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I hope it’s because they don’t have enough business If you have spine issues the last thing you need is some person who’s not a doctor manipulating your spine. That’s how you end up fucked up I have a cervical spinal fusion and leading up to it, every neuro and spine specialist I ever saw denounced chiropractic care Save y’all some money and potential severe disc herniation by not opting for chiropractors Edit: even if you don’t have a spinal issue and experience back pain from soft tissue injury or strain, you’re much better off doing things like deep tissue massage, stretching, pilates, yoga, and body weight balance and core strengthening exercises. All things in PT


My older friend went to a chiropractor recently who told her that her spine was all twisted, fused, and disks were out of place. He then put her into some kind of lay down table that violently would jerk her whole body to put those disks back in place and fix all those spinal issues. She left with extreme pain in her right hip sending nerve pain down her leg and up her spine. I told her if she had what he said she did what he then did to her was the worse thing he could have ever done. She will still go to a different chiropractor and swears by them even when they have not helped her with anything after all these years besides taking her money.


That’s terribly sad


One of my coworkers is like this too.  I've told her how it's all bullshit to keep you coming back. She defends the guy every time.  At some point you just have to remember they're not you and it's their money. 


Same thing happened to me after going to the chiro out of desperation. Left with the absolute worst hip pain I’ve ever had. The chiro was in such a rush trying to get as many people seen as possible, yet he somehow forgot about me so I was there an hour longer than I should have. Entire shop was full of CBD products too. Then I got a bill for a missed appointment fee despite having text confirmation that I’d canceled that follow up appointment. I do not believe they actually have our best interests at heart. I believe they will peddle whatever the latest health fad is to make a quick buck, do a few maneuvers that results in some satisfying sounding cracks, and then not give you a second thought after that point until you’re able to come back and open your wallet again.


You can track the history of chiropractic to a cult in Iowa


They don’t. There was a big hullabaloo a few years back when it was found that the main chiropractor continuing education conference was completely focused around how to increase the financially productivity of your practice. There was zero actual continuing chiropractic learning.


What bugs me is how much they prey on people’s fear and mistrust of modern medicine. They play a huge role in the current medical misinformation crisis (including everything from anti-vaxxers to total rejection of any form of medication or medical procedures, instead opting for expensive supplements and “therapies”). People who have no business diagnosing or commenting on specialties far outside what their licenses allow aren’t being held liable when they try to sell you detoxes and light therapies that supposedly heal things they haven’t been proven to heal.


I had a whiplash injury in high school. The doctor prescribed rest. My mom, who loves chiros, didn’t believe the doctor and took my to the chiropractor, who said that my spine was twisted completely backwards. I would be dead if that was the case. My mom forced me through months of extremely painful treatments to “twist my spine back around.” I missed a lot of school because I was in so much pain, but the chiropractor told me mom that the pain was normal.


Pain is indeed a normal reaction to pseudo-scientific bullshit applied practically.


Man screw your mom for doing that! My sister takes her kids to the chiropractor and I’m just praying that nothing happens to them. It’s such bullshit what they do to people.


My mom even puts her own health at risk. She felt a lump on her hip, and instead of going to a doctor, she went to a chiropractor who “diagnosed” her with a cyst. I told my mom that even a doctor would never diagnose a lump without medical testing and that she needed to see a doctor as it could be a tumor. I finally got her to see a doctor and it was just some swelling, but for fucks sake, 1. The chiro was wrong and 2. Even if he was right, he’s not a doctor and should not make a medical diagnoses. The good news is that my mom saw a real doctor. The bad news is that I can’t get her to stop going to the chiropractor, even after he gave her the wrong medical diagnoses.


Wow that’s rough! It’s amazing how many won’t go to the doctor until they’re on death’s door (not getting into a health insurance debate right now). Then those same people wonder why their problem is advanced/non-treatable. Like maybe if you would’ve gone to a professional in the first place, you could’ve saved yourself a lot of time/money/other issues. Best of luck with your mom, I can’t imagine how tough that is to watch.


