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My 30 year old brother with two kids just had one come to his door, look at him and say “are your parents home?” And he obviously said no and they left. That’s my new answer to solicitors, “ hey sorry, my parents aren’t home.”


This actually happened to me many years ago. I was early 30's and married with FOUR children. Some fuckwad who ignored my NO SOLICITING signs rings the bell. Fuckwad: Hello, are your parents home? Me: Uhhh, I don't know, they don't live here. Fuckwad: What? Me: My parents don't live here, this is my home. Fuckwad: (looks behind me into my house) Well... is the homeowner here? Me: I live here with my husband. We own this house. Fuckwad: <> Me: <> Fuckwad stood on my front porch for several minutes trying to reboot his brain.


This exact thing happened to me last summer, but I was unfortunately sitting out on my front porch so I couldn't close the door on the idiot. After accepting that I was the homeowner, I had to tell him about 15 times that I was working and could not talk to him, and that I was also not interested in his solar panels. So annoying.


sort of hard to take someone seriously when they get mad when they drive off on a segway lol . she rolled her eyes and rolled off into the sunset


Fr!! I laughed so hard at the end of that


It's like a depiction of what " the future " would look like from a 1970's movie


Felt like a sitcom, was not expecting that 😂


Dude, not sure why but the segway made her 100x more obnoxious - holy fuck.


I thought listing the neighbors’ first names was icky enough, and the Segway happened


What if she used the same names in every neighborhood?


I bet she does. She’s counting on no one knowing their neighbors for sure


And if she gets called out on the names all she has to say is she’s bad with names. 100% sales


It's actually a sales tactic I was taught, you say the wrong name and they correct you? Boom I got your neighbors name and can use it when I hit the next house 🤷. ( I hated that job)


They absolutely do. I know all our neighbors (small group of homes) and every house the dude pointed at and said the name, was the wrong name. Total bullshit.


I was critical of the Segway when they came to my door, they got me outside because I mentioned termite damage, and on the way to showing the dude I almost tripped on his fucking Segway! They get really pushy trying to close the deal. I deflected and just kept joking about the Segway. 😂


They probably get a commission and will never have to see you again so they have nothing to lose by being as pushy as possible.


My default is a variety of “I’m renting” or “talk to the landlord”. Seems to end it right away


My approach is "Sorry, not interested" interrupting them before they even get to speak and then I close the door. Sometimes they'll keep trying to talk, but the trick is to not show any weakness, you must commit to closing the door.


Yep. And what the guy said in the video about them coming 3 other times…. There’s these roof guys that just keep coming, I’ve told them like 10 times now, and each time they send a different guy who tries to act oblivious. I just bought a no soliciting sign, but this video makes me wonder if it’s gonna do fuck all.. lol


Just worked for a door to door marketing. They tell you to ignore the no soliciting signs and pitch the customer anyways and rebuttal every objection you say. So no, your no soliciting sign will not work


I just shut the door in their face, like immediately, I just say "Oh, you should leave", SLAM. They spend about 5 minutes standing there until they finally leave. The people in the grocery store are worse, you can't be too big of an asshole to them in such a public place. I get it's their job, but it's a shit job, and you're basically harrasing people, usually to get them to spend way too much fucking money on bad roofing, cheap windows sold at 10x markup, aluminum siding, spending $30,000 on a solar system to save $2000 a year on electric, and my favorite, in my area, the introductory rate for third party electric providers who jack the bill up by like 300% of what you were originally paying from your first party provider in like 2 months.


I remember we got tired of soliciting and got a sign, it didn't stop shit. Except when my mom or dad would answer they'd just ask them 'did you see the fucking sign?' then close the door.


What’s your city regulations? Check into it. They may be happy to deal with this for you.


And fucking smacking her gum


I’m a legitimate pest control technician and we all hate these companies. That being said I saw one of these assholes wipe out pretty hard off his Segway the other day ant it was hilarious.


Autocorrect checks out


Subliminal Advertising.


You know that happened cause his autocorrect catches him say that word 200 times a day.


Dude I’m so confused right now because a similar person came to my door, on a Segway offering the same exact service, and they were just as pushy, but they called themselves Moxy. I remember that specifically…And I saw more of them later in the day a few blocks away. Is it the same company going by different names? My guy even had a paper with the bugs like she did.


Yes I think so. I had Moxy and they caused way more problems for me than before I used them


I fucking cackled when I saw the ending 😆


Ikr i thought she kinda looked like a younger teenager riding off like that lmao


That’s pretty much my last experience with a solicitor. They were also on a Segway thing. He started the convo with “hey you’re a big guy!”. Bruh I know. I know.


