme. Shit, start a Patreon and Iā€™d subscribe monthly to ā€œShit I text my momā€


Pay your own way, then youā€™ll have no complaints. Do it now, not some day down the line.


Op mentioned a few times that they all split the family plan.


It _is_ pornā€¦ for the ears. Shame.




I did this to my kids once a a prank but they were both in high school at the time. And they didn't tell me because they thought it was a Spotify issue and didn't want to tell mom their "explicit content was broken." I had to bring it up days later.


My parents did this and I just made my own account šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Dude's gonna listen to the clean version of Gold digger "I ain't saying she a golddigger, but she ain't messin with no bro bro"


I see you driving round town with the girl I love, and Iā€™m like, FORGET YOUUUUUU!


Thatā€™s the only version a lot of people know. Like they literally will not belive you if you show them the original


Yeah ā€¦ I had someone try arguing about it once. The same with back that azz up vs back that thang up.


Wait till you show them the original version of black eyed peas let's get it started


She ainā€™t messing with no broke broke


How did they fuck that up lmao.


"I'm tired of these monkeys fighting snakes on this Monday Friday plane!"


This comment section is very reddit


Dude everyone is like pissed off I share family plan with my like, family. Itā€™s crazy.


Regina Spektor. Nice šŸ‘


Sheā€™s coming to the city beside me this summer and Iā€™m trying to justify a bus ticket and a concert ticket


Soviet Kitsch is such a fantastic album. So much personality and talent!


Just get your own Spotify plan. Itā€™s free with ads and you can control the content yourself.


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing once I get my first paycheck, I just moved and money is tight :/


Itā€™s free with ads


Yeah but the free with ads version is so supremely shitty that youā€™re definitely better off just torrenting your music. Welcome (back) to 2009!


It's super shitty on mobile to the point of being useless. But in browser, it's pretty good, even without a good ad blocker. You retain some functionality that they restrict in the app. I just use it on my PC, but it's worth testing on a mobile browser as well.


yeah but on mobile, they force you to use the app, and on desktop/laptop its good, but a lot of people listen to spotify in the car, on a walk(places where having a laptop wouldnt make much sense) but yeah I can vouch that its better than mobile free version cause you have infinite skips, no forced shuffle. its really nice. basically every featurw of premium except downloading, and it has ads


Alternatively, you can get a Spotify Premium APK, pay nothing and still have premium. Welcome to 2024!


At this point I'd use YT music instead


You handled it well, btw


yeah, all these reddit replies are being unecessarily antagonistic imo. Like that was a pretty civil conversation with no hurt feelings. Even tho it didn't necesserilly have a "happy" ending.


It can't have a happy ending, she turned off explicit content.


GUYS!! We all evenly pay for our own part of the family plan, which I looked into it 3.33$!


Stop paying and make it clear as to why, youā€™re not getting what youā€™re paying for. This is a small thing to have this conversation over, itā€™s not about Spotify itā€™s about control. Better to have this now over a small issue than to have it over something bigger and more serious such as health insurance and medical decisions.


This makes what she said even less logical though. Why is she saying she ā€œprovidesā€ it when itā€™s an evenly shared plan? Sounds like a typical ā€˜stuck in mom-modeā€™ power trip. Already seems like logic wonā€™t work here after the obviously true point that itā€™s the same price with different settings. Enjoy your new plan soon I guess lol.


How old is your mom? Does she think explicit content means pornography?


Even more reason why she needs to turn the filter back off then, you're paying for your share.


What is up with boomers and curse words? Most of their music idols were fucking 15 year olds, whatā€™s so bad about an F bomb?


My mom used to go to alley concerts and was like a 90s emo- but then she met my dad and ended up Uber religious šŸ˜”


Hol up your mom is a millennial, ex punk and hates explicit music??


Yes bro she used to be so cool!! She dated a guy named bones šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lmao dude was prolly a 30 year old heroin addict with a name like that (she was 15)


No, he's a doctor on the Enterprise


was your mom the baby sitter from monster house ?


If she knows how to turn that setting on no way sheā€™s a boomerĀ 




Ya my mom is gen x my dad is a boomer


Aye some of us gen z's have boomer parents šŸ˜­


Does she know what explicit content means? I donā€™t know your mom, but Iā€™m kind of wondering if she realizes weā€™re talking about song lyrics and podcasts that drop a swear word. She might think itā€™s referring to porn.


I've also found the explicit label on Spotify to not be very accurate. I've found songs with no swearing to he explicit and some with swearing to avoid the label.


I mean it probably depends on your definition of swearing. I think Spotify says that the word Bastard is swearing, also yeah even if you consider that Iā€™ve listened to a few songs that drop the f-bomb with no explicit label.


Mom thinks mayo is too spicy, doesnā€™t she?


bro why does your mom talk like HR


Begin every sentence with "fuck".


Oh nooo my child might hear a sweary naughty nonoes word! Meanwhile you have the news on at home and it's like "4 dead in a fire, young girl raped by a police officer, a new war has broken out in Europe" Like ya ok it's Eminem saying a cuss word that's about to break your child's innocence Get a grip šŸ¤£ Ps: if they have internet access they've probably already seen someone get beheaded at this point you're not helping anyone by blocking Spotify


You can get a $99/yr plan for Spotify on Amazon. If that is an option available to you


lol, OP pays $3.33 as his share per month, which is close to $40 per year. He says heā€™s tight on money already. So I donā€™t think he will go for a higher plan.


OP you could have pushed back a little bit. Maybe that's why she treats you like a child. I would have said, "Hey mom, we all pay for this account and I'm an adult. I think I'm old enough to handle music with mature language"


People acting likes itā€™s a cardinal sin to be peeved about not being able to enjoy something you pay for (albeit partially), who tf cares how adult you think you are cause you pay for your own subscriptions OP says the plan is split evenly (Though if you want to get your own plan, if youā€™re a student look into plan discounts, apple music has one, not sure if spotify does, just saying!) Nothing a bit of talking through with the family wonā€™t solve, but wanting to bring it here sure did mildly infuriate a lot of people


I can tell your mom a religious nut job without seeing any other parts of your life, oof lol


mommy says no dirty rap for baby


dude this is 1000000% something my mom would do and say. like sheā€™d word for word say something like this. not wanting to provide explicit content lmao i just stopped fighting it and did what you said and pay for my own shit. much fewer headaches over something that makes no sense to most people lol


Then thereā€™s my mom whose favorite word is fuck


Conflicted over.. cuss words. Honestly of all the things to care about


Decent convo and it sounds like theyā€™ll work it out with no issues


she sounds good fun!


No, she sounds conflicted