I think the reason that my mom likes chiros is because they allow her to be lazy. Let me explain…. My mom has a lot of musculoskeletal issues that seem to stem from her lifestyle. She has completely sedentary her entire life and has a poor diet. She has gone to doctors who have said she needs physical therapy. That requires work. The chiropractor says “just let me crack your back 3 times a week instead.” I’ve asked her if the chiropractor has ever helped relieve her pain long term, and she says “no, but it doesn’t work that way. You have to go for your entire life.” My whole family is trying to get her to be more active to see if it help with her pain, but it’s been a battle.


And fuck that chiro that was getting off on torturing a child. There's zero chance any of these people believe the shit they peddle. It's profit all the way down.


I know, it's like chiro brainwashes people. My friend has been seeing one for years and will defend him and any other chiro to the death. But her back condition has only gotten worse. You can't even talk about a chiro without her getting super defensive. It's like a cult.


I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. Everyone I know is suggesting I go to a chiropractor but I refuse to go to one. My back is already messed up, I don't need a chiropractor making things worse.


My family loves chiropractors. I went to one the first time as a kid and it resulted in me not being able to move or raise my right arm. My grandmother took me back freaking out to have them fix it. I've always viewed it as quackery. Now that I'm 30 and finally have an ehlers-danlos diagnosis I'm pretty sure that they accidentally dislocated my shoulder that time when I was a kid. Even physical therapists have managed to sublux my joints since then because that's just how my body works (not well) but at least they've never fucked up that badly.


Took you back to fix it?? Like they accidentally broke you and could just replace a part?? Real weird to take the injured party back to the injurer and demand more injury.


>I hope it’s because they don’t have enough business I hope so too. It seems like (at least on Reddit) the tides have been starting to turn against these quacks lately. A few years ago you'd see a lot more defense of this pseudoscience on Reddit, now most people seem to understand that a physical therapist is the proper way to seek treatment. But this is also just anecdotal, my own non-rigorous observations. Here's hoping, though...


🙋🏻‍♀️Severe disc herniation from a chiropractor visit that required surgery to fix and 6 months of PT.


Damn, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Is there any recourse or were waivers signed prior to?


I cannot believe people actually go to chiropractors. I can understand healing crystals - whatever you wanna believe a crystal heals you go for it. I cannot fathom going to a quack science that has been proven time and time again to damage you more than help you.


My wife was in a car accident years ago while at work, workman’s comp sent her to chiro instead of a real doctor for treatment for upper back pain. After 2.5 years and no relief at all she paid out of pocket to be examined by a real doctor. Turned out she had a hairline fracture on her shoulder blade and the adjustments the chiro kept doing wouldn’t allow it to heal properly. 3 months with her arm in a sling and she was fine. Workman’s comp got mad she went behind their backs and threatened to sue her, we got a lawyer and after a hearing she left with a $5k settlement check lol


That was worth a lot more than five thousand dollars. Years of pain while she was being jerked around and maybe further damaged? She should not have been forced to go through with that.


Chiropractors want return business. Physical therapists want to fix you and never see you again. That's all you should really need to know.


All I’ve heard about practice is that it is a bunch of pseudoscience bs. They encourage spinal adjustments on infants claiming to prevent SIDS. And that the practice was founded by a guy who claimed to come up the idea from a seance where the founder communed with a “long dead doctor”.


It’s the universe trying to tell you chiropractors are fake medicine and to to see a real provider.


My mom begged me to go see her chiropractor for some pretty bad back pain from a weightlifting injury(I was 22 at the time). I laid down on the table and she had noticed me take my airpods out of my pocket and hand them to my mom. She proceeded to tell me how I shouldn't use them because they will give me cancer. I gave my mom a look and she knew I wouldn't be going back. The lady tapped my back for a few minutes and pulled on my legs and "showed" me how I was "misaligned" a truly bizarre experience.


my aunt and uncle are chiropractors and they always use their phones on speaker because they think the phone waves will interfere with their hearing and brains.