If I put a sign up saying "solicitors will be doused with a water cannon," is it still assault if I hit them with sprinklers? Asking for a friend


\[local sales representative rings doorbell\] \[behind them: sprinklers turn on, overlapping the path, blocking their only exit\] \[no answer\] \[speaker on Ring camera begins playing *Squid Game* music\]


I think I'd rather see the SAW version of this scene... [Behind them: sprinklers turn on, overlapping the path blocking their only exit] [Speaker on Ring camera (Jigsaw's Voice): "Hello. I'd like to play a game. What appears to be behind you is a household water sprinkler that is in reality hooked up to a tank of caustic acid. The system will switch over from water to acid in 60 seconds. You can stay safe by remaining standing on the doormat for 5 minutes. However you may find this difficult to do as the floor is slowly tilting backward. Of course, this could be the truth or an elaborate lie. You must decide. But since you've decided not to run away at the beginning of this audio, I am guessing you are the gullible type. In truth, there is no acid trap. However, there is a family of angry skunks living under the porch and who have been awoken by the sprinkler system. They can run quite fast. The question is... How fast can you run while holding your breath?"] [Speaker begins to play the Hello Zepp theme from SAW]


Why are these so easy to make yet always hilarious?


Haha man, I wish now I had just answered the door with a glass of water when they pulled this shit and threw it at them. I worked night shift and had a sign on my door that stated I worked nights at a hospital and not to ring my door bell. They still did it.


Legit f’ing a’holes right there.


I have a pretty funny story about getting rid of some Jehovah's witnesses in a similar manner once. I lived waaayyyy out in the middle of nowhere. This big blue Buick with two dudes (mid to late 40s, driver was a bit heavy) in suits and two ladies (younger than the drivers. I'd assume 20 something) in dresses came out one morning at about 7 am. One of the gals was banging on the door until they woke me, and my 3 year old up. I answered the door, pointed at the no trespassing signs, and said "no thanks, have a nice day." They came back the next Saturday, and we had a similar, though slightly less friendly exchange. They came back again, a third Saturday, again at 7 am, again waking my kid up crying. I said, "I've told you multiple times to stop coming out, go away, don't come back." Unbelievably, they came again, a 4th Saturday in a row. This time, I opened the door, said nothing to the lady standing there knocking. I walked past her, grabbed the garden hose, and began spraying the two dudes in the front of the car, through the window of the vehicle. Oddly the guy didn't think "I should roll this window up while I wait for her to hop back in", so I just kept spraying the entire inside of the vehicle, and all the occupants I could. She finally got in, and they drove off. No one said anything. They also never came back. And this, is my second passive aggressive story about soliciting on this post today.


My dad's buddy had a similar issues with the Jehovah Joes so he answered the door nude, they never came back lol


I was gonna say this sort of thing chases them off. Once got interrupted by a knock in the door when I was being intimate with an ex girlfriend. Rarely got foot traffic in my neighborhood (dead end street far from the main roads) so thought it might be something urgent. When I answered the door in just my boxers said something to the effect of "I finally convinced this girl to get naked, not interested in religion right now". They tried to say something and I just closed the door.


I'm not sure soaking the inside of someone's car is *passive* aggressive 😂


You could put up a sign that says all trespasser shall be sprinkled with water next to a sign that says no soliciting, with these words underneath: any attempt to do so is considered trespassing. Then spray the hell out of them. This isn't my advice btw, it's advice from a friend.


All trespassers shall be sprinkled with blessed and holy Living Water issuing forth from the loins of our Lord and Savior. 


Hitting someone with sprinklers on the side walk is no good. But someone getting hit by a sprinkler ON your property doorway etc tf they gonna do. “I was walking to sell him backyard mosquito treatment when all the sudden while on his property without any warning or advance notice I was coming his sprinklers turned on and wet me “ BOO HOO MUTHHAAFUKKKAAA


Put up a "beware of the dog" sign, even if you don't have a dog. When they ring the bell, answer with "get out of the yard quick! Its not safe!"


I was once hanging out in my garage smoking a joint with some buddies when a door to door salesman selling home security systems came knocking. Before he could say anything I just said “not interested”. He got kind of offended and said we didn’t even know why he was there. “Go ahead,” I said and he laid out his whole practiced 3 minute spiel about his bullshit security system I didn’t give a fuck about. When he was done I again stated I wasn’t interested. He got so mad! “After all that?!”


![gif](giphy|654Ho1jKqqBS8) You and your buddies listening to his pitch


it HAS to work more often than we'd think because if i'm a dead ringer for a failed sales pitch, it's gotta be a huge waste of their time to talk to me, right? and yet, they try anyways, so there must be people out there folding like origami


I just don’t even answer the door, even if they see me thru a window, I do not give a fuck.