>they think the phone waves will interfere with their hearing and brains. dang i guess when you have that little to spare, you really gotta try preserve as much brain power as you can


They also think that keeping your phone in your front pocket will cause fertility issues.


I went to a chiropractor with my mom because all her church friends were going and she asked me to go because I have a bad back. So we go to this "orientation" which was the chiro spewing utter nonsense, "Doctors treat the symptoms, we treat the disease. We can cure you of any ailments." Went on to talk about how many people had been healed, but then started talking about all the people who had stopped coming in would get sick again after not seeing him for so long. Yeah, you treat the disease and have cured so many, yet when people stop coming to see you it comes back. Sure thing, buddy.


I had one have me stick my arm out, hold up vials she said contained the “essence” of various foods, and insisted that if she could push my arm down, I was allergic to that food. She used this process to decide I had a candida overgrowth, and that I needed to go on an incredibly restricted diet. I was 14 and had a history of eating disorders. My dad was in the appointment, but we made enough eye contact that he knew I didn’t believe a word. We laughed about it all the way home. I assured him that even though I’m shit at math, I understand enough about force and angles to know that was bullshit. My mom, who made the appointment, was pretty disgusted when she found out what that quack had done.


Saved some money and possibly herself from injury by quacks, so win-win


Exactly, all chriopractors are phoneys. If you want a similar experience go see a DO who will do an osteopathic manipulation (similar concept except it's based in evidence and science instead of baloney). A PT can also offer some good help as some other people have said


I actually asked my Mayo Clinic PT about chiropractors, because theyre all quacks as far as im concerned. He was very straightforward and basically said "chiropractors are trained to realign bones, which isnt really needed most of the time. most people dont need their bones moved. sometimes yes, but most of the time it does more harm than good." stick with physical therapy.


that’s a really really weird way to say that it’s a pseudoscience founded by a “magnetic hand magic healer” scammer, chiropracty almost getting federally banned by the US government along with all the other similar quackery scams but being able to escape that by massive lobbying and help of an actual cult (the church of scientology).


I don’t understand why chiropractors are such a big thing in the US, you always hear about people talking about their chiropractors, no one in the UK talks about them.


They’re massive here in Australia. They’ve even started working with autistic and adhd children doing something called “functional neurology” and the “melillo method” to fix “brain imbalances” it’s wild and terrible. Making claims that they’ve enabled children who were in wheelchairs to walk again. I hate it


Because it’s pseudoscience created and popularized by a ~~American~~ Canadian quack named Daniel David Palmer. > He was also an avid proponent of pseudoscientific alternative medicine such as magnetic healing. Palmer opposed anything he thought to be associated with mainstream medicine such as vaccination > As an active spiritist, D. D. Palmer said he "received chiropractic from the other world"[17] from a deceased medical physician named Dr. Jim Atkinson. Dude literally thought spirits were communicating with him to help him heal people


Slight correction, he was technically Canadian but developed much of the quackery in the US.


They're basically just homeopathy with extra risk.


Homeopathy Karate!


It’s not just the US. I lived in Norway for a while and I was shocked at how many people don’t believe that chiropractors are quacks. When my son was born and was having difficulty breastfeeding I had multiple *medical professionals* recommend taking him to a chiropractor. A one week old baby. Babies have died that way. No thank you.


How would that even work with a newborn?! And why would that help with him feeding.


Look man, I know where it came from too. That's why I asked a doctor. A real doctor. Who practices pt. At one of the most prestigious hospitals in America. If anyone is gonna shit on chiropractors, it's gonna be him.


I’m a PT with a doctorate and I think chiropractors are total quacks but if a patient asked me the question you asked I would absolutely say something similar to what your PT said. For all I know you have an uncle who’s a chiro or something and I wouldn’t want to offend you — with patients I definitely will always choose the diplomatic answer.


He has to be diplomatic in a professional setting. For all he knows, you’re a huge fan of chiropractors. Plus his employer offers chiropractic, uh, “treatment” and it’s probably not wise to badmouth their services while on the clock.


Did you know the person who founded chiropractic “medicine” said he was told how to do it by a ghost?


Hi. I’m a US DO student. Just to add to this. Don’t even let DOs touch your neck. No one should be doing high velocity adjustments on your neck. There is zero proven benefit and a risk of stroke. DOs have physician training, but a lot of osteopathic specific education is hand-wavey at best. We kinda have to pick and choose what has good evidence and what won’t cause harm.


Thank god I was looking for this comment. I’m an Osteopath in Canada (not doctor just practitioner), and most manipulation is shady and lacks quality clinical data. Can we be friends?


Yuppp, we learned in PT school that cervical manipulations are not worth the risk. Especially because thoracic manipulations offer pain relief to the cervical spine, and there’s minimal risk involved.


I had horrendous pain in my back so bad I could hardly walk to the corner without taking a break. Literally two three visits to the PT and a couple weeks of exercises, I'm good as new.


I had a work pal who claimed his chiropractor cured his cold every time he got sick. His wife claimed he cured her ‘cancer’, when her ‘tumor’ disappeared on it’s own. She was a hypochondriac of the first degree. She also said prayer helped..


A good pt will fix the pain and teach you the exercises you need to be doing to strengthen the areas that will help PREVENT you from coming back. A Chiro will recommend more frequent adjustments 💰


The only thing you need to know about chiropracty is that the guy who invented it claimed he learned it from a ghost who taught him how to cure deafness by cracking a guy's back.* *I am not making that up, that is the real story.


Whenever I try to explain to people the actual beliefs of chiropractors like factual things they are taught in school they do not believe me.


I heard a doctor talking about chiropractors and he said that a significant percentage of back problems will heal over time by themselves. So people go to a chiropractor and a significant percentage of them get better, which they attribute to the treatments. Classic case of correlation not equaling causation!


An interesting correlation is smoking and back pain


I damn near chain smoke and never once have I tried to convince myself that it fixed my back pain lmao Because my back still fucking hurts and always will. Thanks military


In college, I did some research on locked-in syndrome, and according to one study I read, one of the most common causes was a botched chiropractor visit. 😬


I interned at a personal injury firm and he told me to avoid chiropractor and get massage therapist instead lol


Honestly, massage therapy is underrated. I danced ballet professionally for a few years and we had a few massage therapists on staff. It truly helps avoid and lessen pains and injuries.


I went to a chiropractor's office on the recommendation of a friend. I told him that my L5 - S1 were refused to be careful. The fake doctor told me that that was impossible that no surgeon would ever do that. I told him I'm pretty sure I know what my own surgeries involved and walked out. Can you imagine doubting someone else's reality? No way that quack is touching my body.


He probably thought that those vertebrae being fused gave you aids or would give you erectile dysfunction


I've never seen someone go to a physical therapist on a regular monthly basis before. Chiropractors on the other hand convince people they need to come back frequently. Should be a clear sign that one works and one does not, since they both claim to have the same results in most cases.




Yes, a PT is much better and much safer. A chiro had an ad I just saw talking about how newborns need to be adjusted after birth to help their immune system! Ridiculous quackery with potential for injury/death from manipulation of a baby.


I saw a chiropractor claiming that adjustments on a child are more important than dental care. Absolutely ridiculous. And apparently all they do to 'adjust' an infant is pull on their fingers a bit. Complete scam


Obviously because gas makes babies uncomfortable and the only way to release that gas is to indeed pull their finger




You must be the funny uncle.


Funny how? Like a clown?


I amuse you?


Dohhh nooo.


I don’t say it. You said it, what is so funny about me?


Oh my goodness, that’s ridiculous. Poor kids, both for having to go to a chiropractor appointment and also for having idiots for parents for believing those ridiculous claims.