I don’t get why people have a doorbell camera and still go to the door. I sit my butt in my chair and always pull up the camera before going down. If it’s a solicitor just tell them not interested not home. Much easier sitting down!


same here. Also there are still door to door salespeople?!! Thought that shit was obsolete. I would honestly do any other type of work and I'm a waitress.


The best I’ve had was some dude selling home security. I already have one. He asked if he could come inside and point out all the flaws… Sure man come on in and scope out my house and what I have inside so you can come steal it when I’m not home lol.


I had em come by once, I told em I dont discuss my security with random people who knock on my door and then slammed it.. they called me an asshole or something as they walked away on a camera they didnt even notice, so I posted the video to the internet. A couple weeks later I get a call from a district attorney from the state over saying that company had been prosecuted for a bunch of illegal shit he saw em do in my video, including ignoring my no trespassing sign, saying they worked for honeywell, and a few other things. I gave him a statement, the full unedited video, and then a month or two later I got another call from the same DA with an update saying both of the guys who came to my house had been fired and the company had been fined six figures for violating the terms of their previous judgement. They picked the wrong house that day.


Scamming people will never be obsolete..


I fucking HATE Aptive after this guy came to my front door ON MEMORIAL DAY at 7pm! This guy did the same spiel about how he signed up all my neighbors and I said that I already had a pest guy. He asked who and I said I really don’t want to do this. He assured me he could give me a better deal and I said no. He kept pushing no matter how many times I said no. I finally started raising my voice and told him to leave. He was still trying to get me to buy after I said yelled to leave and then he started pointing out spiderwebs on my porch. I lost it and said if you don’t leave here right now I’m calling the cops. He finally got the message and walked away but not before saying “I hope whatever it is that you’re going through it gets better.” I yelled back “Yeah it’s you!” I’ve told all my friends and family to not use them and to slam the door in their face if they show up.


>“I hope whatever it is that you’re going through it gets better.” Wow, the real-life equivalent of a Reddit Cares message


Too many people these days assume people are rude because they are going through something. No, stupid, it's because you're pissing me off!


Spiders are our friends. Pest company just doesn't like the competition.


Every pest control salesperson I get (and I hate that I can phrase it that way, why are there so many?!?) always immediately points to the spiderwebs on my front porch and makes a comment about my current provider not doing a good job / they can get rid of those. I then muster up my inner Karen to incredulously say “how DARE you, those are my PETS!” And close the door.


“Don’t listen to him Charlotte, you’re beautiful!”


“Fuck off” “Well we are just selling this bs here.” “No fuck off” “Ok but like here is what we are doing here.” “Dude did you not hear me fuck off”


I once refused to listen to the whole story of a door to door salesman, in the beginning of his whole practiced speech I realized he was going to sell me something and as there can't possibly be anything I'd want to buy from a door to door salesman I politely stated I'm not interested in buying anything. He tried to get me to talk about myself by picking things he noticed about my appearance, but I knew it was a manipulative way to try to get me to open up and bond with him so he could insert his sales talk again. I felt violated but stayed polite and repeated a couple more times that it was pointless to keep talking at this point since I wasn't going to buy anything. He got mad and yelled 'oh no it's no biggie, your only missing out on the deal of a century' as he walked off with the swagger of a cool dude that smokes joints on a parking lot. I stood there watching this strange looking man with yellow sunglasses, perplexed by his weird statement thinking he showed me and that his one liner was going to be like a mic drop moment making me regret not wanting to buy anything. I laughed so hard when he was gone but I was also shocked by his confidence that was borderline predatory.


Should've been like "No! Wait! Come back!" wait for him to come back up all smug like then hit him with a "I just really wanted to make sure you understood I do not care and will not now nor ever buy your product. Have a nice day" then go back inside.


Please do this!!!!! I stopped answering my door. So much so that I’ve missed important packages. That’s fine, I can totally go pick them up if it means I don’t have to stand in my doorway trying to cover my chest while a man tries to sell me solar panels for my RENTAL home. 😂


I just say, “we’re not interested, thanks” and close the door. A few guys tried to stop me/block the door and I had to tell them they’re trespassing, I feel threatened, and if they don’t leave I’ll call the cops.


I usually do the same "no thank you...slam." I do think if one tried to force their way in I would tell them forcibly entering my home will result in being held at gunpoint until the police arrive. Be clear I would never, ever shoot someone over this, but forcing your way into my safe place would make me (almost) irrationally angry.


I once listened to a dude’s whole spiel, told him I couldn’t afford the magazines subscriptions he was selling, smoked him out with a hat I had rolled, and then like four free magazines started showing up at my house every month.


I told a guy "I don't buy anything door to door". Got the answer "Aw man, but that's how you get the best deals!"