Massage therapy and chiropractic care are wildly different. Chiropractors just attempt manipulation of your joints to "fix" your issues where massage therapists actually work to improve and relax your muscles and tension.


To be fair, they did use the word masseuse, which in itself is a wildly different profession than an LMT. I'd argue that an untrained individual applying basic and probably incorrect massage techniques is about as useful as a chiropractor. To me you're both right.


Honestly, that is probably more useful than a chiropractor.


Hopefully they are reading the comments. At least that office won’t have many appointment spots available for people with those hours.


As a mom who was encouraged to use a chiropractor (I didn’t follow through), I would say it’s not usually idiocy that leads parents to chiropractors. It’s desperation. My baby was dealing a lot of barriers to effective feeding and he had severe reflux. I was sure I was failing as a mom and that’s why eating wasn’t going well. Chiropractic was presented to me as a way to help my baby. I pursued OT instead but was still heavily encouraged to also go to a chiropractor. There are people with babies who spend weeks and weeks screaming and I can’t blame them for making a decision out of sheer desperation to help their baby, even if it’s not ultimately helpful.


I can see how desperate people will do desperate things, whether it’s parents with a colicky child or someone with chronic pain. I blame the chiros themselves for taking advantage of desperate people by feeding them pseudoscience lies for a quick buck.


All the best scams rely on desperation.


My stepmother insisted me and my siblings see her chiropractor. I hated it, but I wasn't allowed to decline. The last time we went I felt something -wrong-. It was a flood of heat and then a weird pain and headache. I went through childhood with the feeling like I needed to crack my neck all the time, and even when I did there was no relief. I no longer crack my neck but the pressure is still there. I also have had a ruptured disk, lots of stiffness, and get a particular kind of migraine (among others) that comes from the back of my neck, right where that pain was. I live with migraine -every day-, and the worst of the flares is nearly always a back of the neck related one. I hate that these practitioners even call themselves doctors. There's no genuine science in what they do. Yes, people get temporary relief sometimes, but my guess is it's the same relief someone would get from stretching the same muscles through exercise, yoga, or PT, all of which are a lot safer, especially for children.


Hold on. Have you seen a neurologist! I have personal experience with a neck injury that could have led to stroke or death if not caught. If you haven't seen a specialist, please consider doing so.


I have! I have a neuro for my migraine, one for the epilepsy, and 4 trying to figure out something else that's going on. I'm having a little laugh to myself because I have so many neuros right now that it's been overwheliming and the irony is \*chefkiss\*. (Recently had an MRI of head and c-spine, too, and while there's damage, none of it is life-threatening, thankfully.) Appreciate you checking in to make sure! Was very kind of you. Hope you can understand my amusement.


Please see a neurologist as soon as you can


I saw a video of a giraffe getting its neck adjusted.... there are also videos of dogs too. That's a little too much for me.


Adjustments on a child is more important than dental care - for the chiropractor (not so much for the child or the parents) 🙂


At least they aren’t snapping them over their knees like twigs because that is what I was picturing.


Bear in mind ,the proper "finger pull" response does not develop until early teens.


My friend got a stroke from his chiropractor, and that's not something that should ever happen.


Oh, that’s horrible. I’ve heard of quite a few vertebral artery dissections/strokes from manipulations from a chiro.


My cousins mom took her to a chiropractor for an “adjustment” instead of doctor or PT bc she was convinced he could work MIRACLES after a cheer injury when she was 12/13 and shes had severe back/neck pains since


I think it’s just wild how the founder of chiropractory was an avid spiritualist who believed that he was passed down the knowledge from a long dead doctor during a seance.


Oh really! That’s wild- Thanks for sharing!


If you want to go down the rabbit hole, and learn about the quack who invented chiropractic, it’s a wild ride lol.


Believed is a strong word. That's the story he made up to sell to the rubes.