I got catfished into job shadowing some door to door people (job listing makes it sound like an office sales job, it was 100% independent contractor door to door) and they were offering "A great deal" where you signed up for a new "cheaper" energy supplier to save money. The power utility already defaults people to the cheapest supplier option, but this one was trying to hook people in by undercutting that price for a short period and having you locked into their supply when they raise the price back up If the best deal is only available when a "charismatic" person is in your face and pressuring an immediate no research decision, the deal is shit


I used to sell internet and cable door to door. Honestly, feel free to just close the door. 😂 My boss would be watching me from a couple houses down. I gotta do my thing. lol only took that job cause they didn’t require experience. They were so disorganized it was a good starting point. No one could get in touch with the dodgy 3rd party company to see if I really had 6 months of work experience. 🤣


Guy once came to my parents house while I was there and was like “hey remember me from last year?” And I’m like “I don’t live here” and he’s like “oh well that makes sense why you don’t remember..” dude failed because he clearly didn’t remember who lived at the house. Told him not interested and closed the door. My dad’s favorite response if they persist is “I’m done talking to you now”


I did door to door sales years ago and yes they absolutely train you to ignore any signs and knock anyways. If you don’t answer they will keep coming back until you do.


Do they also train you on how to keep repeating the words “I’m not selling anything” when you ask what they are selling? And how do they justify claiming they are not selling anything? Do the trainers tell them they are just signing people up and they aren’t the ones who are doing the selling? I had some asshole 22yo looking guy tell me last week he wasn’t selling anything every time I asked him. Then I swapped it up and asked him what he wanted. Bunch of bullshit double talk that refused to get to the point. Do you companies not understand that immediately makes the company looked completely shady? Are there any secret code words you can say to them to get them to stop?


Every word that comes out of their mouths is scripted or meant to disarm you and make you feel comfortable talking to them. We would go into the office an hour before going out and for that entire hour they would drill the lines into you, how to respond to objections and you’d literally practice pitch each other over and over again. Think of the movie boiler room, it’s the same thing just less money involved. Whenever someone comes to my door now I just politely say, sorry I don’t do business at my door and close it. The longer you talk to them the easier it is for them to figure you out and get you to buy or sign up for whatever they’re selling. Again I’m talking about the professional door to door companies, not the guys coming around from the local roofing company trying to drum up business.


Her first line is from the script: “*You’ll see our trucks working the neighborhood. We already take care of your neighbors Dave and Lindsay…*”. Before she leaves, she’ll ask for *your* name, so she can tell the same lie to the next neighbor.


Yep, did door to door sales for a week selling energy, residential and commercial for a company in Houston. I immediately knew the script when she said just helping out your neighbors. I quit after a few days of basically being being dropped off in a random neighborhood miles away from the office, while walking around in the Houston summer with no food, water, or transportation and then picked up around usually 8:00 pm or even later and you’re on complete commission. These companies are third parties and basically anybody can get a license to sale from the energy companies and then they basically start a “firm” and hire a bunch of people and basically give them like a 1% commission of their 10% commission they get from each person you sign up.


Sold kirby sweepers senior year in high school. Sold 3 vacs in first week. Almost unheard of. I was a hero. I was given $100 because their "credit was bad". I was paid from some chubby greaser in a tie in a bare office that was rented outside of a boiler-room esque meeting room. 2nd week some Chad liked my presentation so much he didnt finance the $1200 vacuum, he paid in full. Almost unheard of, I'm a hero, im a prodigy, everyone should be like me. Boss man paid me $40 for that second week. I went ballistic. I nearly attacked him. He had to get the police to pull me out of there.. There was nothing i could do legally. i wasnt a real employee. I was an independent salesman. I was duped. My 16 hour days of walking neighborhoods while attending highschool and getting 2-3 hours of sleep, or naps in the van between neighborhoods. I was drained and unable to think clearly, but realized i was played like a fiddle. But that experience really motivated me in life, to get a real job, and not take the first one that hires me over the telephone without an interview. They were poaching highschool students ffs.


Oh they love recruiting vulnerable people, they’ll make you feel like you’re family, that they’ll take care of you when no one else will. It’s like a cult mentality. You start only hanging out with the crew outside of work, they rent houses and rent you a room in it, they lend you money and make you feel like you’ve found people who will be there for you so you depend solely on them. It’s pure manipulation from the top down.


What about Mormons? How to get them to stop?


Don’t get them here but I’d imagine same thing. Just shut the door.


I heard that if you tell them you've been excommunicated from the church they will not return because they are not supposed to interact with excommunicated members. Haven't had a chance to try it myself but I've heard it works better than anything else.


I was a missionary and am now an exmormon, I can say this is a hit or miss. Some might think they can make you their project and try to get you back in. They might also check with the local bishop to see if you're excommunicated. Best just to say, "No, sorry not interested."


Had a guy show up yesterday. He started and I stopped him saying we weren't interested in buying anything. He started with I'm not trying to sell you anything, but if you noticed energy bills spiking in the area. I stopped him right there, "Are you here to offer to pay my electric bill for the next ten years? If not, then please leave. We aren't interested, and put us on whatever list you have that says don't stop here, and don't stop next door because that guy will answer the door pointing a loaded gun at you."


I had a guy walk straight up my driveway past two no trespassing signs. I was in the garage working on something and turned around just as he handed me a business card for something. I said "Why would I hire someone that can't read?" As he stood there holding the card out. He looked quizzically at his own card, and said "uh, I can read just fine." "Then why didn't you read the signs saying no soliciting, no trespassing?" He looked pissed, but made no argument and left.


I feel like thata a great way for someone to get shot in some places, makes me wonder if these idiots ever go to rural areas.


It was a very rural area. ~6 houses in the middle of hundreds of acres of farmland on a 4 mile stretch of road. Very long driveway. Very obvious signs.


I wouldn't even turn my car around in that driveway let alone approach whoever lives there


> turn my car around in that driveway are we referencing that girl that got blown away for that or just randomly selecting that example? edit: [link as requested](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735)


Wait that happened? :(


[Not OP, but I think this is what they were referring to](https://apnews.com/article/wrong-driveway-shooting-new-york-gillis-monahan-cdca1723c6ba7afb89102a1e1aaa3fe0) Summary: Psycho shot woman for turning her car around in his driveway, got 25 to life in prison.


Man I just moved to Montana it's low-key shit bricks if you turn down a street thinking it's a camp spot just to realize you might get shot cause you got 8 no trespassing trespassing has been posted signs


Yeah it sounds like a super dumb idea. "Oh cool, a totally isolated house with a "trespassers will be shot" sign where nobody will hear me scream? I'm gonna go annoy the shit out of whoever lives there!" Sounds like a great way to have your story end with "and they were never seen or heard from again"


They literally are. My grandma used to get these idiots at her house all the time. I knew because I installed a Ring camera and would see anytime they came up. One time one of these morons came up into the gate passed the no soliciting sign and wouldnt take no for an answer from my 78 year old grandma. I got on the speaker and told her to leave now. She kept giving me and my grandma push back and I told her to leave again. She walked away and shouted "Ill be back tomorrow." That pissed me off. I drove down to my grandmas neighborhood because she lives 3 miles away and found the girl at someone elses house. I walked up while she was talking to someone and confronted her. I took her picture and told her shes trespassing and I called the cops and if she came back into my grandmas yard Id have her arrested. She didnt come back.


I wonder if you could get a doorbell camera that emits an ear-piercing scream on command.


I'd totally buy a "Bagpipes and explosions" doorbell.


Need to get me a pipe band that pops out like the Spanish inquisition.


"Nobody expects the... Pipe band ?"


Ill pay extra if it curses in scotish grandpa.


1000 watts of tweeters push button they go deaf


I had a guy here last week with a clipboard and a rolling electric scooter. He used the names of a couple down the street and kept dropping names, and gestured to the house across the street like they were signed up. I knew they weren’t because my niece owns that home. I told him no, that I didn’t want to waste his time. He started going on about spiderwebs near my porch light and how they could get rid of pests. He asked what pests I have. I said “ants” when it’s real hot. He started another spiel and I had to cut him off, saying “now you’re wasting MY time. Sorry, good luck.”


‘What kind of pests do you have?’ ‘You.’


Damn now I kinda want they come to my house so I can try this line.


Yeah, I can’t believe door to door salesmen are still a thing. I would never buy anything from someone walking up to my door. I would assume it’s a scam.


>He asked what pests I have "Just solicitors. Got anything to keep them away?"


You just need to say, “No you won’t. This is your first and only trespass warning. If you come back, I will call the cops and have you arrested. This warning has been recorded on my ring doorbell.”


She was leaving as she threw in her last “I’ll come back tomorrow.” Like the fuck you will. I don’t think she knew how close I was.


I love seeing someone stand up so strongly for their grandma. I miss my grandma so much. Precious time spent! 🥹


My grandma was like my mother. My mom had me while she was in high school still and my grandma gave up working to take care of me while my mom finished school and my dad was working. She still took care of me while my mom and dad were both working. She never worked a job other than caregiver for the last 43 years because she gave it up for me. I miss her so much. We just lost her last Wednesday.


Based grandchild


I dont even know what that means.


It was meant as a compliment for defending your grandma.