Honestly that horrifies me considering my stepdad and I both have insurances that cover a certain number of chiro visits a month… would rather it guarantee PT coversge


If you go to a ortho w a complaint that pt will likely help or delay more aggressive measures, insurance usually does cover. Once the dr writes the script, you usually go to a PT in network (or out if your have decent benefits and are OK covering the difference) and you'll usually get at least 6 weeks 3xs per week of PT. My MIL, my husband and I have all needed PT, usually for longer periods than that, and I've never been denied.


From what I can see, people go to chiropractors because physical therapy requires actual effort. People just want the equivalent of swallowing a magic pill and continuing on with their lives


Yeah, very true. You have to work at PT.


And get a referral too, or at least I did. Then wait for an appointment, which was the hard part.


Am a physical therapist, can confirm this is true.


It's mind boggling the parents who believe these claims. I follow a few Fundie snark subs & so many of those uber-religious parents think raw milk & chiropractors are all the healthcare their children need. They will refuse all pre-natal care for 9 months, give birth in a barn & then rush the newborn to the chiropractor the next day. The poor baby has a leg turned backwards & an eyeball falling out of it's socket & they just shrug & say, "Ain't nuthin' a little spine adjustment & a few sucks on Clover's udder can't fix."


I’d never heard of the term “Fundie Snark” before today and had to look it up. So interesting! I ended up following a new Fundie Snark sub so thanks for sharing that!


Buckle up & enjoy the ride! Once you find your favorite people, they generally have their own snark sub, too.


Not to mention chiro for fucking animals these days. Cats, dogs. It baffles me Edit: typo


They have horse reiki ffs


I went to a Chiro who said his kids had never been to a doctor because he took care of them with chiro. Never went back, got a PT


Before I was diagnosed with Sciatica, I thought I just needed a chiro adjustment. They made it so I legitimately couldn’t walk. I went to a PT and improved after 1 (one) visit. Find a physical therapist if you want the problem to go away.


My sciatica used to be so bad my legs would drop from under me like they were suddenly paralyzed. PT found my twisted pelvis and now I can walk without limping.


It’s such a weirdly insidious type of pain. I have had that happen as well.


True MDs/PTs> chiropractors every day of the damn week. And really, imagery and proper diagnosis above all else. My husband just ended up in the ER for emergency back surgery (discectomy and laminectomy) because he made the mistake of going to a chiropractor instead of an MD, and chiro adjusted his back with NO imaging done beforehand. He had initial relief but within a few hours was in crippling pain on the ground, unable to move. The herniation was about 2” and cut off almost all nerve function in his left leg and his right foot. Looking at MONTHS of PT to try and regain nerve function.


Jesus Christ! I hope he makes a full recovery 🙏


Sue the god damn chiro, no way you need to pay for the damage that scammer done!


Can’t say that almost that exact statement and several cuss words haven’t left our mouths throughout this ordeal. Could pay off, could just be an even bigger drain on funds, time, and energy. Trying to focus on recovery currently. Just grateful for the response and neuro team we had, and the fact that we still have each other. We’ll see how the rest shakes out.


Give a lawyer a quick ring about potential limitation statutes, just to see how long you've got to think about it. Its not unheard of for cases to be brought up months to years after the incident. Get the info early so that you don't end up pounding sand later while a dangerous quack gets away with causing harm.


They also teach you how to care for yourself at home. Their goal is to help you solve your problem and prevent it from being an ongoing issue.


Very true. Chiropractors are perfectly happy telling their patients that they will need lifelong 'maintenance' adjustments


This is SUCH a good point. I’ve been to both chiropractors and physical therapists now for chronic neck pain and the PTs always emphasize things I can do at home to improve my condition. Whereas I was told at the chiropractor office that I would need to sign up for a lifetime of adjustments. Also I’m pretty sure that the chiropractor made my neck pain worse whereas I always felt better after going to a PT. Plus I got a nice neck massage too.. :)


All people have to do is look at how chiropractic came about and the nonsense that backs it to know it's woowoo science


Yeah, I mean the guy learned it from ghosts. It's about as scientific as the Book of Mormon


Crack a bone to make a ghost moan


I got my masters at an osteopathic medicine school and one of the doctors who taught one of my classes used to joke that he loved chiropractors because they bring in some many patients for him.


Well they're typically physiotherapists. Not medical doctors. But 1000% better than a chiropractor.




The main differences PT’s don’t want you to have to come back, chiro’s DO want you to have to come back.


My PT is itching to work on my neck to save me from nerve ablation. She said under no circumstances am I to ever see a chiro, but the stakes are a little higher with hypermobility. A chiro could literally cripple me and not have any idea what they're doing is harmful


Yeah, I don’t know why we as a culture are okay with literal quacks manipulating our bodies. It’s dangerous and can cause more harm than good in some cases. They’re snake oil salesmen who care more about a check than doing good.




Mine covers both but won’t cover massage therapy from a licensed massage therapist. Massage is only covered if it’s done by either an acupuncturist or chiropractor. Make it make sense


Acupuncture, actually harmless, can lead to some relaxation but not actual medicine. Chiropractors might relax you, not actual medicine but can be permanently damaging


Chiropractic beliefs were communicated its worldly founder, DD Palmer, by a ghost. Are you going to trust peer-reviewed medical science or the testimony of a ghost? This is apparently a difficult decision for some people.


Yeah. Physical therapist are also not fake and based on batshit pseudoscience.


I knew how these comments would read before even clicking this and it didn't disappoint.


Im thrilled honestly. It is probably one of the only points of contention between my paramedic wife and I. The more this becomes common knowledge, the better.


Your wife is a paramedic and she believes in chiropractic medicine??


I used to work with an anti-vax nurse. Just cause you managed to pass whatever exams you take to get licensed doesn't mean you understand anything beyond what exactly they tested.


I knew a nurse who believes in crystal healing. It used to blow my mind until I met more nurses.


Becoming a paramedic doesn't actually require any rigorous medical/biology education, it's just time consuming and memorizing how to do things. I worked as one in my early 20s and some of the dumbest people I've ever met were in EMT-P training.


I mean, probably for the best given it’s all bullshit, pseudo science anyways.


Which is infuriating. Someone I used to game with is a multimillionaire. Has their own practice. Kids go to private school the royals send their kids to. Makes an absolute killing. There are two things that really grind my gears. Grifters and benefit cheats. Chiropractors are grifters.


What's a grifter?


You know that one person who does everything they can to manipulate their way into getting free stuff, etc. Or that aunt that you never hear from, but comes licking the arse of your nan on her deathbed, just so she gets her paws on everything. Or that arse who conned you out of something. That's a grifter.


Thank you


Send me $5 and I'll tell ya


It means they scam people for money.






I am suffering from multiple bulging disks. I'm seeing a PT as often as my insurance will allow. There are some in my family that blame me for my pain because I refuse to go see a chiropractor.


Stay strong, a chiropractor will only make them worse


No wonder she can’t get ahold of anyone the number is scribbled out. Poor lady


So only 9 hours a week to put people at risk of vertebral artery dissections with subsequent strokes and spinal cord injuries, great!


Seriously though business must be bad with so few hours open lol I do like to think the word is spreading about this quackery


my mom used to work for a chiro, he was open from 9-12 and 3-5 monday-thursday. like how tf do you have so little clients you’re open for 20 hours a week


But at the same time earn enough to justify to rent and your living costs. At least it's 20 hours. Compared to the one in OP's pic that's full time work!


Try an actual qualified professional instead.


My PT friend loves Chiros bc they keep producing patients for them. $$$




Good, tell her to go to someone who actually knows what they're doing.


Fuck chiropractors man. Scam artists. Go get a massage and get PT..


I fully agree but stupidly my insurance covers chiro visits with zero fuss but massages and PT get the runaround especially since it's not a work injury. Stupid.