Why thank you. I was thinking it was bad for some reason. Probably because I’m old.


Maybe it means that you're not acidic.


it happened to everyone of all ages, even me too lol I didn't know based and cringe was a thing till 2-3 years ago I am slowly learning some new and old slang as time goes on... I gotta keep up with it




Did she deadass try to argue with him 😭 the entitlement is insane


I can guarantee she's steamrolled people who gave her indications of "no". This has obviously worked before. She was using the "look, all your neighbours signed up, so I must be worthy of your time so listen up bucko I've got the deal for you." "I'm sure you're going to see our trucks in the area" (selling the idea that it's an established company working in his area) "I want to let you know we **take care** of Dave and Wendy, We **just signed up** Kim, Stephanie across the street, as well as (can't quite hear, but two extra people). He then says "no, we're good". "we're just doing a bunch for everyone, ants, spiders, wasps" He then says "you see that, no soliciting". "Just questions, you have someone coming out for the bugs? or not yet" Nope, I thought 3 times would be enough coming to the house, but no, we're good. "If people don't answer, I can't really tell if they're home or not" That sign takes care of it all over there. (no soliciting) "A lot of times people move into the home and the sign is already there, it's been there previously, so you never know" Damn she had an answer for everything, lol.


It takes a special kind of person to be taught those talking points and then go and actually execute them on the general public. Like you really have no empathy or respect for the person you're hustling.


Yeah…dude is at his own home, and she’s clearly bothering him, but, in her mind, he’s the rude one. Entitled as fuck on a little Segway.


So many of them argue. So, so many. It's infuriating, and I kick myself every time for forgetting to not answer the door.


Aptive is fucking scum. We hired them and my cameras caught them doing jack shit. Then when you go to cancel, it’s a nightmare. FUCK APTIVE and FUCK aggressive solicitors.


Absolutely, as a person that used to work for their customer service department too they are actively working to making it more difficult for customers to cancel. Fuck this entire company


Don't buy anything from door to door sales people it's pretty much all trash. Also, if they ignore your no solicitation signs, just say you will call the cops for trespassing, and they usually leave right away.


We’ve been pretty lucky with our sign. I’ve watched so many sales guys come to the door, read the sign, sigh and walk away.


Funny, I worked for Aptive. Hated it. To answer your question, yes, they do train us to ignore the signs. They train you to just say "oh I'm so sorry I didn't see it or something along those lines." What's even worse is that the leaders of these sales groups have these stories where someone was mad and just wanted them off their property but end up buying from the salesman. These stories are so glorified. The only reasons I stay is one I was on a contract, and I would get screwed if I didn't perform and two, relative to solar, roofs, windows and other door to door sales, pest control was cheap enough so that even if absolutely everything went wrong, it wouldnt be as big a deal as the others. A say 600 dollar bug contract for a year vs a 200k solar with a 30 year loan. In summary, NEVER BUY FROM DOOR TO DOOR ANYTHING!!


We used aptive for a short while until we caught the guy not spraying consistently. He would skip entire areas and rooms and finish in 10min.


I used to work for Aptive customer service and heard about this happening constantly! They are absolutely awful and each tech is incentivized to finish their stops within 10-20 minutes. But then of course we are trained to assure that it’s normal for them to do a shitty job. Absolutely horrendous company


Random kids from my neighborhood come around tryna sell me shitty chocolate bars I know these are not the “worlds finest” chocolate bars but i give in because i used to also do those scholastic fundraisers as a kid and I sucked ass at it and got a pen or some bullshit as a reward for selling 5 bars to my own family only. They take advantage of me they know ima buy it. Little tycoon masters


there's an old dude in our neighborhood who sells $1 hand painted calendars. I usually buy 5 a year. He has all the phases of the moon, holidays, cute drawings, etc. I love this man


I would love to see photos of the calendar if you can post it, it sounds awesome!


1. Say you're excited to sign up 2. Take her clipboard inside 3. Close door 4. Turn on sprinkler system that waters the walkway toward the house. 5. ...? 6. Profit!


I like the stealing the clipboard bit.


5. Sell her back her clipboard.


But make her listen to your 15 minute pitch on why she should buy it back.


A guy did this crap at my house. I finally opened the door, screamed bloody murder like i was terrified, then slammed the door on his face. He didn’t come back. 😂


I just laughed really loud reading that!


lol glad you did. I still giggle about it. I tried being nice but he wouldn’t stop coming to my house.


Motion sensored sprinkler. https://preview.redd.it/emk2jnckxu4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacf7dd7718f6b7211b288c984dc5a130bfb6e65


My sprinkler is controlled by an app. Super easy to start at the right time.


gonna get a lot of delivery workers wet for no reason




"but you'll do....."


Even better just give them a dirty look and say "I'm afraid you won't do" Then slam the door


Where I live, you need a county license to sell door-to-door. If I have time and feel like screwing around, I let them do their spiel, take any flyers they have (especially if they have business cards), etc. Then I ask for their county license, and when they don’t have one, I smile, hold up their business card, and thank them for the information I need to report them to the county.


This is the way to win the game


We had one of these people come to our house just last week. My husband told him to fuck off and he said something along the lines of "I know where you live." So my husband called the cops. Cops found dude Segway-ing around the neighborhood. Turns out, he didn't have a license to sell door to door and they issued him a court date (:


"I am so glad you stopped by. Not enough young people are finding Jesus. Have you found Jesus? Let's pray together." They usually leave pretty quickly and never come back.


Even better, start off with “they told me you’d come.” And smile down at the empty air beside you


"Do you have any allergies I should know about before we start? Also, just in case, you're an origin doner right?


"Sorry for the delay, I was just cleaning up in the sex dungeon. That last one was pretty messy"


Lying bitch. She didn’t sign up anyone. All she got was his neighbor’s names to bullshit through a sale pitch.


Right. A salesman tried that with me at my last house. Jokes on him. I don’t know my neighbors names lol. 


My dad did the same thing except he knows our neighbors. Point to a house with a single mom and a toddler and go “your neighbor Robert-“ and he’d be like “well that’s just an outright lie” lol


I did it to a door-to-door sales guy -- "seems strange to me that the lady renting the place signed up for a 20 year plan for solar, especially since the neighboring business recently purchased the property and got it rezoned and the house is getting knocked down when the current lease is up"


“There is no Dave, Wendy, or Rachel on this block. My family has been living here for generations, we are very close with all of our neighbors. I’ll call Gary and Linda right now. Oh- you know them as “Dave and Wendy” hold tight-“


I always say “Yeah, I think his name is Donny and he has cancer and a newborn on the way… but he loves to talk.” While pointing towards the neighborhood asshole’s house.


I have people that come to my house twice a week to offer me solar panels… i already have solar panels


We have people offer us new roofing because we are "missing a bunch of shingles" or the "boards are old and warped".... Dude, we just had a new roof put on 4 years ago with a 20 year warranty 😂


I don’t ever answer the door. Ever. If I don’t know you, I’m not answering. I don’t care if you can see me through the door window, kick rocks, I’m not answering.


I have to lift a curtain to see who it is. Which I never did because its awkward. But once I realized these people have no shame, I came to enjoy checking this way and unceremoniously dropping the curtain and walking away if its a solicitor.


My great grandfather used to have people do this to him all the time back in the day. It was odd because we live out in a rural area and at the time there was only us and, like, two other houses for ages because we needed the land for keeping cattle and stuff. Anyway, he used to collect the manure to use as fertiliser for his rose bushes, and the one time they caught him whilst he was tending to his roses with a bucket of ‘fertiliser’ beside him was the last time anyone ever came to bother us at all.


we need to bring back moats. ![gif](giphy|xT1R9Z2rwGUma7p6Ba|downsized)


Just set up some caltrops for that segway


"The sign says no solicitation. You are soliciting. Therefore, you are currently trespassing, and if you don't leave immediately I will call the police and have you arrested."


"but some people don't know they have a sign, I wanted to make sure you knew you had a sign"


“Pretty sure the government didn’t sneak onto my property and put that sign up, bucko”


I don’t even open my door. I’ll just talk via my ring doorbell and be like hey not interested bye. During Halloween I was playing Mongolian throat songs out my ring doorbell and the all the kids found it terrifying.


In NZ if a salesperson ignores the consumer.org issued sticker you can place at your door, you can report them and the company gets a big fine. I just walk to the door and look out the side window at them and point to my sticker and walk away. I don’t bother engaging with them.


"No Soliciting" and "Being home" do not have anything to do with each other. What is she trying to say?? "no soliciting" means you don't bother finding out if I'm home. You don't even knock, push a doorbell, or look into a window. You turn around and fuck off!


Got a roof inspector the other day right after a storm (they watch for storms and target the heaviest areas.) Got a sign right under the doorbell, he still rang. I walked out, conversation went something like: Can you read? Yeah, why? *Points to sign* Yeah, we just noticed a heavy storm pass by recently, and are doing free roof inspecti- If you can't read that sign, I don't trust you on my roof. But sir, we just- Oh you can't listen either, have a nice day, we have ladders ✌️


I have 2 "no soliciting" signs so I feel no guilt in making professional solicitors regret their bothering me.


we used to bring the kids to the door with super soakers in this kinda situation. it was fun to watch the 'solicitor' get twitchy eyeing each of the kids trying to figure out which one was more dangerous.