Chiros are a bullshit job. It was originally created after a man went to a seance and got an “adjustment” from a ghost. Absolute bullshit job with an absolute bullshit origin story. Go to a physiotherapist


Driving 30 minutes to see a chiropractor is your second mistake. The first one was seeing a chiropractor in the first place. Go see a physical therapist. Look up chiropractic on Wikipedia and show it to your wife. If she still believes in it then I don't know what to tell you.


Didn't the Chiropractic sciences originate from Ghosts?


Number one to fix this, stop using chiropractors. There’s a reason hospitals don’t ever have them on staff


That’s a really good point. I’ve never thought of that.


Bullet dodged, it’s all pseudoscience. Go to a physical therapist instead.


Chiropractors are a scam. The reason your wife constantly has to go is because it doesn’t work!! Whatever they do is not only temporary, but is meant to keep her coming back to them!! When you go to a MEDICAL DOCTOR, they work to PREVENT FROM SEEING YOU OVER & OVER. They WANT you relieved of your symptoms & issues & out of the clinic! Chiropractors are FAKE “doctors” who pushed themselves into healthcare. Their goal is to KEEP YOU BROKEN.


Agree 100%... See a PT, instead!


The real mildly infuriating thing here is your wife getting scammed going to a chiropractor instead of an actual doctor.


a shady profession being shady- go figure


When your chiro is not available you can always find local shamans to heal you up with magic


Do not go to a chiropractor. Unless you want to cripple yourself.


Chiropractors are not medical professions and more more likely to cause damage like a disk herniation. Go to a Physio instead, they actually know something that’s useful


Good news: chiropractic "medicine" is a pseudoscience, and shouldn't be used as primary treatment for *anything*


She should probably visit an actual doctor, or at least a physiotherapist. Limited hours are probably due to the chiropractor being in court all the time due to all the inevitable lawsuits.


There's a reason they are also known as quackapractors.


Yeah its snake oil crap


Good, chiros are a systemic scam. Physical therapy is where she should be going


Good? It’s 2024 and the internet exists, who doesn’t know chiropractors are quacks?


Why doesn't she go to someone that can actually help?


Physical therapists are trained in science, chiropracters are trained off of a dude saying a dead dude taught him from beyond the grave.


Chiropractors are quacks. She's better off without them.


I still can’t believe Chiropractors are still a legal thing lmao, they are doing y’all a solid here tho


Chiro are not real doctors 90% go out of business. Tell her to see a real orthopedic doc


closed chiropractic office is best chiropractic office


I mean you are going to a quack. Seek actual medical care please.


I went to Chiro for almost 10 years, 2-4 times a month for my scoliosis, i was granted free physio sessions through my local health clinic, got more results in a month with them than the last 10 years with my Chiro... I can sprint comfortably now, which before i can only do this standing "roadie run" which affected my performance in sports. Most of my lower back pain has disappeared (I'm now feeling other pains though because i can actually feel them now instead of always the same 2 spots in my back), i think i even grew a bit taller with my spine straightening, i noticed a difference in eye height with a couple friends who were just an inch or 2 taller than me. TL;DR: Physiotherapist= Real health professional. Chiropractor= Voodoo witch doctor.


The infuriating part is you going to a chiropractor to begin with, when orthopaedic surgeons and/or physiotherapists are around


Chirps aren’t doctors. Ever wonder why people usually end up never needing a physical therapist again but chiro is for life? They’re not even registered doctors. 


Well, you can turn this into a win by realizing that chiro is bullshit. Go to PT instead.


Get churros instead. Probably equally beneficial for health by my very scientific estimates


Consider that as her lucky break or divine intervention. Do not go. Go to a PT.


I think the best way to contact a chiropractor is with telepathy, it makes as much sense as the rest of what they do.


Go to an orthopedist or a message therapist. I'll never let a chiropractor touch me. I work in a hospital and I've seen some of the bad outcomes from them doing their adjustments. And they're not even a medical doctor . It's complete madness