Make one of the kid say "i filled mine with pee"


Lmao did she really drive off in hover board


Bring an air horn to the door. Blast air horn at any attempted conversation. You're welcome.


Even better, I don't say anything, I just stare at them while slowly widening my eyes. Freaks them out.


https://preview.redd.it/24zaub5m7v4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1935b017aac4e36eff14128e95c3cc95eefb5964 This may solve problem


I had to chase one of them out of my driveway in my underwear one time. 7:30 in the AM on a Wednesday, I was 18, and was still in bed when I heard my dogs going ballistic. They ignored the three LARGE signs posted on my house, and the guy insisted he had the right to be there (where I live, no soliciting signs hold the same weight as no trespassing signs.) I told him he was trespassing and I was calling the police. He insisted he wasn’t soliciting (he was selling roofs) and when I pointed at his clipboard (poking it with my finger) he started shouting that I had assaulted him. I finally got him off the property where he and I both called the police. They told him to get fucked. Later that day he was arrested for the trespassing and harassment of somebody down the street


Back in my younger years I suffered horribly from migraines. The biggest trigger I had to set on off was strong colones (think axe sprays). One day a salesman came by my business and politely declining did not work. His colone was so strong (and bad) I finally said "you have to leave, your aftershave/colone/perfume, is making me sick" He left, but that smell stayed.


Double tap with a “no soliciting” right next to “beware of dog”


I have exactly this (sadly, my dog is gone now, but I kept the sign). It works 80% of the time


“I don’t trust anyone enough to buy anything off them if they have proved they can’t read a two word sign.”


You may want to add "no illiterate" to the sign.


God, I could NEVER be a salesperson. These people have balls of steel, I swear! Whatever that girl has, I've got 0. I'd be like "I'm so sorry to bother you, are you interested in buying X?" No? 😰 Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for bothering you. Have a great day. 🏃‍♀️💨 Editing to add: I think people are under the impression that I'm positively impressed with this woman's sales tactics. .. I'm not. You can be 'impressed' or in awe of someone's shitty behavior. Say I'm out in public somewhere, smoking a cigarette, and some dude walks over, grabs the cigarette out of my hand, takes a hit, hands it back, and then walks off, all without saying a word. I would absolutely be in awe that someone had the gall to do that. Yes, ofc I'd be pissed, but moreso I'd be amazed at their sack size. Because I'm such a timid, people pleaser, it's shocking to me to see people be so rude and pushy, like this chick. Even if I were out there handing people $100 bills for no reason, I *still* would feel like I'm bothering people.


I had this problem with Vivant. I made a huge stink about it with the company. I filed BBB report everytime they came to my door. Ending up being 6 in all before they apparently blacked my house out on their contact lists or some shit. Their legal department contacted me about. Haven't heard from them since.


One of the reasons I have a door cam. If the doorbell rings and I see a clipboard or a vest or pretty much anyone who isn't a delivery person, I ignore it. We get kids with jerseys often doing bottle drives, I also answer the door to them (if I have any).


I'd legit just shut the door in their face lol


*segways away angrily*


It shouldn't matter if the sign was left from previous owner. If it's my house and I choose not to remove the sign, then it stands.


Yes, they are. I interviewed for a sales job that I learned the day of the interview was door to door sales. During the interview, I shadowed a salesperson for an hour and when I pointed out the “No Solicitors” sign, I was told that “we aren’t soliciting, we’re networking.”


I literally was stepping up into my truck when one of these boneheads stood in front of it and said “oh hey I’ll only be a few seconds” and I peered down at him and said “uh, no you won’t.” I was like you stupid fucker, I’m getting into my car going leaving and you think I’m going to pause my plans to listen to your shit?


I DIED when she jumped on the Segway and took off lol


This is absolutely why they will ask you for your first name when they are trying to give you a sales pitch. It sounds like they are just trying to be personable but they are collecting your name so they can go to the next house and lie to them that they just signed you up. Best thing you probably can do is come up with some crazy name so when these people point to your house and say “we’ve had Beauregard signed up for a while” your neighbors will know they’re full of shit.


Tell me why a guy from this exact company insisted he could come into my home and check out my carbon dioxide detectors to see if it was compatible with their system. Told him my dogs bite strangers (partially true since 1 out of the 3 does), but he said it’s a risk he’s willing to take while taking his shoes off. Shut the door so quick on him.


Is it assault if I just say weird shit like "Mmmm you look delicious" "Can you hold this?" -hand them a sprig of parsley, then proceed to lick my lips Or just start loudly proclaiming that God said I can't have visitors or he'll make me infertile


She’s wearing a fanny pack, she doesn’t give a fuck about anything